九年级英语上学期第一次月考试题(无答案) 牛津深圳版 试题.doc

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1、文汇中学2015-2016学年度第一学期九年级英语第一次月考测试卷(说明:满分100分,考试时间90分钟) 第一部分听力测试(11分)一、听录音, 在A、B、C选项中选出你听到的句子。(每小题念两遍)(共3小题,每小题1分)( ) 1.A. Its good for you to do homework while you are listening to the music.B. Its good for you to do housework while you are listening to the radio.C. Its not good for you to do homewor

2、k while you are listening to the music.( ) 2. A. Students must read books quickly in the library.B. Students must read books quietly in the library.C. Students must read books quietly in the classroom.( ) 3.A. Even in his sixties, the old man runs twice a week to keep fit.B. Even in his seventies, t

3、he old man runs twice a week to keep fit.C. Even in his sixties, the old man runs once a week to keep fit.二、 听录音, 在A、B、C选项中选出你听到的句子意思相近的句子。(每小题念两遍)(共2小题,每小题1分)( ) 4.A. Of all the subjects, I like English best. B. I am poor at English. C. I would like to learn English well.( ) 5.A. He has been in Par

4、is for two weeks. B. He left Paris two weeks ago.C. He left for Paris two weeks ago.三、根据你听到的句子,选择最佳答句。 (每小题念两遍)(共3小题,每小题1分) ( ) 6. A. No, not very good. B. Yours is better. C. Thank you.( ) 7. A. Yes, please. B. No, thanks. C. Not at all.( ) 8. A. All right. B. Thank you very much. C. Sorry to hear

5、that.四、听短文, 根据短文内容选择最佳答案。 (短文念两遍)(共3小题,每小题1分)( ) 9. People drink often when they are _. A. happy B. thirsty C. sad( ) 10. Many English people drink tea _ a day.A. A few times B. Once C. twice( ) 11 . Which of the following is TRUE?A. When friends see each other, they often eat cakes when they sit an

6、d talk.B. In most countries there are many places where people sell drinks.C. In China, people usually take some drinks to visit their friends.第二部分 选择题(60分)I. 词汇测试(15分) i. 从下面每小题的 A、B、C三个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将相应的字母编号涂黑。 (共8小题,每小题1分)( ) 1. When its raining heavily outside, we should avoid going o

7、ut. OK. A. keep going out B. happily go out C. not go out( ) 2. I doubt that Jim will come today, because he isnt fine. Ill call him to see if he is OK. A. consider B. am sure C. dont think( ) 3. After I told a lie to my friend Tom, he no longer trusted me. You should say sorry to him. A. liked B. b

8、elieved C. knew( ) 4. My father has a great sense of humour and he often makes us laugh. A. is really funny B. likes playing jokes C. has interest in others( ) 5. David isnt in the city now, because he is on business in Beijing. OK. Ill visit him some time later. A. doing business B. taking a busine

9、ss trip C. on a holiday( ) 6. Your hairstyle is out of date now. I will have a new haircut tomorrow. A. not fashionable B. not long C. not pleasant( ) 7. We should not let our teachers and parents down. We should try our best to improve our study. A. make-disappointed B. make-pleased C. make-excited

10、 ( ) 8. The teacher really has no idea why Tim didnt come to school today. A. doesnt think B. doesnt know C. doesnt believeii. 根据句子意思,从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出恰当的词语完成句子,并在答题卡上将相应的字母编号涂黑。(共7小题,每小题1分)( ) 9. A_ is a speech that is open to the public. A. dream B. lecture C. play( ) 10. Why was he _? Because h

11、e stole much money from the bank. A. sent to school B. sent to prison C. sent to bank( ) 11. He hasnt finished his work, has he? _ He is doing it now. A. Yes, he hasnt. B. No, he hasnt. C. Yes, he has.( )12. You had better tell me the data (数据)_ because I dont want to make any mistakes. Dont worry.

12、The date is quite right. A. separately B. quickly C. exactly( ) 13. If somebody is_to do something, he or she is asked or hoped to do it. A.allowed B. expected C. doubted( )14. _ How s your_ with your parents? _We are very close and we always support each other. . relationship B. spirit C. friendshi

13、p( )15. I dont know how to give a speech in public. I can _ my experience with you. Hope you can get some ideas from it. A. leave B. share C. keepII. 完形填空 (15分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将相应的字母编号涂黑。 (共10小题,每小题1.5分) It was eight oclock in the evening last Friday. I was walking on t

14、he street alone. Since I didnt have 16 that night, I was really hungry. Then I decided to go to my friend Lisas home. I wanted to ask her for some 17 . I knocked on the door. When she 18 the door, I immediately started to cry. She was surprised and asked me why I was so 19 . After we sat down on the

15、 sofa, I told her everything. I argued with my mother that night. Lisa comforted me. After she knew I was 20 , she went to the kitchen and cooked some food for me. After I ate the food, I said, “Thank you, Lisa. Youre much better than my mother. My mother argued with me and didnt 21 me after I ran o

16、ut. But you gave me such nice 22 .” After hearing my words, Lisa said, “No, Jenny. Your mother is the one who 23 you most in the world. She has provided you with food for so many 24 while I just gave you food for only once.” After I heard her words, I became silent. I 25 my friend just because she g

17、ave me some food while my mother had done that for so many years. From then on, I decided never to argue with my mother again.( ) 16. A. breakfast B. lunch C. supper( ) 17. A. time B. help C. money( ) 18. A. checked B. closed C. opened( ) 19. A. worried B. sad C. excited( ) 20. A. hungry B. thirsty

18、C. tired( ) 21. A. depend on B. look for C. look after( ) 22. A. food B. water C. advice( ) 23. A. loves B. saves C. respects( ) 24. A. days B. months C. years( ) 25. A. supported B. thanked C. hatedIII. 阅读理解 (30分)阅读下列短文,从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将相应的字母编号涂黑。(共20小题,每小题1.5分)A My friend Karen and

19、 I always stay together. Karen is only a few months older than me. I think she is very beautiful. She has long hair and blue eyes. I love Karen so much, because she is such a nice friend. I can share my secrets with her and I am never afraid that she will tell my secrets to others. But I am not such

20、 a good friend. I sometimes get angry easily. One day, when we were in Grade 4, Karen was going to another friends home and asked me to go along with her. But I didnt want to go to that friends home that day. I also didnt want her to go. Instead, I wanted to go boating with her. However, Karen said

21、she must go to that friends home. She said she didnt want to break her words. I became angry and ran away. Later that day, I received a call from Karens mother. She told me that Karen had a car accident that day and was in hospital. I immediately ran to the hospital to see if she was OK. Luckily, Ka

22、ren wasnt seriously hurt. That day, I was afraid that I would lose Karen forever. At that time, I knew how important she was in my life. I decided never to be angry with her again.( ) 26. What do we know about Karen according to the passage? A. She had short hair. B. She had brown eyes.C. She became

23、 angry easily. D. She was nice to the writer.( ) 27. That day Karen wanted to _. A. go boating B. enjoy a car ride C. buy something D. visit another friend( ) 28. Who told the writer about the car accident that had happened to Karen? A. Karens friend. B. Karens mother.C. The writers mother. D. Karen

24、s friends mother.( ) 29. After the writer heard what had happened to Karen that day, she felt _. A. excitedB. bored C. worried D. happy ( ) 30. What did the writer decide to do? A. Stay with Karen all the time. B. Never be angry with Karen again.C. Say sorry to Karen in the hospital. D. Be more care

25、ful when walking on the street.B Getting along well with your parents is very important. However, not all children can get along well with their parents. If youre one of those who cant get along well with your parents, here are some tips for you. Respect your parents. Without mutual(相互的) respect, an

26、y relationship will be an unhappy one, so you should respect your parents, listen to them and value their opinions. Even if you disagree with them, do not shout at them. Talk with your parents from time to time. Your parents want to know what is going on in your life. If you keep them in the dark, t

27、hey wont know when you need their help. Tell them what you want to do, share your thoughts and feelings with them and seek their advice for your problems. Try to build trust. The way to build trust is through honesty and responsibility. Honesty means you dont lie to them. Responsibility means you ar

28、e reliable(值得信任的). When your parents trust you, its a lot easier for them to say “yes”. If you follow these tips, Im sure youll get on better with your parents.( ) 31. What does the writer think of respecting parents? A. Difficult.B. Interesting.C. Surprising.D. Important.( ) 32. The underlined word

29、 “seek” in Paragraph 3 means “_” in Chinese. A. 记住 B. 寻求 C. 感谢 D. 珍惜( ) 33. Paragraph 4 shows us that parents _. A. are not always reliable B. dont want their children to lie to themC. often dont trust their children D. often find it very hard to say “yes”( ) 34. Which of the following statements is

30、 NOT mentioned in the passage? A. You should trust your parents. B. You should not shout at your parents.C. You should not forget your responsibility. D. You should share your feelings with your parents.( ) 35. What is the passage mainly about? A. How to win parents trust. B. How to make parents hap

31、py.C. How to become a good child. D. How to get along well with parents.C Some expressions(表达) have made a jump from sports events to everyday life. One such expression is “fall guy”. A fall guy is the person who someone decides will be the loser. The first fall guys were men who wrestled for money.

32、 At the end of the 19th century, wrestling was a very popular sport in the US. Wrestling competitions were held not only in big cities, but also at country fairs and on traveling shows. However, as wrestling became more popular, it became less and less of a sport. Before the match, the wrestlers kne

33、w which one of them would be the winner. Today, a fall guy is anyone who is forced to take the responsibility for the wrongdoing of someone else. There are fall guys in many situations, such as people who take the responsibility in public when something goes wrong. A fall guy takes the responsibilit

34、y for something wrong. He accepts the responsibility and punishment for something that someone else did. The fall guy may have something to do with the situation, but is not the person who should take the responsibility. Thank you for your listening. In next weeks program, Ill tell you another expre

35、ssion about sports.( ) 36. According to the passage, a fall guy is the person who _. A. tries hard but fails B. is bad at doing thingsC. is asked to be the loser D. falls over while walking( ) 37. Wrestling became less and less of a sport, because _. A. it wasnt as popular as before B. a lot more ru

36、les were made for itC. it became less interesting to watch D. the winner was decided before the match( ) 38. What does a fall guy mean today? A. Someone who is kind enough to help others. B. Someone who fails to do something in public.C. Someone who has been in many hard situations. D. Someone who t

37、akes the responsibility for someone else.( ) 39. What does the underlined word “punishment” in Paragraph 4 mean in Chinese? A. 惩罚. B. 奖赏. C. 责任.D. 鼓励.( ) 40. The passage is most probably taken from a _. A. TV program B. newspaper C. radio programD. magazine D Ayn Rand(艾茵兰德) is a famous American writ

38、er. More than twenty million copies of her books have been sold around the world. Although she died more than thirty years ago, many Americans still argue about her. Some people say her books are poorly written, while many others still buy thousands of copies of them each year. Ayn Rand was born in

39、Saint Petersburg, Russia, in 1905. As a child, she loved books. She began to write her own stories when she was only seven years old. When the Russian Revolution(革命) began in 1917, her family escaped to the Russian state of Crimea. After the revolution, Ayn returned to Saint Petersburg to attend col

40、lege. There, she took classes in history, law and writing. In 1926, she traveled to the United States to visit her family members. Soon after Ayn arrived in the United States, she decided that she would never leave there. Later, Ayn moved to Hollywood, California, to work in the movie business. She

41、married Frank OConnor, an actor, in 1929. Throughout the 1930s, Frank acted and Ayn wrote. Ayn published two books during these years, but they didnt become famous. Then, in 1943, Ayns famous book The Fountainhead was published. It took her seven years to write the novel. Twelve publishers refused t

42、o publish the book. However, a man named Archibald Ogden loved the novel and talked Bobbs-Merrill Company into publishing it. So far, The Fountainhead has sold more than six million copies. ( ) 41. From Paragraph 1, we know that in America, _. A. Ayn Rand was once the most famous writer B. many peop

43、le like Ayn Rands books while some others dontC. people dont like talking about Ayn Rands books D. Ayn Rands books were popular thirty years ago( ) 42. When Ayn Rand was a little girl, she _. A. had to move all the time B. lived a very unhappy lifeC. had no time to do much reading D. had an interest

44、 in reading and writing( ) 43. How old was Ayn Rand when she went to America to visit her family members? A. 12. B. 18. C. 21. D. 24.( ) 44. After the book The Fountainhead came out, _. A. Frank OConnor became a famous actor B. it made Archibald Ogden famousC. Ayn Rand didnt become famous D. it became very successful ( ) 45. The passa


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