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《2020小升初英语全真预测卷六套合集(译林版三起含答案).pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2020小升初英语全真预测卷六套合集(译林版三起含答案).pdf(40页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、冲刺20 20 年小升初(英语)全真预测卷(一)一、单项填空。(10 分)从 A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并将其序号填在题前括号内。()1.Mike likes playing _ basketball,but I like playing _ piano.A.the;theB./;the C.the;/D./;/()2.The mouse _A.bite;withthe net _ his teeth long long ago.B.bite;use C.bit;with D.bit;use()3.一Whats on the table?一There is orange juic

2、e and eggs.A.a little;a few B.many;much C.much;much D.many;many()4.It is an day.We are all very.A.excited;excitingB.exciting;excitingC.exciting;excitedD.excited;excised()5.We usuallymooncakes on the Mid-Autumn Festival.We alot of delicious mooncakes yesterday.A.eat;ateB.eat;eat C.ate;ate D.ate;eat()

3、6.There _ a football match tomorrow afternoon.A.will beB.is going to have C.is D.have()7.In _,people drive on the left side in the street.A.ShanghaiB.Hong Kong C.Beijing D.Guangzhou()8.My grandpa _ _ many fish yesterday.A.catchB.catches C.caught D.catching()9.He usually camping on weekends.But last

4、weekend he theroom at home.一I went there.train.A.go;cleanB.goes;cleansC.goes;cleaned)10.一_ _ _ _ _ _ _ did you go to Shanghai?D.go;cleansA.How;by B.What;byC.How;take D.Why;take二、词汇检测。(10分)A.根据首字母及句意提示,写出单词。(5 分)l.We must follow the t rules when we cross the road.2.My sister b her teeth every morning

5、 and before bedtime.3.一What is Mike doing now?一He is 1 to music in the bedroom.4.The teachers are talking about their p for the weekend.5.People usually eat d on Chinese New Years Eve.B.用所给词的适当形式填空。(5 分)6.一How about(go)boating this afternoon?-That sounds great.7.一What can we do(keep)our city clean?一

6、We can walk to school.8.Yang Ling(bring)some drinks and snacks to the party yesterday.9.Look!The cheaters(骗子)(show)the special clothes to the king.lO.My mother likes(go)shopping on the Internet.三、完成句子。(10分)根据要求完成下列句子。l.The girl was sick yesterday.She stayed at home.(合并为一句)The girl stayed at home yes

7、terday,she sick.2.He did his homework before dinner yesterday.(改为否定句)He his homework before dinner yesterday.3.We are going to buy some,flowers next week.(对画线部分提问)are y,ou going to next week?4.They can sing and dance here.(改为否定句)They sing dance here.5.My uncle gave me a new dress just now.(同义句转换)My

8、uncle gave a new dress just now.四、根据汉语意思,完成句子,每空一词。(10分)1.杨玲每天只吃一点点米饭。Yang Ling only a rice every day.2.今天早上王兵早早地去上学了。Wang Bing school this morning.3.去年,我的爷爷用木头为我做了一把椅子。My grandpa the wood make a chair for me last year.4.上周末,我在上海博物馆里看到了许多有趣的东西。I many interesting things in the Shanghai last weekend.5

9、.我想成为一名舞蹈家。舞蹈使人们健康和美丽。I want to be a.Dancing people and.五、口语运用。(10分)读对话,选用方框内的句子补全对话。A.ril do it this evening.B.Oh,sorry.C.Tomorrow is Sunday.We dont have any lessons.D.Sure.E.Yes,it is.A:Hi,Sam.Lets go and play football now.B:Im doing my homework.A:Can you do it tomorrow?B:But its Monday tomorrow.A

10、:Really?B:When do you do your homework?A:_B:I think the math exercise is difficult(难的).Could you help me now?A:_B:Thanks a lot.六、从 n 栏中选出与i 栏相对应的答句。(5 分)III()1.How was the weather yesterday?A.By metro.()2.How did you come to school this morning?B.Because I like writing storiesfor children.()3.How wa

11、s your holiday,Mike?C.It was sunny.()4.What are you going to do at the party?D.I am going to play the piano.()5.Why do you want to be a writer?E.It was great fun.七、完形填空。(10分)I a bad cough and a high fever.So I didnt go to school 2morning.After breakfast,I 3 a storybook.There are many signs、4 it.From

12、 this book I know 5 about traffic.We should walk or drive on the 6of the road and get slower(慢下来)at the cross of the road.Red light“means 7,“Green light means 8,We 9 go in the time of Red light”.We mustlo the“Green light“and go.()1.A.gotB.getC.getsD.getting()2.A.inB.atC.thatD.this()3.A.look atB.read

13、C.seeD.look()4.A.inB.onC.besideD.about()5.A.a lot ofB.manyC.lots ofD.a lot()6.A.leftB.lightC.rightD.write()7.A.stopingB.stoppingC.goD.going()8.A.goB.goesC.goingD.to go()9.A.shouldB.shouldntC.mustD.can()10.A.waitB.wait forC.waitingD.waiting for八、阅读理解。(10分)A.根据阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)o(5 分)Its a hot day.A moth

14、er crow and her two kids are flying in the sky.They are verythirsty.So mother says to her children,uLet9s find some water to drink.They find a jaron the floor.There is some water in the jar.But its not full.Their beaks(鸟嘴)aretoo short.They cant drink the water.Little crows dont know what to do.Mothe

15、r crowlooks at the jar,then she asks her children to put some stones into the jar.Oh,the jar isfull now!The mother crow and her children can drink the water now.How clever themother crow is!()1.It is a cold day.()2.The crows are thirsty.()3.The crows need some food to eat.()4.The mother crow asks he

16、r children to put some oranges into the ja匚()5.The mother crow is very clever.B.阅读短文,根据短文内容选择正确答案。(5 分)Most English people have three names:a first name,a middle name and a familyname.Their family name comes last.For example,my full name is Jim Allan Green,Green is my family name.My parents give me

17、both of my other names.People dont use their middle names very much.So“John Henry Brown“is usuallycalled John Brown.People never use Mr.,Mrs.or Miss before their first names.Theyuse Mr.,Mrs.or Miss with the family names.So.you can say John Brown,or Mr.Brown;but you should never say Mr.John.Sometimes

18、 people ask me about my name.When you were born,why did yourparents call you Jim?”they ask.Why did they choose that name?The answer is thatthey didnt call me Jim.They called me James.James was the name of my grandfather.In England,people usually call me Jim for short.Thats because it is shorter and

19、easierthan James.()1.How many names do most English people have?A.One.B.Two.C.Three.()2.The family name comes _.D.Four.A.first B.second C.fburthD.last()3.For Jim Allan Green,which is his family name?A.Jim.B.Allen.C.Green.D.Allan Green.()4.Which name do people seldom use?A.The first name.B.The middle

20、 name.C.The family name.D.The whole names.()5.People can call a person Jim short.A.in B.at C.for D.on九、书面表达。(15分)同学们,我们该怎样做才能成为优秀的学生呢?好学生都有哪些好习惯?请以uBeing a good studentn为题,写一篇英语作文。要求:语句通顺,用词恰当,语法正确,不少于40词。Being a good student答案一、1-5BCACA 6-10ABCCA二、A.1 .traffic 2.brushes 3.1istening 4.plans 5.dumpli

21、ngs B.6.going 7.tokeep 8.brought 9.are showing lO.going三、1 .because;was 2.didn,t do 3.What;do 4.cant;or 5.to me四、l.eat;little 2.went to;early 3.used;to 4.saw;Museum 5.dancer;makes;healthy;beautiful五、BCEAD六、1-5CAEDB七、L5ADBAD 6-10CBCBB八、A.1-5FTFFT B.1-5CDCBC九、Being a good studentTo be a good student,y

22、ou should do a.lot of things.You should go to bed and get upearly.You should brush your teeth in the morning and before bedtime.You should listento your teachers carefully in class.You should finish your homework early at home.You mustnt make your room messy or dirty.You mustnt watch too much TV at

23、night.冲刺2020年小升初(英语)全真预测卷(二)一、单项填空。(10分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并将其序号填在题前括号内。()1.Eating fruit and vegetables good for our.A.are;health B.are;healthy C.is;healthy D.is;health()2.There is not milk in the fridge.I will go and buys some.A.some B.much C.many D.few()3.My uncle is a.He us English.A.teacher;te

24、aches B.teach;teacher C.teacher;teacher D.teach;teach()4.Helen sometimes her mother in the kitchen.Now she thedishes.A.helping;washes B.helped;washing C.helps;is.washing D.helps;washes()5.一 will your sister stay in Beijing?About two months.A.HowB.How longC.WhenD.What()6.Yang Ling likes.So she wantsa

25、 traveller.A.travel;to beB.travelling;isC.travelling;to beD.travels;to be()7.The mousea big hole in the net his teeth.A.make;withB.made;withC.making;withD.make;in()8.You,ll find _ _ in the UK.A.StonehengeB.the Great Barrier ReefC.the Great WallD.Yellowstone National Park()9.Its _ today.Please put on

26、 your coat.A.hotB.sunnyC.warmD.cold()10.In China,children often get red packets from their parents.A.at Christmas B.at HalloweenC.on Chinese New Years Day D.at the Double Ninth Festival八、词汇检测。(10分)C.根据首字母及句意提示,写出单词。(5分)1.W ere very e to hear that we can watch that interesting film this afternoon.2.Y

27、ou cant take your juice into the shop.The sign means No e or d.3.You can wait on the p and look out fbr cars and bikes.4.Sport-lovers will like A football games because they are very exciting.5.Yang Ling has many good h.D.用所给词的适当形式填空。(5分)6.They are talking about food(safely)now.7.There(be)a new film

28、 next week.8.We watered some flowers and(pick)some apples on the farm last S.unday.9.Mike can reach the picture on the wall(easy).lO.There are a lot o f(t r a v e l)in Beijing in October every year.九、完成句子。(io 分)根据要求完成下列句子。l.The man caught the lion with his net.(同义句转换)The man the net the lion.2.Liu T

29、ao brought us some dumplings just now.(同义句转换)Liu Tao brought some dumplings just now.3.My sister is reading books now.(用 tomorrow 改写)My sister books tomorrow.4.1t was sunny,yesterday.(对画线部分提问)the like yesterday?5.She helped her mother do housework.(改为否定句)She her mother do housework.十、根据汉语意思,完成句子,每空一

30、词。(10分)1.他想成为一名警察。警察应该勇敢而强壮。H e be a policeman.A policeman should be and,2.你让我走我才停止叫喊。I wont stop shouting until you.3.昨天发生了什么事?一一下了一整天雨。What yesterday?一It was all day.4.我去了外滩,看到了许多有趣的东西。I went to the and many.5.明天学校将会有一个派对。There_a party at school tomorrow.十一、口语运用。(10分)从下列方框中选择合适的句子完成短文,填序号。(其中有一项是多

31、余项)A.He showed them around the city.B.Shanghai is a big city.C.They saw many tall buildings and many visitors there.D.They had a wonderful holiday.E.They saw a lot of animals there.F.They caught a big fish.Last summer,Su Hai,Su Yang and their parents,went to Shanghai for the holiday.There are a lot

32、of people there.Su Hai and Su Yangs uncle works inShanghai.They visited the Bund in the evening.They also went to theShanghai Wild Animal Park.They went to the restaurant and has a lot of nicefood._十二、从 II栏中选出与I 栏相对应的答句。(5 分)III()1.Do you want to visit the Summer Palace tomorrow?A.Because I was ill.

33、()2.What happened?()3.Why were you absent(缺 席 的)?()4.Will you go to Shanghai by plane?()5.How was your National Day holiday?十三、完形填空。(10分)B.No,I wont.Ill go by train.C.Yes,J do.D.It was very fun.E.I lost my new pencil.Tom lives and works in Birmingham(伯 明翰).He works from Mondayto Friday.On Saturday a

34、nd Sunday he doesnt go to 2,Sometimes he goesshopping.Sometimes he goes to see his 3.This week he is going to London4 his good friend,Mike.They are going to see their good friends 5.They are going to take the 2:40 train 6 Friday afternoon.In London,Toms friend Jack is going to 7 them home in his car

35、.Tom and Mike are bothgoing to 8 with Jack for the weekend.On Saturday morning Jack is going to take them to a middle school.Mikesfriends,Mr White,is a 9 there.On Sunday Jack is going to take them to somenice parks in London.They are going to take the 6:00 train 10 to Birmingham.()1.A.veryB.hardC.we

36、llD.good()2.A.workB.worksC.BirminghamD.here()3.A.catB.dollC.daughterD.friends()4.A.forB.andC.withD.of()5.A.in homeB.thereC.wayD.in a farm()6.A.onB.atC.inD.from()7.A.carryB.look afterC.meetD.take()8.A.liveB.talkC.stayD.ride()9.A.studentB.teacherC.nurseD.doc tor()10.A.backB.offC.driveD.go八、阅读理解。(10分)A

37、.根据阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)o (5分)An owl(才 苗 头 鹰)isa bird with large eyes.Those eyes make the owl look clever.The owl can not move its eyes freely as people can.It can only look straight ahead(朝前).If it wants to look at both sides,it must turn its neck.Owls see better at night than during the day.At night the

38、y look for food.They eatmice and insects.Owls make strange noise because the owls sleep most of the day.They usuallygive their cries at night.They cry sound Hoot!Hoot!This strange sounds sometimsfrightens people at night.()1.An owl looks clever because it can look straight head.()2.An owl looks for

39、food at night because it sees better at night than during the day.()3.An owl lives on all kinds of birds.()4.They cry of an owl is frightening.()5.Man must not kill owls because they are helpful to people.B.阅读短文,根据短文内容选择正确答案。(5分)Old people usually enjoy remembering“the good old days“by telling us ho

40、w theyhad to walk to school four miles in deep snow.The snow wasnt so bad,but it was ahard job having to carry your books with one hand,and having to fight off(击退)ahungry wolves with the other.In the old days,games were usually so.mething played in the home,since mostchildren were。unable to(不能)pay f

41、or them.Guessing games,twenty questions,treasure hunts and color matching(酉 己 色)helped them pass many long cold,darkevening.I wish I had gone through some of the old-time things.It may have helped meenjoy the boyhood(童年)that much more.()1.The author(作者)of the above passage is probably.A.an old man B

42、.an old woman C.a young man D.a young woman()2.In the old days,most children could not spend money on games because theywere.A.poor(贫穷的)B.rich(富有的)C.busy D.tired()3.In the old days games were usually something played.A.in the house B.in the park C.in the zoo D.on the mountain()4.In the old days chil

43、dren had to go to school.A.by bus B.by car C.by bicycle D.on foot()5.The author wishes that during his boyhood he had experienced(经历).A.travelling all over the world by planeB.driving a car in bad stormC.fighting off hungry wolves on his way to schoolD.watching TV in the living room九、书面表达。(15分)关于未来,

44、关于梦想,我们心中都有一张蓝图,请你敞开心扉,向小伙伴们展示你心中的梦想。请围绕这个话题,从心中的梦想和努力的过程等方面谈谈你的想法。要求:语句通顺,意思连贯,表达有条理,书写规范,不少于6句 话(包括文中已经给予提示的未写完整的句子)提示:want to be/do,will,should/shouldn,t,study hard,listen to teachersMy dreamI have a dream.I want to be in the future.I want to.To make my dream come true,I will:答案一、1-5DBACB 6-10CBA

45、DC二、A.l.excited 2.eating;drinking 3.pavement 4.Australian 5.habitsB.6.safety 7.will be/is going to be 8.picked 9.easily lO.travelers三、l.used;to catch 2.to us 3.will read 4.What was;weather 5.didnt help四、1 .wants to;brave;strong 2.1et me go 3.happened;raining 4.Bund;saw;interesting things 5.is going

46、to be五、BACED六、L5CEABD七、1-5BADCB 6-10ADCBA八、A.1-5FTFTT B.1-5CAADC九、My dreamI have a dream.I want to be an engineer in the future.I want to design a beautiful building.To make my dream come true,I will:Listen to the teachers carefully in class.Do my homework every day.Read more books about the buildin

47、gs.Do more exercise and keep healthy.冲刺2 0 2 0 年小升初(英语)全真预测卷(三)一、单项填空。(1 0 分)从 A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并将其序号填在题前括号内。()1.It yesterday morning.But it became in the afternoon.A.rainy;sunny B.rainy;sun C.rained;sunny D.rained;sun()2.Dont throw your old coat away.Please.A.pick up it B.pick up them C.pick it

48、up D.pick them up()3.一What do you want to be,Mary?一I want to be a(n).I like singing a lot.A.writer B.singer C.doctor D.actor()4.一Where are your grandparents,Mike?一They in the park.They usually after supper.A.walk;are walking B.walking;walkC.is walking;walk D.are walking;walk()5.My uncle is a.He ofte

49、n nice food for us.A.cooker;cooks B.cook;cooks C.cooker;cooker D.cook;cook()6.一Yang Ling,we dont have vegetables for lunch.Could you buy?Sure,but I dont have money.A.much;any B.some;any C.any;some D.some;some()7.There a woman and some children in the park just now.A.was B.is C.were D.are()8.一 the w

50、e a t h e r in Nanjing?一Its sunny.A.Whats;like B.What;like C.Hows;like D.Whats;is()9.一 season in Wuxi you like best,Liu Tao?一I like spring best.A.What;does B.Which;are C.Which;do D.What;are()10.My sister can the piano.A.played B.played C.playing D.play十四、词汇检测。(10分)E.根据首字母及句意提示,写出单词。(5 分)l.We all lik


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