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《2023年仁爱版英语七年级下期中测试卷(最新版).pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2023年仁爱版英语七年级下期中测试卷(最新版).pdf(9页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、优秀学习资料 欢迎下载 七年级第二学期月考试卷 (考试时间:100 分钟,满分:120 分)题号 听力部分 笔试部分 总分 I II III IV V 得分 第一部分:听力(25 分).听句子,选择与其内容相符的图片。每个句子读一遍。(5 分)A B C D E 1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._.听句子,选择正确的答语。每个句子读一遍。(5 分)()6.A.She is from Hong Kong.B.She speaks Japanese.C.She cant speak Chinese.()7.A.I can speak a little English.B.I dont like

2、 to be here.C.I come from China.()8.A.Yes,but not much.B.Yes,Im from USA.C.No.He is not Chinese.()9.A.Yes,I can see it.B.Theres a police station over there.C.Yes,the post office is over there,near the bus stop.()10.A.All right.B.Not at all.C.Thank you all the same.听对话,选择正确的答案。对话读两遍。(5 分)()11.What di

3、d Sue do last night?A.Watched TV.B.Cleaned her room.C.Washed clothes.()12.What does Annas mother do?A.A doctor.B.A teacher.C.A policewoman.()13.What would the woman like?A.Orange.B.Milk.C.Orange juice.()14.Is the post office next to the library?A.Yes,it is.B.No,it isnt.C.We dont know.()15.What anima

4、l does Julia like?A.Pandas.B.Elephants.C.Monkeys.听短文,选择正确的答案。短文读两遍。(5 分)()16.Where are Jim and his friends?A.Theyre in the gym.优秀学习资料 欢迎下载 B.Theyre in the park.C.Theyre on the playground.()17.Whats Michael doing?A.Hes singing.B.Hes having lunch.C.Hes playing basketball.()18.Who is playing games?A.Ji

5、m.B.Maria.C.Lily.()19.Does Bill have an MP5?A.Yes,he does.B.No,he doesnt.C.We don t know.()20.Whats Jim doing?A.Hes reading.B.Hes drawing a picture C.Hes watching Judy drawing.听短文,完成表格。短文读两遍。(5 分)Name Jane Maria Bai Ling Kangkang Michael Favorite subject 21._ 22._ 23._ 24._ 25._ 第二部分:笔试(95 分).单项选择。(

6、15 分)()26.Ann is _ our new teacher.She is _ interesting girl.A.an,/B.an,an C./,an D./,/()27.Look!Jane _ on the playground.A.run B.runs C.running D.is running()28.Michael,_ do you usually come to school in China?By bike.A.When B.How C.How often D.What ()29.Is Tom sleeping in the _?Yes,he is.A.dormito

7、ry B.library C.gym D.dining hall()30.Excuse me,Maria.May I borrow your bike?I must go to the hospital now.Sure.But please return it _ time.A.in B.at C.to D.on ()31.Are there _ boats in the river?Yes,there are two.A.many B.some C.any D.much()32._ do you go to the zoo with your family?Twice a year.A.H

8、ow B.How old C.How often D.How much()33.Its 8 oclock.My father is reading a book.My brother and I _.A.do our homework B.am doing my homework C.does our homework D.are doing our homework()34.Hi,Janny.What time do you usually get up _ weekdays?I usually get up _ about six ocl ock.答案对话读两遍分听短文选择正确的答案短文读

9、两遍分优秀学习资料欢习资料欢迎下载广告超市火星太阳地球科学家根据文章内容请判断和与分根据句意及首字母提示填单词使句意完整根据汉语提示完成句子直到优秀学习资料 欢迎下载 A.on;at B.in;at C.at;at D.on;on()35.Excuse me,can you tell me _ Xinhua Bookstore?A.which the way B.the way to C.the road to D.which the road ()36.You cant turn right when you see the sign _.A.B.C.D.()37.How does your

10、 grandmother go to the park?She sometimes goes _ there _ foot.A.to;on B./;on C.to;by D./;by()38.Excuse me,_ is it from here to Shihe Park?Its about seven kilometers.A.how often B.how far C.how long D.how much()39._ do you _ the movie Let the Bullet(子弹)Fly?Its very interesting.A.How;think B.What;thin

11、k of C.What;like D.How;think of ()40.Excuse me,may I speak to Odie?_ A.Sorry,I dont know you.B.Who are you?C.Is that Odie?D.This is Odie speaking.完形填空。(10 分)Now,Chinese students have more time to do the things they like.But 41 should they do?What about 42 computer games?This is a choice(选择),but not

12、the only one.Let s see what American students are doing 43?American students like to join(加入)different clubs(俱乐部)in their free time.They can 44 more friends and do many interesting activities.Simon really loves 45 .So he joins the Basketball Club.You want to do 46 in reading.The 47 Club welcomes you

13、.The Chess Club teaches 48 to play chess.The Fishing Club always meets at a 49 .The Breakfast Club says they don t like junk food(油炸垃圾食品).50 club do you like?Or you start a new one?()41.A.when B.what C.how D.who()42.A.play B.to play C.playing D.plays()43.A.tomorrow B.never C.usually D.now()44.A.visi

14、t B.make C.have D.see()45.A.basketball B.football C.swimming D.run()46.A.better B.good C.nice D.kind()47.A.Geography B.History C.Golf(高尔夫)D.Book ()48.A.your B.us C.you D.them()49.A.lake B.the playground C.gym D.mountain()50.A.Who B.How many C.Which D.Whose.阅读理解。(30 分)A Mickey Mouse comes from the U.

15、S.A.It is about 80 years old.Mickey Mouse is not very tall or fat.He has one big nose,two hands and two big feet.He doesnt have hair.He always wears a 答案对话读两遍分听短文选择正确的答案短文读两遍分优秀学习资料欢习资料欢迎下载广告超市火星太阳地球科学家根据文章内容请判断和与分根据句意及首字母提示填单词使句意完整根据汉语提示完成句子直到优秀学习资料 欢迎下载 pair of red trousers.He is very friendly and

16、 smart.Many children all over the world love him.Do you want to make friends with him?If so,come to Peoples Park on Sunday morning.Mickey Mouse and his friends are waiting for you!()51.This is _.A.a piece of news B.an interesting story C.an ad(广告)D.a notice()52.What does Mickey Mouse look like?He is

17、 _.A.tall and fat B.short and fat C.short and thin D.tall and thin()53.What color are Mickey Mouses trousers?A.Black.B.Red.C.Blue.D.White.()54.Where can we see Mickey Mouse on Sunday morning?A.At School.B.In People s Supermarket(超市).C.In Peoples Park.D.I dont know.()55.Who shall we meet on Sunday mo

18、rning?A.Only Mickey Mouse.B.Only Donald Duck.C.Only Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck.D.Mickey Mouse and his friends.B Can Mars(火星)Be Our Home?What do you know about Mars?Its a planet.It looks like a red and orange ball.It runs around the sun(太阳)just like the earth(地球).It is about 220 kilometers away fro

19、m the sun.And the earth is about 150 kilometers away from the sun.There are 365 days in a year on the earth but 686 days on Mars.Many scientists(科学家)are looking for water on it.根据文章内容,请判断 Earth 和 Mars 与太阳的位置关系,并填入相应的空格。()58.What does planet mean?A.地球。B.生物。C.恒星。D.行星。()59.How many days are there in a

20、year on Mars?A.150.B.365.C.220.D.686.()60.What are scientists looking for on Mars?A.Water.B.People.C.Air.D.Buildings.C Mr.Simon is a fat man with blond hair.He comes from Canada.He is fifty-five years old.He is a doctor,but now he teaches children English in China.He is very friendly to Chinese peop

21、le.Every year he gives much money to help poor children.His class is very interesting.He is very smart.He likes drawing.He often draws funny pictures on the blackboard.His students like him Sun 56._ 57._ 答案对话读两遍分听短文选择正确的答案短文读两遍分优秀学习资料欢习资料欢迎下载广告超市火星太阳地球科学家根据文章内容请判断和与分根据句意及首字母提示填单词使句意完整根据汉语提示完成句子直到优秀学

22、习资料 欢迎下载 very much.Mr.Simon 想申请当社区养老院的志愿者,请根据上文内容为 Mr.Simon 做信息登记。Name 61._ Nationality(国籍)62._ Age 63._ Appearance(外貌)64._ Likes(喜好)65._ .词汇部分。(10 分)A)根据句意及首字母提示填单词,使句意完整。66.My kitchen fan doesnt w_,can you help me?67.We must keep q_ in class.68.Go down this road to the e_,you will see Yangshan Jun

23、ior High School on your right.69.I cant hear you.The p_ is bad.70.The traffic in the city is h_,because there are too many cars.B)根据汉语提示完成句子。71.I ll stay at home _(直到)the rain stops.72.Are there many _(图书馆)in Beijing?73.That sign means _(危险).Don t go there.74.Could you buy me a new _(邮票)?I d like to

24、 send(寄)a letter to Tim.75.If you get up late,you ll _(错过)the early bus.情景交际。(5 分)根据对话的情景,从方框中选择适当的句子填在画线处,使对话完整通顺。其中有一项是多余的。A:Hi,Emma.76 B:Im reading Guo Jingmings new book.A:Oh,do you like reading his books?B:Yes,very much.77 A:I think he is a good writer and very cool.I like him.B:Me too.By the w

25、ay,what do you usually do on weekends?A:78 Its inte resting.I like it a lot.B:I like it,too.But I think its difficult.A:79 I can teach you.B:Really?80 Thank you!A:Its my pleasure.A.What do you think of him?B.Don t worry.C.What are you doing?D.I don t like it.E.It s great.F.I always play chess with m

26、y friends.答案对话读两遍分听短文选择正确的答案短文读两遍分优秀学习资料欢习资料欢迎下载广告超市火星太阳地球科学家根据文章内容请判断和与分根据句意及首字母提示填单词使句意完整根据汉语提示完成句子直到优秀学习资料 欢迎下载.综合填空。(10 分)用方框中所给单词的适当形式完成短文。happy,there,yellow,behind,weekday,library,favorite,beautiful,play,basketball I study in Yangshan Junior High School.Our school is very 81_.82_ are many diff

27、erent kinds of flowers in our school.Some of them are white,some are red,others are 83_.We also have a big 84_.All of us like reading in it.The dining hall is 85_ the library.On 86_ we have lunch there.Gym is my 87_ place.I usually play 88_ with my friends there.Look!Many boys are89_ soccer on the p

28、layground.What a 90 _ school life!I love my school.书面表达。(15 分)A)根据图片和提示词语写句子(5 分)91.excuse me,which,way,Childrens Hospital 92.Maria,read,in the library,now 93.a computer,desk 94.there,a lot of,in Shanghai 答案对话读两遍分听短文选择正确的答案短文读两遍分优秀学习资料欢习资料欢迎下载广告超市火星太阳地球科学家根据文章内容请判断和与分根据句意及首字母提示填单词使句意完整根据汉语提示完成句子直到优秀

29、学习资料 欢迎下载 95.go to work,by B)请以 My Sunday 为题写一篇 60 个词左右的短文。提示词:get up,do my homework,help my parents,do sports 要求:内容贴切,句意通顺,单词拼写正确,书写工整。My Sunday 答案对话读两遍分听短文选择正确的答案短文读两遍分优秀学习资料欢习资料欢迎下载广告超市火星太阳地球科学家根据文章内容请判断和与分根据句意及首字母提示填单词使句意完整根据汉语提示完成句子直到优秀学习资料 欢迎下载 听力材料.听句子,选择与其内容相符的图片。每个句子读一遍。1.He works in a hosp

30、ital.2.Would you like some fish?3.I want to drink some orange juice.4.My father is a policeman.5.I have some hamburgers for breakfast.听句子,选择正确的答语。每个句子读一遍。6.What language does she speak?7.Where do you come from?8.Can you speak Chinese?9.Can you tell me the way to the post office,please?10.Thank you v

31、ery much.听对话,选择正确的答案。对话读两遍。11.M:Sue,did you watch TV last night?W:No,I washed clothes.12.M:Hi!Anna,where do your parents work?W:My mother works in a school,and my father works in a police station.13.M:Can I help you?W:Yes,please.Id like something to drink.M:What would you like?W:Orange juice,please.

32、14.M:Is there a post office near here?W:Yes,there is.Its next to the library.15.M:Julia,lets see the pandas this afternoon.W:Why do you like pandas,Sam?M:Because theyre very cute.W:Well,I want to see monk eys because theyre kind of interesting.听短文,选择正确的答案。短文读两遍。Jim and his friends usually go to the

33、park on Sunday.Its Sunday morning.Look.They are having a wonderful time there.Michael is singing.He is singing an English song.Maria is playing games with some girls.Bill has a new MP5.He is listening to music.Lily is dancing.She is dancing very well.Whats Jim doing?He is drawing a nice picture.Many

34、 boys and girls are looking at him drawing.They all look happy.听短文,完成表格。短文读两遍。Jane,Maria,Bai Ling,Kangkang and Michael are in the same class.They are good friends,too.But they like different subjects.Jane likes English very much.She has English classes every day.Maria likes A rt best.She draws very

35、well.Bai Ling s favorite subject is Music.She often listens to music in her free time and she sings well.Kangkang likes PE.He wants to have a PE lesson every day.But he has only two PE classes every week.What about Michael?He likes Science best.He thinks Science is easy and interesting.答案对话读两遍分听短文选择

36、正确的答案短文读两遍分优秀学习资料欢习资料欢迎下载广告超市火星太阳地球科学家根据文章内容请判断和与分根据句意及首字母提示填单词使句意完整根据汉语提示完成句子直到优秀学习资料 欢迎下载 参考答案 第一部分:听力.1-5 EBCAD.6-10 BCACB.11-15 CBCAC .16-20 BABAB.21.English 22.Art 23.Music 24.PE 25.Science 第二部分:笔试.单项选择。26-30CDBAD 31-35CCDAB 36-40CBBBD.完形填空。41-45 BCDBA 46-50ADCAC .阅读理解。51.C 52.C 53.B 54.C 55.D

37、56.Earth 57.Mars 58.D 59.D 60.A 61.Mr Simon 62.Canada 63.55 64.a fat man with blond hair 65.drawing.词汇部分。66.work 67.quiet 68.end 69.line 70.heavy 71.until 72.libraries 73.danger 74.stamp 75.miss.情景交际。76.C 77.A 78.F 79.B 80.E.综合填空。81.beautiful 82.There 83.yellow 84.library 85.behind 86.weekdays 87.fa

38、vorite 88.basketball 89.playing 90.happy.书面表达。91.Excuse me,which is the way to Childrens Hospital?92.Maria is reading in the library now.93.There is a computer on the desk.94.There are a lot of tall buildings in Shanghai.95.Li Ming usually goes to work by car.My Sunday I usually get up at eight oclo

39、ck on Sunday.At about half past eight,I have my breakfast.I begin to do my homework at about a quarter to nine.I always help my parents cook at about twenty past eleven.We have lunch at twelve oclock.After lunch,I help my mother do the cleaning.I often do sports with my friends at about three oclock in the afternoon.We always have a good time.答案对话读两遍分听短文选择正确的答案短文读两遍分优秀学习资料欢习资料欢迎下载广告超市火星太阳地球科学家根据文章内容请判断和与分根据句意及首字母提示填单词使句意完整根据汉语提示完成句子直到


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