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《英语高考真题卷--全国3(含答案解析).pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《英语高考真题卷--全国3(含答案解析).pdf(15页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、2018年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试全国III卷英语第一部分 听力(共两节,满分3 0 分)第 一 节(共 5小题;每小题1.5 分,满分7.5分)听下面5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有1 0 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1.What does J ohn find difficu lt in learning G erman?A.P ronu nciat ion.B.Vocabu lary.C.G rammar.2.What is t he probable relat ions hip b

2、et w een t he s peakers?A.C olleagu es.B.B rot her and s is t er.C.Teacher and s t u dent.3.Where does t he conv ers at ion probably t ake place?A.I n a bank.B.A t a t icket office.C.O n a t rain.4.What are t he s peakers t alking abou t?A.A res t au rant.B.A s t reet.C.A dis h.5.What does t he w om

3、an t hink of her int erv iew?A.I t w as t ou gh.B.I t w as int eres t ing.C.I t w as s u cces s fu l.第 二 节(共 1 5 小题;每小题1.5 分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6 段材料,回答第6、7 题。6.When w ill J u dy go t o a part y?A.O n

4、 M onday.B.O n Tu es day.C.O n Wednes day.7.What w ill M ax do nex t?A.F ly a kit e.B.Read a magaz ine.C.D o his homew ork.听第7 段材料,回答第8、9题。8.What does t he man s u gges t doing at firs t?A.G oing t o a concert.B.Wat ching a mov ie.C.P lay ing a compu t er game.9.What do t he s peakers decide t o do?

5、A.Vis it M ike.B.G o boat ing.C.Take a w alk.听第8 段材料,回答第1 0 至 1 2题。1 0.Which color do cat s s ee bet t er t han hu mans?A.Red.B.G reen.C.B lu e.1 1.Why do cat s bring dead birds home?A.To eat t hem in a s afe place.B.To s how off t heir hu nt ing s kills.C.To make t heir ow ners happy.1 2.H ow does

6、t he man s ou nd at t he end of t he conv ers at ion?A.G rat efu l.B.H u morou s.C.C u riou s.听第9 段材料,回答第1 3 至 1 6 题。1 3.Who is M acy?E d s mot her.B,E d s t eacher.C.E d s friend.1 4.H ow does E d u s u ally go t o kindergart en?A.B y car.B.O n foot.C.B y bu s.1 5.What does E d enjoy doing at t he

7、kindergart en?A.Telling s t ories.B.Singing s ongs.C.P lay ing w it h ot hers.1 6.What do t he t eachers s ay abou t E d?A.H e,s clev er.B.H e,s qu iet.C.H e,s brav e.听 第 1 0 段材料,回答第1 7 至 20 题。1 7.A t w hat age did E mily s t art learning ballet?A.F iv e.B.Six.C.N ine.1 8.Why did E mily mov e t o To

8、ront o?A.To w ork for a dance s chool.B.To perform at a dance t heat er.C.To learn cont emporary dance.1 9.Why did E mily qu it dancing?A.She w as t oo old t o dance.B.She failed t o get a s cholars hip.C.She los t int eres t in it.20.H ow does E mily feel abou t s t opping t raining?A.She,s pleas e

9、d.B.She,s regret fu l.C.She,s u ps et.第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分4 0 分)第一节 供 1 5 小 题 海 小 题 2 分,满分3 0 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和 D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AWelcome t o H oI ker H all&G ardensVis it or I nformat ionH ow t o G et t o H olkerB y C ar:F ollow brow n s igns on A 5 9 0 from J 3 6,M 6.A pprox imat e t rav el t imes:Wi

10、ndermere-20 minu t es,K endal-25 minu t es,L ancas t er-4 5 minu t es,M anches t er 1 hou r 3 0 minu t es.B y Rail:The neares t s t at ion is C ark-in-C art mel w it h t rains t o C arnfort h,L ancas t er andP res t on for connect ions t o major cit ies&airport s.O pening TimesSu nday-F riday (clos

11、ed on Sat u rday)1 1:0 0 am-4:0 0 pm,3 0 t h M arch-2nd N ov ember.A dmis s ion C hargesH all&G ardensG ardensA du lt s:1 2.0 0G rou ps:9.0 0 8.0 0 5.5 0Special E v ent sP rodu cers M arket 1 3 t h A prilJ oin u s t o t as t e a v ariet y of fres h local food and drinks.M eet t he produ cers and get

12、s ome ex cellent recipe ideas.H olker G arden F es t iv al 3 0 t h M ayThe ev ent celebrat es it s 22nd anniv ers ary w it h a great s how of t he v ery bes t ofgardening,making it one of t he mos t popu lar ev ent s in gardening.N at ional G arden D ay 28t h A u gu s tI I oI ker once again opens it

13、 s gardens in aid of t he dis adv ant aged.F or ju s t a s malldonat ion y ou can t ake a t ou r w it h ou r garden gu ide.Wint or M arket 8t h N ov emberThis is an ev ent for all t he family.Wander among a v ariet y of s hops s elling gift s w hileenjoy ing a liv e mu s ic s how and nice s t reet e

14、nt ert ainment.21.H ow long does it probably t ake a t ou ris t t o driv e t o llolker from M anches t er?A.20 minu t es.B.25 minu t es.C.4 5 minu t es.D.9 0 minu t es.22.H ow mu ch s hou ld a member of a t ou r grou p pay t o v is it H all&G ardens?A.1 2.0 0.B.9.0 0.C.8.0 0.D.5.5 0.23.Which ev ent

15、w ill y ou go t o if y ou w ant t o s ee a liv e mu s ic s how?A.P rodu cers M arket.B.H oI ker G arden F es t iv al.C.N at ional G arden D ay.D.Wint er M arket.BC it ies u s u ally hav e a good reas on for being w here t hey are,like a nearby port or riv er.P eople s et t le in t hes e places becau

16、 s e t hey are eas y t o get t o and nat u rally s u it ed t ocommu nicat ions and t rade.N ew York C it y,for ex ample,is near a large harbou r at t he mou t hof t he H u ds on Riv er.O v er 3 0 0 y ears it s popu lat ion grew gradu ally from 80 0 people t o 8million.B u t not all cit ies dev elop

17、s low ly ov er a long period of t ime.B oom t ow ns grow fromnot hing almos t ov ernight.I n 1 89 6,D aw s on,C anada,w as u nmapped w ildernes s(荒 里 于).B u t goldw as dis cov ered t here in 1 89 7,and t w o y ears lat er,it w as one of t he larges t cit ies in t heWes t,w it h a popu lat ion of 3 0

18、,0 0 0.D aw s on did not hav e any of t he nat u ral conv eniences of cit ies like L ondon or P aris.P eople w ent t here for gold.They t rav elled ov er s now-cov ered mou nt ains and s ailed hu ndredsof miles u p icy riv ers.The pat h t o D aw s on w as cov ered w it h t hirt y feet of w et s now

19、t hatcou ld fall w it hou t w arning.A n av alanche(雪崩)once clos ed t he pat h,killing 6 3 people.F ormany w ho made it t o D aw s on,how ev er,t he rew ards w ere w ort h t he difficu lt t rip.O f t he firs t20,0 0 0 people w ho du g for gold,4,0 0 0 got rich.A bou t 1 0 0 of t hes e s t ay ed rich

20、 men for t heres t of t heir liv es.B u t no mat t er how rich t hey w ere,D aw s on w as nev er comfort able.N eces s it ies like foodand w ood w ere v ery ex pens iv e.B u t s oon,t he gold t hat D aw s on depended on had all been fou nd.The cit y w as crow ded w it h dis appoint ed people w it h

21、no int eres t in s et t ling dow n,and w hent hey heard t here w ere new gold dis cov eries in A las ka,t hey left D aw s on C it y as qu ickly ast hey had come.Today,people s t ill come and go 一 t o s ee w here t he C anadian gold ru s hhappened.Tou ris m is now t he chief indu s t ry of D aw s on

22、C it y -it s pres ent popu lat ion is 7 6 2.24.What at t ract ed t he early s et t lers t o N ew York C it y?I t s bu s ines s cu lt u re.I t s s mal1 popu lat ion.I t s geographical pos it ion.I t s fav ou rable climat e.25.What do w e know abou t t hos e w ho firs t du g for gold in D aw s on?A.Tw

23、 o-t hirds of t hem s t ay ed t here.B.O ne ou t of fiv e people got rich.C.A lmos t ev ery one gav e u p.BCDD.H alf of t hem died.26.What w as t he main reas on for many people t o leav e D aw s on?A.They fou nd t he cit y t oo crow ded.B.They w ant ed t o t ry t heir lu ck els ew here.C.They w ere

24、 u nable t o s t and t he w int er.D.They w ere s hort of food.27.What is t he t ex t mainly abou t?A.The ris e and fall of a cit y.B.The gold ru s h in C anada.C.J ou rney s int o t he w ildernes s.D.Tou ris m in D aw s on.CWhile famou s foreign archit ect s are inv it ed t o lead t he des igns of

25、landmark bu ildings inC hina s u ch as t he new C C TV t ow er and t he N at ional C ent er for t he P erforming A rt s,manyex cellent C hines e archit ect s are making great effort s t o t ake t he cent er s t age.Their effort s hav e been prov en fru it fu l.Wang Shu,a 4 9-y ear-old C hines e arch

26、it ect,w ont he 20 1 2 P rit z ker A rchit ect u re P riz e-w hich is oft en referred t o as t he N obel P riz e inarchit ect u re on F ebru ary 28.H e is t he firs t C hines e cit iz en t o w in t his aw ard.Wang s erv es as head of t he A rchit ect u re D epart ment at t he C hina A cademy of A rt

27、 (C A A).H isoffice is locat ed at t he Xiangs han campu s(校园)of t he u niv ers it y in H angz hou,ZhejiangP rov ince.M any bu ildings on t he campu s are his original creat ions.The s t y le of t he campu s is qu it e different from t hat of mos t C hines e u niv ers it ies.M anyv is it ors w ere a

28、maz ed by t he complex archit ect u ral s pace and abu ndant bu ilding t y pes.Thecu rv es(曲线)of t he bu ildings perfect ly mat ch t he ris e and fall of hills,forming a u niqu ev iew.Wang collect ed more t han 7 million abandoned bricks of different ages.H e as ked t hew orkers t o u s e t radit io

29、nal t echniqu es t o make t he bricks int o w alls,roofs and corridors.This creat ion at t ract ed a lot of at t ent ion t hanks t o it s mix t u re of modern and t radit ionalC hines e element s (元素).Wang s w orks s how a deep u nders t anding of modern archit ect u re and a good know ledge oft rad

30、it ions.Throu gh s u ch a balance,he had creat ed a new t y pe of C hines e archit ect u re,s aidTadao A ndo,t he w inner of t he 1 9 9 5 P rit z ker P riz e.Wang believ es t radit ions s hou ld not be s ealed in glas s box es at mu s eu ms.That is onlyev idence t hat t radit ions once ex is t ed,he

31、 s aid.“M any C hines e people hav e a mis u nders t anding of t radit ions.They t hink t radit ion meansold t hings from t he pas t.I n fact,t radit ion als o refers t o t he t hings t hat hav e beendev eloping and t hat are s t ill being creat ed,he s aid.“Today,many C hines e people are learning

32、Wes t ern s t y les and t heories rat her t hanfocu s ing on C hines e t radit ions.M any people t end t o t alk abou t t radit ions w it hou t know ingw hat t hey really are,“s aid Wang.The s t u dy of t radit ions s hou ld be combined w it h pract ice.O t herw is e,t he recreat ion oft radit ions

33、w ou ld be art ificial and empt y,he s aid.28.Wang s w inning of t he priz e means t hat C hines e archit ect s are.A.follow ing t he lat es t w orld t rendB.get t ing int ernat ional recognit ionC.w orking harder t han ev er beforeD.rely ing on foreign archit ect s29.What impres s ed v is it ors t

34、o t he C A A Xiangs han campu s mos t?A.I t s hilly env ironment.B.I t s large s iz e.C.I t s u niqu e s t y le.D.I t s div ers e fu nct ions.3 0.What made Wang,s archit ect u ral des ign a s u cces s?A.The mix t u re of different s hapes.B.The balance of E as t and Wes t.C.The u s e of popu lar t e

35、chniqu es.D.The harmony of old and new.3 1.What s hou ld w e do abou t C hines e t radit ions according t o Wang?A.B.C.D.Spread t hem t o t he w orld.P res erv e t hem at mu s eu ms.Teach t hem in u niv ers it ies.Recreat e t hem in pract ice.DA du lt s u nders t and w hat it feels like t o be flood

36、ed w it h object s.Why do w et hat more is more w hen it comes t o kids and t heir belongings?The good new s ishelp my ow n kids learn earlier t han I did how t o liv e more w it h les s.I fou nd t he pre-holiday s a good t ime t o encou rage y ou ng children t o donat et hings,and it w orked.B ecau

37、 s e of ou r effort s,ou r dau ght er G eorgia did decideoft en as s u met hat I canles s-u s edt olarge bag of t oy s t o a lit t le girl w hos e mot her w as u nable t o pay for her holidayillnes s.She chos e t o s ell a few larger object s t hat w ere les s oft en u s ed w hen w et o pu t t he mo

38、ney int o her s chool fu nd(基 金)(ou r kindergart en dau ght er is s eriou sbecoming a doct or).F or w eeks,I v e been t hinking of bigger,deeper qu es t ions:H ow do w e make itdonat e adu e t opromis edabou ta habitfor t hem?A nd how do w e t rain ou rs elv es t o help t hem liv e w it h,need,and u

39、 s e les s?Yes t erday,I s at w it h my s on,Shepherd,det ermined t o t es t my ow n t heory on t his.I decidedt o play w it h him w it h only one t oy for as long as it w ou ld keep his int eres t.I ex pect edt hat one t oy w ou ld keep his at t ent ion for abou t fiv e minu t es,t en minu t es,max

40、.I chos e ared ru bber ball s imple,u niv ers ally av ailable.We pas s ed it,he t ried t o pu t it in hismou t h,he t ried bou ncing it,rolling it,s it t ing on it,t hrow ing it.I t w as t ot ally,complet ely enou gh for him.B efore I knew it an hou r had pas s ed and it w as t ime t o mov e on t ol

41、u nch.We bot h became abs orbed in t he s implicit y of play ing t oget her.H e had my fu ll at t ent ionand I had his.M y lit t le ex periment t o find joy in a s ingle object w orked for bot h of u s.3 2.What do t he w ords more is more“in paragraph 1 probably mean?A.The more,t he bet t er.B.E nou

42、 gh is enou gh.C.M ore money,more w orries.D.E arn more and s pend more.3 3.What made G eorgia agree t o s ell s ome of her object s?A.Sav ing u p for her holiday.B.Rais ing money for a poor girl.C.A dding t he money t o her fu nd.D.G iv ing t he money t o a s ick mot her.3 4.Why did t he au t hor p

43、lay t he ball w it h Shepherd?A.To t ry ou t an idea.B.To s how a parentJ s lov e.C.To t rain his at t ent ion.D.To help him s t art a hobby.3 5.What can be a s u it able t it le for t he t ex t?A.Take I t or L eav e I tB.A L es s on from K idsC.L iv e M ore w it h L es sD.The P leas u re of G iv in

44、g第 二 节(共 5小题;每小题2分,满 分 1 0 分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。B efore t here w as t he w rit t en w ord,t here w as t he langu age of dance.D ance ex pres s es lov eand hat e,joy and s orrow,life and deat h,and ev ery t hing els e in bet w een.3 6 We dance from F lorida t o A las ka,from nor

45、t h t o s ou t h and s ea t o s ea.We dance atw eddings,birt hday s,office part ies and ju s t t o fill t he t ime.I adore dancing,s ay s L es t er B ridges,t he ow ner of a dance s t u dio in I ow a.I can,timagine doing any t hing els e w it h my life.B ridges ru ns dance clas s es for all ages.Tea

46、ching dance is w onderfu l.3 7 I t s great t o w at ch t hem.F or many of t hem,it s aw ay of meet ing people and hav ing a s ocial life.3 8 I can t ell y ou abou t one y ou ng cou ple,s ay s B ridges.They re learning t o dot radit ional dances.They arriv e at t he clas s in low s pirit s and t hey

47、leav e w it h a s mile.3 9 So,do w e dance in order t o make ou rs elv es feel bet t er,calmer,healt hier?A ndreaH illier s ay s,“D ance,like t he pat t ern of a beat ing heart,is life.E v en aft er all t hes ey ears,I w ant t o get bet t er and bet t er.4 0 I find it hard t o s t op!D ancing remind

48、s me Im aliv e.A.So w hy do w e dance?B.D ance in t he U.S.is ev ery w here.C.I f y ou like dancing ou t doors,come t o A merica.D.M y older s t u dent s s ay it makes t hem feel y ou ng.E.I keep pract icing ev en w hen I m ex t remely t ired.F.D ancing s eems t o change t heir feeling complet ely.G

49、.They s t ay ed u p all night long s inging and dancing.第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分4 5 分)第 一 节(共 20 小题;每小题1.5分,满分3 0 分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和 D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。When mos t of u s get a t ex t mes s age on ou r cell phone from an u nknow n pers on,w e u s u allys ay “s orry,4 1 nu mber!,z and mov e on.B u

50、t w hen D ennis Williams 4 2 a t ex t t hat clearlyw as n,t int ended for him,he did s omet hing 4 3 .O n M arch 1 9,D ennis got a grou p t ex t 4 4 him t hat a cou ple he didn t know w ere att he hos pit al,w ait ing for t he 4 5 of a baby.C ongrat u lat ions!B u t I t hink s omeone w as mis t aken


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