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《山东省德州市乐陵2021-2022学年高考冲刺押题(最后一卷)英语试卷含解析.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《山东省德州市乐陵2021-2022学年高考冲刺押题(最后一卷)英语试卷含解析.pdf(16页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、2021-2022高考英语模拟试卷注意事项:1 .答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号、考场号和座位号填写在试题卷和答题卡上。用2 B铅笔将试卷类型(B)填涂在答题卡相应位置上。将条形码粘贴在答题卡右上角 条形码粘贴处o2.作答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用2 B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目选项的答案信息点涂黑;如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案。答案不能答在试题卷上。3 .非选择题必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区域内相应位置上;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新答案;不准使用铅笔和涂改液。不按以上要求作答无效。4.考生必须保证答题卡的整洁。考试结束后,

2、请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。第 一 部 分(共2 0小题,每小题1.5分,满分3 0分)1.I think you could c o mp l a i n,of course,you are happy with the way thing s are.A.unless B.that C.which D.where2.She is quite to office work.You had better offer her some suggestions when necessary.A.familiar B.similarC.freshD.sensitive3.The incident t

3、urned him into different person,even if he did not realize it at beginning.A.a;a B.the;the C.the;a D.a;the4.The climate conference was attended by 11,000 p e o p l e,i t the largest U N gathering ever held.A.making B.to make C.made D.to be making5.Many of us see reading as an investment in ourselves

4、,so its only natural that we want to learn something usefulour efforts.A.in view of B.in response toC.in parallel with D.in return for6.Ensuring every child equal rights to education is the key to the elimination of inequality across the world lies.A.that B.what C.whether D.where7.the students from

5、their endless homework the school has decided to take a series of measures.A.Freed B.To freeC.Freeing D.Having freed8.Competed in 1891,in was known as The Gilded Age,the five-story mansion is now owned by a famous actorwho decides to stage a special production of Shakespeare Hamlet.A.that B.what C.w

6、hich D.it9.,I have never seen anyone who*s as capable as John.A.As long as I have traveled B.Much as I have traveledC.Now that I have traveled so much D.As I have traveled so much1 0.I need to advertise for a roommate for next term.?Mary is interested.A.Why bother B.Why notC.So what D.What for11.I a

7、m always delighted when receiving your in v it a t io n,t h e party on June 9th after the national collegeentrance examination,I shall be pleased to attend.A.On account of B.With regard toC.In response to D.In view of12.The drums of war are beating once again.As tensions rise between America and Ira

8、n,China appeals to both sides toA.stand by B.come alongC.step back D.stick together13.Sometimes smiles around the world be false,hiding other feelings like anger,fear or worry.A.can B.wouldC.should D.must14.equal opportunities,both Frank and Billy may accomplish the task.A.Given B.GivingC.To give D.

9、to be given15.Why does he wear a raincoat on sunny days?Nor do I understand.He is.A.a wet blanket B.a lazy boneC.a black sheep D.an odd fish16.If you to my advice carefully,you wouldnt have made such a terrible mistake.A.listened B.have listenedC.would listen D.had listened17.in the last examination

10、,she was more confident of another success in the coming one.A.To succeed B.To have succeeded C.Having succeeded D.succeeding18.Mary became homesick and critical of the U nited States,so she fled from her home in West Bloomfield to herhometown in Austria.A.completely B.sincerelyC.approximately D.inc

11、reasingly19.He was offered a position at the local church s c h o o l,h e went to the Cambridge.A.after when B.since whichC.after which D.since when2 0.Where is my Chinese book?I remember I put it here yesterday.一You it in the wrong place.A.must put B.should have putC.might have put D.might put第二部分阅

12、读理解(满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。21.(6 分)Hadi Partovi,founder of believes every student should learn the basics of computer sciencejust like they do math,physics)or biology,regardless of what they want to do in the future.The expert says knowledgeabout the subject is important to understan

13、d how the world around us works and compares it to learning aboutphotosynthesis(光合作用),even though not every student is going to be a botanist.To spark studentsnterest,he createdtheHour of Code,which introduces the world of computing to anyone,from ages 14 to 104,in a fun,interactivemanner.Observed a

14、nnually during Computer Science Week,the event now draws tens of millions of kids from over 180countries.Code.orgTheHour of Code,which can be scheduled anytime during Computer Science Week,begins with an introductoryvideo on computer science.Participants can then select from hundreds of fun assignme

15、nts that are sorted by both gradelevel and coding experience.Though each project is designed to last just sixty minutes,beginners can deal with as manychallenges as they desire.To help introduce computer science in classrooms on a more regular basis 9 Code.org has also developed a catalog ofonline c

16、ourses that can be incorporated(纳入)in a schooPs regular curriculum.Since the nonprofit began offering thecourses in 2013,over 704,000 teachers have signed up to teach introductory computer science to over 22 millionstudents worldwide.Thanks to the efforts of the pioneer,about 40 percent of U S schoo

17、ls now offer computer science as a subject.Thenumbers are even higher-an impressive 70 percent-if after-school offerings such as robotics clubs are included.Evenmore encouraging*eight years ago,just 19,390 students took an Advanced Placement Computer Science exam.By thespring of 2017,the number had

18、jumped 415 percent to 99,868.1、Why did Hardi Partovi create the66Hour of Code”?A.To train computer scientists for the future.B.To introduce the world of computing to teachers.C.To add a programme to Computer Science Week.D.To help people learn computer science in a fun way.2、The“Hour of Codecs so ca

19、lled most probably be c aus e.A.it is observed annuallyB.it can be scheduled anytimeC.its projects last sixty minutes eachD.its tasks can be sorted by coding experience3、What do we know about Code.org9s online courses?A.Schools can use them regularly in their classrooms.B.They help the developer mak

20、e lots of money.C.Over 704,000 teachers have been learning them.D.They have existed for over 10 years up to now.4、What do the numbers show in the last paragraph?A.The efforts of Hadi Partovi.B The influence of robotics clubs.C.The effect of Hadi Partovi efforts.D.The development of many U S schools.

21、22.(8 分)Riding School:You can start horse-riding at any age.Choose private or group lessons any weekday.There are 10 kilometers oftracks and paths for leisurely rides across farmland and open country.You will need a riding hat.Opening Hours:Monday through Friday:9:00 a.m.-8:30 p.m.(3:30 p.m.on Satur

22、days)Phone:(412)396-6754 Fax:(412)396-6752Sailing Club:Our Young Sailors Course leads to the Stage 1 Sailing qualification.You will learn how to sail safely and the coursealso covers sailing theory and first aid.Have fun with other course members afterwards in the clubroom.There are 10weekly two-hou

23、r lessons.Opening Hours:Tuesdays:6:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m.Phone:(412)396-6644 Fax:(412)396-6644Diving Centre:Our experienced instructors offer one-month courses in deep-sea diving for beginners.There are two eveninglessons a week,in which you learn to breathe underwater and use the equipment safely.You on

24、ly need swimmingcostume and a towel.Reduced rates for couples.Opening Hours:Monday and Friday:6:30 p.m.-8:30 p.m.Phone:(412)396-6312 Fax:(412)396-6706Medical Center:The staff of the Medical Center aim to provide convenient and comprehensive medical care to students and staff ofthe university.The cen

25、ter is well equipped and the staff here are trained to deal with a broad range of medical problems.Both female and male doctors as well as nursing staff are available for consultation.Also,all kinds of medicines are soldhere and are cheaper for students than other drugstores.Opening Hours:24 hours f

26、rom Monday to SundayPhone:(412)396-6649 Fax:(412)396-6648Water sports Club:We use a two-kilometer length of river for speedboat racing,and water-skiing.A beginners9 course consists of ten20-minute lessons.You will learn to handle boats safely and confidently,but must be able to swim.The club is in a

27、convenient central position and is open daily from 9 a.m.to 4 p.m.,with lessons all through the day.Opening Hours:Monday through Friday:9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.Phone:(412)396-6899 Fax:(412)396-68901、If you want to swim and enjoy activities which are fast and a bit dangerous,you should joi nA.Diving Centr

28、e B.Riding SchoolC.Water sports Club D.Sailing Club2、If you want to experience a new activity in the countryside in the mornings,you may fax_.A.(412)396-6752 B.(412)396-6648C.(412)396-6890 D.(412)396-67063、If you are planning to explore the ocean depths,you should attend your lessons at.A.Monday thr

29、ough Friday:9:00 a.m.-8:30 p.m.B.24 hours from Monday to SundayC.Tiesdays:6:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m.D.Monday and Friday:6:30 p.m.-8:30 p.m.4、Which is NOT the convenience that the Medical Center provides?A.Well trained staff members.B.Nursery for newly-born babiesC.Good equipment.D.Various less expensive me

30、dicines.23.(8 分)From the modem London Eye to the historic Tower of London,below are Londons most visited touristattractions.British MuseumThe world-famous British Museum exhibits the works of man from prehistoric to modem times,from around theworld.The most interesting and exciting parts include the

31、 Rosetta Stone,the Parthenon sculptures and the mummies inthe Ancient Egypt collection.Some exhibitions require tickets.National GalleryThe greatest and most beautiful building of Trafalgar Square,Londons National Gallery is a vast space filled withWestern European paintings from the 13th to the 19t

32、h centuries.In this impressive art gallery you can find works bymasters such as Van Gogh da Vinet.Botticelli,Constable,Renoir,Titian and Stubbs.Some exhibitions require tickets.Tate ModernSitting on the banks of the Thames is the Tate Modem,Britains national museum of modem and contemporary art.Its

33、unique shape is due to it being a power station before.The gallerys restaurants offer wonderful views across the city.Some exhibitions require tickets.Coca-Cola London EyeThe Coca-Cola London Eye is a major feature of Londons skyline.It has some of Londons best views from its 32capsules,each weighin

34、g 10 tonnes and holding up to 25 people.Climb aboard for a breathtaking experience,with anunforgettable view of more than 55 of Londons most famous landmarks all in just 30 minutes!Madame TussaudsAt Madame Tussauds,youll come face-to-face with some of the worlds most famous faces.From Shakespeare to

35、Lady Gaga youll meet influential figures from show business,sport,politics and even royalty.Strike a pose with U sainBolt,get close to One Direction or receive a once-in-a-lifetime audience with Her Majesty the Queen.1、Which one should they visit if visitors want to get a better view of Londons famo

36、us landmarks?A.The Tate Modem.B.The British Museum.C.The National Gallery.D.The Coca-Cola London Eye.2、What do the British Museum and the National Gallery have in common?A.Both have chargeable exhibitions.B.Both are on the banks of the Thames.C.Both have vast spaces and special shapes.D.Both exhibit

37、 modem and contemporary art.3、What can visitors do in Madame Tussauds?A.Enjoy Shakespeare works.B.Watch Lady Gagas performance.C.See figures of many influential people.D.Talk to some famous people face to face.24.(8 分)Visitors to the grounds of New College at Englands Oxford U niversity pass under a

38、n iron gate with theadvice:Manners make the man.Even after an appropriate update to:Manners make the person,itsthought-provoking(弓|人深思的)especially to todays Americans.When we think about what makes the personits more likely the degree,the job,the salary.Since when do wecount manners as a measure of

39、success?We do know that these would make life nicer,if more tolerable.However,we forget or overlook our manners.So,itseems,does everyone elseincluding,unluckily,our children.As a university president,one of my great joys is to visit our campuses and see our students,though were separatedby different

40、 generations,interests,and,of course dressing,each student tells me something within the first few minutesthat we meet:whether he or she has been taught manners.I sense this in different ways:through her words or hergestures,in the way she listens or how he refers to friends and faculty,how she gree

41、ts and says goodbye,how heresponds when an elderly person enters the room.In the absence of manners,however,I make some allowances.For instance,the many ethnic(种族的)groups thatstudents represent often have different explanations of what makes up good manners.In other cases,some students mayreject wha

42、t theyve learned to break from their parents and be accepted by other students.Whether students are beingdifferent or openly opposing,a recent experience I had with them tells me that theres some hope for reviving and goodmanners.Good manners dont just guarantee acceptance.Good manners open doors to

43、 deeper connections and moremeaningful roles in our society.Good manners are gentle signals that show we care about one another and allow us torelate to another person in a thoughtful way but at a respectable distance.1、Which of the following is seldom a mark of success to people today?A.Handsome in

44、come.B.An academic degree.C.High ranks in the office D.Polite behavior.2、What does the underlined part“make some allowances”in Paragraph 4 probably mean?A.treat the absence of manners differentlyB.reject the absence of mannersC.oppose bad manners somehowD.partly permit being in the absence of manner

45、s3、Which of the following is the benefit by good manners?A.Good manners makes people thoughtfulGood manners help deeper connections with othersC.Good manners guarantee acceptance of ourselvesD.Good manners inspire people to care about one another25.(10 分)Disneys Family Magic TourMagic Kingdom ParkWa

46、lt Disney World ResortValid Park Admission RequiredPriceAdult U SD$39.00HoursTYiesday,October 6,2017,10:00 A.M.Put on Your Detective Hat!Solve confusing mysteries on this high-energy interactive(相互作用的)searchyou never know whom you mightmeet along the way!Follow your guide as you make way through Mag

47、ic Kingdom Park,picking up clue after clue while unlocking asplendid and memorable search you wont soon forget.Be sure to bring your camera to catch all the memorable surprises as you and your group wind your way throughmany of the magical lands throughout the park.Know Before You GoView important i

48、nformation including experience details,guest restrictions and cancellation policies.Children and the young at heart will enjoy this imaginative adventure,though it is best suited for guests 4 to 10years of age.Guests 17 years of age and under(free)must be accompanied by a paying adult(18 years of a

49、ge or older).Please note that the tour involves a lot of outdoor walking for about 2 hours,so be sure to check the weatherforecast and dress properly,including wearing comfortable shoes.Accordingly,the tour may be too difficult for some ofour younger guests.Please check in at the Chamber of Commerce

50、 building close to City Hall 15 minutes before your experience.Youwill lose the entire price of your tour if you don*t show up or cancel within 2 days of your reservation.Same-day bookings are available on a walk-up basis only.1、What is encouraged to carry when travelling?A.A camera.B.A hat.C.A mirr


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