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《《国际贸易》考试题库及答案大全.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《《国际贸易》考试题库及答案大全.pdf(51页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、 国际贸易考试题库及答案一、单 项 选 择 题(每小题2分,共20分)1、常见的面积单位有()。A、平方米B、公升C、立方米D、斤2、如果物价下降,固定价格对()有利。A、卖方B、双方C、买方D、船方3、在信用证付款的情况下,发票抬头应填()。A、开证申请人B、受益人C、,出口商D、保险商4、下列关于销售代理人说法正确的是()0A、代理人取得商品所有权 B、C、代理人可能取得商品所有权 D、5、下列哪种术语经常被我国进口商采用A、EXWB、DDP C、6、本 票 有()个当事人。A、2B、3代理人没有取得商品所有权代理人主要通过货物买卖价差来获利()oFOB D、DDUC、4 D、57、我国合

2、同法规定:收取定金的一方不履行约定债务,应 当()倍返还定金。A、1 B、2 C、3 D、48、“我方购大米1000吨,如降价5%”。这 是()。A、发盘 B、还盘9、常见的集合运输包装有(A、集装箱 B条1 0、对于接受生效,英美法采 取(A、到达生效 B、自然生效C、邀请发盘D、承诺)oC、箱D、捆)原则。C、投邮生效D、中途生效二、多项选择题(每小题3分,共15分)1、在FOB术语下,下列属于卖方义务的是()。A、出口报关 B、保险 C、国内运费 D、国外运费2、下列哪些贸易术语较常用()。A 、C I F B 、D D P3、下列属于以说明表示品质的是(A、凭规格 B凭样品4、一切险不

3、承保以下风险(A、战争 B、罢工5、公约将 违 约 分 为(A、根本性 B、违反担保C、E XW)。C、凭标准)oC、海啸)违约。C、违反要件D、C F RD、看货买卖D、台风D非根本性三、名 词 解 释(每小题5分,共2 5分)I、/L-2、C F R E x Ship s H old3、出口收汇核销4、卖期保值5、仓至仓条款四、简 答 题(每小题5分,共10分)1、什么是违反要件、违反担保?其法律后果是什么?2、构成实盘的基本条件。五、计 算 题(30题8分,31题7分,共15分)1、有1000吨货物出口到美国,2立方米每吨,50000元每吨。船公司运价表:100元/运费吨,30元/100

4、00元货物,W/M or A d.Valo请计算总共需要付多少运费。2、1000吨大米出口到日本,成本为人民币1500元/吨,运费为180元/吨,保险费率1%,客户要求按常规加成投保。请 报C IF东京价。六、案例分析题(第一小题7分,第二小题8分,共15分)1、我国一公司以C IF条件出口一批货物。合同中没有规定买什么保险。合同签订后,买方来电称目的地最近经常发生暴乱,要求我方在办理保险时加保战争险。请问我方是否应接受,应该如何处理。2、伟达公司与外商有多年进出口交易。3月1 8日,伟达向外商发出订单,要求按 原FOB价格继续订购1000吨,规定在发盘6日内复到有效,若不答复,视为接受订单。

5、直 到3月2 8日外商仍未回复,伟达着手预订舱位。1 5天后,外商来电称:“材料价格上涨,原价涨10%”。试分析伟达公司应如何处理?2015学年第二学期期末考试 国际贸易实务 试卷B班级:学号:姓名:评分:一、单项选择题(每小题2 分,共 20分)1、“我方向你方购一级东北大米1000吨,每 吨1200元,1 2月交货,工这是()A、还盘 B、发盘 C、邀请发盘 D、退盘2、仲裁解决纠纷的优点是()0A、如果不服可多次仲裁 B、一方可不执行仲裁裁决C、双方关系紧张 D、迅速、及时3、在托收付款的情况下,发票抬头一般写()0A、开证申请人 B、买方 C、出口商 D、保险商4、在进出口贸易中,如我

6、方提出,在我国发生不可抗力,一 般 由()出具证明文件。A、质检总局 B、中国国际贸易促进委员会C、海关 D、商务部5、能够在任何银行议付的信用证是()A、秘密议付信用证 B、限制议付信用证C、公开议付信用证 D、有实力银行开出的议付信用证6、关于海运单,下列说法正确的是()A、是物权凭证 B、可能是物权凭证C、可以流通转让 D、不是物权凭证7、以进出关境为标准的是()01 0、常见的体积单位有(A、过境贸易 B、特别贸易 C8、下列术语中,卖方责任最小的是(A、EXW B、CIF C、9、对于接受生效,大陆法采取(A到达生效 B、自然生效 C;、总贸易 D、专门贸易)。DDP D、FOB)原

7、则。、投邮生效 D、中途生效)oA、公升B、立方米C、斤D、吨二、多项选择题(每小题3分,共15分)1、下列属于以实物表示品质的是()。、凭规格B、凭标准、凭样品、看货买卖、班轮运费里包括()。、装卸费B、油费C、超长附加费、港口选择费、根据提单是否对货物表面有批注,提 单 分 为()oACD2AD3A、清洁提单B、不清洁提单C、记名提单D、指示提单4、在C IF术语下,下列属于卖方义务的是()oA、出口报关B、保险C、运费D、进口报关5、如果有一万吨大米销往蒙古,应 选 择()。A、CIFB、FOBC、CIPD、CPT三、名 词 解 释(每小题5分,共10分)1、速遣费2、汇票出票3、活价4

8、、仓至仓条款5、F O B Under Tack I e四、简 答 题(每小题5分,共10分)1、构成接受的条件。2、品质机动幅度的规定方法。五、计 算 题(第一题7分,第二题8分,共15分)1、某公司与香港中间商达成交易,合同规定我方出口某商品25000公斤,15美元/公斤,C F R C 2%伦敦。海运运费0。15美元/公斤。请计算:(1)出口公司向中国银行购买交付佣金的美元共需多少人民币(中国银行牌价:100美元=800人民币元)。(2)出口公司的外汇净收入为多少美元。3 1、某公司出口羊毛2 0吨,标准回潮率为15%。从中抽取5千克,去水后净剩4千克。请计算其公量。六、案 例分析题(第

9、一小题8分,第二小题7共15分)1、我国从巴西进口大豆2000吨,交货期为8月份。然而,4月份外商称原定收购地点发生洪灾,收购计划完全落空,要求按不可抗力处理,免除交货责任。中方该如何对待?2、某合同规定:6、7月份两批平均装运。中方公司收到外国银行开来的信用证,其中规定:装运不迟于7月3 1日。中方公司因货已备好,且信用证中没有规定必须分批装运。因此中方公司于6月5日一次全部装船并运出。请问:中方公司这样做是否妥当?为什么?国际贸易实务期末考试试卷(A)答案一、单项选择题1、A 2、A6、A 7、B二、多项选择题1、AC 2、AD三、名词解释3、A 4、B 5、C8、B 9、A 10、C3、

10、AC 4、AB5、AD1、一个人向另一个人签发的,要求对方于见票时或可确定的时间,对某人或其指定人或持票人支付一定金额的无条件书面支付命令。2、CFR船底交货,买方负责将货物从舱底吊到码头的费用。3、为了加强出口收汇管理,防止外汇流失,由外汇管理部门对所有贸易方式下的出口收入实行核销制度。4、经营者买进实物,为避免价格下降,从而在交易所预售同等数量的期货合约,进行保值。5、指保险责任自被保险货物运离保单所载明的起运地发货人仓库或储存所开始生效,直到保单所载明的收货人仓库或储存所为止。四、简答题1、违反要件是违反合同主要条款。违反担保是违反合同的次要条款。法律后果:违反要件,受到损害的一方有权解

11、除合同,并要求损害赔偿。违反担保,受到损害的一方无权解除合同,但可要求损害赔偿。2、构成实盘的基本条件:向一个或一个以上的特定人发盘发盘必须标明定立合同的意思发盘内容要肯定、明确、完整五、计算题1 、2000*2*100=400000 元2、吨 C I F 价为 78 79保险费=168 0*18。69 元每 吨C I F=成本+运费+保险费=1500+18 0+18。69=169 8。69元六、案例分析题1、按惯例我方只买最低的保险。我方可以接受,但因此而风险和费用由买方承担。否则我方拒绝。2、告诉外商,合同已订立,其涨价要求不合理。依 公约一般的沉默不等于接受。此案中,双方是老客户。在这种

12、特殊的情况下依 公约 的原则应该构成有效的接受。W 按 M 计算(1)C I F 价=6 00X2 2 X(1-3%)=1 2 8 04 美元(2)运费 F=2 0X0.03 9 4 X6 00X(1+3 5%)=6 3 8.2 8 美元(3)保险费 1=C I F 价X1 1 0%Xl%=1 4 0.8 4 美元(4)F O B 价彳讦价-F-I=1 2 02 4.8 8 美元(5)F 0B C 5%=F 0B 价/(1-5%)=1 2 6 5 7.7 7 美元2、我某公司装运5 0 箱农业机械到汉堡港,每箱毛重120公斤,体 积 为 120 x45x32厘米,该货运费计算标准为W/M,10

13、级,基本费率为230美元,另加燃油附加费2 5%,港口拥挤费 15%,应付运费多少?要求写出计算公式及计算过程。解:根据求枳载系数得出运费按M运费=Fb(基本运费率)X 1+ES(附加费之积)XQ(总货运量)=230 X(1+25%+15%)X0.173X 50=2785.3(美元)答:应付运费2785.3美元3、一批出口货物做CFR价为250000美元,现客户要求改报CIF价加20%投保海运一切险,我方同意照办,如保险费率为0.6%时,我方应向客户报价多少?C I F=C F R+保险费保险费=保险金额X保险费率=C I F X(1+2 0%)X0.6%C I F=C F R+C I F X

14、(1+2 0%)XO.6%C I F=C F R 4-(l-1 2 0%X0.6%)=2 5 00004-0.9 9 2 8=2 5 1 8 1 3.05 美元七、简答题1、简述合同成立的有效条件(1)当事人必须具有签订合同的行为能力;合同必须有对价或约因;(3)合同的内容必须合法;4)合同必须符合法律规定的形式;(5)合同当事人的意思表示必须真实2.简述仲裁协议的作用。(1)约束双方当事人只能以仲裁方式解决其争议,且不得向法院起诉(2)排除法院对有关案件的管辖权,如果一方违背仲裁协议自行向法院起诉,另一方可以凭仲裁协议要求法院不受理(3)使仲裁机构取得对争议案件的管辖权3.销售代理和独家经销


16、款的业务。对此,银行是否应付款?简述理由。答:我方应按规定交货并向该保兑行交单,要求付款。因为根据 跟单信用证统一惯例,信用证一经保兑,保兑行与开证行同为第一性付款人,对受益人就要承担保证付款的责任。只要受益人在信用证的有效期内将符合信用证规定的单据递交保兑行,保兑行必须付款。2、我某公司以CFR条件出口一批瓷器。我方按合同的规定按期在装运港装船后,及时将包括提单在内的全套单据通过银行寄交买方并要求买方支付货款。此时,因为货物在运输途中因海上风险而损毁,买方闻之,随来函向我方提出索赔。问:(1)如果我方已及时向买方发出装船通知,我方能否拒绝买方的索赔?(2)如果业务人员由于业务上的疏忽,忘记向

17、买方发出装船通知,我方能否拒绝买方的索赔?答:1、(1)如果我方已及时向买方发出装船通知,那么货运途中的风险概由买方承担。因为:按 2000通则解释,卖方负责在合同约定的装运港装运货物,装运后要及时向买方发出装运通知以便买方及时办理保险手续,买方承担货物越过船舷后的一切风险。因此,对于货运途中因遇风浪而遭致的货物损毁,应由买方承担损失,我方可以根据相关的国际惯例向买方索偿货款。(2)如果业务人员由于业务上的疏忽,忘记向买方发出装船通知,那么我方即卖方应承担运输途中遭致的货物损失。因为:根据惯例规定,如果货物在运输途中遭受损失或灭失,是由于卖方未及时发出通知而使买方漏保,那么卖方就不能以风险在船

18、舷转移为由而免除责任。由此可见,在本案中,是否发出装船通知对能否收回货款至关重要。国际贸易考试题库及答案1.Analyze the promotion of the great discoveries of geography and theindustrial revolutions to the international trade.分析地理大发现的推广和国际贸易工业革命2.What has changed in the last 20-30 years in international trade?在过去的20-30年中发生的变化在国际贸易吗?(l)International trad

19、e has grown tremendously in the last 30 years,much faster than global output.(2)The share of developing economies in world trade has increasedand the share of developed economies has declined.(3)The share of North-North trade has dropped steadily and theSouth-South trade has risen.(4)WorId trade is

20、dominated by a few large countries.(5)The share of manufactured goods in world merchandise tradeincreased and the share of agricultural products fall.(6)Many new products are created and old products aredestructed.(7)Industrialized developed economies and rapidly industrializingdeveloping economies

21、tend to engage in more intra-industry trade.Whereas developing economies and LDCs have littleintra-industry trade.(8)Trade in commercial service plays a more important role.(9)The export of a signiHcant number of countries are diversifiedand the export of some resource-rich developing countries areh

22、ighly concentrated(10)Asia is the centrality in the inter-region trade.3.Tell the basic doctrine of mercantilism.告诉重商主义的基本原则。(1)The wealth of nation is gold and silver(2)International trade is the main channel to get gold and silver(wealth)(3)Export is good and import is bad(4)Emphasizing the role o

23、f government(5)Encouraging to increase population(6)International trade is zero-sum activity*4.Use the demand curve and supply curve to analyze the economiceffects of trade.用需求曲线和供给曲线来分析贸易对经济的影响。Quantity supplied is the amount of a good that sellers are willing andable to sell.Determinants:price,inp

24、ut prices,technology,expectation.The law of supply states that,other things equal,the quantity suppliedof a good rises when the price of the good rises.5.List several arguments for trade protection.列举支持贸易保护观点。5.1 The Infant Industry ArgumentInfant industryThe argument asserts that a temporary tariff

25、 isjustified because it cuts down on imports while theinfant domestic industry learns how to produce at lowenough costs.Eventually the domestic industry will beable to compete without the help of a tariff.5.2 Tariff to Increase EmploymentIf protection is granted to a given industry,demand shiftsto t

26、he home product because the higher price of theimported good.It induces domestic producers to supply agreater quantity,resulting in the hiring of more domesticlabor.5.3 Offset Foreign Dumping or SubsidyThe antidumping argument is that dumping by foreignfirms into the home country is in some sense un

27、fair andconstitutes a threat to domestic producers because of thelow import price;therefore,a tariff can offset the foreignfirms unfair price advantage.A tariff to offset a foreign subsidy is that a foreigngovernment subsidy awarded to a foreign supplierconstitutes unfair trade with the home.5.4 Nat

28、ional DefenseIt says that import barriers would help the nation to haveor to be ready to produce products that would beimportant in a future military emergency.In the event of war or other national emergency,it ishighly unlikely that the domestic footwear industry couldprovide sufficient footwear fo

29、r the military and civilianpopulation.We wont be able to wait for ships to delivershoes from Taiwan,or Korea or Brazil or EasternEurope.Improper footwear can lead to needlesscasualties and turn sure victory into possible defeat.5.5 Core and Periphery TheoryThe international economic system was divid

30、ed intotwo parts.Old division was the main reason resulting in theeconomic fall-behind of developing countries.The terms-of-trade of developing countries wasworse off.Trade protection was to get rid ofthe passive situation.6.Tell the brief history of trade policy from 15th century.告诉从15世纪贸易政策的简要历史。1

31、5th-18th Century:Mercantilism,protection 18th-19th Century:free trade policyinfantindustry protection 1870s-1940s:super-protection policy After world war II:free trade policy1970s:newtrade protection7.There are two types of trade policies:free trade policy and protectivetrade policy.Which is better?

32、有两种类型的贸易政策咱由贸易政策和保护贸易政策。哪个更好?Depends on your standpoint 立场 The whole world?Certain 某些 nation?Certain group?Economic welfare?Political 政治 goal?Others?Current 当前 gain?Long-term goal?Our view?8.List the basic principles of general system of preference.普遍优惠制的基本原则。(Generalized principle means that develo

33、ped countries give thispreferential treatment to all the manufactured or semi-manufacturedgoods from developing countries;Non-discriminatory principle means that developed countries givethis treatment to all developing countries without exception;Non-reciprocal principle means that developing countr

34、ies need notgive similar preferential treatment to imports from developedcountries.9.List the different levels of tariff rates.说明关税税率的不同。Preferential dutiesA present example is the Fourth Lome Convention signed between theEU and 66 ACP(Africa,Caribbean and Pacific)countries in December,1989 Duties u

35、nder GSPGeneral System of Preference(GSP)is a system whereby a large numberof developed countries(benefit suppliers)permit entry of imports at areduced tariff rate from particular developing countries(beneficiarycountries).MFN DutiesMost Favored Nation(MFN)means that the most favorable trade policyo

36、ffered by a WTO member must be offered to all other members.(4)General DutiesGeneral duties are non-MFN tariffs,which are applied to countries thatare not granted MFN treatment.10.Use the demand curve and supply curve to analyze the economiceffects of a tariff by a small country on the importing cou

37、ntry,exportingcountry and the world as a whole.用需求曲线和供给曲线分析关税的经济效应上的一个小国家进口的国家,出口的国家和整个世界。Small country case:price-taker with no effect on the worldIn the Free-trade SituationPriceEffects on ProducersPriceMoShaded area a=Producers gain from tariff=$21 millionpre tradeP.S尸gpost tradeP.S.=a+gP.S=+aEff

38、ects on ConsumersPrice($per bike)MoShaded area=Cost of the tariff to consumers=$45 millionpre tradeC.S.=a+b+c+d+e+fpost tradeC.S=e+fC.S.=-(a+b+c+d)Effects on GovernmentPriceMoShaded area=Cost of the tariff to consumers=$45 million GOV=+cThe Net Effects on Small Importing Country=+a-(a+b+c+e)+c=-(b+d

39、)The Net Effects on Exporting CountryPriceEffect on exporting country:zeroEffect on world as whole=-(b+d)11.Use the demand curve and supply curve to analyze the economiceffects of a tariff by a large country on the importing country,exportingcountry and the world as a whole.用需求曲线和供给曲线来分析由大国关税的经济效应在进

40、口国,出口国家和整个世界。A.The National Market for Bicycles0 0.6 0.62 1.58 1.6 Quantity、MJ(millions of bikes)=0.96 P.S.=+a C.S.=-(a+b+c+d)GOV=c+eNet national gains=e-(b+d)So,the large importing country maybe get net gain from imposing atariff.PriceNet gain of exporting country=-(e+f)The whole world=-(b+d+f)12.W

41、hy do protectionists and government officials favor using a quotainstead of a tariff?为什么保护主义者和政府官员支持使用配额而不是关税?(1)The use of tariff is limited.(2)A quota ensures that the quantity of imports is strictly limited.(3)A quota gives government officials greater power.13.Use the demand curve and supply cur

42、ve to analyze the economiceffects of an import quota by a small country on the importing country,exporting country and the world as a whole.使用需求曲线和供给曲线来分析经济影响进口配额的一个小国家进口国,出口国家和整个世界。Effects on Importing CountryA.The U.S.Market for BicyclesPriceQuotaP.S.=+aC.S.=-(a+b+c+d)There is a left rectangular a

43、rea c.Effects on Importing Country(1)If the government allocates the import licenses to importers forfree,the importers will get the gain:a-(a+b+c+d)+c=-(b+d)(2)If the government auctions off the licenses,the government andthe importers get the gain:a-(a+b+c+d)+c=-(b+d)Effects on Exporting CountryEf

44、fect on exporting country:zeroEffect on world as whole=-(b+d)14.Use the demand curve and supply curve to analyze the economiceffects of an import quota by a large country on the importing country,exporting country and the world as a whole.用需求曲线和供给曲线来分析进口配额的经济影响的大国在进口国,出口国家和整个世界。Effects on Importing

45、CountryA.The National Market for BicyclesPriceQuotaP.S.=+aC.S.=-(a+b+c+d)There is a left rectangular area c+e.Effects on Importing Country(1)If the government allocates the import licenses to importers for free,the importers will get the c+ gain:a-(a+b+c+d)+c+e=e-(b+d)(2)If the government auctions o

46、ff the licenses,the government and theimporters get the c+ gain:a-(a+b+c+d)+c=e-(b+d)Effects on Exporting CountryNet gain of exporting country=(e+f)The whole world=-(b+d+f)15.Use the demand curve and supply curve to analyze the economiceffects of an export subsidy by a small country on the exporting

47、 country,importing country and the world as a whole.用需求曲线和供给曲线来分析经济影响上的一个小国家的出口补贴出口的国家,进口国家和整个世界。Effects on small exporting countryAC.S.=-(e+f)AGov.=-(f+g+h)Net effects=-(f+h)Effects on importing countryEffects on the importing country:zeroEffects on the world:-(f+h)16.Use the demand curve and suppl

48、y curve to analyze the economiceffects of an export subsidy by a large country on the exporting country,importing country and the world as a whole.用需求曲线和供给曲线,分析了出口补贴的经济影响的大国出口的国家,进口国家和整个世界。Effects on large exporting countryA.The Domestic Market for PipesPriceAP.S.=e+fFgAC.S.=-(e+f)AGov.=-(f+g+h+i+j+

49、k+l+m)net effects:-(f+h+i+j+k+l+m)Effects on importing countryA(P.S.+C.S.)=n+r+t=(i+j+k+l+m)-uEffects on the world:=-(f+h+i+j+k+l+m)+(i+j+k+l+m)-u=-(f+h+u)17.Choose and analyze one case of dumping-antidumping.选择和分析倾销和反倾销案例之一。18.Choose and analyze one case of subsidy-antisubsidy.选择和分析补贴和反补贴案例之一。国际贸易考

50、试题库及答案一、不定项选择题1、卖方根据买方提供的样品,加工复制出一个类似样品供买方确认。该样品称为(de)0A.买方样品 B.复样 C.卖方样品 D.回样 E.对等样 F.确认样2、运输包装的主要作用在于(abe)oA.保护商品 B.便于运输和储存C.促销 D.美化商品E.防止在装卸过程中发生货损货差3、定牌中性包装是指(a)0A.在商品本身及其包装上使用买方指定的商标/牌号,但不表明产地B.在商品本身及其包装上使用买方指定的商标/牌号,也表明产地C.在商品本身及其包装上不使用买方指定的商标/牌号,也不表明产地D.在商品本身及其包装上不使用买方指定的商标/牌号,但表明产地4、按国际惯例,包装


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