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《2021-2022新教材英语人教版必修第二册学案:Unit1含答案.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2021-2022新教材英语人教版必修第二册学案:Unit1含答案.pdf(84页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、温馨提示:此 套 题 为 Word版,请 按 住 C trl,滑动鼠标滚轴,调节合适的观看比例,答案解析附后。关 闭 Word文档返回原板块。Unit 1 Cultural HeritageDiscovering Useful Structures限制性定语从句语法精讲 思维构建语法感知观察下列课文原句并回答问题1.There comes a time when the old must give way to the new,and it isnot possible to preserve everything from our past as we move towardsthe fut

2、ure.2.Water from the dam would likely damage a number of temples anddestroy cultural relics that(which)were an important part of Egypt scultural heritage.3.After listening to the scientists who(that)had studied the problem,and citizens who(that)lived near the dam,the government turned tothe U nited

3、Nations for help in 1959.4.Temples and other cultural sites were taken down piece by piece,and then moved and put back together again in a place where they weresafe from the water.5.Not only had the countries found a path to the future that(which)didnot run over the relics of the past,but they had a

4、lso learnt that it waspossible for countries to work together to build a better tomorrow.【归纳填空】i.由关系代词引导定语从句的是:-句2、句3、句5限 制 性 _台语从句厂/2.由关系副词引导定语从句的是:句1、句4一、定语从句的概述语法精讲定语从句可 分 为 限 制 性 定 语 从 句 和 非 限 制 性 定语从句关 关 系 代 词who;whom;whose;which;that;as系关系副词when;where;why词*(2020浙 江 高 考)Each play has a theme or

5、 central idea which theplaywright hopes to get across through dialogue and action.每一部剧都有一个剧作家希望通过对话和动作传达的主题或中心思想。*This is the woman whose name is known all over the country.这是一位名字被整个国家所熟知的女士。*(2020新高考全国 I 卷)Molai went looking on his own and discovereda nearby island where he began to plant trees.Mol

6、ai自己去看了看,发现了一个附近可以栽树的小岛。名师点津先行词与关系词1.先行词:被定语从句修饰的词叫先行词。2.关系词:引导定语从句的词叫关系词。3.关系词通常有下列三个作用:引导定语从句;代替先行词;在定语从句中担当一个成分。4.关系代词在从句中作主语、宾语、定语或表语;关系副词在从句中作状语。即学活用语法填空。(2020全国 I 卷)China first had to put a satellite in orbit above themoon in a spot where it could send signals to the spacecraft and toEarth.(2)

7、(2019浙江高考)0n the edge of the jacket,there is a piece of cloththat/which gives off light in the dark.(2020全国H I卷)We are the products of evolution(进化),and notjust evolution that(which)occurred billions of years ago.(4)The reason whv I learned to cook was that my mother could rest aftershe finished her

8、 work.(2019江苏高考)We have entered into an age when dreams have thebest chance of coming true.(2020全国II卷)Children who(that)play with puzzles between ages 2and 4 later develop better spatial skills.二、关系代词和关系副词的区别定语从句中关系代词和关系副词的判断方法:用法依据根据从句的谓语动词若是及物动词,后面若无宾语,用关系代词;若是不及物动词,则用关系副词根据关系词在从句中作的成分把关系词放进定语从句中,

9、若作主语或宾语用关系代词;若作状语用关系副词*An Internet celebrity bumps into an apple seller who/that looks like acheater on her way back home.(作主语)一个网络名人在回家的路上碰到了一个看起来像骗子的卖苹果的人。*A class is like a family where I should get along well with others.(作状语)一个班级就像一个大家庭,在这个大家庭里我应该与其他人好好相处。名师点津关 系 副 词when,where引导的定语从句可以转化为 介词+wh

10、ich引导的定语从句;而w hy引导的定语从句可以转换为“forwhich引导的定语从句。即 学 活 用用适当的关系代词或关系副词填空(1)(2020-天津高考)Directed sound is a new technology that(which)allows companies to use sound in much the same way spotlights areused in the theater.(2)Next came the moment when I asked them to have a try themselves.(2020新高考全国I 卷)The vil

11、lage lay near some wetlands which(that)became his second home.(4)(2020-天津高考)They have transformed themselves into placeswhere you can develop your love of knowledge.(5)The reason whv I cant go is that I had a fall yesterday and injured myfoot badly.(2019天津高考)Their child is at the stage where she can

12、 sayindividual words but not full sentences.三、介词+关系代词当关系代词在定语从句中作介词的宾语时,我们通常用 介词+关系代词引导定语从句。关系代词只能用which或 whom。先行词指物时,用 which;先行词指人时,用 whom。在这个结构中,介词的确定原则是:1.依据定语从句中动词或形容词等所需要的某种习惯搭配来确定。*She devotes herself to her common but useful work,on which shespends more than 9 hours a day.她致力于这项普通但很有用的工作,每天花在

13、这项工作上的时间超过 9 个小时。*More importantly,there are teachers online to whom you can turnfor help.更为重要的是,有一些你可以求助的在线老师。2.根据主句与从句之间的逻辑关系判断介词。*0n New Years Eve,we will go outside to light crackers and fireworks,after which we will come home to make dumplings.在除夕夜,我们将到外面放烟花爆竹,之后我们回家包水饺。3.表示 整体和部分关系,介词常用。f。与此同时

14、,在介词。f之前常用一些代词或数词:some,any,few,none,all,both,neither,most,each,百分数等。*There are 50 students in our class,all of whom work hard and behavewell.我们班有50名学生,我们都学习很努力,并且表现很好。4.根据意思也可用复杂介词,如by means of,as a result of,in frontof,in the back of 等。*1 am good at spoken English,as a result of which I can communi

15、catewith foreigners fluently.我擅长英语口语,因此我能够流利地和外国人交流。5.the+名词+of+which/whom/of+which/whom+the+名词”引导的定语从句,可与whose+名词,替换。*We ve planned to hold an English drama festival,the theme ofwhich/of which the theme is Love English&Love Drama.玲Weve planned to hold an English drama festival,whose theme isLove En

16、glish&Love Drama.我们计划举办一个英语戏剧节,它的主题是“爱英语,爱戏剧。名师点津在定语从句中,有一些含介词的动词短语不可拆开使用,如lookafter,look for 等。The babies whom the nurses are looking after are very healthy.(正确)The babies after whom the nurses are looking are very healthy.作 昔 误)即学活用用适当的 介词+关系代词填空。(l)Chinese medicine is part of our Chinese traditio

17、nal culture,the valueof which is gradually recognized by the world.(2)You should make some Chinese friends with whom you cancommunicate frequently.(3)lt has been my ideal university,for which I have studied hard formany years.(4)Then we looked around and found a stick,with which we got thekite down.

18、(5)1 plan to do many things,one of which is making a trip to someplaces of interest together with my good friends.四、定语从句中关系词的省略1.定语从句的先行词在定语从句中作宾语时,关系词通常省略。*Who is the man(that/who/whom)you were talking to?刚才和你讲话的人是谁?2.当关系代词that在定语从句中用作表语时,可以省略。China is not the country(that)it was.中国已不是过去的中国了。3.先行词是

19、way,reason,time,place等,且它们在定语从句中分别作方式、原因、时间和地点状语时,其后定语从句的相应关系词that/inwhich,why/that,when,where 等可以省略。*(2020全国DI卷)After a while,she apologized for the way(that/inwhich)she behaved at the beginning.过了一会,她为自己刚开始的行为道歉。*The reason(why/that)he wanted to sell his house was that he neededa lot of money for

20、his operation.他想卖掉房子的原因是他的手术需要很多钱。4.由and,but,or等并列连词连接两个或两个以上的定语从句修饰同一个先行词时,第一个关系词可以省略,但第二、三个一般不可以省略。*The book(which)you are reading and which is read by many youngpeople is written by Mark Twain.你正在读的并且被许多年轻人读的那本书是马克吐温写的。学情诊断课堂测评I.单句语法填空1.68 Chinese cultural relics that/which had been taken to the

21、U Krecently were returned to their homeland.2.Then one of the specialists said there was no reason whv I should stoptraining and competing.3.1 am outgoing and active,for which I think we can be good friends.4.Can t they see this is the only place where they can survive thestorm?5.We are allowed to g

22、o into the fields to pick fruit and vegetables,with which we are to make our lunch.6.We can find friends to whom we can tell our secrets.7.O nly by changing the way in which we treat the environment can weget along well with it.8.H e ll never forget the day when he was admitted to the O lympicGames

23、for the first time.9.You mentioned lots of places of interest in my hometown,most ofwhich Ive never been to.n.用定语从句合并句子1.Do you know the man?The man spoke to the headmaster just now.玲Do you know the man who/that spoke to the headmaster iust now?2.1 have seen the film.They re talking about the film.玲

24、I have seen the film that/which thev re talking about.3.The day came at last.We have been looking forward to the day.玲The day that/which we have been lookin且 forward to came at last.4.My grandparents live in the biggest house.It is more than 100 yearsold.玲My grandparents live in the biggest house th

25、at is more than 100 vearsold.5.We settled down in a small village.In front of the village ran a windingriver.玲We settled down in a small village,in front of which ran a windingriver.6.1 have so many friends.Two thirds of my friends are girls.I have so many friends,two thirds of whom are girls.7.My g

26、randparents have five children.All of children are teachers now.My grandparents have five children,all of whom are teachers now.8.The man is kind.The headmaster introduced him to us yesterday.玲The man(who/whom)the headmaster introduced to us vesterdav iskind.语法主题应用结合本单元语法,根据汉语提示完成短文。Last Sunday,we w

27、ent to the Confucius Temple 1.which lies inQufu citv(坐落千曲阜市).It has a history of more than 2,000 years.Wevisited the Xing Tan 2.where Confucius taught his lessons仔IFF4寻 课 白 勺地方).Also,we saw many stone inscriptions 3.which/that have a longhistorv and are of great value(有悠久历由和巨大价值).This is ameaningful

28、 visit 4.where/in which I have learned a 皿(我 学至!了很多).关 闭Word文档返回原板块温馨提示:此套题为Word版,请按住Ctrl,滑动鼠标滚轴,调节合适的观看比例,答案解析附后。关闭Word文档返回原板块。Unit 1 Cultural HeritageListening and SpeakingTake part in a youth projectI.主题词汇听写1.dragon 2.temple 3.cultural heritage4.Tang Dynasty 5.Xuanyuan mirror 6.Mount Tain.教材听力填空L

29、isten and fill in the blanks.Reporter:H ello.What are you guys doing?Stephanie:We re creating an app about Mount Tai.We re part ofan international youth project.Reporter:T hats interesting.H ow many students are taking part in theproject?Stephanie:There are 23 senior high school students from sevenc

30、ountries.Reporter:Why is the project here at Mount Tai?Liu Bin:Well,as you know,Mount Tai is one of the most famousmountains in China.The mountain and the temples have been protectedfor over 3,000 years,so it s a great example of how peoplepreserve their cultural heritage.We feel so proud to have a

31、chance to dosomething.Reporter:Tell me about the app you re making.Liu Bin:We want to promote Mount Tai;that is,we want to tellteenagers in other countries about the mountain and Chinese culture.The app teaches teenagers about Mount Tai and even has a fewgames about cultural relics.Reporter:O h,that

32、 zs a clever idea.Stephanie:Yes.For example,this game is about the six cypresses thatwere planted on Mount Tai during the H an Dynasty.You learn about the trees and also the life in China over 2,000 years ago.Reporter:That sounds great!So what else will you put in the app?Liu Bin:Well,there are 22 t

33、emples and some 1,800 stones withwriting on them.We ll take photos of them all,and then visit the DaiTemple on Mount Tai,since it has so many important paintings andrelics.Another group is reading about Mount Tai and writing texts for theapp.We ll also visit local schools and talk to Chinese student

34、s.Reporter:Do you think that some people will use the app instead ofvisiting Mount Tai?Liu Bin:No,not a chance!The app is great,but the best way to seeMount Tai is to climb all 6,000 steps!Reporter:What?!H ow many steps?Liu Bin&Stephanie:More than 6,000!in.话题听力体验听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。1.When will the H ong

35、Kong Palace Museum open?A.In 2020.B.In 2022.C.In 2030.2.Why does Beijings Palace Museum decide to open a branch?A.To make much more money.B.To present more of its cultural relics.C.To attract more tourists and businessmen.3.Where is Forbidden City culture particularly popular according to ShanJixian

36、g?A.In Beijing.B.In Shanghai.C.In H ong Kong.4.Whats the speaker mainly talking about?A.A branch of Beijings Palace Museum in H ong Kong.B.The cultural relics in Beijings Palace Museum.C.An introduction to Beijings Palace Museum.答案:1 4.B B C A【听力原文】H ello,everyone.H ere is the latest news.A branch o

37、f BeijingsPalace Museum is to open in H ong Kong in 2022.The cultural project isdesigned to allow local people and tourists there to view some ofChinas most treasured artworks.The Palace Museum and H ong Kongauthorities signed an agreement of cooperation on the H ong Kong PalaceMuseum in Beijing las

38、t Friday.Limited by space,Beijing s PalaceMuseum can only show less than one percent of its collection each year.The museum has been looking for opportunities to show more of itscultural relics.To be built on an area of 10,000 square meters in WestKowloon Cultural District,the museum will offer an o

39、pportunity forvisitors to have a better understanding of Chinese history and culture.Shan Jixiang,the leader of the Palace Museum,says theyve foundthat Forbidden City culture is particularly popular in H ong Kong.Pronunciation 发 音 技 巧辅音连缀1.什么是辅音连缀辅音连缀是指两个或两个以上的辅音音素结合在一起的一种语音现象。元音前,连缀的辅音不超过3 个;元音后,连缀

40、的辅音不超过4个。2.辅音连缀的发音技巧两个辅音之间不能有停顿,几乎同时发音;两个辅音之间不能加元音冏或其他任何元音;前面的辅音要读得轻而短并很快过渡到第二个音。3.辅音连缀的发音特例/s/后面爆破音的读法当清辅音/P/t/k/在/s/后面时,无论所属音节重读与否,都不送气,发音时声带不振动。(2)词尾加-s,-es,-ed后的读法词尾音是清辅音的,加-s或-e d后发/s/或/t/;是浊辅音或元音的,加s或ed后发/z/或/d/。词尾音为/t/d/,力 口-s后就分别读成/ts/和/dz/;若加-e d,则分别读成/tld/和/did/词尾音为/sz/33川3/等,力 口-es后读/-lz/

41、。4.常见的辅音连缀字母及其发音 bl f/bl/,gl/glA kl f/kl/,fl 玲/fl/,pl 玲/pl/b/br/,crf/kr/,dr/dr/fr/fr/,gr 玲/gr/,pr 玲/pr/,tr 玲/tr/,thr/gr/,sr 玲/sr/,shr/Jr/sp玲/sp/,st玲/st/,sk玲/sk/,sph玲/sf/,si玲/si/,sm l/sm/,sn 玲/sn/,spr-/spr/,spl-/spl/,str玲/str/,scr玲/skr/,squ-/skw/dw玲/dw/,qul/kw/,sw玲/sw/,tw玲/tw/-s玲/s/,/z/;-x/ksA-shf/J/

42、,-ch玲/tJ7,-ge玲川3/*注意:/sp/,/spr/,/sk/,/st/,/str/等中的清辅音/p/,/k/,/t/在这些辅音连缀中呈现浊化,读成对应的浊辅音/b/,/g/,/d/。听词辨音I.根据听到的单词的发音选出正确的单词(打,)1.glue(),clue()2.temple(),tremble()3.preserve(),reserve()4.few(),view()5.send(),sent()答案:1.clue 2.temple 3.preserve 4.view 5.send【听力原文】1.clue 2.temple 3.preserve 4.view 5.sendn

43、.根据听到的句子,选出正确的单词填空spy,sky;trunk,drunk;string,spring;caps,cabs;trays,trains1.An enemy plane is flying in the sky to spy on us.2.A drunk man who dragged a big trunk got on the train in the heavyrain.3.In spring,I feel like playing my every string to comfort your crying.4.Strangely,the drivers of the c

44、abs in this city all wear red caps.5.Look,some plastic travs are lying on the top of the moving trains.【听力原文】1.An enemy plane is flying in the sky to spy on us.2.A drunk man who dragged a big trunk got on the train in the heavyrain.3.In spring,I feel like playing my every string to comfort your cryi

45、ng.4.Strangely,the drivers of the cabs in this city all wear red caps.5.Look,some plastic trays are lying on the top of the moving trains.Bl英语听力中的猜词技巧:i .利用定义和解释猜测词义通过对某个词的定义或解释部分,我们便可理解该词的意义。表示定义解释关系的词有 be,mean,called,refer to,stand for,or,similarly,that is,in other words,namely 等。2.利用比较和同义关系猜测词义在生

46、词所出现的上下文中,有时会出现与之同义或近义的词语或结构,我们可根据它们猜测词义。常见词有like,besides,also,and,or等。3.根据对比和转折关系猜测词义在一个生词的前或后有时会出现它的反义词或常用来对比的词语,这些都是线索词。常用的有 but,yet,however,while,although,though,rather than 等。4.利用例证法猜测词义为了说明或证实,经常会举例。常见的表示举例的词有such as,like,for example 等。5.利用构词法知识猜测词义利用一些由熟悉的单词词缀或合成方法,把生词拆开,再结合我们掌握的构词法知识,根据词缀的含义

47、或中心词的含义猜测其意思。关闭Word文档返回原板块温馨提示:此套题为Word版,请按住C trl,滑动鼠标滚轴,调节合适的观看比例,答案解析附后。关闭Word文档返回原板块。Unit 1 Cultural HeritageListening and TalkingTalk about history and cultureI.话题句式1.Cultural heritage is a very important resource.文化遗产是很重要的资源。2.Cultural heritage is an important way to know more about ancientcivi

48、lizations.文化遗产是认识古代文明的一种重要的途径。3.H istoric sites carry the memory of our countrys glorious past.历史遗迹承载着我们国家光辉的过去。4.Cultural heritage is an important indicator of national development.文化遗产是国家发展的重要标志。5.In short,cultural heritage has a great influence on humandevelopment.总之,文化遗产对人类的发展有着巨大的影响。6.We should

49、 protect the cultural heritage,and actively repair thedamaged heritage of human civilization.我们应该保护文化遗产,积极修复受损的人类文明遗产。7.Kunming has a history of 800 years so the cultural relics can be foundeverywhere.昆明有着800年的历史,因此文化遗迹随处可见。8.China has done excellent work in protecting world heritage,bothtangible an

50、d intangible.中国在保护世界遗产 物质和非物质遗产方面都做得很好。n .情境交际听录音补全对话。Street sounds from Red Square.Tour guide:O K,here we are:the Kremlin and Red Square!Tourist 1:Excuse me,but what is the Kremlin exactly?Tour guide:The Kremlin is a special government area.Inside,there are1.five palaces and four cathedrals.It s wh


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