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1、TEXT 4No company likes to be told it is contributing to the moral decline of a nation.nIs this what youintended to accomplish with your careers?Senator Robert Dole asked Time Warner executiveslast week.nYou have sold your souls,but must you corrupt our nation and threaten our children aswell?At Time

2、 Warner,however,such questions are simply the latest manifestation of thesoul-searching that has involved the company ever since the company was born in 199O.Its aself-examination that has,at various times,involved issues of responsibility,creative freedom andthe corporate bottom line.At the core of

3、 this debate is chairman Gerald Levin,56,who took over for the late Steve Ross in1992.On the financial front,Levin is under pressure to raise the stock price and reduce thecompanys mountainous debt,which will increase to$17.3 billion after two new cable dealsclose.He has promised to sell off some of

4、 the property and restructure the company,but investorsare waiting impatiently.The flap over rap is not making life any easier for him.Levin has consistently defended thecompanys rap music on the grounds of expression.In 1992,when Time Warner was under fire forreleasing Ice-T*s violent rap song Cop

5、Killer,Levin described rap as lawful expression of streetculture,which deserves an outlet.The test of any democratic society,1 he wrote in a Wall StreetJournal column,“lies not in how well it can control expression but in whether it gives freedomof thought and expression the widest possible latitude

6、,however disputable or irritating the resultsmay sometimes be.nWe won*t retreat in the face of any threats.1Levin would not comment on the debate last week,but there were signs that the chairman wasbacking off his hard-line stand,at least to some extent.During the discussion of rock singingverses at

7、 last months stockholders meeting,Levin asserted that music is not the cause ofsocietys ills and even cited his son,a teacher in the Bronx,New York,who uses rap tocommunicate with students.But he talked as well about the balanced struggle betweencreative freedom and social responsibility,and he anno

8、unced that the company would launch adrive to develop standards for distribution and labeling of potentially objectionable music.The 15-member Time Warner board is generally supportive of Levin and his corporatestrategy.But insiders say several of them have shown their concerns in this matter.Some o

9、f ushave known for many,many years that the freedoms under the First Amendment are not totallyunlimited,says Luce,I think it is perhaps the case that some people associated with thecompany have only recently come to realize this.63.Senator Robert Dole criticized Time Warner for.A its raising of the

10、corporate stock priceB its self-examination of soulC its neglect of social responsibilityD its emphasis on creative freedom64.According to the passage,which of the following is TRUE?A Luce is a spokesman of Time Warner.B Gerald Levin is liable to compromise.C Time Warner is united as one in the face

11、 of the debate.D Steve Ross is no longer alive.65.In face of the recent attacks on the company,the chairman.A stuck to a strong stand to defend freedom of expressionB softened his tone and adopted some new policyC changed his attitude and yielded to objectionD received more support from the 15-membe

12、r board66.The best title for this passage could be.A A Company under FireB A Debate on Moral DeclineC A Lawful Outlet of Street CultureD A Form of Creative Freedom 大纲单词 accomplish 1 E5kQmpliF v.完成adopt 4 E5dCpt v.采用,采纳,通过;收养announce 1 E5nauns v.宣布,发表,通行;报告.的来到assert 3 E5sE:t v.断言,宣称associate 3 E5sEu

13、Fieit v.(with)使联系,使联合;交往,结合;n.合作人,伙伴,同事,同 行;a.副的attitude 13 5Atitju:d n.(to,towards)态度,看法;姿势balance 5 SbAlEns v.称,(使)平衡;n.天平,秤;平衡,均衡;差额,结余,余款billion 11 5biljEn num./n.美 十 亿,英 万亿cable 1 5keibl n.电报;电缆;缆,索,钢丝绳;v.拍电报career 7 kE5riE n.生涯,经历;专业,职业cite 3 sait v.引用,引证,举(例)column 1 5kClEm n.圆柱,柱状物;列;(报刊中的)专

14、栏comment 3 L5kCment n.注释,评论,意见;v.(on)注释,评论communicate 2 kE5mju:nikeit v.传达,传送;交流;通讯,通话compromise 1 5kCmprEmaiz v./n.妥协,折衷concern 19 kEn5sE:n v.涉及,关系到;(常与with,about,in 连用)关心,挂念;担心,担忧;n.(利害)关系;关心,挂念;担心,担忧contribute 5 LkEn5tribju:t v.(to)贡献,捐助,捐献;投稿cop 1 LkCp n.警官,巡警;vt.抓住core 1 kC:n.果核;中心,核心corrupt 1

15、kE5rQpt v.贿赂,收买;腐烂,堕落;a.腐败的,贪污的creative 9 kri(:)5eitiv a.有创造力的,创造性的criticize 3 5kritisaiz v.批评,评论culture 19 5kQltFE n.修养,教养;文化,文明debate 7 di5beit v./n.争论,辩论debt 1 det n.债,债务decline 14 di5klain v./n.下 倾,下 降,下 垂,衰落;斜面,倾斜;v.拒绝,谢绝democratic 6 L7demE5krAtik a.民主的describe 14 Ldis5kraib v.描述,形容deserve 4 di

16、5zE:v v.应受,值得emphasis 9 5emfEsis n.强调,重点executive 4 ig5zekjutiv n.总经理,董事,行政负责人;a.执行的,实施的expression 9 iks5preFEn n.表达,表示;短语,词句,措词;式,符号extent 5:iks5tent n.广度,宽度,长度;程度,限度financial 7 Lfai5nAnFEl&财 政的,金融的flap 1 flAp n.垂下物,帽沿,袋盖;焦虑,不安;n./v.拍打,拍动intend 14 in5tend v.想要,打算,企图involve 17 in5vClv v.卷入,陷入,连累;包含,

17、含有,涉及irritate 1 5iriteit v.激怒,恼火,使急躁issue 16 5iFu:3 v.流出,放出;发行,发表,颁布;n.发 行(物),(报刊)期号;问题,争论点,争端journal 6 5dVE:nl n.定期刊物,杂志,日报;日志,日记label 7 51eibl n.标签;标记,符 号;v.贴标签于,把称为late 10 Lleit a.迟的,晚的,晚期的;已故的;最近的;ad.迟,晚latitude 1 51Atitju:d n.纬度;(言论自由的)程度,范围launch 4 lC:ntF v.发射;使(船)下水;发动,开展;n.发射,下水liable 2 51ai

18、Ebl a.(for)有责任的,有义务的;(to+inf.)有.倾向的,易于.的moral 20 5mCrEl a.道 德(上)的,道义的;n.寓意,教育意义;道德neglect 5 ni5glekt v./n.忽视;疏忽,漏做,忽略objection 2 Eb5dVekFEn n.(to)反对,异议outlet 2 5autlet n.出路,出口;发泄方法,排遣;专卖店policy 11 5pClisi n.政策,方针pressure 6 5preFE(r)n.压(力);强制,压迫,压强;v.强制,迫使property 5 5prCpEti n.财产,资产,所有物;性质,特性rap 4 rA

19、p n.叩击,轻拍;敲击音乐;v.轻敲,指责release 3 ri51i:s v.释放,解放;发表,发行responsibility 4 Lris7pCnsE5biliti n.责任,责任心;职责,任务result 35 ri5zQlt n.结果,成果,成绩;v.(in)导致,结果是;(from)起因于,因而造成retreat 2 Eri5tri:t v./n.撤退,退却senator 3 L5senEtE n.参议员social 36 5sEuFEl a.社会的;交际的;n.社交活动spokesman 1 5spEuksmEn n.发言人stick 5 Lstik n.棍,棒,手杖;v.刺

20、,戳,扎;粘合,附着;坚持,固守stock 8 stCk n.备料,库存,现货;股票,公债;无生命之物;群,家庭,家系;v.储存strategy 5 5strAtidVi n.战略,策略threat 8 Wret n.恐吓,威胁;坏兆头,危险迹象threaten 7 5Wretn v.恐吓,威胁;有.危险,快要来临title 5 5taitl n.书名,标题;头衔,称号tone 2 LtEun n.音调,音色;风气,气氛;腔调,语气;色调verse 1 vE:s n.韵文,诗;诗节,诗句violent 1 5vaiElEnt a.猛烈的,激烈的;暴力引起的,强暴的yield 3 ji:ld v

21、.出产,生长;(to)屈服,服从;n.产量,收获超纲单词according43 E5kC:diN ad.依照,根据amendment 1 E5mendmEnt n.改善,改正consistently 5 kEn5sistEntli ad,一贯地,一向,始终如一地corporate 3 5kC:pErit a.共同的,全体的disputable 1 Ldis5pju:tEbl a.不确定的;可争议的;可置疑的distribution 5 7distri5bju:FEn n.分配,分发,配给物impatiently 1 im5peiFEntli ad.无耐性地investor 2 in5vestE

22、 n.投资者latest 8 51eitist a.最近的manifestation 2 L7mAnifes5teiFEn n.显示,表现,示威运动mountainous 1 L5mauntinEs a.多山的,山一般的,巨大的objectionable 1 Eb5dVekFEnEbl a.引起反对的,讨厌的potentially 1 pE5tenF(E)li ad.潜在地restructure 3 Lri5strQktFE vt.更改结构,重建构造,调整,改组stockholder 1 5stCkhEuIdE(r)n.股东难句剖析难句 lAt Time Warner,however,such

23、questions are simply the latest manifestation of the soul-searching that has involved the companyever since the company was born in 1990.结构分析1.本句句子主干:.questions are.manifestation.;2.of 介词结构作定语(of the soul-searching)修饰 manifestation;3.that has involved the company 作为定语,修饰先行词 manifestation;本句难点主句结构稍复杂

24、;方法对策找出句子主干,然后再分析主从句关系;例句精译该公司自1990年成立以来,就一直在进行这种公司存在的价值的自我思索和探讨,而多尔的质问只是这种思索和探讨的又一种体现形式而已。难句 2It,s a self-examination that has,at various times,involved issues of responsibility,creativefreedom and the corporate bottom line.结构分析1.本句句子主干为一个主系表结构:Its a self-examination.;2.that后面弓I导的是一,个宾语从句,修饰先行词self

25、-examination;3.宾语从句中,宾语部分为三个并列的名词词组;本句难点宾语从句中包含的三个并列宾语;方法对策主要抓住句子的主干结构,然后再进一部分分析其他的成分即可;例句精译 这是一个牵涉到社会责任、创作自由度和公司到底能走多远、底线在哪里的问题。难句 30n the financial front,Levin is under pressure to raise the stock price and reduce thecompanys mountainous debt,which will increase to$17.3 billion after two new cable

26、 dealsclose.结构分析L 本句句子主干为:Levin is under pressure.2.On the financial front为介词结构作状语;pressure后面为两个并列的动词不定式(to raise.and reduce.)作定语,修饰 pressure;3.第二个逗号后面是一个which引导的定语从句,修饰debt,此定语从句句子主干是:whichwill increase.;本句难点本句包括介词结构作为状语和which引导的定语从句,整体看本句比较简单;方法对策找出主句和从句的句子主干,然后再分析其他成分;例句精译在财务方面,他承受着提高股价、减少公司巨额债务的

27、压力。在两笔新的有线电视交易谈妥后,公司欠债将达到173亿美元。难句 4 The test of any democratic society,*he wrote in a Wall Street Journal column,Hlies notin how well it can control expression but in whether it gives freedom of thought and expressionthe widest possible latitude,however disputable or irritating the results may some

28、times be.结构分析1.本句句子主干是:he wrote.,主要部分是直接引语;2.直接引语为 however 连接的并列句,主干结构是:The test lies not in.but in.,however.;3.however+adj.为一考研阅读中经常出现的句型,其义为:无论,不管 本句难点直接引语中句子主干不容易找出,且其中从句多;方法对策先找出句子主干,然后再查找相应的修饰成分:例句精译他 在 华尔街日报一篇专栏文章中写道:”对任何一个民主社会的检验标准不在丁它能多有效地压制各种情感的表达,而在于是否给予了人们思考和表达的最广泛的自由,尽管有时这种结果会引起争论和愤怒。”难句

29、 5During the discussion of rock singing verses at last months stockholders meeting,Levinasserted that music is not the cause of societys ills and even cited his son,a teacher in theBronx,New York,who uses rap to communicate with students.结构分析 1.本句主句包含and连接的两个并列谓语,句子主干为:Levin asserted.and.cited his s

30、on.2.第一个逗号前的部分为During引导的时间状语;3.that music is not the cause of societys ills”为宾语从句,做 asserted 的宾语;4.who uses rap to communicate with students 为定语从句,修饰先行词 his son;本句难点句子比较长,语法稍复杂;并且包含一些插入语的影响;方法对策第一步忽略修饰成分,直接找出句子主干,然后再分析相应的修饰成分;例句精译在上个月的股东会议上,大家就摇滚乐的歌词进行了讨论,列文宣称“音乐不是社会弊病的根源”(言外之意:社会道德败坏不是我们音乐造成的),他甚至还

31、以自己在纽约州布朗克斯任教师的儿子为例,说他儿子就以说唱音乐的表达方式与学生进行交流。答案解析6 3.答案 C 解析非正规的流行音乐、街头说唱音乐等音乐会促使社会青年一代道德败坏吗?!西方社会的一些文化机构除了创作自由,还应考虑到自己所担负的社会责任吗?!本文试图回答以上问题。从首段参议员多尔对公司批评可知,他痛恨公司用颓废音乐毁灭了我们的孩子,所以,公司缺乏“社会责任”。至于B、D,越照抄原文字句的,越可能是陷阱。A 文中根本没提到。(原文英文看不太懂者,请务必参考一下中文译文。)64.答案 D 解析这种是非判断的细节性问题只能逐核对原文来寻找答案。A 错,因为文章末段提到 Luce时,没说

32、他是公司发言人,只说他是15名董事会成员之一(board);B 错,Levin没有“妥协”(compromise),只是立场稍有“松动”而 已(backing off);C 错,公司并未团结一致,比如董事Luce还不点名的批评Levin呢!只能选D,第二段首句late Steve Ross”告诉我们:他 已 去 世,(Late为“已故的”).65.答案 B 解析A 错,董事长并未坚持强硬立场(stuck to a strong stand),而是有所松动。C 错,他也未改变态度,还在狡辩说:(我们的)音乐不是社会弊病的根源。D 明显错误;所以选B,董事长态度有所“软化”而 已(注意原文为“松动

33、”,与问题中的B 项属于同义词).6 6.答案 A 解析不要忘记,best title”属于主旨题,只要将每段首句串起,即可找出答案。全文精译 没有一家公司乐意听到别人说自己败坏了社会道德。但参议员罗伯特多尔上星期就是这么质问时代华纳公司的,他说:“难道这就是你们要成就的事业吗?“你们已经出卖了自己的灵魂,难道你们还非要败坏我们的国家,威胁我们的孩子不成?”该 公 司 自 1990年成立以来,就一直在进行这种公司存在的价值的自我思索和探讨,而多尔的质问只是这种思索和探讨的又一种体现形式而已。这是一个牵涉到社会责任、创作自由度和公司到底能走多远、底线在哪里的问题。于 1992年接替已故董事长斯蒂

34、夫罗斯的56岁的现任董事长杰拉德列文是争论的焦点人物。在财务方面,他承受着提高股价、减少公司巨额债务的压力。在两笔新的有线电视交易谈妥后,公司欠债将达到173亿美元。他已答应出售部分财产并重组公司,但现在投资者们有些等得不耐烦了。说唱音乐的崛起也并未使他的日子好过一些。列文一向以它是一种富于表现力的演唱方式为理由来捍卫公司的这种说唱音乐。1992年公司因出品冰特乐队狂暴的说唱歌曲 警察杀手而备受谴责时,列文把它描绘成是街头文化的合法表达方式,说它应该有自己的宣泄途径。他 在 华尔街日报一篇专栏文章中写道:“对任何个民主社会的检验标准不在于它能多有效地压制各种情感的表达,而在于是否给予了人们思考


36、透露其中几位董事对此事表示担忧。卢斯说:“我们中的一些人多年来就知道宪法第一修正案所说的自由并非毫无限制,但我想公司的一些有关人士可能是最近才意识到这一点。63.参议员罗伯特 多尔批评时代华纳公司是因为.A 该公司抬高自己的股票价格 B 该公司精神上的自我反省 C 该公司忽视其社会责任 D 该公司强调创作自由64.根据本文,下面哪项说法正确?A 卢斯是时代华纳公司的一名发言人。B 杰拉德列文易于妥协。C 面对辩论,时代华纳公司团结一致。D 斯蒂夫罗斯已经去世了。65.面对公司最近受到的攻击,董事长.A 坚持强硬立场,维护言论自由 B 缓和语气并采取某项新的策略 C 改变态度,屈从于反对意见 D

37、 得到十五人董事会的更多支持66.本文的最佳标题可能是.A 一个受到攻击的公司 B 一场有关道德滑坡的辩论 C 一种街头文化的合法宣泄 D 一种创作自由方式TEXT 5Much of the language used to describe monetary policy,such as steering the economy to a softlanding or a touch on the brakes,makes it sound like a precise science.Nothing could befurther from the truth.The link betwe

38、en interest rates and inflation is uncertain.And there are long,variable lags before policy changes have any effect on the economy.Hence the analogy that likensthe conduct of monetary policy to driving a car with a blackened windscreen,a cracked rearviewmirror and a faulty steering wheel.Given all t

39、hese disadvantages,central bankers seem to have had much to boast about oflate.Average inflation in the big seven industrial economies fell to a mere 2.3%last year,close toits lowest level in 30 years,before rising slightly to 2.5%this July.This is a long way below thedouble-digit rates which many c

40、ountries experienced in the 1970s and early 1980s.It is also less than most forecasters had predicted.!n late 1994 the panel of economists which TheEconomist polls each month said that Americas inflation rate would average 3.5%in 1995.In fact,it fell to 2.6%in August,and is expected to average only

41、about 3%for the year as a whole.InBritain and Japan inflation is running half a percentage point below the rate predicted at the end oflast year.This is no flash in the pan;over the past couple of years,inflation has been consistentlylower than expected in Britain and America.Economists have been pa

42、rticularly surprised by favourable inflation figures in Britain and theUnited States,since conventional measures suggest that both economies,and especially Americas,have little productive si ack.Americas capacity utilisation,for example,hit historically high levelsearlier this year,and its jobless r

43、ate(5.6%in August)has fallen below most estimates of thenatural rate of unemployment-the rate below which inflation has taken off in the past.Why has inflation proved so mild?The most thrilling explanation is,unfortunately,a littledefective.Some economists argue that powerful structural changes in t

44、he world have upended theold economic models that were based upon the historical link between growth and inflation.67.From the passage we learn that.A there is a definite relationship between inflation and interest ratesB economy will always follow certain modelsC the economic situation is better th

45、an expectedD economists had foreseen the present economic situation68.According to the passage,which of the following is TRUE?A Making monetary policies is comparable to driving a car.B An extremely low jobless rate will lead to inflation.C A high unemployment rate will result from inflation.D Inter

46、est rates have an immediate effect on the economy.69.The sentence This is no flash in the pan(line 4,paragraph 3)means that.A the low inflation rate will last for some timeB the inflation rate will soon riseC the inflation will disappear quicklyD there is no inflation at present70.The passage shows

47、that the author is the present situation.A critical of B puzzled by C disappointed at D amazed at大纲单词amaze 5 E5meiz v.使惊奇,使惊愕,使惊叹analogy 1 E5nAlEdVi n.比拟,类比argue 18 5B:gju:v.争论,辩论;认为,主张,论证;说服author 65 5C:WE n.作者;创始人average 16 5AvEridV n.平 均(数);a.平均的;普通的,一般的;v.平均,均分boast 1 bEust v.(of,about)自夸,夸耀;n.自

48、夸,大话brake 1 breik v./n.制 动(器),闸,刹车capacity 6 kE5pAsiti n.容量,容积;能量,能力;接受力;生产力comparable 2 5kCmpErEbl a.(with,to)可比较的,比得上的conduct 6 5kCndQkt n.行为,举动,品行;引导,经营,实施,处理;v.引导,带领;处理,管理;指 挥(乐队);传导,传(热,电等)conventional 4 kEn5venFEnl a.惯例的,常规的crack 3 krAk n.裂纹,裂缝,缝隙;破裂声,爆裂声;v.(使)破裂,砸开;(使)发出爆裂声;使(嗓音)变哑critical 6

49、L5kritikEl a.批评的,评论的;危急的,紧要的;临界的;重要的,关键的definite 2 5definit a.明确的,肯定的,限定的describe 14 dis5kraib v.描述,形容disappear 3 7disE5piE v.不见,消失disappoint 2 7di正5pCint v.使失望,使扫兴economic 21 7i:kE5nCmik a.经 济(上)的,经济学的economy 29 i(:)5kCnEmi n.节约;经济estimate 5 5estimeit v./n.估计,估价experience 18 Liks5piEriEns n.经验,经历;v

50、.体验,经历explanation 7 7eksplE5neiFEn n.解释,说明faulty 1 :5fC:lti a.有缺点的,有错误的figure 8 5figE n.体形;数字;图形;人物;v.(out)算出,估计,推测flash 4 LflAF n.闪光;v.发闪光,闪亮;闪现foresee 3 fC:5si:v.预见,预知growth 21 grEuW n.生长,增长,发展hence 6 hens ad.从此,今后;因此historical 6 his5tCrikEl a.历史的,有关历史的immediate 4 i5mi:djEt a.立即的,即时的;直接的,最接近的indus


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