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1、会计学1牛津初中英语牛津初中英语8BUnit6练习练习 同学们,当老师提问或请同学们练习时,你可以按播放器上的暂停键思考或练习,然后再点击播放键。第1页/共47页单项选单项选择择1阅读题干,弄清题意。2阅读选项,判断选择。4运用语感,解决难题。3排除法,细心推敲。第2页/共47页一、单项选择一、单项选择一、单项选择一、单项选择()1.Im thinking about _ it.Its a good chance _ about working together.A.joining;to learn B.joining;learn C.to join;learn D.to join;to le

2、arn 考点:about 是介词,后跟动词的ing形式。做某事的好机会 a good chance to do sth。A第3页/共47页()2.Its wise _ you _ a map and a mobile phone when you go hiking.A.for;to take B.of;to take C.for;taking D.of;taking考点:在it is+adj+to do sth的结构当中,如果这个形容词是修饰sb 的,后面在连接sb 时应用介词of,此类形容词还有funny,polite,careful,generous 等.B第4页/共47页()3.Rem

3、ember to return your form _ mail _ 15th May.A.in;by B.by;in C.in;on D.by;on 考点:通过邮件的方式 by mail,日期前面用介词on.()4.You can show your support to our school team _ cheering for our players.A.by B.for C.to D.of考点:通过做某事的方式by doing sth,如raise money by selling books.这里如果对by doing提问疑问词应用how.DA第5页/共47页()5.Mr Zhan

4、g is a teacher with _,he often tells us some of his unusual _ in North Africa.A.many experiences;experience B.much experience;experience C.many experiences;experiences D.a lot of experience;experiences考点:experience 作为经验是不可数名词,作为经历是可数名词。D第6页/共47页()6.He looks very worried because his wallet _.A.got lo

5、st B.has lost C.have lost D.lost考点:某样东西丢了短语是be lost 或 get lost.()7._ information,please contact me _ 58673421.A.For further;by B.For further;on C.With further;on D.With further;by考点:需要更多的信息 for further information,for 可以用to get 代替;打电话和某人联系介词用on,如果连接网址用介词at,邮件用by.AB第7页/共47页()8.He still carried on wit

6、h his work _ he failed many times.A.if B.as if C.even though D.because考点:if 如果,as if 似乎,even though 尽管,because 因为,这句话按句义理解选even though.C第8页/共47页()9.He likes _ students from other schools.A.making a friend with B.make friend with C.make a friend with D.making friends withD考点:喜欢做某事 like doing,与某人交朋友 m

7、ake friends with sb.第9页/共47页()10.You should pack _ before the trip.A.what you are going to carry B.what are you going to carry C.you are going to carry D.that you are going to carry考点:pack 后接一个宾语从句,宾语从句要用陈述句的语序。此题还可以直接用特殊疑问词加不定式的结构即 what to carry.A第10页/共47页完形填完形填空空1、充满信心,沉着冷静 2、通读全文,掌握大意,粗选答案 3、从上下文

8、寻找信息词 4、形意结合,前后参照 5、先易后难,迂回解题 6、全文贯通,复查核定 第11页/共47页二、完形填空二、完形填空()1.A.tree B.clear C.right D.real()2.A.around B.in C.near D.by Where is the university(大学)?This is a question that many visitors to Cambridge(剑桥)ask.But no one can give them a 1 answer,for there is no wall to be found 2 the university.Th

9、e university is the city.BA第12页/共47页You can find classroom buildings,3 ,museums and offices of the university all over the city.And most of its members are the students and 4 of the thirty one colleges.()3.A.cinemas B.parks C.zoos D.libraries()4.A.parents B.farmers C.workers D.teachersDD第13页/共47页Cam

10、bridge was already a 5 town long before the first students and teachers arrived 800 years ago.It grew up by the river Granta,and the river was once 6 the Cam.A 7 was built over the river as early as 875.So the town got its nameCambridge.()5.A.interesting B.usual C.developing D.common()6.A.said B.cal

11、led C.spoken D.talked()7.A.bridge B.building C.station D.houseCBA第14页/共47页In the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries more and more land was used for college buildings.The town grew much 8 in the nineteenth century after the opening of the railway in 1845.Cambridge became a 9 in 1951 and now it has a

12、population of over 100,000.()8.A.smaller B.slower C.faster D.cleaner()9.A.city B.college C.university D.countryCC第15页/共47页Many young students in other countries 10 to study at Cambridge.Thousands of people from all over the world come to visit the university town.It has become a famous place all aro

13、und the world.()10.A.stop B.hate C.hope D.needC第16页/共47页阅读理阅读理解解第一步,通读全文,文题对号。第一步,通读全文,文题对号。第二步,细读全文,逐题解答。第三步,复读全文,认真检查。第17页/共47页三、阅读理解三、阅读理解 Almost every child in cities has the chance to go to school,but not all children in the countries are so lucky.There is a girl called Xiao Fang.She is eight y

14、ears old and lives in a small village in Guangxi.When she was young,she wanted to go to school.But she could not,because her family was too poor to afford the school fees for her,so her parents had to keep her at home.Instead of studying.第18页/共47页Xiao Fang worked in the fields with her parents every

15、 day.Then Project Hope heard about Xiao Fang.It agreed to help Xiao Fang to go to school.Her wish of study came true,and now she is studying in a school.Unluckily there are many thousands of children who can not go to school.You can join in Hope Project and help these children.You know all the good

16、work needs money.Project Hope needs your help.第19页/共47页 If you give Project Hope¥300 each year,it can pay for one child to go to school for a whole year.With more money,Project Hope can build new schools,buy good desks,chairs,blackboards and books.lets help the children together and give them a chan

17、ce to have a good start in life.第20页/共47页()1.According to the passage,who can go to school?A.Almost every child in the world B.Almost every child in ChinaC.Almost every child in big cities D.Almost every child in small villagesC解析:根据开篇第一句Almost every child in cities has the chance to go to school.可知

18、答案应该选C。第21页/共47页()2.Xiao Fang didnt go to school when she was young because_.A.her family was too poor B.she didnt like to go to schoolC.there was too much work for her to do D.she could learn nothing at schoolA解析:根据文中because her family was too poor to afford the school fees for her,可知答案应该选A。第22页/共4

19、7页()3.With¥300,_.A.one child can go to school for nine years B.a new school can be builtC.many children can go to school D.a child can go to school for a whole yearD解析:根据文中If you give Project Hope¥300 each year,it can pay for one child to go to school for a whole year.所以本题选D。第23页/共47页()4.Project Hop

20、e helped Xiao Fang because_.A.It heard about her B.she went to ask for help C.she knew someone working there D.she wrote a letter to the newspaperA解析:根据文中Then Project Hope heard about Xiao Fang.可知答案应该选A。第24页/共47页()5.Which of the following is TRUE?A.Project Hope helps the poor children to go to schoo

21、l.B.Project Hope helps to build new schoolsC.Project Hope helps schools to buy desks,chairs,books,etc.D.All the aboveD解析:根据文中Project Hope can build new schools,buy good desks,chairs,blackboards and books 和帮助小芳的具体事例,可知答案选D.第25页/共47页考查:构词法;时态;语态;名词单复数、所有格;数词基数词、序数词;代词人称代词、物主代词、反身代词;形容词、副词比较级、最高级;动词不定式

22、、动名词、第三人称单数形式、现在分词、过去式、过去分词。词词 汇汇方法:读题翻译填词检查第26页/共47页 四、词汇运用四、词汇运用A)根据句意,用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空.1.You must collect all the _(donate)within two hours.2.The singers were singing in very beautiful _.(voice)donationsvoices解析:第1题,根据all the 可以判断出后面应该接donate 的名词形式 donation,donation为可数名词。第2题,主语是singers,所以应该用voice的

23、复数。第27页/共47页3.Stop drinking more juice!The more you drink,the _(thirsty)you will feel.4.Its right that you train _(you)before the walk,boys.thirstieryourselves解析:第3题,此句考了越,越 的结构,即the+比较级,the+比较级,所以答案是thirstier.第4题,主语是you,所以后面接you 的反身代词,又因为后面的boys,所以答案是yourselves.第28页/共47页5.Everything should be plann

24、ed _(care)than before.more carefully解析:第5题,此句当中的care 是修饰be planned的,副词修饰行为动词,所以用carefully,又因为结尾有than before,所以应该用比较级,答案是 more carefully.第29页/共47页B)根据句意及汉语提示,写出各单词的正确形式。1._(支持)charities is a good way to help people.2.Its necessary for every student to start _(训练)a few months before exams.Supportingtr

25、aining/to train解析:第1题,根据中文提示,可知答案为 support,作主语,用动名词形式。第2题,根据中文提示,应该用train,同时考虑start doing/to do这个固定搭配.第30页/共47页3.If you want to learn English well,you should pay _(注意)to your pronunciation.考点:第3题,根据中文提示,可知答案为 attention。attention第31页/共47页headache第5题,根据中文提示,答案是headache。4.After that terrible earthquake

26、,our government _(提供)the survivors with enough food and medicine.5.I suffer a lot from my _(头疼).provided解析:第4题,提供 provide,这句话的时间是after that terrible earthquake,所以用provide的过去式provided.第32页/共47页任务型任务型阅读阅读1.认真审题,读懂题意。认真审题,读懂题意。2.快速阅读,掌握大意。5.注意读写结合。3.细读题目,完成任务。4.复读文章,检查任务。第33页/共47页五、任务型阅读五、任务型阅读Scan the

27、 text quickly and find the information to complete the table.Text1:Students at New School organized a sponsored(倡议的)fast(禁食)to raise money for the victims in Africa.and collect 24000.Text2:Students at Rainbow School held a funfair to raise money for flood victims in Bangladesh,and they raised 65000.

28、第34页/共47页Text3:Over 200 students in Beijing Sunshine Secondary School took part in a sponsored walkathon(步行马拉松)and they raised 150000 which will be used for school projects.第35页/共47页Text1Text2Text3Name of the school New school1_Beijing Sunshine Secondary SchoolActivity a sponsored fast2._3_Sum of mo

29、ney24000.650004._Funding-raising for victims in Africa5_School projectsRainbow School holding a funfair a sponsored walkathon 150000 flood victims 第36页/共47页首字母填空首字母填空1 1 1 1.通读全文,整体认识通读全文,整体认识通读全文,整体认识通读全文,整体认识文章文章文章文章,了解大意;,了解大意;,了解大意;,了解大意;2 2 2 2.通读全文,根据上下文的内容来确定所需词的词义,通读全文,根据上下文的内容来确定所需词的词义,通读全文

30、,根据上下文的内容来确定所需词的词义,通读全文,根据上下文的内容来确定所需词的词义,再根据语法以及整体逻辑关系,了解所需词的词再根据语法以及整体逻辑关系,了解所需词的词再根据语法以及整体逻辑关系,了解所需词的词再根据语法以及整体逻辑关系,了解所需词的词性,根据给出的首字母填入大部分所需词汇;性,根据给出的首字母填入大部分所需词汇;性,根据给出的首字母填入大部分所需词汇;性,根据给出的首字母填入大部分所需词汇;3 3 3 3.通读全文,对于很难找到恰当词的空白处,通读全文,对于很难找到恰当词的空白处,通读全文,对于很难找到恰当词的空白处,通读全文,对于很难找到恰当词的空白处,要要要要根据根据根据

31、根据全文大意全文大意全文大意全文大意和和和和上下文的提示,结合英美人的习惯表上下文的提示,结合英美人的习惯表上下文的提示,结合英美人的习惯表上下文的提示,结合英美人的习惯表达,来确定这些少数未填入的词汇;达,来确定这些少数未填入的词汇;达,来确定这些少数未填入的词汇;达,来确定这些少数未填入的词汇;4 4 4 4.复查答案,将短文再完整复查答案,将短文再完整复查答案,将短文再完整复查答案,将短文再完整地地地地读一遍,检查全文是否读一遍,检查全文是否读一遍,检查全文是否读一遍,检查全文是否通顺,上下文是否意思连贯,形式是否正确。通顺,上下文是否意思连贯,形式是否正确。通顺,上下文是否意思连贯,形

32、式是否正确。通顺,上下文是否意思连贯,形式是否正确。第37页/共47页六、首字母填空六、首字母填空 School education is very important and useful.Yet no one can l_ everything at school and a teacher cant teach his student everything they want to know.His d_ is to show his students how to learn.earnuty解析:第1题,根据短文内容,在学校学知识,所以用learn。第2题,老师的职责是教学生如何学习,

33、所以答案是duty。第38页/共47页 He teaches his students how to read a_ how to think.So much more is learned outside school by the students t_.It is always more n_ to know how to study by oneself.ndhemselvesecessary 解析:第3题,读书和思考是并列的,所以用and。第4题,由学生自己学习,所以这儿填themselves。第5题,由理解可知,知道如何学习更有必要,所 以答案是necessary。第39页/共47

34、页 Its quite e_ to learn something,but it is hard to use it to solve problems.Great inventors do not get everything from school,but they still can i_ many things and change the world a lot.asynvent解析:第6题,根据后半句的but it is hard to,可知这一空应该填but 的反义词 easy。第7题,这句话的主语是inventors,所以相对应的动词是invent。第40页/共47页 How

35、can the inventors do all of this?One of the a_ is:they learn how to study.A lot of things are not t_ in the classroom.They get a lot of k_ by reading outside school.nswersaught解析:第8题,根据句义填answer,one of 后接复数。nowledge第9题,这句话中含有被动语态,知识被教授,所 以填taught.第10题,通过阅读获得知识,所以答案是knowledge.第41页/共47页书面表书面表达达一、审题和构思

36、二、组织语言1不要受中文思维影响,不使用中式英文写作。2使用完整的句子表达意思。3运用学过的句型结构。三、检查修改第42页/共47页七、书面表七、书面表达达今年10月镇江将举办跑步募捐活动,请你写一份活动简介,内容要点如下:1.活动名称“为孩子们奔跑”。活动将于10月3日8:30开始。2.路线从第三中学到金山公园,活动大概持续半小时。3.至少筹集人民币5千元。目的帮助贫困孩子买文具用品。4.跑步过程中可以欣赏美景。5.前10名可以获得证书,每人还可以获得一份纪念品。(词数:不少于80词)第43页/共47页 There will be a charity walk called Run For

37、Children in November in Zhenjiang.The purpose of this activity is to raise money to help children in poor areas.At least 5000yuan must be raised.Your donations will be used to buy stationary for them.范文第44页/共47页 Run For Children will take place at 8:30 on October3rd,you will run from NO.3 Middle School to Jinshan Park and you will enjoy the nice view of the country during the walk,the whole activity will last for about half an hour.The first ten people to finish the walk will each receive a certificate and a souvenir.第45页/共47页Thank You!第46页/共47页


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