牛津译林版七年级英语下册7B Unit5 Amazing things 讲练测试(含答案).docx

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1、Unit5 Amazing things随堂练习一根据句意及汉语提示写出单词。1. We can learn nothing (没有) hard work.2. We can write (用) pens.3. There is (少) food in the fridge. Could you buy me some?4. The (蚂蚁) have good smell.5. They are writing some English words on the blackboard with (粉笔).6. (蛇) seldom eat anything in cold winter.7.

2、 Camels live in very (干燥的) places.二用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。1. The boy ate three (sandwich) for their lunch.2. The boy (call) Jack is my cousin.3. (late) that day Sandy went shopping with her mother.4. He begins (speak) English. Please listen carefully.5. I have a lovely cat. (it) name is Mimi.6. Wednesday i

3、s the (four) day of a week.7. There are about 39.37 (inch) in a meter.8. My father always loves (play) cards at night.9. In 1987 per 100 (family) had about 29 TV sets.10. The man put on his new coat and went out (quick).三根据对话内容和所给的首字母提示写出单词。W: Excuse me. Do you have any books about (1)a ?M: Let me (

4、2)s . Oh, here they are. W: What are they (3)a ?M: Giraffes. (4)A things about them. It (5)s that a giraffe has only seven (6)b in its long neck.W: Great. How (7)l can I keep it?M: (8)F two weeks. I have something else to read this week.W: OK. Ill (9)g it back in two weeks. Bye.M: (10)S you.第二节:重点词组

5、1. 照例,像往常一样2. 坐下3. 转身;(使)翻转4. 自言自语5. 拿起,举起6. 逃离,跑开7. 前天8. 害怕9. 再也不,不再10. 听说,知道11. 那天, 前几天12. 同时13. 遍及全世界14. 至少15. 请求;要16.17.18.停止做某事在路上在路上随堂练习一完成句子1. 埃米的英语和桑迪讲得一样好。Amy can speak English Sandy.2. 我今天早晨吃了两片面包。I ate this morning.3. 我们的朋友遍及全世界。Our friends are .4. 这些苹果每千克 10 元。These apples are ten yuan .

6、5. 我们每天应该至少刷两次牙。We should brush our teeth twice a day.6. 我能要一张你小女儿的照片吗?Could I a photo of your little daughter?7. 最迟 5 点我一定回来。I will five oclock.8. 这个盒子里有什么不寻常的东西吗? in this box?pick up, as usual, run away, sit down, be afraid二从方框中选择合适的短语并用其适当形式填空。1. They quickly when they saw the big dog.2. They und

7、er a big tree and played a game.3. He a piece of waste paper, and put it into the rubbish bag.4. Lucy to go outside alone at night.5. This morning I put my bike at the gate , but I cant find it now.第三节:重点语法一般过去时一般过去时表示过去某个时间发生的动作或状态;过去习惯性、经常性的动作或行为:主语过去所具备的能力或性格。1. 基本结构:主语+动词的过去式+其他。2. 标志词:yesterday

8、(昨天),two days ago(两天前),last year(去年),the other day(那天,前几天),once upon a time(很久以前),just now(刚才),in the old days(在过去的日子里)等。昨天她去了公园。 She went to the park yesterday.他们刚才写了一个故事。They wrote a story just now.前几天我们在他的聚会上玩的很开心。We had a great time at his party the day before yesterday.一周以前,我买了一辆自行车。I bought a

9、new bike a week ago.他出生于 1990 年。He was born in 1990.【提示】当谈论过去时,我们经常用这些时间状语表达。agojust nowyesterdaythe day before yesterday last night/week/month/year二、我们在规则动词后加-ed 来构成动词的过去式yesterday morning/afternoon/evening提示:以“元音字母+y”结尾的动词其过去式的构成为在词尾加 ed。Stay-stayed大部分动词加 edWalk-walkedlook-looked以 e 结尾的动词加 dLive-l

10、ivedhope-hoped以“辅音字母+y”结尾的动词把 y 变 i,再加 edCry-criedcarry-carried以“一个元音字母+一个辅音字母”结双写这个辅音字母,再加 edStop-stoppedplan-planned尾的短动词没有变化Cost-costcut-cutPutputread-read改变元音Write-wrotecome-came不规则动词的过去式构成则不同,我们不在其后加-ed。Knowknew改变辅音Makemadesen-sentSpendspent改变元音和辅音Leaveleftthink-thoughtTeachtaughtIswas其他AmwasAr

11、ewereHavehad写出下列动词的过去式。start love play plan reply say meet hear Leave 2. 动词过去式的构成tell stand bring 动词过去式变化规则:1). 一般情况下,直接在结尾加-ed.Eg.: cook - cooked 2). 以 e 字母结尾的动词,加-d.Eg.: taste - tasted3). 以辅音字母+y 结尾的动词,把 y 变 i 加 ed.Eg.: study - studied 4). “辅元辅”结构的动词,双写尾辅音字母加-ed.Eg.: stop - stopped 5). 常见 不规则动词过去式

12、:am, is-was, are-were, do-did, see-saw, say-said, give-gave, get-got, go-went, come-came, have-had, eat-ate, take-took, run-ran, sing-sang, put-put, make-made, read-read, write-wrote, draw-drew, drink-drank, fly-flew, ride-rode, speak-spoke, sweep-swept, swim-swam, sit-sat, think-thought第四节:重点句子1. 鱼

13、睁着眼睛睡觉。2. 我们的眼睛从生下来就没有变过,但我们的鼻子和耳朵从没有停止过生长。3. 太阳的体积是地球的约 130 万倍。4. 是不是很神奇啊?5. 他们转过身但是什么也没看见。6. 现在我再也不害怕动物了。第五节:知识点解析1. hear, listen 与 sound1). hear 动词,表示“听见;听到”,但不一定是有意识地听,强调听的结果。例句:Can you hear what he said? 你能听见他说的话吗?2). listen 表示有意识地听,仔细听,但不一定听到什么,强调听的动作。可以单独使用,以提醒对方的注意;若跟宾语时需要在 listen 后加介词 to。例句

14、:She listened but heard nothing. 她听了听,可什么也没听见。Listen to the teacher carefully in class. 在课上认真听老师讲课。3). sound 意为“听起来”,常作系动词,后面常跟形容词或 like 短语。例句:That sounds like a good plan. 那听起来像是个好计划。That sounds great.那听起来好极了。2. few, a few, little, a little修饰可数名词fewa few例句:修饰不可数名词littlea little含义否定含义,几乎没有肯定含义,还有一些H

15、e has a few friends.他有几个朋友。He has few friends.他几乎没有朋友。We still have a little time. 我们还有点时间。There is little time left. 几乎没剩下什么时间了。3. Come on,Eddie.Its just a plane.I saw one e on 是语气词,此处意为“得了吧”,表示责备或不耐烦。Come on 还可以用于催促他人,意为“快点儿;加油”。如:得了吧,别坐在那儿空想了。Come on,dont sit there dreaming.加油,莉莉!你可以赶上埃米的!Come on

16、,Lily!You can catch up with Amy!yesterday 此处用作副词,意为“昨天”,是一般过去时的时间状语。所以句中谓语动词see 用了过去式saw。4.The world is full of amazing things.amazing 形容词,意为“令人惊异的,令人惊奇的”,通常用于修饰事物。amazes形容词,意为“吃惊的,惊奇的”,通常用来修饰人。他对这个令人惊讶的故事感到吃惊。He is amazed at the amazing story.5. Fish sleep with their eyes open.“With+名词+形容词/介词短语”在句中

17、用作伴随状语。 不要开着窗户睡觉。Dont sleep with windows open.他微笑着进了房间。He came in the room with a smile on his face.6. Our eyes are the same size from birth,but our nose and ears never stop growing.stop growing “停止生长”。stop doing sth.意为“停止做某事”,指停止正在做的事情。停止写家庭作业,来喝杯咖啡吧。Stop doing your homework and have a cup of coffe

18、e.【拓展】stop to do sth.意为“停下来去做某事”我太累了,让我们停下来休息一下吧。I am too tired.Lets stop to have a rest.stop sb.(from)doing sth.意为“阻止某人做某事”。我们必须阻止这些学生吸烟。We must stop these students(from)smoking.7. The Sun is about 1,300,000times larger than the Earth.句中的“Sun”与“Earth”首字母要大写,指的是在谈论天文学中的星球。而我们平时提及“太阳”“地球” 时,则不用大写。另外“

19、sun”和“earth”前均有定冠词“the”,是因为“太阳”“地球”是世界上独一无二的事物。地球围着太阳转。The earth goes around the sun.time 此处为可数名词,意为“倍”,常用复数形式。这把尺子是那把尺子的 3 倍长。 The ruler is three times longer than that one.【拓展】time 还可作不可数名词,意为“时间”。此时,time 不能用 many,few 或 a few 等来修饰,而用 much,little或 a little 等来修饰。还有一点儿时间,请赶快些。There is a little time.P

20、lease hurry up.time 用作可数名词,还可意为“次”。3 次 three times这本书你读过多少遍了?How many times have you read the book?8. Do you know any fun facts about the world,Amy?fun facts 意为“趣闻,有趣的事”。她知道一些趣闻。She knows some fun facts.fact 可数名词,意为“事实”;其复数形式为 facts。in fact 意为“事实上”。我们学校有许多趣闻。There are lots of fun facts in our school

21、.事实上,他比我大。In fact,he is older than me.9. As usual,they sat down under a big tree.as usual 意为“像往常一样”,在句中通常做状语,有时也可以作表语。我像往常一样起得很早。 I get up very early as usual.一切像往常一样。 Things are as usual.10. They turned around but saw nothing. turn around 意为“转身”。在课堂上别回头。 Dont turn around in class.她转身想看看谁在叫她。 She tu

22、rned around to see who was calling her.11. Is anybody there?anybody 不定代词,意为“任何人”,多用于否定句或疑问句中。他没有把这个秘密告诉任何人。 He didnt tell this secret to anybody. 有人在弹吉他吗? Is anybody playing the guitar?12. Nobody replied.nobody 不定代词,意为“无人,没有人;没有任何人”。Nobody 做主语时,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。现在教室里没有人。There is nobody in the classroom

23、 now.没有人喜欢这个无聊的故事。 Nobody likes the boring story.reply 此处用作不及物动词,意为“回答;答复”,其过去式为 replied.我经常用英语回复我笔友的来信。I often reply to my penfriends letters in English.13.They left the park quickly.quickly 副词,意为“迅速地;飞快地”,在句中用来修饰动词 left.他刚开始非常害羞,看到陌生人的时候总是快速地离开。He was very shy at first.He always ran away quickly w

24、hen he met strangers.14. On their way home,they met Andy.met 是动词 meet 的过去式。meet 及物动词,意为“遇见,遇到”。昨天在公园里我遇见了我最好的朋友。I met my best friend in the park yesterday.点钟和我见面。 Meet me at 8:00.15. What happened?Happen 不及物动词,意为“发生”,多只偶然发生。这个令人惊异的故事发生在冬天。 The amazing story happened in winter. happen to do sth.意为“碰巧

25、做某事”。我在街上碰巧遇见了一位老朋友。 I happened to meet an old friend in the street.16. Then she told Andy everything.everything 不定代词,意为“每件事,每件事物;一切”。everything 作主语时,谓语动词应用第三人称单数形式。不定代词 everything 被形容词修饰时,形容词要后置。不要担心,现在一切都准备好了。 Dont worry.Everything is ready now.17. He went to the park,stood beside the tree and lis

26、tened carefully.Carefully 副词,意为“仔细地”,在句中用于修饰动词 listened。其形容词形式为 careful,意为“小心的, 细心的,谨慎的”。她很谨慎,并且她总是细心地做每件事。 She is careful and she always everything carefully.18. He searched the bushes.search 及物动词,意为“搜查,搜索”,其第三人称单数形式为 searches,过去式为 searched.柯南搜查了那个房间,但什么也没发现。Conan searched that room but found nothi

27、ng in it.bush 可数名词,意为“灌木,灌木丛”,其复数形式为 bushes.在灌木丛中有一只小狗。 There is a little dog in the bushes.19. “Here it is,”Andy said to himself.Say to oneself 意为“自言自语,心里想”,oneself 在句中要与句子的主语保持一致。【拓展】Oneself 是反身代词,意为“某人自己”。它的具体形式为 myself 我自己;yourself 你自己;herself 她自己;himself 他自己;itself 它自己;ourselves 我们自己;yourselves

28、 你们自己;themselves“他/她/它们自己”。20.It was very weak.weak 形容词,意为“弱的;虚弱的”,其反义词为 strong,意为“强壮的”。这个年轻人不弱,他很强壮。The young man isnt weak;he is very strong.你看起来很虚弱,所以你必须看医生。You look very weak,so you have to see the doctor.21. Andy picked up the little cat and went to find Millie and Amy.pick up 意为“捡起,拾起”。Pick up

29、 为动副结构的短语,后接代词作宾语时,代词放在pick 和 up 的中间;后接名词作宾语时,名词可以放在pick 与 up 的中间,也可以放在 pick up 之后。把它捡起来交给警察。 Pick it up and give it to the policeman.请从地板捡起钢笔。Please pick up the pen from the floor.=Please pick the pen up from the floor.little 此处用作形容词,意为“小的,矮小的,年幼的”,常用来修饰人或事物,带有一定的感情色彩, 指小的可爱。这是我的小妹妹。 This is my lit

30、tle sister.22. Andy gave the little cat to Amy.gave 为动词 give 的过去式。give 意为“给”,是及物动词。give 后面后面可以接双宾语,即:give sb. sth.=give sth.to sb.给某人某物。sb 为间接宾语,sth 为直接宾语。妈妈给了我一个大苹果。Mum gave me a big apple.=Mum gave a big apple to me.23. there were a lot of people there那儿有许多人。句中有两个 there,第一个 there 与 be 构成 there be

31、句型,意为“有”;第二个 there 是地点副词,意为“在那儿,那儿”,在此作地点状语。there be 句型的过去式为:There was/were ,也就是说,直接把 be 动词变为相应的过去式即可。1998 年在这个城市里有一个公园。There was a park in the city in 1998.去年这儿有一些苹果树。There were some apple trees here last year.24. We went to the Fun World Museum the day before yesterday,Daniiel前.The day before yest

32、erday 意为“前天”,是一般过去时的时间状语。我前天给他打电话了。I called him the day before yesterday.天我们去了趣味世界博物馆,丹尼尔。25. we also learnt/learned about some strange birds like dodos.我们还了解了一些奇怪的鸟,像渡渡鸟。Learn about 意为“得知;了解;获悉”。两年前我获悉了这辆车的情况。I learnt about this car two years ago.拓展learn 的用法: learn to do sth.学习做某事你可以在夏天学习游泳。You can

33、 learn to swim in summer. learn from sb.向某人学习.我们应该向英雄们学习。We should learn from the heroes learnby heart 记住;用心学习你最好用心去学习它。You had better learn it by heart.26. can live without water for a long time.没有水可以生存很长一段时间。Without 介词,意为“没有”,其后跟名词、代词或动名词。Without 后跟人称代词作宾语时,用其宾格形式。大多数植物没有阳光就不能生长。 Most plants cant

34、grow without sunshine.我没吃早饭就上学去了。I went to school without eating breakfast.27.but I was surprised to know that.但我很惊讶地了解到be surprised to do sth.意为“对做某事感到惊奇”。知道他没有通过考试,我感到很吃惊。I am surprised to know that he didnt pass the exam.【拓展】be surprised at sth.他对这条消息感到很惊奇。He is surprised at the news.28.Now.I am

35、not afraid of animals any more.现在我不再害怕动物了。Not.any more 意为“不再”,相当于 no more.我不再是一个小女孩了。 Im not a little girl any more.有了这本书,学生们将不再害怕学习英语了。With this book,students wont be afraid of learning English anymore.29.I heard of a young man.我听说过一个年轻人。Hear of 意为“听说”,相当于 hear about.你听说过来自快乐男声的华晨宇吗?Did you hear of

36、/about Hua Chenyu from Super Boy?我前天听说了这个消息。I heard of/about the news the day before yesterday.【注意】hear from 意为“收到.的来信”。30.I read about a man the other day.前几天我读了一个人的故事。The other day 意为“那天,前几天”,是一般过去时的时间状语。前几天他们遇到了李小姐。They met Miss Li the other day.31. got its name from a man called John Montagu,the

37、 Fourth Earl of Sandwich.它的名字来源于一个叫做约翰蒙塔古,三明治伯爵四世的男人。Called John Montagu,the Fourth Earl of Sandwich.意为“叫做约翰蒙塔古,三明治伯爵四世的”,在句中是过去分词短语做后置定语,修饰 a man,此处 called 相当于 named。我认识一个叫汤姆的男孩。I know a boy called Tom.32. put meat between two pieces of bread.把肉放在两片面包之间Two pieces of bread 意为“两片面包”。A piece of 意为“一片/

38、张.”,常用于表示不可数名词的量。桌上有几张纸。 There are some pieces of paper on the desk.玛丽正在用一支粉笔在黑板上画画。Mary is drawing a picture with a piece of chalk on the blackboard.【注意】a piece of.变复数时,piece 要变成 pieces,而 of 后面的不可数名词不变。33.by 1935,about 2,000 TVs in useIn use 意为“在使用中”。实验室一直到 3 点钟都有人使用。The laboratory is in use until

39、three oclock.这座新图书馆明年将投入使用。The new library will be in use next year.34.in China,in 1987,about 29TVs per 100 families,but now most families have at least one TVper 意为“每,每一”,用来表示比率,指每一单位的数量。时间或价格等。每 20 个学生有 10 本书。There are ten books per 20 students.我的弟弟每天弹钢琴两小时。My brother pays the piano two hours per

40、day.at least 意为“至少”。至少四个频道的同时在播出这场比赛。The game is on at least four channels at the same time.大多数美国家庭现在至少有一辆汽车。Most American families have at least one car now.随堂练习一用所给单词的适当形式填空1.Li Lei does his homework (careful)and never makes any mistakes(错误). 2.The little boy was not old enough to look after (him)

41、.3.Nobody can do anything (with)any help. 4. (sudden),there was a knock on the door.5.Im really (surprise)that he remembered my birthday.二句型转换1. She didnt say goodbye to us and left alone.(改为同义句) She left alone saying goodbye to us.2. Dolphins(海豚)can swim and sleep at the same time.(改为一般疑问句) swim an

42、d sleep at the same time? 3.Do camels eat meat?(做否定回答) ,.4.Elephants are the only animals that cant jump.(对划线部分提问) the only animals that cant jump?5.A snail can sleep for 3 years.(对划线部分提问) can a snail sleep?三完成句子1.中国人口达 14 亿之多。There are 1.4 billion people in China. 2.我前天听说了这个消息。I the news .3.学生们将不再害

43、怕学习英语了。The students wont learning English . 4.新教学楼将在下学期使用。The new teaching building will next term.5. 至少四个频道同时播出这场比赛。The match will be on four channels .第六节:书面表达假设你是李雷,今天早上,你们班去参观了神奇博物馆(Amazing Museum)。回来后,你写了一篇文章记叙这次神气之旅。旅游经过及感受如下:1. 早上 8 点,在校门口集合,乘公共汽车前往神奇博物馆。2. 在神奇博物馆,你了解了很多神奇的事情,知道了谁发明了电视,了解了三明治

44、的历史。导游向你们介绍了一些神奇的动物,如:金鱼记事情只有三秒钟,大象靠脚趾走路。3. 你们玩得非常快乐。你感觉这个世界真是太神奇了。要求:1. 注意人称和时态。2. 不要逐字翻译,词数 80 左右。家庭作业一词汇A) 请根据句意及汉语提示,写出所缺单词。1. We are in the (相同的) class but in different class.2. I (想知道) why he is late for school again.3. I wrote a letter to him two days ago, but he didnt (回复) to me.4. Camels can live in very (干的) places.5. Do they like eating (三明治)?No, they dont.B) 请根据句意及首字母提示,写出所缺单词。6. He often s for some useful information on the Internet.7. When I was young, I was very a of mice.8. We all know that the moon moves around the e .


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