人教版七年级英语下册Unit2 SectionB.pptx

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1、会计学1人教版七年级英语下册人教版七年级英语下册Unit2 SectionBhalf past sixhalf past sixin the morningin the morninga quarter past threea quarter past threein the afternoonin the afternoona quarter to sevena quarter to sevenin the eveningin the eveninga quarter to tena quarter to tenin the eveningin the eveningLets review

2、the use of timeLets review the use of time.第1页/共25页Lets learn new phrasesLets learn new phrases.do homeworkdo homework第2页/共25页Lets learn new phrasesLets learn new phrases.eat dinnereat dinner晚饭晚饭第3页/共25页Lets learn new phrasesLets learn new phrases.eat breakfasteat breakfast第4页/共25页Lets learn new phr

3、asesLets learn new phrases.go to bedgo to bed第5页/共25页When do students usually do these things?When do students usually do these things?Match the actions with the time of day.Match the actions with the time of day.1a3124造句:造句:When do students usually eat breakfast?At half past six in the morning,they

4、 usually eat breakfast.以此类推。以此类推。第6页/共25页Check your answers with your partner.Check your answers with your partner.1bWhen do When do studentsstudentsusually usually eat dinner?eat dinner?They usually They usually eat dinnereat dinnerat a quarter to at a quarter to seven in the eveningseven in the ev

5、ening 第7页/共25页Listen and circle the activities you hear.Listen and circle the activities you hear.1.get up _ 6.do my homework _2.run _ 7.clean my room _3.eat breakfast _ 8.eat dinner _4.go to school _ 9.take a walk _5.go home _ 10.go to bed _5:301c第8页/共25页Listen and circle the activities you hear.Li

6、sten and circle the activities you hear.1.get up _ 6.do my homework _2.run _ 7.clean my room _3.eat breakfast _ 8.eat dinner _4.go to school _ 9.take a walk _5.go home _ 10.go to bed _5:301d6:00 a.m6:00 a.m7:00 a.m 7:00 a.m 7:45 a.m 7:45 a.m 4:15 p.m 4:15 p.m 5:30 p.m 5:30 p.m 7:15 p.m7:15 p.m9:00 p

7、.m 9:00 p.m 第9页/共25页1eWhen When dodoeses TomTomusually usually get up?get up?He usually He usually getsgets up upat half past five.at half past five.When When dodoeses TomTomusually usually run?run?He usually He usually runsrunsat six A.M.at six A.M.第10页/共25页 Check()the activities you think Check()t

8、he activities you think are healthy.are healthy._ go to bed early _ eat ice-cream_ eat quickly _ eat vegetables_ play sports _ take a walk2a第11页/共25页Who is Who is healthier?healthier?Circle the healthy Circle the healthy activities.activities.Hi!Im Tony.I Hi!Im Tony.I dont likedont like(不喜欢)(不喜欢)to

9、get to get up early.In the morning,I get up up early.In the morning,I get up atat eight.Then I go to school at eight thirty.eight.Then I go to school at eight thirty.I dont I dont havehave muchmuch timetime(很多时间(很多时间)for for breakfast,so I usually eat breakfast,so I usually eat very quicklyvery quic

10、kly.For lunchFor lunch,I Iusually eat hamburgers.After school,usually eat hamburgers.After school,I I sometimessometimes(有时候)(有时候)play basketball for play basketball for half half an houran hour(半个小时)(半个小时).When I.When I get homeget home(回到家)(回到家),I,I always do my homework first.always do my homewor

11、k first.2b第12页/共25页In the evening,I In the evening,I eithereither watch TV watch TV oror play play computer games.At ten thirty,I brush my teeth computer games.At ten thirty,I brush my teeth and then I go to bed.and then I go to bed.Mary is my sister.She usually Mary is my sister.She usually getsget

12、s up at six up at six thirty.Then she always thirty.Then she always takestakes a shower and a shower and eatseats a good breakfasta good breakfast(吃一顿丰盛的早餐)吃一顿丰盛的早餐).After that,.After that,she goes to school at eight thirty.she goes to school at eight thirty.PS:PS:eithereither.or:.or:或者或者.或者或者你可以今天或

13、明天来。你可以今天或明天来。You can come You can come _today today _ tomorrow.tomorrow.either or either or 第13页/共25页At twelve,she eats At twelve,she eats lots oflots of(大量的)(大量的)fruit and fruit and vegetables for lunch.After lunch,she sometimes vegetables for lunch.After lunch,she sometimes playsplays volleyball.

14、She always volleyball.She always eatseats ice-cream after ice-cream after dinner.She dinner.She knowsknows it its s not not good forgood for her,but it her,but it tastes goodtastes good(尝起来太美味了)尝起来太美味了)!In the evening,she!In the evening,she doesdoes her her homework and usually homework and usually

15、swimsswims or or takes a takes a walkwalk.(散步)(散步)At nine thirty,she At nine thirty,she goesgoes to bed.to bed.PS:be good for:PS:be good for:对对.有益的。有益的。写作提示:写作提示:1.据时间顺序来描述自己日常的习惯。据时间顺序来描述自己日常的习惯。2.能够适当的使用频率副词能够适当的使用频率副词:never,usually,sometimes 3.能够使用恰当的连词及短语,如:能够使用恰当的连词及短语,如:then,after that.第14页/共2

16、5页翻译下列短语翻译下列短语1.1.早起早起_2.2.晚起晚起_3.3.快速吃早餐快速吃早餐_4.4.吃汉堡包吃汉堡包_5.5.打篮球打篮球_6.6.做作业做作业_7.7.刷牙刷牙_8.8.晚餐后吃冰激凌晚餐后吃冰激凌_9.9.洗澡洗澡_10.10.吃顿丰盛的早餐吃顿丰盛的早餐_11.11.吃大量的水果和蔬菜吃大量的水果和蔬菜_12.12.打排球打排球_13.13.游泳游泳_14.14.散步散步_get up get up earlyearlyget up lateget up latehave breakfast quicklyhave breakfast quickly eat hambu

17、rgers eat hamburgersplay basketballplay basketballdo homeworkdo homeworkbrush teethbrush teetheat ice-cream eat ice-cream after dinnerafter dinnertake a showertake a showereat a good breakfasteat a good breakfasteat lots ofeat lots of fruit and vegetablesfruit and vegetablesplays volleyballplays vol

18、leyballswimswim take a walktake a walk第15页/共25页2cWrite down the unhealthy habits of each Write down the unhealthy habits of each person.Then think of healthy activities for person.Then think of healthy activities for them.them.Unhealthy habitsHealthy activitiesTony Tony Mary Mary have breakfast quic

19、klyeat ice-cream after dinnerusually eat hamburgersget up lateget up get up early,early,take a take a shower and eat a good shower and eat a good breakfastbreakfast,eat lots ofeat lots of fruit and vegetablesfruit and vegetables,plays volleyballplays volleyball,often often swimswim or or take a take

20、 a walkwalkplay basketballplay basketball,do homeworkdo homework,brush teethbrush teeth第16页/共25页3aNumber these sentences in order to make Number these sentences in order to make a story about a daily routine.a story about a daily routine.34256978第17页/共25页3bWrite about your own daily routine.Write ab

21、out your own daily routine.My dayI have a very healthy life.I always get up at seven.Then I go to school,I usually have morning reading class at seven thirty.At seven fifty,I sometimes have English class for Seven Grade.After that,I eat breakfast at eight thirty.In the afternoon,I always work in the

22、 office.At four twenty,I finish my work,and eat dinner at five thirty,then I take a walk after dinner.In the evening,I always talk to my friends and eat some food.At eight thirty,I usually take a shower.I go to bed at ten,第18页/共25页搭配适当的动词组成短语。搭配适当的动词组成短语。1.1.有一份工作有一份工作 _ a job _ a job2.2.穿上衣服穿上衣服 _

23、dressed _ dressed3.3.打扫我的房间打扫我的房间 _ my room _ my room4.4.刷牙刷牙 _ teeth _ teeth5.5.尝起来很棒尝起来很棒 _ good _ good6.6.散步散步 _ a walk _ a walktastetastehave/hashave/hasgetgetcleancleanbrushbrushtaketake第19页/共25页Self-Check1.Ice-cream usually _so students like to eat it 1.Ice-cream usually _so students like to e

24、at it after school.after school.2.My grandparents are very healthy.They always_after2.My grandparents are very healthy.They always_after dinner.dinner.3.You need to_after eating to have good 3.You need to_after eating to have good teeth.teeth.4.He_.He works at a radio station.4.He_.He works at a rad

25、io station.5.Here are your clothes.Go and _ quickly!5.Here are your clothes.Go and _ quickly!6.I dont have time to _ from Monday to 6.I dont have time to _ from Monday to Friday.so I clean it on weekends.Friday.so I clean it on weekends.A taste clean have get take brushA taste clean have get take br

26、ushB your teeth my room a walk good dressed a good job B your teeth my room a walk good dressed a good job take a walktake a walktastes goodtastes goodbrush your teethbrush your teethhas a jobhas a jobget dressget dressclean my roomclean my room第20页/共25页Self-Check根据所给的提示词连成句子。根据所给的提示词连成句子。1.A:1.A:你妈

27、妈通常几点起床?(你妈妈通常几点起床?(your mother/usally/get up)your mother/usally/get up)_ _ _your mother usally _ _?your mother usally _ _?B:B:她通常她通常5:455:45分起床。(分起床。(5:455:45)She usually _ _ at 5:45.She usually _ _ at 5:45.A:A:她为什么那么早起?(她为什么那么早起?(why/get up/so early)why/get up/so early)_ _ she get up _ _?_ _ she g

28、et up _ _?B:B:她总是为我做早餐。(她总是为我做早餐。(always/make breakfast for me)always/make breakfast for me)She always _ _ _ _.She always _ _ _ _.2.A:2.A:你通常几点到达学校?(你通常几点到达学校?(you/usually/get to school)you/usually/get to school)_ _ _ do you usually _ _ _?_ do you usually _ _ _?B:B:在在7:307:30分分 _ 7:30._ 7:30.A:A:你们的

29、班主任通常几点到达学校你们的班主任通常几点到达学校?(your class teacher/get?(your class teacher/get to school)to school)_ _does your class teacher usually _ _ _ _does your class teacher usually _ _ B:I dont know.But he never late for the first class.B:I dont know.But he never late for the first class.What time does get upWha

30、t time does get upgets up gets up Why does so earlyWhy does so earlymakes breakfast for me makes breakfast for me What time get to school What time get to school AtAtWhat time get to What time get to school school 第21页/共25页选择题选择题1.The ice-cream _good.Can I try some?1.The ice-cream _good.Can I try so

31、me?A.looks B.sounds C.tastes A.looks B.sounds C.tastes2._ do you go to school?2._ do you go to school?At 7:15 in the morning.At 7:15 in the morning.A.What B.How C.What time A.What B.How C.What time3.Li _ runs in the morning,he wants to be healthy.3.Li _ runs in the morning,he wants to be healthy.A.n

32、ever B.sometimes C.often A.never B.sometimes C.often4._ do you usually go shopping?-On Sundays.4._ do you usually go shopping?-On Sundays.A.When B.How C.Why A.When B.How C.Why5.They usually _ at six P.M.5.They usually _ at six P.M.A.get home B.gets home C.gets to home A.get home B.gets home C.gets t

33、o home6.Mike either sings _ plays the piano.6.Mike either sings _ plays the piano.A.to B.on C.or A.to B.on C.or7.Sorry,I have _homework to do.7.Sorry,I have _homework to do.A.lot of B.many C.lots of A.lot of B.many C.lots of8.Eating too much candy isnt good _ our health.8.Eating too much candy isnt

34、good _ our health.A.to B.in C.for A.to B.in C.forC CC CC CA AA AC CC CC C第22页/共25页翻译下列短语翻译下列短语1.1.早上六点半早上六点半 _ _2.2.下午三点十五分下午三点十五分 _ _3.3.晚上七点四十五分晚上七点四十五分 _ _4.4.吃的快吃的快 _ _5.5.有时候有时候 _ _6.6.做我的作业做我的作业 _ _7.7.要么要么.要么要么././或者或者.或者或者._._8.8.大量的大量的 _ _9.9.健康生活健康生活 _ _10.10.去上班去上班 _ _11.11.上床睡觉上床睡觉 _ _12

35、.12.在晚上在晚上 _ _13.13.在周末在周末 _ _14.14.对对.有好处有好处 _ _half past six in the morninghalf past six in the morninga quarter past three in the afternoona quarter past three in the afternoona quarter to eight in the eveninga quarter to eight in the eveningeat quicklyeat quicklysometimessometimesdo my homeworkdo my homeworkeither oreither orlots oflots ofhealthy lifehealthy lifego to workgo to workgo to bedgo to bedat nightat nighton weekendson weekendsbe good forbe good for第23页/共25页第24页/共25页


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