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《冀教版英语八年级上册同步练习试题及答案(全册).pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《冀教版英语八年级上册同步练习试题及答案(全册).pdf(231页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、Lesson 1 Back to School一、单项选择1.L ucy is same as her sister.I cant tell them.A.a B.an C.the D./2.In Chinese class,our teacher introduced Mo Yan us.A.for B.to C.with D.at3.My family has two dogs.One is white,and is black.A.other B.another C.the other D.others4.She says her favorite is English.A.color

2、B.sport C.subject5.What are you doing?I m my basketball,but I cant it.A.looking for;find B.finding;find outC.looking;find out D.finding out;look for6.My sister is a lovely girl.We all like her.A.so B.such C.too D.very7.Maths my favourite subject.What about you?P h y s i c s.I think its very interest

3、ing.A.is;is B.are;are C.are;is D.is;are8.(新题)The movie Zootopia i s.I m in it.A.excited;interested B.exciting;interestingC.exciting;interested D.excited;interesting9.If he comes tomorrow,I you.A.tell B.have told C.am telling D.will tell10.Next week Ill join in the oral English competition.A.Have a n

4、ice day!B.No problem!C.Good luck to you!D.Not too bad!二、用所给词的适当形式填空11.What about (practice)swimming thissummer vacation?12.We Chinese are happy(hear)the good news.13.Its too hard for me to learn it.Can you show me how(throw)the ball?14.Dont worry,Mum.I can look aft er(I).15.I like my(one)day of the

5、new term.三、在每个空白处填入一个适当的语句,完成对话A:Hi,L i Ming.How is your first day of Grade 8?16 Im happy to be back to schooland we have a new subject.A:B:Physics.A:_17182B:Yes,I do.It is interesting.And we also have a kindphysics teacher.B:His family name is L i.B:He is more than 30 but he looks very young.A:Good

6、 luck to you in the new term.Goodbye.B:Bye.四 任务型阅读(词数:约 2 1 0 建议用时:6 分钟)A new term begins.Do you still want to play with your friends?Do you still miss the summer holiday?Well,the start of a new schoolyear may be a hard time for you,so you need to learn how to enjoyschool.Here are some helpful tips.

7、Go to school every weekday.It is important for you to go toschool every weekday.If you miss school,you will find it hard tofollow the teachers.Of course,sometimes you have to miss school ifyou are ill,but try to go to school every weekday.Eat a healthy breakfast.Breakfast is very important.If you do

8、nthave a good breakfast,you wont have enough energy to study.Take part in class.You will feel bored in class if you just sit thereand listen.Do you want to make the class interesting?Please take part3in it!You can put up your hand to answer a question and write downsomething important.Get enough res

9、t.Every night you need eight hours sleep.If youdont get enough sleep,you will feel tired next day.You can stay uplate on weekends or holidays.You will enjoy school if you do these things.Have a try!21题完成句子;2223题简略回答问题;24题找出并写下全文的主题句;25题将文中画线句子译成汉语。21.It is hard to follow the teachers if.22.How many

10、tips does the passage mention?23.Why is breakfast important for a student?24.25.4答案一、l.C 2.B 3.C 4.C 5.A 6.B 7.A 8.C 9.D10.C点拨:本题运用交际法。句意:下周我将参加英语口语比赛。一。由句意可知下文应该是:祝你好运!二、ll.practicing 12.to hear 13.to throw14.myself 15.first三、16.Great/Wonderful/Good!17.What is it?18.Do you like this subject/it?19.W

11、hats his family name?20.How old is he?四、21.you miss school22.4/Four.23.Because it can offer you enough energy to study.24.Here are some helpful tips.25.你可以举手回答问题并记下重要的东西。点拨:put up意为“举起;something important”重要的东西”。Lesson 2 Many Faces,One Picture一、单项选择1.Can you playerhu?A.a B.an C.the D./2.Do you have

12、toys?Id like to buy for my cousin.A.it B.one C.this D.that3.L ook!Its a picture my family.A.of B.on C.after D.with4.Let s a picnic.Its a fine day.A.have B.to have C.has D.having5.Who dances well,Bob?A.No problem B.Its up to you to decideC.Not at all D.It doesnt matter6.Tony,rememberwith your mouth f

13、ull of food.A.to talk B.not to talk C.talking7.That mountain in Gui l i n an elephant.So it does.A.looks up B.looks like C.looks for D.looks after8.We be more careful,or we will make the samemistake in the experiment.A.might B.can C.may D.should9.一What do you think of the house,dear?一 I cant find a

14、better one.A.Too bad.B.Too expensive.C.Good idea!D.Pretty good!610.Anna a red dress.She looks more beautiful.A.wear B.wore C.is wearing D.will wear二、按要求完成句子11.We all agree that we should make a better plan.(改为简单句)We all make a better plan.12.The students are looking at the blackboard.(对画线部分提问)the s

15、t u d e n t s?13.My sister is eight years old.(对画线部分提问)is your sister?14.Your handwriting is very good.(写出应答语)15.My father likes reading in his free time.(改为一般疑问句)your father reading in his free time?三、连词成句16.like,first,I,picture,the(.)17.traditional,is,festival,it,a(.)18.19.plants,every,year,he,tre

16、es(.)wants,dancer,she,to,a,be(.)720.choose,do,which,you,one(?)四 (新题)根据短文内容,补全文中单词或用所给单词的正确形式填空Today is the Art Festival of our school.L ook!Our classmates are21(perform)a dance on the stage(舞台).I plan to take822(photo)of them.And then g 2 2 23 them on the wallof our classroom.I am going to advise my

17、 classmates 24(write)some sentences about the pictures.Do you a 25 withme?I think its a good idea.五、补全对话A:Bill,were too tired these days.26B:OK.Where would you like to go?A:Some new films are on this week.Shall we go to the cinema?B:27*Which film would you like to see?A:L et me look through the news

18、paper.Er.How aboutComing Home?B:Yeah,Ive heard of it.Its so moving!A:Cross is a little far.L ets go to UME.B:Good.But look at the sky!29 3 0A:Yes.The newspaper says it will be rainy tonight.30A :The film will begin in two hours.We can go there after super.B:All right.A.That sounds good!B.Which cinem

19、a shall we go to,UME or Cross?C.What will we have for super?D.It seems that its going to rain!E.Well,its better to take an umbrella with us.F.I dont think so.G.L ets go somewhere to relax ourselves this evening.答案一、l.C 2.B 3.A 4.A 5.B 6.B 7.B 8.D9.D 点拨:本题运用语境法。句意:亲爱的,你认为这所房子怎么样?我再也找不到(比这)更好的了。9Too b

20、ad.太糟糕了。Too expensive.太贵了。Good idea!好主意!Pretty good!相当好!结合语境可知选D。10.C二、11.agree to 12.What are;doing13.How old 14.Thank you.15.Does;like三、16.1 like the first picture.17.It is a traditional festival.18.He plants trees every year.19.She wants to be a dancer.20.Which one do you choose?四、21.performing 2

21、2.photos23.glue 24.to write25.agree五、26.G 27.A 28.B 29.D 30.ELesson 3 Getting to Know You!一、单项选择1.The little girl began to play violin at the age of five.A.a B.an C.the D./2.(易错)Would you like to go a walk?A.for B.with C.to D.of3.Is t her e beef in the fridge?No,there isnt.There is pork.A.some;any B

22、.any;anyC.some;some D.any;some4.I feel r eal l y before the interview.Take it easy.Sure youre the best.A.patient B.serious C.cool D.nervous5.My mother doesnt use WeChat.My father d o e s n t,.A.too B.also C.either D.instead6.(易错)This is his address.Pl e a s e.A.write down it B.write it downC.write d

23、own them D.write them down7.一 you tell us a story in English?一Certainly!A.Must B.Should C.Can D.May8.They missed the train,so they had to wait for hours.A.two more B.more two C.two another D.other two9.Please your exam papers once again beforehanding them in.A.going over B.went over C.go over D.to g

24、o over10.Excuse me,may I ask you a question?Sure,.11A.go ahead B.youd better notC.I hope so D.I think so二、按要求完成句子11.Making friends isnt easy.(用 it 改写句子)isnt easy friends.12.I dont like to get up early.(改为同义句)I up early.13.He always wears a blue shirt.(改为否定句)He wears a blue shirt.14.They are talking

25、about their interests.(对画线部分提问)they about?15.Sandra likes green.(对画线部分提问)Sa n d r a?三、根据汉语意思完成句子1 6.我会逐渐了解他的。I willhim.1 7.走了那么长一段路,我感到有点累。After a long walk,I feel tired.18.你几点钟起床?What time do you bed?19.你放学后喜欢做什么?What to do?122 0.商店里有许多不同的食物。There are foods in the store.四、完形填空(词数:约2 0 0建议用时:6分钟)Whi

26、tney didnt have many friends.She was shy and 21.She never wanted to be popular,but she did want to have someone toshare 22 and laugh with.Then it was time for her to go to college in another town.Andshe had to 23 with someone she didnt know.She had no ideawhether she could make friends in that new e

27、nvironment.But something happened during the first class.And it24 Whitneys life.The teacher asked everyone toa little about themselves.Whitney told everyone where she camefrom and some simple information.The last 26 for eachstudent was,“What is your goal for this term?”27 of thestudents said it was

28、to get good grades,pass the tests or somethingsimilar!But Whitney said something 28.She said that hergoal was to make just one good friend.When most of the students sat quietly,one student came toWhitney.She reached out her hand and introduced herself.She asked29 she could be Whitneys friend.Whitney

29、 was surprised andhappy.She 30 and reached her hand out,too.13Their friendship lasted all through the college.21.A.carelessB.quietC.noisyD.weak22.A.marksB.friendsC.testsD.secrets23.A.quarrelB.debateC.liveD.discuss24.A.changedB.controlledC.destroyedD.blocked25.A.rememberB.shareC.reciteD.write26.A.req

30、uireB.decisionC.competitionD.question27.A.MostB.FewC.AllD.None28.A.interestingB.differentC.similarD.strange29.A.howB.whyC.whetherD.where30.A.smiledB.watchedC.rushedD.turned答案一、l.C 2.A 3.D4.D 点拨:本题运用词语辨析法。patient有耐心的;serious严重的;cool凉爽的;nervous紧张的。由答语“放松。相信你是最棒的。”可知是“我”感到紧张,故选D。二、ll.lt;to make12.hate/

31、dislike getting13.never14.What are;talking15.What colour does;like三、16.get to know17.a little18.get out of19.do you like;after school20.many different四 2 1.B 点拨:根据上文可知惠特尼没有很多朋友,很害羞,故可推知她很文静(quiet)。故选B。22.D点拨:根据空前的share分享,可知分享秘密(secrets),故选 D。23.C 点拨:根据上文可知惠特尼上大学了,要和别人一起生活(live),故选 Co24.A点拨:联系上下文可知在第

32、一节课上发生了一件事,这件事“改变”了惠特尼的生活。故选A。25.B 点拨:联系下文可知惠特尼介绍了自己是哪儿的人和一些简单的信息,可推知老师让同学们自我介绍,即“分享”一下彼此的信息,故选B。26.D点拨:根据下文“你这学期的目标是什么?”可知这是一个15“问题”,故 选 D。27.A28.B点拨:根 据 B u t,可推知惠特尼的答案与其他的人有所不同,故选B。29.C点拨:联系上下文可知这个女孩在征求惠特尼的意见,问自己可否能成为惠特尼的朋友。故选C。30.A 点拨:根据上文中的happy和下文中的“伸出手”,可推知惠特尼是很愿意成为女孩的朋友的,故选A。Lesson 4 Best Fr

33、iends一、单项选择1.my surprise,Tina didnt pass the exam.A.With B.To C.On D.For2.(易错)There are big trees on sides of the street.They are tall.A.either B.neither C.both D.all3.Good morning.Id like a birthday gift for my mother.一What about this scarf?It is beautiful and it softand smooth.A.feels B.looks C.se

34、ems D.becomes4.t4Im Nancy Smith,she said and her hand.A.holding out B.puts upC.hold out D.held out5.I spent$5 this book.A.in B.to buy C.buying D.buy6.Can I your bike?With pleasure.But you mu s t n t it to others.A.lend;borrow B.borrow;lendC.lend;lend D.borrow;borrow7.Its getting dark now.Why not sto

35、p home?一OK.L ets go.A.go B.going C.to go D.goes8.We pay to get into the concert.Its free.A.cant B.mustntC.might not D.dont have to9.Jane is very busy these days,for she has a lot of problems toA.deal with B.keep up withC.agree with D.come up with10.L ook!The model is walking to us.nice dress!A.What

36、B.What a C.How D.How a二、按要求完成句子11.He didnt come because he was ill.(对画线部分提问)he come?1712.I will leave for Beijing tomorrow.(改为否定句)I for Beijing tomorrow.13.There are many old people exercising in the park now.(改为否定句)There many old people exercising in the park now.14.I feel awful today.(对画线部分提问)you

37、feel today?15.They agreed with each other.(改为一般疑问句)t hey with each other?三、根据汉语意思完成句子16.谁是你最好的朋友?is your friend?17.他生气地离开了教室。He the c l a s s r o o m.18.最后,他们达成了协议。At last,they.19.她立刻过来向我问好。,she and said hello to me.20.放学后我想去打篮球。I want after school.四、根据短文内容,补全文中单词或用所给单词的正确形式填空L ucy and I are good fr

38、iends.We help each other.We dont wantto b e 21(enemy).We are like two 22(pea)in apod.We often do our homework together.We never c 23others homework.Instead,we do it by ourselves.We think its notgood 24(cheat).In the 25(follow)days,Im surewe can do better.五、短文填空,用方框内所给单词的正确形式填空(词数:约 1 5 0 建议用时:4 分钟)l

39、earn,swim,activity,special,with,theyIn the U.S.,school children usually have lots of_6after school.There are different kinds of clubs for students to study,take exercise and enjoy 27.Some students like to go to study clubs after school or onweekends.The study club is in fact a 28 centre.Studentscan

40、do their homework,read books,discuss their interesting subjectsand learn computer skills.Sports clubs are more popular 29 the children in theU.S.They can join basketball,football and baseball clubs.They can also join 30,skating,boating orskateboarding clubs.Some acting clubs,dancing clubs and singin

41、gclubs are also childrens favourites.School children can enjoythemselves in these interesting clubs.If some children are disabled(残疾的),they can also enjoy clublife.There are some kinds of 31 clubs for these kids.Theycan choose their favourite clubs and have fun there.答案一、l.B 2.C 3.A 4.D 5.C 6.B 7.C

42、8.D9.A 点拨:本题运用词语辨析法。deal w ith处理;keep upwith跟上;agree with同意;come up with提出,想出。句意:简这些天很忙,因为她有许多问题要处理。故选A。10.B二、ll.Why didnt 12.wont leave 13.are not14.How do 15.Did;agree三、16.Who;best 17.1eft;angrily18.made a deal 19.1mmediately;came over20.to play basketball四、21.enemies 22.peas 23.copy24.to cheat 25

43、.following五 26.activities点拨:句意:在美国,学生们通常放学后有许多活动。activities活动。27.themselves28.learning点拨:句意:学习俱乐部实际上是一个学习中心。learning为名词,修饰名词centre。29.with 3O.swimming 31.specialLesson 5 Meet Ms.Liu一、单项选择1.L ucy is university student.She likes p la y in g piano.A.a;/B.a;the C.an;the D.an;/2.Whats the weather l i ke

44、January?A.on B.in C.to D.at3.L o o k,i s dancing under the tree.Oh,thats my cousin,Anna.A.everyone B.anyone C.nobody D.someone4.L ook!There is a big t ree the classroomA.in front ofC.at the front5.You have to beA.patient B.strictB.in the frontD.besides and wait until I finish my work.C.honest D.acti

45、ve6.My teacher encourages us something new.A.try B.tries C.to try D.trying7.The Smiths to Beijing two years ago.A.move B.have movedC.will move D.moved8.You bought the last ticket for the concert.How you are!A.sweet B.luckyC.strange D.funny9.Alice,please turn down the music.I an importantphone now.A.

46、answer B.answeredC.have answered D.am answering10.Ive been so bored these days.I hope to have to do.A.exciting anything B.nothing excitingC.something interesting D.good something二、用所给词的适当形式填空11.John i s(f r i e n d)to his classmates.12.I have m a n y(i n t e r e s t),like singing and dancing.13.My u

47、ncle likes reading.He is(knowledge).14.Can I ask you s o m e(q u e s tio n)?15.E n j o y(r e a d),children!You can get more knowledge.三、根据汉语意思完成句子1 6.有你做我的朋友,我感到很幸运。22I lucky you my friend.17.你们准备好开始了吗?you start?18.刘老师讨厌雨天走着去学校。Ms.L iu to school on rainy days.19.她喜欢游泳来锻炼。She likes exercise.20.你什么时候开

48、始学英语的?When did you English?四 阅读理解(词数:约1 7 0建议用时:6分钟)I like playing the piano very much.Carl Walter became mynew piano teacher when I was 14.In one of my lessons,he askedme,“How long do you practice the piano every day?”I said,“Three or four hours a day.”“Well,I dont!he said to me loudly.When you gro

49、w up,you are going to be very busy.Practice in minutes!Five or tenminutes before school,after lunch,or between chores(琐事).Practice the piano through the day,and it will become a part of yourI did as he told me.And I played the piano very well later.Years later,when I was teaching at Columbia,I wante

50、d to writea book.But for two years,I wrote nothing down on paper.My23excuse was that I had no time.Then I remembered Carl Walterswords.I began to sit down and write a hundred words or so when Iwas free.To my surprise,I wrote many books in this way.21.How long did the writer practice the piano every


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