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《2023届辽宁省抚顺市普通高中高三第一次模拟考试英语试题(含答案解析).docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2023届辽宁省抚顺市普通高中高三第一次模拟考试英语试题(含答案解析).docx(19页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、2023届辽宁省抚顺市普通高中高三第一次模拟考试英语试题学校:姓名:班级:考号:一、阅读理解Cycling in cities with proper biking infrastructure(基石出设施)can give people a closer experience of traveling around a place that cars and buses simply cant. Here are four cycle-friendly cities around the world.Utrecht, NetherlandsWhile the Netherlands5most

2、 populous city, Amsterdam, is definitely bike friendly, were heading southeast to Utrecht, a city that has a fair claim to being the globes most pro-two-wheel destination. In its center, up to 50% of all journeys take place by bike and local authorities are building a 12,500-space cycle parking faci

3、lity advertised as the worlds biggest. Copenhagen, DenmarkMore than half the locals in the Danish capital cycle to work or school, and with an estimated bike population of 650,000 there are slightly more cycles than people. City leaders determine not just on increasing bike use further, but promotin

4、g safe bike infrastructure that features bike lanes(车道)of up to three meters in width.Berlin, GermanyGermany has been quietly getting on with boosting bike use in many of its cities. Berlin is the standout example. About 13% of all trips in the city are made by bike, nearly twice the rate of 20 year

5、s ago.Tokyo,JapanIn this vast capital city, an amazing 14% of all trips are made by bike. There are practical reasons why many Tokyo residents prefer a bike to a car for shorter journeys. Before you can even buy a car in the city you must prove you possess a (are and usually expensive) off-street pa

6、rking spot. However, few people cycle to work-distances tend to be long and public transport is hugely efficient. Also, a lot of cycling takes place-legally-on footpaths and sidewalks.1. What is special about Utrecht?A. It has a much larger population than Amsterdam.B. It is the only cycle-friendly

7、city in Netherlands.C. Cycling accounts for about half of trips downtown.Emily finished playing the music, and then bowed to the animal toys on her bed. There, three times in a row with no mistakes/9 she said just hope I can play it that well at the concert. In just an hour she would be playing her

8、first solo, and the thought was giving her butterflies.“Youre lucky you dont have to play by yourself in front of everybody,she said, smoothing Lea the Tigers fur, and gazed down at the smiling face of Zoey the Zebra. Emily scolded, Youre a big help. How can you be so happy at a time like this?”She

9、looked around the room at the bear, lion, monkey, and other animal toys that lined her bed and shelves. I wish you could all come with me J she sighed. She gave them one last glance and went to join her parents in the car.“Do I have to play in the concert?” asked Emily as she climbed into the back s

10、eat. Is my favorite first-grader getting nervous?” her dad asked, smiling. Emily didnt answer. She was trying to picture what it would be like to play in front of all those people. Youll do fine, honey. He added. The first time is always the hardest?9When they arrived at the concert hall, Emily hand

11、ed her violin to her teacher, Mrs Allen, for tuning and tiptoed over to where the curtains parted. Looking out, she could see that all the seats were filled, with many more people standing in back.Nervously she took her violin and sat with the other students onstage. She held her breath as the curta

12、ins started to open and Mrs Allen picked up the microphone to begin the program. One by one the students played their pieces. Finally, Emily heard her name announced. Her heart pounded as she walked toward the front of the stage. 注意:1 .续写词数应为150左右;2 .请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。She put her violin under her ch

13、in, but she couldnt remember even her first note.试卷第10页,共11页As she played, the animals“ audience seemed to be changing back into people.参考答案:1. C 2. B 3. D【导语】这是一篇说明文,文章介绍了全球四个自行车友好型城市。1 .细节理解题。根据 Utrecht, Netherlands 部分中“In its center, up to 50% of all journeys take place by bike(在市中心,高达50%的出行是骑自行车

14、完成的厂可知,乌得勒支的特殊之处在 于骑自行车约占市中心出行的一半。故选C。2 .细节理解题。根据 Copenhagen, Denmark 部分中“City leaders determine not just on increasing bike use further, but promoting safe bike infrastructure that features bike lanes(车道)of up to three meters in width.(城市领导人不仅决定进一步增加自行车使用,还决定推广安全的自行车 基础设施,其中包括宽度达3米的自行车道广可知,哥本哈根在修建自

15、行车基础设施时会考 虑安全因素。故选B。3 .推理判断题。根据 Tokyo, Japan 部分中“Before you can even buy a car in the city you must prove you possess a ( are and usually expensive) off-street parking spot.(在你买车之前,你必须 证明你有一个(通常很贵的)街边停车位)”可知,一些东京市民选择自行车可能是因为它们 买不起停车位。故选D。4 . A 5, A 6. D 7. B【导语】这是一篇记叙文,文章主要介绍了河北大学尼日尔籍留学生So uley mane

16、 Hima Oumarou逐梦中国的故事。他痴迷武术,认为武术加深了对中国的了解,他表示未来愿做一 名中尼文化交流的使者。4 .推理判断题。根据第一段中“For one overseas student who has been in China for over a decade(对于一个在中国待了十多年的留学生来说)”及第二段中“So uley mane Hima Oumarou, a Nigerien student at Hebei University in Baoding, Hebei province, first came to the university in 2012 a

17、s an undergraduate, not only for an education, but also to achieve his dream of learning the Chinese martial art of kung fu.(2012年,来自河北省保定市河北大学的尼日尔学生So uley mane Hima Oumarou作为一名本科生第一次来到这所大学,不仅是为了学习,也是为了实现 他学习中国武术功夫的梦想)“可知,十多年前,Oumarou为了实现自己的梦想出国了。故选Ao5 .细节理解题。根据第四段中Learning martial arts has not bee

18、n easy because I was not young答案第1页,共10页 when I started/ the 36-year-old said,学习武术并不容易,因为我开始学习的时候已经不年轻 了,这位36岁的人说广可知,Oumarou并没有在很小的时候就开始练习武术,所以这对他 来说有挑战性。故选A。6 .细节理解题。根据最后一段中“In the future, he plans to open a kung fii center in Niger after he graduates, and to become an instructor and teach youngste

19、rs martial arts.(未来,他计戈U毕业后在 尼日尔开设一家功夫中心,并成为一名教练,教授年轻人武术厂可知,Oumarou毕业后可能 会在尼日尔教孩子们武术,故选D。7 .推理判断题。根据第二段中“So uley mane Hima Oumarou, a Nigerien student at Hebei University in Baoding, Hebei province, first came to the university in 2012 as an undergraduate, not only for an education, but also to achi

20、eve his dream of learning the Chinese martial art of kung fu.(2012年,来自河北省保定市河北大学的尼日尔学生So uley mane Hima Oumarou作为一 名本科生第一次来到这所大学,不仅是为了学习,也是为了实现他学习中国武术功夫的梦想广 和第五段中“As far as his instructor is concerned, Oumarou is hardworking and energetic.(在他的 导师看来,Oumarou工作勤奋,精力充沛)”可知,Oumarou到异国十余年追逐自己的武术梦 想,说明他很有决

21、心,且他很勤奋。故选B。8 . B 9, A 10. C 11. D【导语】这是一篇记叙文,文章主要讲述由于自然侵蚀,加拉帕戈斯群岛知名景观“达尔文 拱门已坍塌。8 .推理判断题。根据第三段“Obviously all the people from the Galapagos felt it was a shame because its something were familiar with since childhood, and to know that it has changed was a bit of a shock:,显然,所有来自加拉帕戈斯群岛的人都觉得这是一种耻辱,因为

22、这是我们从 小就熟悉的东西,知道它已经改变了,这有点令人震惊。)”及第四段“Washington Tapia said, However, from a scientific point of view, its part of the natural process.9(Washington Tapia 说: 然而,从科学的角度来看,这是自然过程的一部分。户可知,Tapia认为“达尔文拱门”的坍 塌令人惋惜,但认同这是自然过程的一部分。故选B。9 .细节理解题。根据第六段中“But the area around the islands is a popular diving spot, p

23、articularly to observe sharks and other sea species.(但岛屿周围地区是一个受欢迎的潜水地点, 特别是观察鲨鱼和其他海洋物种厂可知,人们去加拉帕戈斯群岛最喜欢潜水观察海洋物种。 故选Ao答案第2页,共10页10 .推理判断题。根据倒数第三段中“This morning at 11:20 am local time, the world-famous Darwins Arch collapsed in front of their eyes. There are now only two pillars(柱子) remaining.(当地时间今天

24、上午11点20分,举世闻名的,达尔文拱门,在他们眼前倒塌了。现 在只剩下两个柱子了)“可知,Agressor Adventures旅游公司在Facebook上发的帖子主要是关 于目睹拱门倒塌。故选C。11 .推理判断题。根据最后一段The Galapagos Islands are a UNESCO World Heritage Site that has been called a living museum and showcase of evolution The islands are situated about 621 miles from the coast of Ecuador

25、. They are home to many interesting animals including giant tortoises, marine iguanas, and many types of finches.(加拉帕戈斯群岛是联合国教科文组织的世 界遗产,被称为活的生物进化博物馆和陈列室,这些岛屿距离厄瓜多尔海岸约621英里。 它们是许多有趣动物的家园,包括巨型乌龟、海鬣蜥和许多种类的雀类厂可知,最后一段主 要介绍了加拉帕戈斯群岛,旨在补充一些背景信息。故选D。12 . B 13. C 14. D 15. C【导语】这是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了人工智能可以帮助老师对学生的学

26、习困难等问题 有更好的了解。12 .词句猜测题。根据第三段前文“Teachers play a critical role in recognizing the signs of disorders and learning difficulties in pupils and referring them to specialists(教师在识另U学生的 障碍和学习困难迹象并将其转介给专家方面发挥着关键作用)”可知,them指的是这里的老师。 故选B项。13 .细节理解题。根据第四段“Half of the trainees received the “expert solution”,ty

27、pical of the material given to trainee teachers, while the other half received Ai-generated feedback on their approach, highlighting where they could improve.(一半的受训者收到了“专家解决方案”,这是 发给实习教师的典型材料,而另一半则收到了人工智能生成的关于他们方法的反馈,强调了 他们可以改进的地方广可知,人工智能在研究中帮助实习教师了解他们的方法需要改进的地 方。故选C项。14 .推理判断题。根据最后一段We are not argu

28、ing that AI should replace teacher-educators: new teachers still need expert guidance on how to recognize learning difficulties in the first place J said Dr Michael Sailer, It does seem, however, that Ai-generated feedback helped these trainees to focus on what they really needed to learn. When pers

29、onal feedback is not readily available, it答案第3页,共10页 could be an effective substitute (代替物).(Michael Sailer博士说:“我们并不是说人工智能应该 取代教师教育者:新教师在如何首先认识到学习困难方面仍然需要专家指导。”“然而,人工 智能生成的反馈似乎确实帮助这些受训者专注于他们真正需要学习的东西。当个人反馈不易 获得时,它可能是一种有效的替代品。”广可知,人工智能对于老师来说是一个有用的教学 培训辅助。故选D项。15 .主旨大意题。根据第一段“Artificial intelligence h

30、elps teachers identify which of their students have learning difficulties, according to a new study.(根据一项新的研究,人工智能可以 帮助教师识别哪些学生有学习困难户以及全文大意,文章主要讲人工智能可以让老师对学生 的学习困难等问题有更好的了解,C项“人工智能帮助教师发现有学习困难的学生”符合文意。 故选C项。16 . E 17. B 18. G 19. C 20. A【导语】这是一篇说明文,文章主要介绍了几个培养耐心的建议。16.根据上文“People who know how to prac

31、tice patience enjoy fewer negative emotions, feel less depressed, and are more satisfied with theirlives.(知道如何练习耐心的人很少享受负面情绪,很 少感到沮丧,对他们的生活更满意)”可知,此处是讲述耐心的好处,E项“此外,有耐心的 人也可能受益于一系列的健康优势,如更好的睡眠和更少的头痛”符合语境。故选E。17 . 上文“Playing sports that encourage waiting can be particularly helpful for building life h

32、ardship patience.(从事鼓励等待的运动尤其有助于培养对生活困难的耐心广提到可以做一些 运动来培养耐心,结合下文“Hunting is another activity many people enjoy, and this sport definitely requires perseverance打猎是许多人喜欢的另一项活动,这项运动当然需要毅力)” 可知,空处应是具体提及一些能够培养耐心的运动,B项“钓鱼、高尔夫球和棒球都是需要 耐心的有趣运动”符合语境。故选B。18 .根据本段小标题“Keep a Journal(写日记)“及下文You could use creativ

33、e writing or calendar journaling to help boost your patience.(你可以使用创意写作或日历日记账来帮助提高你的耐 心)”可知,本段是建议通过写日记来培养耐心,G项“写作迫使我们放慢思考的速度,这就 是为什么写日记很有用“解释写日记能够培养耐心的原因,符合语境,故选G。19 .空处是段落小标题,根据本段中“Having a trusted friend, partner, family member, or coworker we can turn to when our impatience gets the best of us ca

34、n help us feel better.(有一个值得信赖的朋友、伴侣、家人或同事,当我们不耐烦的时候可以求助,可以帮助我们感觉更好)”答案第4页,共10页本段主要是关于寻求家人、朋友的支持,C项“寻求支持“符合语境。故选C。20 . |艮据上文“Sometimes, feeling like youre always in a hurry and impatient means you need a break. Hurry sickness is a non-life-threatening condition people can develop when they go non-st

35、op.(有时候,感觉自己总是匆匆忙忙、没有耐心,意味着你需要休息一下。匆忙症是 一种不会危及生命的疾病,人们会在不停地忙碌时患上这种疾病)”可知,如果患上匆忙症就 需要休息一下,A项“如果你在需要休息的时候不休息,匆忙症就会发展成精疲力竭”描述如 果不休息的后果,符合语境。故选A。21 . D 22. C 23. A 24. B 25. B 26. C 27. D 28. A 29. A 30. C 31. B32. D 33. B 34. C 35. A【导语】本文是一篇记叙文,文章讲述的是Compean在洛杉矶国家森林公园迷路了,无奈 之下他给好朋友发送了一张显示自己在哪儿的照片,但搜救人

36、员经过一夜搜寻却未能成功找 到他。多亏了喜欢研究照片拍摄处的Ben,他通过对比照片和卫星地图找到了 Compean。 2L考查动词词义辨析。句意:但在去年4月沿着一条新路探索后,这位45岁的机械师迷 路了。A. equipping 配备;B. exchanging 交换;C. witnessing 目击,见证;D. exploring 探索。 根据上文“Compean was no stranger to Angeles National Forest.(Compean 对洛杉矶国家森林公 园并不陌生)”及空后的“along a new path”可知,此处指Compean在洛杉矶国家森林公园

37、沿着 一条新路徒步探索,故选D。22 .考查动词词义辨析。句意:在漫无目的地游荡了几个小时后,天色渐渐暗下来,他的担 忧变成了恐惧。A. stopped停止;B. predicted预测;C.faded使变暗,褪色;D. stored储存。 根据语境及空后“into dusk”可知,此处指天色逐渐变暗,故选C。23 .考查名词词义辨析。句意同上。A. fear恐惧,害怕;B. excitement兴奋,激动;C. curiosity 好奇;D. delight高兴。根据语境及下一句The place was remote and deserted.(那地方偏僻而 荒凉户可知,天色变暗,在森林里

38、迷路的Compean应是感到害怕,故选A。24 .考查形容词词义辨析。句意:除了计划好的两小时徒步旅行外,Compean没有任何准 备。A. undefeated 不败的;B. unprepared 无准备的;C. unstoppable 无法遏止的;D. unlocked 未锁的。根据上文的following several hours of aimless wandering(在漫无目的地游荡了几个小 时后户可知,除了计划好的两小时徒步旅行外,Compean没有任何准备,故选B。25 .考查名词词义辨析。句意:Compean爬到一个地方,在那里他发现了至少一格信号。答案第5页,共10页A.

39、 approval 赞同;B. signal 信号;C. official 官员;D. mirror 镜子。根据下一句he texted a friend(他给一个朋友发短信厂可知,他爬到一个地方是找信号发短信求救,故选B。26 .考查动词词义辨析。句意:“SOS。我的手机快没电了。我迷路了,”他给一位朋友发短 信,并附上了一张照片,显示他在哪里。信attracting吸引;B.blaming责备;C. attaching 附上;D. facing面对。根据“a photo showing where he was”及下文提到Ben根据图片找到了 他的位置可知,他给朋友发短信时附上了一场显示位

40、置的照片,故选C。27 .考查副词词义辨析。句意:气温下降得很快,风刮得很猛烈。A. extremely极端地;B. slowly 缓慢地;C. slightly 轻微地;D. violently 猛烈地。根据The temperature was dropping fast”可 知,此处是突出天气恶劣,故指风刮得很猛烈,故选D。28 .考查动词词义辨析。句意:这位徒步旅行者没有穿太多衣服,冷得浑身发抖,把自己紧 紧地抱成一个球。A. hugging拥抱;B. walking走路;C.patting轻拍;D. hitting击,撞击。 根据the hiker was shaking with

41、cold”可知,Compean很冷,把自己抱成一团,故选A。29 .考查形容词词义辨析。句意:救援队在前一天晚上一直没有找到Compean,所以他们 向公众发布了这张照片,希望有人能知道他的位置。A. previous以前的,先前的;B. funny 有趣的;C. sweet 甜的;D. fantastic 极好的。根据“night unsuccessfully looking for Compean 可知,此处指救援队在前一晚搜救无果,故选A。30 .考查动词词义辨析。句意同上。A. demanded要求;B. returned返回;C. released公开, 发布;D. collecte

42、d 收集。根据“hoping someone might know the location”可知,救援队向公众 发布了这张照片,希望有人能认出照片上的地点,故选C。31 .考查动词短语辨析。句意:Ben有一个不寻常的爱好,就是寻找照片是在哪里拍摄的, 他碰巧看到了这张照片。A. looking out向外看,当心;B. looking for寻找;C. keeping off(使) 不接触;D. staring at凝视。根据“where photos are taken”及下文他找到照片中的地点可知, Ben的爱好是寻找照片拍摄的地点,故选B。32 .考查动词词义辨析。句意:根据Compe

43、an的车停在Buckhorn露营地附近的信息,他把 搜索范围缩小到周边地区。A. surveyed调查;B.delayed推迟,延期;C.regretted后悔;D. narrowed (使)变窄,缩小。根据“to the surrounding area”及语境可知,Ben要寻找Compean 的位置,他需要把搜索位置缩小至周边地区,故选D。33 .考查形容词词义辨析。句意:幸运的是,通过他的不断努力,Ben终于确定了 Compean 的位置。A. casual随便的;B. constant不断的;C.careless粗心的;D. traditional传统的。上 文提到他逐渐缩小搜索范围,

44、结合空后“Ben finally identified where Compean was”可知,经 答案第6页,共10页过不断努力,他最终确定了 Compean的位置,故选B。34 .考查形容词词义辨析。句意:Ben立刻打电话给救援队,告诉他们这个可怜人的确切位 置。A. familiar熟悉的;B. easy容易的;C.exact确切的;D. artificial人造的。根据下文“Compean was eventually saved(Compean最终获救)”可知,Ben把确切位置告知了救援队,故选C。35 .考查名词词义辨析。句意:在野外独自生活了很长一段时间后,Compean最终获

45、救。A. wild野外,自然环境;B. desert沙漠;C.home家;D. car汽车。根据上文可知,Compean 是在国家森林公园迷路了,所以此处指在野外独自生活了很长时间,故选A。36 . conveniently 37. Located 38. individuals 39. and 40. extending 41. with 42 safety 43. is equipped 44. who 45. are【导语】这是一篇说明文,文章主要介绍了上海一家专为视障人士设计的书店。37 .考查副词。句意:视障人士无法方便地体验到的生活乐趣之一可能是阅读,但12月3 日正式开业的一家新

46、书店让这成为可能。此处修饰动词experience,应用副词形式。故填 conveniently o38 .考查过去分词。句意:逆光226书店位于上海南昌路226号,占地37平方米,是专门 为这些人设计的。动词locate和逻辑主语the Niguang 226 bookstore之间是动宾关系,此处 应用过去分词作状语,首字母应大写。故填Located。39 .考查名词复数。句意同上。设空处为介词宾语,应用名词,individual个人,可数名词, 此处应用名词复数形式表示泛指。故填individualso40 .考查连词。句意:这家新店提供300多本中外作者的盲文书籍,无障碍电影,甚至还有

47、 残疾人创作的传统中国画。结合句意可知,空前后是并列关系,应用连词and连接。故填 ando41 .考查现在分词。句意:为了帮助视障人士找到通往商店的路,从南昌路延伸到逆光226 书店的特殊路径已经铺设。动词extend和paths之间是主谓关系,应用现在分词作后置定语。 故填 extendingo42 .考查介词。句意:商店外的灯柱上也装饰着盲文街道标志。结合句意而开展,此处指“用 盲文街道标志装饰、用介词with。故填with。43 .考查名词。句意:为了确保游客的安全,逆光226书店里没有尖角。此处应填名词作宾 语,safety安全,不可数名词。故填safety。答案第7页,共10页D.

48、 It has the worlds largest non-cycling population.2. Which city takes security into consideration when building bike infrastructure?A. UtrechtB. Copenhagen C. BerlinD. Tokyo3. Why do some citizens in Tokyo have a preference for a bicycle?A. They prefer to travel long distances by bike.B , They are n

49、ot allowed to cycle on sidewalks.C. They have no easy access to buses or trains.D. They probably cant afford a parking place.For one overseas student who has been in China for over a decade, learning the moves and culture associated with Chinese martial arts(武术)has been his most valuable experience.So uley mane Hima Oumarou, a Niger


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