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1、课 题Unit 1 Period 1 la-2c 课型 听说课 评价等级学习目标1.知识目标:1)单词:anyone,2)词组:on vacation,go to summer camp,visit sb/sp,study fbr tests,3)句型:一Where did you go on vacation?I went to the mountains.2.技能目标:能听懂本课时所放的听力材料,并能说出重要句型。学习重点1.学会谈论过去的事情。2.学习形容词修饰复合不定代词时,所处的位置。学习难点过去式的运用学 习 过 程自主空间一、独立自主学习(5 )一)翻译下列词组。l.on vac

2、ation_ 2.stay at home_3.quite a few_ 4.go anywhere_5.参观某地_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 6.拜访某人_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _7.参加夏令营_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 8.某种特殊的事情_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _9.和我一起备考_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 10.任何有趣的人_ _ _ _ _ _

3、_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _二)回答问题。l.What did you do last night?2.What did your friend eat for dinner yesterday?二、合作互助学习(10 7 5 )任务一:小组交流,更正独立自主学习中的问题;讨论:教师设疑;讲解:小老师组内讲解,求同存异,去伪存真;任何二:告诉伙伴自己假期去了哪里,并询问对方.任务三:把图片中的活动序号填到la 的空中。任务四:听录音完成1 b,并针对听力中的人物问答。任务四:听录音,完成2 a,2 b,并扮演听力中的人物,进行对话。三、展示引导学习(10 T 5)-)展示共性问题:(

4、1)anyone 的用法,(2)形容词修饰复合不定代词时,形容词放在复合不定代词的后面。如:l.Do you have anything special?你有特殊的事吗?2.He did something b a d.他做错事了。3.nothing interesting 没有什么有趣的事4.Do you like anyone happy?你喜欢开心的人吗?二)挑战式质疑:(1).If anyone comes,ask him to w ait.句中 anyone 的用法。(2)翻译:任何有用的书,某个风趣的人,任何安静的地方;三)教师导学(5)(1)anyone,anything,/an

5、ybody是不定代词,anywhere复合不定副词,用在否定句及疑问句中;表 示“任何”;在条件句中,用 anyone,anything,/anybody表示有人或有事。译:如果有事要问,请给我打电话。.(2)形容词修饰复合不定代词或复合不定副词时,形容词放在复合不定代词或副词的后面。举例说明。四、评价提升练习一)单项选择()1.Where did you vacation?A.go B.go in C.go on D.went on()2.Did you eat there?A.thing delicious B.anything deliciousC.anyone delicious D.

6、delicious anything()3.We summer camp last month.A.go B.go to C.went D.went to()4.1 didnt meet.A.interesting someone B.someone interestingC.anyone interesting D.interesting anyone-)根据汉语,完成句子。1、你的弟弟去哪里度假了?Where your brother on vacation?2、周末你和什么人出去过吗?you go o u t on weekends?3、我昨晚在复习备考。I the test last

7、night.4、我没什么重要的事情。I have.5、上周六我和我的朋友一起买了衣服。Iclothes my friend last Saturday.课堂小结1、我的收获:2、我的困惑:2课 题Unit 1 Period 2 2d-3c课型语法课评价等级学习目标知识目标:1)新单词:anywhere,wonderful,few,most,something,nothing,everyone,myself,yourself,(pl.yourselves),hen,pig,seem,bored,someone,diary.2)重点词组:a few,quite a few,of course,ta

8、ke photos,go shopping,buy sth fbr sb,There is sthto do.3)学会使用复合不定代词:someone,anyone,everyone,no one(=nobody),something,anything,everything,nothing学习重点复合不定代词的用法。学习难点复合不定代词的用法。学 习 过 程自主空间【独立自主学习】一、基础知识学习A.自主记忆2d-3c部分的新单词(P2-P3),并在文中的新单词下划线。试着翻译下面的词或词组:1、去有趣的地方_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2、拍相当多的照片_ _

9、_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _3、做特别的事情_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4、做有趣的事情_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _5、most of the time_ 6、of course_7、给我爸爸买点东西_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 8、记日记_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _9、似乎感到无聊_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _10、喂养母鸡_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

10、_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _二、自主探究(通过预习,清同学们积极思考,查资料,总结规律)1、口语翻译:好久不见_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _2、P2-P3你能发现多少不定代词,它们分别是_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,你能通过查字典知道它们的意思吗?你能给这些不定代词怎样分类便于记忆?准备好,上课好好展示一下

11、自己!3、小试身手:He did something special this morning.(变一般疑问句和否定句)_ h e _special this morning?H e _ special this morning.4、在家大声朗读2d和 grammar fbcus,画出不懂的句子。并试着做3a和 3b.如果有疑问,请做好笔记,上课我们一起互帮互学吧!5、what did you do last vacation?Did you eat anything at a restaurant?Did you read anythinginteresting?Did you visit

12、anyone?Did you buy anything?Did you keep a diary?(彳故好调查准备:你上次假期做了什么有趣的事情呢?)【合作互助学习】任务一:学习2d.1.动脑动口:和伙伴一起相互询问去哪度假了,和谁一起去的(比一比,看哪些人语言流畅,声音洪亮)2.动脑动 :Read 2d,answer the following questions.Then role-play the conversation.图片展示的是什么?1)What did Helen do last month?2).Where did she go?33).Did she go there wi

13、th anyone?4).What did she do there?任务二:学习grammar focus,并完成3a,3b的练习1、动口动脑:读 grammar focus,理解句子意思,发现句式特点,发现不定代词的形式变化。2、动手动口:根据grammar focus中的发现,认真完成3a,核对答案,发现疑问解决疑问。大声朗读。3、动手动口:继续完成3 b,核对答案,发现疑问解决疑问,大声朗读。任务三:向你们小组询问假期情况,完 成 3 c 表格,然后,用自己的话把结果汇报给同学们。【展示引导学习】挑 战 :习部分)挑战二:挑战三:观察与运用:先组内讨论交流,然后由小组代表就共性问题进行

14、讲解(独立自主学2d,3a,3b.针对学生的疑惑,教师给予点拨。根据3 c的调查结果,小组汇报自己的调查结果。【评价提升学习】-)单项选择题)1._A.How)2.He seems _A.to tired)3.Did you eatA.somethingdid you like the beach?B.WhatC.WhenIt was beautiful.D.WhereB.to be tired C.is tiredat a restaurant?B.anything C.nothingD.to be tiringD.everything)4.1 was busy,I sawin my fam

15、ily last month.A.someoneB.anyoneC.everyoneD.no one)5.Do you know the most beautiful woman teacher Zhang Lili?A.Of course.1.She is my teacher.B.No,I dont C.Yes,I am D.And you?二)从方框中选择适当的同填空。something,someone,everything,anything,anyone,nothing,no one,anywhere,everywhere,evety1.Did your grandparents li

16、ve quiet?2.一What would you like?一Id like to eat.3.I have4._to say.Lefs go home.is feeding the hen.5.His books are6.All the students are in the library.is in the classroom.7.1 go to school8.in the museum is very interesting.9.1 didnt buy in the gift shop.10.Did you tell you the time for class?课堂小结1、我

17、的收获:2、我的困惑:课 题Unit 1 Period 3 Section B la-le课型听说课评价等级4学习目标1、学会运用形容词。delicious,exciting,terrible,expensive,cheap,boring 等等。2、练习听力,提升能力。3、加强一般过去时练习。学习重点听懂谈论过去的事情。学习难点一般过去时。学 习 过 程自主空间【独立自主学习】一、基础知识学习:A.写出下列单词的汉语。delicious_ exciting_ terrible_expensive_ cheap_ boring_你认为哪些是褒义词,哪些是贬义词?B.用这几个单词各造一个句子。1.

18、_ 2._3._ 4._5._ 6._同学们,发现形容词在句中的位置了吗?_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.请以interesting(ad j.)造 3 个句子说明其位置的不同:、_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.2、.3、.C.完 成 la 与 Ibo二、自主探究学习:A.看 1

19、c中的四个句子,圈出关键词,做好听前准备工作。B.Id 中的句子:What did Lisa say about her vacation?翻译成汉语:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.C.编对话:用上下面的信息:where did your brother go on vacation?What did he do on vacation?Did he.?How was.?How were.?【合作互助学习】任务一:完 成 la,1b.动口动手.任务二:听录音,完 成 1c,Id.和 le.1.动耳动手,完 成 1 c.并核对答案。2.经过听

20、力训练,我发现4 个问句的回答方式有什么不同?3.动耳动手:完 成 Id.4.大声朗读听力稿,分角色表演,完 成 le。任务三:调查自己某个家人的次度假,向同学进行汇报。【展示引导学习】5挑战一:观察与运用:先组内讨论交流,然后由小组代表就共性问题进行讲解(独立自主学习部分)挑战二:la-le中的内容,针对学生的疑惑,教师给予点拨。挑战三:根据任务三的调查结果,小组汇报自己的调查结果。【评价提升学习】一、单项选择题()1.What did he say _ his vacation?A.on B.about C.in D.fbr()2._ your trip to Beijing?A.What

21、 was B.How was C.What is D.How is()3.The fish tastes _,you can try it.A.delicious B.well C.badly D.greatly()4._ did Lisa _ on weekends?A.Where,do B.What,do C.How,do D.What,go()5.Where did you go _ vacation?A.to B.with C.in D.on二、根据汉语提示写单词。l.The food in the shop is _ (好吃的)。2.The trip is very _ (令人兴奋的

22、)。3.My vacation is not _(无聊的).4.Did you buy anything _(特另U 的).5.The fish tastes(尝起来)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _(糟糕).三、句型转换。1 .Helen went to Guizhou with her fhmily.(提问)_Helen _ with her family?2.1 bought nothing for myself.(变同意句)I _ buy _ for myself.3.1 went out with someone last n ig h t.

23、(变一般疑问句和否定句)out with _ last night?I _out with _ last night.4.你给你自己买东西了吗?5.昨天所有人都玩得很开心。课堂小结1、我的收获:2、我的困惑:课 题Unit 1 Period 4 Section B 2a-2d课型阅读课评价等级学习目标1 知识目标:New words,activity,decide,try,paragliding,feel like,bird,bicycle,building,trader,wonder,difference,top,wait,umbrella,wet,because of,below,enou

24、gh,hungry.62、技能目标:能读懂短文大意,并能完成相应的问题。学习重点阅读学习难点阅读学 习 过 程自主空间-、独立自主学习。一)学习拼读第五面的新单词。二)预习2b中的日记,判断正误。l.J ane arrived in Penang in Malaysia with her friend.()2.Jane went to the beach near their hotel.()3.Jane and her family ate Malaysian green noodles for lunch.()4.Jane went to Georgetown by bike.()5.Ja

25、ne didnt enjoy walking around the town.()6.Jane and her father walked up to the top of Penang Hill.()7.It rained on Tuesday.()8.Jane was very hungry.So she ate a big dinner.()二、合作互助和展示引导学习。任务 一:Discuss the questions with your partner.1.What do people usually do on vacation?2.What activities do you f

26、ind enjoyable?任务二:快速阅读两篇日记,回答下面问题。Did Jane have a good time on Monday?What about on Tuesday?任务三:再细读日记,回答下列问题。1.Where did Jane go on vacation?2.When did she go?3.Who did Jane go with?4.What did she do there?5.What did she eat for lunch on Monday?How was the food?6.What was the weather like on Tuesday

27、?7.How did Jane and her father arrive at the top of Penang Hill?8.What did they see on the top?9.Why did they only have one bowl of rice and some fish?How was the food?任务四:Read Janes diary entries again.Fill in the chart.Things Jane did or sawDid she like it?(Yes/No)Why or why not?tried paraglidingT

28、hey were delicious.Walked around GeorgetownWent to Penang HillIt tasted great becauseshe was hungry.任务五:Complete the conversation about Janes trip to Penang using the information in thediary entries.Anna:Hi,Jane.Where did you go on vacation last week?Jane:I _ to Penang in _.7Anna:Who you go with?Jan

29、e:I went with my.Anna:What did you do?Jane:The weather was hot and on Monday,so we went on the beach.Then in the afternoon,we bicycles to Georgetown.Anna:Sounds great!Jane:Well,but the next day was not as good.My and I went to Penang Hill,but theweather really bad and rainy.We a long time for the tr

30、ain and we wereand cold because we forgot to bring an.Anna:Oh,on!Jane:And thafs not all!We also didnt bring money,so we only had one bowl ofrice and some fish.任务六:再读课文,找出不会读的单词,请教同学,熟记单词。三、课堂练习任务型阅读(A)Hiking(远足)is an activity of going out for a long walk for run.People often go hiking inmountains.It

31、s so popular that there are a lot of hikers around the world.Some hikers enjoy(B)(explore)nature(探索自然).They like to see the trees,rocks and animals,others love this activityas it helps people release pressure(减压)and stay healthy.(C)People enjoy hiking because hikingdoesnt need much money.A good pair

32、 of hiking shoes and some comfortable clothes are enough.Whats more,people can do the activity in any season and almost in any weather.Hiking is sogood.Lets go hiking this Sunday!1、任务一:将(A)处句子译成汉语。2、任务二:在(B)处用所给词的正确形式填空。3、任务三:将(C)处句子改为同义句。People enjoy hiking because hiking.4、任务四:回答问题。1)Where do peop

33、le go hiking?2)When can people go hiking?课堂小结1、我的收获:2、我的困惑:课 题 Unit 1 Period 5 Section B 2a-2e 课型 阅读课 评价等级1、知识 目标:have a good time,arrive in,decide to do sth,try doing sth,feel like,enjoy doing sth,学习目标 walk around the town,want to do sth,wait for,too many,get to sp,because of2、技能目标:学习日记的写法,熟记文中优美的词

34、句。8学习重点精读课文,理解课文。学习难点运用目标中的词语。学 习 过 程自主空间一、独立自主学习。翻译下列词组:1.玩得开心_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2.到达._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _/_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _3.决定做._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4.尝试做_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _5.感觉像_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 6.enjoy doing_7.walk aroun

35、d the town_8.想知道(词和词组)/_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _9.等了一个多小时的火车_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _0.太多的人_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 11.太多的钱_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _2.因为好天气_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 13.在过去_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _4.一天的变化真大呀!_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _15.第二天_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _二、

36、合作互助学习。任务一:小组交流学习成果。任务二:读课文,找出文中重要的词组及不理解的知识点。小组互相交流,帮助同学解决疑难问题。任务三:Imagine Jane went to Penang Hill again and had a great day.Fill in the blanks in herdiary entry with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.(提醒学生注意日记的格式)Thursday,July 18thToday _(be)a beautiful day.My father and I _(go)to Penang

37、 Hill again,butthis time we _(walk)to the top.We_(start)at 9:30 a.m.and_(see)lots of special Malaysian flowers along the way.About one hour later;we_(stop)and _(drink)some tea.Then we _(walk)fbranother two hours before we _(get)to the top.I _(be)quite tired,but thecity _(look)wonderful from the top

38、of the hill!三,展示引导学习。任务一:针对学生的疑惑给予点拨。任务二:用文中你喜欢的词语造句子,看谁的句子最优美。任务四:再读课文,不看书,看谁能用英语把课文大意叙述下来.四、评价提升学习。一)根据句意及首字母提示填空。1.1 cant swim.But I want to t_ it.2.He went to bring Beijing d_.93.1 d_ to walk for a long time.4.一What a _ do you like?一Boating.5.1 cant see their d_.They look the same.二)句型转换,每空一词。1.

39、He didnt go to the fann because the weather was bad.(改为同义句)He didnt go to the farm _the bad weather.2.Tom got to school at 7:00.(同义句)Tom _ school at 7:00.3.He said nothing.(改为同义句)He _ say _.4.It was rainy.(对划线部分提问)was the _?三)完成句子。1.我决定等候公汽。I _the bus.2.我感觉有人在唱歌。I _ someone was singing just now.3.杰克

40、非常喜欢踢足球。Jack really enjoys_.4.我还想再跑半小时。I wanted to ru n _.5.你和谁一起去度假的?_ did you_?6.我们有足够的时间完成这个工作。We have_ to finish the work.课堂小结1、我的收获:2、我的困惑:课 题Unit 1 Period 6 Section B(3a-self check)课型 写作课 评价等级学习目标1 知识目标:Tianan men square the Palace Museum,so.that.in excitement tell sb to do sth,keep doing sth.

41、2、技能目标:1)学会使用复合不定代词及用动词的适当形式填空。2)学会写游记。10学习重点写游记。学习难点写游记。学 习 过 程自主空间一、独立自主学习(5 )-)翻译下列词组。1 .天安门广场_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2.最喜欢旅行_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _3.故宫_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4.兴奋地_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _5.告诉某人做_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

42、6.一直做_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _7.如此以致于_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 8.蹦蹦跳跳_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _二、合作互助学习任务一:核对3 a的答案,然后读日记。任务二:据 activity 4,谈论假期中做了什么?任务三:同学之间针对对方假期提问并作答。1.Where did you go?2.Did you go with anyone?3.How was the weather?4.What did you do every day?5.What food di

43、d you eat?6.What did you like best?7.Did you dislike anything?8.How did you feel about the trip?三)展示引导学习:Write a travel diary Hke Janes on page 5.Use your notes in 3 b.并将所写日记展示交流。T:so.that.如 止 匕 以致于so+形容词或副词原形+that.11如:1)The question is so easy that he can answer it.2)The boy is so young that he can

44、t go to school.3)Tom got up so late that he couldnt take the early bus.四)评价提升学习:Write a travel diary.(70 字)课堂小结1、我的收获:2、我的困惑:课 题Unit 2 How often dou you exercise?Period 1 (la-2c)课型 听 说 课 评 价 等 级学习目标1、学习并掌握词汇:housework hardly ever once twice Internet program2、学习并掌握词组:how often hardly ever help with3、

45、学习并掌握频率副词:always,usually,often,sometimes,hardly ever,never 的用法。学习重点疑问词how often及频率副词12学习难点hardly ever和 never的用法单三式学 习 过 程自主空间一、独立自主学习(5,)-)翻译下列单词或词组。多久一次_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 几乎不_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 帮助 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _在周末_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 去购物_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

46、_ always_usually_ often_ sometimes_ never_二)回答问题。1 What do people usually do on weekends?2 What do you usually do on weekends?二、合作互助学习(1学-15)任务一:小组交流,更正独立自主学习中的问题;讨论:教师设疑;讲解:小老师组内讲解,求同存异,去伪存真;任何二:告诉伙伴自己假期去了哪里,并询问对方。任务三:把图片中的活动序号填到la 的空中。任务四:听录音完成1 b,并针对听力中的人物问答。任务五:听录音,完成2 a,2 b,并扮演听力中的人物,进行对话。三、展示引

47、导学习(1学-15)-)展示共性问题:1.频率副词:always,usually,often,sometimes,hardly ever/hardly 与 never 的用法。1)频率副词常用_ _ _ _ _提问。2)所表频率的高低由always向 never递减。3)hardly=hardly ever,表否定4)频率副词常位于_ _ _ _ _ 动词之后,_ _ _ _ _动词之前。二)挑战式质疑:.some time sometime some times sometimes 的用法及 区别。记忆口诀some tim e 分开为一段 一些/段时间som etim e相连为某时某时som

48、e tim es分开加s 为倍、次 儿倍,儿次sometimes相连加s 为有次 有时填空:1._ he has lunch at school.2.F 11 stay in Shanghai for next week.3.Hell come back_next month.4.Our school is_bigger than yours.四、评价提升练习(10)1.Tom _ goes to park with his parents.13A.sometime B.sometimes C.some time D.some times2.Tina is watching TV at hom

49、e n o w,(用 sometimes 改写句子)Tina at home3.Bill e_ every day,so he is very healehy.4.Mary always helps me with my English.(改为否定句)M ary_me with my English.5.The girl is only three months.She can _(几乎不能)stand.6._ do you write to your parents?Often.A.How many B.How long C.How soon D.How often7.你周末通常做了什么?我

50、一直进行体育锻炼。do you usually do?I.8.他购物了吗?不,他从来不购物。he9No,he9._ do you go shopping with your mother?一I hardly ever do that.A.How often B.How soon C.How far D.How much10.Do you often swim,Jack?No,_.I dont like swimming at all.11.用频率副词 always,usually,often,sometimes,hardly/hardly ever 和 never 写一篇作文介绍自己及最好朋友


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