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1、考研英语新题型排序题排序题是4 个新题型中相对比较难的一种,它着重考查考生对文章内部结构和逻辑关系的把握程度。此类题型主要考查文章的逻辑关系,对于考生从整个文章结构上把握写作脉络的能力要求比较高。总结以下几点为同学们解答和练习此类题目一个启发。(1)解题步骤A.第一步:阅读已经固定的段落。通过阅读已知段就可以判断其前后的内容,需要注意的是如果首段是未知段一定要先确定出首段,而首段一般用排除法便可做出,因为文章的首段一般会指出文章需要论述的问题,进而顺藤摸瓜,找出下段。还要注意将已经确定的两个选项从卷子上划去,防止引起不必要的混乱;如果固定段落没有首段,那么就要阅读选项后选出首段,然后结合已知段

2、落来确定全文大意和大致结构。B o 第二步:阅读选项,并用笔在每个选项下方标注本选项的中文意思(大概意思就可以),从而明确整个文章的大致内容,了解各个选项之间的内在逻辑关系;C o 第三步:确定语篇模式,排列各个选项的顺序;D o 第四步:把自己已经选好的顺序带进文章里检查答案是否合理。(2)解题方法文章结构解题法因为阅读理解的文章全部是议论文或说明文,这就决定了这些文章本身的叙述和展开方式,弄清楚这些文章的结构自然在选择答案时就简单了许多:A o 问题解答型:此类文章,一般采用原因性结构,然后分析其成因,包括主观的、客观的、直接的、间接的等。那么文章的首段应该是提出问题,接下来就是具体的原因

3、;原因也应该有相应的次序,考生可以自己判断进行选择。B o 现象解释型:此类文章,一般采用释义性结构,解释某一事物、现象、科学理论等,通常用举例子、打比方等方法来进行阐述论证。这种文章首段一般是摆明现象,然后进行解释和阐述。C o 结论说明型:此类文章,一般采用比较性结构,把人或事物的功能、特点等进行比较从而引出一个结论。这种文章对比性比较强,那么肯定是一方面一方面地进行比较,考生要分清这种不同进行排序。D o新老观点型:此类文章,一般采用驳斥性结构,通常这样的文章会先阐述说明一个观点,然后对这个观点进行驳斥,再进一步分析这个观点的正负面,最后阐明自己的观点。考生就要根据这种先后关系进行推断、

4、排序。所以,建议广大的考生在正式做题之前知晓所考文章的类型。逻辑关系解题法逻辑关系主要有:并列递进关系、转折关系、因果关系、解释关系、例证关系、定义关系等:A o并列递进关系:标志词汇有and,indeed,also,besides,similarly,like,accordingly,in the same way,meanwhile,furthermore,moreover 等;Bo 转折关系:标志词汇有 but,yet,although,however,onthe contrary,on the other hand,instead 等;因为阅读理解的文章全部是议论文或说明文,这就决定C

5、o 因果关系:标志词汇有 for,because,since,therefore 等;D o解释关系:标 志 词 汇 有that is,that is to say,forexample,such as,namely,in other words 等;熟悉表示不同逻辑关系的词语后,考生就可以在掌握各段落大意的前提下,根据这些细节词语来推断彼此之间的关系,然后进行排序。(3)解题小窍门A。“局部同一原则”:也就是说,当考生在5个题目中只有1个 或2个 或3个确定的情况下,就把剩余的所有题目均选同一个和文章内容较相关的选项,这样至少可以选对一道题。否则极有可能剩余的题目全部猜错,考研的每一分都相当

6、宝贵,不要浪费;Do“无序原则”:因为考生经常会遇到前面的题目不会做的情况,所以建议大家不用按照题目的顺序答题。2011考研英语阅读新题型(排序题)练习题及解析Directions:The following paragraphs are given in a wrong order for Questions41-45,you are required to reorganize these paragraphs into a coherent article by choosing fromthe list A-E to fill in each numbered box.The firs

7、t and the last paragraphs have been placed foryou in Boxes.Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1 .(10 points)AI just dont know how to motivate them to do a better job.Were in a budgetcrunch and I have absolutely no financial rewards at my disposal.In fact,well probably have tolay some people off in th

8、e near future.Its hard for me to make the job interesting andchallenging because it isntits boring,routine paperwork,and there isnt much you can doabout it.B4tFinally,I cant say to them that their promotions will hinge on the excellence oftheir paperwork.First of all,they know its not true.If their

9、performance is adequate,most aremore likely to get promoted just by staying on the force a ion,and the apprehension of criminals.They also like helping people out at fires,accidents,and other emergencies.Dt4Some people have suggested a number of things like using conviction records asa performance c

10、riterion.However,we know thats not fair-too many other things are involved.Bad paperwork increases the chance that you lose in court,but good paperwork doesntnecessarily mean youll win.We tried setting up team competitions based on the excellence ofthe reports,but the guys caught on to that pretty q

11、uickly.No one was getting any type of rewardfor winning the competition,and they figured why should they labor when there was nopayoff.”E46The problem occurs when they get back to the station.They hate to do thepaperwork,and because they dislike it,the job is frequently put off or done inadequately.

12、Thislack of attention hurts us later on when we get to court.We need clear,factual reports.Theymust be highly detailed and unambiguous.As soon as one part of a report is shown to beinadequate or incorrect,the rest of the report is suspect.Poor reporting probably causes us tolose more cases than any

13、other factor.F4tSo I just dont know what to do,Ive been groping in the dark in a number ofyears.And I hope that this seminar will shed some light on this problem of mine and help meout in my future work.”G A large metropolitan city government was putting on a number of seminars foradministrators,man

14、agers and/or executives of various departments throughout the city.At oneof these sessions the topic to be discussed was motivation-how we can get public servantsmotivated to do a good job.The difficulty of a police captain became the central focus of thediscussion.Order:G41 42 43 44 45 F答案详解41.【解析】

15、C按照答题步骤,我们首先应当对已知信息进行研读,即阅读首尾段,归纳语篇的基本结构,找出答题的线索。首段说的是整个文章的背景,一个大都市的市政厅举行全市各部门管理、行政人员的研讨会,其中有一个研讨会的主题是如何发动公务员做好工作。这个研讨会上一个警察局警长的难题成了讨论的焦点。尾段是一个引语:So 1 just dont know what to do.Ive been groping in the dark in a number of years.And I hopethat this seminar will shed some light on this problem of mine

16、and help me out in my futurework(所以我不知道该怎么办。多年来我一直在黑喑中探索。我希望这次研讨会能给我的难题带来些启发,能帮我应对未来的工作)。很明显,这是发言的总结句。结合第一段的内容,我们可以知道,引号里的话是警察局警长的话,而整篇文章主要讲的是他面临的难题。接着,我们看 A 到 E 段,哪段是发言的起始段呢?这就要看是哪一段把讨论的话题引入。我们可以主要看每段的第一句话。我们会发现 C 段第句话直截了当地点出话题:Ive got a real problem with my officers(警员们现在出现了问题),而且与首段的最后一句 The diff

17、iculty of a police captain became the central focus of the discussion(这个研讨会上一个警察局警长的难题成了讨论的焦点)连接自然,因为首段的尾句提到了警察局长的 difficulty(困难),后面的段落肯定会对这一困难作出解释,因 止 匕 C 段中的problem和首段的difficulty呼应,应当是正确答案。42.【解析 E C 段的第一句话 Ive got a real problem with my officers(警员们现在出现 了问题)和后面的句子 They come on the force as young,

18、inexperienced men,and wesend them out on the street,either in cars or on a heat.They seem to like the contact they havewith the public,the action involved in crime prevention,and the apprehension of criminals.They also like helping people out at fires,accidents,and other emergencies(他们到大街上巡逻,他们喜欢与公众

19、交流,他们也喜欢乐于助人)两者在语义上是转折的。作者没有直接说警员们的问题是什么,而是在提出问题后先对他们进行了赞扬,但赞扬过后肯定要提出存在的问题是什么。按逻辑顺序,下一段落应该提出职员中存在的问题。按照这样的思路,我们在剩下的段落中寻找,可以发现下一段选 E 连接最自然。C 段先表扬职员对公众的事积极、热心,但是The problem occurs when they get back to thestation”(一回到警局问题就出现了)。同时,从词汇衔接上来看,E 段中的单词get back和上一段落中的out构成了对应关系,说明了警员们在警句外面和里面的不同表现,因此从这两个方面来看

20、,选项|E 是正确答案。43.【解析】A选项 E 主要陈述了警员们存在的问题以及导致的后果:They hateto do the paperwork.Poor reporting probably cause us to lose more cases than any otherfactor(他们不喜欢写公文更多时候是因为报告写得不好而在法庭上输了官司)。根据选项 E 最后一句话的语义,接下来作者要谈论的问题一定和此问题有关,因此可以对比剩余的三个选项 A、B 和 D,首先可以排除选项 D Some people have suggested a number ofthings like u

21、sing conviction records as a perfonnance criterion.,因为这个选项提出 了评判警员的标准,是一个解决问题的办法,和前面提到的问题以及导致的结果在语义上不衔接。比较选项 A 和 B,选项 A 的首句 I just dont know how to motivate them to do abetter jo b,提出了警察局长在这个问题上的困惑,单词better是一个比较级,和前一个段落末句中的poor相呼应,因此是正确答案。44.【解析】B从语义上来看,选项 A 是在说明警长的所遇到的问题和困惑,能够和选项 A 衔接的现在只剩下 B 和 D。选

22、项中 B 是解释无法实施解雇措施;选项 D是说将撰写报告作为警员表现标准没有效果,可以看出,出 和上段联系更为紧密,说了措施后马上就说出这种措施的不可实施的方面。45.【解析】D 现在只剩下选项 D。从文章最后一段,即选项 F 来看,此选项主要叙述的是警长向大家求助的信息,而选项 D 的 开 头 的 两 句 Some people havesuggested a number of things like using conviction records as a performance criterion.However,we know thats not fairtoo many othe

23、r things are involved 是说虽然有人提出了 建议,但这些措施是不可能被实施的。因为措施无效才会向别人求助,从逻辑关系看,选项 D 和最后一段,即选项 F 形成了因果关系,因此是正确答案。2011年考研英语新题型最新模拟题Habits are a funny thing.We reach for them mindlessly,setting our brains on auto-pilotand relaxing into the unconscious comfort of familiar routine.4Not choice,but habit niles theu

24、nreflecting herd,”William Wordsworth said in the 19th century.In the ever-changing 21stcentury,even the word“habit“carries a negative connotation.So it seems paradoxical to talk about habits in the same context as creativity andinnovation.But brain researchers have discovered that when we consciousl

25、y develop new habits,we can even create entirely new brain cells that can jump our trains of thought onto new,innovative tracks.41_All of us work through problems in ways of which were unaware,says Dawna Markova,author of The Open Mind”.Researchers in the late 1960s discovered that humans are bornwi

26、th the capacity to approach challenges in four primary ways:analytically,procedurally,relationally(or collaboratively)and innovatively.42The current emphasis on standardized testing highlights analysis and procedure,meaningthat few of us inherently use our innovative and collaborative modes of thoug

27、ht.43 This emphasis clearly leads to ordinary performance.On the contrary,knowing what youre good at and doing even more of it creates excellence.44 Figure out what has worked for you when youve learnedin the past,and you can draw your own map for developing additional skills and behaviors forthe fu

28、ture.Ms.Ryan says,4tIf you have a pathway to learning,use it because thats going to beeasier than creating an entirely new pathway in your brain.”Ms.Ryan and Ms.Markova have found what they call three zones of existence:comfort,stretch and stress.Comfort is the realm of existing habit.Stress occurs

29、when a challenge is sofar beyond current experience as to be overwhelming.Its that stretch zone in the middle 一activities that feel a bit awkward and unfamiliar where true change occurs.Getting into the stretch zone is good for you,according to Ms.Ryan.It helps keep yourbrain healthy.It turns out th

30、at unless we continue to learn new things,which challenges ourbrains to create new pathways,they literally begin to weaken,which may result in braindiseases.She recommends practicing a technique called kaizen,which calls for tiny,continuousimprovements.45 That can be fatal in business,particularly f

31、br executiveswho surround themselves with like-thinkers.If seniority and promotion are based on similarityto those at the top,chances are strong that the company lacks intellectual diversity.A This is where developing new habits comes in.If youre an analytical or proceduralthinker,you learn in diffe

32、rent ways than someone who is inherently innovative or collaborative.B Rather than dismissing ourselves as unchangeable creatures of habit,we can insteaddirect our own change by consciously developing new habits.In fact,the more new things wetry the more we step outside our comfort zone the more inh

33、erently creative we become,both in the workplace and in our personal lives.C After the confusion,the brain begins organizing the new input,ultimately creating newsynaptic connections if the process is repeated enough.D This breaks the major rule in the American belief system-that anyone can doanythi

34、ng,n explains M.J.Ryan,author of the 2006 book 4tThis Year I WilL.”E But if,during creation of that new habit,the Great Decider“steps in to protest againsttaking the unfamiliar path,people may keep doing the same thing over and over again.F At teenage years,however,the brain shuts down half of that

35、capacity,preserving onlythose modes of thought that have seemed most valuable during the first decade or so of life.G Simultaneously,take a look at how colleagues approach challenges,Ms.Markovasuggests.We tend to believe that those who think the way we do are smarter than those whodont.Part B一、文章体裁结

36、构分析这是一篇有关人们开发新习惯进而引发创新的说明文。文章第一、二段引出习惯这一话题,并说明了开发新的习惯可以带来创新。第三、四、五段解释了新习惯是如何产生的;后面剩余几段说明了人在拉伸区容易发生新的变化进而促进人的大脑健康。二、试题解析【参考答案】41.B 42.F 43.D 44.A 45.G41.【正确答案】B【解答过程】从文中给出的内容我们粗略地知道文章谈论的是有关开发新习惯引发创新的话题。本题缺失内容位于第二段的段尾,因此我们要回到空前的内容去寻找答题线索。前面提到如果我们有意识地去开发新的习惯,就能让思维跳到创新的轨道上,由此,我们可以推测选填的内容可能会进一步解释这两者的关系。查

37、看选项,B 中“we can direct ourchange by consciously developing new habits”刚 好 涉 及 这 一 内 容,而 且“Rather thandismissing ourselves as unchangeable creatures of habit”刚好是对前面“consciously”这个词的回应和解释,因此本题答案为E。42.【正确答案】F【解答过程】本题缺失内容是第三段的段尾。我们可以根据上下文来判断合理的选项,空前的内容提及“我们都以我们意识不到的方式来处理问题”;第四段的句首又提到“我们之中很少有人生来就能运用我们的创造性

38、和合作思维模式”,据此我们可以推断正确的选项应该与部分能力未被开发有关,查看选项,只 有 F 提到人们在青少年的时候有一半也就是两种能力关闭了,这正好与空后的内容相一致。故答案为C。43.【正确答案】D【解答过程】本题缺失内容在第四段的中间,而中间的内容必然会起到衔接上下的作用,因此我们需要参考该空的前后来寻找线索。空前的内容谈到“我们之中很少有人生来就能运用我们的创造性和合作性思维模式”;空后的内容谈到“这种强调很明显导致了平庸表现”,这说明缺失的内容应该是有人进行了这种强调,查看选项,D 正好与此有关,而且选项开头的“this”刚好能指代前面的“我们之中很少有人生来就能运用我们的创造性和合

39、作性思维模式”,故答案为A。44.【正确答案】A【解答过程】本题缺失内容是第五段的段首句。同样我们需要在其上下文找线索。空前的内容(第四段最后)反对由于缺乏创新导致的平庸表现,故此处应该引出新的东西;而且空后提到“找出你过去学习的有用的东西,你可以画出未来可以开发的附加技巧和行为图”,这显然与人的分析或者学习东西的能力有关,参看选项,A 刚好就是与这个有关,故答案为Ao45.【正确答案】G【解答过程】本题缺失内容是段首句,我们应根据前后文来确定答案。空前内容(上一段)提到Ryan建议人们进行kaizen的技巧练习,那么我们可以推测接下来应该还有别的方法参考;而且空后提到“这对商业具有致命的打击

40、,对那些身边充斥着只会附和的员工的老板们来说尤其如此。”这说明有 种想法或倾向是致命的,查看选项,G 中的发“simultaneous”刚好可以引入别的方法,而其中的“我们总是相信那些做法和我们一致的人要比那些做法和我们不一致的人聪明得多”这句话刚好和“附和”是一个意思,而且是一种有害的主观倾向,刚好能满足这一空的要求,因此答案是G。【干扰项分析】干扰项C,熠 ij“After the confusion5,说明前面必然要提到混乱、困惑状态下的状况,而这在文章中根本找不到对应内容,故排除;干扰项E 项中首次出现了“the“G但at D ecided,文中只字未提该短语或做出任何相关的解释,如果

41、选择会很突兀,故排除掉。全文翻译:习惯是个很有趣的事情。我们漫不经心地触及它,让我们的大脑处于自动巡航状态,放松地进入熟悉的日常工作的无意识舒适之中。威廉.华兹华斯在19世纪说:“不是选择,而是习惯驾驭了轻率的兽群”。在 21世纪,即使是习惯也带上了负面涵义。因此在与创意和创新相同的语境里谈习惯似乎有些矛盾。但从事大脑研究的人员已经发现,当我们有意识地开发新习惯时,我们甚至能够创造全新的脑细胞,这能够使我们的思绪跳跃到创新的轨道上。不必将我们当作是一成不变的习惯的动物,我们实际可以通过有意识地开发新习惯来引导我们自己的变化。实际匕我们越多尝试新东西,越多超越我们的舒适区,我们就会从内在里具备创

42、造性,不管是工作上还是生活里。开放的思想一书的作者Dawna Markova说,我们所有人都以我们意识不到的方式来处理问题。20世纪60年代的研究人员发现,人类出生时就有能力以四种方式应对挑战:分析性,程序性,相 关 性(合作性)和创新性。但在青少年时期,大脑关闭一半的能力,仅保留哪些似乎在人生最初10多年中最有价值的哪些思维模式。目前对于标准化测试的重视强调分析和程序,意味着我们之中很少有人生来就能运用我们的创造性和合作性思维模式。2006年出版的 今年我将一书作者M.J.Ryan解释说:“这破坏了美国信仰体系中的最重要法则一每个人都能做成任何事情”。这种重视很明显导致了平庸表现。相反地,知

43、道你擅长做的,并且多做会成就卓越。就是在此新习惯登场了。如果你是一个分析型或程序型的思考者,你学习的方式不同于先天是创新或合作型的人。找出你过去学习的有用的东西,你可以画出未来可以开发的附加技巧和行为图。Ryan女士说:“如果你有路径来学习,就要用它,因为这将比在你的大脑创作全新的路径要容易得多。”Ryan和 Markova两位女士已经发现了她们称之为三种存在区的东西:舒适,拉伸,压力。舒适是现存习惯的领地。压力是在挑战远远超越目前经验,以至于不可抗拒时发生。处于中间的是拉伸区,是一些感到有点别扭和不熟悉的活动,就在这一区发生真正的变化。根据Ryan女士的说法,进入拉伸区对你是有好处的。这有助

44、于你保持大脑健康。结果显示除非我们继续学习新东西,这样挑战我们大脑去创造新路径,否则大脑就会开始变弱,这可能会导致大脑疾病。她推荐练习一种叫做kaizen的技巧,这种技巧需要微小而持续的提高。同时,你去看看你的同事是如何应对挑战的,这 是 Markova小姐提出的建议。我们总是相信那些做法和我们一致的人要比那些做法和我们不一致的人聪明得多。这种倾向对商业具有致命的打击,对那些身边尽是些附和者的老板们来说尤其如此。如果论资排辈和职务晋升都要建立在对高层领导想法的附和之上,那么这个公司的才智肯定会趋于单一化。2011考研英语阅读新题型(7选5)模拟题及解析Directions:You are go

45、ing to read a list of headings and a text about preparing in theacademic community.Choose the most suitable heading from the list A-G for each numberedparagraph(41-45).The first and last paragraphs of the text are not numbered.There is one extraheading which you do not need to use.Mark your answers

46、on ANSWER SHEET 1.(10 points)Long before Man lived on the Earth,there were fishes,reptiles,birds,insects,andsome mammals.Although some of these animals were ancestors of kinds living today,othersare now extinct,that is,they have no descendants alive now.41 Very occasionally the rocks show impression

47、 of skin,so that,apart from color,wecan build up a reasonably accurate picture of an animal that died millions of years ago.Thatkind of rock in which the remains are found tells us much about the nature of the original land,often of the plants that grew on it,and even of its climate.42 Nearly all of

48、 the fossils that we know were preserved in rocks formed by wateraction,and most of these are of animals that lived in or near water.Thus it follows that theremust be many kinds of mammals,birds,and insects of which we know noting.43 There were also crablike creatures,whose bodies were covered with

49、a hornysubstance.The body segments each had two pairs of legs,one pair for walking on the sandybottom,the other for swimming.The head was a kind of shield with a pair of compound eyes,often with thousands of lenses.They were usually an inch or two long but some were 2 feet.44 Of these,the ammonites

50、are very interesting and important.They have a shellcomposed of many chambers,each representing a temporary home of the animal.As the younggrew larger it grew a new chamber and sealed off the previous one.Thousands of these can beseen in the rocks on the Dorset Coast.45 About 75 million years ago th


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