九年级英语Unit3单元测试卷 牛津英语 试题.doc

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1、九年级英语Unit3单元测试卷 听力部分(共20分)第一节:根据你所听到的内容,选出正确答案:(听两遍,10分)( ) 1. What does the man want to buy? A. A blouse. B. A skirt. C. A T-shirt.( ) 2Where are they now? A. In the library. B. In the museum. C. At the train station.( ) 3Who does the woman want to speak to? A. Mr. Smith. B. Mr. Black. C. Mr. Green

2、.( ) 4What is Henry going to do? A. Visit Betty.B. Ask Betty to come. C. Ring up Betty.( ) 5Whats wrong with the man?A. He is ill.B .He lost his job. C. Hes late for work.( ) 6. What colour is Li Mings bag? A. Blue B. Black C. Green ( ) 7What is the man doing now? . A. Using the computer B .Repairin

3、g(修理) the computer. C. Buying a computer. ( ) 8. Whats the weather like today? A its rainy B Its windy C Its snowy( ) 9. What time is it now?A 7:05 B 6:55 C 7:15 ( ) 10.Which season is it now? A. Summer B. Spring C. Winter第二节:听小对话,请从A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的选项。(听两遍,5分)( ) 11. Whats Allan doing now?A. Making t

4、he bed.B. Cleaning his bedrooms.C. Playing computer games.( ) 12How soon will Mr. Brown come?A. In five minutes.B. In five hours.C. In five days.( ) 13.What was he weather like?A. Fine.B. Not so good.C. Terrific.( ) 14. Where is the man probably going this afternoon?A. To a hospital.B. To a bookshop

5、.C. To a museum.( ) 15.How much will the woman pay for the socks?A. Three dollars.B. Four dollars.C. Ten dollars.第三节:根据你所听到的短文内容,(听两遍5分) ( ) 16. What did Mrs. Lee do one summer afternoon?A. She went to a supermarket. B. She went to the cinema. C. She went to work. ( ) 17. Why did Mrs. Lee want to bu

6、y an ice-cream?A. She felt hot. B. She felt hungry. C. She felt cold.( ) 18. Who was selling cold drinks?A. Mrs. Lee. B. The boy. C. The girl.( ) 19. How much does an ice-cream cost in the story ?A. One yuan. B. Two yuan. C. Three yuan.( ) 20. Why did Mrs. Lee pay one yuan for the boy ?A. She was th

7、e boys mother. B. She was angry with the boy.C. She thought the boy was very funny. 书面部分 (共80分)一、根据汉语注释,在空格内写出各单词的正确形式:(10分)1 Its a _(噪音) place, but I really enjoy it.2 Stamp collecting is one of my _(爱好).3 I think the new software is _(价值).4 The high school students are all _(青少年).5 My father is an

8、 _ ( 精力充沛的) man. 6. Eating too much makes you _(不健康).7. Please _(集中) your minds on the following problem.8. Teachers are usually _(严格的) with their students in class.9. Who are they _(吵嘴) with over there? 10. We should learn how to achieve a _(平衡) between work and play.二、选出可以填入空白处的正确选项:(12分) ( )1. It

9、s very nice_ _me the newspapers and magazines. A. of you to bring B. for you to bring C. for you bringing D. of you bringing( )2. Im too busy. Could you do_ to help me? Of course. I can do_ for you if you want me to. A. anything; something B. something; anything C. anything; anything D. something ;

10、something( )3. Simon is_ _enough to buy gifts for all of us. A. generous B. energetic C .patient D. confident( )4. I think David should be the new chairperson_ hes as smart as my uncle. A. whether B. although C. after D. because ( )5. Mr Wu spends a lot of time _things to us. He is very patient. A.

11、explain B. to explain C. explaining D. explains ( )6. His hobby is_ taking photos_ collecting stamps. Its growing flowers. A. either; or B. both; and C. not only; but also D .neither; nor( )7. Since David is so hard working, he would not mind _extra work f or the Students Union. A. to do B. doing C.

12、 does D. done ( )8. When I came here just now, I saw your son _with a black and white dog in the garden. A. play B. to play C. played D. playing ( )9. The doctor told the old man to_ smoking at once because it was b ad for his health. A. look up B. give up C. keep up D. come up ( )10. Id like to_ Da

13、vid as the new chairperson of the students Union . A. recommend B .realize C. remind D. remember ( )11. You look rather tired,_ stop to have a rest? All right. But Ill have to work for_ minutes. A. Dont you; much more B. Why not; a few moreC. Why not to; a little more D. What about; a few many ( )12

14、. People would rather_ colours like orange and yellow to make them feel warm if they live in cold climates. A. to use B.used C. use D. using 三、用括号内所给动词的正确形式填空:(10分)1. The old man _ (live) here since 1992.2. You may go to play football as soon as your homework _(finish).3. Millie _(eat) an apple ever

15、y morning.4. Middle school students _(tell) not to smoke.5. I _(not see) you for a long time. You _(change) a lot.6. We _(watch) the boys _(play) games on the playground when something strange happened.7. The fashion show_(hold) last Friday. It was very successful8. It is impossible for her _(finish

16、)_ (read) the book within an hour.四、选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项:(10分) Some people just can not decide what to do all by themselves. They often 1 the advice(建议)of their friends. But they never do as their friends have said. My friend Jack is 2 person, and he is always asking me for help. T try to help him as well

17、 as I can, but he never listens to me. Yesterday I 3 a new way to make him take my advice. It worked. “Look,” he said, 4 me a letter.“ What d you think I should do? ”The letter told him that there was a good job for him. It seemed to be a good chance(机会)for a young artist. His teacher 5 him to Austr

18、alia to work. The job would pay very 6 ,and he 7 to travel and visit many interesting places.“ 8 this, Rose?” he asked,“ If I take the job, I will have to stay in Australia for two years. I may stay a bit longer. But it would be a wonderful time for me. Should I go, Rose?”“Dont go,” I told him, “You

19、ll suffer(受苦) a lot there.” “Dont go?” he 9 surprised at my answer. As you have probably known, Jack went. I wonder(想知道) he found that I really wanted him to take the job.( ) 1.Aask forBreceiveCtakeDgive( ) 2.Asuch kindBthis kindCsuch aDa such( ) 3.AthoughtBtriedCgaveDwanted( ) 4.AshowingBshowedCto

20、showDshown( ) 5.A. will sendBsendCwould sendDsends( ) 6.Agood BwellCniceDenough( )7.Acould be ableBcouldCwould be ableDwould be going( ) 8.AWhat do you like BHow do you likeCHow do you think ofDWhat do you think( ) 9.Aasked BspokeCsaidDlooked( 10.Awhy BwhetherCthatDwhen五、阅读下面短文,然后根据短文内容选出正确答案:(20分)

21、ADuring the day we work and play; at night we sleep. Our bodies rest while sleep. In the morning we are ready to work and play again. While we are asleep our bodi es grow most. Children who are tired usually need more sleep. We can get our lesson s better and we feel better too, when we have had a l

22、ot of rest. Boys and girls who are eight or nine years old need ten hours of sleep every night. Our bodies need a l ot of air when we sleep. If we do not get enough fresh air, well feel tired when we wake up. While in bed we must not cover our heads. If we do, our lungs(肺) will not get enough fresh

23、air. If we open our windows at night we can have a lot of fresh air . Cool air is better than warm air. Boys and girls who want to grow and be strong must get a lot of sleep. ( )1. Our bodies grow most while we are _. A. eating B. playing C. sleeping D. waking ( )2. Which is the best air for us? A .

24、Hoe air. B. Cool air. C. Warm air. D. Dry air.( ) 3. Too little sleep makes us _. A. happy B. hungry C. tired D. grow ( )4. How much sleep should boys and girls of nine years have every night? A. Eight hours. B. Nine hours. C. Ten hours. D. Eleven hours. ( )5. What do the lungs need most? A .Fresh a

25、ir. B .Food. C. Rest. D. Exercise. BThese days, children often think of superheroes(超级英雄) as cute(漂亮的), cool and strong supermen. A poor, short and thin boy wearing glasses may not interest the kids(少年) today. Yet in less than 4 years, Harry Potter has taken the world by the storm. J. K. Rowling, th

26、e writer of Harry Potter, was a British single mother out of work and living on money given to her by the government(政府). One day, when she was on a long train trip. She had the idea for this book. She wrote the first book o f the seven in the cafe with her baby daughter sleeping beside her. Last ye

27、ar, the fan s welcomed the birth of the fourth by lining outside the bookstores. Today these books are still popular among people.Harry Potter is something more than fantasy(幻想). Rowling tries to tell the readers how things are not always what they seem to be. However, millions of the fans dont care

28、 about such a lesson. They would like to spend many sleepless nights waiting in line for the fifth, the sixth and the seventh to come. For them, surp rising stories of the little boy are what they want. ( )6. J.K. Rowling_ when she wrote the first book. A .lived a quiet life with her husband B. was

29、very poor and didnt get work for herself C. had to teach her daughter how to work D. was already a famous writer( )7. When did Rowling think of the idea of writing her book? A. While she was telling her baby stories about superheroes. B. While she was going on a long trip. C. She was on he way to fi

30、nd work. D. While she was drinking in a cafe.( )8. How many books of the seven have come out according to this passage? A. Four. B. five. C. Six. D. Seven. ( )9. What does Rowling want to show to her readers? A. Harry Potter is a poor, short and thin boy wearing glasses. B. Fantasy. C. How things ar

31、e not always what they seem to be. D. She has got many interesting storybooks.( )10. Which of the following is true? A. Rowling wrote the first book with her daughters help. B. Rowling gave birth to her fourth baby last year. C. The fans just care about the surprising stories of Harry Potter. D. Onl

32、y children love the books, for theyre fairy tales. 六、根据所给中文,用英语完成下列句子:(8分)1.我希望这条建议能对你有帮助。I hope this piece of advice will be _ _ you.2.Lily只能放弃她的爱好,以便集中精力做作业。Lily has to _ _ her hobbies and _ _ her homework.3.运动能帮助我们放松,让我们的生活丰富多彩。Sports can help us _ and make our lives _.4.我想买你最喜欢的漫画书,但店里没有了。I want

33、 to buy your favourite comic but there is _ _ in the shop.5.橘黄色让你想起温暖、阳光明媚的日子并能让你振作起来。Orange can _ you _ a warm and sunny day and _ you _.6.当你感到有压力时,你应该穿白色衣服。When you feel a little bit _, you should wear white clothes7.相同星座的人往往有相似的特点。People _ _ the same star sign have _ characteristics.七、书面表达:(10分)

34、假如你是Simon,请你写一封信给你的笔友,告诉他你的问题,并向他请求帮助.着迷于网上聊天,并花很多时间聊天.经常晚回家,不能准时交作业.父母和老师不喜欢这样,叫我放弃这个爱好,为此不时感到有压力并生气.希望给出一些建议. 听力材料:一、 根据你所听到的内容,选出正确答案:(10分)(听两遍)1W: Good morning! Can I help you?M: Yes, please. I want to buy a T-shirt.2. W: What time will the train leave ? M: In ten minutes. Lets hurry up. 3 W: Ma

35、y I speak to Mr. Smith?M: Sorry, hes not here. But Mr. Black is.4 W: Henry, Betty phoned you just now.M: Really? Ill call her back now. C5W: Whats happened? You dont look well.M: Ive got a headache. A 6W: What are you doing, Li Ming? M: I am looking for my bag. W; Let me help you, what colour is it?

36、 M; Black 7 W: May I use your computer? Something is wrong with mine. BM: Im afraid not. Im busy looking up something important on it.8W: It is very windy, isnt it?M: Yes, we can fly kites. The radio says it will be rainy tomorrow.9. W: What time will the concert begin? M: It will begin at seven twe

37、nty. Theres only a quarter left. Lets hurry. 10. W; It is Tree Planting Day today, Lets go to plant trees near the lake. M; Good idea! C CACA BABAB第二节:听小对话,请请从A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的选项。11 A: Allan, come here. Supper is ready.B: Im coming soon, mum. Ill finish football right now.12 A: Mr. Brown is coming to

38、our school soon. B: Oh, really. When will he come? A: Five minutes later.13 A: We had a visit to Beijing last Sunday.B: Oh, really? What was the weather like in Beijing?A: Quite good. We enjoyed ourselves there.14 A: What are you going to do this afternoon?B: Im not sure. Maybe Ill go to buy some bo

39、oks.15 A: How much are these socks?B: They are 5 dollars each.A: Give me two pairs of socks, please.1115 CAABC第三节:根据你所听到的短文内容,(听两遍5分)Mrs. Lee went to see a film one summer afternoon. Half-way through the wonderful film, Mrs. Lee was feeling hot, so she went to buy an ice-cream. Quite a lot of audien

40、ce were waiting to buy ice-creams from the girl who was selling them, so Mrs. Lee waited for her turn. There was a little boy in front of her. When it was his turn, he offered the girl one yuan, so the girl said, “I want another one yuan, please.”The little boy put the coin back in his pocket, and put his hand in another pocket. Then he took out another one yuan and gave it to the girl.Mrs. Lee laughed and she paid the other one yuan for the


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