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《2019年上海市杨浦区高考英语一模试卷.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2019年上海市杨浦区高考英语一模试卷.pdf(124页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、2019年上海市杨浦区高考英语一模试卷I.Listening Comprehension1.(1.5 分)A.Job applicants.B.University students.C.News reporters.D.Public speakers.2.(1.5 分)A.$36.B.$60.C.$24.D.$303.(1.5 分)A.Nervous.B.Excited.C.Surprised.D.Calm.4.(1.5 分)A.They can hardly find time to do exercise.B.Both of them are fond of doing exercise

2、.C.Doing exercise is the last thing theyd like to do.D.The woman disagrees to do exercise with the man.5.(1.5 分)A.Student and teacher.B.Guest and receptionist.C.Customer and shop assistant.D.Daughter and father.6.(1.5 分)A.The Student Union.B.The Tutoring Service Center.C.Her professors office.D.Her

3、tutors home.7.(1.5 分)A.The coverage of newspapers.B.The nature of humans.C.The increase of crime rate.第 1 页(共 38页).The impact of mass media D.8.(1.5 分)A.Doctor Green is very busy on Mondays.Doctor Green forgot to put the man on the schedule B.An unexpected patient visited Doctor Green last Monday C.

4、D.Patients can usually see Doctor Green on scheduleShe is disappointed with his decision 9.(1.5 分)A.B.She is crazy about going camping in the tropical jungleShe tries to persuade the man not to go with Jerry C.D.She suggests the man reconsider his plan.Because he favors goods in physical storeslO.(1

5、.5 分)A.B.Because he enjoys the offline shopping experience.C.Because he doesnt have much moneyBecause he doesnt like the shopping festival D.11.(4.5 分)A number of giant rats are hidden in the fieldsor forests A.Violent robbers may come out and hurt innocent civiliansB.and get injuredC.People may ste

6、p onto a landmine(地雷).,Other roads have a litter problem which spoils good moodD.It is a rare species of ratA(2).B.It has a good sense of smell It sacrifices its life to detect dangers C.It is terrified of explosive device.D13minutes)(3 B.30minutes40minutesC.4daysD.It bans the sales of salty and unh

7、ealthy food A 1 4.51 2.(分)().000kg by 2020 B Its residents lose altogether 100.Everyone weighs himself on giant scales in public C.Local doctors make personalized diets for everyoneD.(.A 2)Local people share healthy diet with each other页)2第 页(共38B.Thousands of residents kick football to keep slim.C.

8、Local restaurants use olive oil to replace butter.D.Government officials persevere in physical exercise.(3)A.Students are encouraged to walk or ride to schoolB.Students are allowed to ride bicycles in school librariesC.Parents are offered devices to monitor childrens walkingtime.D.Fruits are provide

9、d for those who are addicted to onlinegames.13.(6 分)(1)A.Neither of them can find a suitablegame.B.They are both enthusiastic about games.C.Good games cost a large amount of money.D.They often go Dutch when buying gifts.(2)A.It includes fantasy role-playing.B.It doesnt have an actual ending.C.It is

10、an expensive online game.D.It is something like a racing game.(3)A.Players have opportunities to make new friends.B.Players can have face-to -face communication.C.Players may be rewarded with delicious food.D.Players can start the game at any time they want.(4)A.Add variety to the recommended game.B

11、.Look around to find a cheaper online game.C.Persuade the woman to change her mind.D.Try to find an extraordinary online game.II.Grammar and VocabularySection ADirections:Afterreading the passage below,fill inthe blanks to make the passage coherent andgrammatically correct.For the blanks with agiven

12、 word,fill in each with the proper form of the givenword;for the other blanks,useone word that best fits each blank.14.(15 分)A newly discovered tea plant is caffeine-freeThe world loves tea and some 3m tons of tea are consumedevery year.Tea can be good 第 3 页(共 38 页)for health,as it contains compound

13、s that help to lowercholesterol(胆 固 醇)and reduce therisk of heart disease.But there is a downside.Tea containscaffeine which,(1)itimproves mental alertness,can also cause anxiety,insomnia and other problems.(2)would be agreeable is that a tea plant that provides allthe taste andgoodness but with lit

14、tle or(3)of the caffeine has beenfound.Liang Chen and Ji-Qiang Jin of the Tea Research Instituteof the ChineseAcademy of Agricultural Scienceshave discovered just such a plant(4)(grow)wild in aremote area in Fujian)5province,southern China,(they report in the Journal ofAgricultural and FoodChemistry

15、,not only is the tea plant naturally caffeine-freebut it also contains a number ofunique medicinal compounds that,the locals believe,offer considerable health benefits.(6)(know)locally as Hongyacha,the newly discoveredplant grows onlysea level around a handful of Chinese villages.between 700and 1,00

16、0 metres(7)Now the researchers(8)(explore)methods to protectHongyacha in its naturaland sometimes it does not It can take time-.habitatwhile further studies are carried outwork-for new plant varieties(9 for commercial use(breed).A pair of)plants were discovered in 2003,but little progress(freecoffee

17、naturally caffeine-10)(report)Tea enthusiasts will be watching Hongyacha withinterest.And others will wonderwhat else is out there.III.Reading Comprehensionsection ADirections:Foreach blank in the following passagethere are four words or phrases marked A,B,C and D.Fillin each blank with the word orp

18、hrase that best fits the context.15.(15 分)According to German novelist Heinrich Mann(1871-1950),a house withoutbooks is like a room without windows.Mann(1)pointed outthe value of books,but some researchers have found evidence that people withbooks in their homes really do gaina window on the world.A

19、 new study in the journal Social Science Research,publishing in October,suggeststhat people who grow up with more books are more likely tohave educational(2),and to achieve more in life,than people who grow up withoutthem.In the study,over 160,000 adults from 31 countries and regions were asked abou

20、t thenumber of books there were intheir homes when they were 16 years old.Then they were(3)in literacy,numeracy 页)第 页(共438(计算能力)and information communication technology(4)The research shows that the number of books for eachhouseholdgreatlyfrom country to country.(5),the number of books is 27 inTurke

21、y,143 in the UKand 218 in Estonia.But he total(6)of home library sizeon literacy are largeeverywhere,according to researcher Joann Sikorn ofAustralian National University in apaper based on the study.The researcher found that people who had lower levels ofsecondary education but had alarge number of

22、 books at home gota(n)(7)score asuniversity graduates who grew.up with only a few booksThe Guardian newspaper commented that ookish adolescencemakes for a good deal ofeducational advantage.勘Reading books in a young age can(8)shortcomings not only inadult literacybut also numeracy;its impacts are(9)S

23、ikora toldtoadditional years of education.Science Alert.Apart from the educational benefits,growingup with more books also plays animportant role in adult success.Early(10)to books in the parental home matters becausebooks are anlifelong cognitive(认知的)abilities,essential part of routinesand practice

24、s that(11)Sikora told Science Alert.These abilities are(12).to futuredevelopmentWithout doubt,the fact that we are moving toward a digitalera could(13)thequiteimportance of printed books.For now,(14),hey still seem to(15)a large positive benefit,which shows no sign of decreasing,researchers wrote in

25、 the paper.(1)A.simplyB.definitelyC.generallyD.randomlyD.)(2 A.backgroundsB advantages.C requirementsdevelopmentD.A(3).estimatedB examined.investigated.CtestedD4)AB.varies.changes altersC shifts(D.C For instance.B By comparison A5().As a resultIn totalD.A)(6 effects expenses.B.contributions inputs.C

26、第5页(共38页)(7)A.higherB.lowerC.averageD.similarD.C.live up to catch up with(8)A.make up forB breakup withD equal.senior)A.familiarCB.essential.(9D.B.engagement devotion exposure(10)A.additionCD.demonstrate(11)A.prove.acquireC.enhanceBD.C.opposite.(12)A relevantB.crucial compulsoryD.CB.highlight weaken

27、 13()A.overestimatereflectD.likewise thereforeB.however.)(14 AC otherwiseD.reduce maintainCB.obtain enjoy A 15().Section BDirections:Read the following three passages.Each passage is followed by severalquestions or unfinished statements.For each of them there arefour choices marked A,B,C and D.Choos

28、e the one that fits best according to theinformation given in the passage youhave just read.16.(8 分)Dont tell anyone.We hear these words whensomeone tells a secret to us.But itcan be hard to keep a secret.Were often tempted to spill thebeans,even if we regret itlater.According to Asim Shah,professor

29、 in the MenningerDepartment of Psychiatry andBehavioral Sciences at Baylor College of Medicine,US,keeping a secret may well ecome a 撕突.This is because people often have an obsessive(无法摆脱的)and anxious urge toshare it with someone.An earlier study,led by Anita E.Kelly,a scientist at theUniversity of N

30、otre Dame,US,suggested that keeping asecret could cause stress.People entrusted with secrets cansuffer from depression,anxiety,and body aches,reportedthe Daily Mail.But with secrets so often getting out,why do people sharethem at all?Shah explainedthat people often feel that it will help them keep a

31、 person as afriend.Another reason peopleshare secrets is guilt over keeping it from someone close tothem.A sense of distrust candevelop when people who are close do not share it with eachother.Keeping or sharingsecrets often puts people in a position of either gaining orlosing the trust of someone.勘

32、第 6 页(共 38页)according to Shah.He added that talkative people could let secrets slipout But this doesnt mean that it is agood idea only to share secrets with quiet people.A quietperson may be someone who keepseverything inside.To tell such a person a secret may causethem stress,and make them talkabou

33、t the secret.Shah said that to judge whether to tell someone a secret,youd better put yourself in theirposition.Think about how you would feel to be told that youmustnt give the informationaway.Shah also recommended that if you accidentally giveup someones secret you shouldcome clean about it.Let th

34、e person know that their secretisnt so secret anymore.(1)The underlined phrase spill the bean is closest inmeaning to.A.let out a secretB tell the truthC.eat our wordsD.take gossip(2)A person who is entrusted with a secret.A.is oft often obsessed with a certain threatB.often would rather not have be

35、en told about itC.usually has a strong desire to keep it until deathD.may suffer from physical or psychological problems(3)What can we learn from the passage?A.Quiet people are more likely to keep the secrets tothemselves.B.Sharing secrets helps establish friendship or get over thesense of guilt.C.I

36、ts better to inform others of the chances of your leakingsecrets beforehand.D.Putting yourself in others shoes helps realize the difficultyof keeping secrets.(4)Whats the best title for the passage?A.Walls have ears.B.Still tongues make wise heads.C.A word spoken is past recalling.D.Every wall has a

37、 crack.第 7 页(共 38 页)17(.6 分)Does the thought of cooking an entire Christmasdinner for friends and family make youshudder?Our cookery writer Sophie Godwin has createdthe ultimate simplified menu for astress-free day.With a range of time-savingtechniques and showstopping flavour twists,this is the onl

38、y festive menu youll ever need.Embrace theart of the shortcut!Your timeplan to eat at 2 pmView and print our at-a -glance infographic time plan.?11 am Take your turkey out of the fridge.?11.30 am Heat the oven.Prepare the rosemary butter andrub underneath the turkeyskin.?12 pm Put the turkey in the

39、oven to roast.?12.15 pm Boil the potatoes and root vegetables.Make theharissa&orangemarmalade glaze.Chop the ingredients for the stuffingsprouts.pour in the white wine and nestle cabbage wedges around the1 pm Baste the turkey,?.bird.Return to the oven.?1.10 pm Prepare the separate ingredients for th

40、e mackerelstarter.?1.25 pm Smash the roasties and put them in the oven?1.30 pm Check the turkey-take out to rest if the internaltemperature has reached 65C.Return the cabbage to the oven to finish cooking.?1.35 pm Toss the roasted roots in the harissa glaze,thenput in the oven.?1.40 pm Make the grav

41、y,cook the sprouts and keepwarm.?2 pm Sit down to the starter,with everything for your lunchready to go.?The dessert takes just 10 minutes to assemble,so you cando it once youve enjoyed themain course.Buy your ingredientsWeve pre-loaded your shopping list so that you can quicklybuy all your ingredie

42、nts forthis menu in one go.Just click below to be taken to yourshopping list,where you can buyall your ingredients from your preferred supermarket,andremove any ingredients as needed,and even print the list,to use direct whenshopping.(Serves 6)Add to shopping ListThe above shopping list is powered b

43、y Whisk.Please checkyour list thoroughly before 第 8 页(共 38 页)purchasing.If the same items appear across differentrecipes they will not automaticallycombine in your list and youll need to do thismanually.Please also check the products thathave been selected via the Whisk program,as you mayprefer a di

44、fferent brand from thatlisted.(1)Which section CANT we find on the website?A.Classic cocktailsB.Vegetarian ChristmasC.Roast calculatorD.Wealth management(2)How long does it take to toast the turkey?A.1 hourB.2 hoursC.1.5 hoursD.2.5 hours(3)Which of the following is True?A.The entire Christmas dinner

45、 is composed of a roastedturkey and dessert.B.The automatically-generated shopping list is just forusers reference.C.Most of the ingredients on the shopping list come from thesame brand.D.You can buy all your ingredients online through Whisky byone click.18.(8 分)Yourewalking down a quiet street and

46、suddenlyyou hear somefootsteps.Undoubtedly,it means that theres someonearound.But have you ever wonderwhy it occurs to us that its someone elses footsteps,notours?According to a new study publishedin the journal Nature in September,thisphenomenon arises from a function in our brain to ignore thenois

47、e we make ourselves.In order to explore howour brain does this,a group of scientists carried out anexperiment with mice at Duke University.The research enteredon an intuition(直觉)-that we are usually unaware of the sound of our ownfootsteps-as a vehicle forunderstanding larger neural(神经系统的)phenomena;

48、howthis behavior reveals theability to monitor,recognize,and remember the sound ofones own movements in relation 第 9 页(共 38 页)to those of their larger environments.In the experiment,research controlled the sounds of a groupof mice could hear,reported Science Daily.During the first several days,themi

49、ce would hear the same soundeach time they took a step.This was just likeunning on a tiny piano with each key playing破捡汴?梓?悭敬渠挪履,senior study author Richard Mooney,a professor of neurobiology atDuke University,told Live Science.Scientists found that their auditory cortex(听觉皮层)-thearea of the brain t

50、hatprocesses sound-became active at first but decreased itsresponse to the sound after two orthree minutes when the mice became familiar with it.Its almost like they were wearing special headphones thatcould filter(过滤)out thesound of their own movements.David Schneider,anassistant professor at the C


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