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《新视野大学英语视听说第二版答案(第4册).pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《新视野大学英语视听说第二版答案(第4册).pdf(26页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、UintlII.Basic Listening PracticeKeys:1.C 2.B 3.D 4.A 5.DIII.Listening InTask 1:Soft answers turn away wrath.Keys:1D 2.A3.C 4.B 5.CTask 2:Big John is coming!ScriptA bar owner in the Old West has just hired a timid bartender.This(S1)ownerof the establishment is giving his new hire some instructions on

2、(S2)runningthe place.He tells the timid man,If you ever hear that Big John is coming totown,(S3)drop everything and run for the hills!Hes the biggest,nastiest(S4)outlaw whos ever lived!A few weeks pass(S5)uneventfully.But one afternoon,a local cowhandcomes running through town(S6)yelling,Big John is

3、 coming!Run for your(S7)lives!When the bartender leaves the bar to start running,he is knocked to theground by several townspeople rushing out of town.(S8)As hes pickinghimself up,he sees a large man,almost seven feet tall.Hes muscular and isgrowing as he approaches the barHe steps up to the door,or

4、ders the poor barkeep inside,and demands,I wanta beer NOW!He strikes his heavy fist on the bar,splitting it in half.(S9)The bartendernervously hands the bid man a beer,hands shakina.He takes the beer,bitesthe top of the bottle off,and downs the beer in one gulp.As the terrified bartender hides behin

5、d the bar,the big man gets up to leave,Do you want another beer?the bartender asks in a trembling voice.Dang it,I dont have time!the big man yells,(S10)“I got to get out of town!Dont you hear Big John is coming?Task3:A View of HappinessKeys:1D2.C3.B4.D5.AVI.Further Listening and SpeakingTaskl:Reason

6、 and EmotionKeys:1.A2.B 3.C4.C5.DTask 2:DepressionKeys:TFFTFTask3:AngerNews ReportU.S.Roller CoasterScriptThe worlds first 4D roller coaster,X”,took on its first passengers last week at theSix Flags Magic Mountain theme park,just outside Los Angeles.After climbing on board and properly securing thei

7、r safety harnesses,X riders arefirst to a height of over 66meters.At the top,the passenger train is released and buildsup enough speed to race and plummet around the track at speeds of over 130km anhour.The rider takes the daring passengers down an incredible 66m dive and over the top ofa 62m loop,i

8、n cars that spin independently of the roller coaster train.This uniquedesign allows riders to spin360degree,both forwards and backwards,through theentire ride.Passengers hurtle through this ride often moving in many different directions at thesame time ad the cars somersault back and forth and the r

9、oller coaster twists,loops,and dives.The complicated series of maneuvers includes two raven turn,one front flip,onetwisting front flip,and two back flips.Since passengers arent always facing the right direction to see whats coming up next,the element of surprise is high.For X riders,this adds to the

10、 thrill of the ride.The track of this newest roller coaster runs a total length of a little overl,1 OOmeters.The passenger trains measure 6meters wide and 21 meters long,large enough to carry28 passengers at a time.At full capacity,the trains can take 1,600passengers for theride of their lives each

11、hour.The entire ride lasts for only a total about 2minutes,but you can tell from theexhilarated faces of passengers returning to the boarding dock that they were two ofthe most thrilling:minutes of heir lives.Uint2IL Basic Listening PracticeKeys:l.B 2.A3.C4D5BIII.Listening InTask 1:A Friendly Stylis

12、tKeys:1C.A3.D4.B 5.AFor Reference:1.It means there is no match between you and your hair.2.Thats$135.Sir?Sir,are you all right?Oh,he fainted.Task 2:The Voice LiftScriptAfter the face-lift,the forehead tightened,and the(SI)nose job,something still mightbe revealing your age:your(S2)voice.For patients

13、 who think their trembly,hoarse words dont(S3)match their newly faceand figure,there9s a procedure that claims to make them(S4)sound younger too:thevoice lift.There are two general kinds of voice lifts.In some cases,implants(S5)insertedthrough an incision in the(S6)neck bring the vocal cords closer

14、together.Doctorsalso use injections of(S7)fat or other substances to plump up the cords,so that thevoice sounds younger.(S8)The voice lift is becoming more widely known among an aging population,whotry to make themselves sound younger.“I speak in a great deal,or I was shouting,on a particular day,at

15、 the end of the day,Iwould feel exhausted,said Robert Brown,75,(S9)a retired construction engineerwho underwent the voice lift several years ago,I dont know if I sound younger,butthe hoarseness is gone,which is such a great improvement.(S10)Voice lift can also benefit people like Derfsmers,lawyers,t

16、eachers,andtelephone operators who need to have a stiong voice and hope to shave years off thesound of their voice.Task3:A View of HappinessKeys:1C2.C3.B4.B5.DVL Further Listening and SpeakingTaskl:Beauty Contests and Plastic SurgeriesKeys:1.A2.C 3.D 4.B 5.ATask 2:Is it true beauty?Keys:FTFTFTask3:C

17、hanging Your Hairstyle to Improve YourAppearanceFor Reference:1.It is a quick and easy way to freshen up your looks-and boost your confidence2.Clients often say,“I want to cut my hair,but I should lose weight first.But thatsnot the right sequence;its the other way around.3.The speaker say if you hav

18、e a round face,you may look better with short hair.4.That depends the length of your neck.The longer the neck,the shorter you can go.5.They change the shape of your face,making it seem shorterNews ReportMiss WorldScriptThe Miss World title went to first black African contestant ever in its 51-year h

19、istoryat the Miss World finals in Sun City,South Africa on Friday.Organizers of the pageant said they expected about one billion people to have turnedin to watch the beauty queen extravaganza.The event was hosted by American talkshow host,Jerry Springer,at a glitzy resort in the heart of South Afric

20、as bushcountry.SOUND BITEThe pageant was created in 1951 by a public relations executive for a small leisureand entertainment company.It was initially intended to be only a one-time event,butwas continued after the United States began the rival Miss Universe contest in 1952.In more than half a centu

21、ry,there have been only three Miss World winners fromAfrica,two of them white South Africa and the third from Egypt.Miss World has until now been dominated by winner from Europe,the Americas,andIndia,the majority of them being Caucasian.The contestants in this pageant are judges in three different c

22、ategories:beauty,grace,and charm;talent,poise,and personally;and figure and deportment.After the firstround of judging,the original group of 92 contestants was pared down to only tenfinalists who would go on to compete for the title.The second-runner up in this ten years pageant was Miss Scotland,18

23、-year-oldJuliet-Jane Horne.SOUND BITEJThe Peoples Republic of China was represented for the first time this year by18-year-od Bing Li.SOUND BITEJThe title of first runner up went to Miss Aruba,19-year-old Zerelda Lee.SOUND BITEThe competition was fierce as each of the ten finalists took her turn in

24、the spotlight infront of a live audience.But out of the 92 contestants,it was Miss Nigeria,18-year-old Agbani Darego,whotook home covered title and the$100,000 prize.SOUND BITEJBefore being crowed,Darego took the victory walk wearing a lime-green,bodyhugging dress and waved to a cheering crowd.The n

25、ews of her victory sparked rapturous celebrations all over Nigerias biggest city,Lagos.Uint3IL Basic Listening PracticeKeys:l.D 2.A3.C4.B5,CIII.Listening InKeys:IB 2.C 3.A4.D 5.CFor Reference1.In the open ocean they move at up to 800km per hour,but when it reaches the shore,the system slows down and

26、 the waves get bigger.2.They can reach 30 meters.Big enough to finish you off in one gulp.Task 2:Flooding in Haiti and the Dominican RepublicScriptThe death too continues to(SI)climb from last week9s flooding in Haiti and theDominican Republic.The U.S.Agency for International Development(S2)reportst

27、hat at least 1,068 people are dead,1,600 are(S3)missing,and 25,000 are in need ofemergency food and other forms of(S4)assistance.In Dominican Republic,414 aredead and 274 are missing,all from the town of Jimani.A key(S5)factor in the widespread destruction is the extensive deforestation and the(S6)p

28、resence of settlements along the floodplains of rivers.The flooding was driven by intense rainfall.A low-pressure system(S7)brieinatingl inCentral America brought exceptionally heavy rain and thunderstorms to Haiti and theDominican Republic from May 18 t o25.(S8)Rainfall exceeded 500 mm(or 19.7inche

29、s)alon?the border areas of Haiti and the Dominican Republic during that period.At the town of Jimani,Dominican Republic,250mm(or 10 inches)of rain fell in just24 hours,causing the Solie River to overflow its banks from May24 to 25.The heavyrainfall resulted in flash flooding and extensive debris flo

30、wed over the entire region.Swollen rivers and debris cut off many of the roads traversing the area along the baseof the mountains.(S9)This made it difficult for humanitarian relief worker to rescuestranded people and deliver badly.Now people want to know:How often do floodsand related landmass movem

31、ent also caused landsides in a few places.(S10)AnaIysis of the past date shows that major floods in the Dominican Republicand Haiti are now a nearannual event.Since 1986,twelve lethal events have occurredon the island.Task3:A BlizzardKeys:1A2.B3.C4.D5.CFor ReferenceThey can quickly become disoriente

32、d,losing their sense of up and down as well astheir sense of direction.VI.Further Listening and SpeakingTaskl:Description of a TsunamiKeys:1.A2.C 3.B 4.D5.ATask 2:Drought in South AfricaKeys:FFTFTTask3:Brave firemenFor Reference1.Since the company was composed entirely of men over65,there was doubt

33、thatthey would be of assistance.But the farmer called the fire company away becausethe fire proved to be more than the small town fire department could handle,andthere was no other help available.2.The truck drove straight toward the fire and,instead of stopping in front of the fire,drove right onto

34、 the middle of the flames.3.After an hour of intense fighting,they had extinguished the fire.4.He presented the volunteer company wit ha check for$10,000.The captain said,“The first thing were going to do is to get the brakes fixed on thatstupid fire truck.That suggests that they drove right into th

35、e middle of the flamesbecause of useless brakes rather bravery.News ReportAustralian WaterspoutScriptA big twister struck the Sydney to Hobart yacht race late on Wednesday,nearlyknocking out the team highly favored to win,Nicorette.Disaster struck the Swedish maxi yacht off the east coast of Austral

36、ia,tearing itsmainsail and nearly carrying away skipper Ludde Ingvall.When asked about his encounter with the waterspout,Ingvall described the experienceas“surreal”.Ingvall,a seasoned sailor,said that hes seen twisters before but had always managedto avoid them.This one,however,seemed to be followin

37、g them and they had nochoice but to go right through the middle of it.The encounter with the twister forced Nicorette to drop into fifteenth place overnight.Crew member valiantly battled extreme weather while attempting to keep the yacht ocourse.Skipper Ingvall reported that the team was now in sixt

38、h place and making up groundwith the use of its backup mainsail.Nicorette managed to get back on track on Thursday,closing the gap on team Illbruckof Germany,the current leader.This footage from video taken aboard the Nicorette shows the terrible conditions theyexperienced as they struggled to stay

39、in the race.It took real teamwork to get the unlucky yacht back into this position.Even underthese harshest of conditions,the Nicorette team managed to work together to make amiraculous recovery.But the team has a history of successful teamwork.Last year,Nicorette achieved the second-fastest line ho

40、nors victory in the 57-yearhistory of the 630 nautical mile Sydney to Hobart race.The only yacht to surpassNicorette time was the 60-foot Danish Nokia,setting the record of Iday,19 hours,48 minutes,and 2 seconds in 1999.Earlier on Thursday,8 of the 75 entrants dropped out of the race after a night o

41、fthunderstorm activity and winds of up to 30 knots.Team Illbruck is the overall winner so far after two legs of the race,but there is stillmore race to go.Boat are currently en route to Auckland,New Zealand as they begin the third leg ofthe around the world race.Nicorette still has a chance to finis

42、h in one of the top spots despite the incredibleobstacle that almost stopped them.Uint4IL Basic Listening PracticeKeys:1.C2.B3.A4.B5.DIII.Listening InKeys:1C2.B 3.D4.A5.AFor Reference1.I want you to know this is going to hurt me more than it will hurt you.2.Thats great!Thank you!ril certainly try to

43、 live up to the trust you havedemonstrated in me with this raise in pay.Task 2:SOHOScriptThe modern concept of small office and home office,or small and home office,often(SI)shorted to SOHO,is concerned with business that employ from one to tenworkers.Also(S2)known as a virtual business,the SOHO has

44、 not evolved beyondthe idea of an(S3)independent business person who has a few support stall members.Business(S4)enterprises that are large are often called Small and Medium-sizedEnterprises.Before the 19th century and the(S5)spread of the industrial revolution around theglobe,(S6)nearly all offices

45、 were small offices or home offices,with only a fewexceptions.Most businesses were small,and(S7)so was the amount of paperworkthat went with their business activities.At the end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st,the term“Small or HomeOffice,and 08_M YAR.Some products are often design

46、ed specifically for the SOHO market.(S8)Manybooks are written and sold specifically for this type of office to tell people how loequip a small office.Nowadays many consultants,lawyers,and real estate agents in small and mediumsized towns operate from such home offices.(S9)In the field of software de

47、velopment,engineers often have to work 20 hours ormore at a stretch,so they can hardly adapi to normal office hours.They often work insmall offices to have more freedom.Task3:The Role of Job DescriptionsKeys:1B2.D3.D4.A5.CVI.Further Listening and SpeakingTaskl:A small misstep can become a big career

48、 trap.Keys:1.D2.B3.C 4.A5.CTask 2:The boss is angry!Keys:FTFTFTask3:Three EnvelopesFor Reference1.They gathered for lunch to welcome the new Chief Executive Officer,Carl Martin,and say good-bye to the departing CEO,Dick Jackson.2.The departing CEO left three numbered envelopes for the new CEO3.The m

49、essage read,“Blame your predecessor.So,the new CEO held a pressconference and tactfully laid the blame at the feet of the previous CEO.4.The message read,“Recognize.The new CEO did it,and the company quicklyrebounded.5.The meager said,Prepare three envelopes.It implied that it was time for Martinto

50、leave and give three similar envelopes to the next CEO.News ReportA Wearable TranslatorScriptThe inability to communicate in a foreign language is a problem that manyinternational travelers face.But now,a Minnesota company is developing a systemthat would make this a problem of the past.Minneapolis-


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