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《2017年河南驻马店中考英语真题(含答案).docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2017年河南驻马店中考英语真题(含答案).docx(16页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、年寒窗苦读日,只盼金榜题名时,祝你考试拿高分,鲤鱼跳龙门!加油!2017年河南驻马店中考英语真题及答案一、听力理解(20小题,每小题1分,共20分)第一节听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案。每段对话读两遍。 1.How is the weather now?A.Sunny.B.Cloudy.C.Rainy.2.What are the two speakers talking about?A.A football match.B.A volleyball match.C.A basketball match.3.Where will the tw

2、o speakers go?A.To the zoo.B.To the park.C.To the beach.4.What is the name of the girl?A.Sandy.B.Sally.C.Sherry.5.Where are the two speakers going to meet tonight?A.At the cinema.B.At Lucys house.C.At Peters house.第二节听下面几段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案。每段对话或独白读两遍。听下面一段对话,回答第6至第8三个小题。6.Wh

3、ere is the man going?A.To London.B.To Cardiff.C.To Manchester.7.When will the next train leave?A.At 16:30.B.At 17:00.C.At 19:30.8.How much more shall the man pay for a new ticket?A.3.B.6.C.9.听下面一段对话,回答第9至第10两个小题。9.What are the two speakers going to do tonight?A.See an action movie.B.Watch a talk sho

4、w.C.Enjoy a pop concert.10.When will they meet?A.At 6:30.B.At 7:00.C.At 7:30.听下面一段独白,回答第11至第12两个小题。11.Who cooks dinner for all the family on weekdays?A.Mom.B.Emma.C.Tom.12.Why is Toms mother happy with him?A.Because he helps out at home.B.Because he enjoys doing sport.C.Because he does his homework.

5、听下面一段对话,回答第13至第15三个小题。13.What are the two speakers?A.Teachers.B.Students.C.Reporters.14.What are they mainly talking about?A.Subjects.B.Students.C.Teachers.15.Why does Jack like Mr.Thomas?A.Because he gives little homework.B.Because he always speaks English.C.Because he explains everything well.第三节听

6、下面几段短文。按照你所听内容的先后顺序将下列图片排序。短文读两遍。ABCDE16. 17. 18. 19. 20.二、单项选择(15小题,每小题1分,共15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。21.When will car race begin?Im not sure. Maybe next week, or maybe week after next.A.a;theB.an;theC.the;aD.the;the22.His name is James, but he usually calls Jim.A.heB.himC.hisD.himself23.If you figh

7、t hard, know who you are, and are proud of who you are, youve got a good of winning.A.choiceB.chanceC.decisionD.direction24.Miho is student because she was born later than anyone else in her class.A.youngB.youngerC.the youngerD.the youngest25.Jimmy, where are my glasses? I have looked everywhere.Oh,

8、 Granny, they are on your nose.A.evenB.wellC.rightD.ever26.Paul, Im busy cooking. Can you give me a hand?Just a minute. I my e-mail.A.am checkingB.will checkC.have checkedD.was checking27.Father brought his little boy to a concert. But he was too young to sit the whole concert.A.forB.withC.duringD.t

9、hrough28.I dont care what people think.Well, you. Youre not alone in this world.A.canB.mayC.shouldD.will29.Why are you leaving your job?I cant stand it any longer. I always to work overtime.A.am;askingB.am;askedC.was;askingD.was;asked30.Dont know where your kids are in the house? Turn off the Intern

10、et and theyll quickly.A.get upB.stand upC.show upD.hurry up31.The actor was happy he got a part in a movie, the part was a small one.A.sinceB.whileC.thoughD.unless32.The plane on the ground for two more hours because of the bad weather.A.ranB.movedC.shookD.remained33.I hate the dogs live in the next

11、 house. They make loud noises all night.A.whoB.thatC.whatD.whom34.Whenever we kids come over, Auntie Susan just stands there and watches us sure we dont break anything.A.makeB.madeC.to makeD.making35. Which of the following sentences is correct?A.He came in and sat down.B.We all like Harry Potter.C.

12、When we met. He didnt say hello.D.He went out, headed for the bus stop.三、完形填空(10小题,每小题1分,共10分)先通读短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入相应空白处的最佳答案。A giant panda ran away from the zoo in London. He walked and walked and became 36. He walked into a restaurant, where he found a 37 at an empty table. The waite

13、r took the pandas order.After he 38 his dinner, the panda stood up, calmly pulled out a gun which he had hidden, and fired into the air. 39 he turned around and walked toward the door.Naturally, the waiter was horrified(恐惧的), but he tried hard to pull himself together and stopped him for a(n) 40.The

14、 panda said to him, What do I look like to 41?The waiter answered,Well, a giant panda, of course.Thats right,said the panda.Look it up.And he walked out.The waiter called the 42. When they arrived the waiter told them the whole story, 43 the pandas words Look it up.So the police officer 44 a young m

15、an out to get an encyclopedia(百科全书).The young man returned with the encyclopedia. The officer 45 panda and there was the answer,Giant panda, lives in China, eats shoots(竹笋)and leaves.36.A.tiredB.angryC.crazyD.hungry37.A.seatB.noteC.waiterD.newspaper38.A.orderedB.finishedC.servedD.cooked39.A.SoB.Once

16、C.ThenD.Also40.A.talkB.excuseC.questionD.explanation41.A.usB.him C.you D.them42.A.bossesB.policeC.neighborsD.customers43.A.aboutB.like C.without D.including44.A.sentB.tookC.droveD.invited45.A.turned toB.asked forC.looked up D.called on四、阅读理解(20小题,每小题2分,共40分)阅读下面四篇语言材料,然后按文后要求做题。AEating outAre you lo

17、oking for somewhere special to go this weekend? Do you want to try something new? Check out one of these hot new restaurants.Musical ChairsHave you noticed how music makes the taste of your food better? This new restaurant has different types of live music every night except Sundays, and excellent f

18、ood to go with it. Great fish dishes, beef and pizza. Monday is classic rock night, so see you there!The Chocolate BoxThe owner of this small cafe used to cook all kinds of food, but then she realized she preferred sweets to anything else. If you want meat or fish, dont come here. They only do desse

19、rts! Lots of different kinds of sweets. Chocolate lovers will be excited by the range of chocolate cakes.Last Days of the RajA centrally-located Indian restaurant, perfect for eating before or after the cinema or a show. In summer enjoy your meal in the beautiful garden. The most popular dishes are

20、beef and chicken cooked with mild, medium or hot spices. For brave customers there is extra hot!A Taste of TuscanyWhether youd like a great value-for-money lunch or a relaxed evening meal at a fantastic restaurant, this is the place for you. The cooks have all been trained in Italy and they make bot

21、h traditional and modern dishes. We recommend the pasta and seafood.注:recommend推荐;spice(调味)香料根据材料内容选择最佳答案。46.Whats special about Musical Chairs?A.Sunday is classic rock night every week.B.The chairs there can play wonderful music.C.The restaurant only welcomes music lovers.D.You can enjoy your meal

22、with live music there.47.Which of the following does The Chocolate Box serve?A.Fish.B.Cakes.C.Seafood.D.Chicken.48.Why do people go to Last Days of the Raj?A.To show others how brave they will be.B.To enjoy the meal while watching shows.C.To try the dishes there cooked with spices.D.To have meals in

23、 the garden all year round.49.What can people do at A Taste of Tuscany?A.Enjoy a relaxed breakfast.B.Taste dishes cooked in Italy.C.Have a value-for-money lunch.D.Learn to cook pasta and seafood.50.What is recommended in the text?A.Hot restaurants.B.Special foods.C.Weekend activities.D.The best plac

24、es to go.BNot only kids of Tiger Moms go to Harvard.Dawn Loggins of Lawndale, N.C., is on her way to Harvard, one of the eight world-famous universities in the eastern US. Nobody encouraged her to study or paid for her special classes. This girl created her own future.The teen was abandoned by her f

25、amily last summer, when her parents and two sisters moved to Tennessee. She found herself homeless and had to spend the night on friends sofas.The school bus driver learned about Dawns situation and invited Dawn to move in with her family. Soon, Dawn had a job at Burns High School. She worked from 6

26、 a.m. to 7:40 a.m. before the first school bell rang. She swept floors and picked up trash again in the afternoons, before diving into(全心投入) her studies in the evenings.Dawns hard work paid off. She finished school with a 3.9 GPA and scored 2,110 on the SAT.There were times when I felt like it would

27、 be easiest if I gave up, the 18-year-old said.But it was never in me to give up, because I realized that I was never going to be successful unless I got an education.Even before Dawns family left her, she led a difficult life. Her family was poor and cups of noodles were often the only food. Dawn s

28、tudied by candlelight because her parents couldnt afford to pay the electricity bill(电费).Dawn has now reconnected with her family. Theyre proud of her accomplishments(成就) and are attending her high school graduation.根据材料内容选择最佳答案。51.Why didnt Dawn give up her studies?A.To reconnect with her family.B.

29、To thank those who had helped her.C.To get an education to be successful.D.To realize her dream of going to Harvard.52.Who helped Dawn when she found herself homeless?A.Her teachers.B.Her neighbors.C.A Tiger Mom.D.A school bus driver.53.What does the underlined word abandoned mean in Chinese?A.宠爱B.抛

30、弃C.鼓励D.虐待54.Which of the following words best describes Dawn?A.Open-minded.B.Good-natured.C.Strong-willed.D.Warm-hearted.55.Whats the best title for the text?A.Another Harvard girlB.A girl in candlelightC.From homeless to HarvardD.The role of Tiger MomsCThe idea that red means stop and green means g

31、o has influenced our lives in more ways than just traffic signals(信号). We have been taught from a young age that the color red means danger and green means its okay to move forward. But why were those colors chosen for traffic lights in the first place? For something we have to look at every day, wh

32、y couldnt they have been prettier colors?Well, its important to know that before traffic lights for cars, there were traffic signals for trains. At first, railway companies used red to mean stop, white to mean go, and green to mean warn. As you could imagine, trains ran into a few problems with whit

33、e meaning go. For example, one train mistook a bright star for a white light and something unexpected happened. Because of that,railway companies finally moved green meaning go and used yellow to mean warn. And its been that way ever since.Red has always been a color that meant danger, long before c

34、ars were even around. This most likely started because its the color with the longest wavelength(波长)so it can be seen somewhere farther than other colors.But, believe it or not, yellow was once used to mean stop. Back in the 1900s, some stop signs were yellow because it was too hard to see a red sig

35、n in a poorly lit area. Finally, highly reflective materials(高反射材料)were developed and red stop signs were born. Since yellow can be seen well at all times of the day, school zones, some traffic signs, and school buses continue to be painted yellow.So next time youre impatiently waiting at a traffic

36、light, dont get so mad at them; theyve certainly come a long way.根据材料内容选择最佳答案。56.What were traffic signals for before traffic lights for cars?A.Trains.B.Boats.C.Planes.D.Bicycles.57.Which of the following colors meant go at first?A.Red.B.Yellow.C.White.D.Green.58.Why does red mean danger?A.Because i

37、ts the brightest color.B.Because it can be seen far away.C.Because railway companies say so.D.Because it has the shortest wavelength.59.Why are school buses painted yellow?A.Because yellow is a prettier color.B.Because yellow once meant danger.C.Because yellow can be seen well in daytime.D.Because y

38、ellow means its OK to go forward.60.What does the text mainly tell us?A.How important traffic lights are.B.Which color has the longest wavelength.C.What red, yellow and green can be used for.D.Why traffic lights are red, yellow and green.DStarting high school is a great experience for any teenager.

39、Whether you are coming from a middle school(grades six through eight) or a junior high school(grades seven through nine), there are many things about high school that are different from your old school environment.61You will face being in a new school, making new friends in an unfamiliar class and g

40、etting to know new teachers. These new teachers will usually have higher academic(学术的)levels than your middle and junior-high school teachers.62 In return, they expect you to work hard and develop your skills.On top of all this, peer pressure(同伴压力)to drink and smoke often increases in high school.63

41、Although there is a lot of pressure, it is nothing you cannot deal with. If you are feeling pressure to do something that you feel is wrong, talk to a friend, parent, or counselor to find a solution(解决方法).64 If you are not succeeding academically, find someone to help you. If you feel lonely, try to

42、 join a school club or group to make new friends.65With time, you will come to be thankful for everything about your experience. On the point of starting your high school, are you ready?根据材料内容,从下面五个选项中选出能填入文中空缺处的最佳选项,使短文意思通顺、内容完整。A.You will experience many changes.B.They want to help you get into co

43、llege.C.High school may seem discouraging at first.D.They are there to help you get into this great new time in your life.E.Besides, the pressure could also come from grades, loneliness and so on.五、词语运用(10小题,每小题1分,共10分)阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。每空限填一词,每词限用一次。方框中有两个词是多余的。I, so, know, nervou

44、s, Jimmy, but, happy, with, answer, understand, look, muchNine-year-old Jimmy was given a task in school to write a story on My familys ancestors(祖先). The purpose was for the kids to66 their family history.In search of some67for his task, Jimmy interviewed his grandmother who of course 68 nothing ab

45、out the reason why Jimmy asked such questions.When she was asked,Granny, where did I come from?his grandma was quite 69. Why didnt he ask his parents? She had to be quite careful when talking 70 a kid about such a subject. She wanted to buy some time, 71 she replied,Well, sweetie, the stork(鹳鸟)broug

46、ht you.She said no 72, hoping that the subject would be dropped until Jimmys parents came back.So, where did Mom come from?The stork brought her also.Well, then where did you come from?The stork brought 73 too, sweetie.All right, thanks, Granny.74grandmother did not think anything more about his questions. Three days later, when she was tidying up and 75 at Jimmys desk, she read the first sentence of his paper, For three generations(辈)there have been no natural births in our family.六、补全对话(5小题,每小题2分,共10分)根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的意思连贯、完整。A:Hey, hows it


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