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1、五年级根据首字母填空(完整版)资料(可以直接使用,可编辑 优秀版资料,欢迎下载)1I have six silkworms. They are s_ and white. They have many legs. I put t_ on the leaves. They e_ the leaves. After a few days, they grow and grow. They are _. They have a l_ of leaves every day. They m_ a lot of silk too. Now I have five silkworm c_. Five mo

2、ths come out. They have w_. They can lay eggs.2 In the Noise Kingdom, people like m_ noise. They do everything loudly. The kings birthday is coming. He wants to h_ the loudest noise in the world. So all the p_ must shout together at twelve oclock on his birthday! A child says to his parents, “Lets j

3、ust o_ our mouths and listen.” all the people hear about the idea. On that day, people all open their mouths and listen. Its so q_. They hear the songs of the birds and the river. After that, the Noise Kingdom b_ quiet. People do everything q_.3A man is going to the house of his new friend, Jack. He

4、 walks along the road. He sees a bag of good apples. He thinks his friend will all give him nice food to eat. So he throws them away into the grass. He goes on and comes to a river. They river is so big. He cant go across it. Then he comes back. He has nothing to eat and he feels every hungry now. S

5、o he looks for the apples in the grass. He finds them and eat them quickly.A man is going to his _ home. He goes there on _. On his way, he finds some _ apples. _ he doesnt take them. Because he thinks there is much _ in his friends house. There is a big _ on his way. He cant go across it. After a w

6、hile he feels _, but he has _ to eat. So he looks _ the apples in the grass. He _ them quickly.4A: What a mess! Whose school bag is this? Is it yours, Peter?B: Yes, its _.A: Whose notebook is that? Is it Dannys?B: No, its not _. Its Kittys.A: Put it on her desk, Peter.B: Yes, Miss Fang.A: _ picture

7、books are these?B: _ Alices, I think.A: Are those storybooks _ too?B: Yes, they are.A: Put _ books on her desk.B: _, Miss Fang.5Do you know the story Snow White?Theres a g_ who is very beautiful. She is kind. She is Snow White. But the q_ doesnt like her. She w_ a hunter to kill her. The hunter sees

8、 her and lets her g_. She meets s_ dwarfs in the forest. She stays with t_. She is happy.6Mary g_ up at six oclock e_ morning. At half p_ six, she e_breakfast. She r_ her bicycle to school at 7:10. She has four lessons in the morning and two lessons in the afternoon. She goes h_ at five oclock. She

9、has supper at six in the e_. Then she h_ her mother wash dishes. “Youre a good girl,” says Mum. She g_ to bed at 9:00.7Look at my timetable for W_. I have s_ classes. In the morning, I have four classes. They are E_, Chinese, M_ and Music. I like English and Maths. There is a short b_ after each cla

10、ss. In the a_, I have Art and P.E. Art is my f_ subject, because I like painting.8Spring is a wonderful season. It is my favourite season because everything is so b_ and colourful. The weather is usually w_ and sunny in spring. Beautiful flowers grow everywhere. After the rain, the sky turns b_ agai

11、n. In spring, I spend a lot of time outdoors. I often r_ my bicycle and play with my friends in the park. The countryside(乡村)is lovely in spring, so my family and I often go on p_ on Sundays.I love spring. It makes me h_ and energetic.9A long time ago, there was a farmer. His n_ was George. He l_ in

12、 China. He had some pigs, ducks, chickens, dog and cat on his farm. It was w_and wet in spring. He p_ some rice. It was hot in s_. He b_new house. It was cool and d_in autumn. He cut the rice. He p_ the rice in his house. It was cold and w_ in winter. He was in his house. It was warm in the house.10

13、In some f_ countries, some people do not like the n_ 13. One day, Jack asked some friends for dinner. When all of his friends arrived, he asked them to sit a_the dinner table. He began to c_ the people in his mind while they are having delicious f_. Suddenly. He cried out, “ Oh, there are 13 people

14、here! Everybodys f_ turned white. Dont w_, dear friends! We have 14 people here. My w_ will have a baby in few weeks. Shes in the family way now.” all of them b_ happy again. They enjoyed the nice food and had good time that evening.11It was Sunday and it _ fine. The Lis _ to visit Shanghai Museum.

15、Its far from their family, so they _ a bus there. They _ home at about 8 oclock in the morning. And they _at the museum at about 9 oclock.In the museum, they _ many interesting things, such as different kinds of money for different times, different clothes _ different times, many old artworks _ so o

16、n.They _ a lot about Chinese traditional culture. And they _ good time there.12The giant doesnt like the children. He b_ a tall wall and puts up a sign. The children can not play in the g_.Miss Spring arrives. She brings beautiful f_ and birds. But she sees the s_ on the giants castle. She d_ not go

17、 there.The giant looks at his garden. There is snow everywhere. He feels very c_ and very sad.13Little Justin _ born in a warm spring. At first it _ an egg, small black egg on leaf in river.A few days later, it became a tadpole, small black tadpole. He _ lonely. He swam here and there in the river.

18、He wanted to find his mother.“Mummy, Mummy! Look, you can _ and I can too. Are you my mummy?” he shouted to fish. The fish smiled and said, “I _ not your mummy. Your mummy _ four legs.”Little Justin _ sad. After two weeks, Little Justin had four legs too. He _ happy. “Look, who _there? She _ four le

19、gs. She must _ my mummy.” Justin thought. “Mummy, Mummy! Look, you _ four legs. _ you my mummy?” Justin said to turtle. The turtle said, “ I _ not your mum. Your mum _ two big eyes and a big mouth.”At last, Little Justin _ big mouth, two big eyes and four legs himself. He _ green now. There he see a

20、 big frog, sing “Glug, glug” happily not far from him. “Mummy, Mummy! You must _ mu mummy!” Little Justin says to the frog. “Yes, my boy, I _ your mum.” Now we can _ flies together!14Mr. Hong was a farmer. He l_ in China. He had some ducks and c_. In spring, it was warm and w_. But it was w_ and coo

21、l in autumn. The leaves f_ down. In s_, the sun was hot. He b_a new house. The new house was warm in winter. Mr. Hong had some birds. Some were g_. Some were r_. He liked his birds.15Both people and insects are animals. But insects dont have bones in their b_. They have h_ shells. Insects are d_ fro

22、m other animals because they have six l_. Many insects have wings. Some insects live alone. Others live in big groups. Bees and ants live in groups. They live in big families and they have many different rooms in their n_. Insects live in dry places just about everywhere. In hot p_, insects are ever

23、ywhere you see. A few insects but not too many live in oceans. In very c_ places, like the North Pole(北极), they live in the fur of polar bears and other warm a_. Quite a lot of insects live in small rivers and lakes.16I am an English t_. I work f_ eight oclock to four oclock. My home is not far away

24、 from the s_. I w_ to work every day. I like r_ books and playing f_. I can s_ well. Now i am l_ to the music b_ the window. All the children in my class like m_.17Whats the weather l_ in Shanghai? It often r_ in spring. Summer is very hot in the d_. But at night its not very hot. T_ grow well in su

25、mmer. They are all green. Autumn is very nice and b_. The weather is f_. Winter is not very c_. It d_ often snow in Shanghai in winter.新人教版小学数学五年级上册用字母表示数(二)精品教案教学设计第2课时 用字母表示数(二) 上课解决方案 教案设计 设计说明 1(注意创设简明的问题情境,放手让学生自己解决问题。 美国数学家哈尔莫斯曾经说过:“问题是数学的心脏,有了问题,思维才有方向,才有动力。”本教学设计通过创设简明的问题情境,让学生能够从已有的知识经验出发,感

26、受具体问题中的数量关系,并用确定的数表示出来,进而逐步发展,体会可以用字母表示变化的数,结合具体的问题体会字母的概括性和简洁性,体会用字母表示数的优越性。 2(注重符号化思想的渗透。 英国著名哲学家、数学家罗素说过:“什么是数学,数学就是符号加逻辑。”本方案在设计的过程中注重符号化思想的渗透,本着由简单到复杂,由具体到抽象的原则,采用观察1 思考、合作探究、动手操作等不同的学习方式,使学生认识到用字母表示数的优越性,感受到字母以它浓缩的形式表达大量信息的优点。 课前准备 教师准备 PPT课件、学情检测卡、课堂活动卡 学生准备 小棒、练习卡片 教学过程 ?情境引入 (情境图展示)宁宁和波波正在看

27、一则新闻:7月6日中午12:00,警方接到110报警 ,在h高速公路上,有x个犯罪嫌疑人驾驶着车牌号为浙BT06XX的出租车,以每小时v千米的速度朝S方向逃跑。警方快速出击,经过t小时的追捕,将这些犯罪嫌疑人成功抓获。 师:观察情境图,你看到了哪些新的表述方式, 预设 生:看到了许多字母。 师:根据以上信息,你认为字母可以表示什么,(学生列举字母可以表示的内容,如字母可以表示速度、方向、数量等,还可以表示高速公路的名称) 2 师(指名):刚才许多同学都谈了自己的想法,你有什么感受,(学生谈感受) 揭示课题。(板书课题) 设计意图:以虚拟的新闻情境图引入,让学生体会到用字母可以表示固定的数、地名

28、、方向、时间等,感受数学与生活的密切联系,有效地激发了学生学习数学的兴趣。 ?探究新知 1(课件出示例4,学生观察,提出问题,小组讨论。 师:通过观察课件,你获得了哪些数学信息, 预设 生1:我知道了一大杯果汁是1200 g,倒了3小杯。 生2:我知道了一小杯果汁是x g。 师:你能用含有字母的式子表示大杯果汁还剩多少克吗, (小组讨论,生汇报;师板书1200,3x) 师:你是怎么想的, 预设 生:一小杯果汁是x g,3小杯果汁总共3x g,还剩(1200,3x)g果汁。 师:根据这个式子,当x等于200时,果汁还剩多少克, (生独立计算,指名板演。当x,200时,1200,3x,1200,3

29、200,600) 3 师追问:当x,300、400时你会计算吗,想一想,算式中的x还可以表示哪些数,最大是多少, 学生通过讨论交流后得出结论:x最大可以表示400,因为当x,400时,3小杯正好是1200 g。 2(小组合作,操作体验例5。 同桌为一个小组,一名同学用小棒摆3个三角形,另一名同学用小棒摆3个正方形,摆完后小组计算共用了多少根小棒,并汇报。 |a|的越小,抛物线的开口程度越大,越远离对称轴y轴,y随x增长(或下降)速度越慢。预设 生:33,34,21,共用了21根小棒。 (1) 与圆相关的概念:师:如果摆x个三角形和x个正方形,共用多少根小棒, (学生小组内交流后汇报) (1)如

30、圆中有弦的条件,常作弦心距,或过弦的一端作半径为辅助线.(圆心向弦作垂线)预设 生1:三角形用了3x根小棒,正方形用了4x根小棒,共用(3x,4x)根小棒。 sin生2:摆一个三角形和一个正方形用7根小棒,摆x个三角形和x个正方形一共用7x根小棒。 A、当a0时师:仔细观察两种方法,你有什么发现, 3x,4x,(3,4)x,7x (3) 扇形的面积公式:扇形的面积 (R表示圆的半径, n表示弧所对的圆心角的度数)4 预设 生:运用了乘法分配律。 师:当x,8时,你能求出用了多少根小棒吗, 3.余弦:(生独立解答) 3(完成教材59页“做一做”。 4(赠名言、激励学生勤奋学习。 师赠言:科学家爱

31、因斯坦在谈成功的秘诀时,写下了一个公式:A,X,Y,Z,A代表成功,X代表艰苦的劳动,Y代表正确的方法,Z代表少说空话。 A,X,Y,Z ? 成功,艰苦的劳动,正确的方法,少说空话 (2)顶点式:设计意图:本节课是用字母表示数的应用,通过学习,使知识能够串联起来,促进学生通过迁移、转化的思想学习新知,体会可以用字母表示变化的数量,用含有字母的式子既可以表示数量,又可以表示数量关系。“ax?bx”形式的式子的简写是一个难点,学生不易理解。让学生亲自摆一摆,在实践中理解含有字母的乘法分配律,从而学会“ax?bx”的简化写法。 5 小学数学, 教学, 字母 一、指导思想:6 五年级首字母填空专项练习

32、题 出卷人:马园春一、根据句子意思和首字母提示填写单词,完成句子,注意缩略形式。1、T _ any trees in the garden ,but t_ some flowers.2、A_ there any b_ in the bookcase?3、H_ m_ students are there in your s_ ?4、T_ not a pencil in my bag . I c_ write the words.5、T_ not any milk in the fridge .D_ some w_ .6、There a_ any chairs . H_ some c_ for y

33、ou.7、W_ in the basket ? T_ a dog .8、W_ b_ the door ? T_ some umbrellas.9、W_ can you d_ ? I can s_ .10、What are you d_ ? I_ w_ TV.11、A_ you s_ the floor? No, I a_ r _ books.12、 I like s_ ? W_ do you like ? I like r_.13、Mike l_ s_. what d_ Su Yang like? She l_ dancing.14、What do you h_ ? I h_ a tin of

34、 f_ .What d_ she have ? She h_ a tin-opener.15、What s_ is the sun ? I_ a circle.16、There is a tent n_ the h_ .17、We are h_ an E_ lesson.18、The b_ and the g_ a _ on the p_ .19、S_ us how t_ m_ a k_ .20、D_ forget to w_ “Happy New Year!”二、根据首字母提示完成所缺的单词。My p_ and I l_ in a new house. Its n_ a big park .

35、 We like the house very m_ .There are two b_ , a s_ , a sitting-room and a kitchen in it .There are m_ p _ in my room . There is a computer in my study. N_ the computer there is a l _ .2、There are t_ people in my f_ ,my parents and I .My father is a_ office w_ and my m_ is a doctor. We h_ a big hous

36、e . There a _ three bedrooms in my house . There is a c_ in my bedroom. I often p_ computer games there. And there are m_ books in the bookcase. I like my b_ very m_.3、It is nine thirty on Sunday morning. Mikes family a_ all at h_ .His father is p_ chess w_ his grandfather . His mother is w_ clothes

37、 .His grandmother is w_ TV in the sitting-r_ .His s_is l_ to music in her bedroom .Theres a cat in her bed. I t is s_ .M ike is d_ his h_.4、Alice is an E_ g_ . She h_ a b_ ,Tony .Tonyl_ playing with toy cars. T _ are many cars in h_room. Some are o_ . Alice doesnt h_ cars,but she has s_ dolls.T he d

38、olls a_ very pretty . Alice likes them very much .Mr. Black t( ) us English this w( ) . He is a tall man. He likes w( ) a white shirt and black trousers. He sp( )English very w( ). We like his l() very much. His home is near the school. Sometimes Mr. Black w( ) to his home. He has two little sons. T

39、hey look the s(). They often wear the same clothes. He loves to see them and play w( ) them. Mr. Black c( ) the two boys Da Mao and Xiao Mao.Its Sunday tomorrow. We are going to w( ) a football match. Its b( ) a Japanese t() and a Chinese t(). The football match is going to be at four oclock in the

40、a(). Our teachers Mr. Li and Mr. Wang are going to watch the football match w() us. We are going there by bike. We think we can () back at about six in the e().There is a p( ) near our school. We can see many trees and flowers there. Some flowers are red, and some are y( ). We can see a hill behind

41、the park, too. At the foot of the hill we can see a r( ). There are some boats on it. Children like to go there. It is Monday today. There are many young Pioneers in the park. Some are walking and singing. S( )are dancing or p( ) games. Ann and h( ) sister Kate are flying a (). Tom and his brother S

42、am are t( ) a Frisbee. Their father and mother are sitting u( ) the tree. All the family are h( ) a good time.In class the teacher asks a q( ), “Do you often make others happy?” “Yes!” one boy a() loudly. “How nice, Sandy!” said the teacher who is very glad. “And Sandy, w()you like to tell us that h

43、appy thing?” “All right. Every Sunday I go to my grandmothers house. I often play with my grandmother for three h( ). And when I say, “Granny, Im going home now.” She often says, “Well, I am so ( ).”Donkeys look l_ horses, b_ donkeys are smaller than horses, and horses run faster than donkeys. Donkeys have s_ feet and thick coats. Unlike horses, only t


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