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《冀教版英语八年级下册课后作业试题(全册附答案).pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《冀教版英语八年级下册课后作业试题(全册附答案).pdf(215页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、冀教版英语八年级下册课后作业试题Lesson 1 Hows the Weather?I.单项选择。1.the weather today?Its sunny.A.Hows;like B.What;likeC.Whats;like D.How;like2.exciting news!Were going to a field trip.A.What B.What anC.How D.How an3.There a basketball game between these two grades in thegym this afternoon.A.will B.is going to haveC

2、.is going to be D.will have4.My little cousin is dogs.A.scared of B.scared toC.scare of D.scare with5.Is it going to be fine tomorrow?.It has rained for two days.A.Im afraid so B.I hope soC.I hope not D.Of course notn.用所给单词的适当形式填空。6.The r i v e r(r i s e)this summer,because it often rained.7.It wa s

3、(c l o u d)yesterday.8.When i t(s n o w),its cold outside.9.You answer i s(e x a c t)right.10.The night is very quiet and the new moon i s(s e t).in.连词成句。11.weather,here,todays,report,is12.today,Danny,radio,the,is,on13.sunrise,sunset,talk,now,the,and,about,the14.it,what,weather,is,fine15.it,maybe,wi

4、ll,snowy,be,tomorrowIV.阅读理解。morningafternoontemperaturesMondayC .*-2工12工Tuesday*-3 T:6七Wednesday二 :-2工 5Thursday:-3工 5 tFriday卢-4七8T:Saturday-5T.0工SundavJd-io r -2 r16.I t is on Monday.A.windy and sunny B.cloudyC.foggy and sunny D.rainy17.The temperature on Wednesday is.A.-2 12 B.-2 5 C.-3 5 D.-4 8

5、18.Its good to on Saturday.A.take the dog for a walkB.stay at home and read a good bookC.fly a kiteD.make a snowman19.The highest temperature is on and the lowest temperature ison.A.Monday;Saturday B.Friday;SundayC.Tuesday;Thursday D.Monday;Sunday20.The highest temperature on Thursday is higher than

6、 that onSunday.A.3B.7C.15D.18答案I.1.C 点拨:询问天气的句式:Whats the weather like?=Howsthe weather?2.A 点拨:感叹句句型:What+a/an+形容词+可数名词单数(+主语+谓语)!;What+形容词+不可数名词/可数名词复数(+主语+谓语)!;How+形容词/副词(+主语+谓语)!3.C 4.A5.B 点拨:Pm afraid so恐怕如此;I hope so“我希望如此”;I hope not 我不希望那样“;Of course not“当然不行”。根据答语“雨已经下了两天了,可知希望明天天气好。II.6.ros

7、e 7.cloudy 8.snows 9.exactly lO.settingin.ll.Here is todays weather report12.Danny is on the radio today13.Now talk about the sunrise and the sunset14.What fine weather it is15.Maybe it will be snowy tomorrowW.1620:CBBDBLesson 2 Its Getting Warmer!I.单项选择。1.I saw many people when I passed the park ye

8、sterday.A.exercise B.exercisesC.exercising D.to exercise2.I could speak French Chinese,but luckily I couldtalk with them in English.A.both;and B.neither;norC.either;or D.not only;but also3.Neither Tom nor I late for school this morning.A.am B.wereC.was D.is4.Some children are r e a d i n g;a r e wri

9、ting.A.other B.the otherC.others D.another5.Now the boy is practicing football on the grass.A.to play B.playingC.play D.playsn.根据汉语意思完成句子。6.李明和丹尼在上学的路上。Li Ming and Danny are_school.7.人们正迎接春天的到来。People are welcoming spring.8.这水摸着很暖。The water.9.我们正计划一次去乡下的郊外旅行。We are planning thecountryside.10.玛丽迫不及待地

10、想打开礼物。Mary open the present.in.根据短文内容及提示填空。Spring has(11)(arrive)in Shijiazhuang.The weatherbecomes warm and the warm sunshine(12)(feel)good.Thedays get(13)(long)and the sun(14)(rise)earlier inthe morning.I need(15)n my winter coat(16)n mygloves.On the way(17)school,I saw some winter jasmine(18)(blo

11、ssom)and some people(19)(practice)Tai Chi.My class is planning(20)(go)on a trip next week.I cant wait,w.完形填空。In Britain the weather never gets too hot 21 too cold.There 22 not a great difference 23 summer and winter.Why?Britain has a warm winter and a cool summer because it is an islandcountry.In wi

12、nter the 24 is warmer than the 25.Thewind from the sea 26 warm air to Britain.In summer the sea is2 7 than the land.The wind from the 28 brings cool airto Britain.The wind from the west blows over Britain.Britain 29 alot of rain all the year.The west of Britain is 30 than the east.21.A.andB.orC.butD

13、.not22.A.isB.hasC.areD.have23.A.inB.fromC.betweenD.about24.A.landB.seaC.windD.air25.A.seaB.landC.airD.wind26.A.bringsB.takesC.getsD.is27.A.warmerB.coolerC.more coolD.much warm28.A.seaB.landC.winterD.summer29.A.haveB.hasC.havingD.is30.A.wetB.weterC.the wetterD.wetter答案I.1.C 2.B3.C点拨:neither.nor.连接两个并

14、列主语时,谓语动词的形式遵循就近原则,又根据this morning可知选C。4.C5.B 点拨:practice doing sth.”练习做某事II.6.on the/their way to 7.the coming of8.feels warm 9.a field trip to lO.couldnt wait toJU.11.arrived 12.feels 13.1onger 14.rises 15.neither 16.nor17.to 18.blossoming 19.practicing 20.to goIV.21.B点拨:never”从不”表否定,因此用o r表并列。22.

15、A 点拨:考查there be句型。a great difference为单数,故用iso23.C 点拨:between.and.在两者之间。24.B 点拨:由下文“In summer the sea is than the land.”可知,此处句意为“冬天,海洋比陆地温暖。”25.B26.A 点拨:bring“带来”;take 带走”。由28空后的brings可知。27.B 28.A 29.B30.D 点拨:由than可知该空所填词要用比较级,w et的比较级要双与t力 口-er。Lesson 3 The Sun Is RisingI.用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.The weather

16、gets warm.The sunshine h a s(me l t)the ice.2.There are m a n y(h i l l s id e)near our village.3.There have been lots o f(c h a n g e)in my hometown since2010.4.Yang Yan always speaks to o t h e r s(g e n t l e).5.The boy e n j o y s(s w i m)in summer.n.单项选择。6.He looked outside the window.A.down B.

17、acrossC.through D.over7.Mr.Green asked his students to read the st or y.A.one by one B.one or oneC.next one D.only one8.Sorry.I left my homework at home.It doesnt matter.But you must it here tomorrow.A.take B.bringC.carry D.leave9.If you want to change the world,you have to yourself first.A.enjoy B.

18、checkC.help D.change10.Dont take the dictionary away.I it.A.use B.usedC.am using D.have usedin.连词成句。11.do,you,about,spring,how,feel?12.play,have,and,children,to,outside,fun,like13.wind,yesterday,the,blew,strongly14.walks,with,enjoys,his,going,he,for,parents15.went,monkeys,through,the,the,hole,by,one

19、,onew.完形填空。In winter,if the temperature drops low enough,we will get snow.But some countries 16 have snow;some have only 17at the top of very high mountains.In the north of England,there is18 a lot of snow every winter,19 in the south ofEngland,there is usually little.When a student 20 a warm countr

20、y comes to England inautumn for the first time,he feels cold at first.There are often21 clouds,grey sky and cold rain in England in autumn,andmost students from warm countries do not like this.But snow is 22.Though it is cold,it is also beautiful.Perhaps,after several dark mornings,the student wakes

21、 up one day,andthere is a lot of 23.in his room.He thinks,“Is it late?”andjumps out of bed.But 24.it is not very late.He looks out of thewindow and there is snow on the ground,on the houses and 25.The light of his room comes from the clean,beautiful snow.16.A.alwaysB.neverC.oftenD.usually17.A.a litt

22、leB.littleC.a fewD.few18.A.veryB.quietC.quiteD.too19.A.butB.andC.thenD.so20.A.forB.aboutC.fromD.to21.A.lightB.darkC.redD.blue22.A.differentB.the sameC.whiteD.heavy23.A.lightB.foodC.drinkD.desks24.A.yesB.noC.soD.however25.A.whereB.hereC.thereD.everywhere答案I.l.melted 2.hillsides 3.changes 4.gently 5.s

23、wimmingII.6.C 点拨:down向下;across指从表面穿过;through指从内部穿过;over指从上方越过。故通过窗户用through。7.A8.B 点拨:bring带来;take带走;carry搬运,携带;leave丢下,忘了带。根据句意“明天你必须把它带到这儿来”可知用bring o9.D 10.CIII.l l.How do you feel about spring12.Children like to play outside and have fun13.The wind blew strongly yesterday14.He enjoys going for w

24、alks with his parents15.The monkeys went through the hole one by oneIV.16.B 17.A18.C点拨:英国的北部有很多雪。quite a lot o广相当多”。19.A 点拨:由上下文句意可知,两句为转折关系。20.C 21.B 22.A23.A 点拨:联系下文,可知有雪使房间里很亮,即:有许多光。24.B 25.DLesson 4 The Spring CityI.单项选择。1.Children the New Year because they can get lucky money.A.long to B.plan

25、toC.long for D.look for2.The old photo makes me my grandmother.A.think of B.think aboutC.think over D.think3.My little sister is ill.She doesnt feel like anything.A.eat B.to eatC.eating D.eats4.Wang Lin was late for school the bad weather.A.because B.becauseo fC.so D.of5.一“Food Safety“has become one

26、 of the hottest topics recently.Yeah,it receives Internet hits a day.A.thousands B.thousands ofC.thousand D.hundredsn.用所给词的适当形式填空。6.T h e r e(b e)plenty of rain in our hometown every year.7.Neither Tom nor B r i a n(l i k e)that book.Its boring.8.There are about t w o(h u n d r e d)teachers in our s

27、chool.9.We got 10(millimetre)of rain last year.10.The little boy l o n g s(h a v e)a new bike,in.根据短文内容及提示填空。When we think of spring,we think of new life,green plants and(11)b trees all around(12)(we).Spring is a short season inmany places.But in Kunming,it feels like spring(13)(几乎)allyear round.The

28、re are(14)p of beautiful flowers and nice scenery(景色)in the city.You can visit them anytime of the year.Every year(15)(thousand)of visitors come here because of its nice scenery,w.任务型阅读。Kunming is called the Spring City.It is the capital of Yunnan.It is acity with a long history.It is famous for its

29、 beautiful weather.Its neithertoo hot in summer nor too cold in winter.Thats why more and morepeople like to travel and even to live there.Peoples lives are becoming better and better.On weekends or onholiday,people like to relax themselves in different places and indifferent ways.In winter,people,e

30、specially old people would like toclimb the Western Hills.From the top of the hills,you can have a goodlook at the beautiful scenery of Kunming.Far away from the hills,youcan enjoy the“sleeping beauty,among the hills.People in Kunming are really friendly.They often invite their friendshome to taste

31、delicious food,like rice and noodles.If you want to knowmore about Kunming and taste its food,please visit it yourself!16 17题完成句子;18题简略回答问题;19题找出并写下文章第二段主题句;20题将文中画线句子译成汉语。16.Kunming is famous as.17.More people Hke to visit and even to live in Kunming for its18.What does the writer think of the peop

32、le in Kunming?19.20.答案I.l.c 点拨:long t o后接动词原形;plan t o后接动词原形;long for“渴望,向往“;look for“寻找”。根据后面“因为他们可以得到压岁钱”可知孩子们都向往新年。2.A3.C 点拨:feel like doing sth.“想要做某事”。4.B 5.BI I.6.is点拨:there b e句型遵循“就近原则”,由于rain为不可数名词,故用单数is。7.lik e s点拨:neither.nor 连接两个并列主语时,谓语动词遵循“就近原则”,Brian为第三人称单数。8.hundred 9.millimetres10.

33、to have 点拨:long to do 渴望做。IH.ll.budding 12.us 13.nearly 14.plenty 15.thousandsIV.16.the Spring City17.beautiful/fine/good weather18.They are really friendly.19.Peoples lives are becoming better and better.2 0.夏天既不太热,冬天也不太冷。Lesson 5 Babysitting on a Spring DayI.单项选择。1.Li l y,me high,please.And I want

34、 some moreA.push;push;B.push;pushesC.pushes;pushes D.pushes;push2.Its t i me.Lets have a rest.A.stop working B.stop to workC.to stop working D.to stop to work3.Thank you for and playing with me.A.come down B.coming downC.coming out of D.come up4.This is my first t i me.A.playing catches B.playing ca

35、tchC.to play a catch D.play a catch5.The teacher turned to us when I talked to my classmate.A.around B.overC.off D.downn.根据汉语意思完成句子。6.抓住,珍妮。别摔下来。Jenny.Don t.7.我临时照看你的弟弟好吗?I your little brother?8.他想要我推一下他。He wanted me_.9.那个看起来像只正跳跃的兔子。That one a.10.你在猴架上太高了,快下来。You are on the monkey bar too high.in.连

36、词成句。11.we,lie,the,shall,grass,on_?12.Li Ming,cousin,playground,is,his,on,babysitting,the13.you,the,thank,for,news,telling,me,good14.runs,swing,Debbie,climbs,to,on,and,the15.want,play,I,to,swings,instead,the,onw.阅读理解。In England,usually people dont talk very much.You can go on abus,or on a train,and e

37、veryone sits looking out of the window.Oftenthey read.They read books and newspapers,but they dont talk much.When you meet English people,they often talk about one thingtheweather.So when you meet someone in England,you can say,“Niceweather at the time of the year!“But its a little cold,someone may

38、answer.But itll be warmerlater!you can say.The English will think,4tHow friendly you are!”根据短文内容,补全下列句子。16.English people often talk about the when they meet.17.English people often on a bus.18.English people dont talk with each other.19.The English people think you are when you say thewill be fine.

39、答案I.1.B 点拨:考查push的用法。push可作动词和可数名词。祈使句开头用动词原形,some more后跟可数名词复数。2.C 点拨:Ifs time to do sth.”到做.的时间 了”;stop to dosth.“停下来去做另一件事;stop doing sth.停止做某事”,指停止当前的动作。由最后一句“让我们休息一下吧”,可知C 项正确。3.B 4.B5.A 点拨:turn around 转身;turn over JE.翻过来;turn off关闭;turn down调小。由句意“当我和我的同学谈话时老师转过身来”可知。II.6.Hold on;fall off/down

40、 7.Shall;babysit 8.to give him a push9.1ooks like;jumping rabbit lO.Come downIll.ll.Shall we lie on the grass12.Li Ming is babysitting his cousin on the playground13.Thank you for telling me the good news14.Debbie runs to the swing and climbs on15.1 want to play on the swings insteadIV.16.weather 17

41、.read 18.often 19.friendly;weatherLesson 6 Stories about SpringI.用所给词的适当形式填空。1.D a n n y(f a l l)into the snow just now.2.Tom sings a s(g o o d)as Mary.3.1 love spring because of all the f u n(a c t i v i t y).4.It isnt snowing today,but t h e r e(b e)still some snow on thegrass.5.Its f u n(p l a y)

42、games with my friends.n.单项选择。6.1 didnt know the news Jack told me.A.if B.untilC.after D.because7.Toms homework is as as Jims.A.good B.wellC.better D.best8.Ice is often seen here in winter as the temperature normally(通常)stayszero.A.over B.downC.above D.below9.We wont have dinner until my father back.

43、A.will come B.comeC.cameD.comes10.Children like to play shorts and T-shirts a sunnyday.A.in;on B.with;onC.in;at D.in;inin.按要求完成下列各题。11.Li Lei is 15 years old and Tom is 15 years old,too.(改为同义句)Li Lei is old Tom.12.Daves father went to bed after he came back home last night.(改为同义句)Daves father go to

44、bed he came back home lastnight.13.We didnt have a picnic because it rained heavily.(改为同义句)We didnt have a picnic the heavy rain.14.We had to wear coats on those snowy days.(改为一般疑问句)you wear coats on those snowy days?15.The boy is telling stories about spring.(对画线部分提问)stories is the boy about?w.任务型阅

45、读。There are four seasons in a year in Canada.But in Canada,springcomes in February.It is usually very cold in most parts of the country.Children can still go skating in some places.Summer is usually coolerthan that in China.Early in the morning,it is so cold that the Canadiansusually wear sweaters.A

46、utumn comes after summer.In autumn,Canadians like to look at the maples(枫树)in the parks or on the hills.They are really beautiful.Winter is the coldest season of the year.Itsoften very cold.There is thick ice on the rivers and lakes.Children like togo skating there.Of course,they have to wear warm a

47、nd thick coats,orthey will catch a cold.16 17题完成句子;18题简略回答问题;19题找出并写下全文的主题句;20题将文中画线句子译成汉语。16.Summer in Canada is usually than that in China.17.Canadians usually early in the morning insummer.18.Why do the Canadians like to look at the maples in the parks or on thehills?19.20.答案I.l.fell 2.well 3.act

48、ivities 4.is 5.to playn.6.B7.A点拨:“asas”中间用形容词或副词的原级,句中谓语动词为i s,故用形容词goodo8.D点拨:句意为“这儿冬天经常看到冰,因为通常情况下气温在零度以下“,below zero零度以下”。9.D 10.Ain.ll.as;as12.didnt;until13.because of14.Did;have to15.W hat;tellingIV.16.cooler17.wear sweaters18.Because they are really beautiful.19.There are four seasons in a yea

49、r in Canada.2 0.当然,他们不得不穿着保暖的厚大衣,不然他们就会感冒。Lesson 7 Planting TreesI.单项选择。1.The WWF is working hard the animals in danger.A.save B.to saveC.saves D.saved2.The show on Zhejiang TV,Running Man,makes lots of peopleA.relaxing B.relaxedC.happily D.luckily3.Hurry up!There is little t i me.A.leave B.leavingC

50、.to leave D.left4.My sister is to go to school by herself.A.enough old B.old enoughC.too old D.enough big5.一The single(单人的)room is too small.Can I change it for a doubleone?一Certainly.But you should pay$50.A.other B.the otherC.others D.anothern.用方框中短语的正确形式填空。fill.with,turn into,for sure,by the way,i


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