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1、Unit 2 What time do you go to school?Section B past分钟数不超过分钟数不超过30分分half pastto分钟数超分钟数超过过30分分 oclock时间表达法时间表达法Its twelve oclock.Its half past six.Its eleven oclock.Its half past one.Listen and circle the activities you hear,then write the times.1.get up 5:302.run _3.eat breakfast _4.go to school _5.g

2、o home _6.do my homework.do my homework _7.clean my room clean my room _8.eat dinner _9.take a walk _10.go to bed _6:007:007:454:15 pm5:30 pm5:30 pm7:15 pm9:00 pmin the morningin the afternoonin the eveningBeijingParisNew Yorkp.m.Get to know the time of the day.Whats the time of day?in the morningin

3、 the eveningat nightin the afternoonPair workA:What do you usually do in the morning/afternoon/evening?B:I usually 3.eat breakfast2.eat dinner4.go to bed1.do homework1a.Match the time and activities.9:45 PMa quarter to ten in theevening3:15 PMa quarterpast threein the afternoon6:45 PMa quarter to se

4、ven in the evening6:30 AMhalf pastsix in themorningdo homeworkeat dinnereat breakfastgo to bedWhen do people usually?People usually.?In the morningIn the afternoonIn the eveningPair work.Example:When do students usually eat dinner?They usually eat dinner at a quarter to seven in the evening.When do

5、students usually eat dinner?They usually go to bed at a quarter to ten in the evening.When do students usually go to bed?They usually eat dinner at a quarter to seven in the evening.When do students eat breakfast?When do students do homework?They usually do homework at a quarter past three in the af

6、ternoon.They usually eat breakfast at half past six in the morning.Tom s daily routinegets up5:30 a.m.runs6:00 a.m.has breakfast7:00 a.m.goes to school7:45 a.m.goes home4:15 p.m.does homework5:30 p.m.eats dinner7:15 p.m.goes to bed9:00 p.m.Pair work Ask and answer questions about Tom.When does Tom u

7、sually get up?He usually gets up at half past five.Check()the activities you think are healthy._ go to bed early_ eat quickly_ play sports_ eat ice-cream_ eat vegetables_ take a walkbrush teeth twice every dayexerciseeat lots of fruit What other healthy activitiesyou know.eat a good breakfast1.Who i

8、s healthier,Tony or Mary?2.When does Tony go to bed?3.When does Mary go to bed?Mary.2b Read the passage.Find the answers to the questions.At ten thirty.At nine thirty.Read 2b again and fill in the blanks.TimeTonys ActivitiesAt eight_eats a quick breakfastAt eight thirty_At noon_After school_in the e

9、veningAt ten thirty_brushes teeth and goes to bedgets upgoes to schooleats hamburgersplays basketball for half an hourdoes his homeworkwatches TV or plays computer gamesTimeMarys Activities_ gets up takes a shower and eats a good breakfast_goes to schoolAt twelve_After lunch_in the eveningAt nine th

10、irty_goes to bedAt six thirtyAt eight thirtyeat lots of fruit and vegetables plays volleyballeats ice-creamdoes her homework,swims or takes a walkListen and write.Unhealthy habitsUnhealthy habitsHealthy habitsHealthy habitsTonyMarynot get up earlyeat quicklyplay basketballplay basketballbrush teethe

11、at ice-creameat ice-creameat a good breakfasttake a walkNumber these sentences in order to make a story about a daily routine._ I usually exercise from six fifteen to seven._ I always get up early at six._ After that,I always brush my teeth and go to school at eight._ Then I quickly have a shower an

12、d eat breakfast._ I have lunch at a quarter to twelve._ I get home from school at half past four and do my homework._ I have a very healthy life._ I have dinner at seven thirty._ I go to bed at ten.124567389Write about your own daily routine._ _ _ _ _ _ _3b 写作指导:写作指导:回想一下上个环节中自己一天的作息。回想一下上个环节中自己一天的作

13、息。按时间的先后,逐条叙述。按时间的先后,逐条叙述。注意运用正确的英语表达方式:注意运用正确的英语表达方式:I+usually/often+动词短语动词短语+at+时间。时间。One possible version:I have a healthy life.I usually get up at seven.I exercise from a quarter past seven to half past seven.Then I have breakfast and brush my teeth.I go to school at eight oclock.I have lunch at

14、 twelve oclock.I get home from school at half past four and do my homework.I have dinner at six then I watch TV.I go to bed at nine thirty.Think about your weekends activities then fill in the blanks.ActivitiesTimemorningget up exerciseeat breakfastnoonhave lunchafternoonplay sportsmeet friendseveni

15、ngeat dinnerwatch TVgo to bedTell your classmates about your life on weekends.I have a relaxing weekend.I usually get up at eight.Then I exercise for half an hour.I eat breakfast at nine.I brush my teeth at nine past twenty.I quickly意为意为“快速地快速地”,是副词,修,是副词,修饰动词。饰动词。The dog runs quickly.小狗快速地跑了。小狗快速地跑

16、了。Dont eat quickly.Its not a good habit.别吃得太快,这不是个好习惯。别吃得太快,这不是个好习惯。1.quickly的用法。的用法。拓展:拓展:quick adj.,快的;迅速的。,快的;迅速的。Tom eats a quick breakfast,then goes to school.汤姆快速吃完早饭,然后就去上学了。汤姆快速吃完早饭,然后就去上学了。Jack eats either hamburgers or sandwiches for lunch.杰克或者吃汉堡或者吃三明治作午饭。杰克或者吃汉堡或者吃三明治作午饭。You can either p

17、lay chess or play the guitar.你可以下棋或者弹吉它。你可以下棋或者弹吉它。2.either or 意为意为“或者或者或者或者”连接两个并列名词、代词或句子成份。连接两个并列名词、代词或句子成份。当当eitheror连接两个名词作主语时,连接两个名词作主语时,谓语动词的时态和数应与最近的一个相谓语动词的时态和数应与最近的一个相匹配。匹配。Either you or he is right.不是你对就是他对。不是你对就是他对。3.lots of 与与many,much的用法的用法这三个词都有这三个词都有“许多;大量许多;大量”之意之意,但,但用法不同。用法不同。1)lo

18、ts of,后面可以跟可数名词也可以跟,后面可以跟可数名词也可以跟 不可数名词。不可数名词。如:如:He doesnt have lots of(=many)books.We have lots of(=much)work to do.2)many与可数名词复数形式连用。与可数名词复数形式连用。如:如:There are many apples in the basket.篮子里有许多苹果。篮子里有许多苹果。3)much表示数量时,只能修饰不可数名表示数量时,只能修饰不可数名词词。如:。如:We dont have much milk.我没有很多牛奶了。我没有很多牛奶了。4.She knows

19、 its not good for her,but it tastes good!1)be good for 表示表示“对对有益;有益;对对有好处有好处”;be bad for表示表示“对对有害;对有害;对有坏处有坏处”。Its good for our health to go to bed earlyand get up early.早睡早起对我们的健康有好处。早睡早起对我们的健康有好处。Dont read in the dark.Its bad for your eyes.不要在暗处看书,这对你的眼睛有害。不要在暗处看书,这对你的眼睛有害。Apples taste good.苹果尝起来味

20、道很好。苹果尝起来味道很好。Does the ice-cream taste nice?冰淇淋的味道尝起来很好吗?冰淇淋的味道尝起来很好吗?2)taste 意为意为“品尝品尝 的味道的味道”。是。是连系动词,后面常跟形容词。连系动词,后面常跟形容词。拓展:拓展:taste作名词,意为作名词,意为“味道味道”。The ice-cream has a taste of lemon.冰淇淋有点柠檬的味道。冰淇淋有点柠檬的味道。Exercises1.A:When does Jim _ _?B:He usually _ up at _ _ _.2.A:When do your parents _ _ _

21、?B:They usually _the room at _ _ _ eight in the _.一、看图补全对话。一、看图补全对话。get upgetshalf past sixclean the room cleana quarter pastmorning3.A:When does Jim _?B:He usually _ his _ at _ _ _ eight in the _.4.A:When does Eric _ _ _?B:He usually _ a walk at a _ _ _ in the _.do homeworkdoesa quarter totake atak

22、esquarter to sixeveningeveninghomeworkwalk 1.Her mother gets up _ five-thirty 2.every morning.2.People usually eat breakfast _ the morning.3.They will go swimming _ four _ the afternoon.4.I play soccer _ Sunday afternoon.5.Her birthday party is _ March 8th.at in atinonon 二、请用二、请用at,in 或或 on 填空。填空。1.

23、I get up at a_ 6:00.2.School s_ at 7:40.3.He goes to school _ _ (大约大约)7:00.4.Do you want to _ _(了解了解)my morning?三、根据提示用合适的单词填空。三、根据提示用合适的单词填空。at around/aboutknow aboutroundtarts1.He eats breakfast at 6:20.(改为否定句)改为否定句)2.I want to know about her hobbies.(一般疑问句)一般疑问句)He doesnt eat breakfast at 6:20.Do

24、 you know about her hobbies?四、按要求改写句子。四、按要求改写句子。3.I usually get up at 6:00 in the morning.(就划线部分提问)就划线部分提问)What time do you usually get up?五、根据中文提示完成句子:五、根据中文提示完成句子:1.你通常什么时候洗澡你通常什么时候洗澡?_ _ do you usually _ a shower?2.他通常什么时候去上学他通常什么时候去上学?_ _ he usually _ _ _?3.她每天下午她每天下午5点回家。点回家。She _ _ _ 5:00 _ th

25、e afternoon.What timetakeWhen doesgo to schoolgoes home at in4.我父母通常早上我父母通常早上8点钟去工作。点钟去工作。My parents usually _ _ work _ 8 _ the morning.5.我的小黑狗每天晚上我的小黑狗每天晚上9点睡觉。点睡觉。My little black dog _ _ _ at 9 every night.6.谢谢你的来信。谢谢你的来信。Thanks _ _ letter.go toatingoes to bedfor your7.我每天在我每天在7:15吃早餐。吃早餐。I eat br

26、eakfast at _ _ past seven.8.在大约在大约8点钟我的小弟弟起床。点钟我的小弟弟起床。At _ 8 _ my little brother _ up.9.下学后下学后,我做作业。我做作业。_ school,I _ _.10.在晚餐之前,我看电视。在晚餐之前,我看电视。_ dinner,I _ TV.a quarteraroundoclockgetsAfter do homeworkBefore watchB.汉译英:汉译英:1.起床起床_ 2.在在7点点30分分_ 3.早餐早餐_ 4.在在旁边旁边_ 5.去上学去上学_ 6.上课上课_ 7.课间休息课间休息_ 8.与我的

27、朋友交谈与我的朋友交谈_9.去游乐场去游乐场_10.踢足球踢足球_ get up at half past seven have breakfast next to go to schoolhave lessons have a break talk to my friends go to the playground play football 11.吃午饭吃午饭_ 12.在食堂在食堂_ 13.吃肉和大米吃肉和大米_14.回家回家_ 15.看电视看电视_ 16.吃晚饭吃晚饭_17.做功课做功课_18.上床睡觉上床睡觉_ 19.在上午在上午_ 20.在下午在下午_ 21.在晚上在晚上_ hav

28、e lunch in the dining hall have meat and rice go home watch TV have dinner do ones homework go to bed in the morning in the afternoon in the evening 1.1.谢谢你的帮助。谢谢你的帮助。2.2.八点钟开始上课。八点钟开始上课。3.3.他父亲整夜工作。他父亲整夜工作。Thanks for your help.School starts at 8:00.His father works all night.六、翻译六、翻译4.4.我想去打篮球。我想去打

29、篮球。5.5.她每晚做家庭作业。她每晚做家庭作业。6.6.Mike经常把自己的学习情况告诉妈妈。经常把自己的学习情况告诉妈妈。7.7.我想知道他的情况。我想知道他的情况。I want to know about him.I want to play basketball.She does her homework every evening.Mike usually tells his mother about his study.Suppose you have a pen pal in the USA.Write something about your day to him/her.Homework 写信开头用语写信开头用语:Thank you for your letter.Do you want to know about my?结束语结束语:Please write and tell me about your Please write soon.签名处签名处:love/love from/Best wishes Tom


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