2021版高考北师大版英语大一轮复习能力提升题组训练:Unit 23 Conflict.pdf

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1、2021 版高考北师大版英语大一轮复习能力提升题组训练:Unit 23Conflict Word 版含答案20212021 版高考北师大版英语大一轮复习能力提升版高考北师大版英语大一轮复习能力提升题组训练:题组训练:Unit 23Unit 23Conflict WordConflict Word版含答案版含答案(可编辑可编辑)姓名,年级:时间:2021 版高考北师大版英语大一轮复习能力提升题组训练:Unit 23Conflict Word 版含答案Unit 23Conflict能力提升题组训练(A)。阅读(2019 湖南郴州高三第二次质检)Howtohelpyourselvesfacingth

2、efrequentoccurrence of crowded stampede(踩踏)during theholiday?If you are in a crowd,a first and most essentialthingistomakeyourselffamiliarwithyoursurroundings。No matter where you are,make sure youalways know how to get out.Make yourself aware of the type of ground you arestanding on,and know that in

3、 a crowd of movingpeople,wetorunevengroundcanbeslipperyordangerous,causing you to fall。Be aware of the general atmosphere of the event,as panic situations can often be predicted。When indanger,a few seconds can make all the difference,givingyouthepossibilityoftakingadvantageofyourescaping route.Alway

4、s stay closer to the escape route.2021 版高考北师大版英语大一轮复习能力提升题组训练:Unit 23Conflict Word 版含答案If you find yourself in the middle of a movingcrowd,do not fight against the pressure,do not standstill or sit down,because you could easily get trampled(被踩踏).Instead,move in the same direction of thecrowd;take ad

5、vantage of any space that may open up tomove sideways。Keep your hands up by your chest,likea boxerit gives you movement and protects your chest.If you fall,get up quickly.If you cant get upbecause you are injured,get someone to pull you backup.If you have kids,lift them up.If you fall and cannotget

6、up,keep moving by crawling in the same directionof the crowd,or if that is not possible,then cover yourhead with your arms and curl up into the fetal(胎儿的)position(do not lay on your stomach or back,asthisdangerouslyexposesyourlungs).Theworstsituation is to be pushed by the crowd against animmovable

7、object。Try to stay away from walls,fencesor barricades,as the crowd pressure can build uprapidly。1。What is the first important when you are in a crowd?A。Protect your breast.B.Call the ambulance quickly。C。Press with the crowd tightly。D.Be familiar with2021 版高考北师大版英语大一轮复习能力提升题组训练:Unit 23Conflict Word

8、版含答案your surroundings quickly。2。What should you do if you fall and cannot get up ina crowd?A.Shout at the crowd loudly。B。Wait for someone tosave you.C。Cover your head with your arms。D.Layontheground without moving。3.What should you do if you find yourself pressed inthe middle of the crowd?A。Cry for

9、help and fight against the pressure。B。Move towards the same direction of the crowd。C.Keep still and wait for the crowd to leave slowly。D。Keep bending down with a hand around your head.4。Who is the suitable reader about the passage?A。The people of all ages。B.The children。C.The parents。D。The teachers。

10、语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述的是在节日期间如何帮助自己面对频繁发生的拥挤踩踏事件.答案及剖析:1.D细节理解题。根据第二段第一句If you are in acrowd,a first and most essential thing is to makeyourself familiar with your surroundings.可知,当你2021 版高考北师大版英语大一轮复习能力提升题组训练:Unit 23Conflict Word 版含答案在人群中时,快速熟悉周围环境是第一重要的。故选 D.2。C细节理解题。根据第六段中 If you fall and cannotget u

11、p,keep moving by crawling in the same directionof the crowd,or if that is not possible,then cover yourhead with your arms 可知,如果你在人群中跌倒而不能站起来,用胳膊护住你的头。故选 C。3。B细节理解题.根据第五段中 Instead,move in the samedirection of the crowd可知,如果你在人群中跌倒而不能站起来,向人群的同一方向移动。故选 B。4。A推理判断题。根据第一段How to help yourselvesfacing the f

12、requent occurrence of crowded stampede(踩踏)during the holiday?由此推知这篇文章适合所有人群。故选 A。七选五(2019 安徽合肥高三第二次质检)Whatsthepurposeofbuildingpatienceabilities?In a word,happiness。Better relationships,more success.But indeed it takes efforts to build themsuccessfully。1。Thus,when the big ones come,we will have deve

13、loped the patience we need for hardtimes。Understandtheaddictivenatureofangerandimpatience。We,human beings,are still constructed with2021 版高考北师大版英语大一轮复习能力提升题组训练:Unit 23Conflict Word 版含答案our old reptilian(爬行动物似的)brain that protectsour physical and emotional survival.On the emotionalsurvivalside,wewant

14、ourwaytogetahead,toachieve,to“look good。”Lets just face it.2。So the first step in growing patience is to get in touchwiththeaddictivequalityoftheoppositeofpatienceanger,impatience,blaming and shaming.We allhave them。And we can grow beyond them。Upgradeourattitudetowardsdiscomfortandpain.Pain has its

15、purposes and pushes us to findsolutions-we try to change the other person,situationor thing that we think is causing our discomfort。Butthe problem is that it is not the outside thing thatsthe source of our pain,but how our mind is set.3.Pay attention when the impatience or pain starts。Most of us don

16、t really realize it when we are feelingeven the smallestbut very presentpainful feelings。4。But to really care for ourselves,get curiousabout whats actually happening in the moment insideyou。Focusing on whats actually happening,you cannotice the worry of not wanting whats happening,theresistance.2021

17、 版高考北师大版英语大一轮复习能力提升题组训练:Unit 23Conflict Word 版含答案5.When you find yourself impatient,or angrywith yourself,you can remind yourself that you aregrowing,and that,“Sure,this is understandable;thisis what happens to me when Im bothered。”You cansay to yourself,“Its true。I dont like this;thisis uncomfortab

18、le,but I can tolerate it.A.Practice positive selftalk。B.So the solution to pain is an inside job.C。Patience abilities benefit you in many ways。D。Learn to forgive yourself for being impatient in hardtimes。E.We ignore the fact that were in pain and focuscompletely on fixing the problem.F.The urge to p

19、rotect ourselves and what we considervaluable is absolutely habitforming。G。Effective ways are recommended to train ourselvesto work with little pains and annoyances.答案:1-5GFBEA.完形填空Once there was a manager who was a single parentto his three daughters。One morning he asked his oldestdaughter,Sonia,to

20、1 the breakfast dishes before2021 版高考北师大版英语大一轮复习能力提升题组训练:Unit 23Conflict Word 版含答案going to school.Not2 that she was already runninglate and facing punishment,he was astonished by her3.She burst into tears。Again,assuming that she wasmerely trying to get out of an unpleasant householdduty,he demanded

21、that she dry her tears and get backto work immediately。She4 obeyed him,but her angercould be clearly sensed。That morning he drove to5after dropping her daughter without expressing his6for her。He tried to work but couldnt concentrate;allhe could see was his daughters7 tearful face。The man began to re

22、alize that his timing had gone wrongand he began to feel8.He couldnt wait tillsuppertime to apologize.So he took permission from theschooltotakehisdaughterfor9andsaid,“Sonia,I am very sorry!I had no right on askingyou to10 at home this morning without any11warning。I upset you at a time when you most

23、 needed mylove and support.And I let you go without saying Ilove you。I was wrong.Please12me.”Sonia put her13around her fathers neck andhugged him and said,“Oh,Dad,of course I forgive you。I love you too.”2021 版高考北师大版英语大一轮复习能力提升题组训练:Unit 23Conflict Word 版含答案The14 of these restorative(促使康复的)words,“Iams

24、orry!”issuchthatthey15relationshipsbetween us and our friends,between usand our loved one.1.A。setB。buyC.do D.arrange2。A。recognizing B.realizingC.tellingD.explaining3.A.reaction B.appearance C。gesture D。words4。A.hesitantly B。joyfullyC.painfullyD.unwillingly5.A.office B。school C。garage D.supermarket6。

25、A。amazement B。agreement C.loveD.interest7。A。delighted B.satisfactoryC.excited D。scared8。A。upsetB.regretfulC。disappointed D。honored9。A.breakfastB。lunchC.supperD.holiday10。A.deal with B.try out C.help out D。take on11。A.previousB。preciousC.formalD.obvious12。A.tolerateB。punish C.forgive D。guide13。A.legs

26、 B.armsC。handsD.ears14。A。secretB。useC.advantageD。power15。A.create B。breakC.mendD。deepen语篇解读:本文是一篇夹叙夹议的文章。女儿早上上学快要2021 版高考北师大版英语大一轮复习能力提升题组训练:Unit 23Conflict Word 版含答案迟到了,爸爸没有意识到,却让女儿做家务,女儿没有违背爸爸的意愿,但她哭了。后来爸爸意识到自己错了,向女儿道歉。答案及剖析:1。Cset 树立,点燃;buy 买;do 做;arrange 安排.一天早晨,他让他的大女儿索尼娅在上学前洗早餐的盘子.do thebreakf

27、ast dishes“洗早餐的盘子”,故选 C.2。Brecognizing 认出;realizing 意识到;telling 告诉;explaining 解释.爸爸让女儿洗盘子,说明他没意识到女儿上学要迟到,故选 B.3.Areaction 反应;appearance 外表,外貌;gesture 手势;words 单词。既然没有意识到女儿上学要迟到了,所以看见女儿哭了,当然是很惊讶。可知选 A。4.Dhesitantly 犹豫地;joyfully 高兴地;painfully 痛苦地;unwillingly 不情愿地.根据下文 but her anger could beclearly sen

28、sed.由此推知女儿“不情愿地服从了爸爸的命令”。but 表示前后是一种转折关系,故选 D。5。Aoffice办公室;school学校;garage车库;supermarket超级市场。根据下文 He tried to work 可知他把女儿送到学校后去了办公室。故选 A。6.Camazement 惊异;agreement 同意;love 爱;interest兴趣。根据下文 And I let you go without saying I love2021 版高考北师大版英语大一轮复习能力提升题组训练:Unit 23Conflict Word 版含答案you。可知在送女儿上学的时候没有表达对

29、女儿的爱。故选 C。7。Ddelighted 高兴的;satisfactory 满意的;excited 兴奋的;scared 害怕的。根据上文可知,女儿当时尽管生气但还是没有违背爸爸的意愿,所以这里应该是“他看到女儿感到害怕且充满泪水的脸”。故选 D.8。Bupset 心烦的;regretful 后悔的;disappointed 失望的;honored 受尊敬的。根据 The man began to realizethat his timing had gone wrong 可知爸爸开始感到后悔。故选 B.9.Bbreakfast 早餐;lunch 午饭;supper 晚饭;holiday

30、节日。根据上文 He couldnt wait till suppertime toapologize。可知,所以他得到学校的允许带女儿去吃午饭。故选 B。10.Cdeal with处理;try out试验;help out帮助摆脱困境;take on 承担,呈现。根据上文的描述可知,此处意为:让你帮忙做家务.故选 C。11。Aprevious 以前的;precious 珍贵的;formal 正式的;obvious 明显的。根据上文的描述可知,此处意为:在没有任何事先提醒的情况下让你帮忙做家务.故选 A。12。Ctolerate 容忍;punish 惩罚;forgive 原谅;guide指导。

31、上文的 And I let you go without saying I love2021 版高考北师大版英语大一轮复习能力提升题组训练:Unit 23Conflict Word 版含答案you.I was wrong。可知爸爸请求原谅。故选 C。13。Blegs 腿;arms 胳膊;hands 手;ears 耳朵.根据 aroundher fathers neck and hugged him可知女儿拥抱爸爸。B项符合语境。14.Dsecret 秘密;use 使用,用途;advantage 优势;power力 量,能 力。根 据suchthatthey15relationshipsbetw

32、een us and our friends,between usand our loved ones,and between us and God。可知,此处指这句话的力量.故选 D.15。Ccreate 创造;break 打破,折断;mend 修补;deepen加深.根据上文的描述以及常识可知,此处指:修复了我们和朋友之间、我们和亲人之间的关系。故选 C。能力提升题组训练(B)。阅读AIn January,we participated in an archaeological(考古学的)dig near the Okbo Elementary School inKiyotake,Japa

33、n,along with housewives and elderlyfarmers。It was really cold,and a strong wind wasblowing all the time。2021 版高考北师大版英语大一轮复习能力提升题组训练:Unit 23Conflict Word 版含答案The work we did was to dig down in the soil 5 cmat a time and look for something ancient such as earthenvessels,stone tools,and arrowheads。Some

34、times we dugdown 30 cm at once。We dug down to some layers which could be seenon the soil wall。The different colors of these layersshowed what had happened at different ages.Also,in a few places where ancient people cooked,there were the remains of ashes and charcoal。Thematerial that we longed to fin

35、d was“Kokuyoseki”,or obsidian(十胜石),a clear black stone for cuttingmeat and making arrowheads,because it is really hardto find and is beautiful.From 8:30 to 5:00,we continued to dig in the soil。Then we had to get rid of the soil which we dug.The coldclimate,the cold wind,and the dust made it hard for

36、 us。We couldnt open our eyes.Sometimes we measured the size of each stone andour boss drew the shape.It was really detailed work andmade us exhausted,but we still carried out theexcavation(挖掘).Now,however,wefeelitwasareallygood2021 版高考北师大版英语大一轮复习能力提升题组训练:Unit 23Conflict Word 版含答案opportunity because

37、we were able to feel the ancientmystery and the reality of the work.Besides,we wereable to become friends with the housewives and farmerswho were also participating in the dig.1.What does the author of the passage mainly tell us?A。His experience in joining in an archaeological dig。B.How he found som

38、e ancient objects in the soil。C.Where people can find earthen vessels and arrowheads。D。The relationship between himself and some farmers。2。From the passage we can infer that。A。he had to dig as deep as possible B。digging forancient things is boringC。he seldom found anything ancientD。excavation isreal

39、ly hard work3。What can people know from the colors of the layersof soil?A。What the weather was like a long time ago.B。What people lived on in ancient times.C.The exact time obsidian formed.D.Thethings thathappened at different ages.4。The most exciting thing for them is.A。to find a place where people

40、 cooked B.to see the2021 版高考北师大版英语大一轮复习能力提升题组训练:Unit 23Conflict Word 版含答案remains of charcoal and ashesC.to find a kind of stone used for cutting meatD。todig out some arrowheads语篇解读:本文是记叙文。作者是一名学生,有幸参加了一次考古挖掘活动。在这次活动中,作者经历了考古挖掘的辛苦,学到了很多考古知识,也收获了友谊.答案及剖析:1.A主旨大意题。根据文章的第一句“In January,weparticipated in

41、an archaeological dig。.以及全文的内容可以看出,文章主要讲述了作者参加的一次考古挖掘经历。2.D推理判断题。根据第五段最后两句“The coldclimate,the cold wind,and the dust made it hard forus.We couldnt open our eyes。”可知,当时天冷、风大、尘土多,由此可知,考古挖掘是件“不容易的工作。A 项“挖得尽量深”;B 项“挖掘古代的东西是无聊的”;C 项“很少找到古代的东西”都与原文内容不符。3。D细节理解题。根据第三段的第二句“The dif ferentcolors of theselaye

42、rs showed what had happened atdifferent ages.”可知,土层的不同颜色展示出不同时代发生的事情.4.C细节理解题。根据第四段的第二句可知,他们渴望发现2021 版高考北师大版英语大一轮复习能力提升题组训练:Unit 23Conflict Word 版含答案的东西是十胜石,这种东西黑得透明,可用来切肉或做箭头,并且它很难找到,又很美丽,因此找到十胜石让他们兴奋.BLadies and gentlemen,I returned to this year in atime machine.In the year 2500,we are able to tra

43、velthroughtimetoanyyearinthehistoryoftheearth.This year is your last chance to changeyourlifestyle to save the earth。Beginning in the middle of the 20th century,a fewpeople were worried about polluting the earths waterand air,but most people did not change their way oflife。Instead,theycontinuedtopou

44、rdangerouschemicals and other waste into lakes and seas,to drivemore and more cars and trucks,and to cut down trees。By the year 2200,the earths water was completelypolluted.People could no longer drink water,and theyhad to use other types of liquids.So,by the year 2300,there were so many people that

45、food became scarce.There was no water to grow food andall of the fish in the lakes and seas died because of2021 版高考北师大版英语大一轮复习能力提升题组训练:Unit 23Conflict Word 版含答案pollution。Terrible wars broke out between the rich andthe poor。Scientists were working very hard to findanother planet in space where humans

46、 could live.By the year 2400,the air was too polluted for humansto breathe.So we had to leave earth。But only the richwereabletoleave.Wheredidwego?Nowhere。Thescientists did not find another safe planet,so now wemust travel around the universe in our spaceships.Weare still looking for a place to call

47、our home.So,it is up to you to change history.There is stillhope。You must change your lifestyle now,before it istoo late。5.Which problem is NOT talked about in Paragraph 2?A。Water.B。Air.C.Lifestyle。D。Food。6.Whats the meaning of“scarce in Paragraph 4?A.Valuable.B。Enough。C。Lacking.D。Special。7.Which of

48、 the following is TRUE?A。Only a few people changed their lifestyle in the 20thcentury。B.There wasnt enough food for people to eat by the year2200。C。All the animals died because of pollution by the year2021 版高考北师大版英语大一轮复习能力提升题组训练:Unit 23Conflict Word 版含答案2300。D。We found a new home in another planet b

49、y the year2400.8。Whats the best title of the passage?A。Stop Polluting B.Change or LeaveC.Look for New HomeD.Return to the Earth语篇解读:本文是记叙文.文章从未来的角度指出人们如果不改变生活方式,地球在未来几百年将发生巨变.答案及剖析:5.D细节理解题。通读第二段可知,并没有谈论到食物。6。C词义猜测题。根据第四段中“there were so manypeople以及“There was no water to grow food可知人太多,又因为水污染,地里种不出粮

50、食,贫富地区的人们因争夺食物而爆发战争,可推知,此处指食物匮乏。scarce 意为“缺乏的”.7。A推理判断题.根据第二段第一句可知,大部分人没有改变生活方式,可推知只有少部分人改变了生活方式,因此 A 项正确.8.B主 旨 大 意 题.整 篇 短 文 都 是 围 绕“change yourlifestyle to save the earth”这个话题展开的,人们如果不改变生活方式,未来就只能离开赖以生存的地球,故选 B。.语法填空(2019 高青一中高三摸底)2021 版高考北师大版英语大一轮复习能力提升题组训练:Unit 23Conflict Word 版含答案Edward Kenned


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