Module 7 Unit 1外研版英语八年级下册.pptx

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1、Unit 1 Please write to me and send me some photos!Module 7 Summer in Los Angeles词汇:make a list,crazy,at the end of,shorts,trousers,sunglasses,homestay,weigh,total,weight,passport语法:and,but,or连接的并列复合句能听懂关于出国短期学习的对话,并能从中获取具体信息。通过谈论旅行计划,引导学生养成做事有计划、生活有条理的习惯。学习目标Welcome to Los Angeles!Welcome to Los Ang

2、eles!Welcome to Los Angeles!Los Angeles is the most populous(人口密集的)city in state of California,and the second-most populous in the United States with a population of 3976000.It has an area of 1291 km,and is located in Southern California.About Los Angeles Los Angeles About Los Angeles Enjoy a video!

3、list n.名单;清单shorts n.短裤trousers n.裤子sunglasses n.太阳镜,墨镜 passport n.护照Words1Listen and complete the notes.1 Where Daming and Linging are going:_2 What they are going to do:_3 How long they will stay:_4 How many students there are in the group:_They are going to LA.They are going to do an English cour

4、se.Theyll stay for about four weeks.They are going in a group of 20.2Listen to the dialogue and find the answers.1.They are talking about _ trip.A.Lilys B.Bettys C.Linglings2.Lingling is preparing for her trip to _.A.New York B.LA C.Beijing 3.Lingling will stay there for _ weeks.A.three B.four C.fiv

5、eNow check the things Betty suggests Lingling take.1.dollars2.shorts3.jeans4.T-shirts5.pens6.a dictionary7.passport8.sunglasses9.notebooks3Find sentences in the conversation which suggest that.1.Lingling wants help.2.Betty is glad to offer help.3.Lingling asks for more help.4.Betty tells Lingling to

6、 remember something important.Can you help me?How can I help?What else?Oh,by the way,dont forget to take your passport.4Complete the passage with the words in the box.When you are planning a trip,make a(1)_ of things to take.Do not go(2)_ and take too many clothes.For warm countries you can keep coo

7、l with(3)_ and some light(4)_.If you travel by plane,your bag cannot(5)_ too much.For some flights,twenty kilos may be the(6)_ you can take.To make sure,ask the travel company for help.Remember to check the(7)_ of your bag.And finally,the most important thing:do not forget to take your(8)_!crazylist

8、shortstrousersweightotalpassportweightcrazy list passport shorts total trousers weigh weight5Listen and underline the words the speaker stresses.1.What clothes should I take to LA?2.I havent got any sunglasses.Ill buy a pair there.3.Many things are more expensive in America.Now listen again and repe

9、at.6Work in pairs.Talk about Linglings plans and Bettys advice.Lingling likes to get things ready earlier.7Imagine you are going to travel to LA.Make notes about your plans.Now work in pairs.Ask and answer questions about your trip to LA.A:How are you going to travel to LA?B:A:Where are you going to

10、 stay?B:1.Im making a list of things for my trip.(1)list n.名单,清单,是可数名词。He wrote down his name on the list.他将他的名字写在清单上。He crossed his name off the list.他把他的名字从名单上划掉。(2)list v.列出,及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语。The pupils were asked to list the sports they loved most and hated most.学生们被要求列出他们最喜欢的和最讨厌的运动。He listed all

11、the things he had to do.他把自己必须做的事列成表。Language points 常用短语:a list of 的清单;make a list(of)列清单 Does the club have a list of its all members?俱乐部里有全体成员的名单吗?He made a list of the things he wanted.他开出自己所需物品的清单。You must make a list of things you must do.你应把自己必须做的事列一个单子。Try to make a list of these expressions

12、.设法把这些短语列一个清单。Language points2.Well,it sounds crazy,but I dont know what to take.crazy adj.发疯的,疯狂的,形容人很疯狂或精神失常,引申还可指“荒唐的”“糊涂的”。The crazy man set fire to his own house.那个疯子放火烧了自己的房子。People like to do crazy things together.人们总是喜欢在一起做疯狂的事情。What started him off on this crazy idea?他这个荒唐的主意是哪儿来的?Language

13、points 【拓展】crazy 做形容词还可译为“着迷的,狂热的”。The kids went crazy when the film star appeared.那位影星一出场,孩子们欣喜若狂。Look at all the crazy girls on the dance floor.你看舞池里那些狂热的女孩。【短语】(1)be crazy about 热衷于,醉心于;迷恋上,爱上。She is crazy about rock and roll.她热衷于摇滚乐。My father was crazy about baseball.我父亲非常热衷于棒球。(2)be crazy for 渴

14、望;迷恋上。He is crazy for a computer.他渴望有一台电脑。Language points3.Im leaving at the end of July and Im going to stay there for four the end of 在 末端;到 尽头。反义短语为at the beginning of,意为“起初”。Are there any exams at the end of this term?这个学期期末有考试吗?My room is at the end of the corridor.我的房间在走廊的尽头。Language

15、pointsJuly31【辨析】at the end of 与 by the end of 这一对短语的意思都是“在的末尾”、“在 的一端”,意义上相似,但使用场合有所不同。at the end of 用于表示具体事物或场所的场合,它也可以用来表示比喻。The school is situated at the end of the street.该校位于这条街的尽头。Well have an exam in English at the end of January.一月底我们要参加英语考试。They were at the end of their patience.他们忍无可忍。Lang

16、uage points by the end of用于表示时间的场合,往往含有“不迟于”的意味。注意:at the end of亦可用于表示时间的场合(见上面第二个例句),但其意义和by the end of有所不同。如:at the end of January 一月底(指一月份的最后一天)by the end of January 一月底之前(指一月份结束前的几天)We are to complete the task by the end of the year.年底之前我们必须完成此项任务。Language points4.Shorts are good,or you can wear

17、 light trousers.shorts名词,意为“短裤”;trousers名词,意为“裤子”。shorts和trousers本身就是复数形式,无单数形式。表示“一条短裤/裤子”用a pair of shorts/trousers。I usually wear shorts in summer.在夏天,我通常穿短裤。Im looking for a pair of trousers for my daughter.我正在给我女儿找一条裤子。Language points【注意】a pair of/.pairs of 后接以复数形式出现的表示成双成对的名词作主语时,谓语动词的单复数形式取决于

18、pair的单复数。This pair of gloves is Lindas.这副手套是琳达的。Language points5.Your bag mustnt weigh too much.weigh此处作不及物动词,意为“重量有;重”。提问重量可用how much或how heavy。weigh也可作及物动词,意为“称的重量”。How much does Tony weigh?托尼有多重?He weighs 60 kilos.他重60千克。She weighed the meat.她称了肉的重量。Language points【拓展】weigh的名词形式为weight,意为“重量”,是不可

19、数名词。常用短语:put on weight“增重”;lose weight“减肥”。It is about 20 kilos in weight.这东西重约20千克。My mother is trying to lose weight.我妈妈正在努力减肥。Language points6.Youd better ask the travel company about the total weight for all your bags.youd better是you had better的缩略形式。had better是固定短语,意为“最好”,其后接动词原形,表示建议。had better

20、无人称和数的变化。had better do sth.意为“最好做某事”;had better not do sth.意为“最好不要做某事”。Youd better come early.你最好早点来。We had better not eat too much.我们最好不要吃得太多。Language points7.Oh,by the way,dont forget to take your passport.(1)by the way意为“顺便说一下;顺便问一下”,为插入语,用于转入另一话题。By the way,there will be a speaking competition n

21、ext week.顺便说一下,下周将有一个演讲比赛。By the way,where is the post office?顺便问一下,邮局在哪儿?(2)forget to do sth.意为“忘记做某事(事情未做)”;forget doing sth.意为“忘记做了某事(事情已经做完)”。Language points一、用所给词的正确形式填空1.You should _(take)notebooks and _(pen).2.He wears sunglasses _(protect)his eyes from the sunlight.3.He likes to wear _(short

22、)in summer.4.Im _(interest)in _(listen)to the song.5.Dont forget _(take)your passport.take pens to protect shorts interested listening to takeExercises一、用所给词的正确形式填空6.Youd better _(ask)the policeman over there.7.What _(cloth)should I take to LA?8.Your bag mustnt weigh too _(many).9.We _already _(pay)

23、for the air tickets and for homestay.10.The music _(sound)beautiful.11.A pair of trousers _(be)on the bed.ask clothes much have paid sounds isExercises1.你最好把你要买的东西列个单子。You _ things you want to buy.2.我的同伴正在街道尽头等我。My companion _ me _ the street.3.老师要求全班准备测验。The teacher _ the whole class _ a test.4.请给我

24、写信并且给我寄些照片。Please _and _.had better make a list of is waiting for at the end of asks to prepare for write to me send me some photosExercises二、根据汉语意思完成句子WordsPhrases or sentences Grammarcrazy,shorts,trousers,sunglasses,homestay,weigh,total,weight,passportmake a list;be crazy about;at the end ofand,but,or 连接的并列复合句SummaryHomework你最想去哪旅行?你会带什么物品?去哪些地方参观呢?根据课本 Activity 7 中的内容,与同伴合作,完成你的旅行计划吧!Goodbye!


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