九年级英语上学期第一次随堂考试题(无答案) 人教新目标版 试题.doc

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1、2015-2016学年九年级英语第一次月考题I. 根据句意填词。(每题2分共10分)1. I made m_ in my homework yesterday. 2. He has a small _ of good friends.3. You are p_ shy. You should change a lot.4. Should teenagers be _ to choose their own clothes?5. Can you tell me the i_ of studying English.?II. 用正确的单词形式填空。(每题1分,共10分)6. Mr. Brown w

2、ill go fishing if it (not rain) tomorrow. 7. I used to _(be) a naughty boy.8. He has made a good _ (decide) for you.9. Bill is strict with himself. He never (leave) todays work for tomorrow. 10. You look (worry). Whats happening? Oh, I cant find my pocket.11. If I _ (be) you, Id have a first-aid boo

3、k on a nearby shelf.12. Mr. Wang (read) a newspaper in the office at this time yesterday. 13. You must practice (play) the piano every day.14. She could be _( shop) in the market.15. He is the _ (own) of the house.III. 单项选择 (每题1分,共20分)( )16. I have never visited a paper factory. .A. So have I.B. So

4、I have.C. Neither have I.D. I havent now.( )17.Im _ tired _ do it well.A. so, thatB. so, to C. so, as to D. too, to( )18. Do you know _ book is this?A. whatB. who C. whose D. whom ( )19.-Must I finish my homework now? -No, you _.A. mustntB. may not.C. cantD. neednt.( )20. In China, about _ of people

5、 live in the country.A. three fifthB. third fifthC. three fifthsD. a quarters( )21. The purple hair band _ _ to Tina because nobody likes purple except her.A. might beB. must belongC. may belongsD. cant be. ( )22. Sixteen-year-olds to drive.A. is allowed B. are not allowed C. allowed D. is not allow

6、ed( )23.Do you like the skirt ? It _ soft. A. is feeling B. felt C. feels D. is felt( )24. My grandfather us stories when I was young.A. was used to tell B. is used to telling C. used to tell D. used to telling( )25. I always go to sleep _ the light on. A. in B. with C. to D. and( )26.What about pla

7、ying football this afternoon, Sam?I would rather _ at home than_football. Its too hot outside.A. stay, play B. Stay, playing C. to stay, play D. to stay, to play( )27. I study math by_ lots of exercises.A. did B. doing C. do D. to do( )28.Helen has got used to _ in school.A. live B. lived C. living

8、D. lives( )29.The old man lives_, but he never feels _.A. alone, lonely B. lonely, alone C. alone, alone D. lonely, lonely( )30.Mr. Wang is strict_his work, he is also strict_us.A. in, with B. with, in C. in, in D. with, at( )31. _present, our summer holidays are two months.A. At B. on C. from D. fo

9、r( )32.He_for two years. We are still sad about his_.A. died, dead B. died, death C. has been dead, dead D. has been dead, death( )33.In the end, he_ a good idea to solve this problem.A. comes up with B. catches up with C. comes on D. comes out ( )34.Is Mr Zhou in the office?No, he_ be there. He has

10、 gone to Hangzhou.A. mustnt B. Neednt C. wont D. cant( )35.We get_ about something and then end up_ in Chinese.A. excited, speaking B. exciting, speaking C. excited, spoken D. exciting, spokenIV. 补全对话a) 选择正确句子(每题1分,共5分)A. Do you think the library is open at this time of day?B. I think its closed now

11、.C. so it must belong to him.D. but I think it must be crowded now.E. Why do you think so?F. Would you please go with me?A: Its time for supper. Lets go to the cafeteria together.B: Yes, its supper time, 36_I want to go to the library and return these books to the library first. 37_A: Of course!38 _

12、B. Yes. I think so.A. Lets go there first, then well go to the dinning-hall to have supper.B: Look! Linda! Whats that on the ground?A: Let me see. Oh, its a backpack. It might be Janes,B: 39 _A: Its brown. And hers is brown.B: No, look at the math book. Toms name is on it, 40_A: Lets go and find Tom

13、 first.b) 根据对话写句子。(每句2分,共10分。) A: Hi, Tom. Could you go to the movies with me tonight? A new American movie will be on and its very popular in China.B: 41_A: What has happened?B: 42_ And I have to do my geography project first.A: Youve seen it? 43_?B: Its quite exciting. There are many famous stars

14、in it.A:44_B: I saw it last month.A: But its the first time that the movie will be shown in China. Oh I see. 45_B: Yes, I am. I came here from the USA only last week.V. 用下列给出的的词或词组填空, 将序号填入横线。(每题1分,共10分。)A.called, B.sure , C.was interested in, D.be friendly to, E.further, F.dark , G.be terrified of,

15、 H.stay up, I.is afraid of, J.pronounce,46.Its _ outside now. I can see nothing.47.Dont _the snake. Ill give you a hand.48.Im _ that he can come here on time.49.Tracy_ being left alone in the house.50.Paul_ everything new he met.51. We should learn how to _ the English words correctly from our teach

16、ers. 52. Why is it _Thanksgiving?53. I hope to go abroad for_study.54. Youd better not_until 11:00 p.m.55. You should _ your friends.VI. 阅读理解(共20分)A下面I栏是有些人在生活中所遇到的问题,请在II栏中选出一些合适的建议,把答案填在I栏相应的括号里。I栏II栏( )56.When I am going to choose where to go, I feel very confusing(混乱). There are too many wonderf

17、ul places for choosing.( )57. I usually leave my children with my parents, but they complain all the time for they would like to go with us. ( )58. We have to pack a lot of luggage every time. My husband loves playing games very much and he cant stand going without bringing his electronic games.( )5

18、9. When I am waiting for the bus or the plane, I feel very bored and its hard to get over. It reduces the funs of traveling.( )60. My wife and I are going on holiday. But we cant leave our little dog alone.A. Choose the destination (目的地)based on your familys needs and interest.B. Ask everyone in you

19、r family to go anywhere as they like if you cant decide where to go finally.C. When you are waiting in the airport for a long time, give up waiting and go back home.D. While youre waiting at the airport, walk around to pass the time.E. Get the kids go with you when planning a traveling.F. Leave elec

20、tronic games at home and pack healthy snacks for car rides.G. Ask your neighbor or friend to take care of your pet. BIf you go to a fast food restaurant, you will probably see a lot of teenagers. Today, many teenagers are overweight, and this is because of their bad eating habits. Most teenagers are

21、 keen about food with a lot of fat, oil, salt and sugar. People call this kind of food junk food。But bad eating habits go beyond fast food. We find many teenagers eat unhealthily. Some dont have breakfast before they go to school. During the day, some dont have a proper meal for lunch. In a recent s

22、urvey at one school, scientists found that over two thirds of the students didnt follow a healthy diet. They didnt like vegetables, and many of them didnt like to eat fruits. They preferred to eat food with a lot of salt, sugar, or fat。Parents today also worry about their childrens diet. Some doctor

23、s give the following advice:Teenagers shouldnt eat too much junk food。Teenagers shouldnt eat food with too much salt. Salt can cause high blood pressure in the future。Teenagers should eat food without much fat, oil and sugar。Teenagers need to eat some fruits and vegetables every day. Fruits and vege

24、tables are rich in vitamins(维生素)and have little fat。Teenagers need to drink more milk. Milk will help their bones grow。Teenagers need to eat breakfast every day. It is good for their body and mind。( ) 61. How many pieces of advice are given by the doctors in the passage?A. Five B. Eight C. Six D. Se

25、ven( ) 62. The underlined phrase are keen about in the passage means_。A. dislike B. love C. hate D. refuse( ) 63. Which of the following is WRONG?A. Today all teenagers are overweight。B. Scientists found over two thirds of the students didnt have a healthy diet。C. Parents are worried about their chi

26、ldrens diet today。D. Milk, fruits and vegetables are good for children。( ) 64. Its right to _ according to the passage。A. eat junk food B. eat food with too much saltC. drink milk and eat junk food often D. eat vegetables that are rich in vitamins( ) 65. The main purpose of the passage is to tell th

27、e children_。A. how to keep a healthy diet B. to eat fruits and vegetablesC. how to have a proper meal for lunch D. not to eat junk foodCThe summer vacation is over. Its true that time always flies fast. During the vacation, the weather was hot and I could not do much work, but I lived happily.As the

28、 afternoon was hot, I did my work in the morning. I used to get up at 6:30 and take a walk in the garden for half an hour. After breakfast, I began reading English and Chinese and did some exercises in maths. Those took me three hours or more. I worked quite hard and made good progress(取得进步).I spent

29、 the afternoon outside. I went to swim and it was funny. I would not go home until it was about five or six oclock. Sometimes a friend of mine would come to see me and we would spend some hours listening to music.In this way I spent my vacation happily. And I not only studied well but also became a

30、good swimmer. Now I am in good health and high spirits(精神).根据短文内容判断正误(T,F)( )66.The text mainly tell us how the writer spent his summer holidays.( )67. It took the writer half an hour to do his homework.( )68. The writer spent most of the afternoon listening to music .( )69. The writer didnt have ve

31、ry good summer holidays .( )70. The writer spent more time swimming than listening to music.DSome things can carry messages, for example, a sign at the bus stop helps you to know which bus to take. Signs on the door tell you where to go in or out. Have you ever noticed that there are a lot of signs

32、around you and that you receive messages from them all the time?People can communicate in many other ways. An artist can use his drawing to tell about beautiful mountains, about the blue sea and many other things. Books are written to tell you about all the wonderful things in the world and also abo

33、ut people and their ideas.Books, magazines, TVs, radios and films all help us to communicate with others. They all help us to know what is going on in the world and what other people are thinking about.71. What can help you if you want to know which bus to take?_ _72 .What do the signs on the door d

34、o? _ _73、People can communicate in many other ways, (改反意疑句)_? 74把划线的句子译成中文。_.(2分)VII. 作文a) 看图填词(5分)One afternoon Mary and her five-year-old brother Tom (75) playing hide-and-seek in the street just outside the post office . Mary had covered her eyes and was counting up to ten at that time Tom found

35、that the small door of the mail-box(邮箱) was left open . The postman(邮递员) had just taken all the (76) out and gone into the post office. Tom went into the mail-box and pull the door from inside so hard (77) it was locked(被锁上) . When he knew what he had done , he became frightened and started to cry.

36、At the same time Mary was looking for him everywhere but could not (78) _him . When he heard her little brother crying in the mail-box , she quickly ran to tell the postman about it . The man hurried out to open the (79)_ of the m ail-box and Tom got out.b) 我们第一单元学习了How do you study for a test?怎样学习英语,怎样学好英语是我们每个学生、老师、家长共同关心的问题。请你写一篇作文关于如何学好英语,80词。(10分)_


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