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1、外研版初中英语七年级下册同步练习题(全册)基础巩固一、根据汉语意思写出单词的正确形式Ms Li:(欢迎)back to school everyone!First of all,come and look in the(失物招领盒)!There are a lot of things in it.Whose bag is this?Lingling:Oh sorry!It s(我的).Are my crayons there too?Ms Li:Are these c r a y o n s(你的)?Lingling:Yes,they are and this eraser too.Thank

2、 you.Ms Li:tapes are these?Darning:Theyre mine.Ms Li:Heres a pur pl e(钱包)!Tony:Ifs mine.Look!Her e s(我的)name TonyII!Thank you.Ms Li:Youre welcome!Look at this nice watch.Is it yours too,Darning?Darning:No,it isnt.I think its(Betty).Lingling:Yes,its hers.Ms Li:Everyone,please be(care)with your things

3、 from now on.Darning:Here are some nice gloves.Whose gloves are they?Ms Li:Let me see.Oh,theyre mine!Thank you!Welcome the New York City Lost and Found Office.People of t e n(丢)things when theyre travelling or when theyre in hurry.They leave things on planes,ontrains,on buses and in taxis.Thafs why

4、there are lost and found offices at airports and stations.The New York City Lost and Found Office is very big.(数百)of people comehere every day.They are(找)for their phones,cameras,watches,computers and manyother things.We usually have about two(千)mobile phones and one thousand_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _(照相机).At

5、the moment,there are also some strange things at the New York City Lost and FoundOffice.There are about a hundred bikes and large boat.There are also a lot of animals.This week,there are three dogs,two ducks and a pig!Whose are they?Are they yours?We dontknow!Are you looking for fifteen kilos of sau

6、sages?Theyre here too!二、句子翻译I.这儿有一些很好的手套。some nice gloves.2.让我看一下你的护照。your passport.3.从今以后我们一定要好好学习。We must study hard.4.这就是我努力工作得原因。I work so hard.5.首先,请小心看好自己的物品。,please your things.6.人们在旅行中或匆忙下常常会丢东西。People often things when they orwhen.7.你在寻找你的手机吗?失物招领箱里有一个。your mobilephone?.三、代词相关练习题1:人称代词人称、型单

7、数复数主格宾格主格宾格第一人称Iwe第二人称youyour第三人称hetheysheit人称代词主格在句中作主语,放在句首;动词或介词后作宾语,用宾格。He sits in front of me.I often help him.2:物主代词1.表示“所有”关系的代词叫物主代词,物主代词分为形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词,物主代词有人称和数的变化。数类别单数复数我的你的他/她/它的我们的你们的他们的/她们的/它们的形容词性物主代词my名词性物主代词mine2.形容词性物主代词+名 词=名词性物主代词These are their new books.Ours are over there.

8、这里的 ours=I left my dictionary at home.May I use yours?这里的 yours=Is this basketball yours?这里的 yours=3.形容词性物主代词不能与冠词(a/an/the)指 示 代 词(this/that/these/those)等限定词连用。判断正误:()my mobile phone()my a mobile phone()a my mobile phone()her book()this her book()her this book4.用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空人称代词和物主代词(1)选出括号中正确的词,

9、在正确的词上打勾。1.This is(my/I)mother.2.Nice to meet(your/you).3.(He/His)name is Mark.4.Whats(she/her)name?5.Excuse(me/my/1).6.Are(your/you)Miss Li?7.(1/My)am Ben.8.(She/Her)is my sister.9.Fine,thank(your/you).10.How old is(he/his)?(2)用所给词的正确形式填空。1.These are(he)brothers.2.That is(she)sister.3.Lily is(Lucy)

10、sister.4.Tom,this is(me)cousin,Mary.6.Those(child)are(I)father9s students.7.Do you know(it)name?8.Mike and Tom(be)friends.9.Thanks for h e l p i n g(I).10.(Ann 安)mother i s(we)teacher.七年级上册Module 2基础巩固一、根据汉语意思写出单词的正确形式Darning:Look!The new clubs for this term are on the board.Id l i k e(j o i n)theMu

11、sic Club because Ican(弹钢琴).What about you,Betty?Betty:I l i k e(c o o k),so I can join the Food and Drink Cl ub.youcook,Darning?Darning:No,I cant.Well,I can cook eggs,but thafs all.What about Lingling?Whichclub can she join?Betty:I think shed like to join the Dancing Club she can dance really well.T

12、ony,how about you?Tony:Ed like to join the(中文)Club.I carft(说)Chinese verywell.Darning:Dont worry Chinese.We can teach (你)Chinese!Sochoose your(最喜欢的)club.Tony:OK then.I play table tennis,so I choose the Table Tennis Club.Thats myfavourite!Ifs the(开始)of the new term and were choosing our new(班长).Ed li

13、ke to be the class monitor.I(和.友好相处)everyone,classmates andteachers.I work very(努力),and I do well at school.Im kind and Pm alwaysready to help others.I can even help teachers too.Choose me as your class monitor and Ipromise to help YOU!I want to be the PE monitor.I enjoy sport,and I can run really f

14、ast.Im really fit andhealthy.Just watch me in the playground between lessons!I play most ball games well.But Imreally good at football,and I play basketball in the school team.I usually get the best(分数)in every match.Choose me for the PE monitor and you can get the best score_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _(也)

15、!rd like to be the cleaning monitor.I often help my mother do(clean)at homeand I like a clean and tidy house.Im sure(所有人)would like a clean classroom,just like home.Choose me and we can make(我们的)classroom beautiful.二、句子翻译1.我和同学们相处得很好。I my classmates.2.玲玲跳舞跳得很好。Lingling can .3.她乐于助人。She others.4.他们能教

16、他英语。They.5.大明经常帮助妈妈打扫房间。Darning often.6.我们能把教室变漂亮。We can.三、一般现在时复习检 测1:写出下列动词的第三人称单数drink go stay make look have.pass carry come watch plantfly study brush do teach检测2:用括号内动词的适当形式填空。1.He o f t e n(h a v e)dinner at home.2.Daniel and T o m m y(b e)in Class One.3.We(not watch)TV on Mondays.4.Ni c k(no

17、t go)to the zoo on Sundays.5.t h e y(l i k e)the World Cup?6.What they o f t e n(d o)on Saturdays?7.your p a r e n t s(r e a d)newspapers every day?8.The g i r l(t e a c h)us English on Sundays.9.She and I(t a ke)a walk together every evening.10.T h e r e(b e)some water in the bottle.综合提升一、单词拼写1.1 c

18、ame(匆匆忙忙)and forgot to bring food.2.(成百上千的)people come here every day.3.Everyone,please(仔细的,小心对待)your things from now on.4.T h e r e(b e)some books and a pen on the table.5.Our dress is more beautiful than(他们的).二.单项选择()1.What language does she?A.tell B.speak C.talk D.say()2.There a ruler and two pen

19、s on the desk.A.is B.are C.am D.be()3.-Is this your bike?一n o,i s in my house.Perhaps ifs.A.my,her B.mine,hers C.mine,her D.my,hers()4.-Do you eat fruit and vegetables every day?-Yes,I like t h e m.A.a lot,a lot of B.a lot of,a lotC.a lot of,a lot of D.a lot,a lot()5.There are students in Grade One

20、in our school.A.hundreds B.hundredC.hundreds ofD.hundred of()6.We the blackboard,but we can nothing.A.look,see B.look at,watchC.look at,see D.see,look at()7.He his pen in the pencil box,but he cant it.A.look for,find B.looks for,findsC.finds,look for D.looks for,find()8.Can you help me some cleaning

21、?A.do B.does C.in D.for()9.Can you sing?-Yes,I can s i ng.A.good B.well C.nice D.many()10.Who can play guitar in your school?A.a B.the C.an D./()11.-can you do?-1 can paint.A.When B.Where C.Who D.What()12.-she speak English?-No,she cant.She is a ChineseA.Does B.Can C.Do D.Is()13.一 Can you play footb

22、all?-.Ifs easy.A.Yes,I can B.No,I cantC.Yes,you can D.No,you cant()14.They would like to school by car.A.go B.to go C.going D.are going()15.Toms father enjoys English songs.A.listen to B.to listenC.listening to D.to listen to三、用所给单词的适当形式填空1.Each of the students in our c la s s(s tu d y)very hard.2.M

23、y parents a lw a y s(a s k)m e(g o)bed early.3.E v e ry o n e(sp e a k)English loudly now.4.My father is a(t e a c h)and h e(t e a c h)English.5.Td l i k e(p l a y)chess with me.6.She l i k e s(swim).7.Betty wa n t s(become)a doctor when she grows up.8.Can you(help)my brother with his English?四、句型转换

24、1.There are a hundred people in the hall.(就划线部分提问)people are there in the hall?2.This bag is mine.(就划线部分提问)bag is this?3.These rulers are ours.(变为一般疑问句并作肯定回答)_ these r u l e r s?Yes,.4.Im afraid hes not here now.(改为同义句)Pm afraid he飞 not here.5.Are these crayons Lilys?(作否定回答)No,they9re.6.He can ride

25、a bike.(改为一般疑问句)he a bike?7.Her favourite sport is swimming.(对划线部分提问)her favourite sport?8.Grace learns English by reading aloud.(改为否定句)Gr a c e English by reading aloud.五、阅读理解One day,Mr.Smith goes to a dinner party.He is wearing very old clothes.He comes into theroom.But people in the room dont loo

26、k at him.They dont ask him to sit at the table.He isnthappy.But he says nothing.Mr.Smith goes home quickly and puts on his best clothes.He goes back to the party.Everyone in the room stands up and looks at him.They give him good food to eat.Mr.Smith takes off his coat and puts it on the food and say

27、s,Eat,coat!The other people are astonished and ask,What are you doing?Why do you do that?Mr.Smith answers,4tI am asking my coat to eat food.When I wear old clothes,you dont look atme.You dont ask me to sit down.Now I am wearing these nice clothes.And you give me goodfood.Now I see,you give the food

28、to my coat,not to me.”1.One day,Mr.Smith goes to.A.a birthday party B.a dinner party C.an English party D.a movie2.When he comes into the room,the people dont look al him.Why?A.Because the people dont ask him to come.B.Because Mr.Smith wears old clothes.C.Because Mr.Smith doesnt say hello to them fi

29、rst.D.Because it is night,they dont see him.3.Why does he go home quickly?A.Because he doesnt want to stay there.B.Because he goes home for his best clothes.C.Because the people there ask him to leave.D.Because he doesn*t like the food there.4.Whats the meaning of astonished in Chinese?A.高兴的 B.不满的 C

30、.感到奇怪的 D.生气的5.Which is right according to the article?A.A person in good clothes should eat good food.B.A good coat should eat good food.C.We canft judge a man by his clothes.D.Mr.Smi由 is slupid(愚蠢的)七年级上册Module3基础巩固一、根据汉语意思写出单词的正确形式Unit 1 What are you going to do at the(周末)?Betty:What are you going

31、to do at the weekend,Darning?Darning:On Saturday morning,Im going(check)my email and do myhomework.Then Im going to help with the housework.What are you going todo,Betty?Betty:Im going to(看)a movie in the afternoon.You can come too.Darning:Sure!Who(另 ll 的)is going to be there?Betty:Nobody.Lingling i

32、s going to have a piano lesson,so she cant come with us,buton Sunday afternoon,Lingling and I are going to have a picnic.Would you like_(join)us?Darning:Yes,Id love to.Are we going to meet here?Betty:No,we arent.We are going to meet in the park at one oclock.Tony:Hi,everyone!Betty:Hi,Tony.What are y

33、our plans for the weekend?Tony:Nothing.Tm going to stay at home(独自).Betty:Dont be silly!Youre going to come(和)us.Its going to be a fantasticweekend!Unit 2 We are going to cheer the playersWhat are you going to do?AIm looking forward to the football mat ch(明天).My friends and I are going to watchour(最

34、喜欢的)team.We,re going to meet ot her(球迷),and make some newfriends.Were all going to wear the team shirt,and we5re going to cheer the players.I hopethey win the(比赛)!-MartinBIm going to enj oy(I)during the May Day holiday.On the morning of 1st May,Tmgoing to get late and then read book.In the afternoon

35、 Im going out withmy family and friends.Were going to take a walk in the country or go(swim).Andon 2st May were going to col l ect(垃圾)in the park near my friends house.Ws goingto be a great holiday busy but good(乐趣)!-Zhang SijiaCU sually I spend the Summer holiday at home,this year is going to be ve

36、ry(不同的)because m going on a summer camp in Sy dne y,(澳大利亚).Imgoing to stay with an Australian family and speak English.Were also going sightseeing andgoing to have a picnic the beach.Lucy二、句子翻译L 你明天打算做什么?What tomorrow?2.玲玲打算去公园里野餐。Lingling in the park.3.我们清明节打算好好玩一下。We atTomb-sweeping Festival.4.周六早

37、上,我打算和我的朋友一起去乡下走走。I my friendsSaturday morning.5.我期待着下周和你一起去野营。I next week.三、一般将来时复习1.一Which team do you think the game?Hard to say.There are still ten minutes before it ends.A.won B.has won C.will win D.wins2.Dad for the U SA in two weeks.A.is leave B.leaves C.is leaving D.left3.Im going school by

38、bike tomorrow.A to will go B to go to C go to D to go4.Will you go to the cinema with me tomorrow?Sorry,I skating with Tom.A.go B.went C.have gone D.will go5.Look at the dark clouds.There a storm.A is B is going to be C will be D will to be6.Li Ming is 10 years old now,next year he 11.A is B is goin

39、g to be C will be D will to be7.There a basketball match this afternoon.A is going to be B is going to have C are going to be D are going to have综合提升一、用所给词的正确形式填空1 Im looking forward t o(vi si t)Weihai one day.2 Would you like to go(swi m)with me on Sunday.3 John is t he(t wo)son of Mr Green.4 Im go

40、ing to enj oy(I)in Beijing.5 How ma n y(p l a y)are there in a basketball team?6 I e nj oy(me)playing computer games.7 They live on t he(t wo)floor.8 Lets go(camp).9 They are interested i n(Aus t r al i a)history.10 They are g o i n g(s i g h t s e e)next week.二、语法练习检 测 1:句型转换1 I learn English every

41、 d a y.(用 tomorrow 替换 every day 改写句子)2 I learn Chinese because I like Chinese culture.(对划线部分提问)3 Susan is going to the zoo.She likes anim als.(用 because 连成一个句子)4 John is going to have some classmates tomorrow.(改为否定句)John to have classes tomorrow5 Vm going to have fun in B eijing.(改为同义句)Im going to i

42、n Beijing.6 Henry is going to go sightseeing tomorrow.(对划线部分提问)is Henry going to tomorrow?检测2:语法填空Summer holidays(come).Mary,Jack and Ann(talk)about their plans.Ann(have)some piano lessons.She likes(play)the piano,but she c a n t(pl a y)the piano,but she cant(play)it well.J a c k (visit)Beijing with

43、 his parents.They9regoing to walk on the Great Wall and(take)some photos there.Mary(ride)her bike to travel around America.She likes travelling;she(do)some sightseeing.I think t h e y(h a v e)d u n during the summer holidays三、根据句意,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。1.He is g o i n g(c h e c k)his email.2.Lingling is g

44、 o i n g(h a v e)a piano lesson.3.1 l i k e(c o o k)Sunday lunch for my parents.4.On Sunday morning I u s u a l l y(g e t)up early.5.You like listening t o(m u s i c).四、翻译句子。1.我不打算查看电子邮件。2.我们盼望着周末上钢琴课。3.他今晚打算干什么?4.周末我打算早起。五、单项选择1.Tom usually gets up 8:00 am S u n d a y.A.at;at B.on;on C.on;at D.at;o

45、n2.Tom is going to the cinema he likes films.A.but B.because C.a D.or3.We all hope Betty can the first place in the singing competition(比赛).A.check B.cheer C.win D.enjoy4.1 havent seen my old friends for years.Tm really looking forward them.A.meet B.met C.to meeting D.to meet5.Is Lucy going to visit

46、 Disneyland?A.Yes,she isntB.No,she doesC.Yes,she is D.Yes,she does6.Look at the heavy clouds(乌云)!It.A.rains B.is rainingC.is going to rain D.rained7.Til have two days to in Hangzhou.A.sightseeing B.went cyclingC.go sightseeing D.gone sightseeing8.There classes this Sunday.So we are going to work on

47、the farm.A.have B.dont haveC.are going to be D.arent going to be9.1 am going to tomorrow morning.I dont want to get up early!A.enjoy the sun B.have a picnicC.stay in bed D.check the email10.Who swimming with us tomorrow afternoon?A.will go B.do goC.will going D.shall goes四、完形填空“Tell me what you are

48、1 on Sunday morning,Mike,Mr.Wang asks.T m going to see anew film.If s an English film 2 the life of the students in America.Bill tells me its_ 3fantastic.“After 4 the film,what are you going to do?”Mr.Wang wants 5.T m going to readChinese,M Mike says.Do you like it?”asks Mr.Wang.Chinese is not easy

49、for me,6 I like itvery much.Im going to work hard 7 it.After lunch Im going to do my homework.I think Ican do it better than before.Then_ 8_about Sunday evening?”Mr.Wang asks.After supperIm going to help Han Mei_ 9_her English.She wants my help,“Mike says.“You are going to have a busy day!10 Mr.Wang

50、.1.A.doingB.going to do C.go to doD.going2.A.ofB.forC.withD.about3.A.muchB.manyC.veryD.less4.A.seeB.seeingC.to seeD.sees5.A.knowB.knowingC.knowsD.to know6.A.butB.becauseC.andD.or7.A.inB.atC.withD.to8.A.whereB.whenC.whoD.what9.A.onB.withC.atD.for10.A.speaks B.saysC.talksD.smiles五、阅读理解Im going to have


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