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《沪教版小学牛津英语2A教案.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《沪教版小学牛津英语2A教案.pdf(43页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、教学设计方案ContentBook 2a Module 1 Unit 1_ The 1 period教学目标:1学习掌握单词morning afternoon evening n ig h t并且知道Mr的意思2学习掌握句子Good morning/afternoon/evening/night.在一天中的正确的问候,并初步了解Good evening.和 Good night.的不同含义。3培养主动打招呼的礼貌习惯,和培养学生对英语的兴趣。教学重点和难点:难点:将本课的4个句型融入一个小故事v中,学习一天中不同的问候,同时,学 习4个形容词 happy hot tired sleepy.教学

2、过程ProceduresTeachers ActivitiesStudenfs ActivitiesPurposePre-task1.Sing a song goodmorning2.Free talkSing a songAnswer the questions通过一首有趣的歌曲来营造轻松的英语氛围,并引入新课程。While-task1.Look and answer.Show the pic of the sunT:Who is he?2.Look and answer.Show paragraph 1T:How is he?3.Ask and answer.Show para 2:aft

3、ernoonGood afternoon!(Mr.Sun is high in the sky.Mr.Suu is wearing the1 .Read:Mr.2.Say sth.About Mr.Sun(red/hot/happy/in thesky.)And greet to Mr SunRead:morningGood morning,Mr.Sun.3.Read:afternoonGood afternoon,Mr.Sun.Mr.Sun is hot.Say sth.About Mr Sun(redand hot)通过各种太阳的图片,引出今天小故事的主人公,太阳公公。通过图片上太阳的位置

4、变化,将己学单词的教授清晰化,让学生的形象感深刻化。sunglasses.When is it?How is Mr.Sun?4.Look and sayShow para 3:eveningGood evening!Now Mr.Sun is under themountain.And Mr.Sunhas worked for a day,soHow is he?5.Look and sayLearn:nightGood night!Now what can you see?How is Mr.Sun?.6 look and read.Show the whole story4.Read:ev

5、eningGood evening,Mr.Sun.Mr.Sun is tired.5.Read:nightGood night,Mr.Sun.Mr.Sun is.6.Read the story通过演一演,读一读让学生扮演小动物与太阳先生打招呼,操练句型,生动又有趣。要求学生打完招呼之后就去睡觉,加深对Good night.的理解。并通过一组图片配对练习帮助学生掌握词组的不同含义,强化Good evening.Goodnight.的区别。整体认识和熟悉小故事,有感情的朗读。Post-task1 read and match.Show the picture of thedifferent ti

6、me in a day.2.Show the words3.read and actShow the story again1 .Discuss when is it in pairs,match the pics and words:morning,afternoon,eveningand night;and read.2.Spell the words in groups,parirs and individually3.Read the storyAct out the story.通过看照片上的实际情况,让学生判断各个时间段,更好的理解单词的含义,巩固书本内容。通过不同形式的拼读单词,

7、培养学生正确拼读单词的能力。通过读一读、演一演达成语言输出。课后总结IvyContentBook 2a Module 1 Unit 1 The 2nd period教学目标1、学唱歌曲 Hello!How are you?,体会歌曲韵律和语言韵感,体验学习乐趣。2、认识单词apple,b a g,尝试熟练诵读apple&bag儿歌,在朗读儿歌过程中,培养学生朗读儿歌的韵律感。教学重点和难点1、And I hope that you are too.语句的正确语音和语调。2、鼓励学生在儿歌上做连读、升降调标记,培养朗读的好习惯。教学过程ProceduresTeacher1 sActivities

8、Student9 s ActivitiesPurposePre-task1 .GreetingsGreet the Ss and havethe Ss greet each other.2.ask and answer.Show Mrs BOBO andhave Ss to ask andanswer3 pair workShow the key structureof a dialogue1.Respond the greetingsand greet each other.2.Review the Q and A:How are you today?Im fine,thank you.3

9、Make a dialogue in pairsA:Hello,_.B:Hi_.A:How are you today?B:_.(I f m fine,thank you./I m very well./Just so so./Not very well./.)A:Goodbye.(Bye-bye./See you./.)B:_.相互问候导入新课.通过看图问答和创编对话的形式,复习上节课中学习过的问答句。通过小对话来再次复习巩固上节课的新知,并引出新课的内容。While-taskl.look and sayIntroduce Eddie to theclass.2.enjoy the vide

10、oPlay the flash:Eddiesday.3.look and readHave the Ss read alongwith the teacher and theflash.4 Enjoy a songT:Today Eddie met anew friend:Kitty atschool(Show thepicture)and they sang asong(Play the song)5 read the chantPtaw.A.an_aBR.leon the_blackboard1_ask_sstP.close eyeJhen drawthe apple_in_thebag.

11、T:where is the bigapple?1.Meet Eddie and sayhello,to Eddie.2.Watch the flash and findout the key sentences inthe dialogue3 Read and imitate thedialogue4.Listen to the song on P4and learn to sing it,get toknow the meaning of“How do you do?”5 Listen to the rhyme a bigapple and learn tochant(Pay attent

12、ion to:anapple&a big apple)withgestures通过与主人公打招呼,并让主题人物引出新的课程的内容。通 过 flash展示课文对话直观有趣,并请学生模仿对话中的句子培养孩子很好的听的习惯和短时间记忆的能力。通过跟读多媒体加强语音语调的模仿和学习。学习歌曲,在学歌的过程中习得语言How do youdo?利用猜一猜的环节自然地过渡课文中两个部分的内容,活跃课堂,强化语言点。Post-taskShow the dialogue andsong,rhyme againPractise in groups/pairs小组/I 两两活动提供语言交流渠道,再次巩固所学内容。课

13、后总结IvyContentBook _2aModule,l_ U nit_2_ The 上period教学目标:1学习掌握单词b o y g i r l b i g s m a l l t a l l s h o r t t h i n f a t c a t d o g2学习使用句子 r m/Y o u r e t a l l /s h o r t /f a t /t h i n /s m a l l/b i g.来描述外貌特征。并能听懂 W h o a m I?的含义。3通过对个体差异的认识及接受,培养学生尊重个体差异,热爱生命。教学重点和难点:难点:试着用Pm 和 Youre来介绍个体中

14、,学习形容词big small ta ll short thin fat.教学过程ProceduresTeachers ActivitiesStudenfs ActivitiesPurposeWarming-upPre-task1.Say a chant2.Free talkSay a chantAnswer the questions通过轻松的对话和儿歌进入英语课堂,营造轻松的英语氛围。While-task1.ask and answerC is for cat.D is foe dog.Show two animals,and askss to give them two names,Da

15、nny and Candy.2.1ook and saylisten what do they say.Hello,ImTeach:boy,girl,big,small,tall,short,fat,thin.3.ActAsk ss to be Candy&Danny.4.Pair workTech:youre.One s says Pm.anothersay youre.1 answer the Q,and givesome interesting names.2 Read:Im.Im a boy.Fm big.Imfat.Im tall.Learn:boy,girl,big,small,f

16、at,thin,tall,short3.practise with the deskmate,and try to act withactions.4.practise with desk mateand then try to show.引出今天小故事的主人公,CANDY CAT,DANNY DOG。通过人物介绍的语段,让学生形象感知今天的 新 授 fa t,tall,big,b o y.同时解决生词的音形意。借 助 图 片 引 出 fa t,tall,big,b o y,的反义词 thin,short,small,g ir l,通过对比让学生印象深刻。让学生在扮演时试着运用 thin,sh

17、ort,small,g ir l,由机械操练向意义操练过度。Post-task1.Introduce myself2.introduce others1.Good morning.Tm.Im a boy/girl.Im.I can.2.choose one student and根据学生的实际情况,向大家介绍自己,一方面帮助他们熟练运用主题语句Im (fa t、thin short ta ll.big/sm all),同时也融进了旧知工c a n,帮学introduceYoure.Youre a boy/girl.Youre.生扩大了语量。课后总结I v yC o n t e n tB o o

18、 k 2 a M o d u l e _ _ _ 1 _ _ _ U n i t _ 2 _ T h e _2 n d _ p e r i o d教学目标:1,掌握单词M i s s,并初步了解其为对未婚女士的尊称。2.学会运用句型Youre.介绍他人,并用Yes,Im./No,Im.来进行回答。3.在演一演猜一猜的活动过程中,通过了解同学之间的体型外貌上的差异,增进彼此之间的了解。教学重点和难点:1.从 Im。过度到YouTe。的句型。教学过程ProceduresTeachers ActivitiesStudenfs ActivitiesPurposePre-task1.Read the c

19、hant2.Quick responces:1.tall girl short girl2 Tell the words andsentences通过儿歌的朗诵,既复习了昨天的学习内容,又直接切入了学习的主题。While-task1.read and surveyTo elicit:the survey with adialogue.1)Show paragraph 12)Show paragraph 23)Show the table2.Play a gameTeacher give modle11)Read introduction2).Read the dialogue3)Do a su

20、rvey withdeskmate.2.Play in the whole class.通过对 introduction的朗读,帮助学生再现了本单元的主要词汇和重点句型。给出外貌线索让学生 猜 w ho激发学生参与的热情,同时引出do a survey 的内容。以游戏方式进一步巩固句型Youre。在演(Teacher guess Studentanswer)T:Good morning,S:Good morning.T:Youre short.S:Yes,Im short.T:You are fat.S:No,Im thin.T:You are.3.describe yourselfOne i

21、ntroduce himself,thether describe.Im.Youre.3.Guessing gameShow somedescription to ss,andask them to guesswho.Teach:who am i?2.pair work3.play a gameread after the teacher,andguess.一演猜一猜的活动过程中,通过了解同学之间的体型外貌上的差异,增进彼此之间的了解。Post-taskQuick responce:T:Em tall.Fm a tall girl.S:You*re tall.Youre a tall girl

22、.Try to say the sentenceimmediately.以游戏方式进一步操练拓展句型Youreo。课后总结IvyContentBook 2A Module_l_ Unit 3 The 1st period教学目标:(将三维目标和教学内容有机融合)1.掌握单词seven,eight,nine,ten的音、形、义,会熟练数110的英语数字。2.能结合已学数字儿歌进行诵读、表演或自行编写小诗,并在过程中感受诗歌的韵律美。教学重点和难点:(也可在此处列出拓展教学的内容)1.能结合己学知识编写小对话。数学过程ProceduresTeachers ActivitiesStudenfs Ac

23、tivitiesPurposeI.Pre-taskpreparation1.Daily talk.2.Let the students to saythe chant.1 .Introduce yourself.2.Say the chant.Ten little paper rabbits练习己学的chant,即活跃了课堂气氛又复习已学的数词。II.While-taskProcedure:1 .teach:Put the cards for thenumbers 7 to 10 on theblackboard.Have thestudents practice the newwords.2

24、.practise timeHave the studentscomplete a quickarithmetic exercise.3.talk about yourself.Have the students to talkabout their age.e.g Im seven.4.pair workEncourage the students tomake sentences with thewords of numbers:7-105.enjoy the rhymeHave the students watch1.Practice the new words.Read and spe

25、ll2.Complete a quickarithmetic exercise withthe cards:3+4=?3.Talk about the age ingroups.SI:Im seven.Ss:Youre seven.4.Make sentences in pairsand then share:I can see eight apples.Give me nine pencils,please.How many boys?Ten boys.5.Watch the flash andunderstand the meaning of通过算术题、用数字互相介绍年龄的操练形式练习数字

26、,操练单词,也让学生在语境中练习。通过自己编创关于数字的对话,既能帮助小朋友练习句型,又能让小朋友操练数字。the flash of the rhyme onpage 10.6 Ask the students to standup and repeat it with somegesturesthe rhyme.T:(read the rhyme)Ss:(Do the gestures.)6.Follow and repeat.Sb:(Read the rhyme)Sg:(Do the gestures)Then change.通过模仿动作,帮助学生们理解儿歌的意思,并结合动作学一学、读一读

27、。III.Post-taskactivity:1.Have the students toread,recite or make theirown rhyme.1.Read,recite or make thenew rhyme.请学生们根据自己情况,进行朗读、背诵或是创编儿歌的分层练习,培养发散性思维,激发学习兴趣。课后总结IvyContentBook 2A Module 1 Unit 3 The 2nd period教学目标:(将三维目标和教学内容有机融合)1.巩固句型Are you.?学会用Yes,B n./N。,F m.句型回答,并注意一般疑问句的语音、语调。2.尝试结合已学知识创编、

28、表演小对话。3.知晓在西方不能够询问女士的年龄,那是不礼貌的。教学重点和难点:(也可在此处列出拓展教学的内容)1.能结合己学知识创编小对话,并注意语音、语调的正确。教学过程ProceduresTeachers ActivitiesStudenfs ActivitiesPurposeI.Pre-taskpreparation1.Let the students to saythe chant on PIO.2.ask and answe匚1.Say the chant or the ownones.2.Ask and answer复习前一课时内容及已学的问答句型,并调整课堂气氛。IL While

29、-taskProcedure:l.Ask and answerElicit the new sentence byasking:Are you ten?1 Answer Ts question:Yes,Fm./No.Im.Andunderstand the meaning继续问答,引出新授句型,并通过动作的辅助掌握正确的语音、语调。2.practiceHave Ss pay attention tothe intonation with gesture3.Let the students topractice in pairs.4.Elicit the sentence byasking a

30、question:Are you ten?Are you a boy?5.Play a guessing game.6.enjoy a chant on Pl 2and explain the plural andsingular form.2.Learn the sentences withthe correct intonation3.PairworkAre you seven/.?Yes,/No,4.Learn the sentences andpay attention to theintonation.5.Play the game.Who areyou?”Are you a boy

31、/girl?Yes,/No,6.enjoy the chant同桌练习,反馈对话。游戏活跃课堂气氛,增加课堂趣味性。听读chant并解释下为III.Post-taskactivity:1.Read after therecorder.2.Ask and answerHave the studentsmake a shortdialogue.1.Read after the tape.2.Make a short dialogue.Are you a boy/girl?.Are you seven/.?.Are you Steven?.将所学的知识串编成小对话,达到学以致用的目的。课后总结Ivy

32、Content Book 2A Module 2 Unit 1 The 1st period教学目标:(将三维目标和教学内容有机融合)1.能初步掌握单词:run,write,swim,f ly 的音,形,意。2.了解 b u t在句型中表示转折,能用 but.c a n,t(can)自己造句。3.能将动词运用于Can you的句型,并能根据实际情况运用Yes,I can.No,I can t.回答问题。4.能将新学句型和自己已有的知识整合,培养学生初步的语段输出能力。教学重点和难点:(也可在此处列出拓展教学的内容)重点:1.能掌握单词:run,write,swim,f ly 的音,形,意。2.

33、能对Can you的句型做出肯定和否定的回答。3.了解b u t在句型中的具体运用,并能自己造句。教学过程ProceduresTeachers ActivitiesStudents ActivitiesPurposePre-taskpreparation1.sing a song2.Daily talk.What can you do?1.Sing a song2.Answer the questions.Eg:I can dance.通过歌曲,调动英语学习积极性,也为后面话题的展开做铺垫。While-taskprocedure1.Look and askThis is myfriend,su

34、pergirl.Do uhave any questionabout her?To elicit:SupergirlSuper2.Try to read and answer:Why supergirl is super?3.Listen and answer the Q.Supergirl can do manythings.Guess:What can she do?4.Teach the new words:1)fly2)swim1、Look at the pic ofsupergirl and ask:2、Read and answer:Because she can do manyt

35、hings.3.Brain Storm:She can.Try to put the pictures inthe table.4.Learn the new words:l)Filling the blanks.2)Read and spell.带着问题听,更有目的,并揭示课题:Supergirl通过问题引发学生的思考,为何超级女孩是超级的?也激活了他们的思维。通过头脑风暴激活动作的词。第一次听故事,让学生整体感知故事。试着让学生做配对游戏,初步检测学生是否听懂故事,单词的整体感知。这三个单词在句型中巩固时有一个递进性,学生在学时由易而难,符合学3)run5.Supergirl can do

36、 manythings.But what cant shedo?l).Try to read the story andanswer.2).To elicit:write or drawTeach the new word:3).Try to say:I can_,_and_.But I cant_or_.3)Read the sentence:Look!I can_.I can_like_.5.1)Read and answer:She cant write.2)Learn the new word.3)Try to say:I can _,_ and _.But I cant_or_.生的

37、认知规律。语言的叠加,符合学生的认知规律,并做到了新授词的复现和巩固。Post-taskactivity1.Read the story2.Act out the story.1.Read the story2.Act out the story.通过学生复述表演故事,通过同桌合作,提高学生的语用学习能力。Content Book 2A Module 2 Unit 1 The _2rd period教学目标:(将三维目标和教学内容有机融合)2.掌握skip a rope,ride a bicycle这两个词组的音,形,意,并能在句型中灵活运用。3.掌握字母:Gg,Hh的大小写,读音。以及在单词

38、中的常见发音。能找出符合发音规则的单词。4.能将新学的词组和旧句型整合,形成语段输出;Can you-?No,I can t.What can you do?I can 5.能声情并茂的朗读儿歌。6.通过比赛,猜测,调查等多种活动形式调动学生的学习积极性和参与的热情,培养良好的课堂习惯。教学重点和难点:(也可在此处列出拓展教学的内容)重点:1.熟练掌握词组并能灵活运用,如:ride a bicycle,ride a horse.2.熟练朗读并表演儿歌。难点:1.能运用自己的旧知加上新授,形成语段输出。2.初步感知字母的发音规律。教学过程ProceduresTeachers Activities

39、Studenfs ActivitiesPurposePre-task1.chant a rhyme1.Chant复习旧知,为新授做准preparation2.1nvite Ss to retell thestory.2.Tell the story.备。While-taskprocedure1 .Invite Ss to introducethemselves1.About me:Hello!Fm.(name)用已学句型自我介绍,为Im _.(eight,)Im _.(tall,fat-)Im_.(super,cool)I can_.(read,run-)I can_.But I can,t

40、_.下面的朋友介绍做铺垫。2.Guessing Game.What can he do?He can.2.Guessing game:S1:What can he/she/it do?S2:He/She/Itcan.复现和巩固已学动词,做一积累。3.Do a survey on page1 6.Feedback:What can.do?He/She can_.3.Survey:SI:Can you.?S2:Yes,I can./No,I cant.S1:What can you do?S2:1 can.通过问答形式做调查,巩固一般疑问句的问答。4.Introduce your friendac

41、cording to your survey.4.About my friend:This is my friend,_.He/She is.(tall,short,thin,fat.)He/She can.But he/she cant.I like my friend.通过自己的调查,做小结,介绍自己的朋友,让学生感受到成功的喜悦。5.Teach the letter.Gg&Hh5.Learn the tetter:Gg&Hh通过有趣的视频来感受G、H 的发音,再学习girl,hand等单词Post-taskactivity1.Read the rhymeHave a competitio

42、n whocan read it correctly andfluently.1.Match:read the rhyme.用小组竞赛等方式念儿歌,激发学生的兴趣。ContentBook_2A_ Module_ 2 _ Unit_ 2 _ The Bst period教学目标:(将三维目标和教学内容有机融合)1 .掌握单词:y o u n g,o l d,s i s t e r,b r o t h e r,S a l l y,J i m 的音,形,意。2 .能在听,说,读的过程中熟练,正确运用句型:W h o s s h e?S h e i s I s h e y o u r?Y e s,h

43、ei s./N o.h e i s n t.3 .通过看图回答和说说自己的家庭等活动,充分调动学生学习的积极性,同时通过这种合作型学习方式,培养低年级学生的合作意识。教学重点和难点:(也可在此处列出拓展教学的内容)重点:1.拓展单词:f a t h e r (d a d d y),m o t h e r (m u m m y),g r a n d f a t h e r (g r a n d p a),g r a n d m o t h e r (g r a n d m a)L i t t l e b r o t h e r,b i g s i s t e r.难点:1.拓展缩写形式 w h

44、o s=w h o i s ,h e s=h e i s ,s h e s=s h e i s。2.对于一般疑问句:I s h e y o u r -?的肯、否定回答,注意人称代词的一致性。教学过程ProceduresTeachers ActivitiesStudenfs ActivitiesPurposePre-taskpreparation1,Tell a story about a girl.Guess:whose family?GuessS:Allens family.活跃课堂氛围并引出课题.While-taskprocedure1.Show the family tree.Who a

45、re they?Grandfather(grandpa),grandmother(grandma),father(daddy),mother(mummy),little brother,big sisiterLad and spell the newwords.Grandfather(grandpa),grandmother(grandma),father(daddy),mother(mummy),little brother,big sisiter通过家庭的树状图复习并教授家庭成员单词。2.How are they?1).Teach the new word:oldPattern:I am

46、Grandfather.I am old.2)Read and spell it.3)Pattern:I amgrandfather.I am old.(act)3.Teach the new word:youngPattern:I am a cook.I amyoung.Read and spell it.4.Phrases:a young doctoran old doctorShow some pictures andask ss to describe thepeople.Eg:This is a youngteacher.That is an olddoctor.Ask:Who is

47、 old/young inyour family?2.Read and spell the word:old.Act:I am Grandfather.I amold.3.Read and spell the word:young.Make phrases aboutold/young.Eg:a young motheran old aunt4.talk about the familymembers.通过How are they?让学生看着图自己初读,并试着找出答案。通过比较,让学生了解同一人不同时期的变化。5.Choose the correctanswer.(he/she)6.Guess

48、ing game.Whoshe/she?He5s.Shes4.Choose the rightanswer.(he/she)6.Guessing game.Whos she?Shes Dora.通过不同方式的操练,让学生在不同情境中理解新授单词。who,s=who isshes=she is hes=he is通 过 对 D ora的描述让学生进行猜 测,并熟悉句型。7.Look at the picture andanswer the questions.Whos he?Hes Dannys7.Answer the questionsaccording to the pictures.Who

49、s he?Hes DannyJs.通过Danny 一家的照片,对 特 殊 疑 问 句 Who*she/she?和家庭成员进行巩固。8.Look at the picture andanswer the questions.Learn the new sentence:Ishe/she your.?Yes,he/she8.aswer the questions.Learn the new sentencepattern:Is he/she your.?Yes,he/she is.No,he/sheisnt.is.No,he/she isnt.Post-taskactivities1.Talk a

50、bout your familyuse the sentence pattern.Talk about your family usethe sentence pattern.SI:Whos he?S2:Hes my father.Hes young.S1:Is he your mother?S2:No,she isnt.She is my grandmother.She is old.用自己的照片和同桌进行问答,语用过程得以操练。AssignmentContentBook_2A_ Module_ 2_ Unit_ 2_ The 20d period教学目标:(将三维目标和教学内容有机融合)1


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