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《冀教版英语七年级上期末试题.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《冀教版英语七年级上期末试题.pdf(12页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、2011学年度冀教版英语七年级上期末试题(1)I.词汇。(15分)A)根据句子的意思及所给汉语填空。(5 分)1.(一 月)is the coldest(最 冷 的)month in Hebei in a year.2.Her(左边的)knee hurts.3.The first day of the week is(星期日).4.She is(渴 了)!She wants to drink.5.December is the(第十 二)month of the year.B)选择与句中划线部分意思相同或相近的选项。(5 分)()6.The school is not far from my

2、home.A.far from B.near C.not near D.away()7.The fish is very delicious.A.fine B.well C.nice D.beautiful()8.My bags colour is different from yours.A.isnt same as B.isnt same from C.isn*t the same as D.is same as()9.A lot of sheep are coming this way.A.Much B.Any C.Many D.Lot of()10.rd like a bottle o

3、f milk and some cakes for breakfast.A.like B.want C.wants D.haveC)用所给词的适当形式填空。(5 分)11.Do your (foot)hurt?12.All the(child)are playing football over there.13.A panda(live)in a forest.14.The sun is shining.Its ver y(sun)today.15.Sam and I(be)good friends.I I.单项选择。(10分)()16.-.Wheres the clothes shop?-G

4、o down this street and turn left.A.Sorry B.Hello C.OK D.Excuse me()17.Tom doesnt like m a t h s,h e likes Chinese a lot.A.and B.but C.or D.then()18.Li Ming goes to school 7:20 the morning.A.at;at B.at;in C.in in D.in;on()19.There is a bird the apple tree.A.in B.on C.from D.at()20.-is the meat,please

5、?-Fourteen yuan a kilo.A.How B.How many C.How much D.What about()2 1.-Happy Mid-Autumn Day(中秋节)to you!-.A.Thank you B.The same to you C.Sure,I am D.Yes,Fm happy()2 2.-is your sisters birthday?-November 6th.A.What time B.How C.When D.Where()2 3.Its time go home.A.to;to B.for;to C.to;/D.for;/()2 4.-?-

6、Im listening to the teacher.A.What are you B.How old are youC.What are you doing D.Where are you going()2 5.-Excuse me.-?-Where is the nearest(最近的)hotel,please?A.Why B.What C.How D.YesHL汉 译 英(每空一词)。(10分)26.今天是几号?today?27.我不知道他住在什么地方。I know he.28.她的上衣和我妹妹的上衣颜色相同。Her coat is the colour my sisters.29.2

7、0 加 50 等于 70。Twenty fifty seventy.30.你想要一碗面条吗?you a noodles?IV.情 景 对 话。(20分)A)从(I I)栏中选出适当的答语填入(I)()31.Whose picture is this?()3 3.Happy New Year!()3 5.Where is the library?()3 7.What day is it today?()3 9.Does she like apples?(II)栏。(1 0 分)()3 2.How old are you?()3 4.What are they doing?()3 6.What t

8、ime is it?()3 8.Would you like some cakes?()4 0.Where does the tiger live?A.It lives in the forest.B.Its Bobs.C.They are working.D.Pm thirteen years old.E.The same to you.F.There it is.G Yes,please.H.Monday.I.Yes,she does.J.Ifs seven oclock.B)根据对话内容,填入适当单词(每空一词)。(10分)Waiter:(41)would you like,please

9、,little girl?Lynn:I*dWaiter:Do you like a bowl of(43)?Lynn:Yes,(44).(42)some bread and hamburgers.Waiter:Do you like pepper on cereal?Lynn:_Lynn:No,(45),I dont like pepper.but I like sugar on cereal.Waiter:Do you like some dumplings?(4 6).(47)you have any French fries?Waiter:(48),we dont have any.Do

10、 you like some donuts?Lynn:OK.Howis the money.Thank you.Waiter:Ybu are.(49)are they?Waiter:Nineteen yuan in all.Lynn:Here(5 0).V.完形填空。(10分)This is a picture 51 a classroom.Look 52blackboard.Some books are on the 55 desk.Todaytheispicture.56A map of 53 is 54 the.Miss Zhang is teaching 57.The students

11、()51.A.for()52.A.at()53.A.it()54.A.in58.What is Li Ming doing?He 59B.of C.and D.butB.for C.of D.inB.English C.Chinese D.ChinaB.on C.up D.down60 his notebook(笔t己本).)55.A.teacher B.teachers C.teachers D.teachers*s)56.A.teachers day B.Teachers Day C.Teachers Day D.Teachers*Day)57.A.English B.the U.K.C.

12、U.K.D.the English()58.A.listening to she B.are listening to her C.listening to her D.are listening her()59.A.writing B.is writeing C.is writing D.writeing()60.A.with B.on C.in D.toV I.阅读理解。(20分)(A)It is a fine Sunday morning.Ann and her mother are in a big bus.There are many people in it.Some of the

13、mcome from America,and some come from England and Canada.They are all their friends.They are going to theGreat Wall(万里长城).There are two Chinese in the bus.One is a woman.She is driving the bus.The other(另 一个)is a young man.He speaks good English.He is now talking about the Great Wall.The other peopl

14、e are all listening to him.They like the Great Wall.They want to see it very much.根据短文内容判断正(T)、误(F)。(10分)()61.Ann and her mother are going to the Great Wall by car.()62.In the bus there are only two Chinese.()63.The driver is a man.()64.The people in the bus dont like the Great Wall.()65.They want t

15、o see it very much.(B)Hello,everyone!My name is Li Hong.Im a girl of thirteen.Do you know my favourite country?Let me tell you.It*s England.Why?Because my uncle works there.He gives me many pictures and tells me many things about England.In the picture,theres a beautiful country.Cambridge University

16、(剑 桥 大 学)is in it.Ifs very famous.My good friends go there for furtherC 深步的)study.I hope I can go there one day.I must(必须)study hard now.In England,there is a powerful(实力强大的)football team.The players are handsome(英俊的)and excellent(出色的).根据短文回答问题。(10分)66.Whats the girfs name?_67.How old is she?_68.Wha

17、ts her favourite country?_69.Who works in England?_70.What must she do now?_VIL书面表达。(15分)写一篇50词左右的短文介绍Jim 一家人的情况。主要内容:1.Jim 一家人的情况;2.祖父母生活在加拿大;3.父母在北京工作,父亲是教师,母亲是医生;4.Jim 和妹妹Kate都是学生,他们在同一所学校上学;5.他们都喜欢中国及中国的食物。七年级上期末试题(2)I.词汇。(15分)A)根据句意及所给汉语填空。(5 分)1.We live in China.We are(中国人).2.1 often play on t

18、he(电脑).3.Danny has(小的)ears.4.It is a(地图)of our city.5.They(讲)English and French in Canada.B)用适当的词填空,每空一词。(5 分)6.Go down this and turn left.There is the hotel.7.I am very.I want to drink.8.first is our National Day.9.My grandmother is seventy years old.She is old.Fm twelve.Fm.10.Red is stop.Green is

19、go.i s wait.C)选择与句中画线部分意思相同或相近的词或短语(5 分)()11.Mr.Green is from New York.A.comes from the U.K.B.goes to New York C.is an American D.from China()12.The shoes are below the bed.A.beside B.on C.above D.under(在.下面)()13.My sister is eating noodles.A.doing B.having C.drinking D.watching()1 4.Its time for sc

20、hool.A.go school B.to school C.to go to school D.for going school()1 5.-Could I have a glass of apple juice?-OK.Here you are.A.Sure B.Good C.Right D.NoII.单项选择。(10分)()1 6.-How old is your mother?-.A.Its thirty-eight B.She is old C.You cant know D.Its a secret()1 7.-Can I help you?-.A.No,please B.No,t

21、hanks C.No,you cant D.Yes,I can()18.The woman is old,but she l ooks.A.young B.good C.white D.right()1 9.This is the picture of.A.Li Ming family B.a Li Ming family C.Li Ming*s family D.Li Mings family()2 0.Where my scissors?A.are B.is C./D.be()21.My f r i end.A.is laugh B.is laughing C.is laughs D.la

22、ughing()22.are there in your pencil case?A.How many pencil B.How many pencils C.How much pencil D.How much pencils()23.Lets the movie theatre a movie!A.go;watch B.to go;watch C.go to;watch to D.go to;to watch()2 4.-Excuse me.-?A.What things B.What C.Yes D.No()25.They are in school,but in classes.A.s

23、ame;different B.the different;the same C.the same;different D.same;the differentin.情景对话。(1 5 分)A)补全对话,每空一词。(1 0 分)A:May I 26 you?B:Yes,I 27_ to buy a dress,please.28 are the dresses?A:Ill 29 you.This 30,please.31 they are.B:How 32 is this dress?A:Sixty-five yuan.B:Okay,Ill 33 it,please.B)从方框中选出适当选项完

24、成对话。(5 分)A:Excuse me.34 B:Yes.35A:I want to buy some ice cream.B:Oh,I see.You can go to the grocery store.A:36 B:Its over there behind the tall building.Pm going shopping there,too.Please come with me.A:Thanks.You speak very good English.B:Thank you.37A:Canada.B:How do you like China?A:Very much.B:3

25、8A:Yes,but only a little.B:Well,here you are.A.Where are you from?B.Where is it?C.Can you speak Chinese?D.Where is the library?E.Can I help you?F.How much is the ice cream?G.Can you speak English?IV.完形填空。(10分)I have a happy family.Do you have 39,too?There are five 40_ in my family.41 my grandfather,

26、my grandmother,my parents and I.My grandfather and my grandmother are old,so they 42 every day.They cook meaIs and wash 43 every day.My father is a 44.He is in the Peoples Hospital.My mother works there,45.She works hard.Both of them are busy.I study at No.1 Middle School.I work 46 at school.I 47 in

27、 my school.I go home 48 Saturday.()3 9.A.an B.any C.one D.a()40.A.men B.people C.peoples D.women()4 1.A.Therere B.They are C.Those are D.These are()42.A.go to work B.are at home C.are at school D.go shopping()4 3.A.a cloth B.clothes C.clotheses D.blouses()44.A.worker B.doctor C.teacher D.businessman

28、()4 5.A.too B.to C.two D.also()4 6.A.good B.hard C.easy D.on()4 7.A.is live B.lives C.live D.living()4 8.A.at B.in C.on D.forV 短文填空。(10分)My name is Jack Wilson.Pm from Toronto,Canada.Im 1 3(4 9)old.I am a schoolboy.I know China is agr eat(50).I want to make f r i e n d s(51)China and I want to learn

29、 Chinese.There are nineteen students in my class.My(52)are from six countries.They are(53)English.My parents are from _(54).They speak French.I s peak(55)and(56).There are many Chinese here in Toronto.Iwant to l ear n(57),but I dont have(58)Chinese text books.V I.阅读理解。(10分)There are five people in S

30、ams family.They are father,mother,grandmother,sister Kate and he.His father,Mr.Green is a teacher.He is thirty-five years old.His mother,Mrs.Green is a doctor.She is thirty-two.Sam and his sister are in their fathers school.Sam is in Class Two,Grade Two.Kate is in Class Two,Grade One.They go to scho

31、ol together.Look!That old woman is Sams grandmother.She is very old.She is at home every day.Where is Kate?Oh,1ook at the girl in the red skirt.She is Kate.She is under the big tree.()5 9.There are five people in Sams family.They are Sam,father,mother,grandmother and.A.grandfather B.brother C.sister

32、 D.uncle()6 0.Mrs.Green is a.A.doctor B.teacher C.student D.worker()61.Sam and Kate are.A.Class Two B.Grade One C.in their mothers school D.in their fathers school()6 2.Kates mother is years old.A.32 B.35 C.5 D.42()6 3.Which one is not true?A.Kate is in Class Two.B.Sam is in Grade Two.C.Sams grandmo

33、ther isn*t at home every day.D.Kate and Sam go to school together.V IL 用所给的单词的适当形式填空(15分)1.September 10th i s(t e a c h e r)Day.2.Would you like s o m e(b r e a d)and cakes?3.Are these maps o f(C h i n e s e)?4.There are m a n y(s h e e p)on the hill.5.“What s the weather like today?v It s(s n o w)a

34、nd cold.,6.His birthday is July t h e(t we l v e).7.Jim and May like to g o(s h o p)on Sunday.8.There is a bowl o f(s t r a wb e r r y)on the table.9.The s t u d e n t(n o t go)school on Sunday.10.What colour ar e(Li Ming)shoes?11.October 1 is our(nation)Day.12.Lucy is t he(one)to come here.13.1 am

35、glad(meet)you here.14.Would you like t wo(b o wl)of rice.15.We(not have)dumplings for breakfast in China.V III.书面表达。(15分)请你谈一谈你的家庭情况和你的课余生活。以 My family and my spare lime为题目,内容包括:1.家庭成员的组成情况;2.各成员的基本情况;3.课余时间你都做些什么。要求:语句通顺,上下连贯,不少于50词。提示词:在某人业余时间:in ones spare time七年级上期末试题(3)i.同义释意:(io 分)选择与句中划线部分意思相

36、同或相近的选项。()1.Is your mother at home now?A.out B.away C.on D.in()2.What time does your sister go to school?A.How B.Where C.When D.Why()3.-Is this your English book,Jenny?-Let me have a look.Yes,Ifs mine.A.see B.to look at C.watch D.read()4.Whafs the weather like today?A.Hows the weather B.How like the

37、 weatherC.Whats the weather D.What the weather()5.The U.S.is south of Canada.A.Canada is north of the U.S.B.The U.S.is in the south of CanadaC.Canada is far from the U.S.D.Canada is east of the U.S.I I.单项选择:(20分)()6.OK!Please come here and lets talk the pictures on the wall.A.in B.with C.about D.to(

38、)7.Where is the office building?A.Excuse me B.Sorry C.Hi D.Hello()8.Yesterday I tired but happy.A.am B.was C.is D.are()9.Maths easy to learn well.A.is B.are C.am D.be()10.Do you know,Lily?A.what colour is it B.how old he is C.where is the school D.how tall is he()11.is red and white.It has a leaf.A.

39、Chinas flag B.Australias flag C.Canadas flag D.The flag of the U.S.()12.He will say hello to his friends from countries.A.speak English B.say English C.English speak D.English-speaking()13.-you come to my birthday party?-!A.Does,Sure!B.Does,OK C.Will,Sure D.Will,No,I will()14.-Happy New year you!-.A

40、.to,Thank you B.to,The same to you C.at,Yes D.on,Sure()15.-?-Yes,I want some erasers.A.What are you doing B.Where are you doing C.Whats the matter D.May I help you()16.-Your dress is very nice at the birthday party!-.A.No,it isnt B.Yes,sure C.Thank you D.Not very nice()1 7.-Whats the date today?-.A.

41、February eighth B.the eighth February C.February eight D.eight February()1 8.The little boy has two now.A.tooth B.toothes C.teeth D.tooths()19.Miss Zhang teaches Chinese.A.we B.us C.our D.ours()2 0.Say*”when you meet your friends.A.Excuse me B.Im sorry C.Good-bye D.Hello()21.Jenny,Danny and I from C

42、anada.A.am B.is C.are D.comes()22.Australia is of China.A.northeast B.southeast C.northwest D.southwest()2 3.-What do you know Canadians?-1 know they English and French.A.about,speak B.of,say C.of,speak D.about,say()24.-Is your school your home?-No,its near my home.A.near from B.far to C.far from D.

43、near to()2 5.My father goes to work car.A.on B.in C.with D.byIH.补全对话:(20分)A)从 AE 种选择适当的句子完成对话。(10分)M:Good evening,Li Lei.Welcome to my house.Please come in and sit down.W:Thank you,Danny.M:26W:Yes,please.M:What would you like,tea or juice?W:Tea is OK.I like tea very much.M:27W:Thanks.The Spring Fest

44、ival is coming.28M:Thanks,I d love to very much.How do we spend(度过)it?W:We can sing and dance together(起).We have many kinds(利 i)of delicious food,too.Do you like dumplings?M:Yes,very much.29W:30.You re sure to have a good time.M:It will be the first Spring Festival I spend in China.A.Yes.It*s fun.B

45、.Would you like to spend it with my family?C.OK.Here it is.D.Is Spring Festival like our Christmas(圣诞节)?E.Would you like something to drink?B)根据对话内容,从方框中选出句子填入空白处。(10分)A:Hello!This is Mike!Happy New Year!B:Hi,Mike!The same to you!How are you now?A:31.And today is also my sisters birthday.Im very hap

46、py.B:Cool!Please say 32_.A:Thank you,Bob.And how is the weather in Beijing now?B:33.But I like it.A:Why?I think its windy,right?B:Yeah!But you know 34.A:Oh!Thats really fine.B:And how is the weather in New York?A:Its always raining.In fact,I dont like it.B:Thats OK!I think it*s going to be sunny soo

47、n.A:35.Well!I must go now.B:OK!M汰 e,thanks for calling,bye!A.I hope so B.happy birthday to herC.Im fine D.Ifs snowy E.I like playing snowballsIV.阅读理解:(20分)ATom is a student,but he doesn*t like his lessons.When he goes to school,he often forgets his things.One day,Tom is going to have an English test

48、(测试),but he forgets to take his pen.His teacher says to him,Tom,if a soldier(士 兵)forgets to take his gun(枪)when he is going to have a battle(战 斗-),what do you think about that?”Mm.,Tom answers,I think he must be the officer.1根据短文内容完成句子,每空一词。36.Tom like his lessons.37.Tom isn*t a soldier or an.38.Tom

49、 forgets to take his to school.39.Toms going to have an test.40.A soldier must a gun when he is going to have a battle.BIt is a fine day today.I go to the Beijing Zoo with my younger sister.We can see many birds and animals in it.A little tiger is sleeping.There are some monkeys jumping here and the

50、re.Some of them are crying.Two of them are hugging together.An elephant is standing there.It has a long nose and two big ears.The birds are singing in a tall tree.My sister looks very happy.And me,too.We have fun.41.Today is a day.42.A little tiger is.43.Two monkeys are huggi ng.44.An elephant has a


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