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《2022年山东省济南市历下区中考英语三模试卷(含答案).pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2022年山东省济南市历下区中考英语三模试卷(含答案).pdf(40页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、2022年山东省济南市历下区中考英语三模试卷I I.选 择 填 空 从 每 题 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。(1 5 分)1.(1 分)一Jack,are you the only child in your family?No,I also have_ sister.()A.a B.an C.the D./2.(1 分)Mr Jackson is a popular writer,and we all like reading_ books.(A.his B.her C.their D.your3.(1 分)The rain got in the room_ the win

2、dow.()A.across B.over C.through D.in4.(1 分)一Im_ to tell you that you have passed the exam.一Great,thanks.()A.afraid B.sorry C.old D.glad5.(1 分)一I heard you have your own car,Cindy?Yes._ it is not new,it runs well and I love i t.()A.Because B.So C.Although D.But6.(1 分)I cant stop playing computer game

3、s.For your eyes,my dear friend,Em afraid you_.()A.can B.may C.would D.have to7.(1 分)It is_ to say thank you very often,even to family members.(A.polite B.quiet C.uneasy D.rude8.(1 分)Dont forget me if you need any help.()A.call B.to call C.calling9.(1 分)一Watching TV is a _ of time.一I disagree.Sometim

4、es it makes me relaxed.()A.kind B.number C.waste10.(1 分)一Dad,drive_nearby the school.OK,I w ill.()A.quickly B.easily C.clearly11.(1 分)一:_beautiful the spring is!D.calledD.useD.slowlySo it is.I feel like Im in the sea of flowers.()A.How B.What C.What a D.What an12.(1 分)一 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _?Jimmy won a f

5、ree ticket.Really?Lucky for him.()A.Why not B.Guess what C.How come13.(1 分)一Could you water the flowers,Nick?一Sorry,mom.I my homework.()D.PardonA.don*t finish B.wont finishC.didnt finish D.havent finished14.(1 分)一Will Li Lei look after my cat when I go to Beijing?一Sure.He wont_ your request.He loves

6、 animals.()A.turn up B.turn on C.turn downD.turn off15.(1 分)一Do you know?In two weeks,I guess.I really miss my school.()A.how long I can keep this bookB.how soon well go back to schoolC.how much these notebooks areD.how far it is from here to schoolIII.完形填空阅读短文,从 每 题 A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个能填入文章中相应空白处的最佳答

7、案。(15分)16.(15 分)My father is a strong fisherman.He loved the sea and would stay out until he caughtenough to feed the family.When we met(1)weather,he would drive me to school with his old truck.Andafter we arrived,he would hug me and give me a(2)on the face and then tell me tobe a good boy.I always

8、felt very(3)in front of so many other school mates.I wasalready a twelve-year-old young man,(4)my father still kissed me goodbye!Then on a rainy day,I decided to tell him my feeling.When we stopped at the school gate,the(5)big smile appeared on my fathers face.I(6)what would happennext.So I quickly

9、put my hand up and for the first time said No to him.The smile on his faceimmediately changed into a(7)look.He looked at me for a long time and tearsbegan to appear in his eyes.I was shocked.I had never seen him(8)!Then he said,Youre right.You are a big boy.a man.I wont kiss you(9)Not long after tha

10、t,my father went to sea on a bad day.(10)of the fishermenstayed at home,but not Dad,because he had a big family to feed.But after that day,he(11)came back.Later his boat was found with his nets half in and half out.He must have(12)a strong wind and was trying to save the nets.How I wished I had not(

11、13)my fathers kiss!And from this I have learned that weshould take every chance(14)our family and friends.We can have(15)regrets by doing so.(1)A.fineB.cloudyC.coolD.bad(2)A.welcomeB.smileC.touchD.kiss(3)A.proudB.embarrassedC.braveD.unlucky(4)A.soB.orC.butD.and(5)A.strangeB.usualC.shyD.patient(6)A.a


13、15)A.realB.fewC.someD.largeI V.补全对话阅读对话,从每题A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案完成对话。(5 分)17.(5 分)Mom:Amy,lets look through this box of old things and decide what to give away.Amy:I think I want to keep this book.Mom:(1)Amy:Ive had it for three years.Even though Fve read it twice,its still my favorite.Mom:(2)Amy:I

14、 want to keep this toy bear,it has special meaning to me.Mom:(3)Amy:My grandma.Ill give away the lion and the tiger instead.Mom:I can give away the hat and the sweater.Amy:(4)You can keep them for ice skating.Mom:(5)DI buy bigger ones.Amy:Great.Letfs take these things to the childrens home tomorrow.

15、(1)A.How long have you had it?B.How much is it?C.Where did you find it?D.Whafs it about?(2)A.What animals do you like best?B.What about these toys?C.What do you think of this lion?D.Why do you like bears?(3)A.When did you get it?B.Where did you buy it?C.Who gave it to you?D.Why did you like it?(4)A.

16、I think so.B.Better not.C.Never mind.Sounds good.(5)A.I dont like ice skating.B.It*s much too cold.C.Theyre too small.D.I cant stand it.V.阅读理解阅读下列短文,从 每 题 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出一个能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。(4 0 分)18.(10 分)On February 9th,2013,Sarah Darling was walking along the street when she met ahomeless man

17、named Billy Ray Harris.She reached into her change purse(零钱包),took outall the coins she had and gave them to the homeless man.Neither of them realized that thissmall kind act would change their lives.Sarah didnt realize that she had given Billy not only all her change but also her ring thatshe had p

18、ut in her change purse earlier until the following morning.She and her husband,BillKrejci,rushed to see if they could find Billy.The homeless man was not only in the same place,he also returned the ring at once.The couple was so thankful to him.They paid him back for hishonesty by taking out their p

19、ockets of all the money they had.Bill Krejci,a web designer,felt that he needed to do something more for this amazinglyhonest man.So on February 18th,he set up a special page to raise money for him.In just fourdays,Billy received over$85,000 and there seems to be no end yet.Now Billy isnt living in

20、the streets.Instead,he has a happy family.And thats not allthanks to the news report,he got together again with his elder brother,Edwin Harris,who hehad been unable to find for 27 years.All the good luck is just because Billy did the right thing returning something that didnot belong to him.(1)What

21、did Sarah give Billy at first?A.Coins and a ring.B.A purse and coins.C.A ring and a smile.D.Coins and a hug.(2)When did Sarah realize her carelessness?A.On February 9th.B.27 years later.C.On February 18th.D.On February 10th.(3)What did Billy do when Sarah went back to him?A.He returned the ring.B.He

22、 paid for the ring.C.He kept the ring himself.D.He left the street.(4)What did NOT Billy get with the help of Bill Krejci?A.Much money.B.Ahome.C.Finding his brother.D.Fame.(5)Why was Billy so lucky?A.Because he met rich people.B.Because he did the right thing.C.Because the Internet was popular.D.Bec

23、ause he worked hard.19.(10 分)Fairs&FestivalsThis summer from June to August,there is somethingto celebrate in Colorado,USA:the arts,culture,food,and music.Because of that,families always have a fairor festival to attend,with fun for all ages.Weve made alist of some of the most popular fairs and fest

24、ivals,bymonth.June 620,June 25 28,Aug.34,202220222022Culture FestivalDragon Boat FestivalFunTake part in and watch traditionalLearn about Chinese FairBritish games,hear music,and tryculture in Colorado throughdragon boat races,performances and Chinesespecialties(ricedumplings,silk clothes andchopsti

25、cks).Cdbf.orgEnjoy unlimited rides,livemusic,fireworks,traditional activities,andfarm animals.Ftraditional foods.britishgames.orgJuly 31 Aug.4,2022Kids*FairHear music,play withfarm animals,and enjoyactivities fbr kids.kidsfair.orgAug.15-18,2022Fruit FestivalTry something with fruits(eating&learning

26、to cook with fruits.)(1)Where are the fairs and festivals?A.In the USA.B.In China.C.In Britain.D.In Canada.(2)If you want to play with animals in August,you may go to.A.Dragon Boat FestivalB.Kids FairC.Fruit FestivalD.Fun Fair(3)In Fruit Festival,what can you learn?A.To pick up fruits.B.To grow frui

27、ts.C.To make fruit salad.D.To sell fruits.(4)People who like Chinese culture can visit for information.AB.Cdbf.orgCD.britishgames.org(5)What is the list mainly about?A.Information about zoos.B.Information on activitiesC.Job Wanted.0.School subjects.20.(10 分)Alice Ball lived only 24 years,but she ach

28、ieved a great deal during her productive(富有成效的)life.Ball was an African American woman who lived in the early 1990s.MissBall excelled in her chosen field,chemistry,and even made a scientific breakthrough.Herdiscovery greatly eased the suffering of people with leprosy(麻风病).Sadly,Alice Ball diedbefore

29、 she could learn how successful her new treatment method would turn out to be.Miss Ball was born into a high-achieving family.Her grandfather,James Presley Ball,Sr.,was a famous photographer(摄影师).He was known for his works of Fredrick Douglass,Queen Victoria,and Charles Dickens.Her father,J.P.Ball,J

30、r.was a lawyer at a time when it wasextremely hard for a black man to enter any profession.At her family*s photography studios(工作室),Alice became familiar with and interested in chemicals(化学制品).So she decided tolearn more about the many ways chemicals could bring people good things.After graduating f

31、rom high school in Seattle Miss Ball entered the University ofWashington.There she got not one but two science degrees.One was in pharmaceutical(药物)chemistry and the other was in pharmacy.At UW,Alice co-published with her pharmacyprofessor a 10-page article,which appeared in the famous Journal of th

32、e American ChemicalSociety.Ball received two scholarship(奖学金)offers to go after her higher degree inchemistry.One was from the University of California at Berkeley.The other was from Collegeof Hawaii,which later became the University of Hawaii.Miss Ball had lived briefly in Hawaii as a girl.Maybe th

33、is is why she chose to return therefbr graduate school.lt took her only a year to finish the study in graduate school.She was boththe first woman and the first African American to get a graduate degree from the College ofHawaii.She did so well in her classes that after graduation the college invited

34、 her to teachchemistry there.Alice Ball was the chemistry schools first black teacher.(1)According to the text,Alice Ball is.A.24 years oldB.a famous doctorC.an African.excellent in chemistry(2)In Alices family,caused her interest in chemistry.A.some great photosB.the lawyer environmentC.chemicals i

35、n the studiosD.her grandpas kindness(3)What is Alices main achievement?A.She created new chemicals in photography.B.She was the first black college teacher.C.She discovered a treatment to leprosy.D.She graduated from two universities.(4)What can we learn from Paragraph 3?A.The talent shown in her le

36、arning experience.B.The hard way to success for a black girl.C.The importance of getting two degrees.D.The famous universities*education.(5)What is the main idea of this text?A.Alices high-achieving family members.B.Alices interest in chemistry.C.Alices learning experiences in her life.D.Alices shor

37、t but productive life.21.(10 分)Dumb phones are basic phones with very limited(有 限 的)functionality(功能)compared to smart phones.You can typically only make and receive calls and textmessages.And,if you are lucky you can listen to radio and take very basic photos,but certainlynot connect to the interne

38、t or apps.Ms.Wests decision to give up her former smartphone two years ago was a spur(心血来潮)of the moment thing.While looking for a replacement phone in a second-hand shop she wasattracted by the low price of a brick phone.It cost her just 8.And because it has no smartphone functionality she doesnt h

39、ave anexpensive monthly data bill(账单)to worry about.I didnt notice until I bought a brick phone how much a smartphone was taking over mylife,she says.I had a lot of social media apps on it,and I didnt get as much work done as Iwas always on my phone.1 2(1)According to the text,dumb phones.A.are simi

40、lar to smart phonesB.has only few functionalitiesC.can only receive text messagesD.can take excellent pictures(2)Which is NOT the advantage of a dumb phone for Ms.West?Dumb phones are continuing to enjoy a revival(复兴).Google searches for them jumpedby 89%between 2018 and 2021.One report said that gl

41、obal sales of dumb phones weresuiprisingly one billion units last year,up from 400 million in 2O19.This compares toworldwide sales of 1.4 billion smart phones last year,following a 12.5%fall in 2020.It appears nostalgia has a part to play in the dumb phone revival.Many of us had a dumbphone as our f

42、irst mobile phone,so its natural that we feel a sense of nostalgia towards theseclassic phones.Nowadays a smart phones ability to connect calls and send short messages is almost aside feature.Your smart phone is your entertainment centre,your news producer,your guidingsystem,your diary,your dictiona

43、ry,and your wallet.Smartphones always want to grab your attention with notices,updates,and breaking newsconstantly disrupting(扰舌L)your day.This can keep you on edge,and it can be troubled.It makes sense that some of us are now looking for simpler technologies and think thatdumb phones might offer a

44、return to simpler times.A.A dumb phone is not expensive to buy.B.A dumb phone took over her life totally.C.The cost of using a dumb phone is low.D.With fewer apps,she focused on her work.(3)What can we know from the fifth paragraph?A.Most people prefer dumb phones now.B.Smart phones are sold as well

45、 as before.C.Google searches for dumb phones dropped.D.Sales of Dumb phones are better than before.(4)The underlined word nostalgia in sixth paragraph probably mean?A.错觉B.利益C.怀旧D.释然(5)What is the writers purpose to write this article?A.To show dumb phones enjoy a rise.B.To tell us Ms Wests recent de

46、cision.C.To encourage us to use smartphones.D.To show the development of phones.非选择题部分 共 4 5 分 V L 选词填空(1 0 分)A.阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的单词填空(每词限用一次)。22.(5 分)music kind to but meHi,everyone!My name is Benson.As you can see in the photo,Im a fashion star.Five years ago,Vivian and Rick saved me from the street.T

47、hat day,Rick pointed his camera at(1).1stopped moving and sat quietly to let him take my picture I am a smart and(2)cat.After a while,Vivian bought me some cool clothes and hats.I like to wear glasses,(3)I hate jeans,they make me uncomfortable.I like(4).Sometimes,you can see me dancing(5)the rock so

48、ngs.Ienjoy my life.B.阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的动词,并用其适当形式填空。有的需要加助动词或不定式符号(每词限用一次)。23.(5 分)not allow warn tell pay beginChina has the largest number of smokers in the world.But China(1)taking part inthe Framework Convention on Tobacco Control(烟 草 控 制 框 架 公 约)in2006.Governments at different levels(2)more attenti

49、on to tobacco control in thelast few years.Beijing,Shanghai and Hangzhou have tobacco-control rules.Half of Chinaspublic places have been non-smoking spaces since 2010.Also,sellers(3)to selltobacco to anyone under 18.The seller should ask the buyer to show his or her ID card if theseller can not(4)h

50、ow old the buyer is.Now at least 23 countries use pictures on thepackages(5)more people of the danger of smoking.For others and for yourself,please give up smoking.V II.阅读理解七选五 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。(5分)24.(5 分)Have you ever had a wonderful idea and thought it would make a great i


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