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1、英英 语语english教教 材材 梳梳 理理-模块一模块一课本模块(一)七年级上册课本模块(一)七年级上册I高频单词高频单词1.一月 January 2.二月February 3.三月 March 4.四月 April 5.五月 May6.六月 June 7.七月July 8.八月 August 9.九月 September 10.十月 October11.十一月 November 12.十二月 December 13.学科 subject 14.科学 science 15.语文 Chinese 16.地理 geography 17.历史 history 18.音乐 music 19.美术

2、art 20.特别喜欢的 favorite 21.有用的 useful 22.有趣的 interesting 23.令人厌倦的boring 24.困难的difficult 25.令人放松的relaxing 26.整洁的tidy 27.红色(的)red 28.橙色(的)orange 29.黄色(的)yellow 30.白色(的)white 31.紫色(的)purple 32.棕色(的)brown 31.生日 birthday 32.字典 dictionary 33.图书馆 library 34.模型 model 35.网球 tennis 36.排球 volleyball 37.篮球 basket

3、ball 38.(英式)足球soccer 39.蔬菜 vegetable 40.水果 fruit 41.汉堡包 hamburger 42.草莓 strawberry 43.面包 bread 44.胡萝卜 carrot 45.早餐 breakfast 46.午餐 lunch 47.晚餐 dinner 48.夹克衫 jacket 49.毛衣 sweater 50.裤子 trousers 51.短袜 sock 52.衣服 clothes 53.价格 price 54.第一 first 55.第二 second 56.第三 third 57.星期日 Sunday 58.星期一 Monday 59.星期

4、二 Tuesday 60.星期三 Wednesday 61.星期四 Thursday 62.星期五 Friday 63.星期六 Saturday 课本模块(一)七年级上册课本模块(一)七年级上册II重点短语重点短语1.为而感谢thanks for doing sth 2.向某人要某物 ask sb.for sth.3.一套,一副 a set of4.考虑做某事 think about doing sth5.一双a pair of 6.至少 at least7.从到 from to 8.完成做某事 finish doing sth 9.起飞,脱下take off10.参加take part in

5、11.忙于做某事 be busy doing sth12.促销 be on saleIII考点聚焦考点聚焦考点考点1:The blue pen is his.=The blue pen is his pen.那支蓝色的笔是他的。那支蓝色的笔是他的。注注:This book is mine.=This is my book.This pen is theirs.=This is their pen.()1.She had lost her notebook.Would you like to lend her _?A.your B.yours C.yourself D.mine()2.-Is t

6、his Lucys bike?-No,its not _.Its _.A.hers;my B.her;mine C.hers;mine D.her;my()3.-Where is _ office?-_ is over there.A.his,His B.hers,Her C.ours,Our D.their,Their()4.-I forgot to bring some food.-Dont worry!You can have _.We have lots of food here.A.theirs B.their C.our D.oursBCAD课本模块(一)七年级上册课本模块(一)七

7、年级上册考点考点2:My birthday is on June 3rd.我的生日是在六月三日。我的生日是在六月三日。注:注:in+一段时间一段时间 on+具体的某一天具体的某一天 at+钟点时刻钟点时刻()1.-When were you born?-I was born _ a cold winter morning in 1993.A.at B.on C.in D.by()2.-When was he born?-He was born _ July,1993.A.at B.on C.in D.by()3.-When shall we meet?-We will meet _ six _

8、 the morning.A.at,on B.at,in C.on,in D.in,in考点考点3:That sounds interesting.那听起来有趣。那听起来有趣。注:注:sound 听起来听起来 smell 闻起来闻起来 look 看起来看起来 taste 吃起来吃起来 feel 摸起来,摸起来,这些感官动词的后这些感官动词的后面要加形容词面要加形容词()1.The piece of music sounds _.The baby falls asleep quickly.A.interestingB.sadC.loud D.peacefulBCBD课本模块(一)七年级上册课本模

9、块(一)七年级上册()2.The food cooked by his mother tastes _.We all like it very much.A.well B.nice C.badD.badly()3.The silk dress _ smooth and I will take it.A.sounds B.smells C.feels D.tastes考点考点4:Thanks for the photo of your family.谢谢你的全家福。谢谢你的全家福。注:注:Thanks for 意为意为“因因而感谢而感谢”,Thanks to意为意为“多亏,由于多亏,由于”()1

10、.Thanks _ inviting me to your birthday party.A.forB.onC.toD.with()2.Thanks _ the good weather,the plane can take off in time.A.forB.toC.asD.at()3.Thanks for _ my dirty bedroom.A.buildingB.cleaningC.makingD.coloring考点考点5:This is an orange.这是一个橙子。这是一个橙子。注:注:an+元音音标元音音标 a+辅音音标辅音音标元音音标有:单元音:元音音标有:单元音:i

11、u e 双元音:双元音:a e e a BCABB课本模块(一)七年级上册课本模块(一)七年级上册()1.There is _ apple on the table._ apple is for my little brother.A.a;An B.an;An C.the;An D an;The()2.As we know,England is _ European country and Singapore is _ Asian country.A.an;an B.an;a C.a;a D.a;an ()3.Our Chinese teacher told us _ interesting

12、story and _story was about Thomas Edison.A.an;a B.the;the C.an;the D.a;the IV.过关测试过关测试一、单项选择一、单项选择()1.Do you know _ is the last day of a week?A.Saturday B.Sunday C.Friday D.Wednesday()2.-Thanks for helping me with my homework.-_.A.No thanks B.I am sorry to hear that C.Its my pleasure D.The same to y

13、ou()3.Look at the flowers!They are in different _:red,yellow,pinkA.colorsB.sizes C.pricesD.namesDDCACA课本模块(一)七年级上册课本模块(一)七年级上册()4.There is _“h”in _ word“photo”.A.a;a B.an;the C.the;an D.an;an()5.-Are these _ books?-No,they arent.They are _.A.your,my B.yours,hers C.your,his D.yours,theirs()6.The poli

14、ce ask us _ the bus with gas(汽油)because it is dangerous.A.not to get on B.to get onC.not to get off D.get on()7.The flight MH 370 missed _ March 8th,2014.A.on B.in C.at D.with ()8.Landing on the moon sounds _.I hope I can go there one day.A.wonderfulB.boringC.terribleD.silly()9.Its cold outside.Plea

15、se _ your sweater if you leave.A.wear B.take offC.put onD.dress()10.I am thirsty now and I want to drink some _.A.chicken B.hamburgers C.orange D.bananas()11.I like playing _ soccer,while my sister likes playing _ guitar.A.a,theB.the,theC.a,/D./,theCBAAACCD课本模块(一)七年级上册课本模块(一)七年级上册()12.He has a baseb

16、all,_ he doesnt have a baseball bat.A.but B.and C.so D.because()13.The man is our new history teacher.but we dont know _ name.A.she B.his C.her D he()14.I do my homework _ 19:00 to 21:00 on weekday.A.from B.on C.in D.at()15.Tom is _ with the homework because he has to hand it in in half an hour.A.bu

17、sy B.angry C.strict D.mad()16.There are _ months in a year.The _ month is May.A.twelve,fiveB.twelve,fifthC.ten,sixthD.ten,six()17.Do you like science,Ben?No,I dont.I think it is too _.I like something interesting.A.fun B.relaxing C.easy D.boring()18.Sally loves English class _its very interesting.A.

18、but B.and C.so D.becauseAABABDD课本模块(一)七年级上册课本模块(一)七年级上册()19.-The movie is boring.-_ going shopping?A.Why not B.Why dont you C.How about D.Lets()20.-When is your birthday?-Its _ September.A.on B.in C.at D.for ()21.Frank Smith is my math teacher.I call him _.A.Mr.Frank B.Mr.SmithC.Mrs.FrankD.Mrs.Smith

19、()22.The houses in this city are cheap.Many people can _ the price.A.affordB.askC.find D.buy()23.This pair of shoes _very beautiful.I will buy _.A.are;them B.is;them C.are;it D.is;it()24.Tom usually _ TV at home in the evening.A.watchesB.sees C.looks D.reads()25.-_ are the books and the sweaters?-he

20、y are 130 yuan.How many .How much .How old .How long()26.Is _ time to go to bed,mum?A.thisB.that C.itD.theBCBABABC课本模块(一)七年级上册课本模块(一)七年级上册()27.He fell off the bike yesterday._ he was hurt badly.A.Luckily B.Happily C.Unluckily D.Simply()28.-What does the doctor say?-He said I shouldnt eat _ anymore b

21、ecause it is cold and bad for my teeth.A.carrots B.strawberries C.ice-cream D.bread ()29.Tom always goes to school by _ bike.But this morning he went to school _ his fathers car.A./,in B./,on C.a,in D.a,on()30.Whats four and _?Its nine.A.four B.fiveC.sixD.three二、二、短文短文填空填空 阅读下面短文,并借助上下文和插图补充所缺信息。每个空

22、格只能填写英语单词。It is June 22nd today.It is the last day for the Junior Three students to take the final exam.After that they have to(31)school and go home.Since they entered this middle school,they leave CCBA课本模块(一)七年级上册课本模块(一)七年级上册have studied and lived together for(32)years.How happy they have been dur

23、ing the last three years!They dont want to say good-bye.But they have to because they have to go to high school for(33)study.So,all of them make a decision that they will have a graduation(34)today.Before the exam,their teacher helped them get everything(35).Now,its the time for them to hold the par

24、ty.They are excited about it.All of the students get together to the hall and enjoy(36).Some of the girls cant help(37)when they hear the energetic music.Other girls sing along with the music.Some boys sit on the chairs,looking at their performances.How relaxed they are.The teacher comes into the ha

25、ll with a big(38)on her face.She is happy,too.But she is also a little sad because her students will leave her today.It is hard to raise her(39)to say good-bye to them.But now,its the time.After the party,all of them leave their school,teachers and classmates with(40)in their eyes.They all hope the

26、time will be longer at this time.This is the saddest and happiest party in the world,I think.tears three furtherpartyreadythemselvesdancingsmilehand课本模块(一)七年级上册课本模块(一)七年级上册三、三、完完形填空形填空 About ten years ago when I was a student at college,I spent my summer holidays(41)at a museum.(42)was hard for me t

27、hen.Dad had lost his job and Mom was sick in bed.I was wondering(43)I would be able to go on with my studies the next term.One day while I was working,I saw an old man(44)in with a little girl in a wheelchair.As I looked at the girl,I found that she had no arms or legs.She was wearing a white dress

28、and she(45)had a hat on.As the old man(46)the wheelchair up to me.I was busy with my work.I turned my head toward the girl and gave her a wink(眨眼).When I took the money from her grandfather,I looked back at the girl who was giving me the prettiest(47)I have ever seen.Suddenly her handicap(生理缺陷)was c

29、overed and all I saw was this beautiful girl,whose smile gave me a better understanding of what(48)is all about.She brought me into her mind of love and peace.Im now a successful businessman and(49)I get down and think about the trouble of the world,I think about that little girl and the(50)lesson a

30、bout life that she taught me.Thank you!()41.A.travelingB.teachingC.studyingD.workingD课本模块(一)七年级上册课本模块(一)七年级上册()42.A.Study B.LifeC.BusinessD.School()43.A.what B.that C.whereD.if()44.A.came B.goC.comeD.went()45.A.tooB.eitherC.yetD.also()46.A.pulledB.lifted C.pushedD.led()47.A.smile B.hatC.dress D.picture()48.A.work B.lifeC.moneyD.knowledge()49.A.whateverB.wheneverC.whoeverD.wherever()50.A.positiveB.creativeC.professionalD.negativeBDCDACBBA结结 束束


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