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1、2019 年catti 三级笔译综合能力考试试题及答案解析(二)catti 三级笔译综合能力考试试题及答案解析(二)一、Vocabulary Selection(本大题 20 小题每题1.0 分,共20.0 分。In this part, there are 20 incomplete sentences. Below each sentence, there are four words or phrases respectively marked by letters A, B, C and D. Choose the word or phrasewhich best completes

2、eachsentence. There is only one right answer. )第 1 题More has been learned about the Moon than any other of the Earths neighbors in space because of the Apollo program, which enabled men to walk on the Moon and bring back hundreds of pounds of .A rocks B rock C stoneD stones【正确答案】:A【本题分数】:1.0 分【答案解析】

3、近义辨析。stone 是最常用词,可指任何石头;rock 指岩石,具有可研究价值,可作可数名词,也可作不可数名词,在此应用可数名词的复数。第 2 题 the variety that the average family has in beef, fish, poultry, and vegetarian recipes, they find most meals unexciting.A In spite B InspiteC Despite of D Despite【正确答案】:D【答案解析】【本题分数】:1.0 分习语辨析。despite(后面不加 of)与 in spite of(后面

4、不能省 of)同义,常可换用。在此只有选项 D 正确。第 3 题I cant tell the time because the of the clock have been removed. A handsB pointers C armsD fingers【正确答案】:A【答案解析】固定搭配。(钟表等的)指针一般用 hand,如:the hour hand 时针;the minutehand 分针;the second hand 秒针;因此选项 A 为答案。【本题分数】:1.0 分第 4 题A pigment called melanin protects the layers of sk

5、in from sun rays.A under B belowC underlying D underneath【正确答案】:C【答案解析】近义辨析。此题需辨清词性;本题空白处应填形容词,而选项;Aunder 作介词或副词;Bbelow 作介词或副词;C underlying 在下面的,下层的,为形容词;Dunderneath 作介词或副词;因此只有 C 正确。【本题分数】:1.0 分第 5 题Readers happy endings may find the unvarnished view of modern motherhood a bit unsettling.A fondB pr

6、eferred C adapted toD accustomed to【正确答案】:D【答案解析】固定搭配。Afond 应为 be fond of 喜欢、喜爱;Bpreferred 更喜欢,宁愿(选择);Cadapted to 适合,适应;Daccustomed to 习惯于。此句意为:习惯于看欢乐结局的读者可能会觉得现代母亲们的这种质朴观点令人有点不安。【本题分数】:1.0 分第 6 题In the eighteenth century, the town of Bennington, Vermont, was famous for pottery.A it made B itsC the

7、making D where its【正确答案】:B【答案解析】语法应用。本句意为:在十八世纪,本宁顿城和佛蒙特城以其制陶业而闻名;因此应填代词的所有格。如:The small town is famous for its fine park这座小城以漂亮的公园著称。【本题分数】:1.0 分第 7 题If you hear the fire , leave the building quickly. A warningB alarm C signal D bell【正确答案】:B【答案解析】近义辨析。Awarning 警告;Balarm 报警,警报,警报器;a fire alarm火警,火灾警

8、报器;Csignal 信号,预兆;Dbell 铃,钟。【本题分数】:1.0 分第 8 题Products which are made from dirts and are high temperatures are known as ceramics.A tempered in B subjected to C exposed toD baked in【正确答案】:B【答案解析】近义辨析。temper 使金属回火后有适当韧度;be subjected to 易遭受,使经历;expose to 使暴露在下;bake 烘焙,烤;在此意为:由泥土制成并经受高温后形成的产品被称为陶器。【本题分数】:

9、1.0 分第 9 题He drove fast and arrived an hour schedule. A in advanceB before C byD ahead of【正确答案】:D【答案解析】固定搭配。Ain advance 预先,事先,在前面;如:We paid the rent in advance我们预付了房租。Bbefore 在之前;Cby 经,按照;Dahead of 在 之前,提前;ahead of schedule 是固定搭配,表“提前”。【本题分数】:1.0 分第 10 题Even at an early stage the school felt that sh

10、e a good chance of passing her exams.A stood B gainedC possessed D took【正确答案】:A【答案解析】固定搭配。stand a(goodfair)chance of doing sth或 stand a(goodfair)chance to do sth大有希望,有相当把握;take a chance 或 take chances 冒险一试,碰运气,投机;因此选项 A 为答案。【本题分数】:1.0 分第 11 题Grover Cleveland was the first president in the White Hous

11、e. A got marriedB to get married C has got married D was married【正确答案】:B【答案解析】非谓语动词用法。此处所填内容应是修饰表语 the first president 的后置定语,且此句已有系动词 was;而选项A、C、D 均为完整的谓语动词,所以为避免谓语动词罗列,只能选择选项 Bto get married 这一动词不定式(非谓语动词)来作定语。【本题分数】:1.0 分第 12 题The explorer told the boys about his in the African forests. A storiesB

12、 voyageC adventures D trips【正确答案】:C【答案解析】近义辨析。Astories 故事;Bvoyage 航海,航程,旅行记,专指横跨海洋的水上远程旅行;Cadventures 奇遇,冒险,冒险的经历,其复数的含义是故事中人物的生活和活动情况;Dtrips(短途)旅行,旅程,是旅行和访问的总称。【本题分数】:1.0 分第 13 题Until the final votes are cast, though, assurances for nothing. A countB meant C giveD account【正确答案】:A【答案解析】近义辨析。Acount 有

13、价值,重要,起作用,常与for 连用;Bmeant 意味着;Cgive 授予,供给;Daccount 解释或说明的原因。此句意为:可是不到最终投票,前面的保证(口头担保)是没用的。【本题分数】:1.0 分第 14 题We hope that the measures to control prices, taken by the government, will succeed.A when B since C after D as【正确答案】:D【答案解析】【本题分数】:1.0 分习惯用法。as 用作关系代词,代替的是 measures,引导非限定性定语从句,意为政府采取的措施。第 15 题

14、John is handsome the scar on his face. A althoughB even ifC instead of D despite【正确答案】:D【本题分数】:1.0 分【答案解析】近义辨析。Aalthough(连词)尽管,虽然(通常用在从句前)=in spite of the factthat;Beven if(连词)即使,尽管(even if 的从句中含有强烈的假定性); Cinstead of(介词)代替,而不;Ddespite(介词)尽管=in spite of(后面跟名词或名词性短语);因此 D 为答案。第 16 题I wrote to my bank

15、manager to getting a loan. A in the hopeB on the question C with the aimD with a view【正确答案】:D【答案解析】习语辨析。in the hope ofin the hope that 盼望(通常没有实现的可能性);with a view toof 以为目标;指望于;因此 D 为答案。【本题分数】:1.0 分第 17 题 of recent political developments, he was taken by surprise upon his arrival in the capital.A Une

16、xpectedB Unacquainted C UnawareD Unknowing【正确答案】:C【答案解析】形近识别。unexpected 想不到的,意外的,突然的(形容词);unacquainted 不熟悉的,不知道的(形容词);be unaware of 不了解,不明白,没注意;(unaware 用作表语形容词);如:be unaware of the truth不明真相;unknowing 不知道的,没察觉的(of);因此 C 为答案。【本题分数】:1.0 分第 18 题Orson accused the man the theft. A forB ofC inD on【正确答案】:

17、B【答案解析】固定搭配。accuse sbof sth指控,控告,职责;因此 B 为答案。【本题分数】:1.0 分第 19 题Basca has his first prize at the Intel Science Talent Search, the premier national high school science competition.A landed B lentC rendered D brought【正确答案】:A【答案解析】词义辨析。land 使登陆,使上岸,使处于;获得,捕获(常用于口语)如:He landeda contract for building a fa

18、ctory他得到了一个承建工厂的合同。lend 借出,贷款,增添;render 使成为,报答;bring 拿来,取来,带来;因此答案为 A。【本题分数】:1.0 分第 20 题I should like to rent a house, that is modern, cozy and, , in a convenient place.A before all B above all C overallD first of all【正确答案】:B【本题分数】:1.0 分【答案解析】习语辨析。Babove all 首先,首要(一般是指几种并列成分中最重要的或最受关注的); Cover all 遍

19、及;Dfirst of all 首先(一般放在要依次罗列的事情的开头);所以 B 是答案。二、Vocabulary Replacement(本大题 12 小题每题 1.0 分,共 12.0 分。Thispart consists of 15sentences in which one word or phrase is underlined. Below each sentence, there are four choices respectively marked by letters A, B, C and D. You are to select the ONE choice that

20、 can replace the underlined word without causing any grammatical error or changing the principal meaning of the sentence. There is only one right answer. ) 第 1 题The National Industrial Recovery Act was designed to spur industry. A taxB stimulate C censureD rebuke【正确答案】:B【答案解析】动词辨析。spur 鞭策,刺激;tax 对征税

21、,使负重担;stimulate 刺激,激励;censure 责难;rebuke 斥责,非难;因此选项 B 为答案。【本题分数】:1.0 分第 2 题Since Jonas Salk came up with his polio vaccine, infantile paralysis has virtually disappeared from the United States.A surfaced withB raised the price of C discoveredD elevated【正确答案】:C【答案解析】习语辨析。come up with 想出,提出,提供;raise th

22、e price of 抬高的价格;discover (首次)发现,发觉,找到;因此 C 为答案。【本题分数】:1.0 分第 3 题If you cant dig into the field you have chosen for your pursuit, it is hardly possible for you to achieve anything significant in the field.A acquire B requireC accompany D accomplish【正确答案】:D【答案解析】动词辨析。achieve 完成,达到。Aacquire 获得,学到;Breq

23、uire 要求,命令;Caccompany 陪伴,伴随;Daccomplish 完成,达到,实现。【本题分数】:1.0 分第 4 题Double Eagle II, the first trans-Atlantic balloon, was greeted by avid crowds in France.A eagerB surgingC appreciative D vigorous【正确答案】:A【答案解析】形容词辨析。Aeager 热心于,渴望着;Bsurging 急剧上升,冲击,波动;Cappreciative 欣赏的,有欣赏力的,表示感激的;Dvigorous 精力旺盛的, 健壮的

24、;而 avid 表示“渴望的”,因此 A 是答案。【本题分数】:1.0 分第 5 题Iceland has the oldest parliament, which goes as far back to 930 A.D. when Althing, the legislative organization , was established.A office B adobeC assembly D building【正确答案】:C【答案解析】名词辨析。Aoffice 办公室;(英)政府机关,部;Badobe 指砖坯砌成的房子;Cassembly 集合,集会;a legislative ass

25、embly 指立法机关;Dbuilding 建筑物;因此 C 为答案。【本题分数】:1.0 分第 6 题The country will no longer be plagued by turmoil . A constant changeB bad weatherC utter confusion D fuel shortages【正确答案】:C【答案解析】名词辨析。turmoil 骚动,混乱;constant change 不断的变化;bad weather恶劣的天气;utter confusion 十足的混乱;fuel shortages 燃料短缺;因此选项 C 为答案。【本题分数】:1

26、.0 分第 7 题The old man sat before the fire in a trance , thinking of his past life.A inaspecial positionB inacozy stateC inasleepy stateD inameditative state【正确答案】:D【答案解析】词义辨析。in a trance出神,着迷,发呆。Ain a special position处于特殊位置;Bin a cozy state 处在一种舒适安逸惬意的状态中;Cin a sleepy state 处在困倦的状态中;Din a meditative

27、state 处在一种沉思冥想的状态中。【本题分数】:1.0 分第 8 题The doctor preferred to resign rather than be accused publicly of infamous conduct.A unknownB extraordinary C mysteriousD disgraceful【正确答案】:D【本题分数】:1.0 分【答案解析】形容词辨析。unknown 不知道的,未知的;extraordinary 非常的,特别的;mysterious 神秘的;disgraceful 可耻的,有损名誉的;infamous 声名狼藉的; 所以 D 为答

28、案。第 9 题The very ubiquity of electronic communications can have a surprising downside , notes Richard Kohn, a military historian at the University of North Carolina: a wife becomes accustomed to frequent e-mail from her husband, until he cant get to a computer. And then her anxiety increases.A failur

29、eB underside C drawbackD consequence【本题分数】:1.0 分【答案解析】名词辨析。downside 消极面,负面影响。Afailure 失败,故障;Bunderside下面,内面;Cdrawback 缺点,弊病,障碍;Dconsequence 结果,影响;着重表示某件事情所造成的结果,常带有不良后果之意。【正确答案】:C第 10 题In just three years, the Net has gone from a playground for the local people to a vast communications and trading c

30、enter where millions swap information or do deals around the world.A business B shopping C chatting D meeting【正确答案】:A【本题分数】:1.0 分【答案解析】名词辨析。deals 交易,买卖;Abusiness 商业,买卖,交易,生意,商行; Bshopping 买东西,购物;Cchatting 聊天;Dmeeting 会议,机会,会战; 因此选项 A 为答案。第 11 题The service economy doesnt suggest that we convert our f

31、actories into laundries to survive.A implyB persuade C hurlD transform【正确答案】:D【答案解析】动词辨析。convert 使转变转换,使改变信仰;Aimply 暗示,意味;Bpersuade 说服,劝说,(使)相信;Churl 用力投掷,愤慨地说出;Dtransform 转换,改变,改造;因此选项 D 为答案。第 12 题【本题分数】:1.0 分Most species of this plant thrive in ordinary well-drained garden soil and they are best p

32、lanted 8 cm deep and 5 cm apart.A develop well B grow taller C matureD bear fruit【正确答案】:A【本题分数】:1.0 分【答案解析】动词辨析。thrive 兴旺,繁荣,茁壮成长;Adevelop well 生长,发展,发育得好; Bgrow taller 渐渐长高;Cmature 成熟,到期;Dbear fruit 结出果实,奏效;因此选项 A 为答案。三、Correcting Grammatical Errors(本大题 15 小题每题 1.0 分,共 15.0分。This part consists of 1

33、5 sentences in which there is an underlinedpart that indicates a grammatical error Below each sentence, there are four choices respectively marked by letters A, B, C and D. You are to select the ONE choice and replace the underlined element(s) so that the error is erased and corrected. There is only

34、 one right answer. )第 1 题It was not until she arrived at the classroom she realized she had forgotten her coursebook.A and she realizedB which she realized C then she realized D that she realized【正确答案】:D【答案解析】习惯搭配。此句用的是it was not untilthat这一固定搭配,如:It was notuntil he told me that I knew it直到他告诉我,我才知道

35、。第 2 题【本题分数】:1.0 分All living creatures pass on inherited traits from one generation to other .A the other B anotherC othersD other one【正确答案】:B【本题分数】:1.0 分【答案解析】代词搭配。根据句意:所有的生物都是一代一代地向下传递其遗传特性。another另一个,泛指同类事物中的另一个;本句是指从一代向另一代传递,因此 from one to another 是正确选项。第 3 题The traffic police stopped three truc

36、ks heavily loading with merchandise that looked as grain bags.A that were loading . like B loaded with . likeC to load with . for D loaded with . for【正确答案】:B【答案解析】结构应用及习惯搭配。分词作宾语补足语时,要注意主动与被动的关系:如果宾语与宾语补足语之间是主动关系要用现在分词,如是被动关系要用过去分词。本句 stop 与 load 之间是被动关系,要用过去分词 loaded;第二个空与前面的 look表示“看起来像”,所以用固定搭配 l

37、ook like,选项 B 正确。【本题分数】:1.0 分第 4 题In our own galaxy, the Milky Way, there are perhaps 200 billion stars, a small part of them probably have planets on which life is feasible.A asmallfractionin whichB asmallfractionof whichC asmallfractionwhichD which a fraction of【正确答案】:B【答案解析】结构应用。英语的定语从句(不论是限定性或非限

38、定性)中,当关系代词作介词宾语时,介词前置,其中 whom 指人,which 指物;而介词 of 表示整体中的一部分, 比用 in 准确,所以 B 为答案。【本题分数】:1.0 分第 5 题We dont plan to go to the concert, and so they dont . A so do theyB they dont tooC neither dont they D they dont either【正确答案】:D【答案解析】结构应用。由 and 连接的这句话前半句是否定结构,后半句也要用否定结构;其形式有两种:neither do they(用 neither 句子

39、要倒装)和 they dont either因此选项 D 为答案。【本题分数】:1.0 分第 6 题When he fails his final examination, he is sure of a university place. A IfB In caseC Even when D Even if【正确答案】:D【答案解析】连词应用。根据句意,划线部分应填一个引导让步状语从句的连词,而 if 如果(引导条件从句),每当时(表因果关系),即使(if 当此意讲时,常用even if); 如:If I am wrong,you are wrong too即使我错了,你也对不了。in ca

40、ses 在的情况下,万一的话;如:In case anything important happens, please call me up万一发生什么重要事情,请打电话给我。even if 即使, 纵使(even if 的从句中含有强烈的假定性);如:Even if he is poor,she loves him即使他很穷,她还是爱他。所以应用选项 D。【本题分数】:1.0 分第 7 题He says, you must take in those responsibilities. A take awayB take on C take out D take off【正确答案】:B【答案

41、解析】习语搭配。本句意为:他说,你必须承担起这些责任。take away 拿走,减去;take on 承担,从事,具有;take out 拿出,取出,除去;take off 起飞,脱下,匆匆离去,取消;因此选项 B 是答案。【本题分数】:1.0 分第 8 题In his speech at the conference, the Chairman solemnly stated that the responsibility to our lives and the kind of world in that we live is ours and ours alone.A for . in

42、which B of. for which C of. in whichD for . on which【正确答案】:A【本题分数】:1.0 分【答案解析】习惯搭配和结构应用。“为某事负责”是 take responsibility for,所以第一个空要填 for;第二个空白处的介词短语与后面的 we live 构成定语从句修饰world,所填之处应为介词+关系代词构成的介词短语,因表地点world,所以应用 in which;只有选项 A 正确。第 9 题John and I have just been telling stories two of us . A ourselvesB t

43、o each other C each of usD both【正确答案】:B【本题分数】:1.0 分【答案解析】结构应用。根据本句的结构,划线部分应是充当方式状语;而有此功能的选项只有介词短语 to each other。其余三个选项 ourselves,each在此均为代词。ofus,和 both第 10 题The student asked her professor if he would have gone he did know earlier.onthe space shipAifhe knewB if he knows C he had known D had he known

44、【正确答案】:D【答案解析】虚拟语气。本句是对过去事实的假设,条件从句的谓语应用过去完成时(hadknown),而 if 条件句中如有 were,should,had,可将 if 省去,而把 were,should, had 放在句首。因此选项 D 是答案。第 11 题【本题分数】:1.0 分Without the music, the children would have not had so much fun. A wouldnt be havingB wouldnt have been C wouldnt beD wouldnt have had【正确答案】:D【答案解析】结构应用。当

45、有两个以上的助动词时,not 跟在第一个助动词之后。介词短语without the music 可代替虚拟条件从句;本句表达的是与过去事实相反的假设, 后面的主句谓语应用 would+have+过去分词;因此选项 D 是答案。【本题分数】:1.0 分第 12 题All root vegetables grow underground, and not all vegetables that grow underground are roots.A but B orC asD thus【正确答案】:A【本题分数】:1.0 分【答案解析】结构应用。根据句意,前后两句应是转折关系,因此连接词应是表示转折关系的but,而不能用表示并列关系的 and;因此选项 A 是答案。or 表示“或”;as“当之时,随着”;thus“因此,这样”。第 13 题The pictures of the Loch Ness Monster show a remarkable resemblance to a plesios


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