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1、眉山市仁寿联谊学校2011年下学期初中三年级半期检测英语试题(总分120分,120分钟完卷)题号听力一二三四五六七总分得分第一部分:听力(共20小题,计20分)第一题 情景反应 这一大题共5个小题,每小题你将听到一句话。请从A B C三幅图片中,选出与所听到的信息相关联的一项,并将字母标号填入题前的括号内第二题 对话理解 这一大题共5个小题,每小题你将听到一组对话和一个问题。请你从A B C三个选项中,选出一个最佳选项,并将字母标号填入题前的括号内。( ) 6 A Japan B England C France( ) 7 A Winter B Spring C Autumn ( ) 8 A

2、15 B 19 C 20( ) 9 A 15 yuan B 8 yuan C 7 yuan ( ) 10 A To go to the cinema B To see a good friend C To go to the park第三题 语篇理解 这一大题共5个小题,每小题你将听到一段对话。请你根据对话内容和所提出的5个问题,从A B C三个选项中,选出一个最佳选项,并将字母标号填入题前的括号内。( )11 Who is calling? A Mike B Monicas uncle C Matt( )12 What country is the man in?A China B Fran

3、ce C Australia( ) 13 What is Moncia doing in the USA?A She is studying in a university B She is working in a shopC She is working in a bank.( )14 When will Moncia come back to China?A In September B In November C In December( )15 What does the man forget to tell Moncia?A The place where he is living

4、 B The time when he is arriving.C The number of the flight he will take.第四题 短文理解 这一大题你将听到一篇材料。请你根据对话内容完成下面表格,并将获取信息填到相应的位置上,每空一词。Indicent (事故) ReportTime16_ pmPlaceA _17_ center Things in the bag A pair of sunglasses and a wallet with 18_Price of the bag 19_ dollars Characteristics(特征) of the manTal

5、l,beared and 20_ brown hair第二部分:笔试部分(共七个大题,计100分)一、单项选择(在A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。本大题共15分,每小题1分)21 The backpack _ be Jims. His is in the desk.A can B may C cant D mustnt 22 -David has made great progress . - , and .A So he does , so you have B So he has , so have you C So has he , so have you D

6、So he has, so you have23 Im terrified _ the dark. I often go to sleep _ my bedroom light_.A of, on ,on B of, with , on C at, with ,on D with, with, on24 If you dont know the word, please _ in the dictionary.A look up it B look at it C look it up D find it 25 She couldnt make complete sentences , I c

7、ouldnt,_.A too B also C neither D either 26 My grandmother found watching TV_ but I enjoyed it very much.A frustrated B frustrating C exciting D excited 27 She used to _ with her parents, but now she is used to _ with her classmates at school.A live ,living B live live C living living D living live2

8、8 None of them would like to _ $50 for a ticket.A spend B pay C take D cost 29 We failed the experiment again. the result really_A let us up B let us down C let us in D let us out30 - Whose hair band is it? - I think it _to Linda.A belong B is belong C belongs D are belong31 It is _ hard _ understan

9、d the voices,A neither , nor B so , that C both , and D too ,to 32 _ are you going to deal with this book?A Where B When C What D How33 What would you do if you _ a million dollars?A have B had C will have D would have34 Would you mind me how English words?A tell , to remember B. telling , remember

10、C. telling , to remember D to tell, to remember35 The old woman lived in a small house but she didnt feel because she had many friends 。A lonely , alone B. alone , lonely C. alone , alone D lonely lonely二、完形填空(10分)I used to believe that drinking coffee would make you short. I once asked my mom 36 I

11、could drink her coffee. She asked me if I wanted to 37 big and tall. I 38. She told me to look at her (she is very short,only 5 feet tall)she drank lots of coffee. “Coffee stunts(妨碍)your 39,just look at me!” I wanted to be tall so I wouldnt go near coffee 40 I was over eighteen years old. Then I 41

12、that drinking coffee did not stunt ones growth. I began to drink coffee. And incidentally(慢慢地) I grew up to be 5 feet 4 inches tall. I know drinking coffee is not the reason 42 my being short.Now,coffee is 43 for me. When I get home every day,I will have a cup of coffee. When having dinner with my f

13、riends,I 44 drink coffee. Every time I drink it,I remember my moms words and 45 。( )36. A. unless B. if C. though D. since( )37. A. give up B. look up C. grow up D. put up( )38. A. added B. looked C. nodded (点头)D. laughed( )39. A. study B. feeling C. attention D. growth( )40. A. until B. even C. aft

14、er D. when( )41. A. said B. realized C. decided D. remembered( )42. A. in B. on C. for D. at( )43. A. unimportant B. surprising C. bad D. necessary( )44. A. finally B. also C. either D. once( )45. A. cry B. frustrate C. impress D. laugh三、阅读理解(共20小题,每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下面A、B、C 、D三篇短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D三个选项中选出最佳

15、选项。 AThe best way of learning a language is using it. The best way of learning English is talking in English as much as possible. Sometimes youll get your words mixed up and people will not understand you. Sometimes people will say things till quickly and you cant understand them. But if you keep yo

16、ur sense of humous(幽默感),you can always have a good laugh at the mistakes you make. Dont be unhappy if people seem to be laughing at your mistakes. Its better for people to laugh at your mistakes than to be angry with you, because they dont understand what you are saying. The most important thing for

17、 learning English is: “Dont be afraid of making mistakes because everyone makes mistakes.”( )46. The writer thinks that the best way for you to learn a language is _A. writing B. using it C. listening D. learning grammar( )47. What should you do in learning English?A. Be careful not to make any mist

18、akes.B. Write as quickly as you can.C. Speak English as much as you can.D. Laugh more often.( ) 48. When people laugh at your mistakes, you should A. not care B. be happy C. feel worried D. be unhappy( )49. When you make a mistake , you should A. keep quiet B. get angry C. be kind D. keep your sense

19、 of humous( ) 50. The story tells us A. Only foolish(愚蠢) people make mistakes.B. Few people make mistakes.C. People never make mistakes.D. There is no one who doesnt make mistakes.B Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone must be the most popular book for almost all the children throughout the world

20、. The idea for the book came to J.K.Rowling in 1990.It took her seven years to finish writing it. During those seven years she had a number of jobs,including(包括)one job as an English teacher in Portugal. Rowling sent the book to four publishers(出版商)before one of them bought it. She was very happy to

21、 sell her book because it was her dream to be a writer. Before she sold her book, Rowling was living in a small flat with her daughter and was very poor. She didnt have enough money to pay for heat (暖气)in the winter.Harry Potter became a favorite with children and adults(成年人)in England and then arou

22、nd the world. It was put into more than thirty-five languages. After her second and third books were published, the three Harry Potter books filled the top three places on many newspapers lists of the most popular books. Without any question, Rowlings life completely changed and she became one of th

23、e most famous women writers in the world.( )51. J.K.Rowling _the book Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone in 1990.A. went to read B. wanted to see C. wanted to write D. came to borrow( )52.Which of the following is NOT true?A. In her dream, she saw a famous writer. B. She once taught children En

24、glish.C. Four publishers got her book. D. She spent seven years writing the book.( )53. Before she sold her book, she_.A. lived a happy life B. didnt feel cold in winterC. didnt live with her daughter D. lived a hard life( )54 Which of the following can be used as the title of the passage?A. Harry P

25、otter And the Philosophers StoneB. An English Woman WriterC. Rowling and Her Book Harry Potter And the Philosophers StoneD. A Favorite Book for Children( )55 . From the passage we can learn that_.A. only children like the book very muchB . people in the world like the book very much C . adults like

26、the book better than childrenD. the English read the book later than other peopleCIf you won a lottery and had lots of money, what would you do? Some people would start by buying themselves things, such as a new car or a big house.Many people who win lots of money may suddenly find that they have a

27、lot of socalled(所谓的)friends. At that time people usually dont know the reason, and they just feel good. In fact, the friends just want the lottery winner to give them some money. Besides that, they cant decide what to do with the money, so they try to think what they want. In the end, most people us

28、ually decide to save the money.There are some lottery winners who decide to quit(辞职)their jobs. Some big lottery winners make even bigger changesthey end their marriages. They think that winning a lot of money has suddenly made them more intelligent and more attractive(有吸引力的).So they feel that they

29、have to be with a younger or more attractive man or woman.They dont know their money is just a bit of luck. It cant change everything.Next time when you buy a lottery ticket, think about what you would like to do with the money if you won.( )56. A lottery winner may suddenly find himself with many s

30、ocalled friends, probably because_.A. he wants to make lots of friends B. he doesnt know what to do with all the moneyC. these new friends are usually kind to the lottery winnerD. these new friends want the lottery winner to give them some money( )57. Some lottery winners want to be with a more attr

31、active man or woman because they _.A. dont like their husbands or wives any moreB. think winning a lot of money has made them more intelligent and more attractiveC. have some new friends D. dont know how to spend the money( )58. What do most of the lottery winners do with all the money?A. They buy l

32、ots of houses. B. They find better jobs.C. They spend the money on their marriages. D. They save the money.( )59. The underlined word“It”refers to(指的是)_ A. the lottery B. the next lottery ticketC. the money that they win D. everything that has changed( )60. The author wants to tell us that_.A. money

33、 cant change everythingB. most lottery winners usually decide to save the money they winC. some lottery winners might decide to move to a bigger houseD. some lottery winners end their marriages when they are richD任务型阅读根据短文后所给的任务,完成61 65小题。Albert Einstein was a great scientist. He had many inventions

34、 all his life. He was born in 1879. As a boy he was not happy in school. He seemed to be slower than others and he often failed in his exams. Most of his teachers didnt like him. His parents, however, loved him very much. They often said to the teachers, “Albert is a bright boy. He failed in some of

35、 the exams because he had no interest in those subjects.” They believed their son would do something great. One day, the Einsteins and their friends were having a picnic by the river. Someone said , “See how happily the other children are playing and laughing, but not Albert. He is just sitting and

36、looking at the river.” Alberts mother heard this and said, “Albert is quiet, because hes thinking. Lets wait and see. Hell become a great scientist, I believe .”She was right. Later , Albert Einstein did very well in physics. He won the Nobel Prize for physics in 1921. He became one of the greatest

37、scientist in the world. He became very famous all over the world from then on.61 .What did Albert Einstein do? 62 .What did he win in 1921? 63 Why did he fail in some exams? 64 .When was he born? 65.Einstein wasnt good at all subjects, was he? 四、口语过关 根据对话内容,从方框中选出恰当的选项补全对话(其中有两项是多余,计5分)A: My classma

38、te Linda is holding her birthday party._66_B: How about a big album?A:_67_ How much is it?B:_68_.A: Thats too expensive. I have spent most money on my schoolbag. I havent had enough money.B: Oh,_69_A: No, no She is not a brave(勇敢的) girl. It is scary.B: I see. What about a scarf ?A: _70_B: Does she l

39、ike flowers? Maybe flowers are wonderful.A: Great! I will buy some for her. Thank you.A : A scarf is interesting . B : That sounds good. C : Why dont you get her a pet snake? D: It is too personal. E: How can I get to her house? F : It is 20 dollars at least. G : W hat should I get her?五、用所给词的正确形式填空

40、,使短文意思通顺、完整。(10分)succeed (成功) notice farm while heartoffer finish whatever(无论什么) complain confidentHave you every complained why life is so tiring(累人的)? Does the sky sometimes seem dark to you ? Are your studies sometimes not successful? Well, friend, cheer up(振奋起来) and smile all the time. If you se

41、e the world with your warm 71 , youll find that the whole smiles to you.72 you are in school, sometimes you are tired of (厌烦)your lessons, but have you ever 73 the happy smile on you teachers face when you do a good job?One day it is fine, Just before you want to go out ,it suddenly(突然地) starts to r

42、ain. Maybe you would feel very sad and start _74_ about the weather. But dear friends, why dont you sit down and listen to the free concert that nature _75_ you? And with the timely rain, crops in the fields will grow better and better and _76_ will have a good harvest(收获)。Although everyone wants to

43、 _77_ in what he tried to do, sometimes failure(失败)cant be avoided(避免)。I dont think failure is terrible, and the terrible thing is that we are afraid of it and give up hope. When we face failure ,we must be 78 in ourselves, draw a useful lesson from it and try our best to 79 what we have decided to do, As a popular saying goes: Failure is the mother of success.”Attitude(态度) decides everything, With an optimistic(乐观) attitude life is easy pleasant. Lets smile to 80 we meet an


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