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《2023年初二英语完形填空练习题含超详细解析超详细解析答案1.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2023年初二英语完形填空练习题含超详细解析超详细解析答案1.pdf(9页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、完形填空专练 完形填空是关于语言总体理解的一种测试形式,是典型的“智能混合”题型,它融单项选 择与阅读理解为一体,涉及到词汇、语法、逻辑推理等各种知识。对于这类题目,要求学生 知识面要广,要有比较扎实的基本功;要掌握大量的单词、词组和习语,了解他们的各种变 化形式和用法;要有坚实的语法基础,熟练掌握和运用动词的时态、语态及句子结构的能力。除此之外,还要有较强的语感,能够根据上下文的语境进行猜测,推断,作出正确的选择。其考查点有:能够掌握足够的词汇量,正确运用词类和词语的习惯搭配。包括名词、代词、冠词、动 词等词类和短语。基础语法知识。包括句法、固定搭配、句型、词语习惯用法、时态、语态、主从复合

2、句 和非限定动词等。还应具有一定的语言运用能力、阅读能力、理解能力、综合分析能力和逻辑判断能力。(1)以语篇为载体,测试语言知识和语言能力。试题既考查学生对短文的整体理解能 力,也考查学生运用语法知识、词汇知识的能力以及对事物的逻辑推理、分析判断能力。(2)以意义填空为主。试题在着重考查考生阅读理解能力的前提下,兼顾对语言知识、常识、逻辑推理能力的考查。(3)降低对单词本身词义的考查要求,注重考查对全文意义的理解。中考完形填空预 备选项中所涉及的词汇基本上都是常见的初级词汇。(4)考点分布符合考查目的。试题以名词、动词、形容词和副词等信息词汇为考查重 点,淡化对介词、连词、冠词等结构词的考查,

3、以检测学生在具体情境中灵活运用所学知识 的能力。所设空白处,名词、动词、形容词、副词和代词这五类词共占 80。(5)有的采用主观试题形式。有些完形填空题全部舍弃了学生们平时接触较多的“四 选一”形式,而改之以“自由完形填空”形式,除了要求填入单词外,有的还设置了要求填 入词组或短语的空格。(一)题型介绍 完形填空是各类英语试题中固定而重要的题型。这种题型归纳起来有如下特点:1.在整份试卷中所占的分值较重,占 1015 分,长度一般在 130200 个单词左右。2.降低了对单词本身的考查要求,重点考查考生对短文的整体理解,上下文的段落衔接,理解分析及推理判断能力。3.针对初中学生的实际水平,一般

4、采用以故事为主的记叙文,尽量避免专业性太强的文 章或议论文体。近年来出现了以意义选择为主,语法选择逐渐减少的趋势。完形填空有多种形式,但它在基本设计原则上都是一致的。形式都是从短文中抽去若干 词,让考生根据上下文填入适当的词,为了有助于考生填入适当的词,可以提供四个答案(其 中包括一个正确答案),让考生选出正确的答案;也可以给出单词首字母进行完形填空,或 者给出字母及单词长度(由几个字母组成);也可以不给考生提供任何线索,完全凭借考生 对文章的理解和现有的语言能力完成。完形填空要求学生不仅要会运用自己学过的词汇和语法知识妥善地处理好每个单词,理 解句意,还要处理好单句之间以及单句与全文之间的内

5、在关系,选出适当的词填空,使文章 完整与通顺。完形填空题要求填入的词主要有:构成各种时态和用法区别的动词及短语动词;名词和 介词;根据上下文意思及结构必须填入的形容词、副词、代词和连词;同义词、近义词等易 混词。考查以实词为主,兼顾虚词和语法结构、难点主要集中在根据上下文正确判断词的用 法上。4.选择型完形填空 5.短文缺词填空(二)解题指导 1.选择型完形填空解题方法 完形填空对考生的能力要求比较高。要顺利解答这类考题,必须要有扎实的语言基础知 识和综合运用所学英语知识的能力以及一定的分析、推理判断能力。还应熟悉各种体裁、题 材的文章,具有一定的语感和快速阅读能力。完整填空:一般在文中的第一

6、句和最后一句不会挖空。主要涉及到动词、名词(含代词)、形容词、副词、介词、连词也常出现。做完形填空题要注意整体性原则,强调对文章整体的 理解。就内容而言,它又有前因后果、地点、时间、人物等要素。所以,第一步应通读全文,了解大意。其次注意词与词、句与句、主句与分句之间的连贯性与衔接性。因此,在做题时 必须始终注意上下文之间,词与词之间从意义到语法上的合理搭配。诚然,弄懂第一句和最 后一句也事关全局。与此同时,还不可忽略文中的过渡词。在解题时可按以下步骤和方法进行。(1)通读全文,了解大意。通读全文时,跳过空格快速阅读,弄清文章的基本含义。先快速阅读全文,可使我们对 文章的整体结构和中心思想有个基

7、本的了解。有利于进一步把握全文所讲内容,篇章结构,时态语态的变化,为后面的答题创造条件,但通读宜粗、直、快。切忌看一句做一句,看一 空填一空,断章取意,那会进入误区,即使所填答案符合本句要求,也未必符合全文的要求。通读的目的仅在于掌握大意,切不可把宝贵的时间浪费在个别字句的推敲上。(2)重视首句的开篇启示作用 完形填空所采用的短文一般不给标题,但短文的首句通常用以点明短文的性质,如叙事、议论等,这是我们探索短文全貌的“窗口”,可以以首句的时态、语态为立足点进行思考,判断文章的体裁,推测全文的大意及主题,所以应该重视首句的启示作用。(3)抓住关键词,根据上下文解题 解题时,要遵循忠于全文大意和主

8、题这一原则,联系上下文展开逻辑推理分析,要迅速 找出那些在短文中起重要作用的关键词,了解所提问题的特定语境,语篇中的内在关系。在解题过程中,应遵循“先易后难”的原则,遇到个别难题不易判断时,可先跳过去,去解决那些靠上下文能确定的,比较直接明确的问题,随着下文的展开和文章的深入,或许 在前面难以判断的题,下文就有暗示,甚至有明确的表示。因此,在选择答案时,应特别注 意联系前后句,充分利用上下文为确定答案提供有用信息。(4)重读全文,验证答案 在全部空格补全以后,一定要根据填好的答案重读全文,看文章是否流畅,前后是否矛 盾,语法结构是否无误。如果发现哪些地方读起来不流畅,那就说明那里有毛病,就要进

9、行 仔细推敲,验证。总之,解答完形填空题,不仅需要扎实的语言基本功与严密的逻辑推理能力,还需要加 强阅读训练,掌握正确的解题方法和技巧,只有这样,才能在考试时得心应手,考出好成绩。2.短文缺词填空解题步骤 短文缺词填空是要求学生在正确理解和把握文章意思的基础上通过分析行文线索来填 写空缺单词的一种考查形式,它是考查学生综合运用英语思维能力的一种有效方法。要完成 好这类题,做到事半功倍,需要掌握一定的方法与技巧。(1)从全局把握文章大意 要填的单词肯定是在一定的语言环境中才能确定,只有把握全局才能有主导方向,才能有助于正确理解空缺词所在的句子,从而缩小词意的选择范围。(2)从语法上加以把握 一般

10、的空缺词都可以通过其所在的句型结构和句法成分来判断其词性,这样可以缩小词 的选择范围。(3)从行文上确定词的形式 当确定一个单词的词性后可通过其上下文来帮助判断其形式,如动词的第三人称单数形 式,过去式、过去分词、现在分词、名词的单复数、代词的各种所有格及单复数,形容词的 比较级与最高级等。(4)通读全文,验证答案。填完所有单词后,不可孤立地逐个词检查,而必须将所有填入的词代入文章中,复读全 文,仔细检查所填词是否符合文章的情景内容,读起来是否流畅,合乎句法,单词拼写是否 有误,单词形式是否正确等,发现问题及时更正。通过再读全文,很可能利用语感将个别特 别难的空处顺口“读”出来。1、Mark

11、lived in a village far away.One day he became very ill and everyone thought he would 1 soon.They sent for a doctor.Two days 2 the doctor came and looked over the sick man.3 asked for a pen and some paper to write down the name of the medicine.But there was no pen 4 paper in the village,because no on

12、e could write.The doctor 5 up a piece of burnt wood from the fire and wrote the name of th e medicine on the 6 of the house.“Get this medicine for him.”he said,“and he will soon get 7.”Mark s family and friends did not know 8 to do.They could not read the strange words.Then a young man 9 an idea.He

13、took off the door of the house,put it on his carriage(马车)and drove to the nearest 10.He bought the medicine there,and Mark was soon well again.()1.A.wake B.cry C.moved D.die()2.A.late B.later C.ago D.before()3A.The sick man B.Mark C.The doctor D.The farmer()4.A.and B.or C.then D.also()5.A.picked B.h

14、eld C.made D.looked()6.A.wall B.window C.ground D.door()7.A.well B.worse C.bad D.good()8.A.when B.what C.where D.whick()9A.thought B.hit C.caught D.had()!0.A.shop B.farm C.hospital D.village 2、Peter and Mike were in 1 class Peter was born in a 2 family But Mike s father was a businessman(商人)and got

15、3 money When Peter got into trouble(困难)he always helped him Peter liked to have sports He was good at 4 He ran 5 than any others in their class It was Sunday Mike and Peter went to a forest to have a picnic Mike took a lot of food there It was a 6 ay The birds were singing and there were all kinds o

16、f flowers They ate and drank then went 7 in the riverThey had a good time Suddenly they heard a great noise They found it was a tiger behind a big tree They were both very 8 Peter put on his shoes quickly and was going to run away Mike stopped him and said:”It s no use for us The tiger runs 9 faster

17、 than us Let s find a wa y”“It doesn t matter”said Pete r”I m 1 0 Ill run faster than you”1Asame Bdifferent Cdifference Dthe same 2Arich Bhappy C poor Dbad 3Amany Blot Cany Dmuch 4Aran Brunning Crun Druns 5Afast Bfaster Cfastest Dbest 6Asun Brain C rained Dsunny 7Afish Bto fishing Cfishing Dfished 8

18、Ahappy Bafraid Csad Dexciting 9Amore Bmuch Cmany D1ittle 10Aafraid Bworried Csure Dglad 3、We were going to play a team from a country school.They didn 1 t come the match nearly began.They looked 2 than we thought.The wore dirty T-shirts and blue jeans and looked like farm boys.We thought they 3 saw

19、a basketball before.We felt that we didn 4 an y tpractice to play with such a team.It was very late so they couldn t have any time to practice.The match began,one of our boys 5 the ball and he tried to give it to another one.But from out of nowhere a boy in a T-shirt 6 the ball and he quickly and be

20、autifully got the ball into our basket and had two points.They 7 us.They had another two points in a minute.Soon it was all over.The country team 8 the match.Of course we knew that there was still another team 9 than any good team.But the important lesson we learn this time was:One can t tell a man

21、or a team by the 10.()1、A.when B.so C.until D.at()2、A.stronger B.younger C.worse D.better()3、A.never B.often C.sometimes D.always()4、A.have B.make C.use D.need()5、A.got B.played C.took D.carried()6、A.caught B.changed C.held D.stopped()7、A.surprised B.frightened C.admired D.smiled()8、A.lost B.won C.g

22、ot D.had()9、A.worse B.less C.better.D more()10、A.T-shirt B.appearance C.name D.points 6.Mary has some friends.1 Betty,Peter,Alice 2 Mike.Mary is the oldest 3.Betty is thirteen years 4.She is younger than Mary and older than Peter.Alice is nice and Mike is seven.Betty and Peter are 5 runners.But Pete

23、r runs faster.Mary and Betty like to 6.Mary plays better than Betty.Alice sings 7 of them.Mary and Betty study in a middle school.Alice and Mike study in a primary school.They 8 work hard at school.But Betty works 9.Her handwriting is good,10.3.A.They are B.It isC.There are D.We are 4.A.but B.orC.th

24、em D.and 5.A.in the five B.of fiveC.of the five D.for the five 6.A.older B.oldC.oldest D.very old 7.A.best B.betterC.well D.good 8.A.play basketball B.play a basketball C.play the basketball D.play basketballs 9.A.good B.betterC.best D.well 10.A.six B.allC.four D.both 11.A.hard B.harderC.very hard D

25、.hardest 12.A.too B.twoC.at D.also 5.Perhaps you have heard _1 _about the Internet,but what is it?The Internet is many different networks around the world.A network is a group of computers put together.These networks joined together are called the Internet._2 that doesnt sound interesting.But _3 wev

26、e joined the Internet,there are 4 things we can do.We can have a lot of 5 on the World Web.(www).We can use the Internet instead of a library to 6 all kinds of information 7 our favorite sports or film stars and do shopping on the Internet.We can send message to other people 8 e-mail.Its much cheape

27、r and quicker than 9 our friends or sending a letter.Thanks to the Internet,the world is becoming smaller and smaller.People can now work at home with a computer in front,getting and sending the information they need.They can buy or sell whatever they want by the Internet.But do you know 98%of the i

28、nformation is 10 English?So what will English be like tomorrow?7.A.a lot of B.a lot C.a few D.a little of 8.A.May B.But C.And D.Maybe 9.A.where B.when C.however D.although 10.A.lots of B.a lot C.much D.few 11.A.interesting B.friends C.interest D.funny 12.A.find B.look for C.find out D.look after 13.

29、A.with B.for C.on D.about 14.A.with B.by C.on D.for 15.A.call B.called C.calls D.calling 16.A.on B.with C.in D.for 6、Life in the year 3044 is very different 46 life in the 21st century.We still do many of the things you did,but we do them 47.For example,we now have e-friends to help us and keep us c

30、ompany.An e-friend is a machine that looks just 48 a human being.It can walk and talk and can do almost 49 we human beings do.My e-friend is a lot like me and we have 50 fun together.She helps me 51 my homework and we often go swimming.She is programmed to take care of me if anything 52,so I always

31、feel safe when we are together.She can also send me messages,just like old-fashioned e-mail,and I can download information from her memory.It 53s garenat e-friend I am never lonely and I always have someone to talk 54.I would like to tell you more about life in the year 3044,but I have to send my e-

32、friend to clean up my room.Maybe 55 I will be able to travel back in time and visit you.13.A.of B.from C.in D.with 14.A.different B.difference C.differently D.differences 15.A.like B.for C.at D.up 16.A.something B.anything C.nothing D.everything 17.A.many B.a number of C.a lot of D.the number of 18.

33、A.with B.at C.on D.doing 19.A.will happen B.happens C.happened D.is going to happen 20.A.have B.having C.to have D.has 21.A.to B.about C.with D.Both A and C 22.A.one day B.in one day C.after one day D.with one day 7、A generous gap(代沟)has become a serious problem.I read a 1 about it in the newspaper.

34、Some children have killed themselves after 2 with parents.I think this is because they don t often have a talk with each other.Parents now 3 more time in the office,4 they don t have much time to stay with their children.As times passes,they both feel that they don t have th _5 topic(题目)to talk abou

35、t.I want to tell parents to be more with your 6,get to know them and 7 them.And for children,show your 8 to your parents.They are the people who love you.So 9 them your thoughts.In this way,you 10 have a better understanding of each other.()1.A.message B.call C.report D.letter()2.A.talk B.argue C.fi

36、ght D.play()3.A.spend B.stay C.work D.have()4.A.because B.if C.but D.so()5.A.interesting B.same C.true D.good()6.A.business B.children C.work D.office()7.A.get on well with B.look after C.understand D.love()8.A.interest B.secret C.trouble D.feelings()9.A.tell B.ask C.answer D.say()10.A.can B.should

37、C.must D.would 17.Grandma Li lived alone in an old building.She was old and didn t like noise at all.The young man and woman 46 always made much noise every night,so she couldn 4t7.When the young man and woman moved out of the building,Grandma Li was very 48.Another young man moved in and Grandma Li

38、 thought,“Well,h4e9.”But at three o clock the next morning,when Grandma Li50,some noise 51.She 52 careful ly.It was a dog.She thought,“There wasn t any dog here before.It 53 be the young man s.”S 5 h 4 e him and telephoned the young man at once.Before the young man could say something,she stopped th

39、e call.Nothing more happened 55 four o clock.Then Grandma Li s telephone rang.When she answered the phone,she heard,“I m the man upstairs.I m sorry to trouble you,but I want to tell you I don t have a dog at all!”23.A.upstairs B.up C.above D.higher 24.A.get to sleep B.sleeps C.slept D.falls asleep 2

40、5.A.sad B.pleased C.surprised D.worried 26.A.looked quiet B.looks quiet C.looked quite D.looks quite 27.A.was sleeping B.was falling asleep C.slept D.was getting to sleep 28.A.woke her up B.waked she up C.woke up her D.waked up she 29.A.heard B.listened C.was hearing D.listened to 30.A.can B.may C.m

41、ust D.could 31.A.angry with B.angrier with C.is angry with D.was angry with 32.A.when B.after C.at D.until 10Have you ever asked yourself why children go to school?You may 1 they go to learn languages,P.E.,history,science and all other 2.But why do they learn these things?We send our children to sch

42、ool to prepare them for the time 3 they will grow up and will begin to work for 4.Nearly everything they study at school has some practical use in their life.But is that the 5 reason why they go to school?There is more in education than just 6 facts.We go to school above all to learn how to learn,so

43、 that then we have left school we can 7 to learn.A man who really knows how to learn will always be successful,because whenever he has to do something new which he has never had to do 8 he will rapidly teach himself how to do it 9 the best way.The uneducated person,on the other hand,is 10 unable to

44、do something new,or does it badly.The purpose of school,therefore,is not to teach languages,math,geography,etc,but to teach pupils the way to learn.()1.A.speak B.tell C.say D.talk()2.A.matters B.subjects C.math D.physics()3.A.while B.when C.which D.where()4.A.oneself B.they C.them D.themselves()5.A.

45、only B.nearly C.lone D.alone()6.A.study B.studied C.learning D.learn()7.A.make B.keep C.keep on D.go on()8.A.later B.ago C.then D./()9.A.from B.in C.with D.on()10.A.either B.neither C.other D.nor 11完型填空 Someone says,“Time is money”,but I think time i 1s important than money.Why?Because when money is

46、 spent,we can get it back.However,when time is 2,it ll neve3r.That is 4 we must not waste time.It goes without saying that the 5 is usually limited.Ever a second is very important.We should make full use of our time to 6 useful.But it is a pity that there are a lot of people who do not know the impo

47、rtance of the time.They spent their limited time smoking,drinking and 7.They do not know that wasting time means wasting part of their own 8.In a word,we should save time.We shouldn 9 totday s work for tomorrow.Remember we have no time to 10.()1.A.much B.less C.mush less D.even more()2.A.cost B.boug

48、ht C.gone D.finished()3.A.return B.carry C.take D.bring()4.A.what B.that C.because D.why()5.A.money B.time C.day D.food()6.A.nothing B.something C.anything D.everything()7.A.reading B.writing C.playing D.working()8.A.time B.food C.money D.life()9.A.stop B.leave C.let D.give()10.A.lose B.save C.spend D.take 答案:1 DBCBADABDC 2DCDBBDCBBC 3、CCADA AABCB 4、AD C B D A C B D A 5、答案 1.B 2.D 3.B 4.A 5.C 6.A 7.D 8.B 9.D 10.C 6、答案 II.46-50 BCADC 51-55 ABCDA 7、答案 四完型填空答案:CBADB BADAD 8、答案 VI.46-50 AABBA 51-55 ABCDD 9、答案 四.DABAB,BACAD,BACDA,CABDC 10、答案 五.1-5 CBBDA 6-10 CDDBA 11、1-5 DCADB 6-10 BCDBA


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