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《四汉译英基础翻译要点课件.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《四汉译英基础翻译要点课件.ppt(135页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、四、汉译英基础翻译 要点第十章 汉译英常见错误例析n 造成汉译英常见错误的原因错综复杂,但究其原因主要有两个:一是运用英语知识的实践能力差,尽管道理和规则记得很熟,但由于练习较少,动笔时容易出错;二是受汉语的影响,常见的错误往往是用英语套用汉语的表达方式、习惯说法和思维模式等。n10.1 生搬硬套型错误n 这类错误就是把汉语的表达意思逐词照搬地直译成英语。n 例1 欢迎你参加英语角活动。n 误:Welcome you to join our English corner activities!n 正:You are welcome to join our English Corner!n(or

2、:Welcome to join our English Corner!)n 例2 不要搞一刀切。n 误:Do not cut off at one stroke.n 正:Do not impose uniformity in all cases.n 例2 原文是带有汉语特色的比喻说法,意为“不可不顾实际情况,用一切方法处理问题”。翻译时不可拘泥于原文字句,“对号如座”。n 例3 我们改革开放的步子要迈得更大一些。n 误:Our steps of economic reform and open policy should be bigger.n 正:Take a broader approa

3、ch to economic reform and opening up.n 例4 热烈欢迎国内外嘉宾参加贸易洽谈会。n 误:Warmly welcome all guests of honor at home and abroad to attend to this symposium!n 正:Warm welcome to all honored guests both at home and abroad to attend the Trade Talks!n 例5。有空就到我们家来聊天吧。n 误:If you are free,please come to our family to

4、have a talk.正:Drop in on us for a chat at any odd moment.n 例6 我们的事业从胜利走向胜利。n 误:Our cause has won victories one after another.n 正:We have won one victory after another for our cause.n 或译为被动语态:n A series of victories have been won for our cause.n 说明:句中cause 是没有生命的,而win victories 的主语一般是人,二者用在一起,就把cause

5、 拟人化了,而这种修饰方法在英文中被视为毛病。原文虽在语法上没有错误,但却不符合英语习惯用法,不是地道的英语。n 在用英语表达汉语原文的意思时,时间的先与后,执行者与承受者之间的关系,非谓语动词的逻辑主语与主句的主语,比较句的排除与包括,代替词和名词的性与数的一致等等都存在着一个逻辑问题。许多汉译英的错误都属于逻辑性错误。nA 时间的先与后不合乎逻辑,例如:n 例1 对不起,我没有看见你。n 误:Sorry I dont see you.n 正:Sorry I didnt see you.n 例2 我不知道你在这儿。n 误:I dont know you are here.n 正:I didn

6、t know you are here.n 例3.从图书馆借来的那本书已找到。n 误:The book which was borrowed from the library had been found.n 正:The book which had been borrowed from the library was found.nB.不定式的逻辑主语问题n 虽然不定式没有语法上的主语,但有逻辑主语。不定的n 逻辑主语与句子的主语要一致。不定式的语态与逻辑主语有关。逻辑主语是行为的执行者,要用主动不定式;若逻辑主语是行为的承受者,要用被动不定式,如:n 例1 为了在科研中取得成功,需要坚持不

7、懈。n 误:To succeed in a scientific research,persistence is needed.n 正:To succeed in a scientific research,one needs to be persistent.n 说明:原译中不定式的逻辑主语与句子的主语不一致,改译后句子用主动语态,增补one 做主语 例2.要做出决定,你应该考虑各种因素。n 误:To make a decision,everything must be taken into consideration.n 正:To make a decision,you should ta

8、ke everything into consideration.n 例3 这本书需要翻译成英语。n 误:The book is required to put into English.n 正:The book is required to be put into English.n 例4 他挨了批评真是遗憾。n 误:It is a pity for him to have criticized.n 正:It is a pity for him to be criticized.n 说明:在例3、例4 中,不定式的逻辑主语是行为的承受者,故要改用被动不定式。n A.分词的逻辑主语问题n 分词

9、的逻辑主语必须与句中的主语相一致,否则 便成为垂悬分词,属于语病。如:n 例1 看着窗外,他想起了自己的童年。n 误:Looking out of the window,thoughts of his childhood came to him.n 正:Looking out of the window,he thought of his childhood.n 例2 老虎在笼子里,因而我不怕。n 误:Being in a cage,I was not afraid of it.n 正:The tiger being in a cage,I was not afraid of it.n 例3

10、从山顶上看下去,这座城市就像个漂亮的花园。n 误:Seeing from the top of the hill,the city looks like a beautiful garden.n 正:Seen from the top of the hill,the city looks like a beautiful garden.n 例4 听到这消息,他满眼是泪。n 误:Hearing the news,his eyes were filled with tears.n 正:When he heard the news,his eyes were filled with tears.n

11、B.动名词的逻辑主语问题n 动名词的逻辑主语若与句中的主语不一致,也属于语病。如 n 例1 在挤公共车时,我的钱包丢了。n 误:On squeezing on to the bus,my wallet was lost.n 正:On squeezing on to the bus,I lost my wallet.n 例2 他大学毕业后,他父亲想让他去美国继续深造。n 误:After graduating from college,his father wanted him to pursue his education in America.n 正:After he graduated fr

12、om college,his father wanted him to pursue his education in America.n 例3 未接到邀请他就参加了晚会。n 误:He attended the party without inviting.n 正:He attended the party without being invited.n C.不合乎逻辑的比较n 不合乎逻辑的比较指在译成英语的句子中形成了非等同物之间的比较。如:n 例1 你们班的女生比我们班的更活跃。n 误:The girls in your class are more active than our cla

13、ss.n 正:The girls in your class are more active than those in our class.n 说明:若不加those,就变成了 girls 和 our class 比较。n 例2 这里的气候像北京。n 误:The climate here is like Beijing.n 正:The climate here is like that of Beijing.n 说明:若不加 that,就变成了 climate 和 Beijing 比较。n 例3 她的脸圆圆的,跟孩子的一样。n 误:Her face is as round as a chil

14、d.n 正:Her face is as round as a childs(face).n 10.2 语法型错误n 语法规律和句型是汉译英必备的基本要素。汉译英中所谓的大错,多半是指语法错误(上节谈的逻辑性错误实际上也是语法错误,只不过是从思维逻辑的角度归了一类而已)。常见的有:名词单复数变化错误;冠词、介词错用漏用;比较级、最高级错用或不一致;主谓关系不一致;主从关系混乱;非谓语动词以及虚拟语气表达错误等等,如:n 例1 他本来想要多给你一点帮助的,只是他太忙了。n 误:He wanted to give you more help,but he has been so busy rece

15、ntly.n 正:He would have given you more help,but he has been so busy recently.n 说明:根据原文的含义,前半句应译为虚拟语气,后半句译为一般陈述句。n 例2 许多人不但不植树,反而砍树。n 误:Many people not only dont plant trees but also cut trees.n 正:Many people dont plant trees,instead,they cut trees.n 说明:误译,用错连词,使句子意思面目全非。n 例3 他养成了大量阅读的习惯,因而在头脑储存了很多有价值

16、的信息。n 误:He formed the habit of reading a great deal.Thus storing his mind with much valuable information.n 正:He formed the habit of reading a great deal,thus storing his mind with much valuable information.n 说明:thus storing.是现在分词语,在句中作结果状语,所以不能把它视为单独的句子。n 例4 他们屡战屡败。n 误:They fought again and again an

17、d they are repeatedly defeated.n 正:They are repeatedly defeated although they fought again and again.n 说明:原句的重点在“败”,“屡战屡败”之间是让步关系,故用although连接构成主从句。n 例5 他们刚要走过街角就听到了枪声。n 误:They were just turning the corner,when they heard the noise of a shot.n 正:Just as they were turning the corner,they heard the no

18、ise of a shot.n 说明:句子要表达的主要信息是“听到枪声”,应放在复合句的主句中。n 例6 要把一个人的情感完全隐藏起来几乎是不可能的。n 误:Entirely to conceal ones feelings is almost impossiblen 正:To entirely conceal ones feelings is almost impossible.n 10.3 语义结构型错误n 由于容易受到汉语字面说法的干扰,汉译英时要特别重视语义结构(也可称为词语搭配)。有时汉语同一个词要译成英语不同的词语,而有时汉语不同的词语要译成英语的同一个词语。这是由于汉英语义结构不

19、同造成的。比如“吃药”要译成take medicine,“吃奶”要译成suck the breast,“吃苹果”要译成eat an apple。“遇见”有时译成meet,“迎接”有时译成meet,“满足”有时也译成meet,“应付”有时也译成meet,等等。n 再如汉语“看”根据其后不同的宾语可能要译成see,look,view,watch,look after,take care of regard,reckon,consider,think,go to,observe,call on,visit,depend on,mind,bear,treat,perceive,tell,penetra

20、te,notice,catch,read 等等。若语义结构(或词语搭配)不当,就会造成误译。如:n 例1 我能看出你的心事。n 误:I can see your mind.n 正:I can read your mind.n 例2 从他的话音里,我能听出东西来。n 误:I can hear something from the tone of his voice.n 正:I can tell something from the tone of his voice.n 例3 通过不断实践学习英语。n 误:Study knowledge of English by constant practi

21、ce.n 正:Acquire knowledge of English by constant practice.n 说明:“学习知识”在英文中英说成“获取知识”。动词还可以用attain,get 等等。在英语中可以说Acquire knowledge by study.(通过学习获取知识)。n 例4 我们享受公费医疗。n 误:We enjoy free medical care.n 正:We are entitled to free medical care.n 说明:从英语的角度看,无论什么样的medical care 都不会是“享受”(enjoy),be entitled to.是“有权

22、利,有资格得到什么”的意思。例5 我们的当务之急是深化改革。n 误:To deepen reform is the most urgent task.n 正:To deepen our commitment to reform is the top priority.n 例6 这个故事发生在上海。n 误:The story takes place in Shanghai.n 正:The story is set in Shanghai.n 单从语法上看,上述误译例句似无可挑剔,但均在语义结构上出了毛病。前5 个误例是动词和宾语不搭配,最后一个是主语story 和谓语take place 不搭配

23、。从某中意义上说,掌握英语就是要善于实现英汉两种语义结构的相互转化,这种能力只有通过递归式反复实践(recursive manipulation)才能习得。n10.4 汉译英常见误例选编n 汉译英常见错误很多,尤其是语法方面,可谓形形色色。正误对比分析是通过实践掌握英语的主要手段之一。下面误例供参考。n 例1 昨天晚上我们整晚在看电视。n 误:We spent last evening watching the television.n 正:We spent last evening watching television.n 说明:television 是一个不可数名词,不能加冠词,也不能变

24、成复数,但加有set 一字时则非加冠词不可。如:She wont leave the television set even though her husband is waiting for his supper.n 例2 旅行社告诉我们了许多关于夏威夷的情形。n 误:The travel agency sent us many informations about the Hawaiian Islands.n 正:The travel agency sent us much information about the Hawaiian Islands.n 说明:information 也是

25、一个不可数名词,不能用复数。n 例3 假期从明天开始。n 误:The vacation begins from tomorrow.n 正:The vacation begins tomorrow.n 例4 这只表的价格很贵。n 误:The price of the watch is dear.n 正:The watch is dear.(or:The price of the watch is high.)n 说明:以物品为主语时用watch 或一定价为主语时就用price。n 例5 旅行我总是坐二等舱。n 误:I travel always by the second class.n 正:I

26、 always travel second class.(or:I always take a second-class car.)n 说明:说坐几等舱时不需用介词,若乘坐什么交通工具时才用,如:by train,by boat,by air 之类。在几等的等级前不用定冠词,但把travel 改为take时,则要在等级前加不定冠词,等级后加一个名词(如上译例)。此外,take a second-class car 已包含“旅行”之意,故没有必要译出“when I travel”。n 例6 我不想去。他也是。n 误:I dont wish to go.So does he.n 误:I dont

27、wish to go.Nor does he.n 正:I dont wish to go.Neither does he.n 说明:nor 为连词,neither 为副词。n 例7.我不喜欢喝酒。我兄弟也是一样。n 误:I dislike to drink.Neither does my brother.n 正:I dislike to drink.So does my brother.n 例8.那一点是你错了。n 误:You have mistaken in that point.n 正:You are mistaken on that point.n 例9 如果战争爆发,我们会变得怎样呢?

28、n 误:What shall we become if war breaks out?n 正:What shall we become of/happen to us if war breaks out?n 说明:动词短语become of=happen to,意为“降临”、“遭遇”,可为汉语的“怎样”解。原文中“我们”是主语,译成英语时改用“what”做主语。n 例10 昨天晚上我们玩得很愉快。n 误:We played very pleasantly last night.n 正:We enjoyed ourselves very much last night.nOr:We had a

29、good time last night.例11 如果他来,我会尽力为他服务。n 误:If he will come,Im glad to do anything I can for him.n 正:If he comes,Im glad to do anything I can for him.n 例12.王先生是1965 年北京大学毕业的。n 误:Mr.Wang graduated Peking University in 1965.n 正:Mr.Wang graduated at Peking University in 1965.n Or:Mr.Wang graduated from

30、Peking University in 1965.n 例13 我习惯于晚睡。n 误:I am used to sit up at late at night.n 正:I am used to sitting up late at night.n(试比较:I used to sit up late at night.我以前常很迟睡觉(现在睡得早了)。n 例14.你喜欢看我收集的邮票吗?n 误:Do you like to see my stamp collection?n 正:Would you like to see my stamp collection?n 例15 我在1990 年夏天离

31、开纽约。n 误:I left New York in the summer 1990.n 正:I left New York in the summer of 1990.n 例16 他正忙着写信。n 误:He is busy to write a letter.n 正:He is busy writing a letter.n 例17 我想要一台电脑,但我没钱买。n 误:I want a computer,but I cant afford to buy it.n 正:I want a computer,but I cant afford to buy one.n 例18 那地方像江南三月那么

32、暖和。n 误:The place is as warm as March of south of Yangtze River.n 正:The place is as warm as south of Yangtze River in March.例19 我跟叔父学英语。n 误:I studied English from my uncle.n 正:I studied English under my unclen or:I learned English from my uncle.n or:I was taught English by my uncle.n 例20 他的职业是教师。n 误:

33、His profession is a teacher.n 正:He is a teacher by profession.n 例21 我的国籍是中国。n 误:My nationality is China.n 正:My nationality is Chinese.n 例22 我的教授主张我去申请奖学金。n 误:My professor suggested me to apply for a scholarship.n 正:My professor suggested that I apply for a scholarship.n 例23 请立即回信。n 误:Please reply th

34、is letter early.n 正:Please answer this letter early.nor:Please reply to this letter promptly.n 例24 他从不撒谎。n 误:He always says the truth.n 正:He always tells/speaks the truth.nor:He never tells a lie.n 例25 她找警察求救。n 误:She ran to the police for getting help.n 正:She ran to the police to get help.nor:She ra

35、n to the police for help.n 例26 他的前妻生了两个孩子。n 误:He has two children of his former wife.n 正:He has two children by his former wife.n 说明:by 有born to him 的意思。n 例27 她的意见和你的正相反。n 误:His opinion is the very opposite to yours.n 正:His opinion is the very opposite of yours.n 说明:这里用作名词,故接of,若用作形容词,可接to,如:The res

36、ult was quite opposite to what we had expected.(结果和我们预期的完全相反。)n 例28 大多数的子女都想要独立,不愿依赖他们的父母。n 误:Most children want to be independent to their parents.n 正:Most children want to be independent of their parents.n 说明:dependent 后跟on,而independent 后接of。n 例29 我把窗子打开一下你不在乎吧?n 误:Do you mind if I opened the wind

37、ow?n 正:Would you mind if I open the window?nOr:Do you mind my opening the window?n 例30 她对中学教师讲授教学法。n 误:He lectured teaching methods to high school teachers.n 正:He lectured to high school teachers on teaching methods/methodology.n 例31 不久又有新的麻烦发生了。n 误:It didnt take long before new troubles arose.n 正:I

38、t wasnt long before new troubles arose.n Or:It didnt take long for new troubles to arise.n 例32 我很高兴接受你的邀请。n 误:It gives me much pleasure in accepting your invitation.n 正:It gives me much pleasure to accept your invitation.n I have much pleasure in accepting your invitation.nI take great pleasure in a

39、ccepting your invitation.n 说明:take great pleasure=greatly enjoy.如说Have the pleasure 则后不接in 而接of,如 I have the pleasure of accepting your invitation.也是通的,不过此种语法多用于下类句中:n May I have the pleasure of taking a glass of wine with you?n I once have the pleasure of being introduced to you.n I am sorry I cann

40、ot have the pleasure of accompanying you today.n I hope you will give me the pleasure of dining with me at 8 oclock tomorrow evening at my place.n There are many famous men whom I have not yet had the pleasure of meeting so far.n 例33 他给了我一张五百美元的支票。n 误:He gave me a check of 500.n 正:He gave me a check

41、 for 500.n 例34 他呼吸有大蒜味道。n 误:His breath smells with garlic.n 正:His breath smells of garlic.n 说明:又例如,“这咖啡有点大蒜味道”不可译为This coffee has a garlic taste.应译为This coffee tastes of garlic.n 例35 错误显然是在你那边。n 误:The fault clearly lies at your side.n 正:The fault clearly lies with your side.n 不及物动词后可接各种的介词含义各有不同,如:n

42、 1 Sheets of paper lie about the room.纸张撒满一地。n 2 The village lies across the river.村庄在河的对岸。n 3 Accusation of theft lay against him.有人控告他犯盗窃罪。n 4 The path lies along a stream.小路沿溪。n 5 The hot springs lie among pretty scenery.温泉所在之处风光明媚。n 6 The blame lies at his door.是他错了。n 7 A happy future lies befor

43、e you.幸福就在你的前面。n 8 What mystery lay behind the disappearance of the girl?少女失踪的后面潜在着什么秘密?n 9 The truth lies between extremes.真理存在两个极端之间。n 10 He has the manuscripts lying by him for the next number.下一期的原稿在他那里。n 11 The charm of travel lies in its new experiences.旅行的妙处在于新奇的经验。n 12 The book lies on the f

44、loor.书在地上。n 13 A white mist lay over London.伦敦被白雾所笼罩。n 14 The person lies under the suspicion of corruption.那人有受贿的嫌疑。n 15.The ship is lying off the mouth of the river.船停在河口以外。n 16 The choice lies with you.任你选择。n“lie with”:“是.的义务”,“是的责任”,例如:n 17 It lies with you to decide.决定的责任在你。(你有义务来做决定。取决于你。)n 18

45、 It lies with you to decide or reject the proposal.接受或拒绝那个建议就全看你了。n 19 The fault does not lie with the government officials.责任不在政府官员。n 例36 那房间是用电力照明的。n 误:The room is lighted with electricity.n 正:The room is lighted by(means of)electricity.n The room is lighted with electric lamps.n 说明:用于无形的手段要用by,与抽

46、象名词连用;但用于有形的手段用with,与普通名词连用。为electricity 抽象名词,为electric lamps 普通名词。n 例37 我刚把它写完了。n 误:I have written it just now.n 正:I have just written it.n I wrote it just now.n 例38 我在下星期天去那里。n 误:I will go there Sunday next.n 正:I will go there next Sunday.n I will go there on Sunday next.n 说明:凡last,next 等词用于星期、年、月

47、、之前时,可将介词略去,用在那些词后面,就须加上介词。n 例39 他称赞他妹妹的勤快。n 误:He praised his sisters diligence.n 正:He praised his sister for her diligence.n 例40 一个月有500 元就够生活了。n 误:Five hundred yuan a month is enough to live.n 正:Five hundred yuan a month is enough to live on.n 说明:live是不及物动,后加介词on,意为“以(某种收入、金钱)为生”。n 例41 我从他是小孩子的时候就

48、认识他了。n 误:I have known him since a child.n 正:I have known him from a child.n I have known him since his childhood.n 例42 我们登的愈高,天气愈冷。n 误:We ascended the higher,it became the colder.n 正:The higher we ascended,the colder it became.n 例43 他既不会说汉语,也不会说英语。n 误:He neither speaks Chinese nor English.n 正:He spe

49、aks neither Chinese nor English.n 例44 消防队员死了不止一人。n 误:More than one firemen were killed.n 正:More than one fireman was killed.n 说明:“more than”通常接单数名词或动词。例如:“More than more one man has told me so.”但是说“There are more than one man here.”和“There is more than one man here.”都正确。n 例45 他打了她的头,使她不省人事达一小时之久。n 误

50、:When he struck her head,she remained unconscious for an hour.n 正:After he struck her on the head,she remained unconscious for an hour.n She remained unconscious for an hour after he struck her on the head.n 例46 那便是我所收到的最后的消息。n 误:That is the last news Ive received.n 正:That is the latest news Ive rec


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