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《2021-2022学年新教材人教版高中英语选择性必修第二册全册各单元测验及期末综合测验含答案解析.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2021-2022学年新教材人教版高中英语选择性必修第二册全册各单元测验及期末综合测验含答案解析.pdf(121页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、人教版选择性必修第二册练习题Unit 1 Science And Scientists.1Unit 2 Bridging Cultures.22Unit 3 Food And Culture.42Unit 4 Journey Across A Vast Land.61Unit5 First Aid.81期末综合测验.100Unit 1 Science And Scientists(满分:120分;时间:100分钟)第一部分 阅读(共两节,满 分 50 分)第一节(共 15小题;每小题2.5分,满 分 37.5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。ASmart K

2、ids Festival Events“Smart Kids”is a collection of one hundred events scheduled in October.Thisyear,it is experimenting with Pay What You Decide(PWYD).That is,you can decideto pay for what you want or can afford,after you have attended an event.You canpre-book events without paying for a ticket in ad

3、vance.Here are some of the directorspicks.Walk on the Wild SideNot ticketed,FreeJoin storyteller Sarah Law to hear science stories about animals.Along the wayyoull meet all sorts of beautiful creatures and discover life cycles and food chains.Itsbest suited to children aged 59.Children under 8 must

4、be accompanied by an adult.Introduction to WavesPre-book,PWYDSubjects range from sound waves to gravity waves,and from waves of light tocrashing waves on the ocean.Mike Goldsmith explores the fundamental featuresshared by all waves in the natural world.Science in the FieldNot ticketed,FreeThis story

5、telling night features a scientist sharing his favourite memories ofgathering first-hand data on various field trips.Come along for inspiring andinformative stories straight from the scientists mouth.Join Mark Samuels to find outmore in this fun-filled workshop.Festival DinnerPre-book,25 per personW

6、hether you want to explore more about food,or just fancy a talk over a meal,join us to mark the first science festival in London.Which foods should you eat totrick your brain into thinking that you are full?Find out more from Tom Crawford.l.In which event can you decide the payment?A.Walk on the Wil

7、d Side.B.Introduction to Waves.C.Science in the Field.D.Festival Dinner.2.Who will talk about experiences of collecting direct data?A.Sarah Law.B.Mike Goldsmith.C.Mark Samuels.D.Tom Crawford.3.What do the four events have in common?A.Family-based.B.Science-themed.C.Picked by children.D.Filled with a

8、dventures.BJerome Karie and Isabella Lugoski met in their first physical chemistry class atthe University of Michigan in 1940.Jerome Karie was in his first year of doctoralwork,and Isabella Lugoski was in her last year as an undergraduate(大学本科生),and they were laboratory partners.However,they didnt g

9、et along well at first.Isabella Lugoski looked back on the past,I walked into the physical chemistrylaboratory and there was a young man at the desk next to mine with his equipment allset up running his experiment.I didnt think I was very polite about my question.Iasked him how he got there early an

10、d had everything all set up.He didn*t like that.Sowe didnt talk to each other for a while.Their relationship got going as they competed for the top grade in that courseand they started to build a connection because both of them were interested inchemistry.They married in 1942.By 1946,both of the Kar

11、ies had earned doctoratesin physical chemistry,and,after a period of time at the University of Chicago workingon the Manhattan Project,they moved to Washington D.C.to join the United StatesNaval Research Laboratory.Each specialized in a different aspect of X-ray crystallography(X 射线结晶学):Jerome focus

12、ed on developing equations(方程式)that could determine how atoms(原子)were arranged inside complex molecules,while Isabella ran practical experimentsto test how well the equations worked.Working together,they created what is nowcalled the direct method for determining molecular structures(分子结构),which has

13、allowed scientists to effectively study and copy complex organic molecules tocontinue further study.Jerome Karie was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1985.Although hewas disappointed that the Nobel Committee had ignored Isabellas contribution to thatwork,she was unfazed.At that point,she had

14、already won more awards and prizemoney for her experimental work than he had.4.What did Isabella Lugoski do when she first met Jerome Karie?A.She blamed him for his being late.B.She set up all his equipment for him.C.She asked him a question impolitely.D.She observed his experiment silently.5.What m

15、ade Jerome Karie and Isabella Lugoski become connected?A.Their common interest in chemistry.B.Their wonderful marriage since 1940.C.Their pleasant first talk in a laboratory.D.Their successful cooperation in courses.6.What is Paragraph 4 mainly intended to show?A.The Karies1 encouraging further stud

16、y.B.The Karies*good teamwork in chemistry.C.How the Karies worked with others.D.Why the Karies won the Nobel Prize.7.Which of the following best explains the underlined word“unfhzed“in the lastparagraph?A.Generous.B.Touched.C.Shocked.D.Calm.CFor decades,China had wanted a Nobel Prize.Tu Youyou,a res

17、earcher whohelped to develop a malaria(疟疾)medicine,finally won the country that honor.In fact,Tu is not the only scientist in China who is catching the worlds attention.In 2016,the journal Nature published a list of the top 10 science stars in China.GaoCaixia and Cui Weicheng are two of them.Gao Cai

18、xia has been devoted to genetic engineering for her whole career.She isknown for using CRISPR-Cas9,the revolutionary gene-editing technique that issweeping through biology labs around the world一in crops.At first,Gao was unwilling to take up gene editing using CRISPR-Cas9 becauseher lab at the Instit

19、ute of Genetics and Developmental Biology,Chinese Academy ofSciences in Beijing had already created mutations(变异)in 82 genes using an oldertype of technology.But after thinking carefully about it,she decided to give it a try.After a year of hard work,her lab finally succeeded.Gao worked on geneticen

20、gineering in wheat,a crop that is famous for being difficult to work with.Now sheis considered one of the best scientists in the world at engineering wheat.Cui Weicheng is the developer of Chinas record-setting Jiaolongsubmersible。替水器).He is now a professor at Westlake University.In 2012,Cuirode ins

21、ide Chinas Jiaolong submersible and reached a depth of more than 7,000meters in the Pacific.Thanks to Jiaolong and the 57-year-old developer,China is now one of only afew nations that can explore the deep sea.Jiaolong can travel deeper than any othermanned research submersible currently in use,which

22、 shows Chinas increasingambition and leadership in deep-sea research.8.Why is Tu Youyou mentioned at the beginning of the passage?A.To show one of Chinas long-held dreams.B.To stress the importance of the Nobel Prize.C.To praise Tu Youyou for her contributions.D.To introduce more top Chinese scienti

23、sts.9.What is CRISPR-Cas9?A.A kind of gene-editing technique.B.A lab where scientists work.C.A kind of crop that is widely planted in the world.D.A research team that works on genetic engineering.10.What is Cui Weichengs biggest contribution to China?A.He teaches about the sea at a university.B.He d

24、eveloped Chinas Jiaolong submersible.C.He is devoted to genetic engineering.D.He reached the bottom of the ocean.1 l.What is the best title for the passage?A.China*s Science StarsB.Chinas Nobel Prize DreamC.Gao Caixia一Chinas Crop EngineerD.Cui WeichengChinas Deep-Sea DiverDIn the past decade,the use

25、 of social media has grown in a way that no one couldhave guessed.It has turned some teenagers into celebrities(名人)and turned thefamous into the infamous,overnight.A key feature of social media,however,is its volatility.Trends come and go,disappearing almost as quickly as they appeared.So,what were

26、the key social mediatrends of 2019?Short video apps such as TikTok and its Chinese equivalent Douyin,took theworld by storm.The Telegraph reported that TikTok was ranked 8th on Apples AppStore in April.And Douyin had more than 300 million domestic monthly active usersin June,CNBC said.Why are these

27、short videos一which are rarely longer than a few minutes一sopopular?Jiang Yige,a Singapore-based analyst at FengHe Fund Management,has atheory.Short videos are just right to fill in the little gaps in our busy schedulesJ hetold CNBC.These videos一apart from being very convenient-are important to teenag

28、ersbecause they allow them to express themselves,according to Teen Vogue.The sense of community that users of short video apps get is another appealingfeature.Liza Koshy,a user of the US app Musically who has over 2 million followers,said that she was thrilled when anyone said that her video had“ins

29、pired him.Itsreally cool.because I think as short video creators thafs what we all expect,“sheadded.Live streaming is another feature of our social media life that now seems asnatural as sunrise.It*s a pretty neat idea:You can watch anyone,anywhere,live.However,China has taken live streaming to a wh

30、ole new level.In China,morethan 100 million viewers monthly watch a live streaming video.Forbes thought that anumber of factors had led to the popularity of live streaming.Among them is viewers*ability to interact while remaining anonymous.However,the boom in social media may be having side effects

31、too.Fake newsis one serious problem it arguably causes.Material shared on these platforms is oftennot checked for accuracy.The most basic content can be false and can sway users oneway or another.We use social media all the time;that doesnt mean that weunderstand the influence it is having on us.We

32、should be mindful of both the time wespend on it and its impact on our minds.12.The underlined word“volatility“in Paragraph 2 possibly means“beingA.changeable B.steadyC.promising D.violent13.According to Liza Koshy,short videos are very popular because.A.they are very convenientB.they help people ki

33、ll timeC.they provide a sense of communityD.they allow people to express themselves14.What can we learn about social media from the text?A.The information from social media is highly reliable.B.When it comes to social media,people only know short videos.C.People can*t communicate with each other wit

34、hout social media.D.There is still much room for social media to make improvement.15.What is the best title for the text?A.Rapid Development of Social MediaB.Key Social Media Trends of 2019C.Short Videos Taking the World by StormD.Live Streaming-New Feature of Social Media第二节(共5小题;每小题2.5分,满 分12.5分)阅

35、读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Characteristics of an excellent scientistThe Free Dictionary defines(定义)a scientist as a person having professionalknowledge on one or more sciences,especially natural science or physical science._16 Lets look at some characteristics of an excellent scientist

36、.Curiosity17 Scientists such as Thomas Edison and George Westinghousediscovered things mainly because they wanted to know how things worked.If ascientist doesnt have the drive to ask questions or even wonder,then he/she nevergets to the first stage of the scientific process.Patience18 There are very

37、 few jobs that take longer than this one.Even if youthink you have received some education in science,you still have a lot of scientificresearch to do.If youre an instant-gratification(艮时1 黄足的)type of person,this maynot be the best choice for you.Ethical(道德的)qualitiesIn order to truly discover and u

38、se knowledge for the greater good,a scientistmust have a desire to improve peoples life as well as the environment,since they arelinked and they can affect each other in the long run.A scientist must report findingshonestly regardless of personal or outside commercial(商业的)interests.Sticking toan old

39、 belief contradicted(反驳)by evidence is dishonest.19Working habitsAn excellent scientist even takes notes of the smallest observation,keeping it inmind and recording it.20 He/She also needs to communicate thoughts on paperand verbally.Networking skills connect him/her with colleagues working on simil

40、arprojects where he/she may discover something new.A.Becoming a scientist takes a long time.B.An excellent scientist must be very curious about things.C.It also defines a scientist as someone who uses scientific methods.D.However,that belief shouldnt be changed without powerful evidence.E.He/She can

41、 work well alone or in groups,depending on what*s needed.F.To make discoveries in human knowledge,you have to think differently.G.One of the main places that many scientists work in is the research laboratory.第二部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共 15小题;每小题1 分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入

42、空白处的最佳选项。Then came Bryan*s favorite game time.He sat back on the couch(长沙发)andbegan to 21 As Bryan was playing,his mom walked into the room to see whathe was doing.6uDon*t let the video game turn you into a couch potato,Mom said.Bryan didnt reply and 22 his eyes on the flashing television screen.He

43、gripped(握紧)his controller and pushed the buttons hard.Soon,Bryan*s 23 began to hurt.He was having trouble moving his fingers.Bryan tried to stretch out his hand,24 it felt like his fingers just wanted to curlback around the controller.Bryan 25 back into the couch.It was so comfortablethat he felt li

44、ke he was sinking deeper into the cushions(靠垫).He felt a little thirsty,but it would be too much trouble to get up and 26 the game.Then Bryanthought about 27 Mom had said.Was his body really becoming part of thecouch?He tried to concentrate 28 his back and legs to feel where his bodyended and the co

45、uch began,but he 29 feel much of anything at all.Bryan looked down at his hands.They felt stiff(僵硬的)now,and it seemedlike they were stuck around the controller.Bryan felt 30.Could he really beturning into a video game controller?Would he just disappear into the couch beforesupper?Suddenly,Bryan 31 t

46、he controller and made himself stand up.Hestretched his arms up toward the ceiling and then reached his hands down to touch histoes.His body tingled(感到刺痛)as he moved.Bryan ran to the kitchen to tell his mom what had happened.Well,at least weknow that video games haven*t 32 your mind,Mom said.She chu

47、ckled(轻声地笑),but Bryan still felt very serious.think Fil take a break from video games andgo outside 33 J Bryan said.And thafs just what he did.That day Bryan got a 34.Its wise to make playing video games a way ofrelaxation and keep a balance between video games and suitable exercise.Otherwise aman w

48、ill end up as a couch potato,or even,a 35 of video games.21.A.eat B.watch C.play D.write22.A.movedB.left C.kept D.closed23.A.handB.head C.eyes D.neck24.A.orB.so C.but D.until25.A.turnedB.walked C.looked D.settled26.A.sell B.pause C.start D.run27.A.whereB.which C.how D.what28.A.on B.with C.from D.to2

49、9.A.shouldn,t B.mustnt C.wouldnt D.couldn*t30.A.worriedB.disappointed C.excited D.angry31.A.fixedB.observed C.designed D.dropped32.A.ruinedB.opened C.relaxed D.read33.A.thoughB.too C.instead D.still34.A.desireB.lesson C.belief D.challenge35.A.suspectB.slave C.mas ter D.loser第二节(共 10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)

50、阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。The last satellite 36(complete)the third-generation network of ChinasBeidou Navigation Satellite System was launched and sent into orbit on June 23,2020and is 37 good condition.The launch marked the completion of the in-orbit _3 8 (construct)of Beidou,the countrys lar


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