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1、九年级英语上册期末测试题 九年级英语上册期中检测题班级 姓名_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 考号I.听力测试。(共30分)第一节:情景反应。(共5分)听两遍。从A、B、C三个选项中选出最恰当的答语。1.A.Yes,I have.B.Yes,I was.C.Yes,I did.2.A.Since four years ago.B.Four years ago.C.In four years.3.A.You re great!B.T m sorry to hear that.C.I don t know.4.A.Very hotB.I like it.C.If s a beautiful city

2、.5.A.She is confident B.She is ill.C.She likes reading.第二节:对话理解。(每小题1分,共5分)听两遍。从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确答案.1.A.He stopped swimming.B.He stopped smoking.C.He learned to smoke.2.A.Brain*s B.Jennyz sC.Danny s3.A.At the train station.B.At the bus stop.C.At the airport.4.A.Read the book.B.Drink some milk and relax

3、herself.C.Drink some coffee.5.A.Because she is clever.B.Because she thinks it is easy.C.Because she wants to do it by herself.第三节:短文理解。(每小题2分.共20分)听三遍。从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确答案.A1.The doctor in the townA.never asked for his pay B.was a kind-heartedman C.kept studying for years2.The doctor helped p e o p l e

4、.A.at night B.at any timeC.in the daytime3.Later people didn t go to him any morebecause.A.they forgot him B.they had a new doctorC.he always forgot things4.People were afraid that the doctormight.A.give them the wrong medicineB.ask them for too much moneyC.not take good care of them5.The doctor.B.w

5、as sad about what people saidC.was happy with what he heardB()1.This is a radio program for.A.daily news B.advice on free timeactivities C.music()2.You can choose to join a music club,a(an)club and an art club.A.chess B.EnglishC.sports()3.In our volunteer program,teenagers canfor old people who live

6、 alone.A.do some shopping B.do somehousework C.Both A and B()4.In MMeeting your New Family program,youcan stay with your new family for weeks.A.twoB.threeC.A.was told the real reasonfour()5.If you are interested in these suggestions,Please Mr.Robinson.A.call B.e-mail C.visitn.单项选择。(每小题1分,共20分)1.How

7、do you study English so well.I studyreading English magazines.A.at B.on C.in D.by2.Many students asked the teacher help after class.A.for B.to C.aboutD.with3.Your bedroom is so dirty.Really?I II get ittomorrow.A.cleaned B.clean C.cleans D.cleaning4.Where is Xiao Ling?She in her bedroom,but I am not

8、sure.A.must be B.can t beC.5.The meat is cheap but you can,t eatA.much too;too much B.much too;muchtooC.too much;too much D.too much;much too6.What about playing football this afternoon,Sam?I would rather at home thanfootball.If s too hot outside.A.stay;play B.stay;plays C.to stay;to playD.to stay;p

9、laying7.We shouldn,t our classmates when they makemistakes in learning English.A.laugh at B.talk with C.smileD.play with8.You used in Canada.Are you used in Chinanow?maybeD.may beA.to live;to live B.to living;to liveC.to live;to living D.to living;to living9.Mr.Wang,I have trouble the book.-Remember

10、 it three times at least.A.to understand;reading B.understanding;readingC.understanding;to read D.to understand;toreadlO.How many English words you so far?A.do;learn B.did;learn C.have;learntD.will;learn11.We are doing much better Englishour teachers,help.A.in;at B.at;in C.in;with D.in;under12.In re

11、cent years,more and more Americans liketraveling during holidays.D.So Chinese will13.Can you write passage in English?A.a 600-words B.a 600 words C.a 600word D.a 600-word14.In our c it y,c o lle g e students want to work inWest China in the future.A.million B.millions of C.million ofD.three millions

12、 of15.Must I finish the homework now?No,you.You may finish it tomorrow.A.mustn*t B.can t C.needn,tD.may not16.-Smoking is bad for your health.You s h o u l d,A.give it up B.give up it C.take itout D.take out it17.-How beautiful our school is!-Yes,trees andflowers everywhere.A.So do Chinese B.So will

13、 Chinese C.So Chinese doA.can seeB.can be seenC.can t seeD.can be see18.Tom twenty Yuan buying this book yesterday.A.spent B.took C.paidD.cost19.My teacher gives us on my English.A.some advices B.some advice C.anadvice D.lots of advices20.The work is so difficult that I don*t know it.A.what to do B.

14、how to do C.whereto do D.which to doIII.完形填空。(每小题2分,共20分)LIU XU was robbed(抢劫)!The 13-year-old boy was1 _ home when a man suddenly jumped out from theroadside.He pulled(推)Liu off his bike and rode away.Liuwas scared,but he didnt run 2 the robber.He founda telephone and called the _3_ at 110.4 is cru

15、cial insuch a situation/Liu said,remembering what histeacher had told him in his first-aid class.It is not safeto chase an adult who is much 5 than you.”Liu is a junior student at Shenzhen Baoan MiddleSchool in Guangdong.His school is one of the first inChina to have compulsory(必修的)first-aid educati

16、on.Junior 1 students at the school 侄take the class once aweek.Teenage safety has become a serious problemthese days.According to a 2004 7,about 16,000teenagers die in accidents in China every year.Baoan School said that the first-aid classes are to“teach students skills so that they can protect and

17、save8 _ in emergencies(紧急情况)“The teacher told us that we should try not to go out9 _,especially at night.If someone tries to do bad thingsto us,we may hit their eyes or noses.Then we shouldquickly run into a 10 place/said Zhong Hua,a13-year-old girl.()1.A.walking B.driving C.riding D.flyingdangerous

18、 D.dirty()2.A.awayB.afterC.besideD.before()3.A.parentsB.teacherC.friendD.police()4.A.SafetyB.MoneyC.Study D.Bike()5.A.weakB.weakerC.stronger D.strong()6.A.mightB.mustC.can tD.mustn,t()7.A.examB.topicC.surveyD.test()8.A.theirB.themselvesC.theyD.theirs()9.A.lonelyB.angrilyC.happilyD.alone()10.A.public

19、B.quietC.IV.阅读理解。(每小题2分,共30分)ANovember 9 is a time for us to learn a lot more aboutfire.This is what to do in a fire:1.Shout out.Shout as loudly as you can,because peoplemay be asleep.2.Call 119.Never try to put out fire yourself.Tell 119where you are and what is on fire.3.Keep down close to the flo

20、or.There is less smoke downthere,so if s easier to breathe(呼吸)and see where youare going.4.Test the floor.If the door is open,open it carefully.Ifthe door is hot,do not open it!Try to find a different wayout.5.Get out.Do not stop to pick up anything.A fire canbecome very big in a few seconds!6.Don,t

21、 use the lift.Always use the stairs.The lift maygo wrong and keep you inside.7.Don*t go back.Even if you have left your pet orfavorite toy inside,do not go back for it.Animas have agood sense of smell.They often get out of buildingsbefore people.1.According to the passage,when something is on fire,y

22、ou must _ at once.A.look for your pet B.telephone 119C.call 120 D.put out the fire2.You should keep down close to the floor because _.A.people may be asleep B.the firemen canfind you easilyC.there is less smoke down D.you should lookafter you things carefully.3.If the door is hot,we s h o u ld.A.ope

23、n it and get out B.find another wayoutC.stop to pick up something D.go back forsomethingBThree things to do before you are 18.Are you boredwith your daily life?Here are some things you should trybefore you are 18,because after that it s too late.Learn to swimSeriously,this is so important that it ca

24、n save your life.Ifyou can t swim well,you won t be able to do watersports like waterskiing,surfing and diving.Even taking aboat trip will be dangerous for you.Make sure you do it.Try at least one kind of team sportsBeing a good team player is an important skill in life.Youcan,t just think of yourse

25、lf,but have to work well withother people.Other advantages of team sports likebasketball,football and baseball are that they keep youfit and healthy,and they are also great fun.Teams usuallyhave a good social life too-you*II go to lots of partiesand make many friends.Collect somethingOne of the best

26、 hobbies for under-18s is collectingthings.You could collect kinds of stamps,or you couldcollect things that make you remember what you havedone,like cinema tickets for films you have seen oremails from friends.The best way to collect is to have aspecial album to put your collection in and to write

27、whateach thing means to you.That way you won t forget.()4.The most important reason for learning toswim is that.A.you might feel well B.it canmake you healthyC.you might easily do lots of things D.it cansave your life()5.A good social life in the passagemean s.A.you II study in groups B.you II goto

28、parties and make many friendsC.you II take part in many matches D.youz IIwork in the society.()6.The writer tells us that one of the best hobbiesis to.A.collect something B.dosome water sportsC.camp out in the garden D.sendemails to your friends()7.The passage is mainly about beforeyou are 18.A.good

29、 habits to keep B.skills tohaveC.things to do D.sports toplayCAbout five hundred years ago,an earthquake(地震)happened in a small village.Luckily for them,nothingwas destroyed(毁坏)and no one was hurt.But a hugestone(石头)fell from a nearby mountain and stopped inthe middle of the road.When the earthquake

30、 stopped,many people came to theroad and saw the stone.Some of the strongest men triedto lift the stone out of the road.But they couldnt move it.They tried to push it but failed.They tried to pull it withropes but nothing worked.Well,they said sadly,theres nothing we can do aboutit.Well have to chan

31、ge the way.At this time a boy about 12 years old said,I think I canhelp you to move the stone away.You?they shouted.What are you talking about?Themen all laughed at the boy.The next morning,some people came into the road.Oneof them shouted,The stone is gone.More people ranout to see what had happene

32、d.It was true.The stonewasnt on the road any longer.It wasnt even near theroad.The boy walked over to where the stone had been andsaid,I buried(埋)it.The people looked rather surprised.You see,he said,Idug(挖)a deep hole next to the stone and I dug a smallincline(斜坡)up to the stone and the stonerolled

33、(滚)down into the hole itself.Then I covered it withearth(泥土)The villagers shouted,Clever boy!Clever boy!Andsome of them said,Why didnt we think out this goodidea?8.Around 500 years ago,this story happened in a smallA.town B.village C.city D.country9.After the e a r t h q u a k e,.A.many people in th

34、e village diedB.nothing happenedC.the whole village was covered with big stonesD.a huge stone fell down the mountain and stood in themiddle of the roadavoid(避免)standing sofeel the difference!10.The stone was moved out of the road by_.A.an old man B.a young man C.a boyD.a girl11.In the end,the huge s

35、tone was_.long to pay for what youget.Start shopping onlinenow!A.in the earth B.in the house C.in the river D.on the road sideD24 hours to successDo you regret(后悔)notworking harder at school?You re never tooold to surfDo you want to surf theClick(点击)and shopDo you always go shoppingat the supermarke

36、t or oftenforget to buy something?Ifyou do forget something,we believe you never wantto go back for it.But withWeb shop,our new Internetshopping service,youwon,t have to.AlsoEat what you likeDo you usually want toavoid eating any spicy(辛辣的)food?Do you alwaysregret(后悔)drinking toomuch fizzy(泡沫)drinks

37、?Well,now if s time for youto hold a chance to changethe things.You*d bettertake our Gasgo and begin toDo you want to improveyour languages?WithPolyglot*s system(系统),you can learn to speak anylanguage in 24 hours!Tryfollowing our system andsee how different it is fromthe rest.Why not make anearly st

38、art in a class today?Internet but think you retoo old to start learning newskills?If so,why not takesome classes atCompuWiz?We promise(承诺)to make you master acomputer whatever yourage.Don t forget to call usbefore July 1st at 2839-0818,and receive a 50%lowerprice on lessonsC.send e-mails to friends

39、D.followPolyglof s system()15.You can save(节约)50%of your money if youbefore July 1stA.learn surfing the Internet at CompuWiz()12.With Web shop,you.A.often forget to buy what you need B.haveto stand to pay for the things C.can buyeverything you need easily D.can wanteverything you want()13.If you don

40、 t like to eat anything spicy ordrink anything fizzy,you may try to see howdifferent it is.A.Polyglot B.Gasgo C.CompuWizD.MossoB.hold a chance to try GasgoC.start early with Polyglof s systemD.buy something from the Web shopV.句型转换。(每空1分,共10分。)根据所给提示,完成句型转换。每空一次,含缩略词。1.The little girl used to be shy.

41、(完成否定句)The little gi r l to be shy.2.She is too young to go to go to school 改为同义句)She is young that she go to school.3.The teacher should allow the students to use their)14.Try to and you will learn anydictionaries.(完成被动语态)language in a very short time.A.click on the Web shopB.call atThe students sh

42、ould to use theirdictionaries.2839-08184.Bob has never agreed with what she said,?(完成反意疑问句)5.提高英语的最好办法之一是加入一个人英语俱乐部。(完成译句)One of the best ways to improve your English isan English club.VI.口语应用。(共5分)阅读对话,从方框中7个选项中选择5个恰当的句子完成此对话。A.What can I do for you?B.How do you like this film?C.When can I get my t

43、icket?D.Would you like me to try the later one?E.Could I take your name and telephonenumber,please?F.Thank you all the same.G.Which showing would you like to choose?(The phone is ringing.)W:Hello!This is UME Cinema C i t y.1M:Hello!I d like to book two tickets for the new filmThis is it please.W:OK.

44、There are showing at 5:30 pm,8 pm and 10:30 pmevery d a y.2M:I think the 5:30 one on Friday,please.W.T II just check.Sorry,there are no tickets for thats h o w in g.3M:Yes,please.If you could.W:Yes,there are seats for the 8 o clock showing.Do youwant them?M:Yes,please.W:4M:Darren Brown.If s 63589865

45、._ 5W:You can get your tickets from the box office any timefrom 5 pm today until ten minutes before the start of thefilm on Friday.M:Thank you.W:You*re welcome.Goodbye.V II.短文填空。(每空2分,共20分)在空格处填上一个恰当的词,使短文完整、通顺。What can you do to keep healthy?Perhaps for children,healthy eating is one of the most im

46、portant things.Hereare some ideas about _1 _ to eat healthily.Having breakfastA good breakfast is very important to children.It s_2 _ to have it in the morning.But some children oftengo to school 3=breakfast,just because they want tosleep a little longer.Remember that a good breakfast willhelp you s

47、tudy better.关于征订高初中毕业年级质量预测试卷及考前测试题的通知各 县(市1区 教 研 室,市区 各 中学:3月2526日、5月78日分别举行高中毕业年级第二次、第三次质量预测,4月2324日举行九年级第二次质量预测。同时为方便学校复习,提供高中毕业年级考前测试题(每学科3套 题 九 年 级 考 前 测 试 题(每 学 科5套 题),供各校选用。现将有关问题通知如下:一、高、初中毕业年级质量预测科目:1、高中毕业年级:语文、数学、英 语(含 听 力 文 综、理综。2、九 年 级:语文、数学、英 语(含 听 力 物 理、化学、政治、历史。二、高、初中毕业年级考前测试题科目:1、高中毕

48、业年级:语文、数学、英语、文综、理综。2、九 年 级:语文、数学、英 语(含 听 力 物 理、化学、政治、历史。根 据2008-2009学年下期教学工作安排,将 于2009年三、预 订 办 法:详细填写订单,于2009年2月20日前送达市教研室办公室。联系电话:66965290、66971049(传真 四、注意事项:试卷以袋为单位,每袋30份,考前测试题以份为单位,不装袋。郑州市教育局教学研究室2009年2月9日征 订 单单位(盖章):经办人:联系电话:目订数、项目语文数学英语物理化学政治历史听力磁带(单位盘)九年级二测试卷(单位:袋)九年级考前测熊(单位:份)目订数项目语文英语理科数学理科综

49、合文科数学文科综合听力磁带(单 位 盘)高中毕业班第二次质量预测试卷(单位:袋)高中毕业班第三次质量预测试卷(单位:袋)高中毕业班考前测试题(单位:份)无注:试卷务必以袋(每袋30份)为单位填写,考前测试题务必以份为单位填写。2008-2009学年度第一学期九年级英语期末考试试卷分析期末考试阅卷结束后,我们对英语试卷做了统计分析和调查,结果表明,我校英语成绩不够理想。一、试卷特点试卷紧扣教学大纲的要求着重考察了学生的基础知识以及在掌握知识的同时对基础知识的运用。试卷着重考查九年级所学的重点,没有偏题。试卷总体感觉不难,但是从学生角度反应出试题具有较大的迷惑性,要求学生能够排除干扰因素,并且注意

50、知识细节。各大题得分情况:词汇为40%;单项选择为60%;完型填空为30.5%;阅读理解为24.65%;单词拼写为51.20%;适当词填空为44.20%;书面表达为57%。二、试卷命题的特点及学生存在的问题单项选择题,本题共有20小题,比较简单,平均分在14、5分,大部分题目不是孤立地考语法知识,而是将他们放在特定的语境中,学生必须看懂题干的全部内容以后,经过思考方能选出正确答案,如第28小 题:学生表面能理解被动语态,但不能灵活运用。完型填空。难度适中,文章很容易读懂,但学生得分率并不高。这篇文章着重考查学生的基础知识,但学生只是凭感觉做题,不利用所指导的技巧去分析题目。今后要继续加以指导,


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