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《2021-2022学年上学期天津初中英语九年级期末典型试卷1.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2021-2022学年上学期天津初中英语九年级期末典型试卷1.pdf(83页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、2021-2022学年上学期天津初中英语九年级期末典型试卷1选 择 题(共15小题)1.(2020 秋河东区期末)The meat is easy to go bad.Please put it in the so that it can keepfresh.()A.box B.kitchen C.bowl D.fridge2.(2020 秋红桥区期末)From 2008 on,Liu Xiang a lot from his foot problem,but he did not give u p.()A.supposed B.suffered C.surfed D.shut3.(2020

2、秋南开区期末)They had a rich and experience when they were inChina.()A.varied B.fair C.powerful D.wise4.(2020 秋和平区期末)-Have you seen Susan?-No.She has gone to Europe on business.()A.especially B.immediatelyC.probably D.recently5.(2020 秋滨海新区期末)As you get older,I think it is important not to your parentsfor

3、everything,but to learn to look after yourself.()A.turn on B.depend on6.(2020 秋和平区期末)Tina has read aAdventures of Tom Sawyer.()A.against B.including7.(2020河西区一模)-Could you tell me-Her mother says she is much better.(A.how Kate isC.what Kate is8.(2019秋红桥区期末)-Mum,-Sure,but you finish your honA.may;cou

4、ldC.put on D.get onot of Mark Twins books,TheC.beside D.among_ now?)B.where is KateD.who is Kate I see the film My People,My country?ework first.()B.can;mustC.can;mustntD.may;cant9.(2020 秋和平区期末)My uncle is a teacher.He physics for 20 years.()A.taught B.was teachingC.teaches D.has taught10.(2020 秋河东区

5、期 末)-Didnt you see the sign No Parking!on the right?-Sorry,I didnt.But now I know parking here.()A.doesnt allow B.wasnt allowedC.wont allow D.isnt allowed11.(2020 秋河西区期末)Sony,we dont have the coat you need.()A.which B.who C.whom D.what12.(2020 秋滨海新区期末)If eveiyone starts to do something for the earth

6、,the wo r l d.()A.will save B.will be savedC.is saving D.is saved13.(2019 秋南开区期末)He was in hurry he almost pushed me over on thestairs.()A.so a;that B.so;thatC.such;that D.such a;that14.(2020 秋河东区期末)When I came in,I saw him T V.()A.to watch B.watches C.watched D.watching15.(2020 秋河西区期末)The Adventure

7、s of Tom Sawyer is a great book.i s morethan an adventure story.()A.It B.This C.One D.The one二.完 形 填 空(共1小题)16.(2020 秋河东区期末)Every year,many foreign visitors come to China for travelling throughTravel China Guide.Lets have a look at what the(I)say:There were so many sights to(2)each day.I thought the

8、 time was justright.There was enough time at each place to see everything but it was not long enough tomake us(3).The(4)were also good,although there were not too many choices for a personwho doesnt eat meat.I would advise you to eat dumplings in Xian(5)they are verydelicious.All guides in every pla

9、ce were helpful and friendly.I felt all were very learned and(6)English was wonderful all the time.They tried their best to answer all questions at any time.Thedrivers and buses were excellent,safe,clean and always(7)time.The tour of China was wonderful.lt has changed our thoughts on China and its(8

10、).1 will tell my friends who have not yet visited China to do so because China is sobeautiful and(9)stronger and richer!We would like to thank Travel China Guide formaking our trip so enjoyable and look forward to(10)to China in the future.(1)A.scientistsB.visitorsC.waitersD.teachers(2)A.enjoyB.touc

11、hC.feelD.hear(3)A.excitedB.interestedC.relaxedD.bored(4)A.mealsB.peopleC.markets0.hotels(5)A.andB.butC.becauseD.so(6)A.myB.hisC.herD.their(7)A.nextB.onC.every.another(8)A.trafficB.animalsC.people0.plants(9)A.feelingB.seeingC.making0.becoming(10)A.returningB.visitingC.goingD.coming三.阅 读 理 解(共3小题)17.(

12、2020秋河东区期末)Films in Sunshine Theater This WeekWolf Warriors IIA Chinese action filmDirector:Wu JingStars:Wu Jing,Frank Grillo,Wu Gang and Zhang HanTime:6:00 p.m.(Monday-Wednesday)Price:38Valerian and the City of a Thousand PlanetsAn English-language French action filmDirector:Luc BessonStars:Dane De

13、Haan and Cara DelevingneTime:9:00 p.m.(Wednesday-Friday)Price:45Gyilty of MindA Chinese crime filmDirector:Xie DongshenStars:Li Yifeng and Liao FanTime:6:30 p.m.(Friday-Sunday)Price:31Cars 3An American animation film(动画电影)Director:Brian FeeTime:9:30 a.m.(Tuesday-Saturday)Price:29(Half on Saturday fo

14、r children)(1)films will be on in Sunshine Theater this week.A.3B.4C.5D.6(2)You can see three films either on or on.A.Wednesday;FridayB.Tuesday;WednesdayC.Thursday;FridayD.Friday;Monday(3)If a man with his child goes to Sunshine Theater on Sunday,he will pay forthe film.A.31B.45C.62D.90(4)If you are

15、 free on Friday morning,you can see the film in Sunshine Theater.A.Wolf Warriors IIB.Cars 3C.Guilty of MindD.Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets(5)The ticket price for is the highest.A.Wolf Warriors IIB.Valeri an and the City of a Thousand PlanetsC.Guilty of MindD.Cars 318.(2021 东丽区一模)Materi

16、al OneIf your child often gets bad grades,you must feel sad.As a middle school teacher,I feel sad,too.However,Id like to say that bad grades are not the end of the world.Recently,researchers from the University of Bristol(in England)and the University ofChicago(in the USA)did a survey.Over 10,000 pe

17、ople took part in the research.The studyshows that promising children money,iPads or cell phones to pass exams is useless.However,promises of trips can encourage students to study hard.So from now on,please make properpromises.Material TwoAs an education expert,I care much about your kids.A lot of p

18、arents I know want their kids todo well in their studies.After alL good grades in school could increase kid*s chance ofachieving big things when they grow old.Helping your kids improve their studies can be possible by following these tips:See to it that your kids eat right,its important to eat a bal

19、anced and healthy diet.Make surethat your kids dont skip breakfast.Let your kids get enough sleep.Make sure that they get at least eight hours of sleep.Gettinga good nights sleep is as important as eating three healthy meals a day.influence your kids to read often.Reading is a good habit.It can not

20、only improve your kidscommunication skills but also extend their vocabulary.1.According to Material one,promises of can encourage students to study hard.A.MoneyB iPadsC.cell phonesD.trips2.Which of the following is NOT true according to Material Two?A.Breakfast is important to kids.B.Kids should hav

21、e two meals a day.C.Its necessary for kids to get enough sleep.D.Reading a lot is helpful to kids.3.The underlined wordHextenducan be replaced by“”A.breakB.wasteC.increaseD.remember4.From the above reading,we can learn that.A.the writer of Material One works in a universityB.the University of Bristo

22、l lies in the USAC.the writer of Material Two is a teacherD.parents can do much to help kids with their studies5.Who is the above reading written for?A.ParentsB.StudentsC.TeachersD.Education experts.19.(2020 秋红桥区期末)One day,a lion was sleeping when a little mouse woke up the lion.The lion shouted,I w

23、as hungry and a mouse was in front of me!I should eat you!Let me go this time.What will you get if you kill me?Besides,I may be able to helpyou when you meet some crisis(危机)someday/*The lion was interested in the idea of the little mouse.He let the mouse go.The littlemouse thanked the lion and ran a

24、way as fast as he could.After some days,the lion was caught in a net(网)/T il be dead.1 he said.When the little mouse heard the lions cries,he knew that the king was in danger.He ranfast to the place where the lions cries were coming from.Lion!Dont cry.Til help you!n the mouse cut the net with his te

25、eth.When the lion was free,he said,Thank you,Mouse.1From that day on,the lion and the mouse became best friends.They were always therefor each other.(1)The lion fel t when the mouse woke him up.A.boredB.angryC.happyD.friendly(2)The lion let the mouse go because the l i on.A.wasnt hungryB.doesnt like

26、 the mouseC.wanted to help the mouseD.was interested in the mouses idea(3)How did the mouse know the lion was in danger?A.The lion called the mouse.B.He heard the lion*s cries.C.The lions friend told him.D.He saw the lion in the net himself.(4)to help the lion.A.The mouse cut the net with his teethB

27、.The mouse called the lions friendsC.The mouse gave some food to the lionD.The mouse asked the lion to run fast(5)Which is the best title of the passage?A.A Mouse Helps a LionB.A Lion in the NetC.A Lion and a MouseD.A Little Clever Mouse四.补 全 对 话(共 1小题)20.(2021 额尔古纳市模拟)A:Hello!This is Kevin.(1).B:Th

28、is is Emma speaking.A:Emma,shall we go for a walk along the river?B:(2)Im busy now.A:(3).B:Fm making apple pies.A:Sounds nice!(4).B:Thank you.The pies will be ready in 20 minutes.Would you like to try some?A:(5).Apple pies are my favourite,you know.I cant wait to eat them!B:Come now!It will be right

29、 time when you arrive.A:Great!See you soon.B:See you.A.Would you like to cook it with me?B.What are you doing?C.May I speak to Emma?D.That sounds great.E.Yes,Fd love to.F.You are really good at cooking.G.Oh,Im afraid I cant.五.词 汇 应 用(共 5 小题)21.(2020秋河东区期末)把面团分为四部分,然后把每一部分弄成球。the d o u g h four parts

30、 and make each into a ball.22.(2020秋红桥区期末)与其他围棋手相比,我更喜欢柯洁.other Go players,I like Ke Jie better.23.(2020秋南开区期末)这家店铺里所有的鞋子都是手工制造的。All shoes in the shop are made.24.(2020秋和平区期末)我不想扔掉这些旧衣服。I dont want to these old clothes.25.(2020河西区一模)他放弃了工作开始写小说.He his job and began writing novels.六.阅 读 表 达(共 1 小题)26

31、.(2020 秋河东区期末)I was a schoolgirl in Grade 7 when Danny came to my school andbecame one of my classmates.He was handsome with blond hair,so many girls in my classliked him very much.Every day,his parents picked him up in an old car.We all realized hewas from a poor family.I had a poor family as well,

32、but I just hid it from everyone.I wasafraid the kids in my class would leave me if they knew the truth.One day,our teacher,Mr.Sims announced that we would have a field trip.We decidedto go to Disneyland.My classmates were excited.I sat back and looked at them,knowing thatmy parents did not have the

33、money to send me.To my surprise,Danny stood up and saidsimply,I wont go with you.My dad hurt his back and lost his job.I am not asking myparents for money.Danny,Fm very proud of you for understanding the situation that your parents are in.Mr.Sims replied.But the trip is at the end of the month,we ha

34、ve plenty of time to raisemoney for it.While walking home from school that day,I noticed three boys talking withDanny.I was a little worried that they were giving him a hard time.But as I got closer,Ifound they were only discussing how to raise money for the trip.By standing up and knowing he was po

35、or,Danny changed my life.I no longer felt I hadto lie about my familys situation.As for Danny,I will remember his courage and honestyforever.(1)1 was afraid the kids in my class would look down upon me if they knew t hat.(2)The students decided to go for the field trip.(3)Danny was not asking his pa

36、rents for money b e c a u s e.(4)The three boys were d i s c u s s i n g for the trip.(5)We can l ear n from Danny.七.综 合 填 空(共1小题)27.(2020 秋河东区期末)I was once a fat girl.I weighed 336 pounds(152 kg)and looked asbig as my fridge.I was never(1)w about it.But one day I had a medical examination(体检).The(2

37、)d told me that I was having heart (3)w me up.Ibegan to feel nervous.Then I decided to do something!trouble.ltIn a year and five months,I(4)1 104 pounds.What a great thing I did!I didnthave any expensive food,medical treatment or camp-style(训练营式的)exercise.Whatwas the secret to my(5)s?First I looked

38、through the Internet for do-it-yourself advice that people could(6)fon losing weight.Of course,I saw countless ads(广 告)which tried to get me to buy theirproducts.But I bought nothing.The only thing I did was to change my bad habits.I stoppeddrinking things with too much sugar in them,(7)r sweet cake

39、s and ate greenvegetables.!only used vegetable oil and never ate(8)a 6:30 pm.Also,do lightexercise for 15 to 20 minutes every day.Importantly,I have kept doing these things.People sometimes say,“You dont(9)nto tell me what to do.I know it already!But the fact is that(10)k what to do anddoing what yo

40、u know are totally different.The important thing is to know what to do and thenjust keep doing it.八.书 面 表 达(共1小题)28.(2020秋滨海新区期末)在文明城市建设中,仍然还有极少数不文明行为,请你针对各种不文明行为,写一封倡议书,向广大市民提出建议,为建设一座美丽的文明城市做出努力。(1)不要随地吐痰或乱扔垃圾。(2)遵守交通规则,不要闯红灯。(3)坐公交车时,请排队,要主动给老人和孩子让座。(4)参观博物馆时,不要触摸展品。(5)您认为应该提醒人们注意的其他不文明行为。(至少一条)参

41、考词汇:闯红灯run the red light乱扔垃圾litter吐痰spit展品 exhibits要求:(1)词数:80-100 个。(2)开头已给出,不计入总词数。(3)要点齐全,行文连贯,内容可以适当拓展。A Letter of AppealJanuary 14th,2021Dear friends,We are building a civilized city,but there are still some bad behaviors.Fm writing thisletter to call on everyone to pay attention to these bad b

42、ehaviors.In order to build a clean,beautiful and civilized city,I have somesuggestions._If youd like to do something for our city,start from now on.Thank you.Sincerely yours2021-2022学年上学期天津初中英语九年级期末典型试卷1参考答案与试题解析选 择 题(共15小题)1.(2020 秋河东区期末)The meat is easy to go bad.Please put it in the so that it ca

43、n keepfresh.()A.box B.kitchen C.bowl D.fridge【考点】名词的词义辨析.【分析】肉容易变坏.请把它放进冰箱以便它可以保持新鲜.【解答】box盒子;kitchen厨房;bowl碗;fridge冰箱.根据语境可知:肉容易变坏.请把它放进冰箱以便它可以保持新鲜.故选:D.【点评】了解各选项的含义及用法,根据语境作答.2.(2020 秋红桥区期末)From 2008 on,Liu Xiang a lot from his foot problem,but he did not give u p.()A.supposed B.suffered C.surfed

44、D.shut【考点】动词词义辨析.【分析】从 2008年开始,刘翔饱受脚伤之苦,但他没有放弃。【解答】supposed认为;suffered遭受;surfed在.冲浪;shut关 闭;根 据 from his footproblem”来自他的脚的问题 可知,这里表示“遭受痛苦,短语是suffer from。故选:B。【点评】动词是表示动作或者是状态的词,要结合语境,辨析选项动词意思,积累一些固定搭配,选择合适答案完成试题。3.(2020 秋南开区期末)They had a rich and experience when they were inChina.()A.varied B.fair

45、C.powerful D.wise【考点】形容词词义辨析.【分析】他们在中国的经历丰富多彩。【解答】varied各式各样的;fair公平的;powerful强大的;wise明智的。根据语境可知他们在中国的经历丰富多彩。故选:Ao【点评】了解各选项的含义及用法,根据语境选择合适的选项.4.(2020 秋和平区期末)-Have you seen Susan?-No.She has gone to Europe on business.()A.especially B.immediatelyC.probably D.recently【考点】副词的词义辨析.【分析】你近来看见苏珊来吗?没有。她去欧洲出

46、差了。【解答】A 特别的,B 立即的,C 可能的,D 近来的。根据句意,应该是近来看见苏姗来吗。故选:D。【点评】知道每一个副词的含义,在理解句意的基础上确定横线处用哪个意思合适。5.(2020 秋滨海新区期末)As you get older,I think it is important not to your parentsfor everything,but to learn to look after yourself.()A.turn on B.depend on C.put on D.get on【考点】动词短语.【分析】随着你年龄的增长,我认为重要的不是什么都依靠你的父母,而是

47、学会照顾自己。【解答】turnon打开;dependon依靠,依赖;puton增加;geton上车。根据后句句意而是学会照顾自己”可知,前句为 随着你年龄的增长,我认为重要的不是什么都依靠你的父母,要填 依靠,其它选项语意不通。故选:B。【点评】考查动词短语,要牢记动词短语的词义及用法,进行比较分析,选择正确答案。6.(2020 秋和平区期末)Tina has read a lot of Mark Twins books,TheAdventures of Tom Sawyer.()A.against B.including C.beside D.among【考点】常用介词的辨析.【分析】蒂娜读

48、了许多马克特温的书,包 括 汤姆索耶的历险记。【解答】A 反对。B 包括。C 在一边。D 在三者之间。根据句意,应该是包括 汤姆索耶的历险记。故选:B【点评】知道每个介词的含义,在基本了解句意的基础上,选择横线处合适的意思。7.(2020河西 区 一 模)-Could you tell me now?-Her mother says she is much better.()A.how Kate is B.where is KateC.what Kate is D.who is Kate【考点】宾语从句.【分析】你能告诉我现在凯特怎么样了吗?她妈妈说她好多了.【解答】宾语从句要用陈述语序,选项

49、D 是疑问语序,排除选项D;根据后句句意”她妈妈说她好多了”可知,前句要问 你能告诉我现在凯特怎么样了吗,其它选项语意不通.故选:A.【点评】宾语从句要用陈述语序,再根据上下文意思或时间状语,推断出合适的时态,排除错误的答案,然后再比较剩下的选择项,从而做出正确的答案.8.(2019 秋红桥 区 期 末)-Mum,I see the film My People,My country?-Sure,but you finish your homework first.()A.may;could B.can;mustC.can;mustnt D.may;cant【考点】情态动词.【分析】妈妈我可以

50、看电影My People,My country吗?当然,但是你必须先完成作业.【解答】may可以,可能,could能,会,can能,会,must必须,一定,mustnt禁止,cant不可能;根据句意 妈妈我可以看电影My People,My country吗?当然,但是你必须先完成作业 和语法可知,前空要填 可以,后空要填 一定,其它选项语意不通.故选:B.【点评】考查情态动词.要根据情态动词的含义和用法,进行比较,找出正确答案.9.(2020 秋和平区期末)My uncle is a teacher.He physics for 20 years.()A.taught B.was teach


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