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《2022届高考二轮专题语法复习语法系列动词不定式讲义.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2022届高考二轮专题语法复习语法系列动词不定式讲义.pdf(92页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、动词不定式(INFINITIVE)一、构成与特征动词不定式是动词的一种非限定形式,由比。+动词原形”构成,在句中起名词、形容词或副词的作用,同时也保留动词的一些特征,可以带宾语、状语或宾语补足语等。例如:He tried to work out the problem in five minutes.他试图在五分钟之内算出这道题。(带宾语和状语)This country,my country,is a place of dreamers who have the faith andthe will to make dreamscometrue.这个国家,我的祖国,是一片让那些有信心和意志让梦想

2、成真的人梦寐以求的国土。(带宾语和补足语)I am sorry to have kept you waiting.对不起,让您久等了。(完成时)I am glad to have been given a chance to visit your country.我彳艮高兴有机会访问贵国。(完成时,被动语态)不定式在许多场合具有情态意义。作主语时,相当于一个带有情态动词的主语从句;作定语时,相当于一个带有情态动词的定语从句;作宾语时,相当于一个带有情态动词的宾语从句;作目的状语时,相当于由sothat或in order that引导的目的状语从句。例如:It is right for her

3、to say so.她这样说是对的。(=It is right that she shouldsay so.)He has a lot of work to do.他有许多工作要做。(=.that he should/mustdo.)I dont know where to get theticket.我不知道在哪里能弄到票。(=.whereI could get the ticket.)She opened the door for the children to come in.她开了门,让孩子们进来。(=.so that the children might come in.)二、功能1

4、.作主语To think of you makes me old.思君令人老。To know oneself is difficult.人能自知,实属不易。To hesitate means failure.犹豫不决就意味着失败。To talk to her is to talk to a wall.同她谈是对牛弹琴。To know everything is to knownothing.样样皆通,样样稀松。To do this is to cut the foot to fit the shoe.这样做是削足适履。To see what is right and fail to do it

5、,is want of courage.见义不为,是谓无勇。To be good at fighting is not to becivilized.善于打斗,并非文明表现。To be human is to err.瓜无滚圆,人无十全。To be working all day long is abore.整天干活使人厌倦。(不定式进行式)To love and to be loved is the greatest happiness one can get.爱他人并为他人所爱是人生最大的幸福。To be learned in literature is such a different

6、thing from liking it.精通文学和喜欢文学完全是两码事。For him to admit his mistakes is not easy.要他承认错误是不容易的。(带逻辑主语)For her sister Mary to study music is a proper choice.要她妹妹玛丽学习音乐是恰当的选择。(带逻辑主语)For there to be so few people in the streets at this time of the dayisunusual.这个时候,街道上行人这么少,真是不正常。(there be 结构)To have known

7、 you is a privilege.认识了 你真是荣幸。(不定式完成式)Never to offend anyone is hisprinciple.不得罪人是他的原则。(带副词)Never to have made any mistake is impossible.从不犯错误是不可能的。(带副词)How to make our life longer is a big problem.怎样使我们活得更长久是个大问题。(带连接副词)不定式(短语)作主语时,往往由it代替它作形式主语,不定式移至谓语之后,这种情况多见于口语中。例如:It means failure to hesitate.

8、犹豫不决就意味着失败。Its hard to restore a brokenmirror.破镜难圆。It would be silly to believe him.相信他是愚蠢的。Its unlike him to be late.他可不是迟到的那种人。How does it feel to be on yourown?自由自在的感觉怎样?Its a virtueto admitand overcome ones own shortcomings.正视并克月艮自己的缺点是一种美德。Its a shame to say like that.那样说话是可耻的。(It+be+名词+不定式)It

9、takes two to make a quarrel.两个人才吵得起来。(It+动词+宾语+不定式)It would be wrong for people to marry for money.人们为钱而结婚是错误的。(It+be+形容词+for短语+不定式)It was annoying of Jim to lose mybike.吉姆把我的自行车弄丢了令人生气。(It+be+形容词+of短语+不定式)It is against my principles to do such a thing.做这样的事是违反我的原则的。(It+be+介词短语+不定式)考查下面两句谚语:Better b

10、e envied than pitied.令人嫉妒胜似令人怜悯。To be envied is better than to be pitied.It is better to be envied than to be pitied.Better buy than borrow.买比借强。To buy is better than to borrow.It is better to buy than to borrow.提示不定式作主语时,在很多情况下都可用动名词替代。例如:Hesitating means failure.Thinking of you makes me old.Knowin

11、g oneself is difficult.但是,如果作主语的不定式是固定说法,或表示较强烈的对比,或某些具体情况等,通常不用动名词替代。例如:Toerr is human.没有不犯错误的人。(不说Erring is human.)To respect others is to berespected.尊重别人就是尊重自己。To love is to be loved.爱别人就是被人爱。To forgive is to be forgiven.原谅他人就是原谅自己。To love nature is to love mankinditself.爱自然就是爱人类。To teach is to

12、learn.教即是学。To finish this job in one day isimpossible.要是一天之内完成这项工作是不可能的。(某次具体情况)有时候,作主语的不定式相当于一个条件从句。例如:To love others is to be loved.爱人即爱己。=If you love others,you will be loved by others.To build an expressway acrossthe country requires a lot of money.建一条贯通全国的高速公路需要很多钱。=If you build an expressway a

13、cross the country,it will require a lot ofmoney.To see her is to love her.见了 她就会爱上她。=If one sees her,one will love her.如果作主语的不定式短语是“及物动词+宾语”,常可以把这个宾语转换为主语,而把不定式移到句尾。例如:To revise the poem took her twoweeks.修改这首诗花了她两周时间。The poem took her two weeks to revise,(the poem 是 revise 的逻辑宾语)To talk with Helen

14、is interesting.同海伦谈话很有趣。=Helen is interesting to talk with.To build this museum requires one million dollars.建造这个博物馆需要100万美元。The museum requires one million dollars to build.To deal with the matter is hard.处理这件事很难。The matter is hard to deal with.To decorate the room cost me 4,000 yuan.装修这个房间花了我4 000

15、元。=The room cost me 4,000 yuan to decorate.2.作表语1 表示目的To liveistodo somethingworthwhile.活着就是要做一些有价值的事情。The next step is to make sure that you know exactly what is required.T一步你要真正弄清楚需要的是什么。The purpose of the exchange program is to promote theunderstandingbetweenthetwocountries.这项交流计划旨在促进两国之间的相互了解。Th

16、e purpose of education is to develop a fine personality in children.教育的目的是发展儿童完美的品格。The important thing in life is to haveagreat aim,andthe determination toattain it.人生最重要的事情就是要有一个伟大的奋斗目标和为实现这一目标的决心。【提示】下面是一个歧义句:His object is not to eat.他的目的不在吃饭。他的目的就是不吃饭。2 表示事态发展的结果、预期的结果、不幸的命运或预言Shes to be admired

17、.她应该受到敬重。You are to die at ninety-eight.彳 尔会在98岁时去世。One is to struggle for ones living.人要为自己的生存奋斗。To do it is to ruin yourself.做那事只会毁掉你自己。To criticize them is to makeenemies.批评他们就是结怨。To become a slave is to give up ones freedom.当奴隶就是放弃自由。Man is to live a better life in the next century.人类在下一世纪会生活得更好

18、。He was to perish in a shipwreck and to leave a wife and two children.后来他在一次船只失事中死了,留下了妻子和两个孩子。The girl was born during the illness of his father whom he was never tosee.那个女孩是在她父亲病重期间出生的,她再也见不到自己的父亲了。You must speak out,if we are to remain friends.如果我们还想继续做朋友的话,你就必须痛痛快快地把话都说出来。3 用于第一人称疑问句,表示征求意见What

19、am I to say if they ask me the question?要是他们问我这个问题,我该怎么回答呢?What am I to do if I have nomoney?如果没有钱,我该怎么办呢?(=What should I do if.)4用于被动语态,相当于can/could,should,ought to,m ust,具有情态意义Theregulationsare tobeobserved.规章制度必须遵守。(must)Gossips are to be dreaded.人言可畏。You are to be rewarded.你应受奖励。(should)He is no

20、t to be feared.不应怕他。(should not be)Its nowhere to be found.哪儿也找不到它。(cant be)This kind of grass is to be seeneverywhere.这种草哪儿都能见到。(canbe)These books are not to be sold.这些书不应卖掉。(ought not to be)Men are not to be measured byinches.人不是可以用身高来衡量的。Love and cough are not to behidden.爱情像咳嗽一样是隐藏不住的。He is to b

21、e congratulated on his brilliant discoveries.他作出了 重大贡献,应该祝贺。(ought to)5表示“同意,安排,命令,决定,劝告,意愿,禁止”等They are to marry next week.他们下周结婚。(安排)He is to give up drinking.他务必要戒酒。(命令式劝告)Children are not to smoke.儿童不准吸烟。(禁止)Nobody is to know.不应让任何人知道。(禁止)The man is guilty and is to undergo ten monthsimprisonmen

22、t.那人犯了罪,要处以10个月的监禁。(决定)You must be patient and persistent if you are to succeed.要想成功,就必须有耐心,有毅力。(愿望)6 不定式作表语,可用主动形式表示被动意义She is to blame.她应该受到责备。The house is to let.该房屋出租。A great deal is yet to do.还有许多事要做。The result is not long to see.结果不久就会看到。Something is still to find out.有些东西还有待查明。Little remains

23、to do.没有什么可做的了。3.作动词宾语I cant afford to take flyinglessons.我付不起飞行课程的费用。Shelonged to go back to herhometown.她渴望返回家乡。He refused to be photographed.他拒绝让人拍照。She deserved to be praised.她值得受表扬。I cant bear to look back.往事不堪回首。I trust to hear good news fromyou.我相信能听到你的好消息。He arranged to meet her there.他安排在那里

24、见她。He sworeto abide by thisprinciple.他发誓恪守这一原则。I prefer to call off the meeting on account of our directors absence.因为主任不在,我认为还是取消会议好。下列动词适合接不定式作宾语(大约90个):afford,arrange,bear,beg,care,commence,demand,dislike,endeavour,fear,forget,hate,hesitate,like,love,mean,neglect,pledge,prefer,propose,resolve,thr

25、eaten,undertake,venture,contrive,condescend,contract,aspire,hasten,plot,proceed,agree同意,consent 同意,decline 拒绝,refuse 拒绝,offer 提出,promise答应,choose 选择,decide 决定,determine 决心,attempt 试图,intend企图,manage设法,fail失败,ask要求,hope希望,want想要,expect指望,long渴望,wish希望,tend倾向于,desire希望,seek寻求,claim声称,plan计划,prepare准备,

26、learn学会,mean意欲,打算,volunteer 自愿,pretend 假装,dare 敢于,等。【提示】feel,find,judge,make,think,believe,consider 等动词后如果是不定式作宾语,补语是形容词(间或是名词),常用it作形式宾语,把不定式后移。例如:I find it difficult to work withhim.我发现同他共事很难。I believe it best to leave the matter entirely to his discretion.我相信这件事由他决定处理最好。He thought it a great pity

27、 not to have invited her.他认为没邀请她是个极大的遗憾。She made it a rule to get up atfive.她通常在 5 点钟起床。I judge it useless to be arguing with him.我认为同他争辩没有用。I supposed it a great pity for Henry to do such a silly thing.我认为亨利做这样的傻事真是太可惜了。She regards itas of greatimportance for the Chinese to learn from other countri

28、es.她认为中国人向别的国家学习十分重要。They considered it little use to spend more money on it.他们认为在那上面多花钱毫无用处。think后有时也可跟不定式作宾语,在疑问句和否定句中用得较多。例如:I never thought to meet you here.我没想到在这里遇见你。Did he think to find out the truth?他想弄明白事实真相吗?I did notthink to find you twohere.我没料到会在这里碰到你们俩。I thought toarrive early but Icou

29、ldnt.我很想早些到,可是早不了。I think to buy a new dictionary.我想买一本新词典。(相当于 I think Ishall buy a new dictionary.)3care在否定句、疑问句和条件句中可接不定式作宾语。例如:She doesnt care to spend muchtime with her relatives.她不喜欢花太多时间跟亲戚在一起。Would you care to hear my opinion of her?你愿意听听我对她的看法吗?If you care to meet him,Ill call him right now

30、.如果你想见他,我马上就给他打电话。You might care to look at thepainting.他也许愿意看看这幅画。(相当于省略了条件句)Anyone who cares to come will be welcome.谁愿意来都欢迎。(who 从句相当条件句)4but,except,besides,than,save作介词表示 除 外 时,可用不定式作宾语。参阅下文。例如:Nothing remains but to die.除了死没有别的办法。It had no effect except to make her angry.这毫无结果,只能惹她生气。He did not

31、hing for them save givethem some old clothes.除了给他们一些旧衣服外,他没有为他们做什么。4.作宾语补足语I wrote him to come at once.我写信要他马上来。He likes his wife to dress well.他喜欢妻子穿得漂亮。I dont want there to be anothermistake.我不想再出现错误。I like there to be a park here.我喜欢这里有公园。I dont like them to be foolingaround.我不喜欢他们四处游荡。I wished f

32、or the dictionary to berevised.我希望这本词典修订一下。All depends upon her not to loseheart.一切都在于她不灰心。Ive arranged for the ship to beunloaded.我已安排卸船。What caused her to give up herstudies?什么使她辍学?He proved himself to be a hero.他证明自己是个英雄。Ill get someone to do it for you.我将找人帮你做这件事。She asked me to answer the phone

33、 in her absence.她要我在她不在的时候接电话。The company advertised for a doctor of philosophy to be theeditor-in-chief.这家公司登广告聘用一名哲学博士担任主编。I prefer him not to come.我宁愿他不来。I wish it to be finished beforeFriday.我希望这工作在星期五之前完成。I understood her to say she wouldcooperate.我理解她说的意思是愿意合作。I couldnt bear her to beunhappy.她

34、不幸福,这我受不 了。She meant him to paint the doorwhite.她的意思是让他把门漆成白色。He promised me to decorate thehouse.他答应我装修房子。Bill thought the pen to belong toJohn.比尔以为这支钢笔属于约翰。The situation requires(of)us to quicken our economic reform.形势要求我们加快经济改革。They taught me to be strong and follow my heart.他们教我学会坚强,学会听从自己的心声。Th

35、e baby wants to be born and she wants it to be born.娃娃想出来,她也想把娃娃生出来。In many shops,the customer had to wait for someone to wait uponhim.在许多商店,顾客得静候店员的招呼。She e-mailed him to make a move to resolve the dispute.她给他发了 电子邮件,要他采取行动来解决争端。下列表示“指示,愿望,感觉”等的动词(短语)后可用不定式作宾语补足语:challenge,drive,enable,forbid,hate,

36、inform,like,mean,recommend,require,tempt,accustom,appoint,assign,assist,authorize,bid(sb.to do,sb.do),bribe,bring,callon,coax,coerce,commission,condemn,empower,entice,entitle,equip,fit,have(sb.do),impel,implore,incite,induce,motion to,wish for,depend upon,telephone,advertise for,arrange for,let(sb.d

37、o),listen to(sb.do),look at(sb.do),make(sb.do),oblige,prompt,send,sentence,sign,train,worry,inspire,lead,bear,promise,waitfor,ask 要求,request 要求,tell 告诉,invite 邀请,force 迫使,compel迫使,press迫使,get使得,cause引起,beg乞求,wish希望,prefer宁愿,want 想要,intend 打算,expect 期望,encourage 鼓励,advise劝告,persuade说服,instruct 指示,all

38、ow 允许,permit 允许,remind 提醒,urge 激励,order命令,command命令,warn警告,trouble麻 烦,等。【提示】dislike不可接不定式作宾语补足语,但should dislike则可以。例如:我不喜欢学生抽烟。I dislike the students to smoke.xI should dislike the students to smoke.v 2know后可接不定式作宾语补足语。例如:I know him to be a good worker.我知道他做起事来是一把好手。I know this to be a fact.我知道这是一桩事

39、实。I have not known anything like this to happen before.我从没听说发生过这样的事。Ive never known John to tell alie.我从没听说过约翰撒谎。Did you ever know him to say hed been ill?你曾经听他说过他病了吗?hope,demand后面不能接动词不定式作宾语补足语(参阅有关章节)。例如:他希望妹妹能帮一把。He hoped his sister to lend him a hand.XHe hoped that his sister would lend him a ha

40、nd.v他要我放弃那个机会。He demanded me to give up thechance.xHe demanded that I give up the chance.vsuggest后一般不接动词不定式作宾语补足语。例如:I suggested him not to go therealone.(不说)I suggested that he not go therealonejd我建议他不要单独去那里。但见过这样的句子:She suggested a specialcommittee to work on a new plan.她提议成立一个特别委员会来制订一个新计划。(不定式可以

41、看作表示目的)动词 decide,discover,explain,consider,ask,find out,forget,know,imagine,learn,observe,remember,tell,show,think,understand,wonder等 后 可 以 接how/who/whom/what/when/which/where/whether+to 不定式”作宾语。“连接代词/副词+t。不定式”结构还可以作主语、主语补语、介词宾语或定语等。例如:I know how to start the machine.我知道怎样开动这台机器。I wonder who to invi

42、te.我想知道要邀请谁。I must think what to do next.我必须计划一下下一步做什么。Ive forgotten where to put it.我忘了 把它放在哪里了。Harold is teaching me how to play the guitar.哈罗德在教我如何弹吉他。She asked me which to buy.她问我买哪一个。She doesnt understand how to look after him.她不懂得如何照顾他。Please remind me when to pay the bill.请提醒我什么时候付账单。I cantde

43、cide whom to invite.我决定不了邀请谁。You ought to learn how to bepatient.你应该学会怎样保持耐心。Youmust not forget when to keepsilent.你不能忘了什么时候该沉默。Hellsoon find out how to drive the car.他不久就会学会开车的。They debatedwhen to take avote.他们争论着何时投票。Notice how to draw a horse inmotion.注意怎样画奔跑中的马。Lets inquire how to get there.我们问一

44、下怎样去那里。I have to consider what to donext.我将考虑下一步该怎么做。You should choose where to eat.你来选择在哪里吃饭吧。I cant remember how to getthere.我记不起怎样到那儿的了。We stillhave to arrange how to get home.我们还必须安排好怎样回家。Only the hunter could say where to find water.只有猎人知道哪里能找至!J水。Please demonstrate how to do the experiment.该演示

45、一下如何做这个实验。Ive shown him how to work the coffee machine.我给他示范如何使用这台咖啡机。Please inform us how to find Dr.Browns house.请告诉我们如何才能找到布朗博士的房子。If you watch carefully,you will see how to do it.如果你注意看,你就会看明白这东西怎么做。She sat by the artist and observed how to paint a field and some trees.她坐在那位艺术家身旁,观察着怎样画田野和田野上的一些

46、树。动词 feel,suppose,prove,imagine,find,declare,consider,judge,guess,assert,esteem,believe等后的宾语补足语常是“tobe或 to have+过去分词 形式(参阅有关章节)。例如:I should guess her to be around thirty years old.我猜想她大约 30 岁。She esteems herself to be lucky.她自认为是幸运的。I declare the story to be false.我断言这个说法是虚假的。I judged him to have be

47、en agambler.我判断他曾是个赌徒。5.作定语1动词不定式与其所修饰的词之间可有主谓关系或动宾关系;表示动宾关系时,如果该不定式是不及物动词,或者该不定式本身有宾语,其后应有必要的介词The man to help you is Mr.Smith.愿意帮助你的人是史密斯先生。(主谓关系)I have a paper to proofread.我有一篇文章要校对。(动宾关系)He is a pleasant fellow to workwith.他是个很好共事的人。She bought a bookshelf to put her books on.她买了 一个书架放书。She has

48、a room to live in.她有一个房间住。He has a child to take care of.他有一个孩子要照管。She can find no one to make friends with.她找不到可交朋友的人。We have no proof to go to the police with.我们没有证据去找警察。He lent me a book to kill timewith.他借给我一本书消磨时间。She offered me a cup of coffee to refresh my spirit with.她给我端来一杯咖啡,让我提提神。I made n

49、otes of the phrases to bememorized.我记下了 需要背诵的短语。The thing to be these days is a government official.现在,人们愿意当的是政府官员。Are you going to the conference to be held next week?你准备参加下周举行的会议吗?【提示】不定式所修饰的名词,可以是及物动词的宾语,双宾动词的宾语,也可以是及物性短语动词的宾语。例如:He found no good music to enjoy.他发现没有可供欣赏的好音乐。(music是及物动词found的宾语)T

50、hey brought her some clothes towash.他们给她带来了一些要洗的衣服。(clothes是双宾动词brought的直接宾语)She looked for some interesting novels to read.她寻找一些有趣的小说读。(novels作短语动词looked for的宾语)2 作定语的不定式可以表示情态意作定语的不定式有时含有情态意义,相当于may,can,must,will,would或 should所具有的含义。例如:He has no friend to depend on.他没有可以依靠的朋友。(=whom he candepend o


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