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《2020高考英语二轮复习专题限时检测(十七)阅读理解A篇送分练(二)(最新整理).pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2020高考英语二轮复习专题限时检测(十七)阅读理解A篇送分练(二)(最新整理).pdf(9页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、专题限时检测(十七)专题限时检测(十七)阅读理解阅读理解 A A 篇送分练篇送分练(二)二)(共 5 篇,限时 25 分钟)A AELECTRICITY IS AT THE CORE OF MODERN LIFE。DESPITE THIS,THE FULL STORY OFTHIS REVOLUTIONARY FORCE HAS REMAINED UNTOLD UNTIL NOW.Simply Electrifyingoffers the comprehensive story of one of mankinds mostimportant journeys:from a time when

2、 only a few could even imagine a world withelectricity to today when,for most of us,a world without electricity would beunimaginable。Since the birth of the modern science of electricity 265 years ago,mankindhas built an impressive structure to produce,deliver,and use electricity,thanks toacombinatio

3、nofpioneeringscience,innovativetechnology,wisebusinessstrategy,andpervasive(到 处 存 在 的)economicandenvironmentalregulation。Simply Electrifying brings to life the stories of the people that made it allpossible from early pathfinders like Benjamin Franklin,Michael Faraday,James Clerk Maxwell,and Albert

4、Einstein to innovators such as Samuel Morse,Thomas Edison,George Westinghouse,and Nikola Tesla。In modern times,businessstrategists and economic and environmental regulation driven by many,includingPresident Franklin D。Roosevelt,Rachel Carson,and even President Barack Obama,have shaped how we use and

5、 understand electricity in crucial ways。Today,ElonMusk and others are on the edge of again changing the way we think about andinteract with it.Simply Electrifyingispainstakinglyresearchedandbeautifullywritten,showing us how both profitmakers and policy。makers must use a wideangle lensto truly unders

6、tand the past and predict the future。语篇解读:本文是一篇广告,主要介绍了Simply Electrifying这本书.1According to the passage,the bookSimply Electrifying is written to tell us_。Apioneering science of electricityBsignificant journeys of electricityCthe people who invented electricityDthe research which was about electrici

7、ty解 析:选 B细 节 理 解 题.根 据 第 一 段 的“Simply Electrifyingoffers thecomprehensive story of one of mankinds most important journeys”可知答案。2Why is President Barack Obama mentioned in the bookSimply Electrifying?ABecause a policymaker is usually a top dog that can arouse the readersinterest。BBecause a policy。ma

8、ker can help promote the better use of electricity.CBecause policy。makers can decide the future of the use of electricity onthe market。DBecause policy。makers can take control of the economy through electricity.解析:选 B推理判断题。根据第三段中的“In modern times,business strategistsand economic and environmental reg

9、ulation.。Barack Obama,have shaped howwe use and understand electricity in crucial ways.”可知,由奥巴马等政要人物所倡导的商业策略以及环境管理制度已经让我们养成用关键的方式去使用和理解电力的习惯。所以这些政策的制定者能够促进人们正确地使用电.B B(2019南通七市模拟)London ZooLondon ZooSet in the heart of Regents Park,London Zoo provides a great day outwith a family friendly atmosphere

10、.Ithas been entertaining visitors of allages with a collection of over 80,000animals as well as some fantasticshows and interactive experiences forover 150 years。From the classic penguin feeding timeto the insightful talks held in anauthentic living rainforest therereally is something for everyone t

11、oenjoy。There are fun and games inthe kids zone including a range ofspecial exhibits designed to be asinformative as they are exciting.Children are free to explore atreetop village,a secretunderground world and the“TouchZone”which provides a safeenvironment for them to interact withall of their favou

12、rite creatures。There is so much to do at London Zooyou may struggle to fit it all intoone day!Your ticket includespriority entry access at no extracost giving you more time to see oneof the citys premier attractions.Important Information*Disabled Access:Wheelchair accessis available throughout the p

13、ark;however,as the Zoo contains a lotof listed buildings some have minorrestrictions。*Parking space subject to(取决于)availability。Only valid inconjunction with a paid for Zoo entry ticket.*Last admission is one hour beforeclosing time.*Some animal exhibits may close upto 30 minutes before closing time

14、。语篇解读:本文是一篇应用文。文章主要介绍了伦敦动物园的一些情况。3According to the advertisement,London Zoo _。Aprovides an ideal place for families to hold talks in an rainforestBcombines entertainment and interactive experiences with creaturesCoffers unlimited access to premier attractions with a little more chargeDcaters to the

15、curiosity of children with guided exploration and interactions解析:选 B推理判断题。根据 London ZooLondon Zoo 这一版块的第二段可知,在这里既可以给动物喂食也有许多适合儿童的有趣活动。由此可知伦敦动物园将娱乐和与动物互动体验结合在一起。4It can be learned from the passage that _。Avisitors will be admitted to the zoo at their convenienceBdrivers shall get parking space with a

16、 paid entry ticketClate comers may miss some of the animal exhibitsDwheelchair users can have access to any building解析:选 C细节理解题。根据全文最后一句“Some animal exhibits may close up to30 minutes before closing time。”可知,一些动物展览可能会在闭馆前 30 分钟关闭,所以迟到的人可能会错过一些动物展览。C CSecondSecondHand FindsHand FindsIts hard to know

17、what is worth buying at a garage sale.These can be ofgreat value.LARGE FURNITUREThe key to buying big items is to wait until the end of the day.By then,the sellers are wondering how they are going to get that huge sofa back into thehouse。PLASTIC AND WOODEN TOYSMany old。fashioned wooden toys are soli

18、d enough to be passed from generationto generation。Clean wooden and plastic toys with a mixture of bleach(漂白剂)or vinegar and hot water。But stay clear of stuffed animals,which are alwayshard to clean.BICYCLES AND SCOOTERSBikes can be a great find,but its important to take them for a test drivebefore

19、you buy。With scooters,if the frame is solid,you can often replacemissing or worn parts(handlebar covers,brakes,wheels)for much less than thecost of new ones.BABY GEARNew parents want to get rid of outgrown baby swings,high chairs andstrollers as soon as possible,making them a garage.sale staple。In c

20、ase offuturerecalls,makesurethemodelnumberisstillvisible.Dontbuy:second。hand car seats(the structure could have suffered from damage)anddrop。side cribs(落地式婴儿床)语篇解读:本文是一篇广告,主要介绍了一些二手物品的特点,给顾客提出一些购买建议.5What can we learn from the passage?ASofa sellers are always confused how they can sell their items o

21、ut。BIf the frame of the bike is solid,we can often replace anything missing orworn。CStuffed animals are not recommended for they are always difficult to clean。DCar seats and drop.side cribs are always out。of.date and unfashionable.解析:选 C细节理解题.根据 PLASTIC AND WOODEN TOYS 中的“stay clear of stuffedanimal

22、s,which are always hard to clean”可知毛绒玩具不要买,因为很难清洗.6How does the writer recommend finds to buyers?ABy introducing characteristics of items。BBy offering detailed descriptions.CBy telling different stories of the items.DBy comparing items with others。解析:选 A推理判断题.阅读整篇文章可知作者是通过介绍物品的特点来给顾客推荐物品的。D D(2019扬、

23、泰、南、淮、徐、宿、连模拟)SUNSHINE KIDSSUNSHINE KIDS We believe every kid deserves a childhood。The opportunity to be a kid。Sunshine in dark days.Thats why weve partnered with The Sunshine Kids。The non。profit Sunshine Kids,establishedin 1982,is committed tobringing sunshine to young cancer patients lives by prov

24、iding positive groupactivities and emotional support,helping them do what kids are supposed to dohavefunandcelebratelife.Thefoundationprovidesavarietyoffreeprograms and events for kids receiving cancer treatments in hospitals acrossNorth America.Each year Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices network memb

25、ers raise D S2 million through a wide variety of fundraisers and community events,and through ticketsales and contributions made at our annual Sales Convention.The Sunshine Kidsand Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices look forward to theday when the Foundation will no longer need to exist.But until that

26、day,bothorganizations remain dedicated to the cause.Talk to your Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices agent to see how you can bringsunshine into the lives of young cancer patients.语篇解读:本文是一篇应用文.主要介绍了一个致力于给患癌症的孩子带来快乐和支持的非营利机构 The Sunshine Kids,呼吁大家积极参与到这个组织的活动中,给患儿带来更多的光明。7According to the advertisement,

27、the Sunshine Kids Foundation _。Aprovides free medical treatment for kids with cancerBis meant to bring joy and support to kids with cancerCis funded by government budget and personal donationsDexpects the very day when kids will be free from cancer解析:选 B细节理解题。根据第二段第一句可知 Sunshine Kids 是一家非营利性机构,致力于为幼

28、小的癌症患者提供积极的团体活动和情感支持.8The purpose of the advertisement is to _.Aappeal to people to contribute to charityBeducate people on the importance of charityCpromote Berkshire Hathaway HomeServicesDoffer consultant service to the Sunshine Kids解析:选 A写作意图题.全文最后一句话呼吁读者去联系这个家庭服务机构来获取更多关于如何给癌症患儿带去光明的信息,由此可知,本篇文章

29、是号召更多人来参与到这个慈善项目中来。E E(2019盐城模拟)How to Get the Best Hotel DealHow to Get the Best Hotel DealTaking the entire family on vacation can add up quickly flights,rentalcar,gas,meals,snacks,and,of course,hotels.However,by doing someresearch and using three_little_words,_you could end up saving a lot of mon

30、ey onaccommodations.First,search hotel booking sites likeTripAdvisororExpediaand check outthe hotel rates in your location for the dates you would like to book。Take downall the prices you find online for that hotel。But even if you find a steal of adeal or“a special discount”,dont press the book butt

31、on on the website justyet。After researching prices online,experts say the best way to get the lowesthotel rate is to call the hotel directly-not any of the customer service or 1 800 numbers that could be listed as a contact number,especially for a chainhotel.Then youre going to drop some magic words

32、。While you might be temptedto ask for“the best deal or“the lowest rate,your secret weapon here is touse the phrase“cheapest non。refundable rate.According to experts atTravelLeisure,that phrase triggers hotel staff to search for the room that will costyou the least for your vacation。If you do end up

33、trying to negotiate a better price,mention the numbers you found online and then reduce those prices by 20 percent。Apparentlyhotels pay a hefty fee to be listed on hotel booking sites,and that 20 percentcould actually mean more money than they would get if you booked through one ofthem.Just dont wai

34、t until the last minute to score a deal,because that canlead to paying more,not less.Fred Lalonde,founder of the travel serviceHopper,toldTravelLeisurethat the best dealson hotels are usuallyavailable two to three months ahead of the vacation date,potentially saving youmore than D|S270 for an eight.

35、day stay。语篇解读:本文是一篇应用文。带全家去度假,各种费用会大幅度地提高。最好的获得便宜的住所的方法是直接打电话给目标酒店,与之讨价还价。9What does the underlined part“three little words”in Paragraph 1 refer to?AA special discount.BThe best deal。CThe lowest rate.DCheapest nonrefundable rate.解析:选 D词义猜测题。第二、三段是对画线词所在句子的展开论述,其中第二段对应画 线 词 所 在 句 中 的“doing some resea

36、rch”,第 三 段 对 应“using three littlewords。由 第三 段 第三 句中 的“to use the phrase cheapest non。refundablerate”可知本题答案为 D 项。10According to the passage,the preferred way to get the best hotel deal is to_.Acall the target hotels to bargain with the staffBcollect and compare the prices found onlineCbook hotels jus

37、t before your departure timeDturn to hotel booking sites for a discount解析:选 A细节理解题.根据第三段中“After researching prices online,expertssaythebestwaytogetthelowesthotelrateistocallthehoteldirectly。Then youre going to drop some magic words.”可知,最好的方式是直接打电话给目标酒店,与之讨价还价。故选 A.尊敬的读者:本文由我和我的同事在百忙中收集整编出来,本文档在发布之前我

38、们对内容进行仔细校对,但是难免会有不尽如人意之处,如有疏漏之处请指正,希望本文能为您解开疑惑,引发思考。文中部分文字受到网友的关怀和支持,在此表示感谢!在往后的日子希望与大家共同进步,成长。This article is collected and compiled by my colleagues and I in ourbusy schedule.We proofread the content carefully before the release ofthis article,but it is inevitable that there will be someunsatisfactory points.If there are omissions,please correct them.Ihope this article can solve your doubts and arouse your thinking.Partof the text by the users care and support,thank you here!I hope tomake progress and grow with you in the future.


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