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1、冀教版三年级英语上册第一单元句型测试题C.给我一个小写的A.听力部分一、听录音,选出合适的答语。()1 A.My n a m e i s Bo b.B.I l i v e i n Ca n a d a.C.He l l o.()2、A My n a m e i s Je n n y.B.Hi s n a m e i s Ji m.C.He r n a m e i s Ma r y.()3、A,T h a n k s .B.T h e r e i t i s.C.It s a c h a i r.()4、A.I m f i n e ,t h a n k s.B.Ni c e t o m e e

2、t y o u,t o o.C.T h a n k s.()5 A.I d o n t k n o w.B.S u r e.C.Ok a y.二、选出你所听到的内容的正确译文。()1、A.让我们跳一支舞吧。B.让我们画一幅画吧。C.让我们唱一首歌吧。()2、A.让我们做一个游戏吧。B.让我们唱一首歌吧。C.请坐。()3、A.听 B.说 C.读()4、A.给我一本书。B.摸一本书。C.拿一本书。笔试部分一、选择题把下面对话补充完整.A:He l l o!B:!?A:My n a m e i s Li Mi n g!Ho w a r e y o u?B:!W h a t h e r n a m e

3、?A:.Lo o k i t!B:?A:It s a b o o k.B:Oh!?A:T h e r e i t i s.He r n a m e i s Je n n y W h a t s y o u n a m e Fi n e,t h a n k s W h e r e i s h e r b o o k He l l o (6)W h a t,s t h i s二、单项选择。()1.a p e n c i l.A.It s B.It s C.It()2.W h a t s n a m e?一 一 n a m e i s Li Mi n g.()5、A.给我一个大写的A.B.写一个大写

4、的A.A.h e r Hi s B.h i s MyC.h i s Hi s()3.-What,s name?-name is WangLin.A.his Her B.her His C.your My()4.is the school?A.When B.Where C.That()5.What s this?It s a .A.door B.apples C.cats三、情景交际,在广州亚运会上,你是怎样跟外国朋友说的?()1、当你初次见到某人,你想知道他的名字,你应该怎么说?A.Hello!B.Hi!C.What s your name?()2、当你跟别人打招呼时,你应该怎么说?A.Hi!

5、B.Good-bye!C.See you later!()3.你想告诉别人自己的名字,你应该怎么说?A.My name is Tom.B.Hi!C.I live in China!()4.当你们道别时,你应该怎么说?A.Hello!B.Welcome!C.Good-bye!()5、当你把Jim介绍给你的母亲时,你应该说:A.This is Jim.B.I m Jim.C.It s Jim.冀教版小学三年级英语上册第二单元句型测试题一、听录音,选出你所听到的句子。)1.A.She is my friend.B.He is my friend.)2.A.V m fine,thanks.B.I m

6、very well,thanks.)3.A.Close the book.B.Open the window.()4.A.Five green trees.B.Four brown trees.二、(三、)5.A.Let s do it!B.Let s sing a song!听录音,根据你所听到的问句选择正确的答语。)1.A.There it is.B.No one for me.)2.A.Pink.B.Two.)3.A.It,s a chair.)4.A.Scissors.)5.A.Nice to meet you,听录音,给下列句子排序。too!B.Stand up.B.Blue.B.H

7、ello!()Hi,Wang Hong.Nice to meet you.()Jenny,this is Wang Hong.She is my friend.()Hello,Jenny.Nice to meet you,too.()What s your favourite colour?()Bye!()My favourite colour is purple.Goodbye!笔试部分一、单选题,把正确答案的序号填在题前括号内。1.()Where is the book?-It,s the desk.A.on B.four C.blue2.()How many pencils do you

8、 h a v e?-A.on B.four C.blue3.()Li Ming:Jenny,this is Guo Yang.She is my friend.J enny:.A.P m five.B I m very well.C.Hi,Guo Yang.Niceto meet you.4.()A:Hello!Peter,How are you?B:.A.Thanks B.Nice to meet you C.Fine!Thanks5.()This is my friend,Li Ming._.-Nice tomeet you,too.A.Nice meet you B.How are yo

9、u C.Nice to meet you6.()Miss Zhang:Where is it?-Li Ming:.A.In the desk B.P m fine C.Open the window7.()name is Jenny.A.HisB.HerC.her8.()?-It,s a c a t.A.W h a t s y o u r n a m e B.W h a t s t h i s C.Ho w a r e y o u二、给句子排排队。()1 m f i n e,t h a n k s.An d y o u?()Ni c e t o m e e t y o u.()He l l o

10、,Ji m.Ho w a r e y o u?()He l l o,Li Mi n g.T h i s i s Ji m.He i s m y f r i e n d.()V m v e r y w e l l,t h a n k y o u.()Ni c e t o m e e t y o u,t o o.三、情景交际我最棒,看我做的怎么样。()1、小羊朋友们要注意安全,晚上灰太狼要来,大家睡觉前一定要:A.Op e n t h e d o o r.B.Cl o s e t h e d o o r.C.Op e n y o u r b o o k.()2、每周一在学校升国旗时,我们应该:A.

11、S t a n d u p,p l e a s e .B.S i t d o w n,p l e a s e .C.Ju m pu p,p l e a s e.()3、你的朋友买了一把伞,你想知道它的颜色,你应该说:A.r e d a n d b l u e B.r e d a n d y e l l o w C.b l u e a n d y e l l o wi t?W h a t s t h i s?B.W h e r e i s i t?C.W h a t c o l o u r i s()4、如果你不会用英语说某物,你应该怎么问?冀教版三年级 英 语 上 册 第 三 单 元 句 型测

12、 试 题听力部分一、听 录 音,选 出 正 确 的 答 句。()1.A.My e a r i s b i g.B.It s a n o s e.C.It sl i t t l e.()2.A.My h a i r i s s h o r t.B.He r h a i r i s g r e e n.C.It sb l o n d.()3.A.It s b r o w n.B.My e y e s a r e b r o w n.C.No,i t sb r o w n.()4.A.No,I f e e l w a r m.B.I f e e l s i c k.C.I h a v ea h e

13、a d.()5.A.He i s h a n d s o m e.B.S h e i s p r e t t y.C.No,s h ei s p r e t t y.笔试部分*、读 一 读,选 一 选。()1、Do y o u f e e l h a p p y?A.Bl a c k.()2、Ar e y o u h o t?B.He i s o u t.(c o l d.)3、Is Da n n y i n o r o u t?c.No,r m(p r e t t y.)4、W h a t c o l o u r i s y o u r h a i r?D.S h e i s()5 W h

14、a t d o e s s h e l o o k l i k e?E.No,I f e e ls a d.二、火 眼 金 睛。()1.My e y e s _ _ _ b l a c k.A.a r e B.i s C.a m()2.I h a v e l o n g h a i r ,b u t y o u r h a i r i s _ _ _ .A.s h o r t B.c u r l y C.s t r a i g h t()3.-d o y o u f e e l?-I f e e l h a p p y.A.W h a t B.Ho w C.h o w()4.W h a t s

15、 t h e?I h u r t m y k n e e.A.m u c h B.m a n y C.m a t t e r()5.T o d a y i s Ch i l d r e n,s Da y (儿童节),I a m .A.s a d B.t i r e d C.h a p p y三、这 些 单 词 朋 友 站 错 了 位 置,请 同 学 们 把 它 们 排 好 队 吧。1.y o u,D o,h ap p y,f e e l(?)2.are,g re e n,M y,e y e s (.)A.T h i s i s h o t.B.T h at s c o o l.C.T h at

16、 s w arm.3.I,m y,c u t,k n e e (.)4.m at t e r,i s,t h e,w h at (?)5.I ,an,h av e,e arac h e (.)四、根据情景选择句子,将其标号写在括号里。()1、甘肃舟曲发生特大泥石流灾害,当别人问你“H o w d oy o u f e e l?”时,你应说:A.I f e e l s ad.B.I f e e l t i re d.C.I m c o o l.()2、当你问对方发生了什么事情,你应该说:A.W h at s t h e m at t e r?B.A re y o u o k ay?C.H o w

17、 arey o u?()3、护士小姐问你W h at s t h e m at t e r?”,你应该说:A.I h u rt m y t o e.B.I h av e a t o e.C.N o,I f e e l s i c k.()4.喜羊羊告诉小朋友,他的头发是卷的:A.M y h ai r i s c u rly.B.M y h ai r are c u rly.C.M y h ai ri s s t rai g h t.()5.夏天你站在电扇旁边,你会说:冀教版三年级英语上册第四单元句型测试题一、选择正确的译文。()1.How are you today?A.你今天好吗?B.你昨天

18、好吗?()2,这是李明的家庭 A.This is Li Ming B.This is LiMing s family()3.他们正在唱歌 A.They*re singing B.They*recrying.()4.What are they doing?A.他们正在干什么?B.你在干什么?()5.This is my mother.A.这是我的爸爸。B.这是我的妈妈。二、选择正确的答案。()1.hair is very red.A.She B.He C.Her()2.My father a carpenter.A.is B.am C.are()3.She is a s h o r t.A.ma

19、n B.boy C.woman()4.We a happy family.A.are B.is C.am()5.We are Smith family.A.a B.an C.the()6.She is A.talk B.talks C.talking()7.She is pretty girl.A.a B.an C.the()8.-How old are you?A.I m fine.B.I amten years old.C.she is six()6.Happy birthday A.生日快乐B.生日聚会三、情景交际()1.有人想知道你爸爸是干什么的,如果你爸爸是医生,那么你应该回答:A.

20、M y f at h e r i s a n u rs e.B.M y f at h e r i s a d o c t o r.()2.有人想知道你是干什么的,如果你是学生,你应该回答:A.I m a s t u d e n t.B.I m a b u s i n e s s m an.()3.你想知道对方多大了,你应该问:A.H o w are y o u?B.H o w o ld are y o u?()4.你生日那天,朋友送你许多礼物,你应该对他们说:A.T h an k y o u B.F i n e()5.你帮助了别人,别人对你说“t h an k s ”时,你A.N o t t

21、h an k s m e .B.Y o u re w e lc o m e.四、仿照例子做题。1.S h e i s s i n g i n g.2.T h e b o y i s .3.S h e i s .4.T h e y re .五、给问句选择合适的答语。()1.W h at are t h e y d o i n g?A.M y n am e i s J e n n y.()2.H o w o ld are y o u?B.T h e y are p lay i n g.()3.W h at,s y o u r n am e?C.I c u t m y n o s e.()4.H a

22、p p y b i rt h d ay t o y o u .D.I am t e n y e ars o ld.()5.W h at s t h e m at t e r?E.T h an k y o u .应该说:冀教版小学三年级英语下册第一单元句型测试题听力部分一.听问句选答语。()1.A.No,I don t like milk.B.I m thirsty.()2.A.I like cake.B.My favouritefood is cake.()3AIt s delicious!B.Yes,please!()4.A.Yes!I m very hungry.B.No,thanks.(

23、)5.A.Rice is okay.B It s rice.二.听录音,判断下列句子与你听到的是否一致,一致的打不一致的打“X”1.I do my homework in the afternoon.()2.I like cereal for breakfast.()3.Would you like some more noodles?No,thanks.()4.In the evening,I eat l unch.()5.I m thirsty,I want to d r i n k.()笔试部分一.用所给单词补全句子。thirsty,am,is,like,breakfast,Are,do

24、,evening,don t,favourite1.I like porridge for.2.you like this?3.Dumplings good.4.Would you somenoodles?5.I hungry.6.My food is chicken.7.What for lunch?8.1 go to bed in the.9I m!I want to drink.10.1 like vegetables.二.选择填空。()1.Would you like some soup?A.the B.a C.more()2.1 like meat lunch.A.in B.for

25、C.on()3.I in the morning.A.get up B.go to bed C.eat lunch()4.Rice good.A.am B.is C.are()5.当你睡觉前要向爸爸妈妈到晚安时,你应该说:A.Good morning!B.Good night!C.Good afternoon!()6.当别人问你:Would you like some soup?如果你不想要,你可以礼貌地说:A.Yes,please!B.No,I don t!C.No,thanks!()7.当你想表达自己很饿,想吃东西时,你可以说:A.I m hungry!I want to eat.B I

26、m thirsty!I want to eat.CI m hungry!I want to drink.()8.假如你不喜欢吃肉,你可以说:A.I like meat.B.I don,t like to meat.C.I don t likemeat.()9.当你想知道晚饭吃什么时,你应该问:A.What9 s it?B.What s for supper?C.What,s for dessert?10.当别人问你最喜欢的食物是什么时,你应该说:A.My favourite food is noodles.B.I like noodles.C.Iam hungry.三.选出下列算式的英语答案,

27、将序号写在题前括号中。A.thirteen B.nine C.twelve D.fourteen E.fifteen()1.21-12=()2.7+8=()3.17-4=()4.29-15=()5.23-11=五.选择对应答语。()1.What,s your favourite food?()2.Are you thirsty?()3.Would you like some more fish?()4.Do you like juice?()5.What are they?A.Yes,I like juice.B.They are eggs.C.No,I,m notthirsty.D.My f

28、avourite food is meat.E.Yes,please!冀教版小学三年级英语下册第二单元句型试题听力部分一、听录音,选择正确的答语。()1.A.In a river.B.In a hole.C.On a farm.()2.A.An elephant.B.A zebra.C.A bear()3.A.They eat meat.B.They eat vegetables.C.They eat grass.()4.A.Yes,it does.B.No,it doesn,t.C.Yes,it is.()5.A.A camel.B.A kangaroo.C.An Ostrich.笔试部分4

29、.5.二.选择最佳答案。1 .I a pencil.A.need B.am2.for one hot dog?A.How many B.How much3.1 like pepper eggs.D.B.onA.B.A.inA.needB.borrow7.Td like noodle.A.a B.a bowl of三.读一读,连一连。()1.Wou ld y ou like s ome w at er?A.Id like a bot t le of milk.()2.How many bot t les of ju ice?B.Fiv e.()3.What w ou ld y ou like,p

30、leas e?C.Su re.()4.May I hav e one?D.Tw o y u an.()5.How mu ch for t he apples?E.No,t hanks.四.句子加工厂。1.bot t les of How many ju ice-2.s ome Wou ld like t ea y ou-4.y ou Do pepper like-5.one hot dog How mu ch for3.make Let s s ou p冀教版小学三年级英语下册第三单元测试题听力部分一、听音,将 你 所 听 内 容 序 号 写 在 题 前 括 号 内。()1.A.She s w

31、earing a pink and purple skirt.B.She s wearing a pink and white blouse.()2.A.Whose hat is this?B.Whose gloves are these?()3.A.This housecoat is too big!B.That housecoat isjust right.()4.A.Breakfast is ready!B.Lunch is ready!()5.A.I like your new dress.B.He likes your old pants.二、听 录 音,给 短 文 排 序。()No

32、.They are old.They are my favourite colour.()Yes!It s my birthday present from my mum.()1 like your skirt.Is it new?()They are nice!()1 like your pants.Are they new?笔试部分()1、What s supper?A.to B.for C.on()2.I eat in the afternoon.A.lunch B.supper C.breakfast()3.m ,I want to drink.A.thirsty B.tired C.

33、hungry()4.you like some dumplings?A.What B.Would C.Are()5.Her favourite food noodles.A.is B.are C.am二、根 据 上 下 文,补 全 对 话,将 正 确 的 选 项 填 在 横 线 上,有一项是多 余 的。Mary:Are you hungry?Bob:1.Mary:2._Bob:No,thanks.I don t like chicken or rice.Mary:Would you like some noodles?Bob:Yes,please.3.Mary:4._选 择 题。Bob:I l

34、ike chocolate and cake for dessert.Mary:What do you want to drink?Bob:5._A.I want some juice to drink.B.No,thanks.C.My favourite food id noodles.D.Yes,I m very hungry.E.What s for dessert?F.Would you like some chicken and rice?三、交际小天才,根据情景选择正确答案。()1.感冒发烧时,你口干舌燥,你应该说:A.V m very thirsty.I want to eat.

35、BI m thirsty.I want to drink water.()2.中午放学回家吃午饭,一进家门就问妈妈:A.What s for lunch.B.What s for supper.()3.如果你想知道对方是否喜欢巧克力时,你应该说:A.Do you like chocolate?B.Would you like some chocolate?()4.你想问Danny是否饿了,你应该说:A.Are you hungry?B.Are you thirsty?()5.晚上睡觉前,你应对爸爸和妈妈说:A.Good evening.B.Good night.()6.妈妈问你是否再来些面条时

36、,应说:A.Would you like some noodles?B.Would you like some more noodles?()7,吃饭时,妈妈问你是否想吃些面条,如果你不想吃,应该说:A.No,thanks.B.Yes,please.()8.Tom想告诉Jack午餐喜欢吃米饭,应该说:A.I like rice for lunch.B.I like rice in lunch.()9.Batman告诉小朋友们他不喜欢吃牛肉,应该说:A.I don t like beef.B.I don t like meat.()10.Tom到你家做客,你想客气的问他是否吃水果,应该说:A.D

37、o you like fruit?B.Would you like some fruit?冀教版小学三年级英语下册第四单元试题听力部分一、听录音,根据你所听到的问句选择正确的答语。()lAIts a lamp.B.Yes,it is.()2.A.Its Monday.B.In the bedroom.()3.A.Thirty.B.Read my book.()4.A.Okay.B.I want to play badminton.()5.A.No!B.Great!二、听录音,判断句子正(J)误(X)。()1.I dont want to play badminton now.()2.My te

38、ddy bear is hard.()3.The slippers are below the bed.()4.Saturdays is fun!()5.I draw a pict u re for my s t ory.笔试部分一、单项选择,把正确答案的序号填在题前括号内。()1.The bed is the TV.()2.1 wash the clothes Sunday.A.at B.on C.in()3.Jenny does her h o m e w o r k the evening.A.in B.at C.on()4.After school,I(步行回家).A.walk to

39、home B.go home C.walk home()5.Jenny plays her doll.A.with B.to C.()6.I l i k e play with my friends.A.too B.of C.to()7.Thirteen+twenty+two=.A.twenty-five B.thirty-five C.thirty-six()8.It,s fun to go a walk.A.to B.for C.in()9.I on my bed.A.lie B.get C.put()10.W h a t you want to do?A.does B.do C.didA

40、.above B.across from C.below二、找朋友。(10分)()1.What is it?a.The bear is on the bed.()2.How many apples?b.Twenty-eight.()3 Lets play checkers!c.Great!()4.Would you like to play with toys?d.Its a computer.()5.Where is teddy bear?e.Okay!三、连词成句。(10分)1.is Where it?2.1 to like rope jump.3.is hard My dresser.4

41、.take shower We a.5.The is bed the above picture四、读对话,判断句子正误(F)。Tom:Its Saturday.Would you like to play ping-pong?Bob:No,thanks!I want to play badminton.Tom:Ok,Let*s play badminton in the afternoon.Bob:Great!()1.Today is Saturday.()2.Tom likes to play ping-pong.()3.Bob doesn,t want to play badminton.()4.In the morning,Bob and Tom play badminton together.()5.Bob wants to play ping-pong.


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