山东省德州市2018年中考英语真题试题(含解析) 试题.doc

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1、山东省德州市2018年中考英语真题试题一、听力测试(一)录音中有五个句子,每个句子听两遍,然后从每小题A、B、C中选出能对每个句子做出适当反应的答语。1.A. Sure. Here you are B. Thank you. C. You are welcome.2.A. Thats true. B. Its a good idea. C. Thats great news!3.A. Oh, sorry. B. You have got no chance! C. Thats no excuse.4.A. Its cool. B. I dont agree. C. Sure, no probl

2、em.5.A. So am I. B. Nice work! C. What is it?(二)录音中有三个句子,每个句子对应一副图片,每个句子听两遍,然后选择与句子内容相对应的图片。 A. B. C.(三)录音中有五组对话,听对话两遍后,从每小题A、B、C中选出能回答所给问题的正确答案。9.Who does the woman buy a jacket for?A. Her daughter B. Her son C. Her husband10.How does the man go to Dongting Lake?A. By bus B. By taxi C. By train11.W

3、hats the woman going to do during the summer holiday?A. To stay at home B. To study at school C. To work as a volunteer12.Why does the woman feel tired?A. She needs a restB. She went rock-climbing last nightC. She was too excited to sleep well last night13.Why cant the woman get good marks in histor

4、y?A. She doesnt like history B. She cant remember the dates C. She doesnt work hard(四)录音中有一段长对话,听对话两遍后,从每小题A、B、C中选出能回答所给问题的正确答案。14.Whats the relationship between the two speakers?A. Friends B. Neighbors C. A couple15.When will the woman hold a party?A. This Saturday evening B. This Saturday afternoo

5、n C. This Sunday afternoon16.Where does the woman live?A. Across the street B. At the end of the street C. Next to the mans house17.Why will the woman hold a party?A. To celebrate ChristmasB. To thank the new neighborsC. To get to know the new neighbors(五)录音中有三小段独白,听独白两遍后,根据独白内容,将信息配对。18.Annie A. te

6、ll Doris whether to play basketball or not19.Bill B. talk about the papers instead of going fishing with Jill20.Michelle C. give Martin some suggestions on how to run the company(六)听力填表录音中有一篇短文,是Wendy去成都前发给Mr. Thompson的一段信息。因为首次见面,Wendy想Mr.Thompson介绍了自己的相关情况。听短文两遍后,请你根据表格内容提示,记录Wendy的相关信息,完成表格(每空一词)

7、。About WendyPlace to meetAt the (21)Time to meetAt (22) a.m. on June 26Appearance(外貌)A tall and slim(苗条的) girl with long (23) hairA red (24) and white trousersPlaces to goGo to the (25) on Heping Street firstThen go to the restaurant二、阅读理解阅读下列短文,然后从每小题A、B、C、D中选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。AWhen I was a chil

8、d, I was a tomboy(假小子). I had a cowboy hat and cowboy boots. My brothers were two and four years older than I. We often played games together.Once, my brothers and I fell in love with playing a game called “stealing horses”. Then my parents decided to buy my brothers guns. These were not “real” guns

9、. Because I was a girl, I didnt get a gun. They shot and shot at everything with their new guns. I tried to “fight” them with my bow and arrows (弓和箭). But I was still in the poor position without a gun.One day while I was hiding behind a wall, looking out toward the fields, I felt a terrible blow to

10、 my right eye. I looked up just in time to see my brother lower his gun. Both brothers rushed to my side. My eye felt great pain and I covered it with my hand. “If you tell that to Mummy,” they said, “We will get a whipping(鞭打) from Daddy. You dont want that to happen, do you?” I did not. “Here is a

11、 piece of wire(电线),” said the older brother, picking it up from the floor, “Say you stepped on one end of it and the other flew up and hit you.” “Yes,” I said. To be honest, I didnt want them to be punished. So I did as my brothers told me to do.A week after the “accident” my parents took me to see

12、a doctor. Finally I knew my brothers were worried about my eye, so they told our parents what had happened and asked them to take me to see a doctor.1. According to the passage, the two brothers were .A. strict B. clever C. polite D. naughty(淘气的)2. What does the underlined(划线的)phrase “in the poor po

13、sition” mean in Chinese?A. 处于劣势 B. 在低洼处 C. 处于虚弱状态 D. 处于贫穷状态3. The two brothers asked the writer to tell a lie because they were afraid .A. they would lose their gunsB. their parents would punish themC. they couldnt play the game any moreD. their parents would take their sister to see a doctor4. Choo

14、se the correct order according to the passage.The writer was hurt. The brothers told the truth.The parents bought guns for the brothers. The parents took the writer to see a doctor.A. B. C. D. 5. What can we infer(推断) from the passage?A. The writers parents didnt like herB. The writer and her two br

15、others loved each otherC. The writers brothers wanted to hurt herD. The two brothers didnt get on well with each other【答案】1. D 2. A 3. B 4. B 5. B【解析】本文介绍了发生在我和两个哥哥之间的故事。小时候经常在一起玩。并且爱上了一种名叫“偷马” 的游戏。因此妈妈给他们买了假手枪,自己却用弓和箭与他们对抗。在一次玩耍中哥哥用枪伤了我的右眼,由于害怕被妈妈惩罚,我对父母撒了谎。但是哥哥们很担心我的眼睛,把这件事告诉了父母,然后父母带我去看眼睛。在文中体现了亲

16、情。2. 词意猜测题。由第二段最后一句They shot and shot at everything with their guns .I tried to “fight”them with my bow and arrows.(他们用枪射击,我尽力用弓和箭与他们“对抗”)But “但是”表示转折关系可以推断后面I was still in the poor position without a gun(没有枪我仍然处于劣势)。故选A。3. 推理判断题。由第三段第三行“If you tell that to mummy”,they said,“We will get a whipping f

17、rom Daddy. You dont want that to happen, do you?”(他们说“如果你把那件事告诉妈妈,我们会受到爸爸的鞭打,你不想发生那样的事情,对不对?”)可知后面哥哥让我说谎(tell a lie)因为他们害怕(were afraid)父母会惩罚(punish)他们,故答案选B4. 细节理解题。排序题。根据文章选择事件发生的正确顺序。文章第二段“父母给哥哥买了枪”;第三段第三行My eye felt great pain知道作者受伤(was hurt了;文章最后一段“几个周后父母带我去看医生,最后我知道我哥哥很担心我的眼睛,所以他们告诉父母发生的事情,并让父母

18、带我去看医生。”可知先是哥哥说了实话(told the truth);然后父母带作者去看医生 。因此事件的正确顺序是选择B。5. 推理判断题。由文章可知哥哥并不想伤害她,受伤之后,哥哥也很担心,告诉父母实情,表明哥哥们和作者之间是彼此关心爱护的,故选B。BRoom for rent(租)We are a couple looking to rent out a bedroom. Its close to 123 bus stop & the street. We also have two small dogs who are house trained and walk every day.

19、 You should pay $500 monthly. In advance(提前), please.For more information,please contact(联系):Mr. Adam GreenAddress: 25 Realway Street, HaddingtonTel: 01985756634Email: AdamGYahoo.co.uk6. The householders .A. are two girls B. like smoking a lotC. have two well-trained dogs D. are more than thirty yea

20、rs old7. Which is RIGHT about the room for rent?A. It has a private kitchen B. Its fit for the disabledC. Its $1,000 for three months D. It is far from 123 bus stop8. _can rent the roomA. Mr. Black and his wife B. Eric, a sixty-year-old doctorC. Mrs. Smith and her 4-year-old son D. Jim, a young man

21、with a little cat9. You cant contact Mr. Adam Green .A. by telephone B. by email C. by QQ D. by visiting him10. This article is a (an) .A. interview B. report C. advertisement (广告) D. notice【答案】6. C 7. B 8. B 9. C 10. C【解析】本文为出租广告。介绍了所要出租的房屋的信息。它靠近123路公共汽车站和街道。租金每月500美元;图片给出了卧室的设施;在文中介绍了房主的信息和爱好;设施及

22、对租赁者的要求。最后给出了户主的信息及联系方式。6. 细节理解题。由Householders 信息中性别是一男一女可以判定A选项两个女孩是错误的;由No smokers可知没有吸烟的,可知B选项 非常喜欢吸烟是错误的;年龄25和29岁, 可知D 选项30多岁是错误的。由第一段we also have two small dogs who are house trained 可知有两只训练有素的狗,即选项C是正确的,故选C。7. 细节理解题。由设施表格内kitchen shared可知厨房是共享的(shared),可知选项A private(私有的)是不正确的;由有残疾人通道可知B选项适合(is

23、 fit for)残疾人(the disabled)是正确的;由第一段You should pay $500 monthly(每月付500),故三个月应付1500,可知C选项错误;由第一段Its close to (离近)123 bus stop可知D 选项Its far from(离远)123 bus stop是错误的,故选择B。8. 细节理解题。由更适合新室友表格可知,不适合 couples (夫妻),所以A选项Black 和他的妻子不正确;年龄21-65 可知B选项60岁的医生可以;No children 可知C 选项四岁的孩子不可以;No pets(宠物)可知D选项有猫不可以。故选择B

24、。9. 细节理解题。由联系方式可知,要联系亚当格林先生可以通过打电话;发电子邮件;或到家里拜访。通过QQ不可以。故选C。10. 推理判断题。A. interview采访;B. report 报道;C. advertisement (广告) D. notice通知。本文是对房屋出租信息的介绍。因此属于广告类。故选C。点睛:图表题的阅读解题技巧图表类短文是通过看图或表格等来了解某方面的情况。阅读这类材料时,主要从两方面入手:一是了解图表的内容,确定图表的主要内容二是,推敲文、图、画、语言或数字,找出它们之间的关联或试图表达的含义。一般设置五道题,且多数为细节理解题。技巧点拨:仔细阅读文章后的问题。

25、根据问题中的关键词或词组,以此作为线索,返回文章查找相关的句子,用相关的句子对照选项,意思一致的就是答案。C “To raise snails(蜗牛) well, you need to spray(喷) water to the container(容器) every morning and evening, change soil every two weeks, and feed them with vegetables and sweet fruits,” said Sun Youxiang after raising snails for one year. He is a four

26、thgrade primary school student in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province. From three white jade snails at the very beginning to more than sixty snails of four generations(代) now, he has done a great job for his science class.Watching the reproduction(繁殖) of animals is an uncommon experience for kids. Their cre

27、ativity, patience and respect(尊重) for life will be developed as they learn to take care of animals on their own. Suns teacher said the job served as a good example of life education. Practice is a necessary step in learning and it will benefit the kids for a life time.Life education allows kids to k

28、now how to live with nature and creatures(生物) in a friendly way. Starting from this year, science will become an important subject as Chinese and math in primary schools in order to improve students knowledge about the things around us. Because of curiosity(好奇心), more kids will be willing to watch a

29、nd think through practising. It will add to our knowledge of the world in the long run.11. Which of the following is WRONG about Sun Youxiang?A. He is good at raising snailsB. He makes a lot of money by raising snailsC. Raising snails is an interesting experience for himD. He becomes creative and pa

30、tient through taking care of snails12. The underlined word “benefit” in Paragraph 2 means .A. hurt B. protectC. be good for D. be popular with13. In Paragraph 3, “Life education allows kids to know how to live with nature and creatures in a friendly way” means .A. nature and creatures are friendly t

31、o kidsB. life education can make kids more friendlyC. life education tells kids how to make friendsD. life education tells kids how to get on well with nature and creatures14. What does Sun Youxiangs teacher think of his job?A. It takes too much timeB. It wastes lots of moneyC. It cant help with Sun

32、s studyD. It serves as a good example of life education15. What is the main idea of the passage?A. How to raise snails B. Patience, the key to successC. The importance of life education D. How to think through practising【答案】11. B 12. C 13. D 14. D 15. C【解析】本文通过对孙友祥饲养蜗牛的介绍,说明了生命教育让孩子们知道如何以友好的方式与自然和生物

33、生活在一起。文章介绍了好奇心使更多的孩子愿意通过练习来观察和思考。从长远来看,这将增加他们对世界的了解。11. 细节理解题。本题是判断正误型的阅读理解,要求选出关于Sun Youxiang 不正确的(wrong)选项。由第一段From three white jade snails at the very beginning to more than sixty snails of four generations(代) now, he has done a great job for his science class. 可知,从一开始的三只蜗牛到60多只蜗牛,可以看出Sun Youxian

34、g 擅长(is good at)养蜗牛(raising snails)可知A 选项正确;由第二段Watching the reproduction(繁殖) of animals is an uncommon experience for kids.可知,可知养蜗牛对他来说是一件有趣的事情,C选项正确;由第二段“Their creativity on their own”可知通过照顾蜗牛他变得有创造力(creative)和有耐心(patient)正确,根据排除法,故答案选择B。12. 词意猜测题。题意为“第二段中划线单词benefit 是什么意思”。第二段列举了照顾小动物的一系列优点,说明了实践

35、是学习中的必要的步骤,它会对孩子的一生有益。hurt“伤害,受伤”;protect“保护”;be good for “对有益;对有好处”;be popular with “受欢迎;为喜爱”;故答案为C。13. 细节理解题。题意为“在第三段 Life education allows kids to know how to live with nature and creatures in a friendly way这句话是什么意思?”Life education生命教育;allow sb to do 允许某人做某事;live with 与共同生活;in a friendly way 以一种友

36、好的方式;所以这句话意思是“生命教育使孩子们懂得如何与自然和生物友好相处”。故答案选择D。Life education tells kids how to get on well with(与相处融洽)nature and creatures。14. 细节理解题。what does think of 提问看法。题目意为:“Sun Youxiang 的老师觉得这个工作怎么样?”由第二段“Suns teacher said the job served as a good example of life education.”(Sun的老师认为这个工作是生命教育的一个很好的例子) 很容易可以知道答

37、案选择D。15. 主旨大意题。题目问这篇文章的主旨是什么?这篇文章强调了生命教育的重要性,故答案选择C。DYou must think a computer is the best thing in the world, right? You must think it works at a super speed and can do everything? Well, its not! In fact, the brain is much more powerful than any super computer! Think about when a glass is just abou

38、t to fall off the table. Your brain controls everything that you need to do to save that glass from falling. First your eyes check out whats going on, then tell your brain, and your brain decides how quickly you need to react(反应), and then your muscles(肌肉) go into action. That is just from your brai

39、n. No computer could ever come close to that!The brain weighs just 3 pounds, but it controls everything you do from thinking, learning, feeling even to breathing and your heart beating. Even though the brain is just 2% of your body weight, it uses around 20% of all your energy in your body. That is

40、a lot for such a small organ(器官). There are about 100 billion tiny, tiny little cells(细胞) in your brain. There are so many that it would take you over 3,000 years to count them all!Your brain stops growing when youre 18, but it actually keeps on developing and learning new things. So your parents ar

41、e really super smart! You wont be able to fool them! Believe it or not, your brain NEVER stops working. Even during sleeping, the brain works for long-term memory establishment(建立). It is realized that the brain is the second organ in the body as the heart that never stops during human lives.So ever

42、yone should be proud of such a gift of nature.16. In Paragraph 1, the writer wants to tell us .A. eyes and muscles react quicklyB. the brain controls everything in your bodyC. the computer is the best thing in the worldD. the brain is more powerful than any computer17. In Paragraph 2, the underlined

43、 word “That” refers to(指的是) .A. the body weight B. 2% of the body weightC. all energy in the body D. around 20% of the energy in the body18. Which is RIGHT according to the passage?A. The brain doesnt work during sleepingB. The brain is the only organ that never stopsC. The brain keeps growing durin

44、g human livesD. The brain keeps on developing during human lives19. Which word can best describe the brain according to the passage?A. Magic B. Quick C. Light D. Developing20. In which magazine can the passage be found most probably?A. Business Weekly B. Medicine C. Science D. Sports【答案】16. D 17. D

45、18. D 19. A 20. C【解析】本文介绍了大脑为什么比任何超级计算机都强大得多。在文中介绍了大脑是如何通过神经控制肌肉来协同工作的。同时介绍了大脑的重量虽然只有3磅,但它控制着你的思考、学习、甚至呼吸和心脏跳动等一切活动。16. 主旨大意题。由文章第一段“In fact,the brain is much more powerful than any super computer”可知,作者第一段是想要告诉我们 “事实上,大脑比任何电脑要强大的多” 故答案选D。17. 推理判断题。由句子Even though the brain is just 2% of your body wei

46、ght, it uses around 20% of all your energy in your body. 可知,即使大脑仅仅是你身体重量的2%,但是它使用的能量大约是你身体能量的20%。和句子That is a lot for such a small organ(器官).的意思是,对于这样一个小器官来说,这是很多的。说明That是指上文的around 20% of the energy in the body。故选D。18. 细节理解题。“根据文章内容哪一个是正确的?”由第三段Believe it or not establishment (信不信由你,你的大脑从未停止工作。甚至在睡觉期间,大脑也在为长时记忆的建立而工作着。)可知选项A大脑在睡觉时停止工作是错误的。由第三段最后一句It is realized that the brain is the second organ in the body as the heart that never stops during human lives. 可知心脏也不停止工作,大脑是第二大不停止工作的器官。所以B选项说大脑是唯一不停


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