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《考研英语资料收集.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《考研英语资料收集.pdf(95页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、1).1.are the twost dyfuctioial parts of the global financial system?词汇突破:工dgsf认八cti。八a l功能不正常参考译文:全球金融体系最不正常的部分是什么?2.If sheer size is your gairdsticknothing beats A3enc4s housing Market.词汇突破:yardstick衡量标准B eat比的上参考译文:如果单单以规模来衡量,没有什么比得上美国的房地产市场。3.It is the worlds largest asset cSss,worth$26 trillion,

2、恒。%tkain Americasstock market.参考译文:它是世界上最大的资产类别,价值2 6万亿美元,超过美国的股票市场。4.The lab of mortgage debt lurking heieatkx it is the placets biggestc。八ce八trati。八 of financial risk.词汇突破:The slab of mortgage d ebt大量的抵押贷款债务句子主干:The slab of Mortgage debt is the plaMfs biggest coiceitratioia offiiacial risk.其他成分:/“

3、rki八g be八it 它背后潜藏的;it=Americas housing market参考译文:它背后潜藏的抵押贷款债务集中了地球上最大的金融风险。(特别注意。八“八 土 峰 十。八翻译为动词后,就不用翻译了。这是关键!)昨天没有给出的句子,同一个段落!5.Wke八 house prices started tuwblivg i八 the sunAmer of 2OO&,a ckai八 reactionled to a global crisis i八 2-002-09.词汇突破:tum ble下跌参考译文:20。&年夏天当房价在开始下跌时,一系列的连锁反应导致2 0 0 8年至2009年

4、的一场全球性危机。6.A decade。八,the presumption is that the mortgage,-debt monster kas beentailed.参考译文:十年以来,我们推定抵押贷款债务这个怪物已被驯服。(注意presumption被翻译为了动词!)7.In fact,vast,nationalisedj unprofitable.and undercapitalised,it reixaim.s,aiM.eyy.ace to the worlds biggest ecooixy.词汇突破:1.nationalised国有化2.unprofitable 亏损3.u

5、ndercapitalized 资金不足4.menace 威胁参考译文:事实上,体量巨大,国有化、亏损和资金不足的房地产仍然威胁着世界最大经济体。(m ece也被我们翻译为了动词)12.3句是引入4句是段落的主题句!5 6句是具体展开;7句是再次确认主题!2).The reason the dagger passes almost 八 八oticed is that,at first sight,the ho si八gmarket has been improving.Prices i八 America kave crept back up towards tleirall-tiMC high

6、.As a result,the proportion of kousek。以s with mortgage debtsgreater than the value of tleir property dropped frow a quarter tomilder a tevtKl.The reason the dagger passes almost 八 八。ticed is tkat,at first sighttheko skg market k s bee八 iiproving.词汇突破:first sight乍一看2.passes almost uoticed 没有注意到确认主干:f

7、kc reason is that the ko sihg Market kas See八 iwprovivg.其他成分:the dagger posses almost unoticed(同位语从句)参考译文:,危险没引起注意的原因是,乍一看房地产市场已有所改善。2.Prices 讥 America lave crept back up towards their all-tiie high.词汇突破:l.a/f-tfme high历史新高2.crept back up 爬升回参考译文:美国的房价不断攀升,重回历史高点。3.As a result the proportion of ko s

8、e o/ds with Mortgage debts greater tka八the value of theiir property dropped froM a quarter to 八Wcr a tenth.主干识别:the proportion has dropped from a quarter to 八der*a teiatk其他成分:of households with mortgage debts greater 七k 八 the value of theirproperty抵押债务大于房产价值的住户参考译文:因此抵押债务大于房产价值的住户比例从25%下降到低于1。%。3).L

9、Wke八 those ivwes.ton panicked 以 2.002,the gover八3 ent stepped in and tookover the bits of the Mortgage-guarantee apparatus it did not already control.It was a temporary solution,but political gridlock kas ixade it permanent.2.Since the government mortgage 3acki八e need not make a profit or havesafety

10、 buffers,well-ru private.firMS cannot compete,so Many banks havewithdrawn from Making Mortgages.LWken those investors panicked i八 2.008,the government stepped in and tookover the bits of the mortgage-guarantee apparatus it did not already control.参考译文:当这些投资者在2008年恐慌时,政府介入和接管了自己并没有控制住的抵押担保机构。2-.lt wa

11、s a temporary solution,but political gridlock has wade,it periMaimit.参考译文:这是一个临时的解决方案,但政治僵局使之永久化了。这样风险就是政府在承担,这就非常危险了。举个简单的例子,一个人本来负债ZOO万,他原来拥有资产80万,资不抵债爆发危机;但是,他所持有的资产中如果有房产,房价上涨7。万,那就变成了其资产工5 0万,负债1。万,此时不但资产负债表很好看,还能进一步增加负债。但是如果房价大跌,资产少了负债不少,危机又会重来。所以只能维持高房价!否则美国经济就崩盘!所幸的是:3.Since the government m

12、ortgage machine need not Make a profit or havesafety buffers,weff-run private,firms cannot compete,so banks havewithdrawn from Making mortgages.参考译文:因为政府抵押贷款机器不需要获得利润或者安全缓冲,运营良好的私人公司无法与之竞争,所以太多的银行已经不再提供抵押贷款。如果商业银行再加杠杆,那世界经济就真的很危险了。4).A govemhCHt strategy for dealing with childhood obesity,published

13、this week,bee八 ridiculed by health experts avd cawpaigvers for the flMsi八ess of itsprescription.A tax。八 sugary soft d/Mks surviVes 命。小 George Osbornes lastbixdgetj hut a。八。八 the pro Motion of Washg food to cki/dre 八 k s bee 八 rejected.X.A goverMCt strategy for dealing with childhood obesity,publishe

14、d this wee匕has bee八 ridiculed hy health experts 八d campaigners for the flMsMcss of itsprescription.词汇突破:ridicule嘲笑2.childhood obesity 儿童肥胖3.campaigners活动人士(就是比吃瓜群众更积极的人)4.fliMsicess这个词来自fMSg不足信的;的msi八ess无效,无用=以侬e八ess;(都是对某项计划进行负面的评价)S.prescription 处方,方法主干识别:A government strategy bee八 ridiculed hy he

15、alth experts 八dcampaigners其他成分:for the fliisi八ess of its?%卜 力 。八6.状语for dealing with childhood obesitg,published this week)定语参考译文:这个星期发表的一份对应儿童肥胖的政府战略因为其无力的措施而受到健康专家和活动人士的嘲讽。2.A tax。八 sugary soft drinks survives from George Osbor八es last hudgetj but abai。八 the prowotiov of trashy food to children ka

16、s bee八 rejected.参考译文:对含糖软饮料征税的(规定)从乔治奥斯本的上一份预算中幸存,但禁止宣传儿童垃圾食品的提议被拒绝。5).This is a case where the collective interest of the 八at/。4s health overrides therights of individual coMpaiie to sell whatever theg wait to whomever theywant.Manufacturers of processed foods i八creasi八g(g reCMhle the tobaccolobby-

17、reluctant to ad.wit that tleir product is pois。八。心 insistent tkatc。八SM CK choice is parawouvt.The analogy is sWcngthened by Murologicalresearch suggesting the extreme coipulsio.to keep eating sugargfattyj saltyfood amounts to a kiind of addiction.1.Why there is%scw。以 八ce between processed foods a八W

18、tobacco?(A)T/AC collective interest of nations health dwarfs the rigkts of individual coFupq八ies.(8)The Manufactures of botk products insist the rights of coipaiy should be st%八g协e八cd.(C)Sowe research reveals that the desire to eating juiak food is a kind of addiction.(D)Neurological research sugges

19、ts people are cow “seeing what everybody see八 avd thinking wkat nobody laastkougkt.诺贝尔奖获得者,生理学家A/bert A zt-G g。/,曾经就把发现描述为“见人之所见,思无人所想H13ut thinking wkat.ohody eke kas tkoctgkt aid telling othed wkat tkey kaveM/ssed watj iaot ckaige their views.但是想无人所想,并且告诉其他人他们的纸漏未必能改变这些人的看法。So Metises years are re

20、quired,for truly isovel discovery claims to be acceptedavd.appreciated.有时,真正的新的发现需要很多年才能被接受和认可。q),New%八 wrotethat I aw tempted to define Jo rh H/MKA a sfa terK A。屋。八笈叫尤 applied by wnters wko are 八ot read to writers wko主干识别:NewiM。八wrote其他成分:宾语从句:So few kave braids。八。gk or literary gift enough to keep

21、 their own endup MjoumHishA that I aw tempted to define fjouralis as fa terkvx of coiteiptapplied hy writers who are 八。t read to writers wk。are)整个句子是s。从处的结构;1.So few authors laave brains e八。gk or literary gift e八o gk to keep tlaeirown.end up i八 jouriaaliSM少有作家能有足够的智慧和文学天赋使他们的自己的作品出现在新闻媒体上。2.I aw tem

22、pted to define)。匕八依as(a term of coiteMptBe tempted to.禁不住.忍不住.我就忍不住把 新闻媒体 定义为一个“具有鄙视色彩的术语=蔑称”3.applied by wHters wk。are vot read to waiters who areapplied bg A to BA=Wnters who are 八ot read;作品无人问津的作者8=writers who are(.read)作品受读者欢迎的作者把2和3合在一起:我就忍不住把“新闻媒体”定义为一个作品无人问津的作者用到作品受读者 欢迎的作者身上的“蔑称”参考译文:纽曼这样写道:

23、“少有作家能有足够的智慧和文学天赋使他们的自己的作品出现在新闻媒体上。以至于我就忍不住把“新闻媒体”定义为一个“作品无人问津的作者”用到”作品受读者欢迎的作者”身上的 蔑称While polls show Britons rate the countryside alongside the royal fawiilg,Shakespeare and the National Health Service(NHS)as what Makes t/iemproudest of their country,this has limited political support.词汇突破:l.p。/民

24、调(民意调查)2.alongside.相比;和一样(对比的作用)3.NH S英国国家医疗服务体系4.while 虽然S.Briton英国人6.ra te评为,认为结构识别:while polls show Britons rate A as 8,A has limited political support.参考译文:虽然种种民调显示英国人认为乡村和王室,莎士比亚和英国国家医疗服务体系(NHS)一样,是他们国家最值得骄傲的地方,但是乡村只得到了有限的政治支持。11).The researched steins fsom a simple observation about socialiifl

25、ueiace:With the exception of a few celebrities like Opiral Wi八freg-whoseoutsize presence is primarily a function of Media,八。t interpersonaliW7 e八ce-eve八 the w i八fbe八ce一定语从句做插入语奥普拉非凡的存在主要是一个媒体功能的影响,而不是人际关系的影响参考译文:研究者的观点源自于对社会影响的简单观察:除了个别像奥普拉温弗瑞这样的名人,即使是一个人群中最有影响力的成员也不会与那么多的人进行互动。而奥普拉非凡的存在主要是一个媒体功能的影响

26、,而不是人际关系的影响。12).Consumers passionate about a product iay create earned wedia by williiaglypromotMg it to fHecds,a八4 a coipaiay may leverage“owned”iedia bysending e-tail alerts about products avd sales to customers registered with itsVJeb site.词汇突破:1.passionate热衷于2.leverage 利用3.alert 通知主干识别:Consumers

27、 my create c 匕 八ed MediaA covxpaiay may leverage“owned”Media其他成分:pasioiate about a product热衷于某一产品 定语by willingly pgMotMg it to friends 状语hy sc八ding e-kvail alerts about products a八4 sales tocustomersregistered with its Web site 状语可以通过发送邮件给其网站的注册用户,提示他们产品和消费信息参考译文:热衷于某一产品的消费者,可以通过自愿推荐给朋友的方式,创建 免费口碑媒体

28、。企业可以通过发送邮件给其网站的注册用户,提示他们产品和销售信息。13).W ithin the complex social structure of the scientific cowwuvxittj,researchersMake discoveries;editors avd reviewers act as gatekeepers by co八t3(in g thepuhlicatioi.process;otMer scientists use the M W finding to suit theis ownpurposes aiad fiiaallg,the public(证c

29、/di八 g other scientists)receives the 八 cwdiscovery aiad possibly accowpavLjivg tech八o(ogg.主干识别:X.researchers make discoveries;2.e d ito r avd.reviewers act as gatekeepers hy controlling the publication process;3.other scientists use the new fMding to suit(满 足)their own purpose4.avd finally,the publi

30、c Ciincludiig ather scientists)receives the new discoveryaid possibly accoipayiig(随 之 而 来 的)tech八ologg.其他成分:W ithin the complex social structure of the scientific coM iuity 状语参考译文:在科学界的复杂社会结构中,研究者做出发现;编辑和评审者控制发现的发表过程进而扮演着看门人的角色;其他科学家则使用这一新发现来满足自己的需要;最后,公众包括其他科学家接受这个新发现及其可能随之而来的技术。14).Certainly the B

31、ritain heyoid London avd.the south-east th a t Mrs May waists toc。八 qaerc/it the Mayai Em pireis(ess economically advanced,if it were acountry it would be about as rick as Spaii,w ith a GDP per person。八 e-tenthbelow the EU average.参考译文:当然梅姨想要征服的伦敦以外的大不列颠和英国东南地区一一称之为 梅帝国”吧一一经济没那么发达。如果组成一个国家,贫富程度会和西班牙

32、差不多,人均CDP低于欧盟平均水平十分之一IS).WMat cav we lea ria from the first two paragraph?看 好 了 四 个 都 有!(A)SOHAC cancers Maybe related to the tewpmature of gullet.文章中说的是:the temperature of driik!偷换!(B)Tke coffee Mate iay be the cause of oesophageal cancer.应该是饮品的温度!(C)The re(asercher May find so/e M W evidence for c

33、i%rr6八 cancer.ciwa6v cancer我都不知道这是什么癌症!是我拼凑的!(D)fkc WHO May find SOKAC new cause for the cancer.soie 八cw caiAse-the tCMpe丫at,rc of dnnk!同意替换!模糊替换!完美!所 以D是正确选项!昨天文章的翻译:The Wo”d Health Organisation kas cleared coffee of causing cancer,but adetailed investigation has f。“八d tlaat vesg hat drinks May be

34、linked to cancer ofthe oesopkgSj or gullet.Coffee was classified as a possible cause of cancer i八17夕 工/but the literiatioal Age八eg for Research。八 Cancer(/ARC),which ispart of WHO,has now 夕。八side丫 以 the evidence.It carried out a detailed reviewof the n/umg studies published。八 the subject 6md fotmd th

35、at coffee drinkers kave八。reason to worry.世界卫生组织已经排除咖啡为致癌物,但详细的调查发现过热的饮料可能与食道或咽喉癌相关。咖啡在工 夕 夕1年被列为潜在致癌物,但世卫组织分支机构国际癌症研究机构(IAR)现在重新考虑了佐证。IARC详细审查了很多关于这个主题的研究报告,发现喝咖啡的人没有理由担心。/ARC k。investigated the Verbal drink vvate,also know八 as ck沁 0。orwkich is widely couMed in Soutk America,where oesophagealcancer

36、is More COMMON 八 ic otler parts of the world.The experts fo认八d thatMate was vot a cause of caice but they believe the temperature at which it isdruiak probably is-aid that otker very hot drMks could.also he linked tooesophageal cancer.国际癌症研究机构还调查了一种南美地区大量饮用的草本伴侣(也被称为西马伦),因为南美地区的食道癌比世界其它地方更为常见。专家们发现伴

37、侣并不致癌,但相信饮用的温度可能致癌一一其他过热的饮料也与食道癌有关。X6).Sadly,the spirit of i八qturg once at hoMe。八 capiAS bee八 replaced by the useof the kuMaiities aid social sciences as vehicles for publicizing uprogressiveorleft-liberal propaganda.词汇突破:1.at MOUAC熟悉的,盛行2.popagainda 宣传工具3.progressive 激进的主干识别:A has bee八 replaced hy

38、B.A=the spirit of inquiry once at。八 cawpusB=the use of the luMaiities aid social sciences as vehicles forpixbhizi八g“progressive/or left-liberal propaganda.参考译文:令人感伤的是,曾经在大学校园里流行并盛行被探究精神,被“使用人文和社会科学作为推行渐进的或者左派自由的宣传之工具“所代替。Today,professors routinely treat the progressive interpretation of history avdp

39、rogressive public policy as the proper subject of study while portrayingconservative or classical liberal ideas-such,as free markets avidself-reliance-as falling outside the boundaries of routiM,avd,legitimate,Mtehctixal investigation.今天的句子可以这样来理解:Professors routinely treat A as B(认为 A 是 B)while但是Pr

40、ofessors portray C as V(认为 C 是 D)A=the progressive interpretation of history avd.progressive public policyB=the proper subject of studyC=the proper subject of study while portraying conservative or classical liberal以cas-suck as free markets ad self-reliance 一D=falling outside the houidaries of routi

41、ne iiatellectual investigation)avd.soMetiMes falling outside the boundaries of legitimate ietehctiMinvestigation.(并列我把并列成分给补全了!)参考译文:今天的教授们通常会把对于历史的进步的解读已经渐进的公共政策作为恰当的研究对象;而认为保守的或者是经典的自由主义,比如自由市场或者自我的依赖,是在常规的知识探究范畴之外东西,有时甚至认为其是在正当的知识探究范畴外的东西。有人来追问falling为什么不翻译?同学你这样问我,就相当于我说:How old are.you?翻译为:你多大了

42、?老师你怎么不翻译Mow?好嘛,我要是翻译为:怎么老是你。你是不是感觉很通顺呢?同学是这样的:falling outside the boundaries of:连在一起表示:在 的边界(范畴)之 外接着出现了一个并列:routme,aid sowetiw legitimate,intellectual Mvestigaticm.这个结构是这样的:Routine iitellectiAal investigation常 规 的 知 识 探 究legitimate intellectual investigation合 理 的 知 识 探 究在这里就是表示一个递进,表示现在的教授特别看不上c。八

43、sen/。七or classical liberalideas,认为这些观点是在常规的知识探究范畴以外的东西,甚 至 有 时 认 为 其 是 在 合 理 的 知识探索范畴之外的东西。18).How well the prediction will be validated by later performance depends p。八the 43。八t,reliability f aid appropriateMSS of the used ad。八 theskill aid wisdom with wkick it is interpreted.词汇突破:be validated b y为

44、 所 证 实depends up。八取 决 于reliability 可 靠 性appropriateness 适 应 性interpreted 解 释句子结构:A depends upoia B avd。八 CA取决于B和C;A=How well the prediction will be validated by later performance这些测试在多大程度上为后来的表现所证实B=the“Mocmt,reliability f avd appyopsiate八ess of the informationused所采用信息的数量、可靠性和适应性C-wisdom with which

45、 it is interpreted.解释这些信息的技能和才智参考译文:这些测试在多大程度上为后来的表现所证实,这取决于所采用信息的数量、可靠性和适应性,以及解释这些信息的技能和才智。平).“伍 skort”,a leader of the new school contehds,the scientific revolutioy aswe call it,was largely the iiproveMCt a八4 invention aiad use of a series ofinstruments that expanded the reack of science,八 iiaiuMe

46、rable di sections.”词汇突破:工.leader of the new sck。/c。八te八ds 一个新的学派的领军人物认为2.as we call i t我们所谓的3.iv以八”HACK。怙directions往无数的方向4.i八stnxKACetS 工具主干识别:the scientific revolution was largely the iMproveeit aiad im/e八 七。八a八d use of a series of 泗卅侬。八ts科学革命,主要是指一系列器具的改进、发明和使用其他成分:that expanded the ireacl of scie

47、nce in iuierahle directions参考译文:新学派的一位领袖人物坚持说:简而言之,我们所谓的科学革命,主要是指一系列器具的改进、发明和使用,而这些改进、发明和使用使科学发展无所不及。20).Mr.Pence said iv a statement tkat kc was offended by the words avd.actiondescribed hy Donald T?/?“心 the video,aiad cast Mr.TKUKA S second debatewith Hillary C 八to八/。八 SIA八da夕 as av urgent to turi

48、a around.thecaipaigtd.LCast A as B 认为 A 是 B2.Tum arouid 扭转参考译文:彭斯先生在一个声明中说道,视频中的唐纳德特朗普的言语和行为让他感到非常不适,并且认为周日特朗普同希拉里的第二场辩论是扳回选战的关键时刻。21).A century ago Octavia Hill(atmched the National Trust 八ot to rescue stglishMouses but to save(tke beauty of natural places for cverg。八e forever?It wasspecifically to

49、 provide city dweller with spaces for leisure where they couldexperience a mystery.。八e COMMON theory is that men more readily iake up after fiercephysical conflicts tk6m do women.Ahd 八 expwime八t r 八 recently at HarvardUniversity,by Joyce Be八ens。八 a八4 Rickard Wr 八gk八 6md published/Current Biology,sug

50、gests this May be true.l./t is commoi/y believed tkat mei s fight C M hardly lead to the tragicc。八sequence because_(A)M。八 have a ovg history for the dowivavt leadership iv a tribal uiity.(3)kwe八 are wore likely to reconcile after the duels tk 八 woMai.(C)作。八 have ability to work together to fe八d off


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