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1、大 学 英 语 2 网 络 自 主 学 习 单 元 测 试 2Part 1 Fill in the Blanks(with the Initial Letters Provided)(Each item:1)DireCtionSZFill in the blanks in the following sentences with the help of the first letter(s).Use only ONE word to fill in each blank.1.II anThe discussion in Government had taken longer than we I

2、2.I-I anThe scientist could not that his research result would be put to an entirelydifferent use.3,I canThe project had been I by the Labour Government for lack of publicresources.4.n-I hoHe,reluctant to destroy any part of his own work.5.|-I-p-r-e-He sets aside and thoughtfully explores the positi

3、ve part of their idea.preAIDS brings I and fear,and people with the disease are often isolated andrejected.subOur first and courses have been a success and are part of a long-termcommitment to AIDS prevention.Ib riIt is always the false jewels that look the most real,the most IIa r r_ _,his business

4、 affairs so that everything wouldcontinue as usual.I quCriminal statistics are usually as hard facts;that is,they are acceptedunquestioningly,and are often used to support the view that there is a rapidly increasing rateof serious crime in modern society.I haThe young woman was filled with I for the

5、 criminals who had killed herhusband.Nothing cancomsomeone to stay in prison if they can get out;no one likesbeing walled.13.I dThe doctor ordered a juice for the sick child.14.I dI wont have cake,thank you.Im on a15.I noBy putting money in education,we the abilities of children and lay the basisfor

6、 future success.16.I fo rYet she hadnt the heart to I him to smoke when he had so few comforts left.17.I forThe sick boy was by his parents to go out and play with other children.18.I t rWeve lost all I of our daughter since she left home last month.19.I obMy main I to the plan is that it would be t

7、oo expensive.20.21.I speCourse regulations the examination pattern for each course and areavailable to students on registration.I vaHowever,as you know,most of my savings had I while I was unemployed.22.I vaAll was quiet when I awoke and everyone had as if in a dream.23.I comTo save space,broken-dow

8、n,old cars are into cubes.24.m eSometimes she works for long hours without any break,and this can bedisturbing.25.I reThe soldiers the enemy attacks for two days.Part 2 Vocabulary and Structure(Each item:1)DirectionsZChoose the best answer from the four choices marked A,B,C and D.26.This lovely old

9、town has a you couldn*t find in a big city.,r A.conditionB.standardC.situation27.28.30.31.D.charmI didnt know what to do,but then an idea suddenlyA.appearedB.happenedC.occurredD.emergedWe watched the planeA.disappearingB.disappearedC.divingD.divedto me.behind the clouds.The local government tried it

10、s best to ensure each of its citizens aat regular intervals(时 间 间 隔).A.consistentB.continualC.continuousD.numerousThere have been manyA.ups and downsB.from head to toeC.time and againD.over and overShesupply of foodin their marriage but they still love each other.a new idea for increasing sales.A.ca

11、me up with已 B.came up at C.came by巴 _ D.came forc32.After several days of heavy rain the roof with a loud noise,crashing(坠 落)ontothe ground.A.came out_ B.came downc C.came oni D.came at33.The lawyer the jury(陪 审 团)by his moving defense.A.won atC1 B.won over C.came at巴 D.came downc34.Sally has made a

12、 complete influenza(流 行 性 感 冒).A.pass by已 B.decision against白 C.recovery from_ D.care ofC35.A teacher should always be thoughtful whats best for his pupils.一 A.inB.byC.ofD.at36.To increase our working efficiency,it is necessary to every moment we have.A.include inB.keep fromC.take advantage ofD.look

13、 up to37.She has nothing to do with the murder case.She is not it.A.concerned withB.related inC.involved inD.concerned in38.Houston experienced a growth after the war.A.broadB.mechanicalC.wideD.spectacular39.There were several wet on the wall.A.partsB.decreasesC.patchesD.decks40.The aircraft vanishe

14、d withoutA.traceB.troubleC.destinationD.product41.Anne from outside her home last Wednesday.42.A.appearedB.vanishedC.lostD.enteredShe couldnt laughing at him in those clothes.A.declineB.rejectC.refuseD.resist43.As so many overseas business people have come to start and build new businesses,theplace

15、looks much more than it did a few years ago.A.propertiedB.tediousC.prosperousD.unremarkable44.The girl has made up her mind to go abroad with her boyfriend despite her parentsA.agreementB.allowingC.lettingD.objectionMy bag looksA.the sameto Marys,so I often take hers by mistake.B.identicalC.differen

16、tD.like46.Although always on time himself,the professor was quite usedlecture.late for hisA.to students to beB.to students beingC.for students to beD.for students being47.Homework on time w川 lead to better grades.A.doneB.be doneC.having doneD.having been done48.Great importance was laid on expanding

17、 education,with girls as well as boysto go to school.A.to be encouragedB.being encouragedC.been encouragedD.be encouragedhe works hard,I dont mind when he finishes the experiment.A.As soon asB.As long asC.As well asD.So far as50.People who want the typists job will be judgedA.in favor ofhow accurate

18、 and fast they are.B.in terms ofC.in ways ofD.in spite of51.The gray building is where the workers live,and the white one is where the spare partsA.are producingB.are producedC.producedD.being producedIt might be asked what the authors basicbetter.were;then we could understand his worksA.meaningB.in

19、tentions_ C.educations D.interests巴 53.After that they drove to the Guest House a t speed.C A.top B.headci C.wholec亡 D.every54.As as you work hard and perform well,opportunities will be made available toyou as the company succeeds and grows.A.bestc B.mostC1 C.muchC D.long55.The general orders them a

20、ll to be driven out at once,w i t h o u t.A.failure B.failC C.failing.D.failedPart 3 Cloze(with Options)(Each item:1)Directions:Read the following passage carefully and choose the best answer from thechoices.Questions 56 to 75 are based on the following passage.I didnt marry for love,money,or looks;

21、I married for my parents.I was 56.matchedcompeteda d ju s te ds u ite dwith my husband at the ripe old age of twenty-seven 57.myparents.It is common 58.p r a c tic ep r in c ip lep re s e n ta tio nphenomenon in Korean families when a daughter or son isunmarried and 59.g re e tin gap p earin gannoun

22、cingapproaching thirty.There was so much 60.presen cep re s su rephenomenonp re ju d ic ecatch a man.n e cessarynorm allyneedI didnt even 61.n e c e ss a ri ly want to catch a man;I really wanted to work!I knewcustomtr a d it io n a ltr a d it io nthat a 62.mutual husband would not allow me to do so

23、.When I wastwenty-five,I fell in love with a good manthis is all a secret my husband doesnt 63.know aboutknow fo rknow asknow how.The man I loved 64.a p p re c ia te drecognizedarguedagreed that I could work and shouldhave the same 65.fre efr e e lyfreedomcustom that men have.I 66.worked w ithfaced

24、w ithmet w ithd e a lt w ith my mothersresistance when I 67.supportedsupposedsucceededsuggestedthat we should be married.She was 68.em barrassedp re ju d ic e dburdeneddeniedagainst him because he had only a bachelors degree and didnt meether 69.e x p e c ta tio n se x p lo sio n se x is te n c eex

25、c e p tio n sfor wealth.I continued to secretly meet with him,but when heasked me to run away with him I 70.overonbetweenw ithmy family and him.72.idea.It wasnt 73.dram aticr e a l i s t i ca u th e n ticautom at i cdoubtedin d ic a te dd e fie dhes i ta te dS igni f ic a n tlyP re v io u slySeeming

26、lyE v en tu ally.I couldnt decide 71.,we just gave up on the wholeafter all.I had real 74.re c e p tio n srep lacem en tsr e s e rv a tio n sreq u irem en tsaboutmarriage after that.relativerelatedrelativelyI am now thirty and have a child.My husband is a lawyer and a 75.relation kindman.Occasionall

27、y,I email the man I didnt marry.Part 4 Reading Comprehension(Multiple Choice)(Each item:1)DirectionsZRead the following passages carefully and choose the best answer from thefour choices marked A,B,C and D.Questions 76 to 80 are based on the same passage or dialog.A little noticed change has been ta

28、king place in our time-world.The arrival of digital(数 字 的)timehas been changing the way we act and think.I believe that it has put us to a higher level of anxiety,with greater expectations of efficiency.The old,round,hand-moved time still kept a certain connection to the natural flow of things,to th

29、eroundness of the earth,and to the changes of light and seasons.Old,round time was outsideourselves,far enough removed from us so we could ignore it if we so chose.It is not so with digital time,which is a beat.It beats instead of turning.It makes a sound like thesound of the heart and thus places i

30、tself smoothly into the body.More and more,we mistake itsregular beat for our own,thus mistaking the demands of the world for our wishes.Before wrist watches,time used to live in towers in the centers of towns.At that distance,it couldbe seen by everybody,but only if they so wished.It took an effort

31、,an actual visit to time.But thensomething happened.Time began to live with us,and now it is beginning to live in us.I remember what it was like to be a child,absorbed in the endlessly changeable thing of time.Forme there was only child time,divided meaninglessly and quite painfully by the orders of

32、 theparents into Bedtime,Wakeup Time,and School Time.But within each of those divisions(分 害 U),Eternity still ruled.Later,of course,they managed to infect me with the anxious demands of clocktime.Very soon,all that remained was the anxiety of that which was exact.The fast beats of thetimepiece(时 钟)c

33、ut Eternity to pieces.Occasionally,I stop long enough to recall the times of childhood,but not often enough.Likeeverybody else,I am helpless before the new technologies.Time is a virus,and it is growingstronger.76.Digital time has changed how we act and think b y.A.allowing us to work with more effi

34、ciencyB.giving us more time to do what we likeC.causing us to be more anxiousD.having us expect more of othersThe author thinks that the old clocksA.are somehow linked with the seasonal changesB.stay closer to people than a digital watchC.are connected with humans handsD.work better than a wrist wat

35、ch78.Before watches,clocks were locatedA.everywhere for everyone to seeB.wherever a person wishedC.on the wristD.in the center of town79.In the authors early childhood m e m o r y,.A.time was a concrete thingB.time seemed to have no endC.he fought against his parents idea of timeD.he enjoyed the anx

36、iety of precision(精 确)80.The authors attitude towards time in the modern world isA.positiveB.unclearC.negativeD.in the middleQuestions 81 to 85 are based on the same passage or dialog.The University of London is one of Britains largest centers for higher education,with a name forinternational educat

37、ion.Located in one of the worlds most dynamic(有 活 力 有 生 气 的)cities,wecan offer international students a wide and exciting cultural life,as well as the very best coursechoice and teaching.We offer our international students the ability to study and improve theircommand of English,to ensure they get t

38、he best from the course of their choice.International students are assured of a successful and happy time while studying at the Universityof London.We have a Student Service office to help you at all times,and first year students areensured a place in halls of residence if desired.Your teacher will

39、give you personal instruction ifrequired.Students can enjoy themselves in the free health center at any time.As a final point,we offer religious service rooms for those of all faiths and as London is aninternational city,we can put students in touch with many religious groups in this area.Finally,wi

40、thexcellent air,rail,and road links to the rest of Britain,Europe,and the world,getting here is easy.81.The University of London is located in a c i t y.A.well known for producing excellent professorsL iB.full of activity and energyC.where you can enjoy everything free of charge匕 D.that is quiet and

41、 peaceful all the time82.The University of London is famous f o r.已 A.the largest number of students已 B.being located on the Thames白 C.excellent transportation D.international education83.Whenever international students have any difficulty in life,they can go tofor help.A.the health center,r B.the h

42、all of residenceC.the Student Service officeD.their teacher84.The university assures the first year students t h a t.A.they can have a place in halls of residence if they wish toLaB.they dont have to pay for their first-year education口 C.they w川 all be put into some religious groupsL i D.they can ge

43、t houses at Newcastle for a very low price匕 85.The main purpose of this passage is t o._ A.attract more travelers to LondoncB.show that the University offers religious serviceLx_ C.draw more international studentsCD.show how students enjoy their study乙 Questions 86 to 90 are based on the same passag

44、e or dialog.Stare at the clock.Make silly drawings.Stare at the clock again.Complain about the weather.The clock?Its still there,ticking even more slowly.No,none of this was planned for the meeting.Youd love to get your work done,but instead you spend half your day in a meeting room.Office workers s

45、pend an average of 23 hours a week in meetings,according to the WhartonCenter for Applied Research in the US.And,these workers consider only 58 percent of that timeuseful.It doesnt have to be this way.Here are a few guidelines for you to use meetings effectively,noteat up your productivity.1)Know wh

46、at you want.Know precisely why the meeting is being held and decide realisticallywhat you intend to accomplish,says Gayle Brickman,a US communication instructor.If youcannot write these two things down,the meeting should not take place.2)Figure out whether a face-to-face meeting is necessary.Would a

47、 group email be enough?Acouple of phone calls?These ways would probably be more efficient with fellow workers you knowwell.3)Pick the right times.If possible,avoid planning meetings during your most productive hours.Ifeveryone runs to the break room for coffee at 10:30 am,that would be an excellent

48、time to haveinformal staff meetings.4)Be prepared.Read the plan for what needs to be done.Study the numbers on the project youreputting forward.If there are papers to be discussed,hand them out the day before to those whowill attend the meeting.5)Keep track of the time for them.Set apart a certain a

49、mount of time each week for the meetings,and keep to it.If you still find yourself caught in meeting after meeting,dont feel bad.At least your organizationobviously thinks your physical presence is valuable.86.A worker who is in a meeting that he doesnt want to take part in is likely t o.A.draw funn

50、y pictures口 白 B.change the clock_ C.check the weathercD.plan another meeting87.Office workers think that the time used in meetings is wasted.-A.more than half ofe B.almost all ofC_ C.less than half of_ D.none ofc88.In this passage,we are advised to follow some principles in order t o.A.learn guideli


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