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《2023外研版新教材高中英语选择性必修第三册同步练习--全书综合测评.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2023外研版新教材高中英语选择性必修第三册同步练习--全书综合测评.docx(13页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、全书综合测评 (满分:120分;时间:100分钟) 第一部分阅读(共两节,满分50分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。AIdeas for Your Next Trip to a National ParkLooking for ideas to help you plan your next trip lo a national park? This is the place to start! These trip ideas provide recommended activities designed

2、to help you figure out how to spend your time.Surf and Turf Adventure at Cape Cod National SeashoreCreate your own adventure here. Tour by bicycle during the day and settle in for the sunset on one of our unique beaches. This can be completed in a few hours, and then you can enjoy saltwater swimming

3、.Types: Active, Relaxed, OutdoorsOff the Beaten Path at Sequoia & Kings Canyon National ParkEvery year, millions of visitors make their way up the winding mountain roads here. Whether its your first visit or your thousandth, take a step off the beaten path. Go camping here, discover calm lakes, list

4、en to the sound of hidden waterfalls and bird calls, and find a moment of quiet deep thought.Types: Kid-friendly, Active, Relaxed, Group-friendly, Educational, OutdoorsOne Day in Sitka National Historical ParkTake a day to familiarize yourself and your kids with the three major significances behind

5、the creation of the Sitka National Historical Park: Russian settlement in North America, conflict between Tlingit and Russians leading to the battle of 1804, and deathless traditions in Alaska native art and culture.Types: Kid-friendly, Educational, Indoors, Group-friendlyDate Night at Fort Vancouve

6、r National Historic SiteLooking for a place to bring your sweetheart? Take advantage of a beautiful spring, summer, or late autumn evening for an alfresco (室夕卜的)date at the Fort Vancouver National Historic Site! Bring a romantic picnic to a picnic bench on the Great Meadow, or spread out a blanket o

7、n the Parade Ground.it would happen. When he read my poems or stories, his eyes welled up with tears. Thats beautiful, honey,“ he always told me. One day, the entire world will know what a gift you have. Those words encouraged me through high school to keep believing that writing was my calling.But

8、somewhere along the months of my senior year, I became disappointed. The crazy injustice in this world-bad guys brawling in the street and doing harm again and again-changed my mind.Tm going to be a lawyer in the future,I told my parents. My dads face fell, but he kept his smile. Whatever you do, yo

9、ull be brilliant at it, he said to me.One of my first classes at college was Journalism. One day, the professor, Bob Scheibel, assigned us a story about an apartment fire. He gave us the facts and we had a few days to write a news story.I was sure that I had got the facts right when I wrote the stor

10、y. I didnt expect much feedback. But a few days later, Bob Scheibel asked me to talk to him after class. Questions raced through my mind. What had I done wrong? Had I got the facts mixed up? Did I miss anything critical in the details? Five minutes after the class, I found myself in front of the pro

11、fessor. His eyes met mine with great seriousness.注意:续写词数应为150左右。Paragraph 1:The professor asked whether I had read an article about this event in the newspapers.Paragraph 2:Since then, I began to devote myself to writing and later the school and city writing competitions.全书综合测评 第一部分阅读 第一节A语篇解读 这是一篇应

12、用文。文章主要介绍了四个适合旅行的国家公园及它们各自的特色。 I.C 细节理解题。根据 Off the Beaten Path at Sequoia & Kings Canyon National Park 部分中的 “Go camping here.quiet deep thought.”可知,在红杉和国王峡谷国家公园,你可以在大自然中露 营,获得内心的平静。故选C。2.B 细节理解题。根据 One Day in Sitka National Historical Park 部分中的“Russian settlement.1 804”可知,在锡特卡国家历史公园,你可以了解一些历史知识;再结合

13、这部分最后 “Types: Kid-friendly, Educational, Indoors, Group-friendly”中的 Indoors 可知,这项活动是在室内 进行的。由此可知,在锡特卡国家历史公园的旅途中,你可以在室内了解一些历史知识。故选Bo 3.D 推理判断题。根据 Dale Night at Fort Vancouver National Historic Site 部分前两句 Looking for.Fort Vancouver National Historic Site!”可知,你可以带你的爱人来温哥华堡国家历 史遗址进行室外约会。由此可推断出,最有可能参观温哥华

14、堡国家历史遗址的是一对相爱的年 轻夫妇。B语篇解读 这是一篇记叙文。文章介绍了 Carrie Corl和她的儿子因为在环保方面取得的成 就而获奖,还介绍了 Carrie Cort的环保之行。4.D推理判断题。根据第二段第二句可知,Carrie觉得环保的生活方式是节约的。A.不需要 的;B.不健康的;C.昂贵的;D.节约的,经济的。故选Do5.B 细节理解题。根据第三段中的“Myconcem.bom”可知,Carrie在生完孩子后开始关心人 们生活方式的问题。6.A 细节理解题。根据第三段中的“She began.green living.”可知,Carrie为绿色生活做了充足 的准备。故选A。

15、7.B 细节理解题。根据最后一段中的“I achieve this.goals and values.”可知,Carrie取得成就是 靠自己的项目以及和她有一样的目标和价值观的人的共同努力。C语篇解读 本文是一篇议论文。作者通过举例说明高尚的行为会为你带来快乐。8.A 细节理解题。根据第五段中的“Upon leaving the store, wc feel honorable and our self- respect is boosted ”可知,积极的行为可以增强我们的自尊心。故选Ao9.B 细节理解题。根据第五段中的“In the first case.a type of thief.

16、“可知,作者认为对没有收费 的东西保持沉默是一种盗窃行为。故选B。10.A 词义猜测题。根据第五段中的“Immediately the clerk knows us to be righteous.(店员立刻 就知道我们是正直的o厂可知,bringing the error to the clerks attention”的意思是“告诉店员真 相”。故选A。B.给店员提建议;C.要求店员更加注意;D.提醒店员收费的物品。I I.D 主旨大意题。根据第一段中的“The collection of.of good feelings.”并结合下文举例说明 了这个主题可知,这篇文章主要讲了高尚的行为会

17、为你带来快乐,所以短文的最佳题目是 “H叩pincss Through Honorable Actions”。A.如何活得真实;B.平静的重要性;C.获得自尊的方法。D语篇解读本文是一篇议论文。文章主要围绕时光旅行是否会成为可能这一主题展开,并列 举了一些著名科学家对这一问题的看法。12 .C推理判断题。文章首段以各种与时光旅行相关的提问开头,旨在引起读者对时光旅行的 关注和兴趣。故选Co.A细节理解题。根据第五段第一句可知,爱因斯坦认为时光旅行在未来是有可能的。故选 Ao13 .D主旨大意题。根据第七段可知,第一部关于这种主题的科幻小说是1881年出版的倒 转的时钟;从那时起,成千上万的书籍

18、、电影和电视节目都在探索时光旅行的概念。由此可知, 本段主要讲述了关于时光旅行的不同作品。故选D。14 .D推理判断题。根据最后一段最后一句可推知,作者对时光旅行持乐观的态度,故选D(乐 观的)。cautious谨慎的;pessimistic悲观的;sceptical怀疑的。第二节语篇解读 本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了作者对2050年的生活展开的预测,主要包 括四点:每个人免费使用网络;私人飞机会被广泛应用于短途旅行;大多数癌症会被治好;人类会 居住在其他行星上。16.B过渡句。设空处与上下文构成的语意结构为:随着我们现在前进的速度,未来将会发生很 多令人惊奇的事情T 16 1让我们开始预

19、测吧。分析选项可知B项(那么未来科技将如何发 展呢?)是对文章第一段内容的总结,又引出后面的内容,承上启下,符合语境。17 .A细节句。根据本部分的小标题可知本部分讲的是互联网的相关信息。根据空下文 “There have already been attempts.be free for everyone in the future.”再结合选项可知,A 项(但它 还没有对每个人都免费)与空后文衔接紧密且符合本部分介绍对象。A项中的it指的是空前提 到的The Inlernet,与小标题内容一致,故选A。18 .F主旨句。根据其他小标题的位置和格式可知此空是本部分的小标题,也是主旨句。根据

20、本部分的两段内容可知,本部分讲的是未来交通方式的改变。根据本部分第一段最后一句可以 推知本部分主要讲的是私人飞机。分析选项可知F项(私人飞机将会被广泛应用于短途旅行) 与交通方式有关,且符合本部分主要内容。故选F。19 .G细节句。根据本部分的小标题可知本部分主要讲的是大多数癌症会被治愈。根据空后 文可知本部分主要是与医学方面的成就相关的内容。分析选项可知只有G项(由癌症造成的死 亡数量会大大减少)与癌症方面的成就有关。故选G。G项内容与空后的It相对应。20 .E细节句。根据本部分的小标题和上文“There will be.research.”可知,此段主要讲的是太 空研究方面的成就,人类将

21、会生活在其他行星上。分析选项可知E项(在2050年,人们将能够在 火星上生活)是此方面的成就,符合题意。第二部分语言运用第一节语篇解读 这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了盲人Matthew Shifrin的朋友Lilya Finkel送给 他一座乐高积木宫殿,并附上了盲文说明。Shifrin由此受到启发,开始和Finkel制作其他乐高玩 具的盲文说明,之后Shifrin发展了相关的事业。21 .A 结合文章第三段中的“As a blind person, Shifrin.on his own.”可知这是一座乐高宫殿。故 选A。22 .B directly直接地;especially专门,特别;st

22、rictly严格地;sedately安静地。结合后文可知说明 书是盲文的,是Finkel专门为这套积木制作的。故选Bo.D rule 规则;skill 技能;requirement 要求;instructions 用法说明。结合上文“And with it were instructions that Fkikel made”可知Finkel为这套积木花费了无数个小时键入建筑说明。故选D。 24.C shun避开,回避;fix修理;fit组装;gather聚集,收拢。有了盲文说明盲人才知道如何将这些 积木组装在一起,故选Co25 .A 结合后文可知Shifrin意识到这种乐高积木可以帮助其他失

23、明的儿童获得独立,Shifrin因 此变得兴奋起来。blow one飞mind意为“使某人感到极度兴奋”,这里为其被动语态。故选A。 26.D truth 真理;analysis 分析;balance 平衡;independence 独立。结合上文“As a blind person, Shifrin.on his own.可知Shifrin意识到自己能够帮助失明的儿童获得独立,即可以在没有人帮 助的情况下拼好积木。故选D。27 .C imitation 仿制品;design 设计;replacement 替代品;arrangement 安排。根据后文“fbr real- life build

24、ings”可知对于盲人来说,乐高积木是现实生活中建筑物的小型3D替代品。故选Co 28.B结合上文“for real-life buildings”可知这些积木是现实生活中建筑物的小型3D替代品,是 可触摸了解其构造的,而现实生活中的大型建筑物是不可能靠触摸就能探索的东西。故选Bo 29.B young年轻的;blind失明的;curious好奇的;inventive有发明才能的。结合上文可知他们 的积木操作说明是为失明的儿童设计的,因此这个网站的名字应当是“Leg。for Ihe Blind”。故选 Bo.C give up to 让给;spread out to 分散到;reach out

25、 to 接触;go up to 前往。结合后文“to Lego several years ago”可知几年前Shifrin就开始接触乐高积木了。故选Co30 .A 根据上下文可知此处前后为转折关系,应用but。故选A。31 .D make up 编造;take away 夺走;get through 完成;pay off 取得成功。结合后文“when the Lego company.building instructions”可知乐高公司认可了他们的盲人乐高说明书,他多年的奉 献得到了回报。故选D。32 .B 结合第五段中的“he created./Lego for the Blind可知

26、 Shifrin 和 Finkel 共同创建了一个 网站,这个项目是ShifYin和Finkel为他们的网站所做的东西的一个高科技版本。故选B。34 .C encouragement 鼓励;preparation 准备;involvement 参与;recommendation 推荐。结合上文 Shifrin为盲人乐高所做的努力可知没有Shifrin的参与,它就不能完成。故选C。35 .A结合上文Shifrin和Finkel所做的盲人乐高积木说明书最终得到了乐高公司的认可,他们 为之付出的多年的努力得到了回报可推断,去世的Finkel会为他们走到今天这么远而高兴。故 选Ao第二节语篇解读 这是

27、一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了亚美尼亚小提琴手Astrid Poghosyan热爱中国 并在中国不断完成自己更多的音乐梦想。36 .currently考查副词。设空处修饰动词works,应用副词形式。37 .herself考查代词。句意:她对自己选择的中文名字“马星星”感到非常自豪。根据句意可知, 设空处与主语she指代同一人,因此用反身代词,表示“她自己”。38.is inspired考查时态、语态及主谓一致。分析句子结构可知,句中while连接两个并列分句。 在while前的分句中,The given name是主语Jiterally meaning stars作定语修饰主语,该分句缺少 谓语

28、,则设空处作谓语。主语The given name与inspire之间是被动关系,因而用被动语态;根据 while后的分句中的is可知应用一般现在时,且主语为第三人称单数,故填is inspiredo 39.making考查动名词。be busy doing sth为固定搭配,意为“忙于做某事4O.which考查关系代词。分析句子结构可知Jin 40she is involved”为定语从句,修饰先行 词programs,设空处与介词in构成“介词+关系代词”结构引导该定语从句,此处应用in which替 代where在定语从句中作状语,故填which。4Lor考查连词。whether.or意

29、为”无论是还是42.exchanges考查名词复数。分析句子结构可知and连接两个并列分句;and后的分句 中,cultural 42作主语,are是谓语,由are可知主语应用复数形式,故填exchanges0cultural exchanges文化交流。43.in考查介词。play a role in表示“在中起作用.has lived考查时态和主谓一致。根据空后的for a long time及语境可知应用现在完成吐主 语是She,谓语应用第三人称单数形式。故填has livedo44 .to use考查动词不定式。分析句子结构可知,“how 45the advantage of a mu

30、lticultural background”使用的是“特殊疑问词+to do”结构,作knows的宾语,表示“知道如何利用多元文化 背景的优势,因此用不定式。第三部分写作第一节One possible version:Dear Jim,Hows everything going? Id like to tell you something about the sports meeting in our school.AH students took part in the sports meeting held in the playground last week. I participa

31、ted in the 4x 00m relay, which was one of the most exciting events. It was with our joint efforts that our class won first place in this event at last. Not only did we enjoy the speed and passion in the competition, but we also strengthened the team spirit.Would you like to tell me how you exercise

32、at school? Looking forward to your reply.Yours,Li Hua第二节One possible version:Paragraph 1:The professor asked whether 1 had read an article about this event in the newspapers. I shook my head and said no. This is the first time that I have heard of this story,“ I replied. wWhat you have written is br

33、illiant. Youve done a very good job,the professor said. I think you have a talent fbr writing things. When saying this, he handed the writing assignment to me and I saw a bright A* on the paper. Walking out of the professors office, I felt my heart soaring like a bird into the sky. The professor enc

34、ouragement brightened my day.Paragraph 2:Since then, I began to devote myself to writing and later the school and city writing competitions. I got numerous awards and honors. All these achievements acted as a motivation for me to dream of being a writer in the future. Now my dream has come true. I a

35、m one of the famous novelists in our city. The professors words will always be embedded in my heart because it is his encouragement that has set up a path for my future. Thank you, my dear professor.Types: Relaxed, Urban, Inspiring, Outdoors.What can you do in the Sequoia & Kings Canyon National Par

36、k?A.See the sunset on the beach.B.Observe rare and endangered birds.C.Camp in nature and get inner peace.D.Enjoy a romantic picnic beside lakes.1 .Which can give you some historical knowledge indoors during the trip?A.The Sequoia & Kings Canyon National Park.B.Thc Sitka National Historical Park.C.Th

37、e Cape Cod National Seashore.D.The Fort Vancouver National Historic Site.2 .Which of the following is most likely to visit the Fort Vancouver National Historic Site?A.A family with two kids.B.A group of 2() students.C.An adventurous travel team.D.A young couple in love.BA mother, Carrie Cort, 51, fr

38、om Sussex, and her nine-year-old son were named the UKs most environmentally friendly family after winning an award for their environmental achievements.Now every aspect of her life is environmentally friendly, from her son Adams birthday parties to her clothing, and she recycles everything from use

39、d pens to milk bottle tops. tChanging our family lifestyle to a green one has saved us around 11,000 every year, which has given us more financial stability,Carrie says. Living green has made us healthier and I feel younger now. It is fun to see what you can make with unwanted or broken things. Grow

40、ing your own food is great exercise, which is good fbr wildlife, and the food is much more nutritious and tastier.“My concern for the way we humans are treating the planet was really aroused in 2008 when Adam was bom. When he arrived, I suddenly had this huge, great awareness of the planet were brin

41、ging our children into though I learnt something about it in univcrsity., She began going to talks, reading books, watching documentaries and attending green meetings in order to educate herself in the details of green living.Carrie set up the local campaign group Sussex Green Living six years after

42、 her sons birth. Later, she gave up her high-powered job, as she ran a video company with her brother, to do her job full-time. Today, she organizes talks and workshops. She runs a repair cafe, where people can bring everything to be fixed. Her recycling program helps people reuse wastes. Toothpaste

43、 tubes, for example, are turned into purses by an organization. uMy goal is to inspire more people to lead greener, more environmentally friendly lives, to enable us to live in greater harmony with nature. I achieve this by various Sussex Green Living communication programs and working with other or

44、ganizations who have the same goals and values.”.How did Carrie feel about her environmentally friendly lifestyle?A.Unwanted. B.Unhealthy.C.Expensive. D.Economical.4 .When did Came begin to care about the lifestyle?A.After winning an award.B.After giving birth to her son.C.After being stuck in pover

45、ty.D.After attending green meetings.5 . What can we know about Carrie?A.She made good preparations for living green.B.She recycled what people ignored for fun.C.Shc docs daily exercise by growing food.D.She majored in planet protection in university.6 .What does Carrie rely on to make her achievemen

46、ts?A.Her repair cafe and workshops.7 .Her own programs and cooperation with others.C.Her well-paid job and her brothers support.D.Her independence of realizing her green dream.CDo you want to live with a strong sense of peace, happiness, goodness, and self-respect? The collection of happiness action

47、s broadly categorized as “honor“ helps you create this life of good feelings.Heres an example of how honorable actions create happiness.Say a store clerk fails to charge us for an item. If wc keep silent, and profit from the clerks mistake, we would drive home with a sense of sneaky excitement. Late

48、r we might tell our family or friends about our good fortune. On the other hand, if we tell the clerk about the uncharged item, the clerk would be grateful and thank us for our honesty. We would leave the store with a quiet sense of honor that we might never share with another soul.Then, what is it to do with our sense of happiness?In the first case, when we dont tell the clerk, a couple of things would happen. Deep down inside we would know ourselves as a type of thief. In the process, we would lose some peace of mind and self-respect. We would also demonstrate that we cann


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