九年级英语全册 Unit 1-3单元综合测试题(无答案) 人教新目标版 试题.doc

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1、Unit 1-3单元综合测试题I.单项选择(25分)1.You look smarter on your school uniforms._A.No, I dont. B.Yes, thanks. C.Thank you.2.Dont make so much _.The boy is sleeping.A.mistakes B.noise C.voice3.Do you learn English by_English-language videos?A.seeing B.reading C.watching4.Im terrified _the dark.Ill go to sleep_m

2、y bedroom light _. A.of, on, on B. of,with, on C.in, on, with5.The boys listened to the music _ making flashcards.A.instead B.instead of C.not6.Many teachers think most of students spend much time _computers.A.to play B.played C.playing7.They have so much homework to do every day. So they have to _e

3、very night.A.give up B.end up C.stay up8.Linfen _a lot in the last few years.A.is changing B.changes C.has changed9. -Is Mr Green really ill? -_.Hes in hospital.A.I dont think so. B.I hope so. C. Im afraid so.10.The students in our class was _at the _news.A.frustrating, frustrated B.frustrate, frust

4、rating C.frustrated, frustrating11.Uncle Wang has moved to the countryside. He doesnt live here _A.any more B.no more C.no longer12.-Can you catch what I said ?-Sorry, I can _understand it.A.almost B.hardly C.nearly 13.Why dont you join an English language club to practice _English?A.to speak B.spea

5、king C.speaks14.-They have a lot of strict rules at home. -_.A.So we have. B.so do we. C.So I have.15.Teenagers should _to choose their own clothes.A.be allowed B.allow C.allowed16.He used to be afraid of the dark,_?A.didnt he B.dont he C. doesnt he17.I dont know _to use commas.A.what B.why C.how18.

6、I heard that a _boy could swim across the river.A.12-years-old B.12-year-old C.12-year-olds19. Mr Wang is strict _his work, hes also strict _his son.A.in, with B.with, in C.in , on20.I think Larry should stop _that silly earrings.A.to wear B.to put on C.wearing( ) 21. Whats the matter? They said I s

7、hould not be allowed here. They dont allow _in the waiting room. A. smoking, to smoke B.to smoke, smoke C. to smoke, smoking D.smoking, smoking ( ) 22. He doesnt do his homework _, though he has _. A. carefully enough, enough time B. enough carelessly, time enough C. carelessly enough, enough time D

8、. enough carefully,enough time ( ) 23. We should go to school at 8:00 _ school mornings. A. at B. in C. on D. of ( ) 24. Something is wrong with my PDA.I will get it _ . A. repair B. repairing C. to repair D. repaired ( ) 25. Jill didnt finish the homework,_. A. either B. too C. also D. neitherII.完形

9、填空20分A Dictionaries are21 useful books. People use dictionaries to 22 out the meanings of words.23 you are learning English, you would use 24English dictionary. Some students have 25.Their dictionaries contain(包含)Chinese and English words. They are useful, but it is usually 26to use a dictionary wri

10、tten completely27 English. This will28 you to begin to think in English. A good English dictionary will show you the correct29 of a word and its pronunciation. Many dictionaries also show 30 a word is used in sentences.21 A. muchB. too C. veryD. such22.A. take B. findC. hand D. send23.A. After B. If

11、 C. Before D. Because of24.A. theB. a C. anD. /25.A. bookB. newspaperC. dictionaries D. magazine26.A. good B. wellC. niceD. better27.A. with B. aboutC. in D. for28.A. makeB. letC. helpD. show29.A. spelt B. spell C. be speltD. spelling30.A. whatB. whyC. howD. whenB Jack went to a barbers shop and had

12、 his hair cut. But when he 31 out,he was not happy 32 the resultWhen his friend Bob saw him,he laughed and said。“What has happened to your hair。Jack?”Jack said“I tried a new barbers shop today, 33 I wasnt quite satisfied with my old one,but this one seems 34 worse” Bob agreed,“Yes,I think youre righ

13、t,JackNow Ill tell you 35 to do when you go into a barbers shop next time:look at all the barbers hair,find out whose hair 1ooks 36 ,and then go straight to him.” “ 37 shall I go to him?”Jack asked“But that would be foolish!” “Oh,no,it wouldnt,”answered Bob“Who cut that mans hair? Just think it.He c

14、ouldnt cut it 38 ,could he? 39 barber cut itSo you know he 40 be the worst barber”31Abrought Bcame C1ooked Dwatched32Awith Bon Cinto Dalong33A.so Bwhen Cand Dbecause34Avery Btoo Ceven Dquite35Awhy Bhow Cwhen Dwhat36A.worst Bbest Cshortest D longest37A.How BWhat CWhy DWhen38Aherself Bhimself Cyoursel

15、f Dmyself39A.Other B.Others CAnother DThe other40. Amustnt Bcant Cmust Dcan III. 阅读理解(40分)AThe students were having their chemistry class. Miss Li was telling the children what water was like. After that, she asked her students, “Whats water?”No one spoke for a few minutesMiss Li asked again,“Why do

16、nt you answer my question?Didnt I tell you what water is like?” Just then a boy put up his hand and said,“Miss Li,you told us that water has no colour and no smellBut where to find such kind of water?The water in the river behind my house is always black and it has a bad smell”Most of the children a

17、greed with him “Im sorry,children”said the teacher,“Our water is getting dirtier and dirtierThats a problem 41.The students were having their class AEnglish BChinese Cchemistry Dmaths 42.Miss Li was telling the children what was like Awater Bair Cearth Dweather 43.A boy said,“The water in the river

18、behind my house is always _” Awhite Bblack Cclean Dclear 44.Most of the children _ the boy Aagreed with Bwrote to Cheard from Dsent for 45The water in the river has colour and smell because it is getting _. Amore and moreBless and less Ccleaner and cleaner Ddirtier and dirtier BIn England , people d

19、ont usually talk much. You can go on a bus, or in a train, and everyone sits looking out of the window. Often they read. They read books and papers, but they dont talk much .When you meet English people, they often talk about one thing, the weather. So When you meet somebody in England , you can say

20、,“Nice weather for the time of year ! ”“But it was a little cold yesterday,” somebody may answer. “But it got a bit warmer later,” you can say. Talk like this, and the English will think, “How friendly you are ! ”46.English people often _ on a bus .A. talk much B .talk about C. eat something D .read

21、 papers47.When you meet English people, talk like this:A. How do you do ! B .How are you ! C. Nice weather !D. Nice to meet you !48. If you talk with the English people about the weather, they will think _. A. you are friendly B. you are right C. you are English D. you talk too much49 English people

22、 always hope the weather will get _ .A. better B. warmer C. colder D .hotter50. Which is right?A. English people like to talk on a bus .B. English people didnt enjoy the best weather .C. English people are the most friendly.D. English people dont talk much CHappiness is for everyone. You dont need t

23、o care about those people who have beautiful houses with large gardens and swimming pools or those who have nice cars and a lot of money and so on. Why? Because those who have big houses may often feel lonely and those who have cars may want to walk on the country roads at their free time. In fact,

24、happiness is always around you if you put your heart into it. When you are in trouble at school, your friends will help you; when you study hard at your lessons, your parents are always taking good care of your life and your health; when you get success, your friends will say congratulations to you;

25、 when you do something wrong, people around you will help you to correct it. And when you do something good to others, you will feel happy, too. All these are your happiness. If you notice them, you can see that happiness is always around you. Happiness is not the same as money. It is a feeling of y

26、our heart. When you are poor, you can also say you are very happy, because you have something else that cant be bought with money. When you meet with difficulties, you can say loudly you are very happy, because you have more chances to challenge yourself. So you cannot always say you are poor and yo

27、u have bad luck. As the saying goes, life is like a revolving(旋转 ) door. . When it closes, it also opens. If you take every chance you get, you can be a happy and lucky person. 51. Happiness is for_ . A. those who have large and beautiful houses B. those who have cars C. those who have a lot of mone

28、y D. all people 52. When you do something wrong, .A. people around you will help you B. your classmates will laugh at you C. you will have no chance to challenge yourself D. you will be happy 53. Which is true according to the passage? .A. When you get success, your friends will be very proud of you

29、. B. You can get help from others when you make mistakes. C. You can still be a happy person even if you have little money. D. All the above. 54. Why do we say Happiness is not the same as money? Because . A. money always brings happiness B. money doesnt always bring happiness C. everything can be b

30、ought with money D. only rich people have happiness 55. Which is the title of the passage? _.A. Happiness B. Happy and Lucky C. Do Something Good to Others D. Life and SuccessDOne day Mozart saw an old man playing the violin at the street corner. He found that the old man was playing one of his comp

31、ositions(乐曲) .The old man played for some time, but the cap in front of him was still emptynobody put any money into the cap. Mozart asked the old man ,“Do you often play compositions by Mozart?”The old man answered , “ Now everybody knows Mozart and likes his compositions.” Do you make a living by

32、playing the violion?”The old man said he did. Mozart took over the violin from the old man and began to play. He played so well that all the passers-by stopped to listen to the wonderful music and soon the old man felt surprised that the man could play so well, He asked Mozart, “Who are you ,Sir?” “

33、A poor musician like you.”then Mozart gave the violin to the old man and went away.根据短文判断正误(正T ,误F)56. Mozart was a famous musician.57. The old man played the violin at the street corner to give a concert.58. Nobody gave any money to the old man because he played the composition by Mozart.59. All of

34、 the passers-by stopped to listen to the music because Mozart played so well.60. When the old man heard the wonderful music he was disappointed.补全对话。(5分)A:Hello! 61 B:Im Lisa.A:Oh, Lisa! Im Peter, do you remember me?B:Yes, I did. How nice to see you! 62 Now you are thin and tall.A:Yes, I did. And yo

35、u used to have long hair at that time. But now your hair is short.B:Right, I also remember you used to be naughty and talk to others in class.A: 63 .But you were a good student. And you used to be good at many subjects.B:Look! Whos that over there?A;Hes Tom. 64 B: 65 A:Yes, But now he is humorous(幽默

36、) and outgoing.B:But you used to be fat and short.C:He used to be my best friend.D:May I know your name,please?E:And the teacher used to criticize(批评) me for that.V.根据句意,在空白处添上合适的词。(10分)66.What do you think is the best way to learn English?I think l_to tapes is the best way. 67.After a long week of

37、classes most of the students feel s_.68.If you dont know how to s_new words ,you can look them up in the dictionary.69.Girl students shouldnt be allowed to get their ears p_ _70.Now Im really i_ in collecting stamps. 71.He failed in the exam, because he made too many m_ 72.I didnt understand lily,be

38、cause she didnt p_the words clearly.73.Its really difficult for me to m_all the words.74.I wont tell you ,because its a s_75.They are different.They do things d_.VI.书面表达(20分) 假设你是张萌,结合自己的理想,谈谈在饮食、健康、学习等方面自己的打算,并给家长或老师写一封信,谈谈自己应该被允许或不被允许做的事情,并阐明理由。词数80左右。开头结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Dear_, Im very glad to write to you. Best wishes. ZhangMeng


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