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《2017版高考英语一轮复习Unit5Firstaid考点突破课件.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2017版高考英语一轮复习Unit5Firstaid考点突破课件.ppt(21页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、2017版高考英版高考英语一一轮复复习Unit5Firstaid考点突破考点突破课件件词汇接龙 1._(n.勇敢)_(adj.勇敢的)_(adv.勇敢地)2._(n.毒药;毒害 vt.毒害;使中毒)_(adj.有毒的)3._(n.损伤;伤害)_(adj.受伤的)_(vt.使受伤)4._(adj.难以忍受的)_(adj.经受得住的)_(vt.承受;负荷;生产 n熊)5._(n.感染)_(vt.感染)_(adj.被感染的)_(adj.传染的;有感染力的)6._(adj.牢的;紧的 ad.紧紧地;牢牢地)_(adv.牢牢地;紧地)_(vt.固定;使变紧)课前自测课前自测 Key:1.bravery;

2、brave;bravely2.poison;poisonous3.injury;injured;injure4.unbearable;bearable;bear5.infection;infect;infected;infectious6.tight;tightly;tighten词汇接龙 7._n.变化;多变(性)_(adj.多变的;各种各样的)_(v.变化;改变)_(n.变体)8._(n.机构;器官)_(adj.器官的;有机的)_(vt.组织)_(adj.有组织的;有条理的)_(n.组织;机构;团体)9._(vt.申请;应用;涂抹;敷)_(adj.应用的;实用的)_(n.申请;应用)_(n

3、.申请者)_(n.器具;家用电器)10._(adj.电的;带电的)_(adj.电子的;电子学的)_(adj.电的;电气科学的;与电有关的)_(n.电;电流)Key:7.variety;various;vary;variant8.organ;organic;organize;organized;organization9.apply;applied;application;applicant;appliance10.electric;electronic;electrical;electricity词块互译1.生病 _2.受伤 get _3.从现场逃跑 ran _ the scene4.阻止身体

4、失去过多水分 prevent the body _ too much water5.用胶带把绷带固定住 hold the bandage _ with tape6.粘住皮肤 _ the skin7._ be presented with an/the award8.对伤口施力;按住伤口 apply pressure _ the wounds9.有影响;有作用 _10._ attend a special receptionKey:1.fall ill2.injured3.from4.from losing5.in place6.stick to7.被授予奖8.to9.make a differ

5、ence10.出席一个特殊的招待会句型补全 1.You have three layers of skin _ a barrier against disease.皮肤有三层,它们充当抵御疾病等的屏障。(定语从句)2.Remove clothing using scissors if necessary _ the burn.除非衣服粘贴在烧伤面上,否则都要把衣服脱掉。如果需要的话,可以使用剪刀。(unless引导条件状语从句)3.If the injuries are second or third degree burns,_ to get the victim to the doctor

6、 or hospital at once.如果属于二度或三度烧伤,至关重要的是把伤者立刻送去看医生或送往医院。(it用作形式主语)4.She was lying in her front garden _.她正躺在前花园的地上,流血不止。(动词-ing形式作状语)5._ Johns quick action and knowledge of first aid _ saved Ms Slades life.正是约翰的快速行动和急救知识救了斯莱德女士。(强调句型)Key:1.which act as2.unless it is stuck to3.it is vital4.bleeding ve

7、ry heavily5.It was;that 课文回顾课文回顾Key:1.an2.whose3.treatment4.burned/burnt5.giving6.unless 7.immediately8.with9.higher10.to get 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。The skin is _1_ essential part of your body and its largest organ.You have three layers of skin _2_ functions are very complex:it is where

8、 you feel cold,heat or pain and it gives you your sense of touch.First aid is a very important first step in the _3_(treat)of burns.You can get _4_(burn)by a variety of things.Burns are called first,second,third degree burns depending on which layers of the skin are burned.Different degree burns hav

9、e different characteristics.When _5_(give)first aid treatment of burns,you can remove clothing using scissors if necessary _6_ it is stuck to the burn.Cool burns _7_(immediate)with cool but not icy water.Dry the burned area _8_ a dry,clean bandage that will not stick to the skin.If burns are on arms

10、 or legs,keep them _9_(high)than the heart.If the injuries are second or third degree burns,it is vital _10_(get)the victim to the doctor or hospital at once.课课堂学案堂学案1.treat n.款待;款待;招待;招待;乐事;乐事;乐趣乐趣 vt.对待;对待;治疗;治疗;处理;处理;款待款待1.(湖南卷)When they do hit a pedestrian or a vehicle,or cause an accident,at le

11、ast they can be treated and there might be an opportunity to claim.当他们真的撞到行人或机动车,或者导致事故时,至少他们可以得到治疗并且可能有时机索赔。2.(陕西卷)Young people should always treat the elders with respect.年轻人应该始终尊敬长辈。3.(四川卷)When my father was celebrating a milestone birthday,I pulled together a surprise gift treat he would never f

12、orget.当我的父亲要庆贺一个里程碑式的生日时,我倾力为他准备了一个令他难忘的惊喜大餐。【词块助记词块助记】treat sb.to a dinner 请某人吃饭treat sb.with a new drug 用一种新药治病treat someone like dirt/a dog 视某人如草芥give oneself a treat 让自己享受一下a treat to the eye 饱眼福trick or treat 不请客就捣蛋(指万圣节孩子们挨家挨户要糖果等礼物,如不遂愿便恶作剧一番的风俗)1.What a treat get into the peace and quiet of

13、the country!2.(陕西卷改编)Men and women must _(treat)equally in education and employment.Key:1.在get前加to2.be treated2.apply vt.应用;运用;申请;涂;敷应用;运用;申请;涂;敷(药药)vi.申请;恳求;适用;合适;专心致志申请;恳求;适用;合适;专心致志1.(重庆卷)Now researchers are applying scientific methods to the study of the universality of art.目前,研究者们正在运用科学的方法研究艺术的

14、普遍性。2.(山东卷)If the constitution said that all people were free and equal,then she thought it should apply to her.假如宪法说人人平等而自由,那么她认为这也应该适用于她。3.(辽宁卷)But the research has found laptop users are less able to remember and apply the concepts they have been taught.但是研究已经发现,手提电脑用户不能很好地记住并运用所学的概念。【词块助记词块助记】ap

15、plyto 涂某物于 apply to sb./sth.适用于某人/某物apply for sth.申请apply theory to practice 把理论运用到理论中去apply oneself(whole-heartedly)to sth.专心致志于apply ones mind to 用心于apply ones energies to 集中精力于The _ _ himself to _ for a post for teaching _ chemistry,saying that he would _ what he learnt to his teaching.这位申请人专心于申请

16、一份教应用化学的工作,并且说他会把他所学到的应用到他的教学中去。Key:applicant;applied;applying;applied;apply3.squeeze v.挤压;压榨;设法腾出挤压;压榨;设法腾出 n.挤压;少量;拥挤挤压;少量;拥挤 1.(陕西卷)They enjoy food and therefore spend a fairly long time at the table,while Americans see eating as something to be squeezed between the other daily activities.他们喜欢食物,

17、并且花费大量时间在餐桌上,然而美国人把吃饭当成一件塞进其他日常活动间的事情。2.Kara squeezed the bottle,and the water rushed out.卡拉挤压着那个瓶子,水一下子喷了出来。squeeze in/into sth.挤进squeeze out of a bus 挤出公共汽车squeeze sth.out of 把从挤出squeeze from 从挤出squeeze through 挤过【词块助记词块助记】1.Many break-ins are carried out by youngsters who can squeeze in tiny wind

18、ows.2.The company intends to squeezing further savings from its suppliers.Key:1.in改为through/into2.squeezing改为squeeze4.variety n.多样;多样;种类;种类;变化;变化;多样化多样化1.(福建卷)Teams of four,dressed in a variety of strange and funny clothes,roll a complete cheese along a 50-metre course.四人一组,穿着各式各样奇怪而又滑稽的衣服,沿着一条50米长的

19、道路滚一个完好的奶酪。2.(安徽卷)Most people learn best using a variety of ways,but traditional classes are an ideal start for many people.大多数人通过运用多种方法学得最好,但是对很多人来说传统课堂是理想的开端。a great variety of 多种多样的for a variety of reasons 由于种种原因variety show 综艺节目give variety to 使丰富多彩Variety is the spice of life!多样化使生活更有情趣!【词块助记词块

20、助记】1.The hotel offers its guests wide variety of amusements.2.Apples come in a great many variety.Key:1.在wide前加a2.variety改为varieties5.in place 在适当的位置上;适当的;恰当的在适当的位置上;适当的;恰当的1.They put in place the tools of my new business.他们把我干这一新行当所需要的用具安放得井井有条。2.The proposal is not quite in place.那个提议并不非常适当。3.The

21、manager will be away on business and Ill take his place/take the place of him during his absence.经理将要出差,他不在时我将代替他。【词块助记词块助记】out of place 不在适宜的位置;不恰当;格格不入in place of 取代;替代in the place of 在的地方give place to 让位于;让替代take place 发生;举行take sb.s place take the place of sb.替代某人from place to place 处处;各处take th

22、e first place 获得第一名in the first/next place 首先;第一/其次;第二【词块助记词块助记】6.make a difference 有影响;有影响;起起(重要重要)作用;有关系作用;有关系1.(福建卷)We try to create work experience opportunities that will really make a difference to our youth.我们要尽力创造对年轻人有影响的实习时机。2.(浙江卷)A small kindness can indeed make a difference.小小的好心真的可以起到很大

23、的作用。3.(广东卷)I knew I wanted to make a difference in the world somehow,but I had no idea how to do that.我知道我想在这个世界上发挥些许作用,但是我不知道怎样去做。make no difference(to sb./sth.)(对某人/物)没有作用或影响make some difference(to sb./sth.)(对某人/物)有一些作用或影响tell the difference(between A and B)区分/区分(A和B)【微解析微解析】7.Remove clothing usin

24、g scissors if necessary unless it is stuck to the burn.除除非非衣衣服粘贴在烧伤面上,否那么都要把衣服脱掉。假如需要的话,可以使用剪刀。服粘贴在烧伤面上,否那么都要把衣服脱掉。假如需要的话,可以使用剪刀。句中的unless是连词,意为“除非,假如不,引导的是一个条件状语从句。unless在意义上等于“ifnot,并且语气较强。if 可用于引导虚拟条件句,unless 一般不能引导虚拟条件句。【仿写】1.The little boy wont go to sleep _ him a story.除非妈妈给他讲故事,否那么小男孩就不去睡觉。2.

25、_,you cant imagine how pleasant it is.除非你尝试一下,否那么你无法想像那是多么令人愉快。【语法填空】3.Its a company practice _ managers have a meeting every Tuesday afternoon,_ there is nothing to discuss.Key:1.unless his mother tells2.Unless youve tried it3.that;unless8.If the injuries are second or third degree burns,it is vita

26、l to get the victim to the doctor or hospital at once.假如属于二度或三度烧伤,至关重要的是假如属于二度或三度烧伤,至关重要的是把伤者立即送去看医生或送往医院。把伤者立即送去看医生或送往医院。句中的vital意为“至关重要的,生死攸关的,构成句型its vital to do sth.“做某事很重要。在it is vital that句型中,that从句的谓语动词常用“should动词原形,should也可省略。【仿写】1.Save the Children CEO Carolyn Miles says its vital _ breastf

27、eeding soon after a child is born.拯救儿童组织CEO卡罗琳迈尔斯称小孩出生后不久开场母乳喂养至关重要。2.Its vital that _ US.history,European history,and geography.对于每位年轻人来说,去理解美国历史、欧洲历史还有地理很重要。【单句改错】3.Its vital that every piece of equipment is checked before the experiment.Key:1.to begin2.every young person(should)know3.is改为be【微解析微解

28、析】假设你是志愿者队长,完成了紧急救助培训回到学校,请你根据以下要点为同学们做一份报告。1.介绍什么是急救,并举出几个紧急救助的例子,介绍如何施行紧急救助;2.紧急救助在日常生活中的重要性和你的建议。Dear friends,I am happy to give a talk _First aid is the timely treatment given to the injured before doctors come._,we should prepare for an emergency by learning something about first aid,_.For exam

29、ple,if someone suffers from a sprained ankle while doing sports,the best way to treat it is to put an ice pack or cold water on his ankle.When treating a cut,we should take immediate action to clean the wound and stop the bleeding.Call 120 if the injury is too severe to deal with._.In conclusion,kno

30、wing how to perform first aid is of great importance in our daily life,which sometimes means the difference between life and death._,can we offer a helping hand when necessary.【写作导航】1.使用share来表达“分享我所学到的东西”,可用动词ing形式作状语;2.用 as结构表达“尽管我们是学生”,注意语序;3.这里可用一个非限制性定语从句来表达“这在一些事故中非常需要”;表示程度的词可用urgent;4.承上启下,用过渡语导入另外一个要点“把急救箱(first-aid kit)放在方便拿的地方是一个明智的做法”;5.最后使用“only状语”位于句首倒装,强调“只有拥有冷静的头脑和充足的知识,我们才能在必要的时候帮上忙”。谢谢!


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