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《中考英语语法过关测试题1.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《中考英语语法过关测试题1.pdf(120页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、1.Th er e i sA./B.2.We o f t enA.o n B.中考英语语法过关测试题_ _ _ _ o ld w o m a n i n t h e c a r.t h e C a D.a ng o t o t h e p a r k _ _ _ _ Su n da y s,i n C.a t D.f r o m3.M y b o o kA.i s,_ _ _ _ o n t h e des k.B.a m C.a r e D.b e4.Wh i c h la n g u a g e i s ,En g li s h,Fr en c h o r Ch i n es e?A.di

2、 f f i c u lt B.t h e di f f i c u ltC.m o r e di f f i c u lt D.t h e m o s t di f f i c u lt5.-b o o k i s t h i s?-It*s Ka t e*s.A.Wh en B.Wh y C.Wh er e D.Wh o s e6.Ca n y o u w r i t e a let t er i n En g li s h?-N o,I _ _ _ _.A.m a y n o t B.m u s t n,tC.c a n t D.n eedn*t7.I _ _ m y h o m ew

3、o r k w h en M i k e c a m e la s t n i g h tA.do B.w a s do i n gC.a m do i n g D.h a v e do n e8.He b eg a n t o _ _ En g li s h t h r ee y ea r s a g o.A.lea r nB.lea r n sC.lea r n edI),lea r n i n g9.Ji m i s a dr i v er,h e?A.do esB.do es n,tC.i sD.i s n t10.Wh a t s w r o n g _ _ _ _ y o u?”t

4、 h e do c t o r a s k ed.A.f r o mB.w i t hC.f o rD.a t11.He i s r i c h,h e i s n t h a p p y.A.o rB.s oC.a n dD.b u t12.-Wh er e i s Ali c e?-Sh e _ _ _ _ t o t h e li b r a r y.A.g o esB.w i ll g oC.h a s g o n eD.h a d g o n e13.Help _ _ _ _ t o s o m e m ea t,M a r y,“m y a u n t s a i d t o m

5、e.A.t h em s elv esB.o u r s elv esC.y o u r s elfD.h i m s elf14.We 11 s t a y a t h o m e i f i t _ _ _ t o m o r r o w.A.r a i nB.r a i n sC.i s r a i n i n gD.w i ll r a i n.15.Th e s t u den t s _ _ _ o n a f a r m f o r t en da y s.Th en t h ey _ _ _ _ t o a f a c t o r y.Th o u g h t h ey b a

6、 c k a t s c h o o l,t h ey s t i ll r em em b er ed t h o s e f a r m er s a n d w o r k er s.A.have stayed;went;wereB.had stayed;go;areC.have stayed;go;have beenD.had stayed;went;were16.John is _ English boy.W e are in the same classA.a B.an C.the D./17.Please give _ the apple.A.me B.IC.myD.mine18

7、._ old are you?”T m twelve.”A.WhoB.WhatC.WhereD.How19.“Can you answer this question,Sam?”“No,I.A.can,tB.needn,tC.mustn,tD.may not20.They usually have a meeting _ Monday.A.inB.forC.onD.at21.There _ three balls in the box.A.isB.areC.isn,tD.am22.Kate was late for school yesterday,_ she?A.isB.isn tC.was

8、n51D.was23.Who is _ ,Tom,Mike or Jack?A.carefulB.more carefulC.very carefulD.the most careful24.Can you _ English,Li Lei?A.speakB.sayC.te llD.talk25.Mr Li asked me _ fishing with him.A.goB.to goC.goesD.going26.He _ in this school since 1995.A.studyB.studyingC.has studiedD.w ill study27.English isn,t

9、 easy,_ we like it.A.butB.andC.orD.so28.I _ my homework when my father came in.A.doB.will doC.was doingD.does29.“How about coming to my party if you have time tomorrow?I 11 ask my motherright away if she _ me come.A.letB.letsC.has letD.will let30.uWhere are your new shoes?”Ive thrown them away,thoug

10、h they onlyone month.”A.lastB.lastedC.were lastedD.are lasted31.There are many _ in the fridge.A.foodB.fruitC.eggsD.bread32.They usually have the traditional turkey Christmas Day.A.fromB.atC.inD.on33.Grandma prefers tea coffee.A.aboutB.toC.onD.of34.of the apples in the fruit bowl are soft and sweet.

11、A.Two-thirdB.Second-thirdC.Two-thirdsD.Second-thirds35.Taxi doesn,t run as _ as an underground train.A.fastB.fasterC.fastestD.more fast36.After a long walk,the old man be tired now.A.canB.mustC.has toD.need37.A:Is this _ pocket calculator?B:No.Its _.A.your;hisB.yours;hisC.hers;mine38.There are twent

12、y teachers in this grade.Eight of them are women teachersand are men teachers.A.the otherB.the othersC.othersD.other39.Yangpu Bridge is one of _ in the world.A.bigger bridgeB.the biggest bridgeC.the biggest bridgesD.bigger bridges40.Shanghai is in _ east of China.A./B.anC.aD.the41.great day July 1,1

13、997 is!A.How aB.What aC.howD.What42.human beings _ animals can live without air.A.Not only;but alsoB.Both;andC.Either;orD.Neither;nor43.We are going to have a sports meeting this coming Sunday.Have you anyevents yet?A.taken part inB.joined inC.entered forD.joined44.The old man wondered _.A.whether t

14、he American pi lot had seen UFOB.whether had the American pilot seen UFOC.how had the American pilot seen UFOD.that the American pilot had seen UFO45.The museum is quite far.It will take you half hour to go there by _bus.A.an;/B.an;aC.a;/D./;/46.There is _ milk left.We have to go and buy some at onc

15、e.A.a littleB.a fewC.fewD.little47.American take-away food is quite different from _.A.WeB.oursC.usD.our48.Wei Fang is young,but she plays ping-pong _ her mother.A.as good asB.as well asC.as better asD.as best as49.How did you make the child _ while he was crying?A.smileB.to smileC.smilesD.smiling50

16、.It is _ today.T he radio says it won,t stop raining until next week.A.fineB.wetC.windyD.cloudy51.English people use M r,M rs or M iss with their names.A.lastB.middleC.givenD.first52.I dont know if she _ tomorrow.If she _,F 11 call you.A.comes;comesB.will come;will comeC.will come;comesD.comes;will

17、come53.When shall we meet,this evening or tomorrow morning?-I dont mind _ time is O K.A.AllB.EveryC.EitherD.Both54.T om s father often has lunch at the factory,_?A.has heB.hasn,t heC.does heD.doesn,t he55.It is quite warm here.You*d better _ your coatA.take offB.put downC.put onD.take down56.do you

18、go to the cinema?O nce a month.A.How soonB.How farC.How oftenD.How long57.Hurry up,_ we 11 be late for school.A.butB.orC.andD.so58.Dont play with the knife.You hurt yourselfA.mayB.shouldC.have toD.need59.I havent milked the cow _.A.yetB.alreadyC.neverD.just60.Beijing is _ beautiful city.Its _ capita

19、l of ChinaA.a;aB.the;theC./;theD.a;the61.T aiwan is _ the east of China.A.inB.toC.onD.at62.office is much smaller than _.A.O urs;yoursB.O ur;yoursC.T heirs;ourD.Your;their63.Did she go to school when she was young?-No.She taught _ at home.A.herB.herselfC.hersD.she64.Neither of them _ a worker.A.amB.

20、areC.isD.were65.September is _ month of the year.A.nineB.ninthC.the nineD.the ninth66.How often _ you _ to the park when you were in T ianjin?A.do;goB.did;goC.will;goD.have;gone67.M r Zhang felt a little tired,he still went on workingA.andB.soC.orD.but68.He asked _ they needed some more tea.A.thatB.

21、whatC.whetherD.which69.Everyone must _ the classroom _.A.ketp;cleanedB.keeps;cleanC.keep;cleanD.keep;cleaning70.T his work is _ for me than for you.A.difficultB.the most difficultC.most difficultD.more difficult71.It is one oclock,but his father hasnt come back _A.alreadyB.stillC.tooD.yet72.Are thos

22、e?-No,they aren*t.T hey,re _.A.sheep;cowsB.sheep;cowC.sheeps;cowD.sheeps;cows73.When they _ at the village,it was already eleven oclockA.arrivedB.reachedC.gotD.came74.Her grandma has for three years.A.diedB.been deadC.deathD.die75.-M ay I come in?A.Yes,pleaseB.No,you couldn*tC.Yes,you mustD.No,you n

23、eedn,t76.T he factory _ in 1958.A.was builtB.is builtC.will builtD.built77.You are a student,_?A.do youB.arent youC.are youD.don,t you78.M eimei went _ K ate with her Chinese.A.to helpB.helpC.helpedD.helps79.Did you hear _?A.what did I sayB.what I saidC.I said whatD.what I say80.Bill is _ English te

24、acher.He likes playing _ footballA.a;theB.an;theC.a;/D.an;/81.You are getting too fat.Eating too much is bad your healthA.forB.toC.aboutD.with82.Who has picked _ apples,Jim or mike,do you know?A.manyB.muchC.moreD.the most8 3.Is _ here today?-No,Li Lei isn,t here.A.someoneB.somebodyC,everyoneD.anybod

25、y84.How far away is the samll village from London?-Its about _ kilometres.A.seven hundred twenty twoB.seven hundred and twenty-twoC.seven hundreds and twenty-twoD.seven hundreds twenty-two85.Shall we go out for a walk?-Sorry,I haven,t finished my homework _.A.alreadyB.yetC.stillD.ever8 6.-do you go

26、to the cinema?-O nce a week.A.How oftenB.How muchC.How longD.How many87.Neither the students nor the teacher _ here.Where are they?A.isB.areC.wasD.were88.You usually have a sports meeting every term,?A.have youB.do youC.haven,t youD.don,t you89.-Would you like to come to my birthday party?A.No,I don

27、t likeB.Yes,r d love toC.Quite wellD.Sure.T hats right90.Whose skirt is it?-It may be _.A.my sisterB.my sistersC.my sistersD.my sisterss91.Some people were reading in the library.M iss Yang asked me _ loudlythere.A.speakB.don,t speakC.not speakD.not to speak92.T he flowers _ every day,or they*11 die

28、.A.must waterB.should waterC.can be wateredD.must be watered93.T hough they had cleaned the floor,there was still _ rice on it.A.littleB.a littleC.fewD.a few94.John _ the factory since 1984.He is one of the oldest workers here now.A.c a m e t oB.c o m es t oC.h a s b een i nD.h a s c o m e t o95.r 1

29、1 c a t c h u p w i t h L u c y b ef o r e s h e _ _ _ t h e f i n i s h i n g li n e.A.r ea c hB.i s r ea c h i n gC.r ea c h es i nD.w i ll r ea c h9 6.We a r e g o i n g t o h a v e a p i c n i c t o m o r r o w.Wh a t,s t h e w ea t h er li k e,M i k e?-Wh y n o t _ _ _ _ t h e r a di o a n d li

30、 s t en t o t h e w ea t h er r ep o r t?A.t u r n o nB.t u r n o f fC.t a k e a w a yD.f i n d o u t97.Ex c u s e m e.Co u ld y o u t ell m e?-Cer t a i n ly.A.w h en c a n I g et t o t h e s t a t i o nB.I c a n g et t o w h i c h s t a t i o nC.w h i c h s t a t i o n c a n I g et t oD.h o w I c

31、a n g et t o t h e s t a t i o n98.Sh e w o r k ed _ _ _ q u i et ly _ _ _ _ n o o n e k n ew s h e w a s t h er e.A.s o;a sB.s o;t h a tC.t o o;t oD.v er y;t h a t99.uP lea s e _ _ _ _ m e y o u r n ew s t o r y-b o o k t o m o r r o w,“L u c y s a i d.A.t o b r i n gB.b r i n gC.t o t a k eD.t a k

32、 e100.En g li s h p eo p le o f t en t a lk a b o u t _ _ _ _.So w h en y o u m eet s o m eo n e i n En g la n d,y o u s h o u ld s a y,_ _ _ _?A.w ea t h er;It s a f i n e da y,i s n,t i tB.a g e;Ho w o ld a r e y o uC.n a m e;Wh a t s y o u r n a m e,p lea s eD.t i m e;Wh a t s t h e t i m e n o w


34、7.B78.A79.B80.D81.A82.C83.C84.B85.B86.A87.A88.1)89.B90.C91.1)92.D93.B94.C95.C96.A97.D 98.B 99.B 100.A中考英语语法过关测试题(二)1.L i s t en!Wh o _ _ _ i n t h e n ex t r o o m?A.s i n gB.i s s i n g i n gC.t o s i n gD.s i n g s2.A:Wh o s e r o o m i s t h i s?B:It s _ _ _.A.L i M i n gB.L i M i n g sC.L i M i

35、n g sD.L i M i n g s 3.M y m o t h er t o ld a v er y i n t er es t i n g s t o r y y es t er da yA.m eB.IC.o u rD.m y4.L i n da r u n s a s _ _ _ a s Ja n e.A.f a s t es tB.f a s tC.f a s t erD.q u i c k er5.A:To m o r r o w i s m y b i r t h da y.Ca n y o u c o m e t o m y b i r t h da y p a r t y

36、?B:O K!IA.w o u ld lo v eB.w i ll lo v eC.w o u ld lo v e t oD.a m s o r r y6.Th i s b a g i s n ei t h er Ji m,s _ _ _ M i k es It s Sa i n s,I g u es sA.o rB.n o rC.n oD.n o t7.L i u M ei h elp ed t h e Tu r n er s t h ei r t i c k et s o n t h e t r a i nA.p i c kB.lo o k u pC.p i c k u pD.lo o k

37、 li k e8.Th e do c t o r f o u n d t h a t t h er e w a s s o m et h i n g w r o n g _ _ _ Ja m es ey esA.i nB.o nC.a tD.w i t h9.I t h i n k Ch i n es e i s _ _ _ a n y o t h er s u b j ec t.A.m o r e p o p u la r t h a nB.a s m o r e p o p u la r a sC.m u c h p o p u la r t h a nD.m o r e p o p u

38、la r10.Her e a r e _ _ _ f o r y o u,Su e.A.p o t a t o sB.s o m e p o t a t o esC.t h r ee t o m a t o sD.s o m e t o m a t o11.Th er e a r e _ _ _ p eo p le i n t h e z o o o n Ch i ldr en s Da yA.o n e h u n dr edsB.t w o h u n dr eds o fC.h u n dr eds o fD.h u n dr ed o f12.Co u ld y o u _ _ _,p

39、 lea s e?It s t o o lo u d.A.turn down the radioB.turn on the radioC.turn on the TVD.turn it on13.Excuse me.Could you te ll me _?A.where,s the teachers,officeB.where,s the bus stopC.whats she doingD.where the post office is14.It is _ dangerous to play on the road.A car may h it youA.soB.tooC.orD.to1

40、5.A:Could I speak to Mr Green?B:.A.Sorry,she,s outB.Hold on for a moment,pleaseC.No,she isn,t inD.You are welcome16.A:rm sorry Im late.B:_.A.Thank you all the sameB.it doesn,t matterC.F ve no ideaD.All right17.This apple is delicious.Give me one,pleaseA.the otherB.anotherC.othersI),other18.I wont go

41、 if it _ tomrrow.A.rainB.is rainingC.rainsD.w ill rain19.W u Dong is good at _ English.A.speakB.speaksC.speakingD.spoke20.Youd better _ your jacket.The room is too hotA.take offB.put onC.take outD.take care21.Mr Wang _ to New York two years ago.A.goB.goesC.has goneI),went22.Mr Smith _ China for ten

42、years.A.came toB.has come toC.was inD.has been in23.Young trees well when it is dry.A.waterB.watersC.must be wateredD.were watered24.A:Would you like to have a cup of tea?B:_A.Yes,pleaseB.So do IC.Not at allD.Its my pleasure25.My father is very busy with his work.He has _ time to do the housework.A.

43、littleB.fewC.a littleD.a few26.I was born _ February 18,1981.A.forB.inC.onD.at27.The teacher didnt give them the answers _ they finished their homework.A.whileB.orC.until1).when28.A:Hello,Jim!May I ask some questions?B:.A.CertainlyB.No,thanksC.Yes,thanksD.never mind29.A:Which do you like ,peas,fish

44、or eggs?B:Of course,eggs.A.wellB.goodC.bestD.better30.A:I have no letters from Peter.Oh,well,no news _ good news now.A.isB.areC.wasD.were31.Lets go for _ walk,shall we?A.aB.anC.theD./32.Is his school-bag different from?A.herB.hersC.myD.me33.Here are some birthday cards with our best _ for herA.wishB

45、.hopeC.wishesD.hopes34.My shirt _ white and my trousers blue.A.are,areB.are,isC.is,isD.is,are35.In the race Wu Dong ran fastest.No one could _ himA.get on withB.h u r r y u pC.g i v e u pD.c a t c h u p w i t h36.He i s a li t t le _ _ _ t h a n y o u.A.f a tB.f a t erC.f a t t erD.f a t t es t37.Yo

46、 u _ _ _ g o a n d a s k M ei m ei.Sh e k n o w t h e a n s w erA.m u s t,c a nB.m u s t,m a yC.n eed,c a nD.c a n,m a y38.Th ey h a v e t o w o r k a t o n c e,_ _ _?A.h a v e t h eyB.do t h eyC.do n t t h eyD.h a v en,t t h ey39.He w i ll r i n g y o u u p a s s o o n a s h e _ _ _ b a c k.A.c o m

47、 esB.c a m eC.h a s c o m eD.w i ll c o m e40.Wh a t y o u r f a t h er u s u a lly _ _ _ i n t h e ev en i n g?A.di d,doB.do es,doC.h a s,do n eD.w i ll,do41.Ca n I _ _ _ m y r u ler b a c k,p lea s e?A.b o r r o wB.len dC.h a v eD.c a r r y42.Th es eA.m u s tb o o k s _ _ _ _ g o o d c a r e o f.t

48、 a k enB.m u s t t a k eC.h a v e t o t a k eD.m u s t b e t a k en43.Wh i c h i s _ _ _ deli c i o u s,f i s h o r c h i p s?A.m u c hB.v er yC.m o s tD.m o r e44.Wh a t s t h i s i n En g li s h?-So r r y,I c a n t i t i n En g li s h.A.s a yB.t ellC.t a lkD.s p ea k45.It s c o ld o u t s i de.P l

49、ea s e p u t _ _ _ t h i s s w ea t erA.o f fB.o nC.w i t hD.i n46.I c a n,t s ee a n y b o o k s i n t h e b a g.It sA.b i gB.s m a llC.f u llD.em p t y47.Iy m t h i r s t y.Id li k e s o m et h i n g t oA.ea tB.s eeC.dr i n kD.s a y48.L i M i n g w r i t es _ _ _ i n h er c la s s.A.m o r e c a r

50、ef u lB.m o r e c a r ef u llyC.m o s t c a r ef u lD.m o s t c a r ef u lly4 9._ _ _?-It s M o n da y.A.Wh a t da y i s t o da yB.Wh a t s t h e da t e t o da yC.Wh a t s t h e t i m eD.Ho w do y o u s p ell aM o n da yw50.-do y o u li k e t h e f i lm?-Ver y m u c h.A.Ho wB.Wh a tC.Ho w a b o u t1


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