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《2023年新人教版PEP小学六年级英语上册全精品讲义.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2023年新人教版PEP小学六年级英语上册全精品讲义.pdf(75页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、学习必备 欢迎下载 Unit 1 How can I get there?第一课时 Main scene&Part A Lets learn,Make a map and talk 1Words(单词):science museum,post office,bookstore,cinema,hospital 2Sentences(句子):Where is the science museum?Its near the library.1掌握本节课重点单词。2掌握句型:Excuse me.Where is the science museum?Its near the library.Step

2、1 温故习新(5 minutes)1Greetings.(T teacher,Sstudent)2T:Can you sing English songs?S:Yes,I can.T:What are you doing?S:Im reading a book/writing a letter.Step 2 新课展示(15 minutes)1T:Show word cards to teach the new words:science,museum,post office,bookstore,cinema,hospital 2T:Where is our school?(引导学生回答)S:I

3、ts near/behind Xinhua Bookstore.T:Where is the bookstore?S:Its near the post office.3运用所学句型操练 Lets learn。Step 3 合作交流(10 minutes)1运用图片操练重要单词和词组。2T:There is a bookstore in our city.Where is it?S:Its next to the post office.(可小组操练)3Make a map and talk.Step 4 名师自测(5 minutes)一、读单词,选汉意。()1.science A博物馆 B科

4、学 C邮局()2.hospital A书店 B邮局 C医院()3.cinema A书店 B电影院 C邮局()4.museum A科学 B博物馆 C书()5.bookstore A医院 B书店 C哪里()6.post office A邮局 B医院 C书 二、填一填,读一读。1Where _(is/are)the cinema?2Its _(附近)the bookstore.3Its _ _(旁边)the museum.4Is there a _(电影院)near here?5._(Where/How)is the hospital?学习必备 欢迎下载 Step 5 课堂作业(15 minutes

5、)书写本课单词和句子。这节课我学到了什么:_ _ Unit 1 How can I get there?science museum,post office,bookstore,cinema,hospital Where is the science museum?Its near the library.电影院邮局科学博物馆书医院书店哪里邮局医院书二填一填读一读附近课展示合作交流名师自测一情景对对碰连线二我爱记单词三连词成句注握本课重点单词和句型温故习新新课展示用图片学习单词短语小组自编学习必备 欢迎下载 第二课时 Part A Lets try&Lets talk 1Learn:Lets

6、talk 2Where is the museum shop/cinema/?Its next to/流利朗读 Lets talk 的对话,并能在情景中熟练运用。Step 1 温故习新(5 minutes)1Go over words in P5:science museum,post office,bookstore,cinema,hospital 2T:Where is the post office?S:Its near the shop.T:Where is the library?S:Its next to the cinema.Step 2 新课展示(15 minutes)1Lea

7、rn:Lets talk Listen to the tape and read after the tape.2Ask and answer:T:Where is the museum shop?S:Its near the door.T:Where is the post office?S:Its next to the museum.3Listen to“Lets talk”again.4Listen to“Lets try”and tick or cross.Step 3 合作交流(10 minutes)1Talk about the places in your city/town/

8、village.2T:Is there a park near here?S:Yes,there is.T:Where is it?S:Its next to the bookstore.3Make other dialogues.Step 4 名师自测(7 minutes)一、情景对对碰。(连线)1Thank you.AIts next to the hospital.2Is it far from here?BYes,there is.3Is there a cinema near here?CYoure welcome.4Wheres the cinema,please?DNo,its

9、not far.二、我爱记单词。1p_st()2.b_ _kstore()3hospit_ _()4.m_s_um()5off_ce()6.cinem_()三、连词成句。(注意大小写和标点符号)电影院邮局科学博物馆书医院书店哪里邮局医院书二填一填读一读附近课展示合作交流名师自测一情景对对碰连线二我爱记单词三连词成句注握本课重点单词和句型温故习新新课展示用图片学习单词短语小组自编学习必备 欢迎下载 1is,where,cinema,the,please(?)_ 2there,is,park,a,here,near(?)_ 3its,to,next,the,museum(.)_ 四、先读后译。Wh

10、ere is the cinema,please?_ Its next to the hospital._ Step 5 课堂作业(8 minutes)抄写句子:Where is the museum shop?Its near the door.Where is the post office?Its next to the museum.这节课我学到了什么:_ _ Unit 1 How can I get there?Where is the museum shop?Its neat the door.Thanks.电影院邮局科学博物馆书医院书店哪里邮局医院书二填一填读一读附近课展示合作交

11、流名师自测一情景对对碰连线二我爱记单词三连词成句注握本课重点单词和句型温故习新新课展示用图片学习单词短语小组自编学习必备 欢迎下载 第三课时 Part B Lets learn&Be a tour guide 1掌握单词:crossing,turn,left,straight,right,turn left,turn right,go straight 2掌握句型:Where is the Italian restaurant?Turn right at 3学会应用问路和指路。掌握本课重点单词和句型:Turn right/left at the hospital.Step 1 温故习新(5 m

12、inutes)1T:Is there a bookstore near here?S:Yes,there is.T:Where is it?S:Its next to the post office.2Go over words:science museum,post office Step 2 新课展示(15 minutes)1 用图片学习单词短语:crossing,turn,left,straight,right,turn left,turn right,go straight 2T:Where is the bookstore/post office?S:Go straight and

13、turn right/left at _ 3Listen to the tape and read after it.4小组自编对话,操练。Step 3 合作交流(10 minutes)1小组朗读 Lets learn 比赛。2Be a tour guide.3看图学会问路和指路。Step 4 名师自测(5 minutes)一、读单词,选汉意。()1.crossing A左 B右 C.十字路口()2.turn left A向右转 B向左转 C转弯()3.straight A左 B右 C直接地()4.turn right A向右转 B向左转 C转弯()5.go straight A向右转 B向左

14、转 C直走 二、选出不同类的一项。()1.A.bus Bdog Cplane()2.A.stop Bgo Cbook()3.A.bookstore Bcinema Cslow()4.A.taxi Bon foot Cby ship()5.A.hospital Bleft Cright Step 5 课堂作业(5 minutes)书写本课重点单词和短语。这节课我学到了什么:_ _ Unit 1 How can I get there?电影院邮局科学博物馆书医院书店哪里邮局医院书二填一填读一读附近课展示合作交流名师自测一情景对对碰连线二我爱记单词三连词成句注握本课重点单词和句型温故习新新课展示用图

15、片学习单词短语小组自编学习必备 欢迎下载 crossing,turn left,turn right,go straight 电影院邮局科学博物馆书医院书店哪里邮局医院书二填一填读一读附近课展示合作交流名师自测一情景对对碰连线二我爱记单词三连词成句注握本课重点单词和句型温故习新新课展示用图片学习单词短语小组自编学习必备 欢迎下载 第四课时 Part B Lets try&Lets talk 1学生掌握:interesting,Italian restaurant,pizza,street,get 2Listening practice:Lets try 3Learn“Lets talk”,学会

16、情景交际对话应用。Step 1 温故习新(5 minutes)1Go over the following words:turn left,turn right,go straight,crossing 2T:Now we are at school.How can we get to the bookstore?S:Go straight and turn right.You can see the bookstore.T:Can you read the words?Then match.(连一连)interesting Italian restaurant pizza street ge

17、t 比萨饼 餐馆 街道 到达 意大利的 有趣的 Step 2 新课展示(15 minutes)1Learn:Lets talk 2T:Do you like pizza?S:Yes,I do.T:Where is pizza from?S:Its from Italy.3Listen to the tape.(听录音,跟读对话)4T:Where is the restaurant?S:Its next to the park on Dongfang Street.T:How can they get there?S:Turn left at the bookstore.5Lets try:Li

18、sten and tick or cross.Step 3 合作交流(10 minutes)1Talk about a cinema or restaurant you like.T:How can you get there?S:I can T:I like films.How can I get to the cinema?S:Turn left/right at 2小组讨论编新对话,并展示对话。Step 4 名师自测(5 minutes)一、读一读,选一选。Ainteresting Brestaurant Cstreet Dhungry Eturn Fcrossing 1转弯()2.餐馆

19、()3.有趣的()4街道()5.十字路口()6.饥饿的()二、小小翻译家。()1.好多自行车照片!ASo many pictures of bikes!BSo many pictures and bikes.电影院邮局科学博物馆书医院书店哪里邮局医院书二填一填读一读附近课展示合作交流名师自测一情景对对碰连线二我爱记单词三连词成句注握本课重点单词和句型温故习新新课展示用图片学习单词短语小组自编学习必备 欢迎下载()2.公共汽车来了。AThe bus is coming.BThe bus is going.()3.它挨着博物馆。AIts the museum.BIts next to the mu

20、seum.()4.邮局在哪里?AWhere is the post office?BWhere is the bookstore?()5.我不知道。AI dont know.BI am a student.Step 5 课堂作业(5 minutes)抄写并背诵单词:interesting,Italian restaurant,pizza 这节课我学到了什么:_ _ Unit 1 How can I get there?interesting,Italian restaurant,pizza,street,get 电影院邮局科学博物馆书医院书店哪里邮局医院书二填一填读一读附近课展示合作交流名师自

21、测一情景对对碰连线二我爱记单词三连词成句注握本课重点单词和句型温故习新新课展示用图片学习单词短语小组自编学习必备 欢迎下载 第五课时 Part B Read and write 1掌握单词:GPS,gave,feature,follow,far,tell 2Complete“Read and write”3培养学生阅读能力。1Complete“Read and write”2培养学生阅读能力。Step 1 温故习新(5 minutes)1T:Where is the restaurant?S:Its next to the park on Dongfang Street.2T:How can

22、Mike get there?S:Turn left at the bookstore.Then turn right at the hospital.3读一读,连一连。GPS gave feature follow tell far 特点 提供 较远的 全球定位系统 跟着 告诉 Step 2 新课展示(15 minutes)1T:Look at the pictures and answer:Which of these can help you find a place?S:Map,GPS.2T:Listen and read the text and fill in the blanks

23、.Wu Yifans grandpa _ Robin a new _.He now has _.He can help the boys _ the Italian restaurant.3T:Read the text and answer the questions.Step 3 合作交流(10 minutes)1Fill in the blanks.Then retell the story.2 Check the answer:They go_straight and turn_left They turn_right_and then turn right again.Step 4

24、名师自测(5 minutes)一、读单词,选汉意。()1.GPS A指南针 B.全球定位系统()2.gave A提供、交给 B带来()3.feature A皮毛 B特点()4.follow A知道,了解 B跟着,跟随 二、开心阅读,判断对(T)错(F)。Nina:Look!These are my family pictures.Ann:Whos that man?Hes so handsome.Nina:Hes my father.Ann:Is he a player?Nina:No,hes a teacher.He teaches French(法语)in a school.Ann:Doe

25、s he go to work by car?电影院邮局科学博物馆书医院书店哪里邮局医院书二填一填读一读附近课展示合作交流名师自测一情景对对碰连线二我爱记单词三连词成句注握本课重点单词和句型温故习新新课展示用图片学习单词短语小组自编学习必备 欢迎下载 Nina:No,he doesnt.My dad always says,“More walks,more healthy”Ann:Really?So you go to school on foot,too?Nina:Oh,no,no,no.I go to school by the school bus.Just like you.()1.N

26、inas father is ugly.()2.Anns father is a player.()3.Ninas father goes to work by car.()4.Ninas father is a French teacher.()5.Both Ann and Nina go to school by the school bus.Step 5 课堂作业(5 minutes)书写本课重点单词。这节课我学到了什么:_ _ Unit 1 How can I get there?GPS,gave,feature,follow far,tell,go straight,turn lef

27、t,turn right 电影院邮局科学博物馆书医院书店哪里邮局医院书二填一填读一读附近课展示合作交流名师自测一情景对对碰连线二我爱记单词三连词成句注握本课重点单词和句型温故习新新课展示用图片学习单词短语小组自编学习必备 欢迎下载 第六课时 Part B Lets check,Lets wrap it up&Part C Story time 1复习 Unit 1 四会单词 11 个。2复习介词 next to,near,beside,behind,in front of 3听力训练:Lets check,Story time 1复习 Unit 1 四会单词 11 个。2复习介词 next t

28、o,near,beside,behind,in front of Step 1 温故习新(5 minutes)1T:What can GPS do?S:It can find the way.2读一读,译一译。science()museum()post office()bookstore()cinema()hospital()crossing()turn()left()straight()right()GPS()Step 2 新课展示(10 minutes)1Listen and tick the places you hear.2Write the words under the pictu

29、re.3Listen again and answer.Step 3 合作交流(10 minutes)Lets wrap it up 1Try to write more words:next to,near,beside,behind,in front of 2Have a try to make sentences with these words.3Tell the story.Step 4 名师自测(10 minutes)一、情景选择。()1.Where is the school?_ AYou can go on foot.BIts next to the hospital.()2.

30、Where is the picture?_ AIts on the wall.BIts red.()3.How can I get to the museum?_ ATurn left at the cinema.BYes,you can.()4.Excuse me.Is there a cinema near here?_ AYes,there is.BYes,it is.电影院邮局科学博物馆书医院书店哪里邮局医院书二填一填读一读附近课展示合作交流名师自测一情景对对碰连线二我爱记单词三连词成句注握本课重点单词和句型温故习新新课展示用图片学习单词短语小组自编学习必备 欢迎下载()5.Is t

31、here a zoo near the park?_ AYes,the zoo is near the park.BYes,the zoo is near the bank.二、连词成句。(注意大小写和标点符号)1get,I,how,can,there(?)_ 2left,bookstore,turn,at,the(.)_ 3is,a,hospital,there,my,in,city(.)_ Step 5 课堂作业(5 minutes)1背一背 Unit 1 四会单词。2背一背,写一写四个重点句子。这节课我学到了什么:_ _ Unit 1 How can I get there?next t

32、o,near,beside,behind,in front of 电影院邮局科学博物馆书医院书店哪里邮局医院书二填一填读一读附近课展示合作交流名师自测一情景对对碰连线二我爱记单词三连词成句注握本课重点单词和句型温故习新新课展示用图片学习单词短语小组自编学习必备 欢迎下载 Unit 2 Ways to go to school 第一课时 Main scene&Part A Lets learn,Write and say 1能够听、说、读、写短语:on foot,by bus,by plane,by taxi,by ship,by subway,by train。2Learn:How do we

33、 get there?How do you get to?By bus 3了解出行方式的知识,培养学生能选择不同的出行方式进行表达与交流。1Learn:on foot,by bus,by plane,by taxi 2能够听、说、读、写句子:How do we get there?How do you get to?By bus/taxi/subway/On foot Step 1 温故习新(5 minutes)1Greetings T:Welcome back to school.Nice to see you again.S:Nice to see you,too.2Go over:How

34、 are you?How old are you?Step 2 新课展示(15 minutes)1用 taxi,train,plane的图片引入这些单词。老师教读:taxi T:by taxi 2Use the same way to learn the other words:by bus,by plane,by ship,on foot 3T:Lets go to Beihai Park.S:Great!T:How do we get there?S:By bus.T:How do you get to school?S:On foot/By bus/bike (请分小组进行操练)4Q:H

35、ow many traffic ways can you find?S:Seven.Q:What are they?S:On foot/By bus/plane/taxi/ship/subway/train.5Lets learn.听录音,仿读对话,并表演对话。Step 3 合作交流(10 minutes)Write and say 1Oral practice:I go to school on foot/by bus 2Discuss in pairs:How do you get to?By 3强调 by 短语和 on foot:“by 交通工具”表示“乘坐”,on foot 是固定搭配

36、,相当于 walk 之义。4适当拓展:by plane 和 by air、by ship 和 by sea 的含义相同。Step 4 名师自测(5 minutes)一、读单词,选汉意。()1.on foot A步行 B乘地铁 C乘出租车 电影院邮局科学博物馆书医院书店哪里邮局医院书二填一填读一读附近课展示合作交流名师自测一情景对对碰连线二我爱记单词三连词成句注握本课重点单词和句型温故习新新课展示用图片学习单词短语小组自编学习必备 欢迎下载()2.by subway A乘出租车 B乘地铁 C骑自行车()3.by train A骑自行车 B乘出租车 C乘飞机()4.by plane A乘地铁 B乘

37、飞机 C步行()5.by taxi A乘飞机 B乘出租车 C乘轮船 二、在横线上填上合适的单词使句子完整。1._(怎样)do you go to school?2I _ _ _(上学)on foot.3I come to school _ _(骑自行车)4How do we _ _(到那儿)?5Lets go to the nature _(公园)Step 5 课堂作业(5 minutes)背一背教学目标的词组和句子。这节课我学到了_ _ Unit 2 Ways to go to school on foot by bus by plane by taxi by ship by subway

38、by train 电影院邮局科学博物馆书医院书店哪里邮局医院书二填一填读一读附近课展示合作交流名师自测一情景对对碰连线二我爱记单词三连词成句注握本课重点单词和句型温故习新新课展示用图片学习单词短语小组自编学习必备 欢迎下载 第二课时 Part A Lets try&Lets talk 1能听懂 Lets try 部分,圈出正确的句子。2能用简单的口语描述图画内容。3Learn:How do you come to school?Usually,I come on foot.Sometimes I come by bus.1Master:A.How do you come to school?B

39、Usually,I come on foot.CSometimes I come by bus.2流利朗读 Lets talk 部分中的对话,并能替换关键词进行问答。Step 1 温故习新(5 minutes)1T:Can you read and speak out their meaning?on foot/by taxi/bus/train/plane/ship/subway T:How do you get to Chengdu?S:By plane.T:How do you get to school from your home?S:On foot/By taxi/bus 2Lea

40、rn the new words:usually sometimes often walk exercise Step 2 新课展示(15 minutes)1T:How do you come to school?S:I come on foot.T:Usually,I come on foot.S:Usually,I come on foot.T:What about you?S:Sometimes I come by bus.(帮助学生应用 Sometimes,多操练)2Learn“Lets talk”T:Listen to the tape and find how the people

41、 come to school.S:Speak out the right answers.3听录音,仿读对话。4Fill in the blanks.Mrs.Smith:by_car/walk_ Amy:on_foot/by_bus Mike:by_bike Step 3 合作交流(10 minutes)1学生朗读并表演 Lets talk。2Learn:Lets try:Listen and tick or cross.3略讲 usually,often,sometimes 的位置,既可以放在句首,也可以放在句中。Step 4 名师自测(5 minutes)电影院邮局科学博物馆书医院书店哪

42、里邮局医院书二填一填读一读附近课展示合作交流名师自测一情景对对碰连线二我爱记单词三连词成句注握本课重点单词和句型温故习新新课展示用图片学习单词短语小组自编学习必备 欢迎下载 一、填一填,读一读。1I get to school _ _(步行)2I get to school _ _(乘火车)3I get to school_ _(出租车)4I get to school _ _(乘地铁)二、连词成句。(注意大小写和标点符号)1do,there,you,how,get(?)_ 2to,I,get,by,bus,school(.)_ 3often,I,by,bike,come(.)_ Step 5

43、 课堂作业(5 minutes)1背诵 Lets talk。2抄写本节课重点句子。这节课我学到了_ _ Unit 2 Ways to go to school Usually,I come on foot.Sometimes I come by bus.电影院邮局科学博物馆书医院书店哪里邮局医院书二填一填读一读附近课展示合作交流名师自测一情景对对碰连线二我爱记单词三连词成句注握本课重点单词和句型温故习新新课展示用图片学习单词短语小组自编学习必备 欢迎下载 第三课时 Part B Lets learn&Role-play 1学习单词并掌握:slow,slow down,stop 2学习并掌握句型

44、:(1)Stop and wait at a red light.(2)Slow down and stop at a yellow light.(3)Go at a green light.3了解基本的交通规则,即红灯停、绿灯行、黄灯等一等。掌握教学目标中的单词和重点句型。Step 1 温故习新(5 minutes)1Go over words:by subway,by bus 2T:How do you come to school?S:Usually,_I come on foot./Sometimes I come by bus/I often come by bike.Step 2

45、新课展示(15 minutes)1T:Show traffic light models to teach the new words.Q:What are these?S:Traffic lights.Q:What colour are they?S:They are red,green and yellow.T:Do you know the traffic rules about traffic lights?S:Answer it in Chinese.2T:Show word cards to teach:slow,slow down,stop T:Look at the traff

46、ic lights and say traffic rules:S:Stop and wait at a red light.Slow down and stop at a yellow light.Go at a green light.3出示交通图片,进行表演。Step 3 合作交流(10 minutes)1Lets learn:听录音,看图仿读句子。2教读并讲解重点句子。Step 4 名师自测(5 minutes)一、读一读,连一连。slow slow down stop red light green light yellow light 停止 红灯 慢 黄灯 绿灯 慢行二、根据交通规

47、则Tick()or cross()。()1.Go at a yellow light.()2.Stop and wait at a red light.()3.Go at a red light.()4.Go at a green light.()5.Slow down and stop at a yellow light.Step 5 课堂作业(5 minutes)读读、背背教学目标里的重点句子。电影院邮局科学博物馆书医院书店哪里邮局医院书二填一填读一读附近课展示合作交流名师自测一情景对对碰连线二我爱记单词三连词成句注握本课重点单词和句型温故习新新课展示用图片学习单词短语小组自编学习必备 欢

48、迎下载 这节课我学到了:_ _ Unit 2 Ways to go to school 1Stop and wait at a red light.2Slow down and stop at a yellow light 3Go at a green light.电影院邮局科学博物馆书医院书店哪里邮局医院书二填一填读一读附近课展示合作交流名师自测一情景对对碰连线二我爱记单词三连词成句注握本课重点单词和句型温故习新新课展示用图片学习单词短语小组自编学习必备 欢迎下载 第四课时 Part B Lets try&Lets talk 1人们必须遵守交通规则。2听力练习。3流利朗读 Lets talk

49、 部分。Know something about riding a bike and some traffic signs.Step 1 温故习新(5 minutes)1T:Red light means S:Stop and wait.T:Yellow light means S:Slow down and stop.T:Green light means S:Go.2填一填,读一读,译一译。(1)S_ and w_ at a red light.(2)S_ down and stop at a yellow light.(3)G_ at a green light.Step 2 新课展示(

50、18 minutes)1Lets talk T:How do you go to Chengdu/Chongqing?S:By bus/Take the bus.T:Look at the picture and answer:What are the people doing?S:They are riding bikes.T:What are on their heads?S:They are helmets 2T:Listen to the tape and read the dialogue.3T:我们骑自行车应该注意什么?S:In the USA people on bikes mu


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