九年级英语复习现在完成时人教版朗文知识精讲 试题.doc

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1、九年级英语复习现在完成时人教版+朗文【同步教育信息】一. 本周教学内容: 复习现在完成时。本学期我们只学了一种动词的时态,那就是现在完成时。它的构成是由助动词have / has+过去分词构成。 需要牢记的是规则动词的过去分词与它的过去式相同,即在动词原形的词尾加上ed,而不规则的动词过去分词要逐个记忆。 eg. gowentgone dodiddone flyflewflown seesawseen 助动词have / has 构成现在完成时的否定句,疑问句和答语。 e.g. She hasnt had supper. 她还没有吃晚饭。 Have you read the book? 你读过

2、这本书吗? Yes, I have. 是的,我已经读过了。 No, I havent. 不,我还没有读过。 对于现在完成时的用法,请记住三点: 1. 表示过去发生的某一动作对现在造成的影响和结果,常用的时间状语有:already, just, ever, never, before, yet等。 e.g. Mr Li has already written his book. 李先生已经写了本书。 Look, this is the letter I have just heard from my classmate. 看,这是我刚刚收到的同学的来信。 Have you ever been t

3、o Beihai Park? 你曾经去过北海公园吗? Sarah has never met her uncle before. 萨拉以前从没遇见过她的叔叔。 Why hasnt Victor come yet? 为什么维克多还没有来呢? 2. 表示过去已经开始,延续到现在的动作和状态,往往和表示一段时间的时间状语连用。常用的有:for three weeks, since 2000, so far, in the past / last ten years等。 e.g. I have known Miss Lis son since last year. 自从去年以来我就认识李老师的儿子了。

4、 Peter has taught history for ten years. 彼得已教了十年历史。 The students have learnt four English books so far. 到目前为止,学生们已学习了四本英语书。 Great changes have taken place in Beijing in the past ten years. 在已经过去的十年里北京已经发生了很大变化。 3. 英语中有些动词的动作是不能延续的,所以这些动词的现在完成时不能和表示一段时间的时间状语连用。如:join, buy, go, come, become, leave, gi

5、ve等等。 e.g. Mr Wang has come. Mr Wang has been here for two hours. 王先生来了。 王先生已经到这两个小时了。 Xiao Ming has joined the League. Xiao Ming has been a League member for a year. 小明已经入团了。 小明已经入团(成为团员)有一年了。 Kate has bought a pair of new shoes. Kate has had the pair of new shoes since two weeks ago. 凯特已经买了一双新鞋。 凯

6、特买这双新鞋已经有2周了。 My husband has gone / left. My husband has been away for long. 我丈夫已经走了。 我丈夫已经离开很长时间了。 4. have / has gone说明人不在这里了。have / has been是人已经去过某地又回来了。 e.g. I have been to New Zealand. 我已经去过新西兰了。(我在本地,不在新西兰)。 My brother has gone to Japan. 我兄弟已经去日本了。(他已离开此地,也许到了日本,也许在路上,总之不在说话地了。) Exercises:一. 用现

7、在完成时填空: 1. She _ (give) the key to the mother. 2. We _ (find) the boy. 3. They _ (make) many dumplings already. 4. They _(listen) to foreign music. 5. _ he _ (wash) his clothes yet? No, he _. 6. _ you _ (clean) your shoes? Yes, I _. 7. Mary _ (read) a book about science.Key: 1. has given2. have foun

8、d 3. have made4. have listened 5. Has, washed, hasnt 6. Have, cleaned, have 7. has read二. 完成下列句子: 1. 他们打扫房间了吗?是的,他们已经打扫了房间。他们什么时间打扫的?他们一小时以前打扫的。 _ they _ the room? Yes, they _ already _ it. When _ they _ it? They _ it an hour ago. 2. 你找到手表了吗?是的,你在哪找到的?我在操场找到的。 _ you _ your watch? Yes, _ _. Where _ y

9、ou _ it? I _ it on the playground. 3. 她已经去伦敦了,是吗?是的。她怎么样去的那里?她坐飞机去的。 She _ _ to London, _ she? Yes, she _. How _ she _ there? She _ there by plane. 4. 你已经找遍了整个学校,是吗?是的。你想找什么?我想找自行车。 You _ _ around the whole school, _ you? Yes, I _. What _ you _ to find? I _ to find my bike. 5. 你接到琳的电话了吗?是的,刚刚接到。她说什么

10、了?她想让我一起去香山公园。 _ you _ Lins phone call ? Yes, I _ just _ it. What _ she say? She _ me to go to Xiangshan Park with her. 6. 谁关的窗子?是兰。谁告诉他关窗子的?是妈妈。 Who _ _ the windows? Len _. Who _ him to _ them? Mum. 7. 你曾经去过俄罗斯吗?是的。你去过那里多少次?两次,你什么时候去的那里?1990年和1995年。 _ you ever _ to Russia? Yes. How many times _ you

11、 _ there? Twice. When _ you _ there? In 1990 and in 1995.Key. 1. Have, cleaned, have, cleaned, did, clean, cleaned 2. Have, found, I have, did, find, found 3. has gone, hasnt, has, did, go, went 4. have looked, havent, have, did, want, wanted 5. Have, got, have, got, did, wanted 6. has closed, has,

12、told, close. 7. Have, been, have, been, did, go. 从上面的练习中我们可以看到,一般过去时说的是过去发生的或已经结束了的动作,它和现在没有直接关系,即使事实上和现在有关系,说话时也可强调这种关系,而只是指出那个动作发生在过去某一时间。而现在完成时,却正要强调过去的动作和现在的关系。 e.g. He has cleaned the hall. 他已经打扫大厅了(现在大厅很干净。) He cleaned the hall an hour ago, but its dirty now. 他一小时前打扫过大厅,可是现在大厅又脏了。【模拟试题】 I. 根据对

13、话,用所给动词的适当形式填空。 1. A:_ the bus _ (arrive)? B:Yes, it _. B:When _ it _ (arrive) ? B:Ten minutes ago. 2. A:How many times, _ the nurse (be) to wanys? B:He _ _ (be) there three times. A:When _ he _ (go) there? B:He _ (go) there in 1985, 1995, and 2002 3. A:What _ she _ (look) for? B:She _ _ for her Chi

14、nese book. _ you _ (see) it? A:Yes, I _ (see) it on the desk just now. Is it still there? B:No, she _ (look) for it everywhere but she cant _ (find) it. Shes afraid she _ _ (lose) it. 4. A:How long _ you _ (live) in Hainan Island? B:I _ (be) there for 36 hours. A:When _ you _ (go) there? B:I _ (go )

15、 there on September 15. In fact, I _ (say) I _ (live) there since I arrived. 5. A:_ peter _ (finish) cooking ment? B:Yes, he _, He _ (do) it a moment ago. 6. A:Wheres Mary? B:She _ (go) to New York. A:When _ she _ (leave)? B:She _ (leave) yesterday evening. A:How _ she _ (go) there? B:She _ (go) the

16、re by air. A:When _ she _ (be) back? B:Perhaps she _ (come) back in a week.II. 根据对话内容,填入适当的词。 A:Hi, Dad, There _ _ a concert in the Music Hall this Friday. B:You know, I _ not interested in music. A:Yes, But I mean, _ you mind if I go and listen to it? B:No. A:Thanks, Dad. Would you please _ me some

17、 money? I _ thought money for a ticket. B:How much _ you want? A:That _ too much. Why not _ a cheaper ticket. B:The cheap ones _ already _ out.III. 根据文章内容和首字母,填入符合文章内容的单词。 The Hawaiian Islands c into being approximately 32 million years ago. There are 132 i which are really the tips of volcanoes ris

18、ing f the ocean floor. Hawaii was originally founded b the Polynesians sometime b 500800 A.D. Hawaii became the 50th S of the United States in 1959 with Honolulu a its capital city. The biggest Island is named Hawaii, but there are many m islands such as Oahu. Maui and Kauai. Makaha Beach is located

19、 on the w shore of the island of Oahu. It is famous for its h waves and e surfing.IV. 选择填空 1. Its a secret. Please keep it _ you and me. A. among B. in C. between D. both 2. Bob hasnt returned the dictionary to the library _. A. yet B. ever C. never D. already 3. Have they _ todays newspaper? Is the

20、re any good news in it? A. looked B. read C. watched D. find 4. Im afraid that if you _ the computer, you must pay for it. A. missed B. have mend C. has lost D. have lost 5. _ _ will my dish be ready? A. How soonB. How long C. How muchD. How many 6. My aunt _ to work at 8:00 in the morning. But now

21、she goes to work at 7:30. A. is used to go B. is used to going C. used to goD. gets use to going 7. Miss Pope often encourage us _ work hard. A. for B. to C. from D. on 8. Charlie doesnt come from Hong Kong _. A. Neither do Judy. B. Neither Judy does. C. Neither does Judy. D. Neither do Judy. 9. Wou

22、ld you please fill the case _ clothes. A. on B. of C. in D. with 10. In the end they reach the village and _ the heavy box _ in the hotel. A. put, upB. put, down C. put, off D. put, onVI. 书面表达: 张良昨天和同学们去一家农场帮助农民摘苹果,但却从梯子上摔下来,伤了腿,伤不重,医生让他呆在床上好好休息几天。他向班主任老师请假。 Dear my class teacher:Im sorryZhang Liang

23、VI. 阅读理解: Last Friday a storm visited villages in Honolulu, destorying fourteen homes, Seven others were so badly damaged that their owners had to leave them, and fifteen others had broken windows or torn roofs. One person was killed, several were badly. wounded and taken to hospital, and a number o

24、f other people received smaller injuries(伤), Altogether over two hundred people were homeless as a result of the storm. A farmer, Mr Sabin, said that the storm began early in the morning and lasted for over an hour. “I was in the kitchen with my wife and children,” he said,“when we heard a loud nois

25、e. A few minutes later our house fell down on top of us. We managed to climb out but then I saw that one of my children was missing. I went back inside and found him safe but very frightened.” Mrs Roland said that her husband had just left for work when she noticed that her house was shaking. She ru

26、shed outside immediately with her children. “There was no time to take anything,”she said. “A few minutes later, the roof fell down.” Soldiers helped to bring people out of the flooded area and the government supplied them with food, clothes and shelter. 1. Some of the people were taken to hospital.

27、 because _. A. they had been killed B. they were homeless C. they received a number of small injuries D. they had been badly injured 2. When the storm first began, Mr Sabin _. A. was in bedB. had just gone to work C. was inside his houseD. went back inside 3. When Mr Rolands house fell down, _ insid

28、e it. A. only one of his children was B. only his children were C. his wife and his children were D. no one was 4. Which of the following is nearest in meaning to“shelter”as it is used in the last line of the passage? A. warmthB. somewhere to stay C. safetyD. new houses 5. Which of these would be th

29、e best title for the passage? A. Lucky StoryB. Mr Rolands Bravery C. Terrible StormD. Soldiers Good DeedsVII. 完形填空: Edward was on his way to meet Mary, whose home was in a small country town of Melchester just outside which he lived. They 1 to meet there at 7:30, and as he walked 2 the town, Edward

30、was looking forward to 3 the evening with the girl he had 4 in love with for nearly a month. A cyclist shouted to him as he passed, “Watch out! Theres a herd of cows blocking the way just 5 the next corner.” Edward was afraid of cows, and decided to turn back and wait. He stopped in the middle of th

31、e road, but didnt notice a car 6 him. The car knocked him 7 and he dropped unconscious to the ground. The driver was most upset and said to himself crossly, “If only he had been looking where he was going!”He ran to a telephone box, which lucking was just 8 to call an ambulance. Edward had his head

32、cut but it seemed unharmed 9 . Thinking about it later as he lay recoverying in hospital, he told himself he wouldnt 10 be so careless again. 1. A. intendedB. decidedC. determinedD. came 2. A. inwardsB. towardsC. onwardsD. forwards 3. A. takeB. takingC. spendD. spending 4. A. fallenB. beenC. involve

33、dD. attracted 5. A. far fromB. roundC. insideD. outside 6. A. racingB. goingC. movingD. coming 7. A. outB. backC. downD. up 8. A. nearbyB. next toC. close byD. close 9. A. somewhereB. anywhereC. elsewhereD. nowhere 10. A. neverB. everC. foreverD. morever试题答案Key: I. 1. Has, arrived, has, did, arrive.

34、 2. has, been, has been, did, go, went 3. is, looking, is looking. Have, seen, saw, has looked, find, has lost. 4. have, lived, have lived, did, go, went, say, have lived 5. Have, finished ,has, did 6. has gone, did, leave, left, did, go, went, will, be, will come.II. will be, am, would, give, haven

35、t got, do, is, buy, are, soldIII. came, islands, from, by, between, State, as, more, west, high, excellentIV. 1. C 2. A 3. B 4. D 5. A 6. C 7. B 8. C 9. D 10. BV. I cant go to school today. I helped the farmers pick apples with my classmates on the farm yesterday. Sorry to tell you I fell off the ladder and hurt my leg but I wasnt badly hurt. The doctor told me to stay in bed and have a good rest. So I ask for leave for two days.VI. 1. D 2. C 3. D 4. B 5. CVII. 1. A 2. B 3. D 4. B 5. B 6. A 7. C 8. A 9. C 10. B


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