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《2022年山东省济宁市泗水县中考英语三模试卷(附答案详解).docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2022年山东省济宁市泗水县中考英语三模试卷(附答案详解).docx(18页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、2022年山东省济宁市泗水县中考英语三模试卷AHome Alone Safety for Kids!You never know when an emergency will happen.Accidents can happen anytime,anywhere,and the solution for avoiding unpleasant surprises is prevention.Come to the course to improve kids1 safety!What it is: This is a safety training course provided by Hu

2、awei Elementary School for kids aged 8-12.Through role playing and hands-on activities,children will learn how to take care of themselves while they are home alone.When: 3: 30 p.m. -5: 30 p.m., course 1 to4 in one monthWhere: In the library of Huawei Elementary SchoolTopics include: Kitchen safety;

3、Online safety; Fire and storm safety; Basic first aid: Calling 911; Activities for having fun aloneFees: Free of feesSign up: Call Tony Bridge at (250) 8930495 or visit 1. How many topics does the course have? A. One.B. Two.C. Four.D. Six.2. From the advertisement,we learn that.A. each class lasts f

4、or two hoursB. children should pay for the courseC. children can take the training course onlineD. children have to meet Tony Bridge to sign up3. Which statement is NOT true according to the passage? A. The course is for kids aged 8-12.B. The course will last for one year.C. The course will give kid

5、s some basic safety advice.D. The course will tell kids how to take care of themselves.Hes all right,my dad.My dad isn*t afraid of anything,even the Big Bad Wolf.He can jump right over the moon,and walk on the tightrope without falling off.He can wrestle with giants,or win the fathers race on sports

6、 day,easily.He is all right,my dad.My dad can eat like a horse,and he can swim like a fish.Hes as strong as a gorilla,and as happy as a hippopotamus.Hes all right,my dad.My dad is as big as a house,and as soft as my teddy.He is as wise as an owl,except when he tries to help with the housework.Hes al

7、l right,my dad.My dad is a great dancer,and a brilliant singer.He is fantastic at soccer,and he makes me laugh. A lot.I love my dad.And you know what?HE LOVES ME!And he always will.4. Why is the sentence Hes all right,my dad. repeated four times? A. To show he loves me greatly.B. To show he is very

8、humorous.C. To tell he is a great father.D. To tell he is not afraid of anything.5. “My dad can eat like a horse. This means.A. my dad is too hungryB. my dad eats a lotC. my dad likes horse foodD. my dad eats very fast6. The poem shows that.a.my dad sometimes dresses up like animals to make me happy

9、.b.I love my dad very much.c.my dad always tries to be a good role model fbr me.d.he is not my real dad.e.my dad is a hero in my heart.A. abeB. abcdeC. beeD. bed7. Where can you most probably find the material above? .A. In a childrens bookC. In a science bookB. In a newspaperD. In a history book.cD

10、uring the Tang Dynasty (618 -907), Emperor Taizong asked the official Feng Deyi to recommend talented people.However,several months passed,Feng didnt recommend anyone.I tried my best,but there are not unusual and well-rounded people at all,H Feng said. People are like containers.What we need to do i

11、s to make good use of their strengths. You should feel ashamed of not noticing talented people.How can you say that there are no talented people in our country? said the emperor.In fact,each tool has a special use.A knife is made to cut things while chopsticks are made to pick up food.We cant use a

12、knife as a chopstick.Like a tool,each person has his own strength.Nobody is perfect.We cant expect a person to be good at everything.With this idea in mind,Emperor Taizong discovered many talented people of different backgrounds.He offered them important jobs,which helped them make the most of their

13、 talents.The talented people helped the society develop and created agolden age.A good example is Ma Zhou,who grew up in a poor family.Ma gave a lot of useful advice,so Emperor Taizong offered him a job and he rose many times.Ma helped the emperor deal with difficult problems and became a well-known

14、 person in history.8. Why couldnt Feng Deyi find any talented people in Taizong*s opinion? A. Because his rules were wrong.B. Because he didn*t agree with the emperor.C. Because he was afraid of making mistakes.D. Because there were no talented people then.9. Knives and chopsticks are compared to.A.

15、 positions B. strengths C. toolsD. people10. Ma Zhou is a good example of people who.A. have,no talent but are still usefulB. are unusual and perfectC. know when to take a chanceD. show talent in the right place11. What can we infer from the text? A. Opportunity only comes to those who are prepared.

16、B. Perfect people should be found to develop the society.C. There is no such a thing as a great talent without great willpower.D. Talent lies in everyone,but the key is to value and make good use of it.DYou are walking down the street.Suddenly it starts to rain and you dont have an umbrella.What do

17、you do? Run or walk? Most people would rather run because it will get you out of the rain faster.But if you run,you also run into more raindrops.So what should you do? Things are more complicated (复杂的)than you might think.Franco Bocci,a professor at the University of Brescia in Italy,found that whet

18、her you should travel slowly or quickly in rain depends on the winds direction and your bodys shape,according to the BBC.When there is no wind,and the rain falls directly on you,Bocci suggests you should run and hide as fast as possible.But if the wind comes from behind and blows the rain onto your

19、back,the best thing to do is to walk at the same speed as the wind.This way,both your front and back will stay mostly dry.This is not all.When the wind blows in from the side,youll have to think about one more thing your body shape.Thinner people are hit by fewer raindrops.In this case,a fatter pers

20、on had better run while a thinner person should still try to match their speed to the wind. In general,the best thing is to run,as fast as you can not always,but in general, Bocci told BBC News.* If youre really thin,probably there will be an speed.Otherwisejt is better to run fast. In fact,the ques

21、tion of how to hide away from the rain has puzzled scientists for many years.Back in 1987, they thought running or walking didnt really make a difference.Years later they realized wind direction might be a factor.And here,more complicated Word Bank study results have been found by Bocci.Now you know

22、 what to do next time the rain catches you in the street.But the best way to stay dry is still to carry an umbrella.12. According to Franco Boccis study,whether you should run in the rain depends on. ihe winds direction your bodys sizehow fast you can runhow heavy the rain isA.BC.D.13. According to

23、the text,which is the best way to stay as dry as possible on a rainy day?A. If there is no wind,walk at your usual speed.B. If the wind is from behind,run as fast as you can.C. If the wind is from the front,fat people should match the speed of the wind.D. If the wind is from the side,thin people sho

24、uld match the speed the wind.14. What does the underlined word * probably mean in Chinese? A.极限的 B.快速的 C.最佳的 D.缓慢的15. The article tells us how to.A. Keep slimB. match our speed to the windC. escape the rainD. judge the direction of the wind16. The food s nice but tastes terrible.17. In next football

25、 match, our school will play a No.3 Middle School.18. A b is a piece of paper that shows how much you have to pay for the goods orservices.19. Joe was interviewed by the school reporters after he broke the r during the schoolmeeting.20. Its good to have a (健康的)eating habit.21. A lot of (电子的)books ar

26、e widely used by young people.22. Just as an old saying goes, nA near (邻居)is better than a brother far off.”23. All my classmates went to the old peoples home(除了)Enic because he was ill.24. If you are tired of making human connections,Lovot can be a great (1) (choose) for you.A Japanese company inve

27、nted it in December,2018.1t is a (2) (friend) robot which can make lonely people feel the love.The name Lovot comes from the two words love and robot.With two bright eyes and a soft body,Lovot moves around your house and asks you for hugs.It doesn*t talk,but chirps (作唧唧声).Lovot follows you (3) the h

28、elp of a camera on its head.It also has abilities to tell who you are by reading your face.lt can even remember up to 1000 faces.The robot cannot help you with housework,but it will develop your ability to love.Itmoves around on three wheels and waves its two little arms to show surprise and love,or

29、 to ask for a hug.It sleeps when its hugged and it follows you when it (4) ( call) .It is shy around strangers.When you open the door,it will hide behind.If you want to make it laugh,just touch it.(1)(2)(3)(4)25. To me,music is food and water.I (1) (live) with itsince I was a child.I know this is no

30、t true for everyone.Many people dont go to concerts or listen toA.music records,and they get along quite well.But music (、/is everywhere in our life.Have you watched films or TV”,/plays without music? If so,you (2) (find) themboring.Have you waited for the train or the plane,without listening to any

31、 music?No,because music has made the time seem (3) ( short).It is true that music is everywhere in our life.Some people like to sit by the sea and listen to the sound of the sea.Some en joy (4) (listen) to the singing of the birds.Those sounds are some kinds of music.(5) music has meaning for everyo

32、ne in some way or other.Of course,it has special meaning for people like me.We spend our (6) (life) playing or writing music all the time.yourself,so,harder,whether,used,meeting,slowly,making,aloneDear Emma,Your problem is like a circle.The (1) you study,the less time you have to make friends and th

33、e less friendly you look to your classmates.The fewer friends you have,the harder you study to make (2) feel better.Try to break this bad circle.Perhaps you are afraid of (3) new people,because you are too shy or too serious. You are not.Everyone has a fun side to his character.Push your shy side aw

34、ay and show your classmates how fun you can be.Look at your classmates.Try to find out (4) or not there are any people with whom you feel you have a lot in common.First,smile at your classmates.Do this as often as you can,until your classmates become (5) to your smile and smile in return.Next,talk t

35、o your classmates.Do this between classes or during your lunch break.You may find it easier to start by talking to people when they are (6) .Perhaps you could ask a classmate about your studies.They are likely to respond (回答)in a very positive way.People like to feel important and helpful.There must

36、 be someone else in your class who is also quiet.lt might be easier to try to talk with him or her.Your problem is mainly about confidence.Smile first,talk next and (7) you will make friends.Once you have more confidence,you can make as many friends as you want.(1)(4)26.(1)(3)(4)(6)Editor27. A young

37、 man went to visit a wise man who lived deep in the mountain.He wanted to askfor wisdom (智慧)of life.Excuse me!Could you tell me what is the most important day in our lives? Is it the day we were bom or the day we die? Is it the day we fall in love or the day we are successful? the young man asked.nN

38、one.The most important day in our lives is today. The wise man replied calmly.“Why? the young man was very surprised. Is it because there is some unusual event taking place today?No.Nothing has happened today. So is it because of my visit? ” Even if nobody visited me today,today is still very import

39、ant,because today is the only wealth we have.; no matter how ordinary and boring today is,it is in our hands.uThe young man still wanted to ask something,but the wise man stopped him and said/When we are talking about the importance of today,we have wasted a lot of it.That is to say,part of today ha

40、s passed.uHaving understood this,the young man nodded and then went down the mountain.Actually today is the only wealth and chance we have.Therefbre,what we should do nowis to forget yesterday and tomorrow and catch hold of today!(1) Why did the young man want to visit the wise man? ( no more than 1

41、5 words)(2) Did the young man get the answer to his question? ( no more than 3 words)(3) According to the wise man,what is the most important day in our lives? (no more than 1 word)(4)将画线句子翻译成汉语。(5)给短文拟一个适当的英文标题。28.从2019年新学期开始,全市中小学开始开展课后服务工作,服务时间是周一到周 五下午正常上课结束后至18: 00.以下是一些人对此事的看法,请你根据下面提示 写一篇英语短文

42、,并阐述自己的看法.提示:一些人的观点优点1、为晚归的上班家长解决了早归孩子的接送问题:2、为没时间指导孩子学业的家长解决了辅导问题.缺点1、孩子在学校学习的时间较长,不利于身体健康:2、冬季天黑得早,孩子放学路上的安全是个问题.你的观点要求:1 .短文应包括要求中的所有信息,可适当发挥.2 .语言通顺,语法正确,行文连贯,句式多样.3 .词数:100左右.参考词汇:课后服务 after-class service 优点 advantage 缺点 disadvantage答案和解析13.【答案】D、A、B【解析】(1)归纳总结题。根据 Topics include: Kitchen safet

43、y; Online safety;Fire and storm safety; Basic first aid; Calling 911 ; Activities for having fun alone.(主题 包括:厨房安全;在线安全消防;和风暴安全;基本急救;拨打911;独处娱乐活动。) 可知课程一共有六个话题。故选D.(2)推理判断题。根据 When: 3: 30 p.m. -5: 30 p.m., course 1 to4 in one month.(时 间:下午3: 30至5: 30, 一个月内课程1至4。)可知每节课从下午三点半到五点半, 持续两小时,故选A。(3)推理判断题。根

44、据 When: 3: 30 p.m. -5: 30 p.m., course 1 to 4 in one month.(时 间:下午3: 30至5: 30, 一个月内课程1至4。)可知课程将持续一个月,而不是一 年,故选Bo本文是一则提高孩子们安全的课程的宣传广告。首先要通读全文,了解文章大意,紧紧抓住上下文语境所提供的信息,然后明确词意, 结合排除法逐一选出答案,最后再通读全文,核对答案。47.【答案】C、B、C、A【解析】(1)推理判断题。通读全诗可知,短文是对爸爸的赞美。故推理出,说他没 事,我爸爸重复四次是为了告诉他是一位伟大的父亲。故选C。(2)词句猜测题。根据 My dad can

45、 eat like a horse,and he can swim like a fish.(我爸爸吃 得像马,游得像鱼。)可猜测出,“我爸爸吃得像马一样。这意味着我爸爸吃得很多。 故选Bo(3)推理判断题。通读全诗可知,I love my dad.And you know what?(我爱我的爸爸。 你知道吗?)可知,我非常爱我的爸爸;根据My dad can eat like a horse,and he can swim like a fish.Hes as strong as a gorilla,and as happ yas a hippopotamus.(我爸爸吃得像马,游得像鱼。

46、他像大猩猩一样强壮,像河马一样 快乐。)My dad is as big as a house,and as soft as my teddy.He is as wise as an owl,except when he tr ies to help with the housework.(我爸爸和房子一样大,和我的泰迪玩具一样柔软。他很 聪明,除非他想帮忙做家务。)可知,我爸爸总是试图成为我的好榜样;根据 My dad isnt afraid of anything,even the Big Bad Wolf.He can jump right over the moon,and 第10页,

47、共18页walk on the tightrope without falling off.He can wrestle with giants,or win the fathers race on sports day,easily.(我爸爸什么都不怕,连大灰狼也不怕。他可以跳过月球,在钢索上行 走而不会摔倒。他可以轻松地与巨人摔跤,或者在运动会上赢得父亲的比赛。)可知, 爸爸是我心中的英雄。故这首诗表明:我非常爱我的爸爸;我爸爸总是试图成为我的好 榜样;爸爸是我心中的英雄。故选C。(4)文章出处题。通读全文可知,短文是一首赞美爸爸的诗。故推理出,你最有可能 在在儿童读物中找到上述材料。故选

48、A。短文是一首赞美爸爸的诗。在通读全文的基础上,根据全文大意,展开逻辑思维,瞻前顾后,认真辨析选项,仔细 推敲,确定最佳答案。811.【答案】A、D、D、D【解析】(1)理解判断题。根据People are like containers.What we need to do is to make good use of their strengths.You sho uld feel ashamed of not noticing talented people.(人就像容器。我们需要做的是利用好他 们的长处。你应该为没有注意到有才华的人而感到羞耻。)可推知,唐太宗认为他选人 才的标准是不对的,故选A。(2)理解判断题。根据 Like a tool,each person has his own stre


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